I am using FluentValidation.AspNetcore 8.2.2 and have a object model that contains a list of child items of the same type.
I would like to use fluent validation to validate the object.
When trying to set the validator for the child object I either run into a stack overflow exception and/or the collection has changed (typical foreach loop issue).
In order to test and find resolution I have setup a simple .net core class library project with a unit test.
Base Model
using FluentValidation;
public class BaseModelItem
public int ItemId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
private List<BaseModelItem> ChildItems { get; set; }
public class BaseModelItemValidator : AbstractValidator<BaseModelItem>
public BaseModelItemValidator()
RuleFor(i => i.ItemId).GreaterThanOrEqualTo(0).WithMessage("Item id may not be negative.");
RuleFor(i => i.Name).NotNull().NotEmpty().WithMessage("Item name cannot be empty.");
RuleFor(i => i.ChildItems).ForEach(i => i.SetValidator(new BaseModelItemValidator()));
unit test
public class Tests
public void Test_Name_Cannot_Null()
var item = new BaseModelItem
ItemId = 2,
Name = null,
ChildItems = new List<BaseModelItem>()
var validator = new BaseModelItemValidator();
validator.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(t => t.Name, item);
This test will cause a stack overflow exception.
I have tried using backing fields, initializing or even changing to an array.
I can successfully negate the stackover flow exception by using a custom validator.
public class BaseModelItemValidator : AbstractValidator<BaseModelItem>
public BaseModelItemValidator()
RuleFor(i => i.ItemId).GreaterThanOrEqualTo(0).WithMessage("Item id may not be negative.");
RuleFor(i => i.Name).NotNull().NotEmpty().WithMessage("Item name cannot be empty.");
RuleFor(i => i.ChildItems).Must(BeValidChildItemList);
private bool BeValidChildItemList(List<BaseModelItem> list)
if (list.Count > 0)
RuleFor(i => i.ChildItems).ForEach(i => i.SetValidator(new BaseModelItemValidator()));
return true;
Allows it to validate objects without child items.
However if you run a test with populated child objects I get the error "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute".
Stack trace
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_InvalidOperation_EnumFailedVersion()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectManySingleSelectorIterator`2.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext()
at FluentValidation.AbstractValidator`1.Validate(ValidationContext`1 context) in ****\FluentValidation\src\FluentValidation\AbstractValidator.cs:line 115
at FluentValidation.DefaultValidatorExtensions.Validate[T](IValidator`1 validator, T instance, IValidatorSelector selector, String ruleSet) in ******\FluentValidation\src\FluentValidation\DefaultValidatorExtensions.cs:line 876
at FluentValidation.TestHelper.ValidationTestExtension.TestValidate[T,TValue](IValidator`1 validator, Expression`1 expression, T instanceToValidate, TValue value, String ruleSet, Boolean setProperty) in ******\FluentValidation\src\FluentValidation\TestHelper\ValidatorTestExtensions.cs:line 101
at FluentValidation.TestHelper.ValidationTestExtension.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor[T,TValue](IValidator`1 validator, Expression`1 expression, T objectToTest, String ruleSet) in *******\FluentValidation\src\FluentValidation\TestHelper\ValidatorTestExtensions.cs:line 40
at Tests.Tests.Test_Name_Cannot_Null_Nested() in \FluentValidationChildern\FluentValidationChildern.Tests\UnitTest1.cs:line 55
I am unable to find a feasible resolution.
Although I have been unable to get Fluent to work using the SetValidator method, I do have a workaround which is working and can be improved on.
on the child list I set use the 'Must' method and then implement a manual function to loop the child items and construct the validator object manually and check the result.
public class BaseModelItemValidator : AbstractValidator<BaseModelItem>
public BaseModelItemValidator()
RuleFor(i => i.ItemId).GreaterThanOrEqualTo(0).WithMessage("Item id may not be negative.");
RuleFor(i => i.Name).NotNull().NotEmpty().WithMessage("Item name cannot be empty.");
RuleFor(i => i.ChildItems).Must(BeValidChildItemList);
private bool BeValidChildItemList(List<BaseModelItem> list)
if (list == null || list.Count == 0) return true;
foreach (var child in list)
var validator = new BaseModelItemValidator();
var validatorResults = validator.Validate(child);
if (!validatorResults.IsValid)
return false;
return true;
I had a similar requirement where in I had to validate a object which had a list of objects of same type as children. What I did was I overrode the Validate method of my validator and added logic something like
public override ValidationResult Validate(ValidationContext<BaseModelItem> context)
var result = base.Validate(context);
var obj = context.InstanceToValidate;
if (obj.ChildItems != null && obj.ChildItems.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in obj.ChildItems)
var childResult = base.Validate(item);
foreach (var error in childResult.Errors)
return result;
I would have loved to use the SetValidator somehow but couldn't find a way to do it. But anyways, this override returns ValidationResult object that I expect
It would seem the solution is to use the same instance of the validator like this:
public class BaseModelItemValidator : AbstractValidator<BaseModelItem>
public BaseModelItemValidator()
RuleFor(i => i.ItemId).GreaterThanOrEqualTo(0).WithMessage("Item id may not be negative.");
RuleFor(i => i.Name).NotNull().NotEmpty().WithMessage("Item name cannot be empty.");
RuleFor(i => i.ChildItems).ForEach(i => i.SetValidator(this));
I can confirm this is working for me. Credit to this issue
I am getting a System.StackOverflowException: 'Exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' was thrown.' message.
My code as follows, Here I want to assign value to a variable recursively based on the condition and return the list.
public class FancyTree
public string title { get; set; }
public string key { get; set; }
public List<FancyTree> children { get; set; }
For example the FancyTree Class produces the output like parent->child or parent->parent->child or parent->parent->parent->child just like the Treeview structure.
public JsonResult EmployeesTree()
var output = converttoFancyTree(db.Database.GetEmployees(true));
return Json(output, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
public List<FancyTree> converttoFancyTree(List<EmpTable> emps)
var output = new List<FancyTree>();
foreach (var emp in emps)
var fancyTreeItem = new FancyTree();
fancyTreeItem.key = emp.EMP_ID.ToString();
fancyTreeItem.title = emp.EMP_NAME;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emp.TEAM))
//var empIDs = emp.TEAM?.Split(',')?.Select(Int32.Parse)?.ToList();
var tms = emp.TEAM.Split(',');
if (tms.Length > 0) {
var empIDs = new List<int>();
foreach (var t in tms)
var TeamMembers = emps.Where(x => empIDs.Contains(x.EMP_ID)).ToList();
if (TeamMembers.Count > 0)
var childrens = converttoFancyTree(TeamMembers);
fancyTreeItem.children = childrens;
return output;
I would assume your input is in the form of a plain list of objects, where each object contains the IDs of all the children, and you want to convert this to an object representation, i.e. something like:
public class Employee{
public int Id {get;}
public List<int> SubordinateIds {get;}
public class EmployeeTreeNode{
public IReadOnlyList<EmployeeTreeNode> Subordinates {get;} ;
public int Id {get;}
public EmployeeTreeNode(int id, IEnumerable<EmployeeTreeNode> subordinates){
Id = id;
Subordinates = subordinates;
To convert this to a tree representation we can start by finding the roots of the tree, i.e. employees that are not subordinate to anyone.
var allSubordinates = allEmployees.SelectMany(e => e.SubordinateIds).ToList();
var allRoots = allEmployees.Select(e => e.Id).Except(allSubordinates);
We then need an efficient way to find a specific employee by the Id, i.e. a dictionary:
var employeeById = allEmployees.ToDictionary(e => e.Id, e => e.SubordinateIds);
We can then finally do the actual recursion, and we can create a generic helper method to assist:
public static TResult MapChildren<T, TResult>(
T root,
Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> getChildren,
Func<T, IEnumerable<TResult>, TResult> map)
return RecurseBody(root);
TResult RecurseBody(T item) => map(item, getChildren(item).Select(RecurseBody));
var tree = allRoots.Select(r => MapChildren(
id => employeeById[id],
(id, subordinates) => new EmployeeTreeNode(id, subordinates)));
This will recurse down to any employee without any subordinates, create EmployeeTreeNode for these, and then eventually traverse up the tree, creating node objects as it goes.
This assumes that there are no loops/cycles. If that is the case you do not have a tree, since trees are by definition acyclic, and the code will crash. You will instead need to handle the more general case of a graph, and this is a harder problem, and you will need to decide how the cycles should be handled.
I have an entity:
public class SalesUnit
public virtual long Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
And related Dto:
public class SalesUnitDto
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
I have a very simple query:
SalesUnitDto result = null;
var list = _session.QueryOver<SalesUnit>()
.SelectList(l => l
.Select(x => x.Id).WithAlias(() => result.Id)
.Select(x => x.Name).WithAlias(() => result.Name))
It was working until I plugged in the second level cache. So if I uncomment Cacheable() line I will get the exception:
Message: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: aliases
at NHibernate.Transform.AliasedTupleSubsetResultTransformer.IncludeInTransform(String[] aliases, Int32 tupleLength)
at NHibernate.Transform.CacheableResultTransformer.Create(ITupleSubsetResultTransformer transformer, String[] aliases, Boolean[] includeInTuple)
at NHibernate.Loader.Loader.GenerateQueryKey(ISessionImplementor session, QueryParameters queryParameters)
at NHibernate.Loader.Loader.ListUsingQueryCache(ISessionImplementor session, QueryParameters queryParameters, ISet`1 querySpaces, IType[] resultTypes)
at NHibernate.Impl.SessionImpl.List(CriteriaImpl criteria, IList results)
So what's wrong with that? Is it a bug of NHibernate?
I have tried different providers with no avail. Also I tried to create CacheableResultTransformer like this:
CacheableResultTransformer.Create(Transformers.AliasToBean<SalesUnitDto>(), new[] { "Id", "Name" }, new[] { true, true })
It can return and cache data but only as tuples(object[]). I did not manage to return Dto.
Here is the working example to demonstrate a problem: github
It turns out to be a bug/limitation of (N)Hibernate. When the caching is activated, the original IResultTransformer starts receiving null string[] aliases argument, which is essential for AliasToBeanTransformer implementation, hence the exception you are getting.
As a workaround I could suggest the following custom extension method and transformer, which stores the current aliases when called and passes them to the underlying AliasToBeanTransformer when the passed argument is null:
public static class NHExtensions
public static IQueryOver<TRoot, TSubType> TransformUsingAliasToBean<TRoot, TSubType>(this IQueryOver<TRoot, TSubType> query, Type resultType)
ITupleSubsetResultTransformer resultTransformer = new AliasToBeanResultTransformer(resultType);
var criteria = query.UnderlyingCriteria as NHibernate.Impl.CriteriaImpl;
if (criteria != null)
resultTransformer = new CacheableAliasToBeenResultTransformer(resultTransformer, criteria.Projection.Aliases);
return query.TransformUsing(resultTransformer);
class CacheableAliasToBeenResultTransformer : ITupleSubsetResultTransformer
ITupleSubsetResultTransformer baseTransformer;
string[] aliases;
public CacheableAliasToBeenResultTransformer(ITupleSubsetResultTransformer baseTransformer, string[] aliases)
this.baseTransformer = baseTransformer;
this.aliases = aliases;
public bool[] IncludeInTransform(string[] aliases, int tupleLength)
return baseTransformer.IncludeInTransform(aliases ?? this.aliases, tupleLength);
public bool IsTransformedValueATupleElement(string[] aliases, int tupleLength)
return baseTransformer.IsTransformedValueATupleElement(aliases ?? this.aliases, tupleLength);
public IList TransformList(IList collection)
return baseTransformer.TransformList(collection);
public object TransformTuple(object[] tuple, string[] aliases)
return baseTransformer.TransformTuple(tuple, aliases ?? this.aliases);
and you query would be:
SalesUnitDto result = null;
var list = _session.QueryOver<SalesUnit>()
.SelectList(l => l
.Select(x => x.Id).WithAlias(() => result.Id)
.Select(x => x.Name).WithAlias(() => result.Name))
Tested and working for this scenario. Of course I can't guarantee that it works for all QueryOver variations.
This bug of NHibernate is fixed in
I'm posting this question to find a simpler way of achieving a result.
We have a big IF statement that checks for NULL or string.empty. Something like this:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.Name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.last) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.init) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.cat1) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.history) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.cat2) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.year) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.month) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.retire) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.spouse) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.children) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.bday) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.hire)|| string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.death) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.JobName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.More) ||
//Display message. Something like "Error: Name and Month is missing"
Any solution I've found so far to address this is time-consuming, and would require writing more code.
Is there any way to know which value is string.IsNullOrEmpty without having to change this IF statement too much? Worse-case, I can check every single statement separately, but I would prefer not doing this.
No, there's no "magic" function that will tell you which of a series of expression in an OR statement are true. Also, since you're using the short-circuiting version, the statement will return true after the first true condition, so the remaining expressions are not even evaluated.
However, you could do something like this:
bool[] checks = {
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.Name) , string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.last) ,
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.init) , string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.cat1) ,
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.history) , string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.cat2) ,
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.year) , string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.month) ,
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.retire) , string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.spouse) ,
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.children) , string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.bday) ,
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.hire) , string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.death) ,
string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.JobName) , string.IsNullOrEmpty(Empl.More) ,
//Display message. Something like "Error: Name and Month is missing"
now the checks variable holds the result of each expression.
I find this sort of an more elegant way to use ModelState.isValid.
Some reference: What is ModelState.IsValid valid for in ASP.NET MVC in NerdDinner?
For your model, you can add following annotation:
[Required(AllowEmptyStrings= false)]
public string Boo { get; set; }
When you do validation, try:
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
//Display message. Something like "Error: Name and Month is missing"
Yes, write your own string extension method that does the same check, but also takes in a List and add the field name to the list. Declare the list of strings before the if and you will have a list of offending fields where your comment is.
This can be improved upon with a bit of reflection to automatically get the name and maybe make a few optimizations but it is on the right track.
Keep in mind that the first condition that violates the if statement will cause it to fail, so you will get an incomplete list (of one item) unless your if is constructed differently.
public static class StringExtensions
public static bool CheckIsNullOrEmptyAndListIt(this string field, string fieldName, List<string> naughties)
var result = String.IsNullOrEmpty(field);
if (result == true)
return result;
using System.IO;
using System;
using System.Linq;
public class Program
public class Dog
public static string Name {get;set;}
public static string Race {get;set;}
public static bool validate(Dog dog)
bool val = true;
var y = dog.GetType()
.Select(p =>
object value =p.GetValue(dog,null);
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString())){ val=false; return false;}
else return true;
return val;
public static void Main()
Dog dog= new Dog();
Dog.Name = "Peter";
Dog.Race = "";
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
You can use something like this :
public static class ValidationHelper
public static IEnumerable<string> FindEmptyProperties<T>(T target, params Expression<Func<T, string>>[] propertySelectors)
foreach (var propertySelector in propertySelectors)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertySelector.Compile()(target)))
var memberExpr = propertySelector.Body as MemberExpression;
yield return memberExpr.Member.Name;
Usage :
var failed = ValidationHelper.FindEmptyProperties(Empl, x => x.Name, x => x.last, x => x.init, x => x.cat1).ToList();
if (failed.Any())
throw new InvalidOperationException(
string.Format("Error: {0} is missing",
string.Join(", ", failed)));
If you use ASP.NET MVC maybe use DataAnnotations...
For the general c# context consider PostSharp aspect oriented library! Geat project!
Otherwise: Maybe a reflection solution using plain .NET ? (Created just for you! I think i keep for some own projects maybe)
Works with different types and you can control the targeted bindingflags.
Provides a common base class for your data transfer objects. (dto)
Reflection is performance optimized and working for generics as well!
public class Program
public void Main()
Empl test = new Empl()
TestProp = "blub",
TestInt = 1
if (test.ValidateProperties(Validations.CheckEmptyStringsAndZeroInts))
Console.WriteLine("validation passed");
Console.WriteLine("validation failed");
private static class Validations
//put this in a static class with standard checks
public static Func<object, bool> CheckEmptyStringsAndZeroInts = o =>
if (o is string && string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)o))
return false;
else if (o is int && ((int) o) == 0)
return false;
// ignore other property types
return true;
// Derive all your models like this. deriving from an Empl class is still valid and working!
//[IncludeBindingFlagsForPropertyReflctionAttribute(/*your custom binding flags*/)] //can also override the binding flags in derived classes!
public class Empl : DtoBase<Empl>
public string TestProp { get; set; }
public int TestInt { get; set; }
// Your properties here
// Helps you to control the targeted properties. you can filter for public or protected members for example
public class IncludeBindingFlagsForPropertyReflctionAttribute : Attribute
public BindingFlags BindingFlags { get; }
public IncludeBindingFlagsForPropertyReflctionAttribute(BindingFlags propertySearchBindingFlags)
BindingFlags = propertySearchBindingFlags;
//Looks much. But used once as base class can do those validations for you
[IncludeBindingFlagsForPropertyReflction(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)]
public abstract class DtoBase<TDto> where TDto : DtoBase<TDto>
private static Dictionary<Type, List<PropertyInfo>> DtoPropertyInfosStorage { get; }
private List<PropertyInfo> DtoPropertyInfos => DtoPropertyInfosStorage[typeof (TDto)];
static DtoBase()
DtoPropertyInfosStorage = new Dictionary<Type, List<PropertyInfo>>();
Type tDto = typeof (TDto);
var includeBindingFlagsForProperty = GetAttribute(tDto);
BindingFlags defaultTargetFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public;
DtoPropertyInfosStorage.Add(typeof(TDto), new List<PropertyInfo>(typeof(TDto).GetProperties(includeBindingFlagsForProperty?.BindingFlags ?? defaultTargetFlags)));
private static IncludeBindingFlagsForPropertyReflctionAttribute GetAttribute(Type dtoType)
bool stopRecursion = !dtoType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(DtoBase<TDto>));
var includeBindingFlagsForProperty = dtoType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IncludeBindingFlagsForPropertyReflctionAttribute)).FirstOrDefault();
if (includeBindingFlagsForProperty == null && !stopRecursion)
return GetAttribute(dtoType.BaseType);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// You can handle your validation type in you validation function yourself.
/// </summary>
public bool ValidateProperties(Func<object, bool> validationFunction)
foreach (KeyValuePair<Type, List<PropertyInfo>> dtoPropertyInfo in DtoPropertyInfosStorage)
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in DtoPropertyInfos)
if (!validationFunction(propertyInfo.))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// You can pass your targeted property type like string to TPropertyType
/// <![CDATA[ Example:
/// if(ValidateProperties<string>(validate => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(validate)))
/// {
/// properties not empty?
/// }
/// ]]]]>
/// </summary>
public bool ValidateProperties<TPropertyType>(Func<TPropertyType, bool> validationFunction)
List<PropertyInfo> targetPropertyInfos =
DtoPropertyInfos.Where(prop => prop.PropertyType == typeof (TPropertyType))
foreach (PropertyInfo dtoPropertyInfo in targetPropertyInfos)
if (validationFunction((TPropertyType) dtoPropertyInfo.GetValue(this)))
return false;
return true;
I have two very simple objects:
public class CategoryDto
public string Id { get; set; }
public string MyValueProperty { get; set; }
public class Category
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Key { get; set; }
When mapping a Category to a CategoryDto with AutoMapper, I would like the following behavior:
The properties should be mapped as usual, except for those that have the MapTo attribute. In this case, I have to read the value of the Attribute to find the target property. The value of the source property is used to find the value to inject in the destination property (with the help of a dictionary). An example is always better that 1000 words...
Dictionary<string, string> keys =
new Dictionary<string, string> { { "MyKey", "MyValue" } };
Category category = new Category();
category.Id = "3";
category.Key = "MyKey";
CategoryDto result = Map<Category, CategoryDto>(category);
result.Id // Expected : "3"
result.MyValueProperty // Expected : "MyValue"
The Key property is mapped to the MyValueProperty (via the MapTo Attribute), and the assigned value is "MyValue", because the source property value is "MyKey" which is mapped (via dictionary) to "MyValue".
Is this possible using AutoMapper ? I need of course a solution that works on every object, not just on Category/CategoryDto.
I finally (after so many hours !!!!) found a solution.
I share this with the community; hopefully it will help someone else...
Edit: Note that it's now much simpler (AutoMapper 5.0+), you can do like I answered in this post: How to make AutoMapper truncate strings according to MaxLength attribute?
public static class Extensions
public static IMappingExpression<TSource, TDestination> MapTo<TSource, TDestination>(this IMappingExpression<TSource, TDestination> expression)
Type sourceType = typeof(TSource);
Type destinationType = typeof(TDestination);
TypeMap existingMaps = Mapper.GetAllTypeMaps().First(b => b.SourceType == sourceType && b.DestinationType == destinationType);
string[] missingMappings = existingMaps.GetUnmappedPropertyNames();
if (missingMappings.Any())
PropertyInfo[] sourceProperties = sourceType.GetProperties();
foreach (string property in missingMappings)
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in sourceProperties)
MapToAttribute attr = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute<MapToAttribute>();
if (attr != null && attr.Name == property)
expression.ForMember(property, opt => opt.ResolveUsing(new MyValueResolve(propertyInfo)));
return expression;
public class MyValueResolve : IValueResolver
private readonly PropertyInfo pInfo = null;
public MyValueResolve(PropertyInfo pInfo)
this.pInfo = pInfo;
public ResolutionResult Resolve(ResolutionResult source)
string key = pInfo.GetValue(source.Value) as string;
string value = dictonary[key];
return source.New(value);
This should be fairly straightforward using an implementation of IValueResolver and the ResolveUsing() method. You basically just need to have a constructor for the resolver that takes in the property info (or if you wanna be fancy that takes in a lambda expression and resolves the property info similar to How to get the PropertyInfo of a specific property?. Though I haven't tested it myself I imagine the following would work:
public class PropertyBasedResolver : IValueResolver
public PropertyInfo Property { get; set; }
public PropertyBasedResolver(PropertyInfo property)
this.Property = property;
public ResolutionResult Resolve(ResolutionResult source)
var result = GetValueFromKey(property, source.Value); // gets from some static cache or dictionary elsewhere in your code by reading the prop info and then using that to look up the value based on the key as appropriate
return source.New(result)
Then to set up that mapping you need to do:
AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<Category, CategoryDto>()
dest => dest.Value,
opt => opt.ResolveUsing(
src =>
new PropertyBasedResolver(typeof(Category.Key) as PropertyInfo).Resolve(src)));
Of course that is a pretty gross lamda and I would suggest that you clean it up by having your property resolver determine the property on the source object it should look at based on the attribute/property info so you can just pass a clean new PropertyBasedResolver(property) into the ResolveUsing() but hopefully this explains enough to put you on the right track.
Lets assume I have the following classes
public class foo
public string Value;
public class bar
public string Value1;
public string Value2;
You can pass a lambda to ResolveUsing:
.ForMember(f => f.Value, o => o.ResolveUsing(b =>
if (b.Value1.StartsWith("A"));)
return b.Value1;
return b.Value2;
public class Table<T> where T:SomeClassWithIntegerID
private Dictionary<int, T> map = new Dictionary<int, T>();
public bool isInMemory(int id)
if (map.ContainsKey(id))
return true;
return false;
public T setIt(T obj)
map[obj.id] = obj;
public T getIt(int id)
return map[id];
private static Table<User> table = new Table<User>;
class User : SomeClassWithIntegerID
public string name { get; set; }
public string password { get; set; }
class SomeClassWithIntegerID
public int id { get; set; }
I can now check if the Table holds a user with a certain ID, because I use that as the key, but there is now no way for me to check if the Table holds a User with the name Bob or whatever. I want to be able to do something like table.isInMemory(name, "bob") but how is that possible with a generic type?
I need to create a function that allows the end user to specify the field and expected value of said field, after which Table will go over all objects of that class, stored in the Dictionary, to see if one has the field that matches that value.
Is this possible at all?
public bool IsInMemory(Func<T, bool> predicate)
return map.Values.Any(predicate);
You can then call it as:
table.IsInMemory(u => u.Name == "bob");
If you want to use a property name and value to match on you could add an overload:
public bool IsInMemory(string propertyName, object value)
PropertyInfo property = typeof(T).GetProperty(propertyName);
if(property == null) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid property name: " + propertyName);
var predicate = new Func<T, bool>(item => object.Equals(value, property.GetValue(item, null)));
return IsInMemory(predicate);
I would complement Lee's answer with a Where-method to enable querying with LINQ:
public IEnumerable<T> Where(Func<T, bool> predicate)
return map.Values.Where(predicate);
And an example:
table.Where(x => x.name.Contains("natli"))
.OrderBy(x => x.name);
To answer your actual question, you can (if you're using .NET 4.0) use the dynamic type, which resolves all methods and such at runtime, to call methods or properties that the compiler doesn't know about from its context.
dynamic dynObject = someObject;
dynObject.SomeMethod("Hi there", 27); // Call whatever method or property you "know" exist