How to sandbox code running another app (started using Process.Start)? - c#

I've heard of sandboxing and how to make a simple example using AppDomain in .NET as in this article
However the unsafe (or untrusted) code I execute here is run another process using Process.Start (or if you know another way to help limit access of the started process, please suggest). My purpose is to constrain resource access of the started process (may not be a .NET app). So for example, the started process should not be able to access any file in the current environment.
The issue here is we need a security context (provided by the current AppDomain) having full-trust (unrestricted) for Process.Start to work.
I really hope that the current partially-trusted context (before calling Process.Start) would be cascaded down to the started process and can help constrain the resource access as expected. But if we need a full-trust context to run Process.Start, then it fails right at that step.
I've run out of ideas for how to make this possible because the only way I know to run a process in .NET is using Process.Start but it requires full-trust context … :(
Here is the code I've tried and there is always an error being thrown right before calling Process.Start:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var ads = new AppDomainSetup();
ads.ApplicationBase = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
var ps = new PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState.None);
ps.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution));
var ad = AppDomain.CreateDomain("SB", null, ads, ps);
var sb = ad.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(typeof(Sandbox).Assembly.FullName, typeof(Sandbox).FullName) as Sandbox;
//the code throws exception and be highlighted at this line
//the sandbox class
public class Sandbox : MarshalByRefObject
//this simple method stub is just for testing
public void ExecuteUnsafeCode()
var si = new ProcessStartInfo("someSimpleApp.exe");
Console.WriteLine("Run OK!");
} catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("SecurityException caught:\n{0}", ex.ToString());
The exception thrown is a SecurityException with a very short message of Request fail. The stack-trace is also too short (only 3 lines) and actually contains nothing helpful.
The bigger picture of my purpose here is to run submitted code (from user) in a sandbox so that no malicious code can harm the server. If the submitted code is some .NET lang, it would be easier because I may not have to use Process.Start here. But the submitted code is Java or unmanaged C++, really we have to compile it into some executable file and run it using Process.Start.
I hope to get some suggestions to try out, of course it's better if I have a right solution for this, thanks!


Threads increase abnormally in linux service

I have a service that runs in linux under SystemD but gets compiled and debugged in VS22 under Windows.
The service is mainly a proxy to a MariaDB10 database shaped as a BackgroundWorker serving clients via SignalR.
If I run it in relase mode on Windows, the number of logical threads remains in a reasonable value (20-25 approx). See pic below.
Under linux, after few minutes (i cannot give you more insight unfortuantely... i still have to figure out what could be changing) the number of threads start increasing constantly every second.
see pic here arriving already to more than 100 and still counting:
Reading current logical threads increasing / thread stack is leaking i got confirmed that the CLR is allowing new threads if the others are not completing, but there is currently no change in the code when moving from Windows to Linux.
This is the HostBuilder with the call to SystemD
 public static IHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args)
            string curDir = MondayConfiguration.DefineCurrentDir();
            IConfigurationRoot config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                // .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())
                .AddJsonFile("servicelocationoptions.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)
            return Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
                .ConfigureAppConfiguration((_, configuration) =>
                    .AddIniFile("appSettings.ini", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
                    .AddJsonFile("servicelocationoptions.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true);
                .UseSerilog((_, services, configuration) => configuration
                    .ReadFrom.Configuration(config, sectionName: "AppLog")// (context.Configuration)
                // .UseSerilog(MondayConfiguration.Logger)
                .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
                    .Configure<ServiceLocationOptions>(hostContext.Configuration.GetSection(key: nameof(ServiceLocationOptions)))
                    .Configure<HostOptions>(opts => opts.ShutdownTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
                .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
                    ServiceLocationOptions locationOptions = config.GetSection(nameof(ServiceLocationOptions)).Get<ServiceLocationOptions>();
                    string url = locationOptions.HttpBase + "*:" + locationOptions.Port;
In the meantime I am trying to trace all the Monitor.Enter() that I use to render serial the API endpoints that touch the state of the service and the inner structures, but in Windows seems all ok.
I am starting wondering if the issue in the call to SystemD. I would like to know what is really involved in a call to UseSystemD() but there is not so much documentation around.
I did just find [] ( by Glenn Condron and few quick notes on MSDN.
EDIT 1: To debug further I created a class to scan the threadpool using ClrMd.
My main service has an heartbeat (weird it is called Ping) as follows (not the add to processTracker.Scan()):
private async Task Ping()
await _containerServer.SyslogQueue.Writer.WriteAsync((
$"Monday Service active at: {DateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime()}"));
string processMessage = ProcessTracker.Scan();
await _containerServer.SyslogQueue.Writer.WriteAsync((LogLevel.Information, processMessage));
.Information("Monday Service active at: {Now}", DateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime());
where the processTrackes id constructed like this:
public static class ProcessTracker
static ProcessTracker()
public static string Scan()
// see
StringBuilder sb = new();
string answer = $"Active Threads{Environment.NewLine}";
// Create the data target. This tells us the versions of CLR loaded in the target process.
int countThread = 0;
var pid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
using (var dataTarget = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(pid, 5000, AttachFlag.Passive))
// Note I just take the first version of CLR in the process. You can loop over
// every loaded CLR to handle the SxS case where both desktop CLR and .Net Core
// are loaded in the process.
ClrInfo version = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0];
var runtime = version.CreateRuntime();
// Walk each thread in the process.
foreach (ClrThread thread in runtime.Threads)
sb = new();
// The ClrRuntime.Threads will also report threads which have recently
// died, but their underlying data structures have not yet been cleaned
// up. This can potentially be useful in debugging (!threads displays
// this information with XXX displayed for their OS thread id). You
// cannot walk the stack of these threads though, so we skip them here.
if (!thread.IsAlive)
sb.Append($"Thread {thread.OSThreadId:X}:");
// Each thread tracks a "last thrown exception". This is the exception
// object which !threads prints. If that exception object is present, we
// will display some basic exception data here. Note that you can get
// the stack trace of the exception with ClrHeapException.StackTrace (we
// don't do that here).
ClrException? currException = thread.CurrentException;
if (currException is ClrException ex)
sb.AppendLine($"Exception: {ex.Address:X} ({ex.Type.Name}), HRESULT={ex.HResult:X}");
// Walk the stack of the thread and print output similar to !ClrStack.
sb.AppendLine(" ------> Managed Call stack:");
var collection = thread.EnumerateStackTrace().ToList();
foreach (ClrStackFrame frame in collection)
// Note that CLRStackFrame currently only has three pieces of data:
// stack pointer, instruction pointer, and frame name (which comes
// from ToString). Future versions of this API will allow you to get
// the type/function/module of the method (instead of just the
// name). This is not yet implemented.
sb.AppendLine($" {frame}");
//skip to the next
answer += sb.ToString();
answer += $"{Environment.NewLine} Total thread listed: {countThread}";
return answer;
All fine, in Windows it prints a lot of nice information in some kind of tree textual view.
The point is that somewhere it requires Kernel32.dll and in linux that is not available. Can someone give hints on this? The service is published natively without .NET infrastructure, in release mode, arch linux64, single file.
thanks a lot
I found a way to skip the whole logging of what I needed from a simple debug session.
I was not aware I could attach also to a Systemd process remotely.
Just followed for a quick step by step guide.
The only preresquisites are to let the service be in debug mode and have the NET runtime installed on the host, but that's really all.
Sorry for not having known this earlier.

Making file picker asynchronous - Windows Phone 8.1

I tried to make File open picker asynchronous using TaskComplectionSource however sometimes I get my application closed with -1 return value, sometimes I get exception like:
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException] = {System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Unspecified error
Unspecified error
at Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker.PickSingleFileAndContinue()
at PhotosGraphos.Mobile.Common.StorageFileExtensions.<PickSingleFileAsyncMobile..
public static class StorageFileExtensions
private static TaskCompletionSource<StorageFile> PickFileTaskCompletionSource;
private static bool isPickingFileInProgress;
public static async Task<StorageFile> PickSingleFileAsyncMobile(this FileOpenPicker openPicker)
if (isPickingFileInProgress)
return null;
isPickingFileInProgress = true;
PickFileTaskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<StorageFile>();
var currentView = CoreApplication.GetCurrentView();
currentView.Activated += OnActivated;
StorageFile pickedFile;
pickedFile = await PickFileTaskCompletionSource.Task;
catch (TaskCanceledException)
pickedFile = null;
PickFileTaskCompletionSource = null;
isPickingFileInProgress = false;
return pickedFile;
private static void OnActivated(CoreApplicationView sender, IActivatedEventArgs args)
var continuationArgs = args as FileOpenPickerContinuationEventArgs;
sender.Activated -= OnActivated;
if (continuationArgs != null && continuationArgs.Files.Any())
StorageFile pickedFile = continuationArgs.Files.First();
What's weird - this bug is hardly reproduced while debugging. Does anyone have any idea what could be reason of that?
Don't do that (don't try to turn Continuation behaviour into async). Why?
Normally when your app is put into the background (for example when you call file picker), it's being suspended, and here is one small pitfall - when you have a debugger attached, your app will work without being suspended. Surely that can cause some troubles.
Note also that when you normally run your app and you fire a picker, then in some cases your app can be terminated (low resources, user closes it ...). So you need here two things which are added by VS as a template: ContinuationManager and SuspensionManager. More you will find at MSDN. At the same link you will find a good procedure to debug your app:
Follow these steps to test the case in which your app is terminated after calling the AndContinue method. These steps ensure that the debugger reattaches to your app after completing the operation and continuing.
In Visual Studio, right-click on your project and select Properties.
In Project Designer, on the Debug tab under Start action, enable Do not launch, but debug my code when it starts.
Run your app with debugging. This deploys the app, but does not run it.
Start your app manually. The debugger attaches to the app. If you have breakpoints in your code, the debugger stops at the breakpoints. When your app calls the AndContinue method, the debugger continues to run.
If your app calls a file picker, wait until you have opened the file provider (for example, Phone, Photos, or OneDrive). If your app calls an online identity provider, wait until the authentication page opens.
On the Debug Location toolbar, in the Process dropdown list, select the process for your app. In the Lifecycle Events dropdown list, select Suspend and Shutdown to terminate your app but leave the emulator running.
After the AndContinue operation completes, the debugger reattaches to your app automatically when the app continues.
I've changed file picker to standard way provided by #Romasz - it still was crashing. I've been debugging it for hours and I get same COMException but sometimes with information provided:
"GetNavigationState doesn't support serialization of a parameter type which was passed to Frame.Navigate"
It seems that code with TaskCompletionSource works and there is nothing wrong with that. I found out in msdn documentation for Frame
Note: The serialization format used by these methods is for internal use only. Your app should not form any dependencies on it. Additionally, this format supports serialization only for basic types like string, char, numeric and GUID types.
And I was passing my model-class object in navigation parameter - so it was kept in navigation stack therefore it couldn't be serialized. The lesson is: do not use non-primitive types for navigation parameter - Frame.Navigate should disallow such navigation and throw exception - but it doesn't..
Another bug - if you bind tapped (let say button tapped) or event like that to command which launch FileOpenPicker you need to check if picker.PickFile.. was called before - otherwise when you tap fast on that button you'll get few calls to picker.PickFile.. and UnauthorizedAccessException will be thrown.

How to implement single instance per machine application?

I have to restrict my .net 4 WPF application so that it can be run only once per machine. Note that I said per machine, not per session.
I implemented single instance applications using a simple mutex until now, but unfortunately such a mutex is per session.
Is there a way to create a machine wide mutex or is there any other solution to implement a single instance per machine application?
I would do this with a global Mutex object that must be kept for the life of your application.
MutexSecurity oMutexSecurity;
//Set the security object
oMutexSecurity = new MutexSecurity();
oMutexSecurity.AddAccessRule(new MutexAccessRule(new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.BuiltinUsersSid, null), MutexRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow));
//Create the global mutex and set its security
moGlobalMutex = new Mutex(True, "Global\\{5076d41c-a40a-4f4d-9eed-bf274a5bedcb}", bFirstInstance);
Where bFirstInstance returns if this is the first instance of your application running globally. If you omited the Global part of the mutex or replaced it with Local then the mutex would only be per session (this is proberbly how your current code is working).
I believe that I got this technique first from Jon Skeet.
The MSDN topic on the Mutex object explains about the two scopes for a Mutex object and highlights why this is important when using terminal services (see second to last note).
I think what you need to do is use a system sempahore to track the instances of your application.
If you create a Semaphore object using a constructor that accepts a name, it is associated with an operating-system semaphore of that name.
Named system semaphores are visible throughout the operating system, and can be used to synchronize the activities of processes.
EDIT: Note that I am not aware if this approach works across multiple windows sessions on a machine. I think it should as its an OS level construct but I cant say for sure as i havent tested it that way.
EDIT 2: I did not know this but after reading Stevo2000's answer, i did some looking up as well and I think that the "Global\" prefixing to make the the object applicable to the global namespace would apply to semaphores as well and semaphore, if created this way, should work.
You could open a file with exclusive rights somewhere in %PROGRAMDATA%
The second instance that starts will try to open the same file and fail if it's already open.
How about using the registry?
You can create a registry entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
Let the value be the flag if the application is started or not.
Encrypt the key using some standard symmetric key encryption method so that no one else can tamper with the value.
On application start-up check for the key and abort\continue accordingly.
Do not forget to obfuscate your assembly, which does this encryption\decryption part, so that no one can hack the key in registry by looking at the code in reflector.
I did something similar once.
When staring up the application list, I checked all running processes for a process with identical name, and if it existed I would not allow to start the program.
This is not bulletproof of course, since if another application have the exact same process name, your application will never start, but if you use a non-generic name it will probably be more than good enough.
For the sake of completeness, I'd like to add the following which I just found now:
This web site has an interesting approach in sending Win32 messages to other processes. This would fix the problem of the user renaming the assembly to bypass the test and of other assemblies with the same name.
They're using the message to activate the main window of the other process, but it seems like the message could be a dummy message only used to see whether the other process is responding to it to know whether it is our process or not.
Note that I haven't tested it yet.
See below for full example of how a single instace app is done in WPF 3.5
public class SingleInstanceApplicationWrapper :
public SingleInstanceApplicationWrapper()
// Enable single-instance mode.
this.IsSingleInstance = true;
// Create the WPF application class.
private WpfApp app;
protected override bool OnStartup(
Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StartupEventArgs e)
app = new WpfApp();
return false;
// Direct multiple instances.
protected override void OnStartupNextInstance(
Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StartupNextInstanceEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandLine.Count > 0)
Second part:
public class WpfApp : System.Windows.Application
protected override void OnStartup(System.Windows.StartupEventArgs e)
WpfApp.current = this;
// Load the main window.
DocumentList list = new DocumentList();
this.MainWindow = list;
// Load the document that was specified as an argument.
if (e.Args.Length > 0) ShowDocument(e.Args[0]);
public void ShowDocument(string filename)
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Owner = this.MainWindow;
// If the application is already loaded, it may not be visible.
// This attempts to give focus to the new window.
MessageBox.Show("Could not load document.");
Third part:
public class Startup
public static void Main(string[] args)
SingleInstanceApplicationWrapper wrapper =
new SingleInstanceApplicationWrapper();
You may need to add soem references and add some using statements but it shoudl work.
You can also download a VS example complete solution by downloading the source code of the book from here.
Taken From "Pro WPF in C#3 2008 , Apress , Matthew MacDonald" , buy the book is gold. I did.

Accessing custom WMI provider hangs indefinitely

I'm trying to write a custom decoupled WMI provider in C#. I've followed the examples and yet whenever I try to access my WMI class from either WMI Studio, through PowerShell, or via wmic, it just hangs there indefinitely until I terminate the provider host app, at which point I get an error ranging from "Invalid Class" to "The remote procedure call failed".
I can see my WMI provider fine if I don't try to actually access an instance of it, so I know it's registering with WMI.
Here's the code I'm running:
[assembly: WmiConfiguration(#"root\CIMV2", HostingModel=ManagementHostingModel.Decoupled)]
public class WmiInstaller : DefaultManagementInstaller { }
[ManagementQualifier("Description", Value="Accesses and manipulates licenses held in the SLN license database.")]
public class SoftwareLicensingNetworkLicenseDatabase {
public SoftwareLicensingNetworkLicenseDatabase() { Test = "OMG!"; }
public string Test;
And then in my main function:
static void Main() {
I've tried any number of things to diagnose this issue: switch to .Net 3.5 (I'm using .Net 4.0), change namespace names, use a multi-instance class instead of a singleton, etc.
Any help would be sincerely appreciated!
Nevermind, I figured it out:
Your Main function cannot have STAThread as an attribute. I added it when I was debugging something that required it and had not taken it off. It figures it would take me so long to figure out something so simple and obvious once you think about it.

How to determine if a previous instance of my application is running?

I have a console application in C# in which I run various arcane automation tasks. I am well aware that this should really be a Windows Service since it needs to run continuously, but I don't want to do that at this time. (So, don't suggest that as an answer).
In the meantime, I need some sample C# code that will allow me to determine if there's already an instance of the Application running.
In the old VB6.0 days, I would have used App.PrevInstance()
I want to be able to do this in my Main method:
static void Main()
The proper way to use a mutex for this purpose:
private static Mutex mutex;
static void Main()
// STEP 1: Create and/or check mutex existence in a race-free way
bool created;
mutex = new Mutex(false, "YourAppName-{add-your-random-chars}", out created);
if (!created)
MessageBox.Show("Another instance of this application is already running");
// STEP 2: Run whatever the app needs to do
Application.Run(new Form1());
// No need to release the mutex because it was never acquired
The above won't work for detecting if several users on the same machine are running the app under different user accounts. A similar case is where a process can run both under the service host and standalone. To make these work, create the mutex as follows:
var sid = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null);
var mutexsecurity = new MutexSecurity();
mutexsecurity.AddAccessRule(new MutexAccessRule(sid, MutexRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow));
mutexsecurity.AddAccessRule(new MutexAccessRule(sid, MutexRights.ChangePermissions, AccessControlType.Deny));
mutexsecurity.AddAccessRule(new MutexAccessRule(sid, MutexRights.Delete, AccessControlType.Deny));
_mutex = new Mutex(false, "Global\\YourAppName-{add-your-random-chars}", out created, mutexsecurity);
Two differences here - firstly, the mutex needs to be created with security rights that allow other user accounts to open/acquire it. Second, the name must be prefixed with "Global" in the case of services running under the service host (not sure about other users running locally on the same machine).
Jeroen already answered this, but the best way by far is to use a Mutex... not by Process. Here's a fuller answer with code.
I've updated this answer after seeing some comments about a race condition to address that by instead using the Mutex Constructor
Boolean createdNew;
Mutex mutex;
mutex = new Mutex(false, "SINGLEINSTANCE" out createdNew);
if (createdNew == false)
Console.WriteLine("Error : Only 1 instance of this application can run at a time");
// Run your application
catch (Exception e)
// Unable to open the mutex for various reasons
// If this instance created the mutex, ensure that
// it's cleaned up, otherwise we can't restart the
// application
if (mutex && createdNew)
Notice the try{} finally{} block. If you're application crashes or exits cleanly but you don't release the Mutex then you may not be able to restart it again later.
The most simple (and reliable) way to do this, is using a Mutex. Use the WaitOne method of the Mutex class to wait until the mutex becomes available. An added advantage, this will not require any infinite loops
You can search process names of existing system process. For example code, see this blog post.
You can also used a named system Mutex to see if your process is already running.
Here is some sample code. This tends to be more reliable in my experience, and is much simpler, more understandable code.
This article talks about it: Prevent a second process instance from running. It's in but you can convert it.
The problem in writing a generic function that checks whether the current application is already running comes from the fact that the ProcessName property of the Process object seems to be limited to 15 characters, so longer process names are truncated.
A safer way to retrieve a process name is to get the filename of its main module and dropping the extension. The following reusable routine uses this approach:
Function AppIsAlreadyRunning() As Boolean
' get the filename of the main module
Dim moduleName As String = Process.GetCurrentProcess.MainModule.ModuleName
' discard the extension to get the process name
Dim procName As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(moduleName)
' return true if there are 2 or more processes with that name
If Process.GetProcessesByName(procName).Length > 1 Then
Return True
End If
End Function
// Allow running single instance
string processName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;
Process[] instances = Process.GetProcessesByName(processName);
if (instances.Length > 1)
MessageBox.Show("Application already Running", "Error 1001 - Application Running");
Gracefully exit application with messagebox as shown above if application is already running
You can use Process.GetProcessesByName("MyProcessName"); in the System.Diagnostics namespace to check if there is an instance of your process running.
EDIT: Very good observations in the comments! This is a (very) simplistic way of doing it, and certainly doesn't cover all the bases.
Using a kernal object is the only correct way to implement single instance protection in Windows.
This statement:
mutex = Mutex.OpenExisting("SINGLEINSTANCE");
won't work if someone else copies this line from Stackoverflow and runs their program before your program, since that other guy grabbed "SINGLEINSTANCE" before you did. You want to include a GUID in your mutex name:
mutex = Mutex.OpenExisting("MyApp{AD52DAF0-C3CF-4cc7-9EDD-03812F82557E}");
This technique will prevent the current user from running more than one instance of your program, but will not prevent another user from doing so.
To ensure that only one instance of your application can run on the local computer, you need to do this:
mutex = Mutex.OpenExisting("Global\MyApp{AD52DAF0-C3CF-4cc7-9EDD-03812F82557E}");
See the help for the CreateMutex api.
In one of my projects I used SingleInstance Component
Another way to do it is to bind to an address on the local machine (as a TCP listener would). Only one process at a time can bind to a port/address combination. So pick a port on the loopback adapter and have at it.
This has the nice side-effects of:
Working even if someone renames the executable
Resetting itself when the application crashes
The technique is portable across other operating systems
On the down-side, it can fail if there's another application that binds to that particular port.
As requested, some code to bind to a address/port is below. This is ripped out of something else. It is incomplete, but the necessary bits are here.
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
// Make up a number that's currently unused by you, or any
// well-known service. i.e. 80 for http, 22 for ssh, etc..
int portNum = 2001;
// This binds to any (meaning all) adapters on this system
IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Any;
IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, portNum);
Socket listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp );
// The next statement will throw an exception if anyone has done this Bind!
As long as listener is not garbage collected (falls out of scope) or the program doesn't terminate: that port on that adapter is yours and only yours. If anything should happen to listener then it becomes available for someone else to use. For purposes of a lock, you should probably have listener be static somewhere.
