RabbitMQ several consumers in the same process - c#

I have a .NET project that needs to read messaged from a given Queue.
I have several producers writing the same type of message into the queue.
I want my consumer app to have several threads reading messages and handling them so that the load will not be on a single thread.
Any ideas or sample code on how to achieve this?
Again, Note:
Each message should be processed once and not several times. The work should be balanced between the worker threads

You are going to need a bit of plumbing to get that done.
I have an open-source service bus called Shuttle.Esb and there are many other service bus options available that you may wish to consider.
But if you do not want to go that route you could still have a look at some of the code and implementations to get some ideas. I have a RabbitMQ implementation that may be of assistance.

Take a look at masstransit project : http://masstransit-project.com/MassTransit/usage/message-consumers.html
It has configurations like prefetch count and concurrency limit. It brings you to consume messages paralelly.
Also it is very simple to setup:
IBusControl busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
IRabbitMqHost host = cfg.Host(new Uri(RabbitMQConstants.RabbitMQUri),
hst =>
endPointConfigurator => {
public class SomeConsumer :
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<YourMessageClass> context)
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Message consumed: {context.Message.YourValue}");


Does publishing a message on the same ConsumeContext that received it have any benefits?

I'm asking about a situation where the consumer gets the message, processes it and then the result of that processing is another message, so something like:
class MyConsumer : IConsumer<MyMessage> {
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<MyMessage> context) {
// ...do the processing and then:
await context.Publish<MyResponse>(new()
Data = "some data"
So the question is - does using context.Publish have any benefits over injecting IPublishEndpoint? It would be done if the processing would require another component to be separated from the consumer - another class. Then the result of that component processing would be a message which could be published by the injected IPublishEndpoint.
In a consumer (and any of the consumers dependencies), messages published and/or sent should use:
ConsumeContext - easiest in the consumer, since it already has it as part of the method signature.
ISendEndpointProvider or IPublishEndpoint - should be injected into any dependencies of the consumer that need to produce messages. MassTransit is essentially redirecting these two interfaces to the current ConsumeContext behind the scenes.
This is also covered in the documentation.

Mass Transit DiscardSkippedMessages on Azure Service Bus topic - how to completly ignore unknown message types

I am struggling to understand the DiscardSkippedMessages setting on my ASB topic subscription endpoint.
From what I understand, if the message type is unknown to the subscriber or has no consumers registered, the message is skipped. According to MT docs, this message should go to "xxx_skipped" queue by default. I should be able to adjust this behavour to complelty discard it, or raise an exception.
I may misunderstand what "discard" means in this context. I'd expect that the message is acknowledged and forgotten, however it goes to the dead letter queuee instead.
I am working on a solution where we have already defined topics. Single topic may have multiple message types. MT supports this without any issues, however this architecture raises a problem when it comes to future deployments. When a publishing application sends a new event, all consumers that happen to be subscribed to given topic will need to have an empty handler:
subConfig.Handler<EventIAmNotInterestedIn>(_ => Task.CompletedTask);
We want to stick to the current architectire where single topic can have multiple releted event types. This is why I started to investigate how to complelty ignore any message that has no known consumers. DiscardSkippedMessages seemed like exectly what I wanted.
All Fault<> are setup to land in a different topic.
We are using version 7.3.0 of Mass Transit.
Question 1:
Difference between _skipped queue and dead letter queue in Azure Service Bus.
I'd assume that default configuration of MT would result in this queue being created, however the skipped messages are going to dead letter. Does this implies, that _skipped queue is a thing in other thansports, but for ASB it is dead letter?
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
.UseSerilog((context, services, configuration) =>
.ConfigureServices(services =>
services.AddMassTransit(mtConfig =>
// minimal working configuration
mtConfig.UsingAzureServiceBus((context, busConfig) =>
subConfig =>
where BusHostedService is used only to start/stop the bus. I am submitting messages manually with Azure Service Bus Explorer.
internal class BusHostedService : IHostedService
private readonly IBusControl _bus;
public BusHostedService(IBusControl bus)
{ _bus = bus; }
public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) => _bus.StartAsync(cancellationToken);
public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) => _bus.StopAsync(cancellationToken);
When I submit a message with a unknown type it is skipped as expected:
"messageId": "e934af95-33ea-4df0-a793-62f9e488e78d",
"correlationId": "75694f2c-ea53-4568-887b-1b5abbade1c2",
"conversationId": "66700000-cd86-922e-fc03-08da7096c7ea",
"sourceAddress": "sb://***.servicebus.windows.net/***",
"destinationAddress": "sb://***.servicebus.windows.net/***",
"messageType": [
"urn:message:SomeNamespace:UnknownEvent" <---- this type does not exist and have no consumer
"message": { },
"sentTime": "2022-07-28T12:43:32.7704944Z",
"headers": { },
"host": {
"machineName": "6a13b9ccde39",
"processName": "***",
"processId": 8,
"assembly": "***",
"assemblyVersion": "1.0.603.0",
"frameworkVersion": "6.0.7",
"massTransitVersion": "",
"operatingSystemVersion": "Unix"
In logs I can see that it was skipped:
[11:12:57 DBG] Hosting starting
[11:12:58 INF] Configured endpoint testsub, Consumer: MTProducer.SomeEventConsumer
[11:12:58 DBG] Starting bus: ***
[11:12:59 DBG] Endpoint Ready: ****
[11:13:00 DBG] Topic: some.topic ()
[11:13:00 DBG] Subscription testsub (some.topic -> null)
[11:13:00 DBG] Endpoint Ready: sb://***.servicebus.windows.net/some.topic/Subscriptions/testsub
[11:13:00 INF] Bus started: sb://***.servicebus.windows.net/
*[11:13:13 DBG] SKIP sb://***.servicebus.windows.net/some.topic/Subscriptions/testsub 54d1e792-0ea6-42a0-b93f-1fa8d1d3b3d4*
and I can see that it landed in dead letter, no _skipped queue was created
screenshot showing a topic and subscription with single item in dead letter queue
So, does this mean that for ASB the default way of dealing with skipped messages is to put them into dead letter queue?
Question 2:
Since we already established what default configuration does, I want to discard this message. I'd like to have it complelty forgotten and not sent into dead letter.
I will do it with DiscardSkippedMessages method.
mtConfig.UsingAzureServiceBus((context, busConfig) =>
subConfig =>
After submitting another message, I also can see in the logs, that it was skipped, but it is also delivered to dead letter queue again.
screenshot showing a topic and subscription with two items in dead letter queue
So, does this mean that this setting is not accepted by ASB transport? I do not see any change in behaviour, especially the one I expect.
Is it possible to "trully discard" a message that I am not interested in?
Possible workaround:
I was able to implement desired behaviour with a custom filter that uses ReceiveContext.IsDelivered to determine whenever the message was consumed by anyone.
mtConfig.UsingAzureServiceBus((context, busConfig) =>
subConfig =>
subConfig.ConfigureDeadLetter(x =>
x.UseFilter(new CustomDiscardDeadLetterFilter());
internal class CustomDiscardDeadLetterFilter : IFilter<ReceiveContext>
public void Probe(ProbeContext context) => context.CreateFilterScope("custom-discard-dead-letter");
public Task Send(ReceiveContext context, IPipe<ReceiveContext> next)
if (!context.IsFaulted && !context.IsDelivered)
return Task.CompletedTask;
return next.Send(context);
I have my doubts about this workaround and this needs to be tested for issues when there are also retries, other filters involved in the pipeline.
Is this workaround close to a proper solution of ignoring unknown messages, or I am missing a lot here?
Question 3:
Is redesigning our existing eventing architecture to have a single event type per topic the only option to cleanly solve this?
To answer your multiple questions:
Subscription endpoints don't have queues, so there is no _error or _skipped queue. By default, all skipped or faulted messages are moved to the DLQ.
On normal endpoints, this behavior is configurable. However, because the subscription endpoint already replaces the default empty pipes for skipped/error with filters that move to the DLQ, the pipe is never empty and the discard filter is added after the move filter. So, short answer, it's a limitation of the current codebase. I can add an issue, but it will only be fixed in v8.
It certainly isn't the only way. The only reason they go to the DLQ is because they're skipped. And the reason should show that (versus being faulted). I can't say that I've built a solution that pushes multiple types into a single topic, but plenty of people have and manage to do it just fine. So, just like everything else in software, it depends.

MassTransit not subscribing to AzureServiceBus Topic

I'm currently trying to update application that was originally .NET Core 3.1 using MassTransit 6.3.2. It is now configured to use .NET 6.0 and MassTransit 7.3.0
Our application uses MassTransit to send messages via Azure Service Bus, publishing messages to Topics, which then have other Subscribers listening to those Topic.
Cut down, it was implemented like so:
// Program.cs
services.AddMassTransit(config =>
// BusControlFactory.cs
public static class BusControlFactory
public static IBusControl ConfigureAzureServiceBus(IRegistrationContext<IServiceProvider> context)
var config = context.Container.GetService<AppConfiguration>();
var azureServiceBus = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingAzureServiceBus(busFactoryConfig =>
busFactoryConfig.Message<AppointmentBookedMessage>(m => m.SetEntityName("appointment-booked"));
configurator =>
configurator.UseMessageRetry(r => r.Interval(5, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)));
return azureServiceBus;
It has now been changed and upgraded to the latest MassTransit and is implemented like:
// Program.cs
services.AddMassTransit(config =>
config.AddConsumer<AppointmentBookedMessageConsumer, AppointmentBookedMessageConsumerDefinition>();
config.UsingAzureServiceBus((context, cfg) =>
cfg.Message<AppointmentBookedMessage>(m => m.SetEntityName("appointment-booked"));
// AppointmentBookedMessageConsumerDefinition.cs
public class AppointmentBookedMessageConsumerDefinition: ConsumerDefinition<AppointmentBookedMessageConsumer>
public AppointmentBookedMessageConsumerDefinition()
EndpointName = "testharness.subscriber";
protected override void ConfigureConsumer(IReceiveEndpointConfigurator endpointConfigurator, IConsumerConfigurator<AppointmentBookedMessageConsumer> consumerConfigurator)
endpointConfigurator.UseMessageRetry(r => r.Interval(5, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)));
The issue if it can be considered one, is that I can't bind to a subscription that already exists.
In the example above, you can see that the EndpointName is set as "testharness.subscriber". There was already a subscription to the Topic "appointment-booked" from prior to me upgrading. However, when the application runs, it does not error, but it receives no messages.
If I change the EndpointName to "testharness.subscriber2". Another subscriber appears in the Azure Service Bus topic (via the Azure Portal) and I start receiving messages. I can see no difference in the names (other than the change that I placed, in this case: the "2" suffix).
Am I missing something here? Is there something else I need to do to get these to bind? Is my configuration wrong? Was it wrong? While I'm sure I can get around this by managing the release more closely and removing unneeded queues once they're using new ones - it feels like the wrong approach.
With Azure Service Bus, ForwardTo on a subscription can be a bit opaque.
While the subscription may indeed visually indicate that it is forwarding to the correctly named queue, it might be that the queue was deleted and recreated at some point without deleting the subscription. This results in a subscription that will build up messages, as it is unable to forward them to a queue that no longer exists.
Why? Internally, a subscription maintains the ForwardTo as an object id, which after the queue is deleted points to an object that doesn't exist – resulting in messages building up in the subscription.
If you have messages in the subscription, you may need to go into the portal and update that subscription to point to the new queue (even though it has the same name), at which point the messages should flow through to the queue.
If there aren't any messages in the subscription (or if they aren't important), you can just delete the subscription and it will be recreated by MassTransit when you restart the bus.

Rebus - Subscribing to Events in ASP.NET Core

I have two applications using Rebus in ASP.NET MVC Core
I am able send messages between two applications using Bus.Send(...). What I can't is to publish event such as CustomerCreated after creating so that other applications can take actions.
I have configured the application as follows
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddRebus(configure => configure
.Logging(l => l.Use(new MSLoggerFactoryAdapter(_loggerFactory)))
.Transport(t=>t.UseRabbitMq("amqp://guest:guest#localhost:5672", "rebus_rabbit_first"))
.Sagas(x => x.StoreInSqlServer("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=RebusDBRabbit;User ID=student;Password=student;", "Sagas", "SagaIndex"))
.Options(o =>
o.SimpleRetryStrategy(errorQueueAddress: "somewhere_else", maxDeliveryAttempts: 10, secondLevelRetriesEnabled: true);
.Routing(r => r.TypeBased()
In the Controller I Send a message to another Application as follows
CreateStudent student = new CreateStudent { StudentID="90008", StudentName="Amour Rashid Hamad",DateOfBirth=DateTime.Parse("1974-03-18") };
This is OK.
Now My Problem is to publish an event to broadcast the event to other interested parties eg
_bus.Publish(new StudentCreated { StudentID="90008",Remarks="Hurray We have been Successfully"});
How Do I Subscribe to the event as per my configuration. I have seen some samples but I could not understand them. Adding to my implementation would be preferred.
In the Service Configuration I did as follows:
app.ApplicationServices.UseRebus(async bus => {
await bus.Subscribe<StudentCreated>();
and then created a handler
public class StudentCreatedEventHandler : IHandleMessages<StudentCreated>, IHandleMessages<IFailed<StudentCreated>>
readonly IBus _bus;
public StudentCreatedEventHandler(IBus bus)
_bus = bus;
public async Task Handle(StudentCreated student)
// do stuff that can fail here...
var remarks = $"Remarks on RebusWithRabbit1 : {student.Remarks}";
public async Task Handle(IFailed<StudentCreated> failedMessage)
await _bus.Advanced.TransportMessage.Defer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
This could handle the events published.
I just want to get assured if that is the proper way of doing it.
I have however noticed one thing. If I have more than one endpoints Subscribing to the event only one is notified. I expected that multiple endpoints could need to be notified and every one may execute a different process from the same event.
Is there any way to change this behavior. I remember in MassTransit this is the default behavious.
It looks like you're using await bus.Send(...) properly.
As you've probably figured out, Send looks up a destination queue and sends to that (and only that), and the lookup is done from the endpoint mappings (where you're currently mapping all message types to the queue named rebus_rabbit_second).
When you want to await bus.Publish(...), you need someone to await bus.Subscribe<T>() accordingly. Underneath the covers, Rebus will use the .NET type as the topic, so if you
await bus.Subscribe<SomeEvent>();
in one application, and
await bus.Publish(new SomeEvent());
in another, your subscriber will receive the event.
TL;DR: You need to
await bus.Subscribe<StudentCreated>();
in the application where you want to receive published events of type StudentCreated.
Btw. you should EITHER use C#'s support for calling asynchronous methods
await bus.Send(yourMessage);
or invoke Rebus' synchronous API to do your work:
var syncBus = bus.Advances.SyncBus;
syncBus.Send(yourMessage); //< returns void
Rebus' synchronous methods do not deadlock the thread, e.g. if you're calling them from ASP.NET or WCF.

Parallel Handling Kafka messages in a Windows Service using C#

I have Windows service written in C#. Earlier we were using Event hubs with multiple partitions for message queuing. We recently moved to Kafka. For implementing Event hubs in c# , we have IEventProcessor.ProcessEventsAsync , which keeps listening to event hub notifications and is triggered whenever a message is posted to event hub , which runs asynchronously in the background
I did not find any equivalent method in Kafka.
My requirement here is to subscribe to a Kafka topic and continuously consume messages. When a message is consumed, some other operations are also supposed to executed for that message. For each message say the execution time takes around 15 mins, I want the Kafka consumer to consume all messages and keep it in queue as when it receives and writes it into a file. Other process should read the file, pick the message and do other operations. I want all of them to run simultaneously/parallelly.
PS : I have written a console application which can produce and consume one message.What I'm looking for is queuing and parallelism.
For paralellism Kafka implements what's known as consumer groups. Kafka stores the "offsets" (read: key of record across a topic) and also stores the offsets of where a given consumer group is also at in processing the records. This should allow you to create new consumer instances on the fly using the same program, and by changing the group allow two programs to consume the same data in paralell for different tasks.
I found this link helpful when I was creating my first consumer as well, in case you found a way to create it without a groupId: http://cloudurable.com/blog/kafka-tutorial-kafka-consumer/index.html
Hope this helps!
Have look at Silverback: https://silverback-messaging.net. It abstracts many of those concerns and the basic usage is as simple as this:
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.WithConnectionToMessageBroker(options => options.AddKafka())
endpoints => endpoints
config =>
config.BootstrapServers = "localhost:9092";
endpoint => endpoint
.DeserializeJson(serializer => serializer.UseFixedType<SomeMessage>())
config =>
config.GroupId = "test-consumer-group";
config.AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest;
public class MySubscriber
public Task OnMessageReceived(SomeMessage message)
// TODO: process message
