I am trying to convert the text in the console and reverse it to see if it is a palindrome. If it is, then it will return true and if it is not, then false will be returned. However, I am facing errors since I am new and just started to learn C#. The error that I get is as follows:
'Palindrome.IsPalindrome(string)': not all code paths return a value
I don't know how to solve this and I dont quite understand it, hence any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank You.
using System;
public class Palindrome
public static bool IsPalindrome(string word)
char[] temp = word.ToCharArray();
string emordnilap = new string(temp);
public static void Main(string[] args)
Your method is defined as public static bool IsPalindrome(string word)
That means it must return a boolean (true or false).
You're not actually returning anything, you're just writing it out to the console, and that's what your error is - you're not returning a value.
You need to put return true; or return false; in your code so that every possible route through the method results in it returning the bool you specified in the method signature.
This gives you another issue, because you're doing Console.WriteLine(_) where _ is the return value of your IsPalindrome method. Since you're returning a bool then it's strange to write that to the console. It will work, but a better way to do this would be call to the method like this:
var isPalindrome = Palindrome.IsPalindrome("Deleveled");
if (isPalindrome == true)
Console.WriteLine("It IS a palindrome!");
Note that if (isPalindrome == true) can be shortened to if (isPalindrome)
One of the core aspects of OO programming is SOLID, which are some guidelines for writing code. One of those is the Single Responsibility Principle, which basically means you should try to make bits of your code only do one thing.
So it's better for your IsPalindrome to only do one thing - return true or false if the word is a palindrome - and not do other things such as writing to the console. Leave that for the code that is calling the method.
Just a hint for when your method unexpectedly returns false - Racecar is not the same as racecaR - you will have to do something about the case. A quick way to do this is with ToUpper() to convert your value to upper case before you reverse it and do the comparison.
Your method should return a bool instead of writing to Console. Try like:
public static bool IsPalindrome(string word)
char[] temp = word.ToCharArray();
string emordnilap = new string(temp);
return true;
return false;
Every path this method can take to get to its end, has to return a boolean value:
using System;
public class Palindrome
public static bool IsPalindrome(string word)
char[] temp = word.ToCharArray();
string emordnilap = new string(temp);
return true;
return false;
public static void Main(string[] args)
//The ToString() converts your boolean to a string
Try naming your Variables more understandably. That will make your live easier if you get into bigger projects. See here
I am writing a language of my own called SPL. It has an Input command which reads input from the ISplRuntime.Input property (it is a TextReader). All other commands run on this interface because this way I can write different apps with just one library!
I then wrote another console app to test my language. This is my implementation of ISplRuntime. Focus on the Input and constructor:
public class MyRuntime : ISplRuntime {
protected TextReader reader;
protected bool stopped;
public object Current {
public virtual TextReader Input {
get {
return reader;
public object[] Memory {
protected set;
public TextWriter Output {
get {
return Console.Out;
public bool Stopped {
get {
return stopped;
set {
stopped = value;
if (value) {
Console.WriteLine ();
Console.WriteLine ("Program has finished");
public void ShowErrorMessage (string error) {
Console.WriteLine (error);
public MyRuntime () {
string s = Console.ReadLine ();
reader = new StringReader (s);
stopped = false;
Memory = new object[20];
When the runtime is constructed, it asks for input. And use that input to create a StringReader and return it in the Input property. So every time the input will only be one lline.
Then I write a program in SPL that outputs the input. And that is where the problem is! When I input 1 1 1 1 it prints 1 1 1 and threw a FormatException. This is how I read number input:
private bool ReadFromInput (ISplRuntime runtime, out int i) {
char stuffRead = (char)runtime.Input.Peek ();
if (stuffRead == ' ') {
i = 0;
runtime.Input.Read ();
return true;
if (char.IsNumber (stuffRead)) {
string numberString = "";
while (char.IsNumber (stuffRead)) {
stuffRead = (char)runtime.Input.Read ();
numberString += stuffRead;
i = Convert.ToInt32 (numberString); //This is where the exception occured! (Obviously, because there is no other methods that would throw it)
return true;
} else {
i = 0;
return false;
The parameter runtime is just the runtime you have just seen. It returns true if it successfully reads a number. And that number is the output parameter i.
After using the "Watch" window in Visual Studio, I found out that number string is "1\uffff" when the exception is thrown. That's why it throws it! I know (think) that '\uffff' is the end of line character. But why would it appear in my input? I know (think) that pressing Ctrl + Z makes a end of line, but I did not! Then I checked runtime.Input in the watch window. This is the result:
I see that there is a field called _s and I think that is the string that I told it to read from. See? _s doesn't even contain '\uffff', how come it reads it?
P.S. I already know the solution. I just need to change the while loop a little and it works. But I want to know why does it reads an end of line.
There is no mistery here - \uffff is produced by your code. All you need is to read the documentation and understand what the methods that you call return.
TextReader.Peek Method
Return Value
Type: System.Int32
An integer representing the next character to be read, or -1 if no more characters are available or the reader does not support seeking.
TextReader.Read Method
Return Value
Type: System.Int32
The next character from the text reader, or -1 if no more characters are available.
Hope you see the relation between -1 (0xffffffff) and \uffff.
Greeting fellow programmers!
I am currently studying software development (I started not a month ago) and I have a problem that needs a solution. Underneath you can find the code and as you can see, the method WriteNumber needs help. I need to write the code in a way that when I run the program, on the console screen the following two lines will be shown:
Hello World!
The Main method code cannot be changed and also I cannot add more methods to the class Calculator so the code needs to be done only within the WriteNumbers method. I have tried a lot of things but I am still grasping how everything works so any help is welcome! Thank you in advance for your time.
Namespace CalculatorTest
class Calculator
public static string WriteText (string input)
return "" + input;
public static string WriteNumber()
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = Calculator.WriteText("Hello World!");
string n = Calculator.WriteNumber(53 + 28);
Not to do your homework for you to just be copied/pasted, hopefully I can give you some hints...
Notice how the method is being invoked:
Calculator.WriteNumber(53 + 28)
The 53 + 28 part happens first, then the result of that operation is passed to the method. That result, naturally, is 81. What's important about that is its type, which is an integer.
So, reasonably, the method signature needs to accept an int as a parameter. This would be done very similarly to how the other method accepts a string as a parameter:
public static string WriteText(string input)
What, then, does that method need to do with that input? Well, it's only a single value, so there aren't any calculations to be performed on it. It would appear that the method simply needs to return the value as a string. (It's your homework so you tell me, is that correct?)
This can be done with exactly two things:
Calling .ToString() on the value
Using the return keyword to return the result of that operation
(Note: The .ToString() operation does something very intuitive on value types, such as int or double or bool. As you progress into using reference types, you're going to find that it does something very different. Any time you have a custom class on which you want to call .ToString(), you'll need to override the .ToString() method on that class first.)
Please read David's answer, it's important that you make the effort to understand why this works the way it does. That being said:
public static string WriteNumber(int number)
return number.ToString();
Thank you all for your valuable input but special thanks to David because he showed where I made my error. I forgot that the two numbers in the main function will be summed up FIRST and THEN forwarded to the method in the class Calculator. After that got cleared up, it was easy to understand what to do (basically adjust the type of the input parameter to int).
namespace CalculatorTest
class Calculator
public static string WriteText (string input)
return "" + input;
public static string WriteNumber(int sumOfNumbers)
return "" + sumOfNumbers;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = Calculator.WriteText("Hello World!");
string n = Calculator.WriteNumber(53 + 28);
In my C# Windows Forms application using Firefox Selenium WebDriver I need to check if an element exists and if it doesn't, click a different one. If there is a video, after it is watched it becomes W_VIEWED:
Error 3 Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, await, and new object expressions can be used as a statement 242
You can check if an element exits or not by using
bool isElementDisplayed = driver.findElement(By.xpath("element")).isDisplayed()
Remember, findElement throws an exception if it doesn't find an element, so you need to properly handle it.
In one of my applications, I handled an exception by checking the element in a separate function:
private bool IsElementPresent(By by)
return true;
catch (NoSuchElementException)
return false;
Call function:
if (IsElementPresent(By.Id("element name")))
// Do if exists
// Do if does not exists
You can use FindElements with an "s" to determine if it exists, since FindElement results in an Exception. If FindElements does not return an element then it returns an empty list.
List<IWebElement> elementList = new List<IWebElement>();
if(elementList.Count > 0)
//If the count is greater than 0 your element exists.
So I recently figured out another way, which is much faster. If your element has a unique ID or some attribute that exists nowhere else on the page, you can check the PageSource.
It checks the page to see if the ID or other unique text exists. This happens almost instantaneously, as opposed to using a Try/Catch statement, which takes ~20 seconds. FindElements takes a long time to run too.
I used the accepted answer's solution for some time, but I needed a faster way to check, without waiting for the timeout period every time a check failed. So I made some extension functions that work on IWebElement and IWebDriver that check for the existence of a tag or class.
public static class ExtensionMethods {
public static bool ContainsTag(this IWebElement element, string tagName)
string elementText = element.GetAttribute("innerHTML");
return CheckStringForTag(elementText, tagName);
public static bool ContainsClass(this IWebElement element, string className)
string elementText = element.GetAttribute("innerHTML");
return CheckStringForClass(elementText, className);
public static bool ContainsTag(this IWebDriver driver, string tagName)
return CheckStringForTag(driver.PageSource, tagName);
public static bool ContainsClass(this IWebDriver driver, string className)
return CheckStringForClass(driver.PageSource, className);
private static bool CheckStringForTag(string text, string tagName)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
return text.Contains("<" + tagName + ">") || text.Contains("</" + tagName + ">") || text.Contains("<" + tagName + " ");
return false;
private static bool CheckStringForClass(string text, string className)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
string pattern = string.Format(".*class[\\s]?=[\\s]?.*[\\s'\"]{0}[\\s'\"].*.*", className);
Match m = Regex.Match(text, className, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return m.Success;
return false;
public static string InnerHTML(this IWebElement element)
return element.GetAttribute("innerHTML");
Note: This is similar to, but expands on Dominic Giallombardo's answer.
This method will allow you to wait for an element to exist. This is especially important in front end SPA frameworks that conditionally create elements, like Vue.js. You can tweak your retry count based on the performance of your application. In any case, it will wait for your ELEMENT_FIND_WAIT_TIME * ELEMENT_FIND_WAIT_RETRY_COUNT milliseconds before failing completely. This solved the problem we were having.
protected Func<IWebElement> GetLazyElement(By by, int retryCount=0)
throw new Exception("Wait timeout for element to show up" + by.ToString());
return new Func<IWebElement>(() => {
Debug.WriteLine("Finding element " + by.ToString());
var element = _webDriver.FindElement(by);
return element;
catch (Exception)
Debug.WriteLine($"Failed to find element: {by} (Waiting {ELEMENT_FIND_WAIT_TIME}ms)");
var lazyFunc = GetLazyElement(by, retryCount++);
return lazyFunc();
Dominic Giallombardo's answer worked for me. On Ajax-based information which loads on background, it is a required loop to wait for the element to appear.
So if you want to wait and do an action when the element appear it is possible with a label and a go to label + else condition. Here is the modified code which will wait for the element to appear through a loop:
List<IWebElement> elementList = new List<IWebElement>();
if (elementList.Count > 0)
goto checksomeelement;
This is what I use. The "verify" method will return a true or false based on if the element exists. The method named "testfunc" is where you enter the element name. In this example I am looking to see if "English" is displayed on the page.
Also, I notice in the comments in previous posts, people are saying they have to wait 10 seconds or more for the catch to work. Try remove the explicit wait in your code for the catch to work immediately.
static public bool verify(string elementName)
bool isElementDisplayed = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(elementName)).Displayed;
return true;
return false;
return false;
static void testfunc()
bool test = verify("//option[contains(.,'English')]");
If you are using ImplicitWait and want to see if an element is present by using FindElement without waiting, try this code:
static public bool ElementExists(By method)
var oldTime = _driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait;
_driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1);
bool isElementDisplayed = _driver.FindElement(method).Displayed;
_driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = oldTime;
return true;
_driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = oldTime;
return false;
I have a queue that processes objects in a while loop. They are added asynchronously somewhere.. like this:
myqueue.pushback(String value);
And they are processed like this:
String path = queue.pop();
Now, the thing is that I'd like to modify this to support a TTL-like (time to live) flag, so the file path would be added o more than n times.
How could I do this, while keeping the bool process(String path) function signature? I don't want to modify that.
I thought about holding a map, or a list that counts how many times the process function returned false for a path and drop the path from the list at the n-th return of false. I wonder how can this be done more dynamically, and preferably I'd like the TTL to automatically decrement itself at each new addition to the process. I hope I am not talking trash.
Maybe using something like this
class JobData
public string path;
public short ttl;
public static implicit operator String(JobData jobData) {jobData.ttl--; return jobData.path;}
I like the idea of a JobData class, but there's already an answer demonstrating that, and the fact that you're working with file paths give you another possible advantage. Certain characters are not valid in file paths, and so you could choose one to use as a delimiter. The advantage here is that the queue type remains a string, and so you would not have to modify any of your existing asynchronous code. You can see a list of reserved path characters here:
For our purposes, I'll use the percent (%) character. Then you can modify your code as follows, and nothing else needs to change:
const int startingTTL = 100;
const string delimiter = "%";
String[] path = queue.pop().Split(delimiter.ToCharArray());
int ttl = path.Length > 1?--int.Parse(path[1]):startingTTL;
else if (ttl > 0)
queue.pushback(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", path[0], delimiter,ttl));
Console.WriteLine("TTL expired for path: {0}" path[0]);
Again, from a pure architecture standpoint, a class with two properties is a better design... but from a practical standpoint, YAGNI: this option means you can avoid going back and changing other asynchronous code that pushes into the queue. That code still only needs to know about the strings, and will work with this unmodified.
One more thing. I want to point out that this is a fairly tight loop, prone to running away with a cpu core. Additionally, if this is the .Net queue type and your tight loop gets ahead of your asynchronous produces to empty the queue, you'll throw an exception, which would break out of the while(true) block. You can solve both issues with code like this:
String[] path = queue.pop().Split(delimiter.ToCharArray());
int ttl = path.Length > 1?--int.Parse(path[1]):startingTTL;
else if (ttl > 0)
queue.pushback(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", path[0], delimiter,ttl));
Console.WriteLine("TTL expired for path: {0}" path[0]);
catch(InvalidOperationException ex)
//Queue.Dequeue throws InvalidOperation if the queue is empty... sleep for a bit before trying again
If the constraint is that bool process(String path) cannot be touched/changed then put the functionality into myqueue. You can keep its public signatures of void pushback(string path) and string pop(), but internally you can track your TTL. You can either wrap the string paths in a JobData-like class that gets added to the internal queue, or you can have a secondary Dictionary keyed by path. Perhaps even something as simple as saving the last poped path and if the subsequent push is the same path you can assume it was a rejected/failed item. Also, in your pop method you can even discard a path that has been rejected too many time and internally fetch the next path so the calling code is blissfully unaware of the issue.
You could abstract/encapsulate the functionality of the "job manager". Hide the queue and implementation from the caller so you can do whatever you want without the callers caring. Something like this:
public static class JobManager
private static Queue<JobData> _queue;
static JobManager() { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { StartProcessing(); }); }
public static void AddJob(string value)
//TODO: validate
_queue.Enqueue(new JobData(value));
private static StartProcessing()
while (true)
if (_queue.Count > 0)
JobData data = _queue.Dequeue();
if (!process(data.Path))
if (data.TTL > 0)
private class JobData
public string Path { get; set; }
public short TTL { get; set; }
public JobData(string value)
this.Path = value;
Then your processing loop can handle the TTL value.
Edit - Added a simple processing loop. This code isn't thread safe, but should hopefully give you an idea.
I'd love to figure it out myself but I was wondering roughly what's the algorithm for converting a function with yield statements into a state machine for an enumerator? For example how does C# turn this:
IEnumerator<string> strings(IEnumerable<string> args)
{ IEnumerator<string> enumerator2 = getAnotherEnumerator();
foreach(var arg in arg)
{ enumerator2.MoveNext();
yield return arg+enumerator.Current;
into this:
bool MoveNext()
{ switch (this.state)
case 0:
this.state = -1;
this.enumerator2 = getAnotherEnumerator();
this.argsEnumerator = this.args.GetEnumerator();
this.state = 1;
while (this.argsEnumerator.MoveNext())
this.arg = this.argsEnumerator.Current;
this.current = this.arg + this.enumerator2.Current;
this.state = 2;
return true;
this.state = 1;
this.state = -1;
if (this.argsEnumerator != null) this.argsEnumerator.Dispose();
case 2:
goto state1;
return false;
Of course the result can be completely different depending on the original code.
The particular code sample you are looking at involves a series of transformations.
Please note that this is an approximate description of the algorithm. The actual names used by the compiler and the exact code it generates may be different. The idea is the same, however.
The first transformation is the "foreach" transformation, which transforms this code:
foreach (var x in y)
into this code:
var enumerator = y.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
var x = enumerator.Current;
if (y != null)
The second transformation finds all the yield return statements in the function body, assigns a number to each (a state value), and creates a "goto label" right after the yield.
The third transformation lifts all the local variables and function arguments in the method body into an object called a closure.
Given the code in your example, that would look similar to this:
class ClosureEnumerable : IEnumerable<string>
private IEnumerable<string> args;
private ClassType originalThis;
public ClosureEnumerator(ClassType origThis, IEnumerable<string> args)
this.args = args;
this.origianlThis = origThis;
public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
return new Closure(origThis, args);
class Closure : IEnumerator<string>
public Closure(ClassType originalThis, IEnumerable<string> args)
state = 0;
this.args = args;
this.originalThis = originalThis;
private IEnumerable<string> args;
private IEnumerator<string> enumerator2;
private IEnumerator<string> argEnumerator;
//- Here ClassType is the type of the object that contained the method
// This may be optimized away if the method does not access any
// class members
private ClassType originalThis;
//This holds the state value.
private int state;
//The current value to return
private string currentValue;
public string Current
return currentValue;
The method body is then moved from the original method to a method inside "Closure" called MoveNext, which returns a bool, and implements IEnumerable.MoveNext.
Any access to any locals is routed through "this", and any access to any class members are routed through this.originalThis.
Any "yield return expr" is translated into:
currentValue = expr;
state = //the state number of the yield statement;
return true;
Any yield break statement is translated into:
state = -1;
return false;
There is an "implicit" yield break statement at the end of the function.
A switch statement is then introduced at the beginning of the procedure that looks at the state number and jumps to the associated label.
The original method is then translated into something like this:
IEnumerator<string> strings(IEnumerable<string> args)
return new ClosureEnumerable(this,args);
The fact that the state of the method is all pushed into an object and that the MoveNext method uses a switch statement / state variable is what allows the iterator to behave as if control is being passed back to the point immediately after the last "yield return" statement the next time "MoveNext" is called.
It is important to point out, however, that the transformation used by the C# compiler is not the best way to do this. It suffers from poor performance when trying to use "yield" with recursive algorithms. There is a good paper that outlines a better way to do this here:
It's worth a read if you haven't read it yet.
Just spotted this question - I wrote an article on it recently. I'll have to add the other links mentioned here to the article though...
Raymond Chen answers this here.