DDD repositories with EF explicitly loading - c#

I'm starting to get my head into Domain Driven Design and I'm having some issues with the repositories and the fact that EF Core explicitly loading will automatically fill my navigational properties.
I have a repository that I use to load my aggregate root and its children. However, some of the aggregate children need to be loaded later on (I need to load those entities based on a date range).
Load schedule owners
Calculate a date range
Load schedule owner's schedules
I'm trying to keep my data access layer isolated from the core layer and this is where I have some questions.
Imagine this method on my repository:
public List<Schedule> GetSchedules(Guid scheduleOwnePk, DateRange dateRange)
var schedules = dbContext.Schedules.Where(x => x.PkScheduleOwner == scheduleOwnerPk && x.StartDate >= dateRange.Start && x.EndDate <= dateRange.End).ToList();
return schedules;
I can call this method from the core layer in two ways:
//Take advantage of EF core ability to fill the navigational property automatically
scheduleOwnerRepository.GetSchedules(scheduleOwner.Pk, dateRange)
var schedules = scheduleOwnerRepository.GetSchedules(scheduleOwner.Pk, dateRange);
//At this moment EF core already loaded the navigational property, so I need to clear it to avoid duplicated results
//Schedules is implemented as an IEnumerable to protect it from being changed outside the aggregator root
The problem with the first approach is that it leaks EF core to the core layer, meaning that the property ScheduleOwner.Schedules will no longer be filled if I move away from EF core.
The second approach abstracts EF core but requires some extra steps to get ScheduleOwner.Schedules filled. Since EF core will automatically load the navigational property after the repository method is called, I'm forced to clear it before adding the results, otherwise I'll be inserting duplicated results.
How do you guys deal with this kind of situation? Do you take advantage of EF core features or do you follow the more natural approach of calling a repository method and use its results to fill some property?
Thanks for the help.

There are a couple of things to consider here.
Try to avoid using your domain model for querying. Rather use a read model through a query layer.
An aggregate is a complete unit as it were so when loaded you load everything. When you run into a scenario where you do not need all of the related data it may indicate that the data is not part of the aggregate but it may, in fact, only be related in a weaker sense.
An example is Order to Customer. Although an Order may very well require a Customer the Order is an aggregate in its own right. The Customer may have a list of OrderIds but that may become large rather quickly. One would typically not require a complete list of orders to determine whether an aggregate is valid or complete. However, you may very well need a list of ActiveOrder value objects of sorts if that is required for, say, keep a maximum order amount although there are various ways to deal with that case also.
Back to your scenario. An EF entity is not your domain model and when I have had to make use of EF in the past I would load the entity and then map to my domain entity in the repository. The repository would only deal with domain aggregates and you should avoid query methods on the repository. As a minimum a repository would typically have at least a Get(id) and a Save(aggregate) method.
I would recommend querying using a separate layer that returns as simple a result as possible. For something like a Count I may return an int whereas something like IScheduleQuery.Search(specification) I may return IEnumerable<DataRow> or, if it contains more complex data or I have a need for a read model I may return IEnumerable<Query.Schedule>.


Entity Framework dependencies loading

I have a long-time burning question about how to avoid null errors with data queried via Entity Framework (version 6 - not Core yet, sadly).
Let's say you have a table Employees, and it has a relationship with another table, EmployeePayments (one employee has many employee payments).
On your Employee domain object you create a property TotalPayments which relies on you having loaded the EmployeePayments for that object.
I try to ensure that any time I do a query, I "include" the dependency, for example:
var employees = context.Employees.Include(e => e.EmployeePayments);
The problem is, I have a lot of queries around the place (I use the generic repository pattern, so I call repository functions like GetAll or GetSingle from my service library), and so that's a lot of places to remember to add the includes. If I don't include them, I run the risk of having a null exception if the TotalPayments property is used.
What's the best way to handle this?
Note 1: we have a lot of tables and I don't really want to have to revert to using specific repositories for each one, we take advantage of the generic repository in a lot of ways.... but I will be happy to hear strong arguments for the alternative :)
Note 2: I do not have lazy loading turned on, and don't plan on turning it on, for performance reasons.
This is one reason I consider the Generic Repository an anti-pattern for EF. I use a repository pattern, but scope it like I would a controller. I.e. a CreateOrderController would have a CreateOrderRepository. This repository would provide access to all relevant entities via IQueryable. Common stuff like lookups etc. would have their own secondary repository. Using generic repositories that are geared to working with a single entity type mean adding references to several repositories to do specific things and running into issues like this when attempting to load entities. Sometimes you want related data, sometimes you don't. Simply adding convenient methods in top level entities effectively "breaks" that an object should always be considered complete or complete-able without relying on lazy-loading which brings significant performance costs.
Having repositories return IQueryable avoids many of the problems by giving control to the calling code how entities are consumed. For instance I don't put helper methods in the entities, but rather code needing to populate a view model relies on Linq to build the view model. If my view model wants a sum of payments for an employee, then my repository returning IQueryable can do the following:
public IQueryable<Employee> GetEmployeeById(int employeeId)
return Context.Employees.Where(x => x.EmployeeId == employeeId);
then in the controller / service:
using (var contextScope = ContextScopeFactory.Create())
var employeeViewModel = EmployeeRepository.GetEmployeeById(employeeId)
.Select(x => new EmployeeSummaryViewModel
EmployeeId = x.EmployeeId,
EmployeeName = x.LastName + ", " + x.FirstName,
TotalPayments = x.Payments.Where(p => p.IsActive).Sum(p => p.Amount)
I use a repository because it is easier to mock out than the DbContext and it's DbSets. For Synchronous code I just have the mock to populate and return List<Employee>().AsQueryable(). For Async code I need to add a wrapper for an Async List.
This pattern may go against more traditional views of a repository and separation of concerns that the calling code needs to "know" about the entities, that EF-isms are leaked. However, no matter what approach you try to rationalize to get around the inefficiencies of trying to "hide" EF behind a repository, either you will be left with very inefficient code where repositories return pre-populated DTOs or contain dozens of near identical methods to return different DTOs (or worse, entities in various degrees of completeness) or you are adding complexities like passing in magic strings or expression trees into your methods to tell EF how to filter, how to sort, what to include, paging, etc. Passing in expressions or strings requires the calling code to "know" about the entities and leaks EF restrictions. (Passed in expressions / strings still have to be able to be ultimately understood by EF)
So this may not be a viable answer to the current state of your project, but it might be worth looking into whether your dependency on the repositories can be better managed without splitting them with the Generic pattern, and/or leveraging EF's excellent IQueryable / Linq capabilities to let your controllers/services project the entities into view models / DTOs rather than embedding these reduce elements in the entities themselves.

Domain Driven Design related aggregate roots and UI retrieval

I'm trying to grasp more and more of Domain Driven Design and follow best practices. So far this is my understanding:
An aggregate is a collection of entities related to each other.
The root of the aggregate is the entity the binds the relationship of the aggregate together.
If the root is deleted everything within the confines of the aggregate must be deleted as well
Aggregate roots can only reference each other via identities
My questions are:
If I have more than one aggregate related to each other, say Orders And Product Categories.
How should the application service handle the retrieval of an order and related product category?
Should the service have a reference to each repository of an order and product category, retrieve the order first, then retrieve the product category, and finally fill out a data transfer object referencing the information from both?
Something like this:
public OrderDto GetOrder(int id)
var order = _orderRepo.GetById(id);
var productCategory = _categoryRepo.GetById(order.ProductCategoryId);
return new OrderDto
CustomerName = order.CustomerName,
ProductCategoryName = productCategory.Name,
Or is it over kill to keep the roots that decoupled if they are tightly related?
Or should the UI be making the calls to independent services for the complete picture?
There are some situations you may have to break the rules according to Reasons to break the rules section
The first one of them is presetation convenience, it's not a big deal when you just neeed to display one Order at a time, but the solution you mentioned causes N + 1 query problem if you need to list Order s.
Alternative solution is stick to the rule and use your persistence object for rendering ui(in list Order case) if you want to seperate(or have already seperated) your domain models from persistence infrastructure, some discussion can be found here.
Using the CQRS pattern in your application seems an option. The pattern fits well with DDD because it helps us in this kind of situation where we need a different mechanism for writing and reading data, you can read more about CQRS in this article https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CQRS.html, so if you want to retrieve data for the purpose of display you don't need to get all the aggregate roots because invariance of the entity can't be invalid when reading data i.e the entity state is not changing.

Reducing Repositories to Aggregate Roots

I currently have a repository for just about every table in the database and would like to further align myself with DDD by reducing them to aggregate roots only.
Let’s assume that I have the following tables, User and Phone. Each user might have one or more phones. Without the notion of aggregate root I might do something like this:
//assuming I have the userId in session for example and I want to update a phone number
List<Phone> phones = PhoneRepository.GetPhoneNumberByUserId(userId);
phones[0].Number = “911”;
The concept of aggregate roots is easier to understand on paper than in practice. I will never have phone numbers that do not belong to a User, so would it make sense to do away with the PhoneRepository and incorporate phone related methods into the UserRepository? Assuming the answer is yes, I’m going to rewrite the prior code sample.
Am I allowed to have a method on the UserRepository that returns phone numbers? Or should it always return a reference to a User, and then traverse the relationship through the User to get to the phone numbers:
List<Phone> phones = UserRepository.GetPhoneNumbers(userId);
// Or
User user = UserRepository.GetUserWithPhoneNumbers(userId); //this method will join to Phone
Regardless of which way I acquire the phones, assuming I modified one of them, how do I go about updating them? My limited understanding is that objects under the root should be updated through the root, which would steer me towards choice #1 below. Although this will work perfectly well with Entity Framework, this seems extremely un-descriptive, because reading the code I have no idea what I’m actually updating, even though Entity Framework is keeping tab on changed objects within the graph.
// Or
Lastly, assuming I have several lookup tables that are not really tied to anything, such as CountryCodes, ColorsCodes, SomethingElseCodes. I might use them to populate drop downs or for whatever other reason. Are these standalone repositories? Can they be combined into some sort of logical grouping/repository such as CodesRepository? Or is that against best practices.
You are allowed to have any method you want in your repository :) In both of the cases you mention, it makes sense to return the user with phone list populated. Normally user object would not be fully populated with all the sub information (say all addresses, phone numbers) and we may have different methods for getting the user object populated with different kind of information. This is referred to as lazy loading.
User GetUserDetailsWithPhones()
// Populate User along with Phones
For updating, in this case, the user is being updated, not the phone number itself. Storage model may store the phones in different table and that way you may think that just the phones are being updated but that is not the case if you think from DDD perspective. As far as readability is concerned, while the line
alone doesn't convey what is being updated, the code above it would make it clear what is being updated. Also it would most likely be part of a front end method call that may signifiy what is being updated.
For the lookup tables, and actually even otherwise, it is useful to have GenericRepository and use that. The custom repository can inherit from the GenericRepository.
public class UserRepository : GenericRepository<User>
IEnumerable<User> GetUserByCustomCriteria()
User GetUserDetailsWithPhones()
// Populate User along with Phones
User GetUserDetailsWithAllSubInfo()
// Populate User along with all sub information e.g. phones, addresses etc.
Search for Generic Repository Entity Framework and you would fine many nice implementation. Use one of those or write your own.
Your example on the Aggregate Root repository is perfectly fine i.e any entity that cannot reasonably exist without dependency on another shouldn't have its own repository (in your case Phone). Without this consideration you can quickly find yourself with an explosion of Repositories in a 1-1 mapping to db tables.
You should look at using the Unit of Work pattern for data changes rather than the repositories themselves as I think they're causing you some confusion around intent when it comes to persisting changes back to the db. In an EF solution the Unit of Work is essentially an interface wrapper around your EF Context.
With regards to your repository for lookup data we simply create a ReferenceDataRepository that becomes responsible for data that doesn't specifically belong to a domain entity (Countries, Colours etc).
If phone makes no sense w/o user, it's an entity (if You care about it's identity) or value object and should always be modified through user and retrieved/updated together.
Think about aggregate roots as context definers - they draw local contexts but are in global context (Your application) themselves.
If You follow domain driven design, repositories are supposed to be 1:1 per aggregate roots.
No excuses.
I bet these are problems You are facing:
technical difficulties - object relation impedance mismatch. You are struggling with persisting whole object graphs with ease and entity framework kind a fails to help.
domain model is data centric (as opposed to behavior centric). because of that - You lose knowledge about object hierarchy (previously mentioned contexts) and magically everything becomes an aggregate root.
I'm not sure how to fix first problem, but I've noticed that fixing second one fixes first good enough. To understand what I mean with behavior centric, give this paper a try.
P.s. Reducing repository to aggregate root makes no sense.
P.p.s. Avoid "CodeRepositories". That leads to data centric -> procedural code.
P.p.p.s Avoid unit of work pattern. Aggregate roots should define transaction boundaries.
This is an old question, but thought worth posting a simple solution.
EF Context is already giving you both Unit of Work (tracks changes) and Repositories (in-memory reference to stuff from DB). Further abstraction is not mandatory.
Remove the DBSet from your context class, as Phone is not an aggregate root.
Use the 'Phones' navigation property on User instead.
static void updateNumber(int userId, string oldNumber, string newNumber)
static void updateNumber(int userId, string oldNumber, string newNumber)
using (MyContext uow = new MyContext()) // Unit of Work
DbSet<User> repo = uow.Users; // Repository
User user = repo.Find(userId);
Phone oldPhone = user.Phones.Where(x => x.Number.Trim() == oldNumber).SingleOrDefault();
oldPhone.Number = newNumber;
If a Phone entity only makes sense together with an aggregate root User, then I would also think it makes sense that the operation for adding a new Phone record is the responsibility of the User domain object throught a specific method (DDD behavior) and that could make perfectly sense for several reasons, the immidiate reason is we should check the User object exists since the Phone entity depends on it existence and perhaps keep a transaction lock on it while doing more validation checks to ensure no other process have deleted the root aggregate before we are done validating the operation. In other cases with other kinds of root aggregates you might want to aggregate or calculate some value and persist it on column properties of the root aggregate for more efficient processing by other operations later on. Note though I suggest the User domain object have a method that adds the Phone it doesn't mean it should know about the existence of the database or EF, one of the great feature of EM and Hibernate is that they can track changes made to entity classes transparently and that also means adding of new related entities by their navigation collection properties.
Also if you want to use methods that retrieve all phones regardless of the users owning them you could still though it through the User repository you only need one method returns all users as IQueryable then you can map them to get all user phones and do a refined query with that. So you don't even need a PhoneRepository in this case. Beside I would rather use a class with extensions method for IQueryable that I can use anywhere not just from a Repository class if I wanted to abstract queries behind methods.
Just one caveat for being able to delete Phone entities by only using the domain object and not a Phone repository you need to make sure the UserId is part of the Phone primary key or in other words the primary key of a Phone record is a composite key made up of UserId and some other property (I suggest an auto generated identity) in the Phone entity. This makes sense intuively as the Phone record is "owned" by the User record and it's removal from the User navigation collection would equal its complete removal from the database.

Linq-To-Sql with WCF, Models, and POCO ViewModels Disconnected "DataContext" Timestamp/Rowversion

I have a Linq-To-Sql based repository class which I have been successfully using. I am adding some functionality to the solution, which will provide WCF based access to the database.
I have not exposed the generated Linq classes as DataContracts, I've instead created my own "ViewModel" as a POCO for each entity I am going to be returning.
My question is, in order to do updates and take advantage of some of the Linq-To-Sql features like cyclic references from within my Service, do I need to add a Rowversion/Timestamp field to each table in by database so I can use code like dc.Table.Attach(myDisconnectedObject)? The alternitive, seems ugly:
var updateModel = dc.Table.SingleOrDefault(t => t.ID == myDisconnectedObject.ID);
updateModel.PropertyA = myDisconnectedObject.PropertyA;
updateModel.PropertyB = myDisconnectedObject.PropertyB;
updateModel.PropertyC = myDisconnectedObject.PropertyC;
// and so on and so forth
I guess a RowVersion/TimeStamp column on each table might be the best and least intrusive option - just basically check for that one value, and you're sure whether or not your data might have been modified in the mean time. All other columns can be set to Update Check=Never. This will take care of handling the possible concurrency issues when updating your database from "returning" objects.
However, the other thing you should definitely check out is AutoMapper - it's a great little component to ease those left-right-assignment orgies you have to go through when using ViewModels / Data Transfer Objects by making this mapping between two object types a snap. It's well used, well tested, used by many and very stable - a winner!

Reconstituting domain objects from database: identity problem

We are using Linq to SQL to read and write our domain objects to a SQL Server database.
We are exposing a number of services (via WCF) to do various operations. Conecptually, the implementation of these operations consists of three steps: reconstitute the necessary domain objects from the database; execute the operation on the domain objects; persist the (now changed) domain objects back to the database.
Problem is that sometimes, there are two or more instances of the same entity objects, which can lead to inconsistenties when saving the objects back to the db. A little made-up example:
public void Move(string sourceLocationid, destinationLocationId, itemId);
which is supposed to move the item with the given id from the source to the destination location (actual services are more complicated, often involving many locations, items etc). Now, it could be that both source and destination location id are the same - a naive implementation would just reconstitute two instances of the entity object, which would lead to problems.
This issue is now "solved" by checking for it manually, i.e. we reconstitute a first location, check if the id of the second is different from it, and if so reconsistute the second, and so on. This is obvisouly difficult and error-prone.
Anyway, I was actually surprised that there does not seem to be a "standard" solution for this in domain driven design. In particular, repositories or factories do not seem to solve this problem (unless they maintain their own cache, which then needs to be updated etc).
My idea would be to make a DomainContext object per operation, which tracks and caches the domain objects used in that particular method. Instead of reconstituing and saving individual domain objects, such an object would be reconstituted and saved as a whole (possibly using repositories), and it could act as a cache for the domain objects used in that particular operation.
Anyway, it seems that this is a common problem, so how is this usually dealt with? What do you think of the idea above?
The DataContext in Linq-To-Sql supports the Identity Map concept out of the box and should be caching the objects you retrieve. The objects will only be different if you are not using the same DataContext for each GetById() operation.
Linq to Sql objects aren't really valid outside of the lifetime of the DataContext. You may find Rick Strahl's Linq to SQL DataContext Lifetime Management a good background read.
Also, the ORM is not responsible for logic in the domain. It's not going to disallow your example Move operation. That's up for the domain to decide what that means. Does it ignore it? or is it an error? It's your domain logic, and that needs to be implemented at the service boundary you are creating.
However, Linq-To-Sql does know when an object changes, and from what I've looked at, it won't record the change if you are re-assigning the same value. e.g. if Item.LocationID = 12, setting the locationID to 12 again won't trigger an update when SubmitChanges() is called.
Based on the example given, I'd be tempted to return early without ever loading an object if the source and destination are the same.
public void Move(string sourceLocationId, destinationLocationId, itemId)
if( sourceLocationId == destinationLocationId )
using( DataContext ctx = new DataContext() )
Item item = ctx.Items.First( o => o.ItemID == itemId );
Location destination =
ctx.Locations.First( o => o.LocationID == destinationLocationID );
item.Location = destination;
Another small point, which may or may not be applicable, is you should make your interfaces as chunky as possible. e.g. If you're typically going to perform 10 move operations at once, it's better to call 1 service method to perform all 10 operations at once, rather than 1 operation at a time. ref: chunky vs chatty
Many ORMs use two concepts that, if I understand you, address your issue. The first and most relevant is Context this is responsible for ensuring that only one object represents a entity (database table row, in the simple case) no mater how many times or ways it's requested from the database. The second is Unit of Work; this ensures that updates to the database for a group of entities either all succeed or all fail.
Both of these are implemented by the ORM I'm most familiar with (LLBLGen Pro), however I believe NHibernate and others also implement these concepts.
