Retrieving a list of objects from a linq expression - c#

I am attempting to retrieve an object[] from a Linq expression. I use the method name and object array in order to create a cache key as a string. In the end, it will enable me to execute a line like this:
int id = 123;
DeleteCacheItems(()=> someInstance.GetCachedItem(id, null))
The key would resolve to "NameSpaceOfSomeInstance.SomeInstance_123_null"
My unit test works ok:
public void CacheDeleteViaExpressionTest()
int id = 3186718;
var something = ProviderFactory.Instance.Get(ProviderType.Something);
string methodName = CacheMethodManager.GetExpressionMethodFullName(() => something.GetRealtimeRooms(spid, null)); //returns ok
var objects = CacheMethodManager.GetExpressionArgumentValues(()=> something.GetRealtimeRooms(spid, null));
// returns object[0] = 3186718
// returns object[1] = null
string key = MethodCacheKey.GetCacheKey(methodName, objects, something);
Assert.IsTrue((int)objects[0] == id);
Assert.IsTrue(objects[1] == null);
Now I have an MVC controller action that attempts to use this code. I am finding that the object array is only populated with the value types if the expression contains local variables.
If I use id from the parameter in the action, it does not work. If use localId it works.
I have implemented the mechanism described here (Getting object array containing the values of parameters from a Lambda Expression).
The problem is a bit different in that I have a recursive call to resolve the ConstantExpression.
public ActionResult ClearCache(int id)
CacheMethodManager manager = new CacheMethodManager();
var objects = CacheMethodManager.GetExpressionArgumentValues(()=> something.GetRealtimeRooms(**id**, null));
//here object[0] = "DisplayClass<> " // <---------------- This uses a closure class or something that wraps the value
int localId = id;
var objects2 = CacheMethodManager.GetExpressionArgumentValues(()=> something.GetRealtimeRooms(localId, null));
//here object2[0] = 3186718 // <---------------- WORKS
return Json(new { result = "OK!" });
catch (Exception e)
return Json(new { result = "Error", message = $"{e.Message}" });
public static object[] GetExpressionArgumentValues(Expression<Action> expr)
var call = (MethodCallExpression)expr.Body;
var args = call.Arguments;
object[] methodArguments = args.Select(c =>
c is ConstantExpression
? ((ConstantExpression)c).Value
: Extension.GetValue(Extension.ResolveMemberExpression(c))).ToArray();
return methodArguments;
public static MemberExpression ResolveMemberExpression(Expression expression)
if (expression is MemberExpression)
return (MemberExpression)expression;
else if (expression is ConstantExpression)
return (MemberExpression)expression;
else if (expression is UnaryExpression)
// if casting is involved, Expression is not x => x.FieldName but x => Convert(x.Fieldname)
return (MemberExpression)((UnaryExpression)expression).Operand;
throw new NotSupportedException(expression.ToString());
public static object GetValue(MemberExpression exp)
// expression is ConstantExpression or FieldExpression
if (exp.Expression is ConstantExpression)
var o = (((ConstantExpression)exp.Expression).Value)
return o;
else if (exp.Expression is MemberExpression)
return GetValue((MemberExpression)exp.Expression);
throw new NotImplementedException();
Why does the expression behave differently? How could we handle this internally so that developers dont need to create local variables?


How Can I Add a Dynamically Generated Where Expression for a Navigable Object in My Linq-To-SQL Query?

My client would like to have a method of sending over an array of field (string), value (string), and comparison (enum) values in order to retrieve their data.
public class QueryableFilter {
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public QueryableFilterCompareEnum? Compare { get; set; }
My company and I have never attempted to do anything like this before, so it is up to my team to come up with a viable solution. This is the result of working on a solution with a week or so of research.
What Works: Part 1
I have created a service that is able to retrieve the data from our table Classroom. Retrieval of the data is done in Entity Framework Core by way of LINQ-to-SQL. The way I have written below works if one of the fields that are supplied in the filter doesn't exist for Classroom but does exist for its related Organization (the client wanted to be able to search among organization addresses as well) and has a navigatable property.
public async Task<IEnumerable<IExportClassroom>> GetClassroomsAsync(
IEnumerable<QueryableFilter> queryableFilters = null) {
var filters = queryableFilters?.ToList();
IQueryable<ClassroomEntity> classroomQuery = ClassroomEntity.All().AsNoTracking();
// The organization table may have filters searched against it
// If any are, the organization table should be inner joined to all filters are used
IQueryable<OrganizationEntity> organizationQuery = OrganizationEntity.All().AsNoTracking();
var joinOrganizationQuery = false;
// Loop through the supplied queryable filters (if any) to construct a dynamic LINQ-to-SQL queryable
if (filters?.Count > 0) {
foreach (var filter in filters) {
try {
classroomQuery = classroomQuery.BuildExpression(filter.Name, filter.Value, filter.Compare);
} catch (ArgumentException ex) {
if (ex.ParamName == "propertyName") {
organizationQuery = organizationQuery.BuildExpression(filter.Name, filter.Value, filter.Compare);
joinOrganizationQuery = true;
} else {
throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message);
// Inner join the classroom and organization queriables (if necessary)
var query = joinOrganizationQuery
? classroomQuery.Join(organizationQuery, classroom => classroom.OrgId, org => org.OrgId, (classroom, org) => classroom)
: classroomQuery;
query = query.OrderBy(x => x.ClassroomId);
IEnumerable<IExportClassroom> results = await query.Select(ClassroomMapper).ToListAsync();
return results;
What Works: Part 2
The BuildExpression that exists in code is something that I created as such (with room for expansion).
public static IQueryable<T> BuildExpression<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, string columnName, string value, QueryableFilterCompareEnum? compare = QueryableFilterCompareEnum.Equal) {
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
// Get the field/column from the Entity that matches the supplied columnName value
// If the field/column does not exists on the Entity, throw an exception; There is nothing more that can be done
MemberExpression dataField;
try {
dataField = Expression.Property(param, propertyName);
} catch (ArgumentException ex) {
if (ex.ParamName == "propertyName") {
throw new ArgumentException($"Queryable selection does not have a \"{propertyName}\" field.", ex.ParamName);
} else {
throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message);
ConstantExpression constant = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)
? Expression.Constant(value.Trim(), typeof(string))
: Expression.Constant(value, typeof(string));
BinaryExpression binary = GetBinaryExpression(dataField, constant, compare);
Expression<Func<T, bool>> lambda = (Expression<Func<T, bool>>)Expression.Lambda(binary, param)
return source.Where(lambda);
private static Expression GetBinaryExpression(MemberExpression member, ConstantExpression constant, QueryableFilterCompareEnum? comparisonOperation) {
switch (comparisonOperation) {
case QueryableFilterCompareEnum.NotEqual:
return Expression.Equal(member, constant);
case QueryableFilterCompareEnum.GreaterThan:
return Expression.GreaterThan(member, constant);
case QueryableFilterCompareEnum.GreaterThanOrEqual:
return Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(member, constant);
case QueryableFilterCompareEnum.LessThan:
return Expression.LessThan(member, constant);
case QueryableFilterCompareEnum.LessThanOrEqual:
return Expression.LessThanOrEqual(member, constant);
case QueryableFilterCompareEnum.Equal:
return Expression.Equal(member, constant);
The Problem / Getting Around to My Question
While the inner join on the Classroom and Organization works, I'd rather not have to pull in a second entity set for checking values that are navigatable. If I typed in a City as my filter name, normally I would do this:
classroomQuery = classroomQuery.Where(x => x.Organization.City == "Atlanta");
That doesn't really work here.
I have tried a couple of different methods in order to get me what I'm looking for:
A compiled function that would return Func<T, bool>, but when put through LINQ-to-SQL, the query did not include it.
I changed it to an Expression<Func<T, bool>>, but my return didn't return a bool in the way I attempted to implement it, so that didn't work.
I switched the way that I was implementing the navigation property, but none of my functions would read the value properly.
Basically, is there some way that I can implement the following in a way that LINQ-to-SQL from Entity Framework Core will work? Other options are welcome as well.
classroomQuery = classroomQuery.Where(x => x.Organization.BuildExpression(filter.Name, filter.Value, filter.Compare));
Edit 01:
When using the expression without the dynamic builder like so:
IQueryable<ClassroomEntity>classroomQuery = ClassroomEntity.Where(x => x.ClassroomId.HasValue).Where(x => x.Organization.City == "Atlanta").AsNoTracking();
The debug reads:
.Call Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions.AsNoTracking(.Call System.Linq.Queryable.Where(
.Call System.Linq.Queryable.Where(
'(.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Func`2[ClassroomEntity,System.Boolean]>)),
'(.Lambda #Lambda2<System.Func`2[ClassroomEntity,System.Boolean]>)))
.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Func`2[ClassroomEntity,System.Boolean]>(ClassroomEntity $x)
.Lambda #Lambda2<System.Func`2[ClassroomEntity,System.Boolean]>(ClassroomEntity $x)
($x.Organization).City == "Bronx"
I tried with the dynamic builder to get the Classroom teacher, which gave me a debug of:
.Lambda #Lambda3<System.Func`2[ClassroomEntity,System.Boolean]>(ClassroomEntity $var1)
$var1.LeadTeacherName == "Sharon Candelariatest"
Still cannot figure out how to get ($var1.Organization) as the entity I'm reading from.
If you can ask the client to supply the full dot notation expression for the property. eg "Organization.City";
dataField = (MemberExpression)propertyName.split(".")
(result,name) => Expression.Property(result, name));
If I am getting your problem statement, you want to be able to travel up the navigation property chain.
If that is indeed the case the real challenge is getting the navigation relationships from EF. And this is where EntityTypeExtensions comes in handy. GetNavigations() in particular.
You could recursively travel up your navigation properties and build property accessor expressions as you go:
private static IEnumerable<Tuple<IProperty, Expression>> GetPropertyAccessors(this IEntityType model, Expression param)
var result = new List<Tuple<IProperty, Expression>>();
.Where(p => !p.IsShadowProperty()) // this is your chance to ensure property is actually declared on the type before you attempt building Expression
.Select(p => new Tuple<IProperty, Expression>(p, Expression.Property(param, p.Name)))); // Tuple is a bit clunky but hopefully conveys the idea
foreach (var nav in model.GetNavigations().Where(p => p is Navigation))
var parentAccessor = Expression.Property(param, nav.Name); // define a starting point so following properties would hang off there
result.AddRange(GetPropertyAccessors(nav.ForeignKey.PrincipalEntityType, parentAccessor)); //recursively call ourselves to travel up the navigation hierarchy
return result;
then your BuildExpression method can probably be a bit simplified. Notice, I added DbContext as parameter:
public static IQueryable<T> BuildExpression<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, DbContext context, string columnName, string value, QueryableFilterCompareEnum? compare = QueryableFilterCompareEnum.Equal)
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
// Get the field/column from the Entity that matches the supplied columnName value
// If the field/column does not exists on the Entity, throw an exception; There is nothing more that can be done
MemberExpression dataField;
var model = context.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(T)); // start with our own entity
var props = model.GetPropertyAccessors(param); // get all available field names including navigations
var reference = props.FirstOrDefault(p => RelationalPropertyExtensions.GetColumnName(p.Item1) == columnName); // find the filtered column - you might need to handle cases where column does not exist
dataField = reference.Item2 as MemberExpression; // we happen to already have correct property accessors in our Tuples
catch (ArgumentException)
throw new NotImplementedException("I think you shouldn't be getting these anymore");
ConstantExpression constant = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)
? Expression.Constant(value.Trim(), typeof(string))
: Expression.Constant(value, typeof(string));
BinaryExpression binary = GetBinaryExpression(dataField, constant, compare);
Expression<Func<T, bool>> lambda = (Expression<Func<T, bool>>)Expression.Lambda(binary, param);
return source.Where(lambda);
and GetClassroomsAsync would look something like this:
public async Task<IEnumerable<IExportClassroom>> GetClassroomsAsync(IEnumerable<QueryableFilter> queryableFilters = null)
IQueryable<ClassroomEntity> classroomQuery = ClassroomEntity.All().AsNoTracking();
// Loop through the supplied queryable filters (if any) to construct a dynamic LINQ-to-SQL queryable
foreach (var filter in queryableFilters ?? new List<QueryableFilter>())
classroomQuery = classroomQuery.BuildExpression(_context, filter.Name, filter.Value, filter.Compare);
catch (ArgumentException ex)
// you probably should look at catching different exceptions now as joining is not required
query = classroomQuery.OrderBy(x => x.ClassroomId);
IEnumerable<IExportClassroom> results = await query.Select(ClassroomMapper).ToListAsync();
return results;
Testing it out
Since you didn't supply entity hierarchy, I experimented on one of my own:
public class Entity
public int Id { get; set; }
class Company: Entity
public string CompanyName { get; set; }
class Team: Entity
public string TeamName { get; set; }
public Company Company { get; set; }
class Employee: Entity
public string EmployeeName { get; set; }
public Team Team { get; set; }
// then i've got a test harness method as GetClassroomsAsync won't compile wothout your entities
class DynamicFilters<T> where T : Entity
private readonly DbContext _context;
public DynamicFilters(DbContext context)
_context = context;
public IEnumerable<T> Filter(IEnumerable<QueryableFilter> queryableFilters = null)
IQueryable<T> mainQuery = _context.Set<T>().AsQueryable().AsNoTracking();
// Loop through the supplied queryable filters (if any) to construct a dynamic LINQ-to-SQL queryable
foreach (var filter in queryableFilters ?? new List<QueryableFilter>())
mainQuery = mainQuery.BuildExpression(_context, filter.Name, filter.Value, filter.Compare);
mainQuery = mainQuery.OrderBy(x => x.Id);
return mainQuery.ToList();
// --- DbContext
class MyDbContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Company> Companies{ get; set; }
public DbSet<Team> Teams { get; set; }
public DbSet<Employee> Employees { get; set; }
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
// ---
static void Main(string[] args)
var context = new MyDbContext();
var someTableData = new DynamicFilters<Employee>(context).Filter(new
List<QueryableFilter> {new QueryableFilter {Name = "CompanyName", Value = "Microsoft" }});
With the above, and a filter CompanyName = "Microsoft" EF Core 3.1 generated me the following SQL:
SELECT [e].[Id], [e].[EmployeeName], [e].[TeamId]
FROM [Employees] AS [e]
LEFT JOIN [Teams] AS [t] ON [e].[TeamId] = [t].[Id]
LEFT JOIN [Companies] AS [c] ON [t].[CompanyId] = [c].[Id]
WHERE [c].[CompanyName] = N'Microsoft'
ORDER BY [e].[Id]
This approach seems to produce desired result but has one issue: column names must be unique across all your entities. This likely can be dealt with but since I don't know much specifics of your data model I'd defer it to you.
(Disclaimer: I've written code similar to this, but I haven't actually tested the code in this answer.)
Your BuildExpression takes one query (in the form of an IQueryable<T>) and returns another query. This constrains all your filters to be applied to the property of the parameter -- x.ClassroomId -- when you actually want to apply some of them to a property of a property of the parameter -- x.Organization.City.
I would suggest a GetFilterExpression method, which produces the filter expression off of some arbitrary base expression:
private static Expression GetFilterExpression(Expression baseExpr, string columnName, string value, QueryableFilterCompareEnum? compare = QueryableFilterCompareEnum.Equal) {
MemberExpression dataField;
try {
dataField = Expression.Property(baseExpr, columnName);
} catch (ArgumentException ex) {
if (ex.ParamName == "propertyName") {
throw new ArgumentException($"Base expression type does not have a \"{propertyName}\" field.", ex.ParamName);
} else {
throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) {
value = value.Trim();
ConstantExpression constant = Expression.Constant(value, typeof(string));
BinaryExpression binary = GetBinaryExpression(dataField, constant, compare);
return binary;
Within GetClassroomsAsync, you can either build the filter expression against the original ClassroomEntity parameter, or against the returned value of the Organization property on the parameter, by passing in a different expression:
public async Task<IEnumerable<IExportClassroom>> GetClassroomsAsync(IEnumerable<QueryableFilter> queryableFilters = null) {
var filters = queryableFilters?.ToList();
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ClassroomEntity));
var orgExpr = Expression.Property(param, "Organization"); // equivalent of x.Organization
IQueryable<ClassroomEntity> query = ClassroomEntity.All().AsNoTracking();
if (filters is {}) {
// Map the filters to expressions, applied to the `x` or to the `x.Organization` as appropriate
var filterExpressions = filters.Select(filter => {
try {
return GetFilterExpression(param, filter.Name, filter.Value, filter.Compare);
} catch (ArgumentException ex) {
if (ex.ParamName == "propertyName") {
return GetFilterExpression(orgExpr, filter.Name, filter.Value, filter.Compare);
} else {
throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message);
// LogicalCombined is shown later in the answer
query = query.Where(
Expression.Lambda<Func<ClassroomEntity, bool>>(LogicalCombined(filters))
query = query.OrderBy(x => x.ClassroomId);
IEnumerable<IExportClassroom> results = await query.Select(ClassroomMapper).ToListAsync();
return results;
LogicalCombined takes multiple bool-returning expressions and combines them into a single expression:
private static Expression LogicalCombined(IEnumerable<Expression> exprs, ExpressionType expressionType = ExpressionType.AndAlso) {
// ensure the expression type is a boolean operator
switch (expressionType) {
case ExpressionType.And:
case ExpressionType.AndAlso:
case ExpressionType.Or:
case ExpressionType.OrElse:
case ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr:
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid expression type for logically combining expressions.");
Expression? final = null;
foreach (var expr in exprs) {
if (final is null) {
final = expr;
final = Expression.MakeBinary(expressionType, final, expr);
return final;
Some suggestions:
As I've written it, GetFilterExpression is a static method. Since all the arguments (except the base expression) come from QueryableFilter, you might consider making it an instance method off of QueryableFilter.
I would also suggest changing GetBinaryExpression to use a dictionary to map from QueryableFilterCompareEnum to the built-in ExpressionType. Then, the implementation of GetBinaryExpression is just a wrapper for the built-in Expression.MakeBinary method:
private static Dictionary<QueryableFilterCompareEnum, ExpressionType> comparisonMapping = new Dictionary<QueryableFilterCompareEnum, ExpressionType> {
[QueryableFilterCompareEnum.NotEqual] = ExpressionType.NotEqual,
[QueryableFilterCompareEnum.GreaterThan] = ExpressionType.GreaterThan,
[QueryableFilterCompareEnum.GreaterThanOrEqual] = ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual,
[QueryableFilterCompareEnum.LessThan] = ExpressionType.LessThan,
[QueryableFilterCompareEnum.LessThanOrEqual] = ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual,
[QueryableFilterCompareEnum.Equal] = ExpressionType.Equal
private static Expression GetBinaryExpression(MemberExpression member, ConstantExpression constant, QueryableFilterCompareEnum? comparisonOperation) {
comparisonOperation = comparisonOperation ?? QueryableFilterCompareEnum.Equal;
var expressionType = comparisonMapping[comparisonOperation];
return Expression.MakeBinary(
Both GetFilterExpression and GetClassroomsAsync handle the possibility that the specified property doesn't exist on either ClassroomEntity or OrganizationEntity, by trying to construct the member-access expression and handling the thrown exception.
It might be clearer to use reflection to test if the property exists on either type or not.
More, you might consider storing a static HashSet<string> with all the valid fieldnames, and check against that.

Parse a lambda expression into components

I am writing a method which accepts a lambda expression as a parameter and parses its properties from left to right. The following criteria should be met:
The expression must only use simple property or fields -- no method calls or LINQ queries or anything more complex. (e.g. p => p.HomeAddress.City) The method can throw an exception if the expression does not meet these criteria.
The method should return a list of info about each property or field: name and type.
How can this be accomplished?
private List<SomeClass> ParseExpression<T1,T2>(Expression<Func<T1, T2>> func)
// ??
private static IReadOnlyList<Tuple<string, Type>> ParseExpression<T1, T2>(Expression<Func<T1, T2>> func)
var par = func.Parameters[0];
var lst = new List<Tuple<string, Type>>();
Expression exp = func.Body;
while (exp != par)
if (exp.NodeType != ExpressionType.MemberAccess)
throw new Exception(exp.ToString());
MemberExpression me = (MemberExpression)exp;
MemberInfo mi = me.Member;
if (mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo)mi;
lst.Add(Tuple.Create(fi.Name, fi.FieldType));
else if (mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo)mi;
lst.Add(Tuple.Create(pi.Name, pi.PropertyType));
throw new Exception(exp.ToString());
exp = me.Expression;
return lst;
class Cl1
public Cl2 Cl2;
class Cl2
public string Str { get; set; }
and then:
var result = ParseExpression<Cl1, string>(x => x.Cl2.Str);
foreach (var el in result)
Console.WriteLine($"{el.Item1}: {el.Item2}");

How to fetch a model's relationship in a dynamic way?

So I have an application that makes use of a SQLite database. I have some methods for fetching models out of my database. I have a repository that communicaties with my database. And it looks like this:
public class PhotoRepository
AppDatabase db = null;
public PhotoRepository ()
db = new AppDatabase (Constants.DatabaseFilePath);
public Photo GetPhoto(int id)
return db.GetItem<Photo>(id);
public IEnumerable<Photo> GetPhotos (int album_id)
return db.GetItems<Photo>().Where( x => x.Album_Id == album_id );
public int SavePhoto (Photo item)
return db.SaveItem<Photo>(item);
public int DeletePhoto(int id)
return db.DeleteItem<Photo>(id);
I am concerned about the GetPhotos(int album_id) method, because the method it approaches in my database class looks like the following:
public IEnumerable<T> GetItems<T> () where T : BL.Contracts.IBusinessEntity, new ()
lock (locker) {
return (from i in Table<T> () select i).ToList ();
As you can see, it retrieves ALL of the Photo Models from my database and after that I'm, filtering those out that corresponds to the right album_id.
No my question is:
How can I rewrite my method so that it ONLY fetches out the Models corresponding to the album_id. Or even better, how can I rewrite this method to filter any relationship on any property?
So I managed to solve my own answer. Maybe people are interested in the result, so here it comes.
I read a post about dynamic LINQ queries. The post I am talking about can be found here. So the first thing i did was making a Filter class that looks like this:
public class Filter
public enum Op
public string PropertyName { get ; set ; }
public Op Operation { get ; set ; }
public object Value { get ; set ; }
Then I made the ExpressionBuilder class that looks like the following:
public static class ExpressionBuilder
private static MethodInfo containsMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains" );
private static MethodInfo startsWithMethod =
typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", new Type [] {typeof(string)});
private static MethodInfo endsWithMethod =
typeof(string).GetMethod("EndsWith", new Type [] { typeof(string)});
public static Expression<Func<T,
bool >> GetExpression<T>(IList<Filter> filters)
if (filters.Count == 0)
return null ;
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof (T), "t" );
Expression exp = null ;
if (filters.Count == 1)
exp = GetExpression<T>(param, filters[0]);
else if (filters.Count == 2)
exp = GetExpression<T>(param, filters[0], filters[1]);
while (filters.Count > 0)
var f1 = filters[0];
var f2 = filters[1];
if (exp == null )
exp = GetExpression<T>(param, filters[0], filters[1]);
exp = Expression.AndAlso(exp, GetExpression<T>(param, filters[0], filters[1]));
if (filters.Count == 1)
exp = Expression .AndAlso(exp, GetExpression<T>(param, filters[0]));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(exp, param);
private static Expression GetExpression<T>(ParameterExpression param, Filter filter)
MemberExpression member = Expression.Property(param, filter.PropertyName);
ConstantExpression constant = Expression.Constant(filter.Value);
switch (filter.Operation)
case PhotoWapp.DL.Filter.Op.Equals:
return Expression.Equal(member, constant);
case PhotoWapp.DL.Filter.Op.GreaterThan:
return Expression.GreaterThan(member, constant);
case PhotoWapp.DL.Filter.Op.GreaterThanOrEqual:
return Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(member, constant);
case PhotoWapp.DL.Filter.Op.LessThan:
return Expression.LessThan(member, constant);
case PhotoWapp.DL.Filter.Op.LessThanOrEqual:
return Expression.LessThanOrEqual(member, constant);
case PhotoWapp.DL.Filter.Op.Contains:
return Expression.Call(member, containsMethod, constant);
case PhotoWapp.DL.Filter.Op.StartsWith:
return Expression.Call(member, startsWithMethod, constant);
case PhotoWapp.DL.Filter.Op.EndsWith:
return Expression.Call(member, endsWithMethod, constant);
return null ;
private static BinaryExpression GetExpression<T>
(ParameterExpression param, Filter filter1, Filter filter2)
Expression bin1 = GetExpression<T>(param, filter1);
Expression bin2 = GetExpression<T>(param, filter2);
return Expression.AndAlso(bin1, bin2);
Then I added the method GetItems<T>(List<Filter> filters) that looks like the following:
public IEnumerable<T> GetItems<T> (List<Filter> filters) where T : BL.Contracts.IBusinessEntity, new ()
lock (locker) {
var deleg = ExpressionBuilder.GetExpression<T> (filters).Compile ();
return (from i in Table<T>().Where(deleg) select i).ToList();
And to retrieve the records I need, I used the following code.
public IEnumerable<Photo> GetPhotos (int album_id)
List<Filter> filters = new List<Filter> () {
new Filter{
PropertyName = "Album_Id",
Operation = Filter.Op.Equals,
Value = album_id
return db.GetItems<Photo>(filters);
Now I can filter nicely on all properties I need! The nice part about this solution is that I can use any class and property to filter on.
I hope this is useful to somebody!

Is there a way to search a List<T> using a partially populated object?

Would like to be able to populate any properties of an object and search a collection for objects that match the given properties.
class Program
static List<Marble> marbles = new List<Marble> {
new Marble {Color = "Red", Size = 3},
new Marble {Color = "Green", Size = 4},
new Marble {Color = "Black", Size = 6}
static void Main()
var search1 = new Marble { Color = "Green" };
var search2 = new Marble { Size = 6 };
var results = SearchMarbles(search1);
public static IEnumerable<Marble> SearchMarbles(Marble search)
var results = from marble in marbles
//where ???
//Search for marbles with whatever property matches the populated properties of the parameter
//In this example it would return just the 'Green' marble
select marble;
return results;
public class Marble
public string Color { get; set; }
public int Size { get; set; }
Admittedly, it is interesting and take me time. First, you need to get all properties of search object which have value different with default value, this method is generic using reflection:
var properties = typeof (Marble).GetProperties().Where(p =>
var pType = p.PropertyType;
var defaultValue = pType.IsValueType
? Activator.CreateInstance(pType) : null;
var recentValue = p.GetValue(search);
return !recentValue.Equals(defaultValue);
Then you can use LINQ All to filter:
var results = marbles.Where(m =>
properties.All(p =>
typeof (Marble).GetProperty(p.Name)
.GetValue(m) == p.GetValue(search)));
P.s: This code has been tested
I am going to propose the generic solution which will work with any number of properties and with any object. It will also be usable in Linq-To-Sql context - it will translate well to sql.
First, start by defining function which will test if the given value is to be treated as a non-set, e.g:
static public bool IsDefault(object o)
return o == null || o.GetType().IsValueType && Activator.CreateInstance(o.GetType()).Equals(o);
Then, we will have a function which constructs a Lambda expression with test against the values of all set properties in search object:
static public Expression<Func<T, bool>> GetComparison<T>(T search)
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "t");
var props = from p in typeof(T).GetProperties()
where p.CanRead && !IsDefault(p.GetValue(search, null))
select Expression.Equal(
Expression.Property(param, p.Name),
Expression.Constant(p.GetValue(search, null))
var expr = props.Aggregate((a, b) => Expression.AndAlso(a, b));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(expr, param);
return lambda;
We can use it on any IQueryable:
public static IEnumerable<Marble> SearchMarbles (Marble search)
var results = marbles.AsQueryable().Where(GetComparison(search));
return results.AsEnumerable();
You can use a separate Filter class like this:
class Filter
public string PropertyName { get; set; }
public object PropertyValue { get; set; }
public bool Matches(Marble m)
var T = typeof(Marble);
var prop = T.GetProperty(PropertyName);
var value = prop.GetValue(m);
return value.Equals(PropertyValue);
You can use this Filter as follows:
var filters = new List<Filter>();
filters.Add(new Filter() { PropertyName = "Color", PropertyValue = "Green" });
//this is essentially the content of SearchMarbles()
var result = marbles.Where(m => filters.All(f => f.Matches(m)));
foreach (var r in result)
Console.WriteLine(r.Color + ", " + r.Size);
You could use DependencyProperties to get rid of typing the property name.
Assuming a property is unpopulated if it has the default value (i.e. Color == null and Size == 0):
var results = from marble in marbles
where (marble.Color == search.Color || search.Color == null)
&& (marble.Size == search.Size || search.Size == 0)
select marble;
You could override equals in your Marbles class
public override bool Equals(object obj)
var other = obj as Marble;
if (null == other) return false;
return other.Color == this.color && other.size == this.size; // (etc for your other porperties
and then you could search by
return marbles.Where(m => search == m);
Using reflection, this method will work on all types, regardless of how many or what type of properties they contain.
Will skip any properties that are not filled out (null for ref type, default value for value type). If it finds two properties that are filled out that do not match returns false. If all filled-out properties are equal returns true.
IsPartialMatch(object m1, object m2)
PropertyInfo[] properties = m1.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
object v1 = property.GetValue(m1, null);
object v2 = property.GetValue(m2, null);
object defaultValue = GetDefault(property.PropertyType);
if (v1.Equals(defaultValue) continue;
if (v2.Equals(defaultVAlue) continue;
if (!v1.Equals(v2)) return false;
return true;
To apply it to your example
public static IEnumerable<Marble> SearchMarbles(Marble search)
return marbles.Where(m => IsPartialMatch(m, search))
GetDefault() is method from this post, Programmatic equivalent of default(Type)
If you want to avoid targeting specific properties, you could use reflection. Start by defining a function that returns the default value of a type (see here for a simple solution, and here for something more elaborate).
Then, you can write a method on the Marble class, which takes an instance of Marble as a filter:
public bool MatchesSearch(Marble search) {
var t = typeof(Marble);
return !(
from prp in t.GetProperties()
//get the value from the search instance
let searchValue = prp.GetValue(search, null)
//check if the search value differs from the default
where searchValue != GetDefaultValue(prp.PropertyType) &&
//and if it differs from the current instance
searchValue != prp.GetValue(this, null)
select prp
Then, the SearchMarbles becomes:
public static IEnumerable<Marble> SearchMarbles(Marble search) {
from marble in marbles
where marble.MatchesSearch(search)
select marble;

get end values from lambda expressions method parameters

basically I want to get the values of the parameters of a called method like this:
var x = 1;
var a = 2;
var b = 3;
Do<HomeController>(o => o.Save(x, "Jimmy", a+b+5, Math.Sqrt(81)));
public static void Do<T>(Expression<Action<T>> expression) where T : Controller
// get the values 1,Jimmy,10,9 here
Well, you'd need to drill into the expression, find the MethodCallExpression, and then look at the arguments to it. Note that we don't have the value of o, so we've got to assume that the arguments to the method don't rely on that. Also we're still assuming that the lambda expression just relies on it being a MethodCallExpression?
EDIT: Okay, here's an edited version which evaluates the arguments. However, it assumes you're not really using the lambda expression parameter within the arguments (which is what the new object[1] is about - it's providing a null parameter, effectively).
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
class Foo
public void Save(int x, string y, int z, double d)
class Program
static void Main()
var x = 1;
var a = 2;
var b = 3;
ShowValues<Foo>(o => o.Save(x, "Jimmy", a + b + 5, Math.Sqrt(81)));
static void ShowValues<T>(Expression<Action<T>> expression)
var call = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
if (call == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Not a method call");
foreach (Expression argument in call.Arguments)
LambdaExpression lambda = Expression.Lambda(argument,
Delegate d = lambda.Compile();
object value = d.DynamicInvoke(new object[1]);
Console.WriteLine("Got value: {0}", value);
As Jon said you can check to see if the expression is a MethodCallExpression
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Program.Do<Controller>(c => c.Save(1, "Jimmy"));
public static void Do<T>(Expression<Action<T>> expression) where T : Controller
var body = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
if (body != null)
foreach (var argument in body.Arguments)
var constant = argument as ConstantExpression;
if (constant != null)
public class Controller
public void Save(int id, string name)
My universal answer is below. I hope it will help you and somebody else.
var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var parameterExpressions = methodCallExpr.Arguments;
foreach (var param in method.GetParameters())
var parameterExpression = parameterExpressions[counter];
var paramValueAccessor = Expression.Lambda(parameterExpression);
var paramValue = paramValueAccessor.Compile().DynamicInvoke();
dict[param.Name] = paramValue;
Here is some code that is designed to work with any expression — in the sense that it doesn’t fundamentally assume that you are passing in a method-call expression. However, it is not complete. You will have to fill in the rest.
public static IEnumerable<object> ExtractConstants<T>(
Expression<Action<T>> expression)
return extractConstants(expression);
private static IEnumerable<object> extractConstants(Expression expression)
if (expression == null)
yield break;
if (expression is ConstantExpression)
yield return ((ConstantExpression) expression).Value;
else if (expression is LambdaExpression)
foreach (var constant in extractConstants(
((LambdaExpression) expression).Body))
yield return constant;
else if (expression is UnaryExpression)
foreach (var constant in extractConstants(
((UnaryExpression) expression).Operand))
yield return constant;
else if (expression is MethodCallExpression)
foreach (var arg in ((MethodCallExpression) expression).Arguments)
foreach (var constant in extractConstants(arg))
yield return constant;
foreach (var constant in extractConstants(
((MethodCallExpression) expression).Object))
yield return constant;
throw new NotImplementedException();
For the case that you have mentioned, this already works:
// Prints:
// Jimmy (System.String)
// 1 (System.Int32)
foreach (var constant in Ext.ExtractConstants<string>(
str => Console.WriteLine("Jimmy", 1)))
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", constant.ToString(),
For more complex lambda expressions that employ other types of expression nodes, you will have to incrementally extend the above code. Every time you use it and it throws a NotImplementedException, here is what I do:
Open the Watch window in the debugger
Look at the expression variable and its type
Add the necessary code to handle that expression type
Over time the method will become more and more complete.
public override IQueryable<Image> FindAll(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<Image, dynamic>> Id)
dynamic currentType = Id.Parameters[0];
var id = currentType.Type.GUID;
var result = (_uniwOfWork as UnitOfWork).uspGetImages(id.ToString());
return FindAll();
use keyword dynamic.
