WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException and MMF FileNoteFoundException cacophony - c#

Summary: EventWaitHandle.OpenExisting() and MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting() both failing but only on one PC out of a ~hundred.
Detail: I have a program that uses an EventWaitHandle to allow a client C# object to wait for a worker object to update some data shared through MMF. This is in a program that is installed probably on a hundred Win 7 and Win 10 PCs. Works great on every one expect on one stinking PC that a customer has kindly provided to test with... Acer Aspine V5 AMD A6-1450 1Ghz Win10 Home x64.
Here is the code that creates the EventWaitHandle in the client object...
var users = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.BuiltinUsersSid, null);
// Rule that allows anybody in the "Users" group to synchronize with us...
var rule = new EventWaitHandleAccessRule(users, EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize | EventWaitHandleRights.Modify, AccessControlType.Allow);
var security = new EventWaitHandleSecurity();
Boolean created;
eventWaitHandleForCommands = new EventWaitHandle(
EventResetMode.ManualReset, // Ignored. This instance doesn't reset.
"MyEventWaitHandle78AEE98", // Unique name
out created,
Here is the code that opens the EventWaitHandle in the worker object...
handleDomeCommand = EventWaitHandle.OpenExisting("MyEventWaitHandle78AEE98");
Here is the exception that occurs on that line when run on the Acer Aspine machine...
Exception = WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException
Message = "No handle of the given name exists"
HResult = 8013152C
Now it gets more interesting... recall that I mentioned using MMF as well? So, I commented out the EventWaitHandle.OpenExisting() so that the worker object could move on to opening the MMF with the following call...
memMappedFile = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting("MyMMF_78AEE98", MemoryMappedFileRights.ReadWrite);
Which then bombs out with the exception below but only on this PC (about a hundred other installs it is OK!)...
Exception = System.IO.FileNotFoundException
Message = "Unable to find the specified file"
HResult = 80070002
By the way, the MMF was created in the client object as follows...
MemoryMappedFileSecurity CustomSecurity = new MemoryMappedFileSecurity();
AccessRule<MemoryMappedFileRights>("everyone", MemoryMappedFileRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow));
mmfDome = MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew("MyMMF_78AEE98", MMF_CommandOffsets.MMF_Size,
MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite, MemoryMappedFileOptions.None, CustomSecurity, System.IO.HandleInheritability.Inheritable);
So, it seems this PC is jinxed but I've been around enough to know if it is a problem with one customers others will follow.
Other things I tried...
Tried setting MS Visual Studio Solution Platforms from "Any CPU" to x86. Did not help.
Thinking that this behavior might be due to the Acer Aspine PC being super slow, and the OS/NET-core might not have gotten around to creating the EventWaitHandle by the time my worker object opened it, I put 4 sequential message box pop-ups in between creation and "open existing"... did not help.
Turn on/off Norton anti-virus... did not help.
Install Norton anti-virus on another PC... my program works fine running with Norton on this other PC.
Run as admin... did not help
Tried putting "Global\" in front of the EventWaitHandle name... did not help.
So, looking for suggestions/thoughts. Thanks! /Chris


UIAutomation throws AccessViolationException on Windows 11

The issue:
We have an application written in C# that uses UIAutomation to get the current text (either selected or the word behind the carret) in other applications (Word, OpenOffice, Notepad, etc.).
All is working great on Windows 10, even up to 21H2, last update check done today.
But we had several clients informing us that the application is closing abruptly on Windows 11.
After some debugging I've seen some System.AccessViolationException thrown when trying to use the TextPatternRange.GetText() method:
System.AccessViolationException: 'Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.'
What we've tried so far:
Setting uiaccess=true in manifest and signing the app : as mentionned here https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsdesktop/en-US/350ceab8-436b-4ef1-8512-3fee4b470c0a/problem-with-manifest-and-uiaccess-set-to-true?forum=windowsgeneraldevelopmentissues => no changes (app is in C:\Program Files\
In addition to the above, I did try to set the level to "requireAdministrator" in the manifest, no changes either
As I've seen that it may come from a bug in Windows 11 (https://forum.emclient.com/t/emclient-9-0-1317-0-up-to-9-0-1361-0-password-correction-crashes-the-app/79904), I tried to install the 22H2 Preview release, still no changes.
Reproductible example
In order to be able to isolate the issue (and check it was not something else in our app that was causing the exception) I quickly made the following test (based on : How to get selected text of currently focused window? validated answer)
private void btnRefresh_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var p = Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad").FirstOrDefault();
var root = AutomationElement.FromHandle(p.MainWindowHandle);
var documentControl = new
var textPatternAvailable = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.IsTextPatternAvailableProperty, true);
var findControl = new AndCondition(documentControl, textPatternAvailable);
var targetDocument = root.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, findControl);
var textPattern = targetDocument.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern) as TextPattern;
string text = "";
foreach (var selection in textPattern.GetSelection())
text += selection.GetText(255);
Console.WriteLine($"Selection: \"{selection.GetText(255)}\"");
lblFocusedProcess.Content = p.ProcessName;
lblSelectedText.Content = text;
When pressing a button, this method is called and the results displayed in labels.
The method uses UIAutomation to get the notepad process and extract the selected text.
This works well in Windows 10 with latest update, crashes immediately on Windows 11 with the AccessViolationException.
On Windows 10 it works even without the uiaccess=true setting in the manifest.
Questions/Next steps
Do anyone know/has a clue about what can cause this?
Is Windows 11 way more regarding towards UIAutomation?
On my side I'll probably open an issue by Microsoft.
And one track we might follow is getting an EV and sign the app itself and the installer as it'll also enhance the installation process, removing the big red warnings. But as this is an app distributed for free we had not done it as it was working without it.
I'll also continue testing with the reproductible code and update this question should anything new appear.
I posted the same question on MSDN forums and got this answer:
Using IUIautomation instead of System.Windows.Automation works on Windows 11.
So I'm marking this as solved but if anyone has another idea or knows what happens you're welcome to comment!

WPF Printing (XpsDocumentWriter) working in debug but not in deployment

Hopefully some of the experienced WPF developers have come across this issue before.
BACKGROUND: This information is probably not necessary to helping fixing the problem, but in case it is relevant.
My solution consists of three projects. A front-end GUI, a business logic service, and a printer service. The three projects have IPC via named pipes. The business logic hands the printing logic a label type and a pallet id.
The Problem: The printing logic then creates the label and prints it (by adding it to the print queue of a printer) As the title suggests this all works fine when I am debugging in visual studio. However when I deploy / install the services on my developer pc it is not working.
Update: It is not throwing an exception but I am only logging "About to send doc to printer" and not the line "Sent doc to printer" So it is hanging on the dw1.Write(fixedDoc); line
More Information: I am using .Net 4.0 in the printing project / visual studio 2013
public void printLabel(string labelType, string _palletID = null)
ILabelTemplate Label = createLabel(labelType, _palletID);
PrintDialog pd = new PrintDialog();
FixedDocument fixedDoc = new FixedDocument();
PageContent pageContent = new PageContent();
FixedPage fixedPage = getFixedPage();
fixedDoc.DocumentPaginator.PageSize = new System.Windows.Size(fixedPage.Width, fixedPage.Height);
IXamlTemplate vm = CreateViewModel(Label);
ILabelPrintDocument template = CreateTemplate(Label);
template.dockPanel.DataContext = vm;
template.dockPanel.Height = fixedPage.Height;
template.dockPanel.Width = fixedPage.Width;
XpsDocumentWriter dw1 = PrintQueue.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(new System.Printing.PrintQueue(new System.Printing.PrintServer(), Label.PrinterName));
Library.WriteErrorLog("About to send doc to printer");
Library.WriteErrorLog("Sent doc to printer");
catch (Exception ex)
SOLVED ... kind of
After several hours of trying different things and reading about this, I found that it was due to my application running as me when I'm debugging but as a LOCAL SYSTEM when I have it deployed. And a local system service does not have access to network resources such as printers. Despite learning this, I then started down the path of how to make a C# service print. Well after seeing many posts (too late in the game to be very helpful)
Like this and also this one I have learned that I was going down the wrong path.
The moral of the story is, if you're reading this post you're probably not at the level of "writing your own printing DLL using the Win32 API (in C/C++ for instance), then use it from your service with P/Invoke"
The solution that did work for me was instead of running this project as a service which was started via my GUI. I have instead turned it into a process which is still started and stopped via my GUI.
The code in question is
if (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\yourAppNameGoesHere.exe"))
Process.Start(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\yourAppNameGoesHere.exe");
then when the GUI is closed I run the code
if (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\yourAppNameGoesHere.exe"))
Process[] myapps = Process.GetProcesses("yourAppNameGoesHere.exe");
foreach (Process _p in myapps)

How to obtain DefragAnalysis using C#

I am currently developing an application in C# (.NET 4.0) that should have as a part of its functionality the ability to determine the percentage of fragmentation on a particular volume. All the other features have been tested and are working fine but I’ve hit a snag trying to access this data. I would ideally prefer to use WMI as this matches the format I’m using for the other features but at this point I’m willing to use anything that can be efficiently integrated into the application, even if I have to use RegEx to filter the data. I am currently doing the development on a Windows 7 Professional (x64) machine. I have tested the following Powershell snippet using Administrator rights and it works flawlessly.
$drive = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume -Namespace root\CIMV2 -ComputerName . | Where-Object { $_.DriveLetter -eq 'D:' }
This is the method I’m using in C# to accomplish the same thing, but the InvokeMethod keeps returning 11 (0xB).
public static Fragmentation GetVolumeFragmentationAnalysis(string drive)
//Fragmenation object initialization removed for simplicity
ConnectionOptions mgmtConnOptions = new ConnectionOptions { EnablePrivileges = true };
ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(new ManagementPath(string.Format(#"\\{0}\root\CIMV2", Environment.MachineName)), mgmtConnOptions);
ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery(string.Format(#"SELECT * FROM Win32_Volume WHERE Name = '{0}\\'", drive));
using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query))
object[] outputArgs = new object[2];
foreach (ManagementObject moVolume in searcher.Get())
// Execution stops at this line as the result is always 11
UInt32 result = (UInt32)moVolume.InvokeMethod("DefragAnalysis", outputArgs);
if (result == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Defrag Needed: = {0}\n", outputArgs[0]);
ManagementBaseObject mboDefragAnalysis = outputArgs[1] as ManagementBaseObject;
if (null != mboDefragAnalysis)
Console.WriteLine("Return Code: = {0}", result);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Could not acquire fragmentation data.\n" + ex);
return result;
I have even added the following line to the app.manifest but still nothing.
<requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />
Could somebody please tell me what I’m overlooking? Failure is not an option for me on this, so if it cannot be done using C# I don’t mind creating a DLL in another language (even if I have to learn it), that will give me the results I need. Ideally the application should be able work on any OS from XP upwards and must be totally transparent to the user.
These are the resources I have already used. I wanted to add the jeffrey_wall blog on msdn as well but as a new user I can only add 2 hyperlinks at a time. Thanks again.
Try building your application targeting 'Any CPU' - on the Build tab of the project properties. I suspect you're using a target of x86. I get the same error code on my Win7 x64 machine if I do that.
In fact, running your PowerShell snippet in the x86 version of PowerShell gives an empty set of results, too.
You get the same error if you run either piece of code without full Administrator privileges, as you've found, so also ensure your app.manifest is correct. A UAC prompt is a handy hint that it's taking effect!
No idea why this WMI query doesn't like running under WoW64, I'm afraid, but hopefully this will give you a head-start.
You could simply call the PowerShell command you mentioned in your post, since you said the PowerShell code works. From C# you would want to follow this workflow:
Instantiate a PowerShell RunSpace
Open the RunSpace
Add a script to the Commands property
Invoke the command list
Here is an example of how to achieve this, and process the resulting object output.
For Windows XP and Windows Vista, you would have to ensure that PowerShell was installed on each of the systems you want to run your program on. Not a bad prerequisite to have, but something to keep in mind as a dependency.
Hope this helps.
The 32-bit WMI provider for Win32_Volume doesn't seem to be able to start the defragsvc for whatever reason. You can force the 64-bit WMI provider even in a 32-bit client running under WOW64 by changing your code to add an additional WMI connection option:
ConnectionOptions mgmtConnOptions = new ConnectionOptions {
EnablePrivileges = true,
Context = new ManagementNamedValueCollection() {
{ "__ProviderArchitecture", 64 }

Changing how a service is configured

When installing a service, there is a helpful .NET class called ServiceProcessInstaller. This class has a property Account, which is a ServiceAccount enumeration with possible values LocalService, LocalSystem, NetworkService and User.
This is fine at install-time, but does anybody know how I can change this value for an existing service?
I assuming that I need to move away from the actual install-type classes, and have been researching hooking into the advapi32 ChangeServiceConfig method, WMI and ManagementObjects etc.
Indeed I have found code which will actually change the account under which the service runs,
ManagementObject mo = new ManagementObject("Win32_Service.Name='" + myService + "'");
object[] configParams = new object[11];
configParams[6] = userName;
configParams[7] = password;
object result = mo.InvokeMethod("Change", configParams);
(which on its own looks a bit like black magic but makes sense when viewed with the ChangeServiceConfig signature)
However when I apply this code to a service which happens to be installed as LocalSystem, it has no effect (although when I interpret result the call is reporting success). This doesn't really surprise me since I am only setting a username and password, I am not saying "rather than running as a local service, this service needs to run under a specific user account".
Now, my gut feel is that I am heading along the right lines here. The problem is that none of the parameters in ChangeServiceConfig appear to offer the opportunity to do this.
Any ideas? TIA, Pete
Error code 16 means "Service marked for deletion". Sometimes when you change service parameter, in particular when you delete / re-create a service you need to reboot your PC for operation to complete. While it's still pending, you can't manipulate service and you get error code 16.
Also, it might not be the case, that you problem has something to do with the fact that the call is inside a dll. If you put you code in a test rig dll and call it from a test rig exe (the same way you tested it in a test rig exe) and don't create / delete service in between I think it will work anyway.
The reason it does not working in your application on my opinion has to do with what you did with the service before (and this something most likely is not described in your question).
You need Impersonate an thread to run at context of user.
Try this class :
A small C# Class for impersonating a User
or this one :
Impersonate User
Return code is 21: "Invalid Parameter".
I ran into the same issue: Problem occurs when trying to apply a new user/password to a service which currently has "LocalSystem" with "Allow Service to interact with desktop" enabled.
To resolve, set the "DesktopInteract" flag in the "Change" query
var query = new ManagementPath(string.Format("Win32_Service.Name='{0}'", serviceName)); // string.Format("SELECT * FROM Win32_Service where Name='{0}'", serviceName);
using (ManagementObject service = new ManagementObject(query))
object[] wmiParams = new object[10];
//WMI update doesn't work if the service's user is currently set to LocalSystem
// with Interact with desktop on
wmiParams[5] = false;
wmiParams[6] = serviceUserName;
wmiParams[7] = password;
//update credentials for the service
var rtn = service.InvokeMethod("Change", wmiParams);

How to set "interact with desktop" in windows service installer

I have a windows service which runs under system account and executes some programs from time to time (yeah,yeah, I know that's a bad practice, but that's not my decision). I need to set the "interact with desktop" check, to see the gui of that executed programs, after the service is installed. I've tried several ways, putting the code below in AfterInstall or OnCommited event handlers of my service installer:
ConnectionOptions coOptions = new ConnectionOptions();
coOptions.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate;
ManagementScope mgmtScope = new System.Management.ManagementScope(#"root\CIMV2", coOptions);
ManagementObject wmiService = new ManagementObject("Win32_Service.Name='" + ServiceMonitorInstaller.ServiceName + "'");
ManagementBaseObject InParam = wmiService.GetMethodParameters("Change");
InParam["DesktopInteract"] = true;
ManagementBaseObject OutParam = wmiService.InvokeMethod("Change", InParam, null);
RegistryKey ckey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(
#"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WindowsService1", true);
if(ckey != null)
if(ckey.GetValue("Type") != null)
ckey.SetValue("Type", ((int)ckey.GetValue("Type") | 256));
both of these methods "work". They set the check, but after I start the service it launches the exe - and gui isn't shown! So, if I stop the service, recheck and start it again - bingo! everything starts and is shown. The second way to achieve the result is to reboot - after it the gui is also shown.
So the question is: Is there a correct way to set "interact with desktop" check, so it'll start working without rechecks and reboots?
OS: Windows XP (haven't tried Vista and 7 yet...)
private static void SetInterActWithDeskTop()
var service = new System.Management.ManagementObject(
String.Format("WIN32_Service.Name='{0}'", "YourServiceName"));
var paramList = new object[11];
paramList[5] = true;
service.InvokeMethod("Change", paramList);
And finally after searching the internet for a week - I've found a great working solution:
Find the desktop to launch into. This
may seem facetious but it isn't as
simple as it seems. With Terminal
Services and Fast User Switching there
can be multiple interactive users
logged on to the computer at the same
time. If you want the user that is
currently sitting at the physical
console then you're in luck, the
Terminal Services API call
WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId will get
you the session ID you need. If your
needs are more complex (i.e. you need
to interact with a specific user on a
TS server or you need the name of the
window station in a non-interactive
session) you'll need to enumerate the
Terminal Server sessions with
WTSEnumerateSessions and check the
session for the information you need
with WTSGetSessionInformation.
Now you know what session you need to
interact with and you have its ID.
This is the key to the whole process,
using WTSQueryUserToken and the
session ID you can now retrieve the
token of the user logged on to the
target session. This completely
mitigates the security problem of the
'interact with the desktop' setting,
the launched process will not be
running with the LOCAL SYSTEM
credentials but with the same
credentials as the user that is
already logged on to that session! No
privilege elevation.
Using CreateProcessAsUser and the
token we have retrieved we can launch
the process in the normal way and it
will run in the target session with
the target user's credentials. There
are a couple of caveats, both
lpCurrentDirectory and lpEnvironment
must point to valid values - the
normal default resolution methods for
these parameters don't work for
cross-session launching. You can use
CreateEnvironmentBlock to create a
default environment block for the
target user.
There is source code of the working project attached.
Same as Heisa but with WMI. (code is Powershell, but can be easily ported to C#)
if ($svc = gwmi win32_service|?{$_.name -eq $svcname})
try {
$null = $svc.change($svc.displayname,$svc.pathname,16,1,`
write-host "Change made"
catch { throw "Error: $_" }
} else
{ throw "Service $svcname not installed" }
See MSDN: Service Change() method for param description.
