I've a model with a lot of strings named "hours1, hours2, hours3... " which one is used to assign to the index of the foreach.
How can I simplify this code?
if (colNames.IndexOf(item2) == 0)
if (model.Hours == null)
item.Hours = 0;
item.Hours = (decimal)model.Hours;
if (colNames.IndexOf(item2) == 1)
if (model.Hours1 == null)
item.Hours = 0;
item.Hours = (decimal)model.Hours1;
if (colNames.IndexOf(item2) == 2)
if (model.Hours2 == null)
item.Hours = 0;
item.Hours = (decimal)model.Hours2;
This isn't very pretty, but perhaps:
decimal? hours = null;
case 0: hours = model.Hours; break;
case 1: hours = model.Hours1; break;
case 2: hours = model.Hours2; break;
item.Hours = hours ?? 0M;
I have a table named Attendancelogs where I am saving the records that I fetch from a biometric device, the table structure is;
LogType defines the type of log i.e. Biometric/Manual
CheckType defines the type of entry i.e. I or O
VerifyMode defines the type of punch i.e. Fingerprint/Password
isIgnore is used to exclude an entry from the logs.
Now, what I am trying to do is to write a function called sortFunc(); that will process on the already stored records in the Attendancelogs table. what this is suppose to do is;
Mark the checkType of each employee as I for the first entry, then O for their second entry of the date and so on.
If an employee has a last I at the end of the day, meaning no check out, then the next day's first punch of that employee (with in 12 AM - 7 AM) is considered check out for the previous day (marking as a nighter case for that employee) the rest entries are considered as sequential I and O.
any multiple entries within 10 seconds (or defined time) is ignored and marked CheckType as "Auto Ignored for x seconds"
If an employee is not allowed to use Card/Password then his CheckTypes are marked as Card not allowed or Password not allowed
Here is the function that I wrote;
public static bool inn = true;
public void sortLogs(int machineNum)
DateTime prevDate = DateTime.MinValue;
DateTime currentDate = DateTime.MinValue;
DateTime prevDateTime = DateTime.MinValue;
DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime.MinValue;
TimeSpan lowerBound = TimeSpan.Zero;
TimeSpan upperBound = TimeSpan.Zero;
var time = DateTime.ParseExact("00:00:00", "HH:mm:ss", null).ToString("hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));
lowerBound = Convert.ToDateTime(time).TimeOfDay;
var time2 = DateTime.ParseExact("07:00:00", "HH:mm:ss", null).ToString("hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));
upperBound = Convert.ToDateTime(time2).TimeOfDay;
upperBound = new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0);
var CheckType = "N/S";
bool isNighter = false;
List<AttendanceLog> firstDates = new List<AttendanceLog>();
AttendanceLog lastEmp = new AttendanceLog();
var empList = db.AttendanceLogs.OrderBy(x => x.EmpID).ThenBy(x => x.DateTime).ToList();
var countEmps = empList.DistinctBy(p => p.EmpID).Count();
string[,] array = new string[countEmps, 2];
var checkDevice = db.DeviceInformations.Where(xy => xy.DeviceID == machineNum && xy.IsActive == 1.ToString()).ToList();
AttendanceLog firstObj = new AttendanceLog();
int counter = 0;
int tempEmp = -1;
foreach (var emp in empList)
if (emp.EmpID == 0)
var cardAcceptance = db.Roles.Where(x => x.EmpID == emp.EmpID && x.Card_Acceptance == true).ToList();
var passwordAcceptance = db.Roles.Where(x => x.EmpID == emp.EmpID && x.Password_Acceptance == true).ToList();
currentDate = emp.Date;
currentDateTime = emp.DateTime;
if (emp.EmpID != tempEmp)
inn = true;
if (prevDateTime != DateTime.MinValue)
var seconds = (emp.DateTime - prevDateTime).TotalSeconds;
var settings = db.settings.Where(xy => xy.Constant_Name == "Entry Delay").FirstOrDefault();
if (settings.Constant_Value <= 0)
settings.Constant_Value = 10;
if (seconds > 0 && seconds < settings.Constant_Value)
//store prevDateTime in deleted table
emp.CheckType = "Auto Ignored: " + seconds + " seconds interval.";
// prevDateTime = emp.DateTime;
if (passwordAcceptance.Count <= 0)
if (emp.VerifyMode == "3")
emp.CheckType = "Password not allowed";
catch (DbEntityValidationException e)
foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors)
foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
if (cardAcceptance.Count <= 0)
if (emp.VerifyMode == "4")
emp.CheckType = "Card not allowed";
// db.SaveChanges();
catch (DbEntityValidationException e)
foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors)
foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
if (counter != countEmps)
if (emp.EmpID != firstObj.EmpID)
array[counter, 0] = emp.EmpID.ToString();
firstObj.EmpID = emp.EmpID;
firstObj.Date = emp.Date;
if (currentDate == firstObj.Date)
//check for entry delay
//get emp datetime here
//comapre with the slots
//if the datetime exsits in between
//otherwise store it with boolean flag for the first entry only, the rest should not be flagged
if (emp.DateTime.TimeOfDay > lowerBound && emp.DateTime.TimeOfDay < upperBound)
//consider the first check as nighter and then ignore the rest
else {
//checks after the upperBound means, no nighter
if (inn)
inn = false;
emp.CheckType = "I";
inn = true;
emp.CheckType = "O";
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; i++)
if (array[i, 0] == emp.EmpID.ToString())
array[i, 1] = emp.CheckType;
//CheckType = emp.CheckType;
prevDate = currentDate;
prevDateTime = currentDateTime;
if (prevDate != currentDate)
if (emp.DateTime.TimeOfDay > lowerBound && emp.DateTime.TimeOfDay < upperBound)
//consider the first check as nighter and then ignore the rest
if (inn)
inn = false;
emp.CheckType = "I";
inn = true;
emp.CheckType = "O";
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; i++)
if (array[i, 0] == emp.EmpID.ToString())
array[i, 1] = emp.CheckType;
//CheckType = emp.CheckType;
prevDate = currentDate;
prevDateTime = currentDateTime;
//checks after the upperBound means, no nighter
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; i++)
if (array[i, 0] == emp.EmpID.ToString())
if (array[i, 1] == "I")
emp.CheckType = "O";
inn = true;
emp.CheckType = "I";
inn = false;
if (inn)
inn = false;
emp.CheckType = "I";
inn = true;
emp.CheckType = "O";
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; i++)
if (array[i, 0] == emp.EmpID.ToString())
array[i, 1] = emp.CheckType;
prevDate = currentDate;
tempEmp = emp.EmpID.Value;
This did run but it messes up the "12 AM to 7 AM" checks and the password checks, i.e. not the accurate results.
As one of the example seen ^ consecutive O should not be there. I have been going crazy over this!
I have C#/.NET program which uses a COM port and SQL CE Database with a WCF service. Sometimes the program becomes unresponsive (the window freezes) and even in debug mode I cannot the reason.
I can restart the program after restarting my PC or the COM port. The problem isn't with my COM port problem because I have tried it on many PCs and all have the same problem.
How could I resolve this?
private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
labeltimer.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();
if (timerstarted == true)
timerstarted = true;
string error = "";
bool hasbassed = false;
if (this._Close == true)
if (serialPort1.IsOpen)
if (i < 8)
i = 0;
to[0] = (byte)(128 + i);
serialPort1.Write(to, 0, 1);
catch (System.Exception ex)
ListViewItem Lvi = new ListViewItem((++rowcount).ToString());
if (progressBar.Value >= 1500)
progressBar.Value = 0;
progressBar.Value += 10;
if (serialPort1.BytesToRead != 0)
byte[] data = new byte[serialPort1.BytesToRead];
from = new byte[3];
serialPort1.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
catch (System.Exception ex)
ListViewItem LVi = new ListViewItem((++rowcount).ToString());
// data.Length == 4 by Button or HassPassed
if (data.Length == 4)
if (data[1] > 2)
DBS.AddButtonPass(data[0], data[1] / 4);
timerstarted = false;
else if ((data[data.Length - 1] != 255) || (data.Length < 4))
from[0] = data[0];
from[1] = 0;
from[2] = 0;
serialPort1.Write(from, 0, 3);
timerstarted = false;
//RegistoringSubscriber_ID Add Subscriber Card
else if ((RegistoringSubscriber_ID > 0) && (RegisterCheckpoint != 0) && (data[0] == RegisterCheckpoint))
Registoring = false;
if (RegistorNewCard(Convert.ToInt32(data[2].ToString() + data[3].ToString() + data[4].ToString())) > 0)
FormBringPC.AnswerType = 1;
FormBringPC.AnswerType = 2;
RegistoringSubscriber_ID = 0;
error = "register card";
// RegistoringSubscriber_ID < 0 Add Bonus Card
else if ((RegistoringSubscriber_ID < 0) && (RegisterCheckpoint != 0) && (data[0] == RegisterCheckpoint))
Registoring = false;
if (RegistorBonusCard(Convert.ToInt32(data[2].ToString() + data[3].ToString() + data[4].ToString())) > 0)
FormBringPC.AnswerType = 1;
FormBringPC.AnswerType = 2;
RegistoringSubscriber_ID = 0;
error = "register Bonus card";
else if ((List_Checkpoint_ID.Contains(data[0]) && ((data[1] == 130) || (data[1] == 129))))
// DBS.EditPass((int)data[0]);
else if ((List_Checkpoint_ID.Contains(data[0]) && (data.Length == 7)))
_CARDCODE = Convert.ToInt32(data[2].ToString() + data[3].ToString() + data[4].ToString());
GlobalTypes.InvalidPass pass = DBS.CheckPassStatus(_CARDCODE, (int)data[0], (int)data[1]);
if (pass == GlobalTypes.InvalidPass.Valid)
from[0] = data[0];
from[1] = 1;
from[2] = 1;
serialPort1.Write(from, 0, 3);
LBTitle.Text = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
hasbassed = true;
from[0] = data[0];
from[1] = 0;
from[2] = 0;
serialPort1.Write(from, 0, 3);
switch (pass)
case GlobalTypes.InvalidPass.InvalidCard:
error = "Չգրանցված քարտ";
case GlobalTypes.InvalidPass.InvalidCount:
error = "Այց. քանակ";
case GlobalTypes.InvalidPass.InvalidGraphic:
error = "Ժամանակ hh:mm:ss";
case GlobalTypes.InvalidPass.InvalidPeriod:
error = "Ժամանակահատված xxxx.dd.yyy";
case GlobalTypes.InvalidPass.InvalidStatus:
error = "Հառացված աբոնենտ";
case GlobalTypes.InvalidPass.InvalidSuscribe:
error = "Անհայտ բաժանորդ";
error = "esim inch";
else if ((List_Checkpoint_ID.Contains(data[0]) && (data.Length > 0)))
byte[] ticket = new byte[data.Length - 6];
for (int ii = 0; ii < data.Length - 6; ii++)
ticket[ii] = data[ii + 2];
_CARDCODE = Convert.ToInt32(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ticket.ToArray()));
GlobalTypes.HasPass pass = DBS.CheckTicketPassStatus(_CARDCODE, (int)data[0], (int)data[1]);
if (pass == GlobalTypes.HasPass.TruePass)
from[0] = data[0];
from[1] = 1;
from[2] = 1;
serialPort1.Write(from, 0, 3);
LBTitle.Text = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
hasbassed = true;
from[0] = data[0];
from[1] = 0;
from[2] = 0;
serialPort1.Write(from, 0, 3);
switch (pass)
case GlobalTypes.HasPass.CardNotFound:
error = "Not registored ticket";
case GlobalTypes.HasPass.CardRepeat:
error = "ReEntring";
case GlobalTypes.HasPass.ValidationPeriodError:
error = "Ժամանակ hh:mm:ss";
case GlobalTypes.HasPass.SeasonError:
error = "Ժամանակահատված xxxx.dd.yyy";
case GlobalTypes.HasPass.WeekOfDayError:
error = "Day of Weak";
error = "esim inch";
catch { timerstarted = false; return; }
if (rowcount >= 10)
rowcount = 0;
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem((++rowcount).ToString());
if (data.Length == 4)
hasbassed = true;
if (((data[1] == 2) || (data[1] == 8)) && ((data.Length == 4) || (Dictionary_Chekpoint[data[0]].CheckPointType == 2)))
if (data.Length != 4)
if (hasbassed == true)
lvi.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
lvi.BackColor = Color.LightPink;
else MessageBox.Show("Serial port is closed!", "RS232 tester", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
timerstarted = false;
timerstarted = false;
C# programs show as NOT RESPONDING whenever there is processing happening in the main UI thread that is preventing UI processing. The general answer here is to push that work into a different thread, so that UI events can continue to process (see references below for more information). In the case of serial ports, the easiest thing to do is hook the SerialPort.DataReceived event instead of polling it: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.ports.serialport.datareceived%28v=vs.110%29.aspx
GUI not responding while fetching data
Hi I am completely new to C# programming and I am getting stuck on my code. My program is to ask the user for a city or zip code, the amount of beds/baths they want, and their price range. I need to to search through my array and then display all the houses that meet their criteria (think Zillow, the website). My code currently displays random houses that do not meet any of the criteria I selected for the home. HELP!
for (int a = 0; a < HOUSES; ++a)
if (zipChecker == zip[a]) // check zip code
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
if (BtnBath1.Checked) // check baths
if (bath[a] > 0 && bath[a] <= 1)
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
else if (BtnBath2.Checked) // check baths
if (bath[a] > 1 && bath[a] <= 2)
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
else if (BtnBath3.Checked) // check baths
if (bath[a] > 2 && bath[a] <= 3)
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
else if (BtnBath4.Checked) // check baths
if (bath[a] > 3)
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
if (BtnBed1.Checked) // check bed
if (bed[a] > 0 && bed[a] <= 1)
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
else if (BtnBed2.Checked) //check bed
if (bed[a] > 1 && bed[a] <= 2)
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
else if (BtnBed3.Checked) //check bed
if (bed[a] > 2 || bed[a] <= 3)
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
else if (BtnBed4.Checked) //check bed
if (bed[a] > 3)
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
if (BoxPrice1.Checked) //check price
if (price[a] < 200000 && price[a] > 300000)
found = false;
foundPosition = a;
if (BoxPrice2.Checked) //check price
if (price[a] < 300000 && price[a] > 400000)
found = false;
foundPosition = a;
if (BoxPrice3.Checked) //check price
if (price[a] < 400000 && price[a] > 500000)
found = false;
foundPosition = a;
if (BoxPrice4.Checked) //check price
if (price[a] < 500000)
found = false;
foundPosition = a;
if (found)
label1.Text +=
string.Format("Bed: {0}, Bath:{1}, Asking Price:{2}, City:{3}, SQFT:{4}, " +
"Zip Code:{5}, Year:{6}", bed[foundPosition], bath[foundPosition],
price[foundPosition].ToString("c2"), city[foundPosition],
sqft[foundPosition].ToString("n0"), zip[foundPosition],
label1.Text = ("Sorry there were no houses that met your criteria");
int printcount = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < HOUSES; ++a) {
if (zipChecker == zip[a]) // check zip code
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (BtnBath1.Checked) // check baths
if (bath[a] > 0 && bath[a] <= 1) {
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (BtnBath2.Checked) // check baths
if (bath[a] > 1 && bath[a] <= 2) {
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (BtnBath3.Checked) // check baths
if (bath[a] > 2 && bath[a] <= 3) {
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (BtnBath4.Checked) // check baths
if (bath[a] > 3) {
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (BtnBed1.Checked) // check bed
if (bed[a] > 0 && bed[a] <= 1) {
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (BtnBed2.Checked) //check bed
if (bed[a] > 1 && bed[a] <= 2) {
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (BtnBed3.Checked) //check bed
if (bed[a] > 2 || bed[a] <= 3) {
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (BtnBed4.Checked) //check bed
if (bed[a] > 3) {
found = true;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (BoxPrice1.Checked) //check price
if (price[a] < 200000 && price[a] > 300000) {
found = false;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (BoxPrice2.Checked) //check price
if (price[a] < 300000 && price[a] > 400000) {
found = false;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (BoxPrice3.Checked) //check price
if (price[a] < 400000 && price[a] > 500000) {
found = false;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (BoxPrice4.Checked) //check price
if (price[a] < 500000) {
found = false;
foundPosition = a;
} else break;
if (found) {
label1.Text += string.Format("Bed: {0}, Bath:{1}, Asking Price:{2}, City:{3},SQFT:{4}, Zip Code:{5}, Year:{6}", bed[foundPosition], bath[foundPosition], price[foundPosition].ToString("c2"), city[foundPosition], sqft[foundPosition].ToString("n0"), zip[foundPosition], year[foundPosition]);
if (printcount == 0) label1.Text = ("Sorry there were no houses that met your criteria");
just changed the code for your requirement but can't test it
I have a javascript function called MakeInput.
It has got approximately 150 lines.
And I have to call that function about 300 times in my code.
My C# code called that function through webbrowser control.
It has to call that function 300 times, until DataTable in C# finishes looping.
But maybe javascript in webbrowser thinks that I am calling an infinite recursive function, so when it comes to about 60 times, it always throws an error called stack overflow at line 38.
How can I prevent this error?
How can I do a long time function in javascript?
I am posting my code.
Here it goes.
ieBrowser.Document.InvokeScript("setPageIndex", new object[] { currentPage });
function fnSearch() {
var frm = document.searchFrm;
var str = encryptData(frm, _currentPage);
function encryptData(form, _currentPage) {
var retValue = "";
try {
var crypto = document.getElementById("SomeActiveX");
var resultVal = MakeInput(form);
var inputStr = "";
if (resultVal[0] != "" && resultVal[1] != "") {
inputStr = resultVal[0] + "&" + resultVal[1];
else if (resultVal[0] == "") {
inputStr = resultVal[1];
else if (resultVal[1] == "") {
inputStr = resultVal[0];
else {
inputStr = "";
retValue = crypto.Encrypt(inputStr);
catch (e) {
return retValue;
function MakeInput(form) {
var result = new Array(2);
try {
var keyProc = document.getElementById("SomeActiveX");
var name = new Array(form.elements.length);
var value = new Array(form.elements.length);
var enc_name = new Array();
var enc_value = new Array();
var enc_idx = 0;
var j = 0;
var len = form.elements.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if ((form.elements[i].type != "button") && (form.elements[i].type != "reset") &&
(form.elements[i].type != "submit")) {
if ((form.elements[i].type == "radio") || (form.elements[i].type == "checkbox")) {
if (form.elements[i].checked == true) {
name[j] = form.elements[i].name;
value[j] = form.elements[i].value;
else if ((form.elements[i].type == "text") || (form.elements[i].type == "password")) {
name[j] = form.elements[i].name;
value[j] = form.elements[i].value;
if (keyProc != null && (form.elements[i].getAttribute("enc") == "on")) {
enc_name[enc_idx] = "_E2E_" + form.elements[i].name;
enc_value[enc_idx] = keyProc.GetEncData("", form.name, form.elements[i].name);
else {
if (form.elements[i].type == "select-one") {
var ind = form.elements[i].selectedIndex;
var singleLen = form.elements[i].length;
if (singleLen > 0) {
if (ind >= 0) {
name[j] = form.elements[i].name;
value[j] = form.elements[i].options[ind].value;
else {
else {
else if (form.elements[i].type == "select-multiple") {
var multiLen = form.elements[i].length;
for (k = 0; k < multiLen; k++) {
if (form.elements[i].options[k].selected) {
name[j] = form.elements[i].name;
value[j] = form.elements[i].options[k].value;
else {
name[j] = form.elements[i].name;
value[j] = form.elements[i].value;
var flag1 = false;
var flag2 = false;
var signed_text = "";
var unsigned_text = "";
for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
if (name[i].charAt(0) != "_") {
if (flag1) {
signed_text += "&";
else {
flag1 = true;
signed_text += name[i];
signed_text += "=";
signed_text += escape_url(value[i]);
else {
if (flag2) {
unsigned_text += "&";
else {
flag2 = true;
unsigned_text += name[i];
unsigned_text += "=";
unsigned_text += escape_url(value[i]);
for (i = 0; i < enc_idx; i++) {
if (flag2) {
unsigned_text += "&";
else {
flag2 = true;
unsigned_text += enc_name[i];
unsigned_text += "=";
unsigned_text += enc_value[i];
if (enc_idx > 0) {
if (flag2) {
unsigned_text += "&";
else {
flag2 = true;
unsigned_text += "_ENCSEED";
unsigned_text += "=";
unsigned_text += keyProc.GetEncData(serverCert, "", "");
result[0] = signed_text;
result[1] = unsigned_text;
catch (e) {
throw e;
return result;
And the error message was captured.
Sorry, the error message is written in Korean.
But it says, "Stack overflow(at line 38)".
But I think the number is not pointing at the line number, coz I've changed lines but the error message is always 38.
It doesn't think you are in a continuous loop. It fails when memory runs out in stack. The same code might work on a computer with higher memory. Each time a function is called a stack entry is kept in stack to move to calee once the function is done, so in your case the stack space runs out after 60 calls. The line 38 is not line number in your code.
Why dont you try same code on a high end PC
i currently have a form that has several check boxes, once all the boxes are checked or left empty, it sends it to the database the state of the check boxes
i want to add, if a box is not checked, when you check it, it should ask for confirmation window "you sure you wanna check this"
any help please?
this is the current code
public IMeditor(IMui IMui, IMuser U, string User)
this.IMui = IMui;
imu = U;
if (imu.UID == 0)
Add.Text = "Add";
imu.name = user;
Add.Text = "Update";
AuthChat.Checked = imu.AuthChat == 1;
AuthTac1.Checked = imu.AuthTac1 == 1;
AuthTac2.Checked = imu.AuthTac2 == 1;
AuthTac3.Checked = imu.AuthTac3 == 1;
AuthTac4.Checked = imu.AuthTac4 == 1;
AuthTac5.Checked = imu.AuthTac5 == 1;
AuthTac6.Checked = imu.AuthTac6 == 1;
AuthTac7.Checked = imu.AuthTac7 == 1;
AuthTac8.Checked = imu.AuthTac8 == 1;
AuthTac9.Checked = imu.AuthTac9 == 1;
AuthTac10.Checked = imu.AuthTac10 == 1;
switch (imu.Transport.ToLower()) {
case "aim": Transport.SelectedIndex = 0; break;
case "gtalk": Transport.SelectedIndex = 1; break;
case "msn": Transport.SelectedIndex = 2; break;
case "yahoo": Transport.SelectedIndex = 3; break;
I agree with Izzy. Add something like
private void PrivateInitialize()
CheckBox chkBox = new CheckBox();
chkBox.Text = "Click me";
chkBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(chkBox_CheckedChanged);
private void chkBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Nag, nag, nag! You take out the trash yet?");
You need to handle the event CheckedChangedEvent for the checkbox. You can find the sample code on MSDN. Also
this link for the complete understanding of checkbox.
Or else you can derive your own class from CheckBox control of windows forms then override the required function and implement your own logic and create all the checkboxes in your application from this derived class
public IMeditor(IMui IMui, IMuser U, string User)
this.IMui = IMui;
imu = U;
if (imu.UID == 0)
Add.Text = "Add";
imu.name = user;
Add.Text = "Update";
AuthChat.Checked = imu.AuthChat == 1;
AuthTac1.Checked = imu.AuthTac1 == 1;
AuthTac2.Checked = imu.AuthTac2 == 1;
AuthTac3.Checked = imu.AuthTac3 == 1;
AuthTac4.Checked = imu.AuthTac4 == 1;
AuthTac5.Checked = imu.AuthTac5 == 1;
AuthTac6.Checked = imu.AuthTac6 == 1;
AuthTac7.Checked = imu.AuthTac7 == 1;
AuthTac8.Checked = imu.AuthTac8 == 1;
AuthTac9.Checked = imu.AuthTac9 == 1;
AuthTac10.Checked = imu.AuthTac10 == 1;
switch (imu.Transport.ToLower()) {
case "aim": Transport.SelectedIndex = 0; break;
case "gtalk": Transport.SelectedIndex = 1; break;
case "msn": Transport.SelectedIndex = 2; break;
case "yahoo": Transport.SelectedIndex = 3; break;
AuthChat.Click += new EventHandler(ClickHandler);
void ClickHandler(Object obj, EventArgs args)
if (obj == AuthChat && AuthChat.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to change?", "are you sure?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
if (result == DialogResult.No)
AuthChat.Checked = false;
public IMeditor(IMui IMui, IMuser U, string User)
this.IMui = IMui;
imu = U;
if (imu.UID == 0)
Add.Text = "Add";
imu.name = user;
Add.Text = "Update";
AuthChat.Checked = imu.AuthChat == 1;
AuthTac1.Checked = imu.AuthTac1 == 1;
AuthTac2.Checked = imu.AuthTac2 == 1;
AuthTac3.Checked = imu.AuthTac3 == 1;
AuthTac4.Checked = imu.AuthTac4 == 1;
AuthTac5.Checked = imu.AuthTac5 == 1;
AuthTac6.Checked = imu.AuthTac6 == 1;
AuthTac7.Checked = imu.AuthTac7 == 1;
AuthTac8.Checked = imu.AuthTac8 == 1;
AuthTac9.Checked = imu.AuthTac9 == 1;
AuthTac10.Checked = imu.AuthTac10 == 1;
switch (imu.Transport.ToLower()) {
case "aim": Transport.SelectedIndex = 0; break;
case "gtalk": Transport.SelectedIndex = 1; break;
case "msn": Transport.SelectedIndex = 2; break;
case "yahoo": Transport.SelectedIndex = 3; break;
AuthChat.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(CheckChangedHandler);
AuthChat1.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(CheckChangedHandler);
void CheckChangedHandler(Object obj, EventArgs args)
if (obj == AuthChat)
MessageBox.Show("Checked changed for AuthChat");
else if (obj == AuthChat1)
MessageBox.Show("Checked changed for AuthChat1");
do it with javascript? add OnClientClick="return confirmCheck(this);"
<script language="javascript">
function confirmCheck(e){
return confirm("are you sure?");
// do other stuff
this should be better than redirecting people