Performant running SUM OVER Partition in LINQ - c#

I am trying to figure out the best way to calculate a running sum partition with a self joined collection using LINQ.
The query below is a somewhat simple example of what I am after. The output is the RowNumber, the RowType and the sum of all preceding RowValues within the current row's RowType.
DECLARE #T TABLE (RowNumber INT, RowType INT, RowValue INT)
INSERT #T VALUES (1,1,1),(2,1,1),(3,1,1),(4,1,1),(5,1,1),(6,2,1),(7,2,1),(8,2,1),(9,2,1),(10,2,1)
;WITH Data AS(SELECT RowNumber, RowType,RowValue FROM #T)
RunningValue = COALESCE(This.RowValue + SUM(Prior.RowValue),This.RowValue)
Data This
LEFT OUTER JOIN Data Prior ON Prior.RowNumber < This.RowNumber AND Prior.RowType = This.RowType
/* OR
RunningValue = SUM(RowValue) OVER (PARTITION BY RowType ORDER BY RowNUmber)
Data This
Now, my not working attempt.
var joinedWithPreviousSums = allRows.Join(
previousRows => new {previousRows.RowNumber, previousRows.RowType, previousRows.RowValue},
row=> new { row.RowNumber, row.RowType, row.RowValue},
(previousRows, row) => new { row.RowNumber, row.RowType, row.RowValue })
.Where(previousRows.RowType == row.RowType && previousRows.RowNumber < row.RowNumber)
.Select(row.RowNumber, row.RowType,RunningValue = Sum(previousRows.Value) + row.RowValue)).ToList()
Of course, the last two lines above are garbage and attempt to exemplify my desired projection while hinting at my lack of knowledge on performant complex LINQ projections.
I have read where some variation of the statement below could work and may be workable, however, is there a way to achieve similar results without yielding?
int s = 0;
var subgroup  = people.OrderBy(x => x.Amount)
                      .TakeWhile(x => (s += x.Amount) < 1000)
EDIT : I have been able to get the snippet below to work, however, I cant seem to partition or project over RowType.
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
delegate string CreateGroupingDelegate(int i);
static void Main(string[] args)
List <TestClass> list = new List<TestClass>()
new TestClass(1, 1, 1),
new TestClass(2, 2, 5),
new TestClass(3, 1, 1 ),
new TestClass(4, 2, 5),
new TestClass(5, 1, 1),
new TestClass(6, 2, 5)
int running_total = 0;
var result_set = list.Select(x => new { x.RowNumber, x.RowType, running_total = (running_total = running_total + x.RowValue) }).ToList();
foreach (var v in result_set)
Console.WriteLine("list element: {0}, total so far: {1}",
public class TestClass
public TestClass(int rowNumber, int rowType, int rowValue)
RowNumber = rowNumber;
RowType = rowType;
RowValue = rowValue;
public int RowNumber { get; set; }
public int RowType { get; set; }
public int RowValue { get; set; }

Your answer can be simplified greatly, but does scale poorly even then, as it must go through the Where for each row to compute each row, so O(list.Count^2).
Here is the simpler version, which preserves the original order:
var result = list.Select(item => new {
RowType = item.RowType,
RowValue = list.Where(prior => prior.RowNumber <= item.RowNumber && prior.RowType == item.RowType).Sum(prior => prior.RowValue)
You can go through list once if are willing to sort. (If you know the order is correct, or can use a simpler sort, you can remove or replace the OrderBy/ThenBy.)
var ans = list.OrderBy(x => x.RowType)
.ThenBy(x => x.RowNumber)
.Scan(first => new { first.RowType, first.RowValue },
(res, cur) => res.RowType == cur.RowType ? new { res.RowType, RowValue = res.RowValue + cur.RowValue }
: new { cur.RowType, cur.RowValue }
This answer uses an extension method that is like Aggregate, but returns the intermediate results, based on the APL scan operator:
// TRes seedFn(T FirstValue)
// TRes combineFn(TRes PrevResult, T CurValue)
public static IEnumerable<TRes> Scan<T, TRes>(this IEnumerable<T> src, Func<T, TRes> seedFn, Func<TRes, T, TRes> combineFn) {
using (var srce = src.GetEnumerator()) {
if (srce.MoveNext()) {
var prev = seedFn(srce.Current);
while (srce.MoveNext()) {
yield return prev;
prev = combineFn(prev, srce.Current);
yield return prev;

My eyes were glazed over after seeing this. The answer to my long winded question after 6 hours of skulldrugery seems to be as simple as this. Thanks to #NetMage for pointing out the SelectMany that I was missing.
var result = list.SelectMany(item => list.Where(x => x.RowNumber <= item.RowNumber && x.RowType == item.RowType)
.GroupBy(g => g.RowType)
.Select(p => new
RowType = p.Max(s => s.RowType),
RowValue = p.Sum(s => s.RowValue)


Calculate Percent Change From IGrouping Count in Linq/C#

I would like to have a "percent change for 'Investigations' and 'Breaches' by each quarter. I'm currently grouping by quarter and getting counts but I cannot figure out how to add percent change.
This is what I want to have a IEnumerable/List of:
public class StatusCountDto
public string Quarter { get; set; }
public int Investigations { get; set; }
public double InvestigationsChange { get; set; }
public int Breaches { get; set; }
public double BreachesChange { get; set; }
Currently I am grouping by the Quarter and getting counts but I cannot figure out how to get the percent change of Investigation counts and Breaches counts from the previous quarter.
The data is already sorted by Quarter. If the previous value doesn't exit (first index) then it should be 0.
This is what I have so far.
Metrics.GroupBy(m => m.Quarter )
.Select((g, index) => new StatusCountDto
Quarter = g.Key,
Investigations = g.Count(),
Breaches = g.Where(a => a.Breach == "Yes").Count()
Is there a way to use the index to calculate the percent change?
Using an extension method based on the APL scan operator, which is like Aggregate but returns the intermediate results, you can run through the data and refer back to previous counts.
// TRes combineFn(TRes PrevResult, T CurItem)
// First PrevResult is TRes seedFn(T FirstItem)
// FirstItem = items.First()
// First CurItem = items.Skip(1).First()
// output is seedFn(items.First()), combineFn(PrevResult, CurItem), ...
public static IEnumerable<TRes> Scan<T, TRes>(this IEnumerable<T> items, Func<T, TRes> seedFn, Func<TRes, T, TRes> combineFn) {
using (var itemsEnum = items.GetEnumerator()) {
if (itemsEnum.MoveNext()) {
var prev = seedFn(itemsEnum.Current);
for (; ; ) {
yield return prev;
if (!itemsEnum.MoveNext())
yield break;
prev = combineFn(prev, itemsEnum.Current);
Given this variation of Scan that uses a lambda to seed the result stream, you can use it to compute the whole stream:
var ans = Metrics
.GroupBy(m => m.Quarter)
.Select(g => new {
Quarter = g.Key,
Investigations = g.Count(),
Breaches = g.Count(a => a.Breach == "Yes")
.Scan(f => new StatusCountDto { // first result
Quarter = f.Quarter,
Investigations = f.Investigations,
Breaches = f.Breaches
(prev, cur) => new StatusCountDto { // subsequent results
Quarter = cur.Quarter,
Investigations = cur.Investigations,
InvestigationsChange = 100.0 * (cur.Investigations - prev.Investigations) / prev.Investigations,
Breaches = cur.Breaches,
BreachesChange = 100.0 * (cur.Breaches - prev.Breaches) / prev.Breaches

How dynamically group by and compute aggregate sums/maximums data with LINQ in c#

We have an API to work with data that comes from different sources (database, webservices, plain text,...) so we store it in a List structure.
We have this code to select some columns of them and apply functions to obtain new data (as sum two columns,...)
Func<dynamic[], object>[] leftFunctions = new Func<dynamic[], object>[this.Columns.Count];
IEnumerable<dynamic[]> returnValue = null
j = 0;
foreach (JoinDataColumn dataColum in this.Columns.OrderBy(x => x.Index))
//Obtenemos para cada columna la funcion
leftFunctions[j++] = dataColum.getLeftFunction(LeftDataQuery);
returnValue = (await LeftDataQuery.ExecuteAsync(parameters))
.Select(x => leftFunctions.Select(f => f.Invoke(x)).ToArray());
In the above code: LeftDataquery is a class to obtain the list with data executing this, and returning List<object[]>
await LeftDataQuery.ExecuteAsync(parameters)
LeftFuncions are formulas to create new data from source data, "lefdataquery[1]+lefdataquery[2]" or simply "lefdataquery[0]" to obtain the data of the first column.
In the JoinDataColumn class I have a description of each column of the result List: name, type, and the agregate function.
At the end, the user can select the columns to group by and the agregation formula to the others ones (sum,max,min,count distinct,...). So now I have the returnvalue with a subset of columns of the original source and a list of index with the columns to group by and a list of indexes with their agregation formula (for example the index 1 is a SUM and so on)
public enum DataColumnAggregation { NONE = 0, SUM = 1, MAX = 2, MIN = 3 }
Any idea on how to group by this data and get the SUM/MAX/MIN,..
Doing some test I've wrote this code, but the problem is that the Groupby doesn't work with an object array as parameter. Any idea to have GroupBy working with this aproach?¿
public enum DataColumnAggregation { NONE = 0, SUM = 1, MAX = 2, MIN = 3 }
static void Main(string[] args)
List<object[]> returnValue = new List<object[]> { new object[] { "C1", 1, 2 }, new object[] { "C2", 3, 4 }, new object[] { "C1", 1, 3 } };
DataColumnAggregation[] config = new DataColumnAggregation[] { DataColumnAggregation.NONE, DataColumnAggregation.SUM, DataColumnAggregation.MAX };
//TODO agregar por la columna 0 , sumar la columna 1 y maximo de la columna 2 de returnvalue
var resultado2 = returnValue.GroupBy(x => getGroupByColumns(x,config)).Select(x=>agregar(x, config));
private static object[] agregar(IGrouping<string[], object[]> x, DataColumnAggregation[] config)
List<object> result = new List<object>();
for (int i = 0; i < config.Length; i++)
if (config[i] == DataColumnAggregation.NONE)
result.Add(x.Select(xy => xy[i]).FirstOrDefault());
if (config[i] == DataColumnAggregation.SUM)
result.Add(x.Sum(xy => Convert.ToInt32(xy[i])));
if (config[i] == DataColumnAggregation.MAX)
result.Add(x.Max(xy => xy[i]));
if (config[i] == DataColumnAggregation.MIN)
result.Add(x.Min(xy => xy[i]));
return result.ToArray();
private static string[] getGroupByColumns(object[] x, DataColumnAggregation[] config)
List<string> group = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i< config.Length; i++)
if (config[i] == DataColumnAggregation.NONE) group.Add(x[i].ToString());
return group.ToArray();
Since you are attempting to group by string[] (or better, List<string>), you need an IEqualityComparer to pass to GroupBy that compares the elements.
public class IEnumerableSequenceEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<IEnumerable<T>> {
public bool Equals(IEnumerable<T> x, IEnumerable<T> y) =>
Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y) || (x != null && y != null && (x.SequenceEqual(y)));
public int GetHashCode(IEnumerable<T> src) {
// Will not throw an OverflowException
//unchecked {
// return src.Where(e => e != null).Select(e => e.GetHashCode()).Aggregate(17, (a, b) => 23 * a + b);
var hc = new HashCode();
foreach (var v in src)
return hc.ToHashCode();
A factory class named Make helps create the comparer:
public static class Make {
public static IEqualityComparer<IEnumerable<T>> SequenceEqualityComparer<T>() => new IEnumerableSequenceEqualityComparer<T>();
public static IEqualityComparer<IEnumerable<T>> SequenceEqualityComparer<T>(T _) => new IEnumerableSequenceEqualityComparer<T>();
Now you can call GroupBy with the sequence equality comparer:
var resultado2 = returnValue.GroupBy(x => getGroupByColumns(x,config), Make.SequenceEqualityComparer<string>()).Select(x=>agregar(x, config));
NOTE: This causes the group Key to be IEnumerable<string>. If you prefer IList<string>, just replace IEnumerable with IList in the equality comparer class and the factor class. Or add an additional IList version with appropriate name changes.

Replacing loops with linq code [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 5 years ago.
Improve this question
My current code is like this:
var results = new List<Results>();
var items = new List<string>
int size = 2;
int temp;
var tempResults = new List<int>();
var keys = items.Select(t => t.Split(',')[0]).Distinct().ToList();
//var values = items.Select(t => t.Split(',')[1]).ToList();
//var result = items.SelectMany(k => values, (k, v) => new {k, v});
foreach (var key in keys)
temp = 0;
tempResults = new List<int>();
foreach (var item in items)
if (item.Split(',')[0] == key)
if (temp == size)
results.Add(new Results
Key = key,
Values = new List<int>(tempResults)
temp = 0;
foreach (Results r in results)
Console.WriteLine("Key: " + r.Key);
Console.WriteLine("Values: ");
foreach (int i in r.Values)
Everything works fine with it, but I am using two loops to get the results needed. I want to replace them with a LINQ expression and been trying, but can't seem to figure it out. Any help is appreciated.
You could use a combination of LINQ methods: .GroupBy, .Select, SelectMany and some data structures like Tuple<T1, T2>.
Provided that we have class:
class Results
public string Key { get; set; }
public List<int> Values { get; set; }
The solution could be:
int k = 0;
var result =
items.Select(x => // parse initial string
var strValue = x.Split(',');
return Tuple.Create(strValue[0], Convert.ToInt32(strValue[1]));
.GroupBy(x => x.Item1, y => y.Item2) // group by key
.Select(x => Tuple.Create(x.Key, x)) // flatten to IEnumerable
.SelectMany(x => // select fixed size data chunks
x.Item2.GroupBy(y => k++ / size, z => z)
.Select(z => Tuple.Create(x.Item1, z)))
.Select(x => // cast to resulting model type
new Results()
Key = x.Item1,
Values = x.Item2.ToList()
.ToList(); // Return enumeration as list
How about writing a couple extension methods?
const int partitionSize = 2;
var itemLookup = items.ToLookup(x => x.Split(',')[0], x => Int32.Parse(x.Split(',')[1]));
var partitionedItems = itemLookup.Partition(partitionSize);
foreach (var partition in partitionedItems)
foreach (var lookup in partition)
Console.WriteLine("Key: " + lookup.Key);
Console.WriteLine("Values: ");
foreach (var i in lookup.ToList())
public static class PartitionExtensions
public static IList<ILookup<K, V>> Partition<K, V>(this ILookup<K, V> lookup, int size)
return lookup.SelectMany(l => l.ToList().Partition(size).Select(p => p.ToLookup(x => l.Key, x => x))).ToList();
public static IList<IList<T>> Partition<T>(this IList<T> list, int size)
IList<IList<T>> results = new List<IList<T>>();
var itemCount = list.Count();
var partitionCount = itemCount / size;
//your paritioning method is truncating items that don't make up a full partition
//if you want the remaining items in a partial partition, use this code instead
//var partitionCount = ((itemCount % size == 0) ? itemCount : itemCount + size) / size;
for (var i = 0; i < partitionCount; i++)
results.Add(list.Skip(i * size).Take(size).ToList());
return results;
Not really a way to remove the inner loop, but you could shorten a bit your code with:
var keys = items.Select(t => t.Split(',')[0]).Distinct().ToList();
foreach (var key in keys)
var forKey = items.Where(x => x.Split(',')[0] == key)
.Select(k => int.Parse(k.Split(',')[1]));
for (int x = 0; x < forKey.Count(); x += size)
results.Add(new Results
Key = key,
Values = forKey.Skip(x).Take(size).ToList()
At least this approach will remove the need of the temporary variables and all the if checks inside the loop and will also include in your results the last value for the A key that has only one integer in its list.

Sort a List in which each element contains 2 Values

I have a text file that contains Values in this Format: Time|ID:
60 |2
Now I want to sort them by Time. The Output also should be:
60 |2
How can I solve this problem? With this:
var path = #"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\test.txt";
List<string> list = File.ReadAllLines(path).ToList();
for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
I got no success ...
3 steps are necessary to do the job:
1) split by the separator
2) convert to int because in a string comparison a 6 comes after a 1 or 10
3) use OrderBy to sort your collection
Here is a linq solution in one line doing all 3 steps:
list = list.OrderBy(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Split('|')[0])).ToList();
x => lambda expression, x denotes a single element in your list
x.Split('|')[0] splits each string and takes only the first part of it (time)
Convert.ToInt32(.. converts the time into a number so that the ordering will be done in the way you desire
list.OrderBy( sorts your collection
Just to understand why you got the result in the first place here is an example of comparison of numbers in string representation using the CompareTo method:
int res = "6".CompareTo("10");
res will have the value of 1 (meaning that 6 is larger than 10 or 6 follows 10)
According to the documentation->remarks:
The CompareTo method was designed primarily for use in sorting or alphabetizing operations.
You should parse each line of the file content and get values as numbers.
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("path");
// ID, time
var dict = new Dictionary<int, int>();
// Processing each line of the file content
foreach (var line in lines)
string[] splitted = line.Split('|');
int time = Convert.ToInt32(splitted[0]);
int ID = Convert.ToInt32(splitted[1]);
// Key = ID, Value = Time
dict.Add(ID, time);
var orderedListByID = dict.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList();
var orderedListByTime = dict.OrderBy(x => x.Value).ToList();
Note that I use your ID reference as Key of dictionary assuming that ID should be unique.
Short code version
// Key = ID Value = Time
var orderedListByID = lines.Select(x => x.Split('|')).ToDictionary(x => Convert.ToInt32(x[1]), x => Convert.ToInt32(x[0])).OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList();
var orderedListByTime = lines.Select(x => x.Split('|')).ToDictionary(x => Convert.ToInt32(x[1]), x => Convert.ToInt32(x[0])).OrderBy(x => x.Value).ToList();
You need to convert them to numbers first. Sorting by string won't give you meaningful results.
times = list.Select(l => l.Split('|')[0]).Select(Int32.Parse);
ids = list.Select(l => l.Split('|')[1]).Select(Int32.Parse);
pairs = times.Zip(ids, (t, id) => new{Time = t, Id = id})
.OrderBy(x => x.Time)
Thank you all, this is my Solution:
var path = #"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\test.txt";
List<string> list = File.ReadAllLines(path).ToList();
list = list.OrderBy(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Split('|')[0])).ToList();
for(var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class TestClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List <LineItem> myList = new ArrayList<LineItem>();
myList.add(LineItem.getLineItem(500, 30));
myList.add(LineItem.getLineItem(300, 20));
myList.add(LineItem.getLineItem(900, 100));
System.out.println("list after sort");
class LineItem implements Comparable<LineItem>{
int time;
int id ;
public String toString() {
return ""+ time + "|"+ id + " ";
public int compareTo(LineItem o) {
return this.time-o.time;
public static LineItem getLineItem( int time, int id ){
LineItem l = new LineItem();
return l;

Merging lists with a for loop

I'm working on an algorithm which can generate 2 types of recommendations, restaurants and dishes. All of this works fine, but I wanted to merge these 2 types of recommendations in a single list, which is where I encountered some issues. From my previous question I concluded that I needed a wrapper class, which I have set up like this:
public class RecommenderItem
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public object Entity { get; set; }
Now I want to alternate the 2 types of recommendations so the list would look like this:
[Restaurant][Dish][Restaurant][Dish][Restaurant][Dish] //Etc...
Note that these recommendations are completely separate. They are generated purely based on the user's preference, and they have no correlation in between them. My product owner wants to show these recommendations on the home page of our app like this.
These lists are different in length, so if I have added all items from a list, I wanted to just add the remaining objects from the other list. A possible scenario of this could look like this:
/*Other objects before this...*/[Dish][Restaurant][Dish][Dish][Dish] //Etc...
Here did the list of restaurant objects run out and I just wanted to add the remaining dish recommendations at the end of the list.
I have gotten this far, but I'm unsure how I would catch an IndexOutOfBounds exception and add the rest of the remaining objects at the end.
public List<RecommenderItem> GetMergedRecommendationLists(List<Restaurant> restaurantRecommendations,
List<Dish> dishRecommendations)
//Setting up the output list.
List<RecommenderItem> output = new List<RecommenderItem>();
int count = 0;
//Check which list is longer and use that count
if (restaurantRecommendations.Count > dishRecommendations.Count)
count = dishRecommendations.Count;
count = restaurantRecommendations.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
//I'm fully aware this isn't the most optimal way of doing this,
//but I'm only looking at functionality here, optimizing performance comes later.
var restRecommendation = restaurantRecommendations[i];
var dishRecommendation = dishRecommendations[i];
output.Add(new RecommenderItem()
Id = restRecommendation.Id,
Entity = restRecommendation
output.Add(new RecommenderItem()
Id = dishRecommendation.Id,
Entity = dishRecommendation
return output;
Does anyone have an idea how I could do this? Could I just catch an IndexOutOfBounds exception and use .AddRange() for the remaining objects? I'm not sure how I could check which list was out of bounds.
Let me know if I should elaborate more and thanks in advance!
Edit: -removed because it wasn't fair.-
This is a fairly succinct way of doing this.
While not Linq, it works in the spirit of the way Linq works by deferring doing any work until the resulting sequence is enumerated:
public static IEnumerable<RecommenderItem> Merge(IEnumerable<Restaurant> restaurants, IEnumerable<Dish> dishes)
using (var r = restaurants.GetEnumerator())
using (var d = dishes.GetEnumerator())
while (true)
bool rAvailable = r.MoveNext();
bool dAvailable = d.MoveNext();
if (rAvailable)
yield return new RecommenderItem { Id = r.Current.Id, Entity = r.Current };
if (dAvailable)
yield return new RecommenderItem { Id = d.Current.Id, Entity = d.Current };
if (!rAvailable && !dAvailable)
If you happen to be using the MoreLinq NuGet package that includes the ZipLongest extension method, you can use the following simplified implementation instead:
public static IEnumerable<RecommenderItem> Merge(IEnumerable<Restaurant> restaurants, IEnumerable<Dish> dishes)
foreach (var item in restaurants.ZipLongest(dishes, (r, d) => new { r, d }))
if (item.r != null)
yield return new RecommenderItem { Id = item.r.Id, Entity = item.r };
if (item.d != null)
yield return new RecommenderItem { Id = item.d.Id, Entity = item.d };
As #InBetween posted in his answer, you can put the interleaving logic into an extension method. Here's my version; it's substantially the same, except I've added a small optimisation to avoid calling .MoveNext() when its not necessary:
public static class EnumerableExt
public static IEnumerable<T> Interleave<T>(this IEnumerable<T> a, IEnumerable<T> b)
using (var ae = a.GetEnumerator())
using (var be = b.GetEnumerator())
bool aAvailable = true;
bool bAvailable = true;
while (aAvailable || bAvailable)
aAvailable = aAvailable && ae.MoveNext();
bAvailable = bAvailable && be.MoveNext();
if (aAvailable)
yield return ae.Current;
if (bAvailable)
yield return be.Current;
Once you have that, I realised that you don't need to write an implict operator. Instead, you can just convert the two sequences to the resultant type before calling Interleave() like so:
var restaurantsAsRecommenderItems =
.Select(r => new RecommenderItem {Id = r.Id, Entity = r});
var dishesAsRecommenderItems =
.Select(d => new RecommenderItem {Id = d.Id, Entity = d});
var result =
My recommendation would be to just make simple implicit operator :
public static implicit operator RecommenderItem(Restaurant restaurant) {
return new RecommenderItem { Id = restaurant.Id, Entity = restaurant };
Then you have possibility to convert these types easily like :
Restaurant rest = //...
RecommenderItem rItem = rest; // here the implicit operator is called
After doing this you can just use one for loop :
int count = Math.Max(restaurantRecommendations.Count, dishRecommendations.Count);
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
if ( i < restRecommendations.Count )
if ( i < dishRecommendations.Count )
This will make your work much more easier.
Well, there are probably more elegant LINQ solutions but you have already most, it's also a very efficient approach:
public List<RecommenderItem> GetMergedRecommendationLists(List<Restaurant> restaurantRecommendations, List<Dish> dishRecommendations)
//Setting up the output list.
List<RecommenderItem> output = new List<RecommenderItem>();
int count = Math.Min(restaurantRecommendations.Count, dishRecommendations.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var restRecommendation = restaurantRecommendations[i];
var dishRecommendation = dishRecommendations[i];
output.Add(new RecommenderItem()
Id = restRecommendation.Id,
Entity = restRecommendation
output.Add(new RecommenderItem()
Id = dishRecommendation.Id,
Entity = dishRecommendation
int remainingRestaurant = restaurantRecommendations.Count - count;
int remainingDishes = dishRecommendations.Count - count;
if (remainingRestaurant > 0)
for (int i = count; i < restaurantRecommendations.Count; i++)
var restRecommendation = restaurantRecommendations[i];
output.Add(new RecommenderItem()
Id = restRecommendation.Id,
Entity = restRecommendation
else if (remainingDishes > 0)
for (int i = count; i < dishRecommendations.Count; i++)
var dishRecommendation = dishRecommendations[i];
output.Add(new RecommenderItem()
Id = dishRecommendation.Id,
Entity = dishRecommendation
return output;
A simple way of doing it would be:
public static IEnumerable<T> Merge<T>(this IEnumerable<T> first, IEnumerable<T> second)
using (var firstEnumerator = first.GetEnumerator())
using (var secondEnumerator = second.GetEnumerator())
while (firstEnumerator.MoveNext())
yield return firstEnumerator.Current;
if (secondEnumerator.MoveNext())
yield return secondEnumerator.Current;
while (secondEnumerator.MoveNext())
yield return secondEnumerator.Current;
After having created two arrays of restaurants and dishes of the same type RecommenderItem, you can use the Zip method like :
var restaurants = restaurantRecommendations.Select(x => new RecommenderItem {
Id = x.Id,
Entity = x
var dishes = dishRecommendations.Select(x => new RecommenderItem {
Id = x.Id,
Entity = x
var output = restaurants.Zip(dishes, (r, d) => new[] { r, d })
.SelectMany(r => r).Concat(dishes.Skip(restaurants.Length))
Restaraunt and Dish would have to share a base type:
restaurantRecommendations.Select(item => new RecommenderItem()
Id = item.Id,
Entity = item
dishRecommendations.Select(item => new RecommenderItem()
Id = item.Id,
Entity = item
Once that's the case you could use something like this slightly modified version of Zip (from System.Linq):
private static IEnumerable<T> ZipThrough<T>(IEnumerable<T> first, IEnumerable<T> second)
if (first == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(first));
if (second == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(second));
using (var e1 = first.GetEnumerator())
using (var e2 = second.GetEnumerator())
while (true)
if (e1.MoveNext())
yield return e1.Current;
if (e2.MoveNext()) yield return e2.Current;
else if (e2.MoveNext())
yield return e2.Current;
