How to get string value from Listbox as user selected? - c#

I can't get string value from Listbox after selected one item.
In my Listbox I have the Image (blinding source) and TextBlock (blinding source).
My code at .xaml page:
<ListBox Name="carListBox" Height="431" Canvas.Left="28" Canvas.Top="65" Width="446" SelectionChanged="ListBoxOnSelection">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Name="brandImage" Source="{Binding Image}" Width="100" Height="150"></Image>
<Image Name="carImage" Source="{Binding Image}" Width="150" Height="150"></Image>
<TextBlock Name="textDisplay" Text="{Binding ShowDetail}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"></TextBlock>
My code at .xaml.cs page (C#)
private void ListBoxOnSelection(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs args)
string saveData = carListBox.SelectedItem.ToString();
MessageBox can't show string value and I can't get value after user selected.
MessageBox show [1]

You have to somehow get the Car object before you can have access to it's properties.
Something like this:
private void ListBoxOnSelection(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs args)
Car myCar=carListBox.SelectedItem as Car;
if(myCar != null)
MessageBox.Show(myCar.ShowDetail); //or any property.


How to get the destination ListView item on drop?

In UWP C#, I have one ListView in upper row & another in lower row. When I drag a listitem from upper ListView & drop it on lower ListView, I am getting the source. But, I am unable to get the destination. ie) the listview item/(Folder object in my case) where I dropped.
<ListView Name="ListviewCars"
CanDragItems="True" DragItemsStarting="ListviewCars_DragItemsStarting"
SelectionMode="Single" IsItemClickEnabled="True"
DataContext="Cars" ItemsSource="{Binding CarsCollection}">
<StackPanel Background="Transparent" Height="80" Orientation="Horizontal"
HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" />
<ListView.ItemTemplate >
<Grid Name="GrdCars" >
<Grid Height="80" Width="90" Padding="5">
<ImageBrush Stretch="Uniform" ImageSource="Assets/car.png"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" FontWeight="Bold" TextWrapping="Wrap" TextAlignment="Center"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<ListView Name="GrdViewImg" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled"
AllowDrop="True" DragOver="Image_DragOver"
DataContext="Folders" ItemsSource="{Binding FolderCollection}">
<StackPanel Background="Transparent" Height="80" Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" />
<ListView.ItemTemplate >
<Grid Name="GrdForFolderMenu" RightTapped="GrdForFolderMenu_RightTapped">
<Grid Height="80" Width="90" Padding="5">
<ImageBrush Stretch="UniformToFill" ImageSource="Assets/Folderimage.png"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" FontWeight="Bold" TextWrapping="Wrap" TextAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
I have found a simple solution myself. I get the source from DragItemsStarting event of the SoureListView. and target item (as mentioned by ashchuk) from a Grid placed inside Datatemplate of Target ListView. as shown below. Everything works fine now!
(Cars is my Source custom list item. Folders is my Target custom list item)
private void SoureListView_DragItemsStarting(object sender, DragItemsStartingEventArgs e)
Cars x = e.Items[0] as Cars;
string DraggedSourceCar = x.Name;
e.Data.Properties.Add("myArgs", DraggedSourceCar);
private void GridInsideDatatemplateOfTargetListview_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
var x = sender as Grid;
var y = x.DataContext as Folders;
string toMoveFolderName = y.Name;
string DraggedSourceCar = e.DataView.Properties["myArgs"].ToString();
Debug.WriteLine(DraggedSourceCar + Environment.NewLine + toMoveFolderName );
private void TargetListview_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
e.AcceptedOperation = DataPackageOperation.Copy;
You have to find out by yourself = DragEventArgs.GetPosition() in the destination drop, then the underlying item with smoe helper functions
public static object GetObjectAtPoint<ItemContainer>(this ItemsControl control, Point p)
where ItemContainer : DependencyObject
// ItemContainer - can be ListViewItem, or TreeViewItem and so on(depends on control)
ItemContainer obj = GetContainerAtPoint<ItemContainer>(control, p);
if (obj == null)
return null;
return control.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(obj);
public static ItemContainer GetContainerAtPoint<ItemContainer>(this ItemsControl control, Point p)
where ItemContainer : DependencyObject
HitTestResult result = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(control, p);
if (result != null)
DependencyObject obj = result.VisualHit;
while (VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(obj) != null && !(obj is ItemContainer))
obj = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(obj);
// Will return null if not found
return obj as ItemContainer;
else return null;
Did you checked this sample?
After some research I found what DragEventArgs contains an OriginalSource property with Name matches the name of target list when Drop event invoked.
I'm not checked it with folders and subfolders, but maybe OriginalSource will contain folder where item dropped.
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Margin="8,4"
Text="All Items"/>
<ListView x:Name="SourceListView"
Grid.Row="2" Margin="8,4"
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="8,4"
<ListView x:Name="TargetListView"
Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" Margin="8,4"
AllowDrop="True" CanReorderItems="True" CanDragItems="True"
And here is printscreen with fired breakpoint:
To get an item inside of TargetList you can do a trick.
I think you use DataTemplate to display custom list items ("folders"). You can see a sample below. As you see I add Grid_DragOver trigger.
<DataTemplate x:Key="ListViewDataTemplate">
<Grid Margin="20,5" DragOver="Grid_DragOver"
BorderBrush="White" BorderThickness="5" AllowDrop="True">
<TextBlock Margin="10" LineHeight="40" FontSize="32" FontWeight="Bold"/>
This way Grid_DragOver will be invoked when mouse pointer enter inside the Grid in DataTemplate.
And if you use binding List<YourFolderClass> as data source, you'll get folder in DataContext. For example I used this:
var SampleData = new ObservableCollection<string>
"My Research Paper",
"Electricity Bill",
"My To-do list",
"TV sales receipt",
"Water Bill",
"Grocery List",
"Superbowl schedule",
"World Cup E-ticket"
You can see all code in gist.

XAML ListBox data binding - Add Click handler to each item

I wish to get all the files in a certain folder and display them in a ListView in WPF.
I have the following:
<ListBox Name="MyListBox"">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}" />
Code Behind
string location = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "MyApp\\Documents\\";
string[] myFiles = Directory.GetFiles(location, "*.pdf")
.Select(path => Path.GetFileName(path).Replace(".pdf",""))
MyListBox.ItemsSource = myFiles;
This lists all the files in a my list box.
What I wish to do is to add a CLick handler for each item in the list and call a function and pass in the text of the item clicked.
How can I do this?
If it's not a MVVM then you can define a button with handler which exist in code base. On each button click the same handler will be executed. Now question comes how to inject the file Name. So for that you can add the file Name in Tag object of button which can be read in code behind by handler for further processing.
<ListBox Name="MyListBox"">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}" />
<Button Click="Open_Click" Tag="{Binding}" />
Code Behind Handler
void Open_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var button = sender as Button;
var filename = Convert.ToString(button.Tag); // File Name
Just add the event in the ListBox:
<ListBox Name="MyListBox" MouseDoubleClick="Open_Click">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" >
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}" />
void Open_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
ListBox listbox = sender as ListBox;
string filename = listbox.SelectedItem.ToString();

How to get value of selected listbox item

I'm loading data from an xml file into a listbox . Here is my xaml
<ListBox x:Name="lstSearchCategory" FontFamily="Arial Black"
VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="25,69,19,10" Height="264">
<StackPanel >
<Image Source="{Binding Image}" Height="100" Width="100"
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Right" Text="{Binding Name}"
FontSize="30" Foreground="Black" Margin="140,-100,0,0"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Category}" FontSize="24"
Foreground="Black" Margin="10,-10,0,0"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Price}" HorizontalAlignment="Right"
Foreground="Red" Margin="300,-25,0,16"/>
<Rectangle Width="500" Fill="Black" Height="0.5"/>
This is working fine. Now I want that when I select any listbox item, I get its respective values i.e image, price, category etc. How can i do this ? Help
You need to get the selected item in a ListBox Event and get the DataTemplate from the ListBox (as seen on MSDN):
private void lstEvents_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
ListBoxItem lbi = (lstEvents.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(lstEvents.SelectedIndex)) as ListBoxItem;
ContentPresenter cp = GetFrameworkElementByName<ContentPresenter>(lbi);
DataTemplate dt = lstEvents.ItemTemplate;
Label l = (dt.FindName("lblEventId", cp)) as Label;
You need generate Tap = "lstSearchCategory_Tap" in your XAML file and below code in .cs file
private void lstSearchCategory_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
ListBox ListBoxSelecteditem = (ListBox)sender;
YourModel model = (YourModel)ListBoxSelecteditem.SelectedItem;
string name = model.Name;
string cat = model.Category;
string ControlName = ((System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
if (ControlName.ToLower() != "name".ToLower())
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
try this
<ListBox Tap="lstSearchCategory_Tap" x:Name="lstSearchCategory">
and than on tap event add this
var selected = (classname)lstSearchCategory.SelectedValue;
MessegeBox.Show(selected.Name + selected.Price);
here class-name is name of class where you are binding the name, price etc values
If you fill your ListBox via binding, you should have some property lile SelectedItem in your view model. So the currently selected item should always be stored in the viewmodel for easy access. Just add a binding to SelectedItem in your viewmodel and every thing should work.

Windows phone 8 saving and open links in web Browser history

I have a web browser which is storing all the visited websites. There is just one issue, I would like it for the user to click on one of the records and then it should open in the webbrowser.
Once the user has navigated to a page, this method is called with the url:
public List<String> urls;
public string selectedURL;
public MainPage()
listBox.DataContext = urls;
private void getHistory(string url)
listBox.DataContext = null;
listBox.DataContext = urls;
private void listBoxtrend_Tap(object sender, GestureEventArgs e)
selectedURL = "";
var selected = listBox.SelectedValue as Item;
selectedText = selected.ItemString;
This is then displayed into a textblock on a pivot page:
<phone:Pivot Margin="0,0,0,0">
<phone:PivotItem Header="" Margin="0,-104,0,0">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Transparent">
<RowDefinition Height="72"/>
<RowDefinition Height="696"/>
<Grid Grid.Row="0" Background="#FF5E667B" >
<phone:PivotItem Margin="0,-104,0,0" Header="">
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Item}" Foreground="RoyalBlue" Name="listBox"
TabIndex="10" Tap="listBox_Tap" >
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" FontSize="26" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
x:Name="txtHistory" Text="{Binding ItemString}"
VerticalAlignment="Top" />
I have tried to put a click event, but there is one way to tell which record is being clicked. Is there a way to use the SelectionChanged event handler. And is there a better way to store this data, maybe in a array or list which then can be saved to IsolatedStorage.
Thank you in advance :)
If you need any more details please comment and I will be happy to explain in further detail :)
It's better if you would have the data you're going to display within a Listbox, I mean the Url's. So that you could easily get whatever the data you want from the clicked item. Make sure that you bind the source for your Listbox.
your xaml:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Item}" Foreground="RoyalBlue"
Height="395" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Margin="12,111,0,0" Name="listBox"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="438"
TabIndex="10" Tap="listBox_Tap" >
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" FontSize="26" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
x:Name="txtHistory" Text="{Binding ItemString}"
VerticalAlignment="Top" />
And then from your tap event handler of the Listbox
private async void listBoxtrend_Tap(object sender, GestureEventArgs e)
selectedText = "";
var selected = listBox.SelectedValue as Item;
selectedText = selected.ItemString;
await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("give the url"));//here should be the selectedText
These can be referable for more:
Getting selected value of listbox windows phone 7
LIstbox Selected Item content to textblock
Hope it helps!

accessing an item variable from dynamic data in listbox on SelectionChanged

I am populating a listbox from a webcclient, the data is binded to the listbox and not saved anywhere..
Id like to access binded information when the user selects from the listbox
im having trouble accessing the value of a text block from the SelectionChanged event..
<ListBox x:Name="UsersListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" Height="471" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="457" SelectionChanged="TargetsListBox_SelectionChanged" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">
<StackPanel Margin="0,0,0,17" Width="432" Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image x:Name="ImageAddIcon" Source="blkAdd.png" Height="60" Width="71" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" />
<Image x:Name="ImagePointer" Source="blkClick.png" Height="60" Width="71" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" />
<TextBlock Name="txtID" Text="{Binding PlayerID}" TextWrapping="Wrap" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextExtraLargeStyle}" Foreground="#FF8A9A8A" Visibility="Collapsed" />
<TextBlock Name="txtNick" Text="{Binding Nickname}" TextWrapping="Wrap" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextExtraLargeStyle}" Foreground="#FF8A9A8A" />
Id like to access the PlayerID from this dynamicly populated list(from webservice) on a onselected basis
private void TargetsListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
string ID = UsersListBox.SelectedItem ???PlayerID or txtID???;
i just want to get the player id that is binded to the listbox with a selection changed event ANY IDEAS!!!!!!!!! <3
Assuming that "Items" is a ObservableCollection:
private void TargetsListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
var listBox = sender as ListBox;
var selectedItem = listBox.SelectedItem as Player;
if (selectedItem != null)
string id = selectedItem.PlayerID
string nick = selectedItem.NickName;
