I have a server which communicates with 50 or more devices over TCP LAN. There is a Task.Run for each socket reading message loop.
I buffer each message reach into a blocking queue, where each blocking queue has a Task.Run using a BlockingCollection.Take().
So something like (semi-pseudocode):
Socket Reading Task
Task.Run(() =>
while (notCancelled)
element = ReadXml();
switch (element)
case messageheader:
Message Buffer Task
Task.Run(() =>
while (notCancelled)
So that would make 50+ reading tasks and 50+ tasks blocking on their own buffers.
I did it this way to avoid blocking the reading loop and allow the program to distribute processing time on messages more fairly, or so I believe.
Is this an inefficient way to handle it? what would be a better way?
You may be interested in the "channels" work, in particular: System.Threading.Channels. The aim of this is to provider asynchronous producer/consumer queues, covering both single and multiple producer and consumer scenarios, upper limits, etc. By using an asynchronous API, you aren't tying up lots of threads just waiting for something to do.
Your read loop would become:
while (notCancelled) {
var next = await queue.Reader.ReadAsync(optionalCancellationToken);
and the producer:
switch (element)
case messageheader:
so: minimal changes
Alternatively - or in combination - you could look into things like "pipelines" (https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.IO.Pipelines/) - since you're dealing with TCP data, this would be an ideal fit, and is something I've looked at for the custom web-socket server here on Stack Overflow (which deals with huge numbers of connections). Since the API is async throughout, it does a good job of balancing work - and the pipelines API is engineered with typical TCP scenarios in mind, for example partially consuming incoming data streams as you detect frame boundaries. I've written about this usage a lot, with code examples mostly here. Note that "pipelines" doesn't include a direct TCP layer, but the "kestrel" server includes one, or the third-party library https://www.nuget.org/packages/Pipelines.Sockets.Unofficial/ does (disclosure: I wrote it).
I actually do something similar in another project. What I learned or would do differently are the following:
First of all, better to use dedicated threads for the reading/writing loop (with new Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart)) because Task.Run uses a pool thread and as you use it in a (nearly) endless loop the thread is practically never returned to the pool.
var thread = new Thread(ReaderLoop) { Name = nameof(ReaderLoop) }; // priority, etc if needed
Your Process can be an event, which you can invoke asynchronously so your reader loop can be return immediately to process the new incoming packages as fast as possible:
private void ReaderLoop(object state)
var token = (CancellationToken)state;
while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
var message = MessageQueue.Take(token);
OnMessageReceived(new MessageReceivedEventArgs(message));
catch (OperationCanceledException)
if (!disposed && IsRunning)
Please note that if a delegate has multiple targets it's async invocation is not trivial. I created this extension method for invoking a delegate on pool threads:
public static void InvokeAsync<TEventArgs>(this EventHandler<TEventArgs> eventHandler, object sender, TEventArgs args)
void Callback(IAsyncResult ar)
var method = (EventHandler<TEventArgs>)ar.AsyncState;
catch (Exception e)
HandleError(e, method);
foreach (EventHandler<TEventArgs> handler in eventHandler.GetInvocationList())
handler.BeginInvoke(sender, args, Callback, handler);
So the OnMessageReceived implementation can be:
protected virtual void OnMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEventArgs e)
=> messageReceivedHandler.InvokeAsync(this, e);
Finally it was a big lesson that BlockingCollection<T> has some performance issues. It uses SpinWait internally, whose SpinOnce method waits longer and longer times if there is no incoming data for a long time. This is a tricky issue because even if you log every single step of the processing you will not notice that everything is started delayed unless you can mock also the server side. Here you can find a fast BlockingCollection implementation using an AutoResetEvent for triggering incoming data. I added a Take(CancellationToken) overload to it as follows:
/// <summary>
/// Takes an item from the <see cref="FastBlockingCollection{T}"/>
/// </summary>
public T Take(CancellationToken token)
T item;
while (!queue.TryDequeue(out item))
waitHandle.WaitOne(cancellationCheckTimeout); // can be 10-100 ms
return item;
Basically that's it. Maybe not everything is applicable in your case, eg. if the nearly immediate response is not crucial the regular BlockingCollection also will do it.
Yes, this is a bit inefficient, because you block ThreadPool threads.
I already discussed this problem Using Task.Yield to overcome ThreadPool starvation while implementing producer/consumer pattern
You can also look at examples with testing a producer -consumer pattern here:
You can use await Task.Yield in the loop to give other tasks access to this thread.
You can solve it also by using dedicated threads or better a custom ThreadScheduler which uses its own thread pool. But it is ineffective to create 50+ plain threads. Better to adjust the task, so it would be more cooperative.
If you use a BlockingCollection (because it can block the thread for long while waiting to write (if bounded) or to read or no items to read) then it is better to use System.Threading.Tasks.Channels https://github.com/stephentoub/corefxlab/blob/master/src/System.Threading.Tasks.Channels/README.md
They don't block the thread while waiting when the collection will be available to write or to read. There's an example how it is used https://github.com/BBGONE/TestThreadAffinity/tree/master/ThreadingChannelsCoreFX/ChannelsTest
I am somewhat new to parallel programming C# (When I started my project I worked through the MSDN examples for TPL) and would appreciate some input on the following example code.
It is one of several background worker tasks. This specific task pushes status messages to a log.
var uiCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var globalMsgQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<string>();
var backgroundUiTask = new Task(
() =>
while (!uiCts.IsCancellationRequested)
while (globalMsgQueue.Count > 0)
// Somewhere else entirely
I'm asking for professional input after reading several topics like Alternatives to using Thread.Sleep for waiting, Is it always bad to use Thread.Sleep()?, When to use Task.Delay, when to use Thread.Sleep?, Continuous polling using Tasks
Which prompts me to use Task.Delay instead of Thread.Sleep as a first step and introduce TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning.
But I wonder what other caveats I might be missing? Is polling the MsgQueue.Count a code smell? Would a better version rely on an event instead?
First of all, there's no reason to use Task.Start or use the Task constructor. Tasks aren't threads, they don't run themselves. They are a promise that something will complete in the future and may or may not produce any results. Some of them will run on a threadpool thread. Use Task.Run to create and run the task in a single step when you need to.
I assume the actual problem is how to create a buffered background worker. .NET already offers classes that can do this.
ActionBlock< T >
The ActionBlock class already implements this and a lot more - it allows you to specify how big the input buffer is, how many tasks will process incoming messages concurrently, supports cancellation and asynchronous completion.
A logging block could be as simple as this :
_logBlock=new ActionBlock<string>(msg=>File.AppendAllText("myLog.txt",msg));
The ActionBlock class itself takes care of buffering the inputs, feeding new messages to the worker function when it arrives, potentially blocking senders if the buffer gets full etc. There's no need for polling.
Other code can use Post or SendAsync to send messages to the block :
_block.Post("some message");
When we are done, we can tell the block to Complete() and await for it to process any remaining messages :
await _block.Completion;
A newer, lower-level option is to use Channels. You can think of channels as a kind of asynchronous queue, although they can be used to implement complex processing pipelines. If ActionBlock was written today, it would use Channels internally.
With channels, you need to provide the "worker" task yourself. There's no need for polling though, as the ChannelReader class allows you to read messages asynchronously or even use await foreach.
The writer method could look like this :
public ChannelWriter<string> LogIt(string path,CancellationToken token=default)
var channel=Channel.CreateUnbounded<string>();
var writer=channel.Writer;
_=Task.Run(async ()=>{
await foreach(var msg in channel.Reader.ReadAllAsync(token))
return writer;
Other code can send messages by using WriteAsync or TryWrite, eg :
When we're done, we can call Complete() or TryComplete() on the writer :
The line
is needed to ensure the channel is closed even if an exception occurs or the cancellation token is signaled.
This may seem too cumbersome at first. Channels allow us to easily run initialization code or carry state from one message to the next. We could open a stream before the loop starts and use it instead of reopening the file each time we call File.AppendAllText, eg :
public ChannelWriter<string> LogIt(string path,CancellationToken token=default)
var channel=Channel.CreateUnbounded<string>();
var writer=channel.Writer;
_=Task.Run(async ()=>{
//***** Can't do this with an ActionBlock ****
using(var writer=File.AppendText(somePath))
await foreach(var msg in channel.Reader.ReadAllAsync(token))
//await writer.WriteLineAsync(msg);
return writer;
Definitely Task.Delay is better than Thread.Sleep, because you will not be blocking the thread on the pool, and during the wait the thread on the pool will be available to handle other tasks. Then, you don't need to make your task long-running. Long-running tasks are run in a dedicated thread, and then Task.Delay is meaningless.
Instead, I will recommend a different approach. Just use System.Threading.Timer and make your life simple. Timers are kernel objects that will run their callback on the thread pool, and you will not have to worry about delay or sleep.
The TPL Dataflow library is the preferred tool for this kind of job. It allows building efficient producer-consumer pairs quite easily, and more complex pipelines as well, while offering a complete set of configuration options. In your case using a single ActionBlock should be enough.
A simpler solution you might consider is to use a BlockingCollection. It has the advantage of not requiring the installation of any package (because it is built-in), and it's also much easier to learn. You don't have to learn more than the methods Add, CompleteAdding, and GetConsumingEnumerable. It also supports cancellation. The drawback is that it's a blocking collection, so it blocks the consumer thread while waiting for new messages to arrive, and the producer thread while waiting for available space in the internal buffer (only if you specify a boundedCapacity in the constructor).
var uiCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var globalMsgQueue = new BlockingCollection<string>();
var backgroundUiTask = new Task(() =>
foreach (var item in globalMsgQueue.GetConsumingEnumerable(uiCts.Token))
}, uiCts.Token);
The BlockingCollection uses a ConcurrentQueue internally as a buffer.
I have been struggling a bit with some async await stuff. I am using RabbitMQ for sending/receiving messages between some programs.
As a bit of background, the RabbitMQ client uses 3 or so threads that I can see: A connection thread and two heartbeat threads. Whenever a message is received via TCP, the connection thread handles it and calls a callback which I have supplied via an interface. The documentation says that it is best to avoid doing lots of work during this call since its done on the same thread as the connection and things need to continue on. They supply a QueueingBasicConsumer which has a blocking 'Dequeue' method which is used to wait for a message to be received.
I wanted my consumers to be able to actually release their thread context during this waiting time so somebody else could do some work, so I decided to use async/await tasks. I wrote an AwaitableBasicConsumer class which uses TaskCompletionSources in the following fashion:
I have an awaitable Dequeue method:
public Task<RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs> DequeueAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
//we are enqueueing a TCS. This is a "read"
TaskCompletionSource<RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs>();
//if we are cancelled before we finish, this will cause the tcs to become cancelled
cancellationToken.Register(() =>
//if there is something in the undelivered queue, the task will be immediately completed
//otherwise, we queue the task into deliveryTCS
if (!TryDeliverUndelivered(tcs))
return tcs.Task;
The callback which the rabbitmq client calls fulfills the tasks: This is called from the context of the AMQP Connection thread
public void HandleBasicDeliver(string consumerTag, ulong deliveryTag, bool redelivered, string exchange, string routingKey, RabbitMQ.Client.IBasicProperties properties, byte[] body)
//we want nothing added while we remove. We also block until everybody is done.
RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs e = new RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs(consumerTag, deliveryTag, redelivered, exchange, routingKey, properties, body);
bool sent = false;
TaskCompletionSource<RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs> tcs;
while (deliveryTCS.TryDequeue(out tcs))
//once we manage to actually set somebody's result, we are done with handling this
if (tcs.TrySetResult(e))
sent = true;
//if nothing was sent, we queue up what we got so that somebody can get it later.
* Without the rwlock, this logic would cause concurrency problems in the case where after the while block completes without sending, somebody enqueues themselves. They would get the
* next message and the person who enqueues after them would get the message received now. Locking prevents that from happening since nobody can add to the queue while we are
* doing our thing here.
if (!sent)
rwLock is a ReaderWriterLockSlim. The two queues (deliveryTCS and undelivered) are ConcurrentQueues.
The problem:
Every once in a while, the method that awaits the dequeue method throws an exception. This would not normally be an issue since that method is also async and so it enters the "Exception" completion state that tasks enter. The problem comes in the situation where the task that calls DequeueAsync is resumed after the await on the AMQP Connection thread that the RabbitMQ client creates. Normally I have seen tasks resume onto the main thread or one of the worker threads floating around. However, when it resumes onto the AMQP thread and an exception is thrown, everything stalls. The task does not enter its "Exception state" and the AMQP Connection thread is left saying that it is executing the method that had the exception occur.
My main confusion here is why this doesn't work:
var task = c.RunAsync(); //<-- This method awaits the DequeueAsync and throws an exception afterwards
ConsumerTaskState state = new ConsumerTaskState()
Connection = connection,
CancellationToken = cancellationToken
//if there is a problem, we execute our faulted method
//PROBLEM: If task fails when its resumed onto the AMQP thread, this method is never called
task.ContinueWith(this.OnFaulted, state, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
Here is the RunAsync method, set up for the test:
public async Task RunAsync()
using (var channel = this.Connection.CreateModel())
AwaitableBasicConsumer consumer = new AwaitableBasicConsumer(channel);
var result = consumer.DequeueAsync(this.CancellationToken);
//wait until we find something to eat
await result;
throw new NotImplementeException(); //<-- the test exception. Normally this causes OnFaulted to be called, but sometimes, it stalls
} //<-- This is where the debugger says the thread is sitting at when I find it in the stalled state
Reading what I have written, I see that I may not have explained my problem very well. If clarification is needed, just ask.
My solutions that I have come up with are as follows:
Remove all Async/Await code and just use straight up threads and block. Performance will be decreased, but at least it won't stall sometimes
Somehow exempt the AMQP threads from being used for resuming tasks. I assume that they were sleeping or something and then the default TaskScheduler decided to use them. If I could find a way to tell the task scheduler that those threads are off limits, that would be great.
Does anyone have an explanation for why this is happening or any suggestions to solving this? Right now I am removing the async code just so that the program is reliable, but I really want to understand what is going on here.
I first recommend that you read my async intro, which explains in precise terms how await will capture a context and use that to resume execution. In short, it will capture the current SynchronizationContext (or the current TaskScheduler if SynchronizationContext.Current is null).
The other important detail is that async continuations are scheduled with TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously (as #svick pointed out in a comment). I have a blog post about this but AFAIK it is not officially documented anywhere. This detail does make writing an async producer/consumer queue difficult.
The reason await isn't "switching back to the original context" is (probably) because the RabbitMQ threads don't have a SynchronizationContext or TaskScheduler - thus, the continuation is executed directly when you call TrySetResult because those threads look just like regular thread pool threads.
BTW, reading through your code, I suspect your use of a reader/writer lock and concurrent queues are incorrect. I can't be sure without seeing the whole code, but that's my impression.
I strongly recommend you use an existing async queue and build a consumer around that (in other words, let someone else do the hard part :). The BufferBlock<T> type in TPL Dataflow can act as an async queue; that would be my first recommendation if you have Dataflow available on your platform. Otherwise, I have an AsyncProducerConsumerQueue type in my AsyncEx library, or you could write your own (as I describe on my blog).
Here's an example using BufferBlock<T>:
private readonly BufferBlock<RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs> _queue = new BufferBlock<RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs>();
public void HandleBasicDeliver(string consumerTag, ulong deliveryTag, bool redelivered, string exchange, string routingKey, RabbitMQ.Client.IBasicProperties properties, byte[] body)
RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs e = new RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs(consumerTag, deliveryTag, redelivered, exchange, routingKey, properties, body);
public Task<RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs> DequeueAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return _queue.ReceiveAsync(cancellationToken);
In this example, I'm keeping your DequeueAsync API. However, once you start using TPL Dataflow, consider using it elsewhere as well. When you need a queue like this, it's common to find other parts of your code that would also benefit from a dataflow approach. E.g., instead of having a bunch of methods calling DequeueAsync, you could link your BufferBlock to an ActionBlock.
This question is not about designs or patterns and which to use. The heart of this question is about what is happening regarding threads and blocking.
This example is to apply to any blocking method that is designed to perform the same action continuously. In this case it is a blocking read or write on a networkstream. Is there any appreciable difference behind the scenes as to threading and performance between the methods?
My assumption is that each of the methods below creates a thread or uses a pooled thread. Then blocks that thread until there is data to be read. Having said that and in that context, Is there any appreciable difference as to threading, performance and scalability between the methods?
Currently I am creating a server application. This application will have 1000 clients creating tcp connections. These connections will remain open, sending and receiving small amounts of data often. I am looking to use model A since it is the easiest to implement and the most maintainable. Will I end up with 1000 threads no matter which pattern is chosen?
Please note that these methods are just to give an idea of the structure and not something that would be used without proper streaming reads, timeouts, and exception handling.
Method A: Blocking
private void ReadMessage()
Method B: Sleeping
private void ReadMessage()
Method C: Recursive Begin/End
private void ReadMessage()
private void readCallBack()
Method D: Async from BCL socket.ReceiveAsync()
private void readCallBack()
await socket.ReceiveAsync(eventArgs);
Method E: Async method with blocking Read (Uses method D to call but is a custom method instead of using the built in exstendion of sockets from the BCL)
private async Task<byte[]> ReceiveAsync()
return await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => TcpClient.Read());
My assumption is that each of the methods below creates a thread or uses a pooled thread. Then blocks that thread until there is data to be read.
Not at all. Your first two examples block threads, but your second two examples are asynchronous.
Asynchronous methods work by queueing the work to the OS and then waiting for a callback, in this case on an I/O completion port. So while the read is pending, there are no threads being used.
Since asynchronous approaches don't use as many threads, they scale better.
Your last example (async) is really just as simple as your first example, and that would be the approach I recommend unless you use Rx or TPL Dataflow. When doing socket communications, by the time you consider error handling such as detection of dropped connections, asynchronous communication is clearly the way to go.
I've recently begun my first multi-threading code, and I'd appreciate some comments.
It delivers video samples from a buffer that is filled in the background by a stream parser (outside the scope of this question). If the buffer is empty, it needs to wait until the buffer level becomes acceptable and then continue.
Code is for Silverlight 4, some error-checking removed:
// External class requests samples - can happen multiple times concurrently
protected override void GetSampleAsync()
Interlocked.Add(ref getVideoSampleRequestsOutstanding, 1);
// Runs on a background thread
void DoVideoPumping()
if (getVideoSampleRequestsOutstanding > 0)
// Decrement the counter
Interlocked.Add(ref getVideoSampleRequestsOutstanding, -1);
else Thread.Sleep(0);
} while (!this.StopAllBackgroundThreads);
void PumpNextVideoSample()
// If the video sample buffer is empty, tell stream parser to give us more samples
bool MyVidBufferIsEmpty = false; bool hlsClientIsExhausted = false;
ParseMoreSamplesIfMyVideoBufferIsLow(ref MyVidBufferIsEmpty, ref parserAtEndOfStream);
if (parserAtEndOfStream) // No more data, start running down buffers
this.RunningDownVideoBuffer = true;
else if (MyVidBufferIsEmpty)
// Buffer is empty, wait for samples
WaitingOnEmptyVideoBuffer = true;
// Buffer is OK
nextSample = DeQueueVideoSample(); // thread-safe, returns NULL if a problem
// Send the sample to the external renderer
The code seems to work well. However, I'm told that using Thread.Wait(...) is 'evil': when no samples are being requested, my code loops unnecessarily, eating up CPU time.
Can my code be further optimised? Since my class is designed for an environment where samples WILL be requested, does the potential 'pointless loop' scenario outweigh the simplicity of its current design?
Comments much appreciated.
This looks like the classic producer/consumer pattern. The normal way to solve this is with what is known as a blocking queue.
Version 4.0 of .net introduced a set of efficient, well-designed, concurrent collection classes for this very type of problem. I think BlockingCollection<T> will serve your present needs.
If you don't have access to .net 4.0 then there are many websites containing implementations of blocking queues. Personally my standard reference is Joe Duffy's book, Concurrent Programming on Windows. A good start would be Marc Gravell's blocking queue presented here in Stack Overflow.
The first advantage of using a blocking queue is that you stop using busy wait loops, hacky calls to Sleep() etc. Using a blocking queue to avoid this sort of code is always a good idea.
However, I perceive a more important benefit to using a blocking queue. At the moment your code to produce work items, consume them, and handle the queue is all intermingled. If you use a blocking queue correctly then you will end up with much better factored code which keeps separate various components of the algorithm: queue, producer and consumer.
You have one main problem: Thread.Sleep()
It has a granularity of ~20ms, that is kind of crude for video. In addition Sleep(0) has issues of possible starvation of lower-priority threads [].
The better approach is waiting on a Waithandle, preferably built into a Queue.
Blocking queue is a good and simple example of a blocking queue.
The main key is that the threads need to be coordinated with signals and not by checking the value of a counter or the state of a data structure. Any checking takes ressources (CPU) and thus you need signals (Monitor.Wait and Monitor.Pulse).
You could use an AutoResetEvent rather than a manual thread.sleep. It's fairly simple to do so:
AutoResetEvent e;
void RequestSample()
Interlocked.Increment(ref requestsOutstanding);
e.Set(); //also set this when StopAllBackgroundThreads=true!
void Pump()
while (!this.StopAllBackgroundThreads) {
int leftOver = Interlocked.Decrement(ref requestsOutstanding);
while(leftOver >= 0) {
leftOver = Interlocked.Decrement(ref requestsOutstanding);
Interlocked.Increment(ref requestsOutstanding);
Note that it's probably even more attractive to implement a semaphore. Basically; synchronization overhead is liable to be almost nil anyhow in your scenario, and a simpler programming model is worth it. With a semaphore, you'd have something like this:
MySemaphore sem;
void RequestSample()
void Pump()
while (true) {
if(this.StopAllBackgroundThreads) break;
...I'd say the simplicity is worth it!
e.g. a simple implemenation of a semaphore:
public sealed class SimpleSemaphore
readonly object sync = new object();
public int val;
public void WaitOne()
lock(sync) {
while(true) {
if(val > 0) {
public void Release()
lock(sync) {
throw new Exception("Too many releases without waits.");
On one trivial benchmark this trivial implementation needs ~1.7 seconds where Semaphore needs 7.5 and SemaphoreSlim needs 1.1; suprisingly reasonable, in other words.
I have a scenario where I'm doing some Actor-Model kind of messagequeing where I want a method to insert a Task or delegate into a queue (possibly the new ConcurrentQueue) , wait for some other process to process the queue, execute the task and then return the result, preferably without locking. The method might be called both synchronously and asynchronously. Only one queued action might run simultaneously
I can't wrap my head around how to accomplish this in a somewhat performant manner, please help :)
Here's an attempt, anyone seeing any problems with this approach (exception handling excluded) ? Also, I can imagine this has quite a lot of overhead compared to simply locking, and how does it compare to for instance using asynchronous delegates?
public partial class Form1 : Form
private BlockingCollection<Task<int>> blockingCollection = new BlockingCollection<Task<int>>(new ConcurrentQueue<Task<int>>());
private int i = 0;
public Form1() {
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
foreach (var task in blockingCollection.GetConsumingEnumerable()) {
public int Queue() {
var task = new Task<int>(new Func<int>(DoSomething));
return task.Result;
public int DoSomething() {
return Interlocked.Increment(ref this.i);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Console.Write(this.Queue()));
The TPL should do that for you - just call Wait() on your Task<T> - however, there is no way to do this without blocking; by definition, in your scenario that is exactly want you want to do. Blocking might be implemented via a lock, but there are other ways too - the TPL hides this. Personally, in a similar scenario I do it with a custom queue and a mini-pool of objects I can use to lock against (never exposed outside the wrapper).
You might also want to look at the C# 5 async/await stuff.
But note: if you aren't going to do anything useful while you are waiting, you might as well run that code directly on the current thread - unless the issue is thread-bound, for example a multiplexer. If you are interested, later today (or over the weekend) I intend releasing the multiplexer that stackoverflow uses to talk to redis, which (in synchronous mode, at least) has exactly the problems you describe.
As a side note; if you can work with a callback (from the other thread), and not have to wait on completion, that can be more efficient overall. But it doesn't fit every scenario.