I am trying to use visual studio to write a program in c# and have it connect to my google cloud sql server. Unfortunately I have been trying to troubleshoot it and have had no luck. I already added my IP and my connection works through MYSQL Workbench.
I attempted to connect with the whole data source, network library, initial catalog, etc. I tried it without the network library and used the proper way to escape \ in the string during the connection. I also tried the default 1433 port and 3306. No luck.
// Build Connection String
SqlConnection clearviscon = new SqlConnection(#"Server=xx.xx.xx.xx\alpine-park-243102:us-central1:xxx, 3306;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=xxdatabase;User ID=root;Password=xxx123");
To connect to Google Cloud SQL for MySQL, you must use a MySQL client library. I recommend MySqlConnector.
Your connection string will be Server=xx.xx.xx.xx;Database=xxdatabase;User ID=root;Password=xxx123.
If you're using a client SSL certificate to connect to your server, add this to the end of your connection string: ;SslCa=server-ca.pem;SslCert=client-cert.pem;SslKey=client-key.pem.
You must use MySqlConnection.
See this link for more information: https://cloud.google.com/dotnet/docs/getting-started/using-cloud-sql
Im using xammp as my platform for my database
Usually the defualt port of mysql is 3306 and it is working properly
But when I change the port like 4444 in my.ini I have an error message receive
cannot connect to any of the specified mysql hosts
By using this connection string
string connectString = "datasource=xxx.xx.xx.xxx;port=4444;username=root;password="";database=XXXXX;";
Well XAMPP might require a restart of MySQL server in order to update open port. But according to Connector strings, parameter "Port" might be ignored if Unix socket is used. So you can also check that.
Also, I know that have PHP in title, but I think it might be connected with your problem. Try this and say if it helped
I created a managed sql instance on Google Cloud using these instructions.
I would like to connect from my code using C#.
When I write locally, this is my connection string:
public string LocalDataSource = #"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename='C:\Users\Bob\Desktop\versionsOfMediaPlayer\14.4.19\mediaPlayer_1\Database1.mdf';Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30";
and I manage to write to local sql.
What should be my connection string for the instance on Google Cloud?
details of my instance:
user: postgres
password: postgres
Instance connection name: my-project:us-central1:my-sql-instance
I added my local ip to the Cloud SQL instance firewall - so I manage to connect via command line, now I'd like to do so programmatically, using C#.
what should be my connection string?
Once you have authorized your IP address to connect, connecting to Cloud SQL is the same as any other database. According the the MySQL Connector docs for C# (found here), the connection string should look like the following:
I have installed postgresql database in http://postgres-project-1241043.j.layershift.co.uk/ host.
I want to connect to the database using C#. I use Npgsql with following connection string.
connectionString = # "Server = postgres-project-1241043.j.layershift.co.uk, Port = 5432, User Id = postgre; Password = abcdef; Database = dbluanvantn;";
But I am not able to connect to the server and get error:
Npgsql.NpgsqlException: Failed to a connection to
Am I using correct connection string?. Help me fix it.
You can only connect to Postgres (on our Jelastic service) if you add a public IP to the node first. Without that step, you can only connect to it locally (i.e. from another server within your Jelastic environment).
Also I want to mention that you are always welcome to contact our support team (our tech. support is 24x7 and completely free; even for our trial accounts) if you need any further help.
How to connect the oracle database as a backend in asp.net (C#)?
what is the connection string for it?
when i was trying to connect i got the below error:
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
The actual connection string depends on the parameters of your server (ip, instance name, credentials, etc).
Here's a site with several 'example' connection strings for oracle:
To connect to Oracle DB with .NET, best way is:
Install Oracle client
Configure tnsNames.ora
Reference .net project to Oracle.DataAccess.Dll (ODP.NET)
Create connection using OracleConnection object
I will not even go into other possibilities because this is golden standard for .net-Ora connectivity
I'm building a c# windows application which will connect with the mysql database in a remote server.
I'm using the following connect script
string connectionString;
connectionString = "SERVER = eu5.org;UID = myuserid; PASSWORD = mypassword; DATABASE = mydatabasename;";
connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
It shows the error couldn't connect to the database.
P.S: Mysql database is at eu5.org server
Personally I prefer to use the MySql Workbench IDE for testing connections and working (Querying) the database directly where possible. Most hosted databases that I have worked with normally define the Server as Instance.[DomainName] so I would have expected your server URL to be something like MySql1.eu5.org
Below is a connection string that I tested using the MySql Connector, change the parameters.
<add name="MySqlConnection" connectionString="server=INSTANCENAME.DOMAINNAME.COM;UID=USERNAME;password=PASSWORD;database=DATABASENAME;Persist Security Info=True;" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>
MAke sure that your server should be started...
Just read the FAQ:
Many people want to only use database, but their site is hosted elsewhere. We provide free database for websites hosted with us. For that reason, external access is blocked without exception.
--> http://www.freewebhostingarea.com/faq.html
so it's not possible to access your MySQL-DB from external sources.
only localhost will be allowed
Your code is correct.
Use a browser for MySQL, like http://mysql-query-browser-for-windows.apponic.com/ to check if your database is available.