[Updated 18-Apr-2018 with LinqPad example - see end]
My application receives a list of jobs:
var jobs = await myDB.GetWorkItems();
(NB: we use .ConfigureAwait(false) everwhere, I'm just not showing it in these pseudo code snippets.)
For each job, we create a long running Task. However, we don't want to wait for this long running Task to complete.
jobs.ForEach(job =>
var module = Factory.GetModule(job.Type);
var task = Task.Run(() => module.ExecuteAsync(job.Data));
this.NonAwaitedTasks.Add(task, module);
The task and its related module instance are both added to a ConcurrentDictionary so that they don't go out of scope.
Elsewhere, I have another method that is called occasionally which contains the following:
foreach (var entry in this.NonAwaitedTasks.Where(e => e.Key.IsCompleted))
var module = entry.Value as IDisposable;
(NB the NonAwaitedTasks is additionally locked using a SemaphoreSlim...)
So, the idea is that this method will find all those Tasks which have completed and then dispose of their related module, and remove them from this Dictionary.
Whilst debugging in Visual Studio 2017, I pull a single job from the DB and whilst I'm taking my time debugging within the single Module that has been instantiated, the Dispose is called on that module. Looking in the Callstack, I can see the Dispose has been called in the method above, and that is because the task has IsCompleted == true. But evidently, it can't be completed because I'm still debugging it.
Is the .IsCompleted property the wrong property to check?
Is this just an artifact of debugging in Visual Studio?
Am I going about this the wrong way?
Additional Information
In the comments below, I was asked to provide some additional information regarding the flow because what I described didn't seem possible (and indeed, my hope was that it couldn't be). Below is a cut-down version of my code (I've removed checks for the cancellation token and defensive coding, but nothing that affects the flow).
Application Entry Point
This is a Windows Service. In the OnStart() is the following line:
this.RunApplicationTask =
Task.Run(() => myApp.DoWorkAsync().ConfigureAwait(false), myService.CancelSource.Token);
"RunApplicationTask" is just a property to keep the executing task in scope during the lifetime of the Service.
public async Task DoWorkAsync()
await this.ExecuteSingleIterationAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)).ConfigureAwait(false);
while (myApp.ServiceCancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested == false);
await Task.WhenAll(this.NonAwaitedTasks.Keys).ConfigureAwait(false);
await this.ClearCompletedTasksAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
So whilst I'm debugging, this is iterating the DO-LOOP, it does not get to the Task.WhenAll(....).
Note too that after the Cancellation request is called and all Tasks have completed, I call ClearCompletedTasksAsync(). More on that later....
private async Task ExecuteSingleIterationAsync()
var getJobsResponse = await DB.GetJobsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await this.ProcessWorkLoadAsync(getJobsResponse.Jobs).ConfigureAwait(false);
await this.ClearCompletedTasksAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
private async Task ProcessWorkLoadAsync(IList<Job> jobs)
if (jobs.NoItems())
return ;
jobs.ForEach(job =>
// The processor instance is disposed of when removed from the NonAwaitedTasks collection.
IJobProcessor processor = ProcessorFactory.GetProcessor(workItem, myApp.ServiceCancellationToken);
var task = Task.Run(() => processor.ExecuteAsync(job).ConfigureAwait(false), myApp.ServiceCancellationToken);
this.NonAwaitedTasks.Add(task, processor);
catch (Exception e)
Each processor implements the following interface method:
Task ExecuteAsync(Job job);
It's whilst I'm in the ExecuteAsync that .Dispose() gets called on the processor instance I'm using.
public static IJobProcessor GetProcessor(Job job, CancellationToken token)
switch (someParamCalculatedAbove)
case X:
return new XProcessor(...);
case Y:
return new YProcessor(...);
return null;
So here we're getting a new instance.
private async Task ClearCompletedTasksAsync()
await myStatic.NonAwaitedTasksPadlock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var taskEntry in this.NonAwaitedTasks.Where(entry => entry.Key.IsCompleted).ToArray())
var processorInstance = taskEntry.Value as IDisposable;
This is called every iteration of the Do-Loop. It's purpose is to ensure that the list of non-awaited tasks is kept small.
And that's it... Dispose only seems to get called when debugging.
LinqPad example
async Task Main()
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var entry in NonAwaitedTasks.Where(e => e.Key.IsCompleted).ToArray())
"Task is completed, so will dispose of the Task's processor...".Dump();
var p = entry.Value as IDisposable;
while (NonAwaitedTasks.Count > 0);
// Define other methods and classes here
public void SetProcessorRunning()
var p = new Processor();
var task = Task.Run(() => p.DoWorkAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
NonAwaitedTasks.Add(task, p);
public interface IProcessor
Task DoWorkAsync();
public static Dictionary<Task, IProcessor> NonAwaitedTasks = new Dictionary<Task, IProcessor>();
public class Processor : IProcessor, IDisposable
bool isDisposed = false;
public void Dispose()
this.isDisposed = true;
"I have been disposed of".Dump();
public async Task DoWorkAsync()
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (this.isDisposed)
$"I have been disposed of (isDispose = {this.isDisposed}) but I've not finished work yet...".Dump();
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Task is completed, so will dispose of the Task's processor...
I have been disposed of
I have been disposed of (isDispose = True) but I've not finished work
Your problem is in this line:
var task = Task.Run(() => p.DoWorkAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
Hover over the var and take a look at what type that is.
Task.Run understands async delegates by having special "task unwrapping" rules for Func<Task<Task>> and friends. But it won't have any special unwrapping for Func<ConfiguredTaskAwaitable>.
You can think of it this way; with the code above:
p.DoWorkAsync() returns a Task.
Task.ConfigureAwait(false) returns a ConfiguredTaskAwaitable.
So the Task.Run is being asked to run this function that creates a ConfiguredTaskAwaitable on a thread pool thread.
Thus, the return type of Task.Run is Task<ConfiguredTaskAwaitable> - a task that completes as soon as the ConfiguredTaskAwaitable is created. When it is created - not when it completes.
In this case, the ConfigureAwait(false) isn't doing anything anyway, because there's no await to configure. So you can remove it:
var task = Task.Run(() => p.DoWorkAsync());
Also, as Servy mentioned, if you don't need to run DoWorkAsync on a thread pool thread, you can also skip the Task.Run:
var task = p.DoWorkAsync();
I understand how I can await on library code to wait for a network request or other long-running action to complete, but how can I await on my own long-running action without busy waiting?
This is the busy-waiting solution. How can I make it event-driven?
public async Task<DataBlock> ClickSend() {
// await until someone calls DataReceived()
while (_Block == null) {
await Task.Yield();
return _Block;
// Something external calls this function.
// Once called, ClickSend should complete with this data.
public void DataReceived(DataBlock data_block) {
_Block = data_block;
DataBlock _Block = null;
(This question is completely different from How do I await events in C#? which is asking how to await on event handlers, but very similar to Promise equivalent in C#.)
Generally in concurrency a "future" is placeholder for a return value and it has an associated "promise" that is fulfilled to pass the final return value.
In C#, they have different names: the future is a Task and the promise is a TaskCompletionSource.
You can create a promise, await on it, and then fulfill it when you get your callback:
TaskCompletionSource<DataBlock> _Promise = new TaskCompletionSource<DataBlock>();
public async Task<DataBlock> ClickSend() {
DataBlock block = await _Promise.Task;
return block;
public void DataReceived(DataBlock data_block) {
Here's an executable example.
I have few methods that report some data to Data base. We want to invoke all calls to Data service asynchronously. These calls to data service are all over and so we want to make sure that these DS calls are executed one after another in order at any given time. Initially, i was using async await on each of these methods and each of the calls were executed asynchronously but we found out if they are out of sequence then there are room for errors.
So, i thought we should queue all these asynchronous tasks and send them in a separate thread but i want to know what options we have? I came across 'SemaphoreSlim' . Will this be appropriate in my use case?
Or what other options will suit my use case? Please, guide me.
So, what i have in my code currently
public static SemaphoreSlim mutex = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
//first DS call
public async Task SendModuleDataToDSAsync(Module parameters)
var tasks1 = new List<Task>();
var tasks2 = new List<Task>();
//await mutex.WaitAsync(); **//is this correct way to use SemaphoreSlim ?**
foreach (var setting in Module.param)
Task job1 = SaveModule(setting);
Task job2= SaveModule(GetAdvancedData(setting));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks1);
await Task.WhenAll(tasks2);
//mutex.Release(); // **is this correct?**
private async Task SaveModule(Module setting)
await Task.Run(() =>
// Invokes Calls to DS
//somewhere down the main thread, invoking second call to DS
//Second DS Call
private async Task SendInstrumentSettingsToDS(<param1>, <param2>)
//await mutex.WaitAsync();// **is this correct?**
await Task.Run(() =>
//mutex.Release();// **is this correct?**
await Task.Run(() =>
Initially, i was using async await on each of these methods and each of the calls were executed asynchronously but we found out if they are out of sequence then there are room for errors.
So, i thought we should queue all these asynchronous tasks and send them in a separate thread but i want to know what options we have? I came across 'SemaphoreSlim' .
SemaphoreSlim does restrict asynchronous code to running one at a time, and is a valid form of mutual exclusion. However, since "out of sequence" calls can cause errors, then SemaphoreSlim is not an appropriate solution since it does not guarantee FIFO.
In a more general sense, no synchronization primitive guarantees FIFO because that can cause problems due to side effects like lock convoys. On the other hand, it is natural for data structures to be strictly FIFO.
So, you'll need to use your own FIFO queue, rather than having an implicit execution queue. Channels is a nice, performant, async-compatible queue, but since you're on an older version of C#/.NET, BlockingCollection<T> would work:
public sealed class ExecutionQueue
private readonly BlockingCollection<Func<Task>> _queue = new BlockingCollection<Func<Task>>();
public ExecutionQueue() => Completion = Task.Run(() => ProcessQueueAsync());
public Task Completion { get; }
public void Complete() => _queue.CompleteAdding();
private async Task ProcessQueueAsync()
foreach (var value in _queue.GetConsumingEnumerable())
await value();
The only tricky part with this setup is how to queue work. From the perspective of the code queueing the work, they want to know when the lambda is executed, not when the lambda is queued. From the perspective of the queue method (which I'm calling Run), the method needs to complete its returned task only after the lambda is executed. So, you can write the queue method something like this:
public Task Run(Func<Task> lambda)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
_queue.Add(async () =>
// Execute the lambda and propagate the results to the Task returned from Run
await lambda();
catch (OperationCanceledException ex)
catch (Exception ex)
return tcs.Task;
This queueing method isn't as perfect as it could be. If a task completes with more than one exception (this is normal for parallel code), only the first one is retained (this is normal for async code). There's also an edge case around OperationCanceledException handling. But this code is good enough for most cases.
Now you can use it like this:
public static ExecutionQueue _queue = new ExecutionQueue();
public async Task SendModuleDataToDSAsync(Module parameters)
var tasks1 = new List<Task>();
var tasks2 = new List<Task>();
foreach (var setting in Module.param)
Task job1 = _queue.Run(() => SaveModule(setting));
Task job2 = _queue.Run(() => SaveModule(GetAdvancedData(setting)));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks1);
await Task.WhenAll(tasks2);
Here's a compact solution that has the least amount of moving parts but still guarantees FIFO ordering (unlike some of the suggested SemaphoreSlim solutions). There are two overloads for Enqueue so you can enqueue tasks with and without return values.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class TaskQueue
private Task _previousTask = Task.CompletedTask;
public Task Enqueue(Func<Task> asyncAction)
return Enqueue(async () => {
await asyncAction().ConfigureAwait(false);
return true;
public async Task<T> Enqueue<T>(Func<Task<T>> asyncFunction)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
// get predecessor and wait until it's done. Also atomically swap in our own completion task.
await Interlocked.Exchange(ref _previousTask, tcs.Task).ConfigureAwait(false);
return await asyncFunction().ConfigureAwait(false);
Please keep in mind that your first solution queueing all tasks to lists doesn't ensure that the tasks are executed one after another. They're all running in parallel because they're not awaited until the next tasks is startet.
So yes you've to use a SemapohoreSlim to use async locking and await. A simple implementation might be:
private readonly SemaphoreSlim _syncRoot = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
public async Task SendModuleDataToDSAsync(Module parameters)
await this._syncRoot.WaitAsync();
foreach (var setting in Module.param)
await SaveModule(setting);
await SaveModule(GetAdvancedData(setting));
If you can use Nito.AsyncEx the code can be simplified to:
public async Task SendModuleDataToDSAsync(Module parameters)
using var lockHandle = await this._syncRoot.LockAsync();
foreach (var setting in Module.param)
await SaveModule(setting);
await SaveModule(GetAdvancedData(setting));
One option is to queue operations that will create tasks instead of queuing already running tasks as the code in the question does.
PseudoCode without locking:
Queue<Func<Task>> tasksQueue = new Queue<Func<Task>>();
async Task RunAllTasks()
while (tasksQueue.Count > 0)
var taskCreator = tasksQueue.Dequeu(); // get creator
var task = taskCreator(); // staring one task at a time here
await task; // wait till task completes
// note that declaring createSaveModuleTask does not
// start SaveModule task - it will only happen after this func is invoked
// inside RunAllTasks
Func<Task> createSaveModuleTask = () => SaveModule(setting);
tasksQueue.Add(() => SaveModule(GetAdvancedData(setting)));
// no DB operations started at this point
// this will start tasks from the queue one by one.
await RunAllTasks();
Using ConcurrentQueue would be likely be right thing in actual code. You also would need to know total number of expected operations to stop when all are started and awaited one after another.
Building on your comment under Alexeis answer, your approch with the SemaphoreSlim is correct.
Assumeing that the methods SendInstrumentSettingsToDS and SendModuleDataToDSAsync are members of the same class. You simplay need a instance variable for a SemaphoreSlim and then at the start of each methode that needs synchornization call await lock.WaitAsync() and call lock.Release() in the finally block.
public async Task SendModuleDataToDSAsync(Module parameters)
await lock.WaitAsync();
private async Task SendInstrumentSettingsToDS(<param1>, <param2>)
await lock.WaitAsync();
and it is importend that the call to lock.Release() is in the finally-block, so that if an exception is thrown somewhere in the code of the try-block the semaphore is released.
I am rather new to task based programming and trying to determine how to return a task and verify that it has been started. The code that I got to work was not what I was expecting. The console application is as follows:
public static void Main(string[] args)
var mySimple = new Simple();
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var task = mySimple.RunSomethingAsync(cts.Token);
while (task.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
Console.WriteLine("It is started");
public class Simple
public async void RunSomething(CancellationToken token)
var count = 0;
while (true)
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000), token).ContinueWith(task => { });
public Task RunSomethingAsync(CancellationToken token)
return Task.Run(() => this.RunSomething(token));
The output is:
It is started
Why is the task that is being returned have a status as TaskStatus.RanToCompletion compared to TaskStatus.Running as we see that the while loop is still executing? Am I checking the status of the task of putting the RunSomething task on the threadpool rather than the RunSomething task itself?
RunSomething is an async void method, meaning it exposes no means of the caller ever determining when it finishes, they can only ever start the operation and then have no idea what happens next. You then wrap a call to it inside of Task.Run, this is schedluing a thread pool thread to start RunSomething. It will then complete as soon as it has finished starting that Task.
If RunSomething actually returned a Task, then the caller would be able to determine when it actually finished, and if you waited on it it wouldn't actually indicate that it was done until that asynchronous operation was actually finished (there would be no reason to use Task.Run to start it in another thead, you'd be better off just calling it directly and not wasting the effort of moving that to a thread pool thread).
Never use async void (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/jj991977.aspx)
instead you should use async Task
If you need to call an async method from a non-async (such as from a static void main) you should do something like this:
That will effectively make the method a synchronous call.
You can use async void, but only for events.
In this blog post, Stephan Toub describes a new feature that will be included in .NET 4.6 which adds another value to the TaskCreationOptions and TaskContinuationOptions enums called RunContinuationsAsynchronously.
He explains:
"I talked about a ramification of calling {Try}Set* methods on
TaskCompletionSource, that any synchronous continuations off
of the TaskCompletionSource’s Task could run synchronously as
part of the call. If we were to invoke SetResult here while holding
the lock, then synchronous continuations off of that Task would be run
while holding the lock, and that could lead to very real problems.
So, while holding the lock we grab the TaskCompletionSource to
be completed, but we don’t complete it yet, delaying doing so until
the lock has been released"
And gives the following example to demonstrate:
private SemaphoreSlim _gate = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
private async Task WorkAsync()
await _gate.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
// work here
finally { _gate.Release(); }
Now imagine that you have lots of calls to WorkAsync:
await Task.WhenAll(from i in Enumerable.Range(0, 10000) select WorkAsync());
We've just created 10,000 calls to WorkAsync that will be
appropriately serialized on the semaphore. One of the tasks will
enter the critical region, and the others will queue up on the
WaitAsync call, inside SemaphoreSlim effectively enqueueing the task
to be completed when someone calls Release. If Release completed that
Task synchronously, then when the first task calls Release, it'll
synchronously start executing the second task, and when it calls
Release, it'll synchronously start executing the third task, and so
on. If the "//work here" section of code above didn't include any
awaits that yielded, then we're potentially going to stack dive here
and eventually potentially blow out the stack.
I'm having a hard time grasping the part where he talks about executing the continuation synchronously.
How could this possibly cause a stack dive? More so, And what is RunContinuationsAsynchronously effectively going to do in order to solve that problem?
The key concept here is that a task's continuation may run synchronously on the same thread that completed the antecedent task.
Let's imagine that this is SemaphoreSlim.Release's implementation (it's actually Toub's AsyncSemphore's):
public void Release()
TaskCompletionSource<bool> toRelease = null;
lock (m_waiters)
if (m_waiters.Count > 0)
toRelease = m_waiters.Dequeue();
if (toRelease != null)
We can see that it synchronously completes a task (using TaskCompletionSource).
In this case, if WorkAsync has no other asynchronous points (i.e. no awaits at all, or all awaits are on an already completed task) and calling _gate.Release() may complete a pending call to _gate.WaitAsync() synchronously on the same thread you may reach a state in which a single thread sequentially releases the semaphore, completes the next pending call, executes // work here and then releases the semaphore again etc. etc.
This means that the same thread goes deeper and deeper in the stack, hence stack dive.
RunContinuationsAsynchronously makes sure the continuation doesn't run synchronously and so the thread that releases the semaphore moves on and the continuation is scheduled for another thread (which one depends on the other continuation parameters e.g. TaskScheduler)
This logically resembles posting the completion to the ThreadPool:
public void Release()
TaskCompletionSource<bool> toRelease = null;
lock (m_waiters)
if (m_waiters.Count > 0)
toRelease = m_waiters.Dequeue();
if (toRelease != null)
Task.Run(() => toRelease.SetResult(true));
How could this possibly cause a stack dive? More so, And what is
RunContinuationsAsynchronously effectively going to do in order to
solve that problem?
i3arnon provides a very good explanation of the reasons behind introducing RunContinuationsAsynchronously. My answer is rather orthogonal to his; in fact, I'm writing this for my own reference as well (I myself ain't gonna remember any subtleties of this in half a year from now :)
First of all, let's see how TaskCompletionSource's RunContinuationsAsynchronously option is different from Task.Run(() => tcs.SetResult(result)) or the likes. Let's try a simple console application:
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplications
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(100, 100);
Console.WriteLine("start, " + new { System.Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId });
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
// test ContinueWith-style continuations (TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously)
ContinueWith(1, tcs.Task);
ContinueWith(2, tcs.Task);
ContinueWith(3, tcs.Task);
// test await-style continuations
ContinueAsync(4, tcs.Task);
ContinueAsync(5, tcs.Task);
ContinueAsync(6, tcs.Task);
Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine("before SetResult, " + new { System.Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId });
// log
static void Continuation(int id)
Console.WriteLine(new { continuation = id, System.Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId });
// await-style continuation
static async Task ContinueAsync(int id, Task task)
await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
// ContinueWith-style continuation
static Task ContinueWith(int id, Task task)
return task.ContinueWith(
t => Continuation(id),
CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously, TaskScheduler.Default);
Note how all continuations run synchronously on the same thread where TrySetResult has been called:
start, { CurrentManagedThreadId = 1 }
before SetResult, { CurrentManagedThreadId = 3 }
{ continuation = 1, CurrentManagedThreadId = 3 }
{ continuation = 2, CurrentManagedThreadId = 3 }
{ continuation = 3, CurrentManagedThreadId = 3 }
{ continuation = 4, CurrentManagedThreadId = 3 }
{ continuation = 5, CurrentManagedThreadId = 3 }
{ continuation = 6, CurrentManagedThreadId = 3 }
Now what if we don't want this to happen, and we want each continuation to run asynchronously (i.e., in parallel with other continuations and possibly on another thread, in the absence of any synchronization context)?
There's a trick that could do it for await-style continuations, by installing a fake temporary synchronization context (more details here):
public static class TaskExt
class SimpleSynchronizationContext : SynchronizationContext
internal static readonly SimpleSynchronizationContext Instance = new SimpleSynchronizationContext();
public static void TrySetResult<TResult>(this TaskCompletionSource<TResult> #this, TResult result, bool asyncAwaitContinuations)
if (!asyncAwaitContinuations)
var sc = SynchronizationContext.Current;
Now, using tcs.TrySetResult(true, asyncAwaitContinuations: true) in our test code:
start, { CurrentManagedThreadId = 1 }
before SetResult, { CurrentManagedThreadId = 3 }
{ continuation = 1, CurrentManagedThreadId = 3 }
{ continuation = 2, CurrentManagedThreadId = 3 }
{ continuation = 3, CurrentManagedThreadId = 3 }
{ continuation = 4, CurrentManagedThreadId = 4 }
{ continuation = 5, CurrentManagedThreadId = 5 }
{ continuation = 6, CurrentManagedThreadId = 6 }
Note how await continuations now run in parallel (albeit, still after all synchronous ContinueWith continuations).
This asyncAwaitContinuations: true logic is a hack and it works for await continuations only. The new RunContinuationsAsynchronously makes it work consistently for any kind of continuations, attached to TaskCompletionSource.Task.
Another nice aspect of RunContinuationsAsynchronously is that any await-style continuations scheduled to be resumed on specific synchronization context will run on that context asynchronously (using SynchronizationContext.Post, even if TCS.Task completes on the same context (unlike the current behavior of TCS.SetResult). ContinueWith-style continuations will be also be run asynchronously by their corresponding task schedulers (most often, TaskScheduler.Default or TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext). They won't be inlined via TaskScheduler.TryExecuteTaskInline. I believe Stephen Toub has clarified that in the comments to his blog post, and it also can be seen here in CoreCLR's Task.cs.
Why should we be worrying about imposing asynchrony on all continuations?
I usually need it when I deal with async methods which execute cooperatively (co-routines).
A simple example is a pause-able asynchronous processing: one async process pauses/resumes the execution of another. Their execution workflow synchronizes at certain await points, and TaskCompletionSource is used for such kind of synchronization, directly or indirectly.
Below is some ready-to-play-with sample code which uses an adaptation of Stephen Toub's PauseTokenSource. Here, one async method StartAndControlWorkAsync starts and periodically pauses/resumes another async method, DoWorkAsync. Try changing asyncAwaitContinuations: true to asyncAwaitContinuations: false and see the logic being completely broken:
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main()
// Do some work which can be paused/resumed
public static async Task DoWorkAsync(PauseToken pause, CancellationToken token)
var step = 0;
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Working, step: " + step++);
await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false);
Console.WriteLine("Before await pause.WaitForResumeAsync()");
await pause.WaitForResumeAsync();
Console.WriteLine("After await pause.WaitForResumeAsync()");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e);
// Start DoWorkAsync and pause/resume it
static async Task StartAndControlWorkAsync(CancellationToken token)
var pts = new PauseTokenSource();
var task = DoWorkAsync(pts.Token, token);
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to pause...");
Console.WriteLine("Before pause requested");
await pts.PauseAsync();
Console.WriteLine("After pause requested, paused: " + pts.IsPaused);
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to resume...");
Console.WriteLine("Before resume");
Console.WriteLine("After resume");
// Based on Stephen Toub's PauseTokenSource
// http://blogs.msdn.com/b/pfxteam/archive/2013/01/13/cooperatively-pausing-async-methods.aspx
// the main difference is to make sure that when the consumer-side code - which requested the pause - continues,
// the producer-side code has already reached the paused (awaiting) state.
// E.g. a media player "Pause" button is clicked, gets disabled, playback stops,
// and only then "Resume" button gets enabled
public class PauseTokenSource
internal static readonly Task s_completedTask = Task.Delay(0);
readonly object _lock = new Object();
bool _paused = false;
TaskCompletionSource<bool> _pauseResponseTcs;
TaskCompletionSource<bool> _resumeRequestTcs;
public PauseToken Token { get { return new PauseToken(this); } }
public bool IsPaused
lock (_lock)
return _paused;
// request a resume
public void Resume()
TaskCompletionSource<bool> resumeRequestTcs = null;
lock (_lock)
resumeRequestTcs = _resumeRequestTcs;
_resumeRequestTcs = null;
if (!_paused)
_paused = false;
if (resumeRequestTcs != null)
resumeRequestTcs.TrySetResult(true, asyncAwaitContinuations: true);
// request a pause (completes when paused state confirmed)
public Task PauseAsync()
Task responseTask = null;
lock (_lock)
if (_paused)
return _pauseResponseTcs.Task;
_paused = true;
_pauseResponseTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
responseTask = _pauseResponseTcs.Task;
_resumeRequestTcs = null;
return responseTask;
// wait for resume request
internal Task WaitForResumeAsync()
Task resumeTask = s_completedTask;
TaskCompletionSource<bool> pauseResponseTcs = null;
lock (_lock)
if (!_paused)
return s_completedTask;
_resumeRequestTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
resumeTask = _resumeRequestTcs.Task;
pauseResponseTcs = _pauseResponseTcs;
_pauseResponseTcs = null;
if (pauseResponseTcs != null)
pauseResponseTcs.TrySetResult(true, asyncAwaitContinuations: true);
return resumeTask;
// consumer side
public struct PauseToken
readonly PauseTokenSource _source;
public PauseToken(PauseTokenSource source) { _source = source; }
public bool IsPaused { get { return _source != null && _source.IsPaused; } }
public Task WaitForResumeAsync()
return IsPaused ?
_source.WaitForResumeAsync() :
public static class TaskExt
class SimpleSynchronizationContext : SynchronizationContext
internal static readonly SimpleSynchronizationContext Instance = new SimpleSynchronizationContext();
public static void TrySetResult<TResult>(this TaskCompletionSource<TResult> #this, TResult result, bool asyncAwaitContinuations)
if (!asyncAwaitContinuations)
var sc = SynchronizationContext.Current;
I didn't want to use Task.Run(() => tcs.SetResult(result)) here, because it would be redundant to push continuations to ThreadPool when they're already scheduled to run asynchronously on a UI thread with a proper synchronization context. At the same time, if both StartAndControlWorkAsync and DoWorkAsync run on the same UI synchronization context, we'd also have a stack dive (if tcs.SetResult(result) is used without Task.Run or SynchronizationContext.Post wrapping).
Now, RunContinuationsAsynchronously is probably the best solution to this problem.
I have an abstract class called VehicleInfoFetcher which returns information asynchronously from a WebClient via this method:
public override async Task<DTOrealtimeinfo> getVehicleInfo(string stopID);
I'd like to combine the results of two separate instances of this class, running each in parallel before combining the results. This is done within a third class, CombinedVehicleInfoFetcher (also itself a subclass of VehicleInfoFetcher)
Here's my code - but I'm not quite convinced that it's running the tasks in parallel; am I doing it right? Could it be optimized?
public class CombinedVehicleInfoFetcher : VehicleInfoFetcher
public HashSet<VehicleInfoFetcher> VehicleInfoFetchers { get; set; }
public override async Task<DTOrealtimeinfo> getVehicleInfo(string stopID)
// Create a list of parallel tasks to run
var resultTasks = new List<Task<DTOrealtimeinfo>>();
foreach (VehicleInfoFetcher fetcher in VehicleInfoFetchers)
resultTasks.Add(fetcher.getVehicleInfo(stopID, stopID2, timePointLocal));
// run each task
foreach (var task in resultTasks)
await task;
// Wait for all the results to come in
await Task.WhenAll(resultTasks.ToArray());
// combine the results
var allRealtimeResults = new List<DTOrealtimeinfo>( resultTasks.Select(t => t.Result) );
return combineTaskResults(allRealtimeResults);
DTOrealtimeinfo combineTaskResults(List<DTOrealtimeinfo> realtimeResults)
// ...
return rtInfoOutput;
Some very helpful answers, here is a re-written example to aid discussion with usr below:
public override async Task<object> combineResults()
// Create a list of parallel tasks to run
var resultTasks= new List<object>();
foreach (AnotherClass cls in this.OtherClasses)
resultTasks.Add(cls.getResults() );
// Point A - have the cls.getResults() methods been called yet?
// Wait for all the results to come in
await Task.WhenAll(resultTasks.ToArray());
// combine the results
return new List<object>( resultTasks.Select(t => t.Result) );
Almost all tasks start out already started. Probably, whatever fetcher.getVehicleInfo returns is already started. So you can remove:
// run each task
foreach (var task in resultTasks)
await task;
Task.WhenAll is faster and has better error behavior (you want all exceptions to be propagated, not just the first you happen to stumble upon).
Also, await does not start a task. It waits for completion. You have to arrange for the tasks to be started separately, but as I said, almost all tasks are already started when you get them. This is best-practice as well.
To help our discussion in the comments:
Task Test1() { return new Task(() => {}); }
Task Test2() { return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {}); }
Task Test3() { return new FileStream("").ReadAsync(...); }
Task Test4() { return new TaskCompletionSource<object>().Task; }
Does not "run" when returned from the method. Must be started. Bad practice.
Runs when returned. Does not matter what you do with it, it is already running. Not necessary to add it to a list or store it somewhere.
Already runs like (2).
The notion of running does not make sense here. This task will never complete although it cannot be explicitly started.