How to Get Custom Field value acumatica - c#

I'm new in developing acumatica I am stuck at getting the value of a custom TextEdit field that I created. I can get all of the built-in field value through this code
InventoryItem items = (InventoryItem)Base.Item.Cache.Current;
but I cannot get the one that I have created at acumatica customization
here is the field I want to get
I already tried
InventoryItem items = (InventoryItem)Base.ItemSettings.Cache.Current;
var shortdesc = items.UsrShortDescription;
But it's not working and does not show the value inside the textbox
thank you in advance for helping

InventoryItem items = (InventoryItem)Base.ItemSettings.Current;
var itemExt = PXCache<InventoryItem>.GetExtension<InventoryItemExt>(items);
var shortdesc = itemExt.UsrShortDescription;

Vardan showed one way, for completeness of picture want to show another as well:
InventoryItem items = (InventoryItem)Base.ItemSettings.Current;
var itemExt = items.GetExtension<InventoryItemExt>();

This is an example of getting value from a non-extension field. I did not use extension DAC to add the Gift card field to the store setup screen.
In a method I need to get the value of that field. I should check whether the order contains Gift card item or not.
public static bool GiftcardName(OrderModel orders, BZWoocommerceStore store)
// "ZGift CArd W" => "giftcard"
string wooCommName = string.Empty;
string wooCommNameNoSpases = string.Empty;
bool containsGiftcardName = false;
bool isGiftcard = false;
foreach (OrderLineModel line in orders.LineItems)
string gNameInAcumatica = store.GiftcardIdentifier;
string gNameInAcumaticaWithoutSpaces = gNameInAcumatica.Replace(" ", "");
wooCommName = line.Name; //pattern
wooCommNameNoSpases = wooCommName.Replace(" ", "");
//wooCommNameNoSpases = new string(wooCommName.ToCharArray()
// .Where(c => !Char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
// .ToArray());
//woCommNameNoUperCase= wooCommNameNoSpases.ToLower();
//isGiftcardName= woCommNameNoUperCase.Contains(gName);
//containsGiftcardName = wooCommNameNoSpases.Contains(gName);
containsGiftcardName = Regex.IsMatch(wooCommNameNoSpases, gNameInAcumaticaWithoutSpaces, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
isGiftcard = true;
return isGiftcard;
So, when I call this method I give to that 2 arguments, orders and store.
The store argument was created in this way.
public PXSelect<BZWoocommerceOrder> Order;
In an action method I wrote this.
string storeCode = this.Order.Current.StoreCode;
BZWoocommerceStore store = PXSelect<BZWoocommerceStore, Where<BZWoocommerceStore.storeCode, Equal<Required<BZWoocommerceStore.storeCode>>>>.Select(this, storeCode);
My GiftcardName() method sees the value of original field. Writing "Original" I mean that you do not use any technique like this one.
BZSOOrderExt rowExt = sender.GetExtension<BZSOOrderExt>(row);


How set OrderBy on GroupedEnumerable

My result set is not sorting. How do I set up OrderBy for type System.Linq.GroupedEnumerable
I've converted an application from Core 1.1 to 2.2. Everything ported over fine except one piece of logic that:
1) takes a response from a service call maps it to a GroupedEnumerable
2) takes the grouped set and passes it to a function that maps it to an object of type System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator.
The resulting object is properly populated but not sorted. I have tried the order by in the function parameter call and as a separate process afterwards.
//response = {myService.myClient.SearchNominationsResponse}
//groupedSet = {System.Linq.GroupedEnumerable<ServiceClients.myClient.NominationObject, long>}
//result = {System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator<System.Linq.IGrouping<long, ServiceClients.myClient.NominationObject>, app.ViewModels.EvaluationSummary>}
public IEnumerable<EvaluationSummary> GetEvaluationSummaries(string sortBy, string sortOrder, Filter filter = null)
var request = Mapper.MapSearchNominationRequest(filter);
request.IsDetailed = false;
var response = myService.SearchNominationsAsync(request).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var groupedSet = response.mySet.GroupBy(n => n.SetId);
// I get a proper result but it is not sorted
var result = groupedSet.Select(
g => Mapper.MapEvaluationSummary(
g.OrderBy(g2 => sortBy + " " + sortOrder)
// Still not sorting
result = result.OrderBy(r => sortBy + sortOrder);
return result;
public EvaluationSummary MapEvaluationSummary(SetObject setIn)
var eval = new EvaluationSummary
setDate = setIn.Date,
setId = setIn.Id,
setTypeId = setIn.TypeId,
setTypeDescription = setIn.TypeDescription,
setStatusId = setIn.StatusId,
setStatusDescription = setIn.StatusDescription,
setBy = setIn.Manager,
setEmployee = setIn.employee
So in my view I have columns that list Date, Id, setEmployee. I can click on these values to issue a sort pattern and I can see that the sortBy and sortOrder variables are being passed in with proper values but the sorting is not happening.
I expect 'William' to appear before 'Bill' and then Bill to appear before 'William' when toggling the employee column header in my view.
Based off of the previous answers, I'm still not sure if I can substitute a property name in the LINQ with a variable. To fix my problem and move on I've implemented JS logic to sort my table headers. We had a custom JS that we use to format tables in our apps but it seems the sort functionality never worked. Anyway not an answer to my question but this is how I solved the problem:
Logic can be found at:

Sitefinity: Dynamic Content query optimization with field values

I will attempt to be as specific as possible. So we are using Sitefinity 8.1.5800, I have a couple dynamic content modules named ReleaseNotes and ReleaseNoteItems. ReleaseNotes has some fields but no reference to ReleaseNoteItems.
Release Note Items has fields and a related data field to ReleaseNotes.
So I can query all ReleaseNoteItems as dynamic content pretty quickly less than a second.
I then use these objects provided by sitefinity and map them to a C# object so I can use strong type. This mapping process is taking almost a minute and using over 600 queries for only 322 items (N+1).
In Short: I need to get all sitefinity objects and Map them to a usable c# object quicker than I currently am.
The method for fetching the dynamic content items (takes milliseconds):
private IList<DynamicContent> GetAllLiveReleaseNoteItemsByReleaseNoteParentId(Guid releaseNoteParentId)
DynamicModuleManager dynamicModuleManager = DynamicModuleManager.GetManager(String.Empty);
Type releasenoteitemType = TypeResolutionService.ResolveType("Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicTypes.Model.ReleaseNoteItems.Releasenoteitem");
string releaseNoteParentTypeString = "Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicTypes.Model.ReleaseNotes.Releasenote";
var provider = dynamicModuleManager.Provider as OpenAccessDynamicModuleProvider;
int? totalCount = 0;
var cultureName = "en";
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(cultureName);
Type releasenoteType = TypeResolutionService.ResolveType("Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicTypes.Model.ReleaseNotes.Releasenote");
// This is how we get the releasenote items through filtering
DynamicContent myCurrentItem = dynamicModuleManager.GetDataItem(releasenoteType, releaseNoteParentId);
var myMasterParent =
dynamicModuleManager.Lifecycle.GetMaster(myCurrentItem) as DynamicContent;
var relatingItems = provider.GetRelatedItems(
ref totalCount,
IList<DynamicContent> allReleaseNoteItems = relatingItems.ToList();
return allReleaseNoteItems;
This is the method that takes almost a minute that is mapping sitefinity object to C# object:
public IList<ReleaseNoteItemModel> GetReleaseNoteItemsByReleaseNoteParent(ReleaseNoteModel releaseNoteItemParent)
return GetAllLiveReleaseNoteItemsByReleaseNoteParentId(releaseNoteItemParent.Id).Select(rn => new ReleaseNoteItemModel
Id = rn.Id,
Added = rn.GetValue("Added") is bool ? (bool)rn.GetValue("Added") : false,
BugId = rn.GetValue<string>("bug_id"),
BugStatus = rn.GetValue<Lstring>("bugStatus"),
Category = rn.GetValue<Lstring>("category"),
Component = rn.GetValue<Lstring>("component"),
#Content = rn.GetValue<Lstring>("content"),
Criticality = rn.GetValue<Lstring>("criticality"),
Customer = rn.GetValue<string>("customer"),
Date = rn.GetValue<DateTime?>("date"),
Grouped = rn.GetValue<string>("grouped"),
Override = rn.GetValue<string>("override"),
Patch_Num = rn.GetValue<string>("patch_num"),
PublishedDate = rn.PublicationDate,
Risk = rn.GetValue<Lstring>("risk"),
Title = rn.GetValue<string>("Title"),
Summary = rn.GetValue<Lstring>("summary"),
Prod_Name = rn.GetValue<Lstring>("prod_name"),
ReleaseNoteParent = releaseNoteItemParent,
McProductId = GetMcProductId(rn.GetRelatedItems("McProducts").Cast<DynamicContent>()),
Is there any way to optimize this all into one query or a better way of doing this? Taking almost a minute to map this objects is too long for what we need to do with them.
If there is no way we will have to cache the items or make a SQL query. I would rather not do caching or SQL query if I do not have to.
Thank you in advance for any and all help you can provide, I am new to posting questions on stackoverflow so if you need any additional data please let me know.
Is there a reason why you are doing a .ToList() for the items? Is it possible for you to avoid that. In my opinion, most of the time(of the 1 minute) is taken to convert all your items into a list. Conversion from Sitefinity object to C# object is not the culprit here.
Look Arno's answer here:
You can use the "Content links manager" to query dynamic modules relationships (both by parent -ParentItemId- or by child -ChildItemId-) much faster:
var providerName = String.Empty;
var parentTitle = "Parent";
var relatedTitle = "RelatedItem3";
DynamicModuleManager dynamicModuleManager = DynamicModuleManager.GetManager(providerName);
Type parentType = TypeResolutionService.ResolveType("Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicTypes.Model.ParentModules.ParentModule");
Type relatedType = TypeResolutionService.ResolveType("Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicTypes.Model.RelatedModules.RelatedModule");
ContentLinksManager contentLinksManager = ContentLinksManager.GetManager();
// get the live version of all parent items
var parentItems = dynamicModuleManager.GetDataItems(parentType).Where(i => i.GetValue<string>("Title").Contains(parentTitle) && i.Status == ContentLifecycleStatus.Live && i.Visible);
// get the ids of the related items.
// We use the OriginalContentId property since we work with the live vesrions of the dynamic modules
var parentItemIds = parentItems.Select(i => i.OriginalContentId).ToList();
// get the live versions of all the schedules items
var relatedItems = dynamicModuleManager.GetDataItems(relatedType).Where(i => i.Status == ContentLifecycleStatus.Live && i.Visible && i.GetValue<string>("Title").Contains(relatedTitle));
// get the content links
var contentLinks = contentLinksManager.GetContentLinks().Where(cl => cl.ParentItemType == parentType.FullName && cl.ComponentPropertyName == "RelatedField" && parentItemIds.Contains(cl.ParentItemId) && cl.AvailableForLive);
// get the IDs of the desired parent items
var filteredParentItemIds = contentLinks.Join<ContentLink, DynamicContent, Guid, Guid>(relatedItems, (cl) => cl.ChildItemId, (i) => i.OriginalContentId, (cl, i) => cl.ParentItemId).Distinct();
// get the desired parent items by the filtered IDs
var filteredParentItems = parentItems.Where(i => filteredParentItemIds.Contains(i.OriginalContentId)).ToList();
I would imagine that every release note item under a single release note would be related to the same product wouldn't it?
If so, do you need to do the GetMcProductId method for every item?

List won't add string Array

I created the following class:
class TrdRamValue
double Value = 0.0;
TrdState State = TrdState.Ok;
DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
I then created a list with this class to store the information:
List<TrdRamValue> DMSrows = new List<TrdRamValue> ();
And I use the following inside a Handler to constantly insert values every second:
string[] value = new string[3];
value[0] = val;
value[1] = val.Error.ToString ();
value[2] = val.Time.ToString ();
DMSrows.AddRange (value);
But in code it keeps saying that I have an error in my argument, that I can't convert string[] to System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.
I'm completely lost on this one...
It was just a minor error from my part, and I also took huMpty duMpty suggestion since he's completely right, I don't need that string array.
All I had to do was make the class and the variables inside public in order to do what huMpty duMpty told me.
public class TrdRamValue
public double Value = 0.0;
public TrdState State = TrdState.Ok;
public DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
Then apply huMpty duMpty suggestion:
TrdRamValue value = new TrdRamValue() ;
value.Value = val;
if (!val.Error) {
value.State = TrdState.Ok;
else if (val.Error) value.State = TrdState.Error;
value.dt = val.Time;
DMSrows.Add (value);
Your List is not a List<string> but a List<TrdRamValue>. Therefore, you cannot add strings to the list. You can only add instances of TrdRamValue, or, in the case of AddRange, an IEnumerable (such as an array) of TrdRamValue.
So you can do this:
TrdRamValue toAdd = new TrdRamValue { Value = val, State = ..., dt = ... };
(btw naming a variable DMSRows does not fit with the .net naming conventions).
You're trying to add strings to a list of TrdRamValue objects. Your list is type-safe, which means you are only allowed to add TrdRamValue objects to it.
Not sure why you need string array here.
Also you don't need List.AddRange here since you adding one item. You can use List.Add
DMSrows.Add(new TrdRamValue{
Value =val,
State =val.Error,
dt =val.Time

In C# is there anyway to read a property directly (versus having to loop through PropertyNames)

I have the following code:
// Create a DirectorySearcher object.
DirectorySearcher mySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
mySearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.Base;
// Use the FindOne method to find the user object.
SearchResult resEnt = mySearcher.FindOne();
foreach(string propKey in resEnt.Properties.PropertyNames)
foreach (var property in resEnt.Properties[propKey])
Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", propKey, property.ToString());
This works fine but I only need to get a single property called "mail". Is there anyway i can just read a single property without having to loop. I am looking for something like this:
var emailAddress = resEnt.Properties["mail"];
You probably want:
string emailAddress = (string)resEnt.Properties["mail"][0];
Note that you might want to do some checking here to make sure there is a valid "mail" property:
var mailProps = resEnt.Properties["mail"];
string emailAddress = mailProps.Count > 0 ? (string)mailProps[0] : string.Empty;
Updated to work
The example you have will return a single Property. The problem is that the return is a Collection. I recommend doing
// Or String if you know it's always a string
var mailCollection = resEnt.Properties["mail"].Cast<Object>();
var emailAddress = mailCollection.FirstOrDefault();
If you use FirstOrDefault it will return the first value or null. If you use Single or [0] you will have to perform a validation step before hand or catch the Exception that is thrown when no results are returned.
Use the cast operation in conjuntion with LINQ to get the first object.
var email = resEnt.Properties["mail"].Cast<object>.FirstOrDefault();

Least code to convert one object to anothe for both single object and List<object>?

I need to convert one object to both cases of a single instance of the object as well as corresponding Lists of those objects. I'd rather not have to perform the same mappings in 2 places. Here is what I mean:
This converts a Facebook movie to a Standard Movie object
//Converts an Facebook object to a Standard Movie object
public MovieDetails ConvertFacebookMovieToStandardMovie(FacebookMovie Movies)
MovieDetails objMovieDetails = new MovieDetails();
objMovieDetails.ID = 0;
objMovieDetails.Source = Movies.Source;
objMovieDetails.SourceID = Convert.ToString(Movies.ID);
objMovieDetails.Title = Movies.Name;
objMovieDetails.URL = GetInternalMovieURL(objMovieDetails.Source, objMovieDetails.SourceID);
objMovieDetails.ImageURL = Movies.Picture;
objMovieDetails.SourceURL = Movies.SourceURL;
objMovieDetails.Description = Movies.Description
return objMovieDetails;
}//Convert Facebook to standard
Now I also need to do the same things in cases where I have the same objects, just in List form, i.e.
//Converts an Facebook class to a MovieDetails class of WWN
public List<MovieDetails> ConvertFacebookMovieToStandardMovie(List<FacebookMovie> lstFacebookMovieDetails)
List<MovieDetails> lstMovieListDetails = lstFacebookMovieDetails.Select(Movies => new MovieDetails()
ID = 0
,Source = Movies.Source
,SourceID = Convert.ToString(Movies.ID)
,Title = Movies.Name
,URL = GetInternalMovieURL(Source, SourceID)
,ImageURL = Movies.Picture
,SourceURL = Movies.SourceURL
,Description = Movies.Description
return lstMovieListDetails;
}//Convert Facebook to standard
I'm new to c# and linq, so not sure how I could create one method that could handle both...or at least a way to encapsulate the mappings.
I know I could create an overload method for the List scenario and loop through the items in the list and call the first object convert method...But I was hoping to use the linq route I currently have for, what I'm guessing, is better performance.
Just call your function.
public List<MovieDetails> ConvertFacebookMovieToStandardMovie(List<FacebookMovie> lstFacebookMovieDetails)
List<MovieDetails> lstMovieListDetails =
lstFacebookMovieDetails.Select(Movies => ConvertFacebookMovieToStandardMovie(Movies)).ToList();
return lstMovieListDetails;
or the other way
public MovieDetails ConvertFacebookMovieToStandardMovie(FacebookMovie Movies)
return ConvertFacebookMovieToStandardMovie(new [] { Movies} ).FirstOrDefault();
}//Convert Facebook to standard
You could also overload as then
public static MovieDetails operator as(FacebookMovie m)
if (m == null) return null;
MovieDetails objMovieDetails = new MovieDetails()
ID = 0,
Source = Movies.Source,
SourceID = Convert.ToString(Movies.ID),
Title = Movies.Name,
URL = GetInternalMovieURL(objMovieDetails.Source, objMovieDetails.SourceID),
ImageURL = Movies.Picture,
SourceURL = Movies.SourceURL,
Description = Movies.Description
return objMovieDetails
then ConvertFacebookMovieToStandardMovie seems silly but it would look like this:
public MovieDetails ConvertFacebookMovieToStandardMovie(FacebookMovie Movies)
return Movies as MovieDetails;
}//Convert Facebook to standard
public List<MovieDetails> ConvertFacebookMovieToStandardMovie(List<FacebookMovie> lstFacebookMovieDetails)
List<MovieDetails> lstMovieListDetails =
lstFacebookMovieDetails.Select(Movies => Movies as MovieDetails).ToList();
return lstMovieListDetails;
Unless there's a performance gain on having separate code for these two cases I'd simply scrap the single movie variant and keep the List variant. To do the single movie variant simply do this with using System.Linq;:
List<FacebookMovie> moviesDetailsList = ...
MovieDetails movieDetails = ConvertFacebookMovieToStandardMovie(moviesDetailsList).Single();
If you want the single case as a separate method, you can place the above as the body of that method with "..." = new [] {movieDetail};
A shorter version
public List<MovieDetails> ConvertFacebookMovieToStandardMovie(List<FacebookMovie> lstFacebookMovieDetails)
return lstFacebookMovieDetails.ConvertAll(ConvertFacebookMovieToStandardMovie);
As per msdn
Converts the elements in the current List to another type, and returns a list containing the converted elements.
