Elasticsearch NEST Suggester parser(s) not found - c#

I'm attempting to utilize Elasticsearch's 'Suggester' functionality.
Using Phrase, Term, or Completion I always get the following error variation.
unable to parse SuggestionBuilder with name [COMPLETION]: parser not found"
unable to parse SuggestionBuilder with name [TERM]: parser not found"
unable to parse SuggestionBuilder with name [PHRASE]: parser not found"
I have tried multiple 6.x NEST versions and they all have the same issue.
Upgrading to 7.0alpha1 does change the error, but seems to cause a myriad of other issues, and I rather not use an alpha library in production.
I'm currently following this tutorial and working it into my existing code: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-net-example/tree/6.x-codecomplete-netcore#part-6-suggestions
Currently using NEST 6.1
public class SearchResult {
public SearchResult()
TitleSuggest = new CompletionField {Input = new List<string>(Title.Split(' '))};
public CompletionField TitleSuggest { get; set; }
Index Method:
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateIndex()
await _searchClient.CreateIndexAsync(SearchIndexName, indexSelector =>
.Mappings(mappingsDescriptor =>
mappingsDescriptor.Map<Models.SearchResult>(y => y.AutoMap().Properties(pr=>pr.Completion(c => c.Name(p => p.TitleSuggest)
Suggest Method:
public async Task<ISearchResponse<SearchResult>> Suggest(string keyword)
return await _searchClient.SearchAsync<SearchResult>(
s =>
s.Suggest(ss => ss
.Completion("title", cs => cs
.Field(f => f.TitleSuggest)
.Fuzzy(f => f
I'm having a hard time deciphering the error.
It seems as though the NEST libraries are missing the Suggester parsers?
Any help would be great, thanks!

As a follow up, #RussCam answered my question here
I had a ConnectionSetting (DefaultFieldNameInferrer) that was uppercasing my suggester
private IElasticClient ElasticClient(IConfiguration _config, string defaultIndex)
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(_config.GetSection("Search:Url").Value))
.BasicAuthentication(_config.GetSection("Search:User").Value, _config.GetSection("Search:Password").Value)
//settings.DefaultFieldNameInferrer(p => p.ToUpper(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
//Enable ElasticSearch Debugging
return new ElasticClient(settings);

Try this:
var searchResponse = await _searchClient.SearchAsync<SearchResult>(s => s
.Suggest(su => su
.Completion("suggest", cs => cs
.Field(f => f.TitleSuggest)
.Fuzzy(f => f


UpdateDefinition with multiple fields not working

I try to build an update request using the C# mongodb driver.
I would like to update a field only if he is not null. Here is the following code :
public void Replace(Core.Entity.Project project)
var filter = Builders<Entity.Project>.Filter.Eq(x => x.ProjectNumber, project.ProjectNumber);
var update = BuildUpdateRequest(project);
_mongoCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
private UpdateDefinition<Entity.Project> BuildUpdateRequest(Core.Entity.Project project)
var builder = Builders<Entity.Project>.Update;
var update = builder.Set(x => x.LastUpdateDate, DateTime.UtcNow);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.UserId))
update.Set(x => x.UserId, project.UserId);
Unfortunately when I run my unit/integration tests, the data is not updated.
Do you have a better way to use this objects ?
Ok it was easy. Fixed it with :
update = update.Set(x => x.UserId, project.UserId);

Hangfire duplicates jobs on server restart

So we have an .NET Core API which uses hangfire as a task scheduler.
On startup, our API starts the following functions :
public void CreateTasks()
public void SendSmsTask()
var taskId = BackgroundJob.Schedule(() => _smsService.SendSms(), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));
BackgroundJob.ContinueWith(taskId, () => SendSmsTask());
This creates the job SendSmsTask in Hangfire on startup and does not start a second job until the first one has been completed.
The issue that we just noticed however is that whenever our API reboots (server update for example) the existing jobs are still running and news jobs are being added.
So we would like to remove all scheduled or running jobs on startup.
I've looked through the documentation (http://docs.hangfire.io/en/latest/) but couldn't really find a solution for this issue.
This should solve your problem, just note that this is untested.
private void RemoveAllHangfireJobs()
var hangfireMonitor = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi();
JobStorage.Current.GetConnection().GetRecurringJobs().ForEach(xx => BackgroundJob.Delete(xx.Id));
hangfireMonitor.ProcessingJobs(0, int.MaxValue).ForEach(xx => BackgroundJob.Delete(xx.Key));
hangfireMonitor.ScheduledJobs(0, int.MaxValue).ForEach(xx => BackgroundJob.Delete(xx.Key));
hangfireMonitor.Queues().ToList().ForEach(xx => hangfireMonitor.EnqueuedJobs(xx.Name,0, int.MaxValue).ForEach(x => BackgroundJob.Delete(x.Key)));
If you still interest Pieter Alberts solution.
Some little changes on that.
If you use old code and you have old job in db, you will get Format Exception.
In //RecurringJobs section you have to change line like this:
JobStorage.Current.GetConnection().GetRecurringJobs().ForEach(xx => RecurringJob.RemoveIfExists(xx.Id));
Old Code:
private void RemoveAllHangfireJobs()
var hangfireMonitor = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi();
JobStorage.Current.GetConnection().GetRecurringJobs().ForEach(xx => BackgroundJob.Delete(xx.Id));
hangfireMonitor.ProcessingJobs(0, int.MaxValue).ForEach(xx => BackgroundJob.Delete(xx.Key));
hangfireMonitor.ScheduledJobs(0, int.MaxValue).ForEach(xx => BackgroundJob.Delete(xx.Key));
hangfireMonitor.Queues().ToList().ForEach(xx => hangfireMonitor.EnqueuedJobs(xx.Name,0, int.MaxValue).ForEach(x => BackgroundJob.Delete(x.Key)));
New Code:
private void RemoveAllHangfireJobs()
var hangfireMonitor = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi();
JobStorage.Current.GetConnection().GetRecurringJobs().ForEach(xx => RecurringJob.RemoveIfExists(xx.Id)); // this line changed!
hangfireMonitor.ProcessingJobs(0, int.MaxValue).ForEach(xx => BackgroundJob.Delete(xx.Key));
hangfireMonitor.ScheduledJobs(0, int.MaxValue).ForEach(xx => BackgroundJob.Delete(xx.Key));
hangfireMonitor.Queues().ToList().ForEach(xx => hangfireMonitor.EnqueuedJobs(xx.Name,0, int.MaxValue).ForEach(x => BackgroundJob.Delete(x.Key)));
PS Edit:
My Hangfire version is 1.7.9
and using Hangfire.PostgreSql
//Start Hangfire Server
var varJobOptions = new BackgroundJobServerOptions();
varJobOptions.ServerName = "job.fiscal.io";
varJobOptions.WorkerCount = Environment.ProcessorCount * 10;
app.UseHangfireDashboard("/jobs", new DashboardOptions {
Authorization = new[] { new clsHangFireAuthFilter() }
//Remove Duplicte HangFire Server
var varMonitoringApi = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi();
var varServerList = varMonitoringApi.Servers().Where(r => r.Name.Contains("job.fiscal.io"));
foreach( var varServerItem in varServerList) {
HF 1.7.28
For me deleting Enqueued jobs like suggested did not work.
Instead, I had to use the following:
hangfireMonitor.Queues().ToList().ForEach(x => x.FirstJobs.Where(j => j.Value.InEnqueuedState).ToList().ForEach(x => BackgroundJob.Delete(x.Key)));

Rhino Mock Test Expected #1, Actual #0 - error

I'm newbie working with Rhino Mock and I'm getting this error that I cannot understand why. Here the test
public void TestGet()
var installationReference = new Guid("21D7D135-6E9E-4F92-8313-873CA3ABDCD8");
var study = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IStudy>();
var installation = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IInstallation>();
var license = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ILicense>();
var participant = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IStudyParticipant>();
var clinicalPartner = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IClinicalPartner>();
clinicalPartner.Stub(c => c.FirstName).Return("John");
clinicalPartner.Stub(c => c.LastName).Return("Doe");
installation.Stub(i => i.Reference).Return(installationReference);
license.Stub(l => l.Installations).Return(new List<IInstallation> { installation });
participant.Stub(p => p.Licenses).Return(new List<ILicense> { license });
participant.Stub(p => p.ClinicalPartner).Return(clinicalPartner);
participant.Stub(p => p.ClinicalPartnerStatus).Return(ClinicalPartnerStatus.Active);
study.Stub(s => s.Description).Return("Test WebAPI");
study.Stub(s => s.Participants).Return(new List<IStudyParticipant> { participant });
repository.Stub(r => r.Query(Arg<GetStudiesByInstallationReference>.Matches(s => s.InstallationReference.Equals(installationReference))))
.Return(new DummyResult<IStudy>(study));
repository.Expect(r => r.Query(Arg<GetStudiesByInstallationReference>.Matches(s => s.InstallationReference.Equals(installationReference)))).Return(new DummyResult<IStudy>(study)).Repeat.Once();
My GetStudiesByInstallationReference.cs
public class GetStudiesByInstallationReference : IQuery<IStudy>
public Guid InstallationReference { get; set; }
public GetStudiesByInstallationReference(Guid installationReference)
InstallationReference = installationReference;
public IQueryResult<IStudy> Execute(ISession session)
var criteria = session.CreateCriteria<IStudy>();
criteria.CreateAlias("participants", "p");
criteria.CreateAlias("p.licenses", "l");
criteria.CreateAlias("l.installations", "i");
criteria.Add(Restrictions.Eq("i.Reference", InstallationReference));
criteria.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Status", StudyStatus.Approved));
criteria.Add(Restrictions.Eq("p.ClinicalPartnerStatus", ClinicalPartnerStatus.Active));
criteria.Add(Restrictions.Le("StartDate", DateTime.Now));
Restrictions.Gt("EndDate", DateTime.Now)));
return new CriteriaResult<IStudy>(criteria);
I want to test GetStudiesByInstallationReference was called one time.
What am I doing wrong?...it should pass the test as the Expect clause is the same used in the Stub but I still got the exception
Expected #1, Actual #0.
Anybody could help me with this?
Thanks in advance
I want to test GetStudiesByInstallationReference was called one time.
GetStudiesByInstallationReference is a type, and not a method that you expect to be called.
.Expect(r => r.Query(Arg<GetStudiesByInstallationReference>.Matches(s => s.InstallationReference.Equals(installationReference))))
.Return(new DummyResult<IStudy>(study)).Repeat.Once();
This line from your code is setting up an expectation on the repository mock. It expects that the Query() method is called with a parameter of type GetStudiesByInstallationReference that has the correct installation reference GUID as a property. If this method isn't called with the correct parameter, you will get the error you describe when calling repository.VerifyAllExpectations().
It looks like your test is missing the actual call to the SUT i.e. the "Act" in Arrange/Act/Assert. Simply put, you need to execute some code that will cause the method on your repository to be called as you expect (or change the test).

ReactiveUI: Why do I have to specify the scheduler explicitly in "...Throttle..."when using the TestScheduler

I'm new to ReactiveUI. I have the following simple setup: a path to a csv can be specified and the containing datapoints will be displayed to the user (using oxyplot).
Now I'm trying to test the following subscription:
public GraphViewModel(IScreen hostScreen)
HostScreen = hostScreen;
// Data Loading if path is valid
this.WhenAnyValue(viewModel => viewModel.PathToDataCsv)
.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler)
.Select(csvPath => csvPath?.Trim('"'))
.Where(csvPath => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvPath) && File.Exists(csvPath))
.Subscribe(csvPath =>
csvPath = csvPath?.Trim('"');
}, exception => {});
/* additional Code*/
And that's the corresponding UnitTest:
public void If_PathToDataCsv_has_a_valid_value()
new TestScheduler().With(scheduler =>
string pathToValidCsvFile = "data.log";
var viewModel = new GraphViewModel(null);
viewModel.PathToDataCsv = pathToValidCsvFile;
My first implementation of WhenAnyValue didn't set any of the Schedulers specifically ( in Throttle and lacking any ObserverOn ):
public GraphViewModel(IScreen hostScreen)
HostScreen = hostScreen;
// Data Loading if path is valid
this.WhenAnyValue(viewModel => viewModel.PathToDataCsv)
.Select(csvPath => csvPath?.Trim('"'))
.Where(csvPath => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvPath) && File.Exists(csvPath))
.Subscribe(csvPath =>
csvPath = csvPath?.Trim('"');
}, exception => {});
/* additional Code*/
But then my Unittest failed. My assumption was that TestScheduler was being used for Throttle behind the scenes and I didn't have to do anything. Am I doing something wrong or is this the right way: If I want to use TestScheduler/TimeTravelâ„¢ I have to specify the schedulers the way I did?
Edit in response to Glenn Watsons answer:
Ok, now it's clear: The methods in question (Throttle, ObserverOn) of course do not use ReactiveUI's Schedulers, because these are methods from the Reactive Extensions Framework. So they can't be replaced implicitly by ReactiveUI in case of a UnitTest except I tell the methods to use the RxApp Schedulers...
RxApp provides the ThreadPoolScheduler when you are in release mode, and the testing scheduler when you are in unit test mode.
By default the reactive extensions (separate to ReactiveUI) will use their own default schedulers which are unaware of unit tests.

Is it possible to return a mock from another mock using Moq in C#?

I am using Moq as my mocking framework. As per the code below, I have two mocks setup and I would like to setup the second to return the first mock. Is this possible and if so how would I go about doing it? At the moment it says the mock being returned is an invalid candidate.
private void SetupMarketRow()
var marketTotalRow = new Mock<ITotalRow>();
marketTotalRow.Setup(r => r.TotalBudgetCurrentFact).Returns(1860716);
marketTotalRow.Setup(r => r.TotalBudgetEvol).Returns(-26);
marketTotalRow.Setup(r => r.TotalBudgetPreviousFact).Returns(2514079);
var localMarketReport = new Mock<IReport>();
localMarketReport.Setup(r => r.TotalRow).Returns(marketTotalRow);
// Red swiggley here saying invalid candidate
You can access the actual Mocked ITotalRow using marketTotalRow.Object.
private void SetupMarketRow()
var marketTotalRow = new Mock<ITotalRow>();
marketTotalRow.Setup(r => r.TotalBudgetCurrentFact).Returns(1860716);
marketTotalRow.Setup(r => r.TotalBudgetEvol).Returns(-26);
marketTotalRow.Setup(r => r.TotalBudgetPreviousFact).Returns(2514079);
var localMarketReport = new Mock<IReport>();
localMarketReport.Setup(r => r.TotalRow).Returns(marketTotalRow.Object);
// Red swiggley here saying invalid candidate
Changing the interface declaration from
MarketTotalRow TotalRow { get; }
ITotalRow TotalRow { get; }
fixed the problem.
