I am getting AmazonRekognitionException as below when trying to run CompareFacesResponse, I am stuck, what should I do or check?
Amazon.Rekognition.AmazonRekognitionException: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details. ---> Amazon.Runtime.Internal.HttpErrorResponseException: Exception of type 'Amazon.Runtime.Internal.HttpErrorResponseException' was thrown
AWS credentials access key and secret are checked and correct
public static async Task<Tuple<bool, string>> Rekognition_Compare_Faces(string _source, string _target, string _bucketName)
const string HOSTNAME = "https://rekognition.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/";
const string ACCESS_KEY = "my_access_key";
const string ACCESS_SECRET = "my_secret_key";
float _similarityThreshold = 70F;
bool _ret = false;
string _confidence = string.Empty;
AmazonRekognitionConfig _config = new AmazonRekognitionConfig();
_config.ServiceURL = HOSTNAME + _bucketName;
AmazonRekognitionClient _rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET, _config);
Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image _imageSource = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image();
Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image _imageTarget = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image();
Amazon.Rekognition.Model.S3Object _s3_source = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.S3Object { Bucket = _bucketName, Name = _source };
Amazon.Rekognition.Model.S3Object _s3_target = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.S3Object { Bucket = _bucketName, Name = _target };
CompareFacesRequest _compareFacesRequest = new CompareFacesRequest()
SourceImage = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image
S3Object = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.S3Object
Bucket = HOSTNAME + _bucketName,
Name = _source
TargetImage = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image
S3Object = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.S3Object
Bucket = HOSTNAME + _bucketName,
Name = _target
SimilarityThreshold = _similarityThreshold
CompareFacesResponse _compareFacesResponse = await _rekognitionClient.CompareFacesAsync(_compareFacesRequest);
// Display results
foreach (CompareFacesMatch match in _compareFacesResponse.FaceMatches)
ComparedFace face = match.Face;
BoundingBox position = face.BoundingBox;
_confidence = match.Similarity.ToString(AppSettings.Decimal_Number_Format) + "%";
_ret = true;
catch (Exception ex) { await ClsMain.SaveLog("AWS.Compare_Faces: " + ex.ToString()); }
finally { }
return await Task.FromResult(new Tuple<bool, string>(_ret, _confidence));
has anybody experience on this?
thanks a lot in advance
I had the same error.
I tried adding RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.EUWest1 to my AmazonRekognitionConfig so it now looks like this:
var config = new AmazonRekognitionConfig
ServiceURL = $"https://rekognition.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/{_awsSettings.BucketName}",
RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.EUWest1
var client = new AmazonRekognitionClient(_awsSettings.AccessKey, _awsSettings.Secret, config);
This fixed the problem for me.
I am trying to move data for example;
Source = "Uploads/Photos/" to Destination="Uploads/mytest/"
I am getting error like that but but when i give a specific file this works.
Basically, I want to move folder with all files.
My code is below;
public async Task<MoveResponse> MoveObject(MoveRequest moveRequest)
MoveResponse moveResponse = new MoveResponse();
CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest = new CopyObjectRequest
SourceBucket = moveRequest.BucketName,
DestinationBucket = moveRequest.BucketName + "/" + moveRequest.Destination,
SourceKey = moveRequest.Source,
DestinationKey = moveRequest.Source,
var response1 = await client.CopyObjectAsync(copyObjectRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (response1.HttpStatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
moveResponse.IsError = true;
moveResponse.ErrorMessage = "Files could not moved to destination!";
return moveResponse;
return moveResponse;
I hope, you are using high level S3 API's.
Check out this sample code
private void uploadFolderToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string directoryPath = textBoxBasePath.Text + listBoxFolder.SelectedItem.ToString().Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
string bucketName = comboBoxBucketNames.Text;
string FolderName = listBoxFolder.SelectedItem.ToString().Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
TransferUtility directoryTransferUtility = new TransferUtility(new AmazonS3Client(AwsAccessKeyID, AwsSecretAccessKey, RegionEndpoint.USEast1));
TransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest request = new TransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest
BucketName = bucketName,
KeyPrefix = FolderName,
StorageClass = S3StorageClass.StandardInfrequentAccess,
ServerSideEncryptionMethod = ServerSideEncryptionMethod.AES256,
Directory = directoryPath,
SearchOption = SearchOption.AllDirectories,
SearchPattern = "*.*",
CannedACL = S3CannedACL.AuthenticatedRead
ListMultipartUploadsRequest req1 = new ListMultipartUploadsRequest
BucketName = bucketName
var t = Task.Factory.FromAsync(directoryTransferUtility.BeginUploadDirectory, directoryTransferUtility.EndUploadDirectory, request, null);
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("The Directory '{0}' is successfully uploaded", FolderName));
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
I am running this code below but get no answer from the API at the DetectIntent() line. I also tested the DetectIntentsAsync() method instead, but have the same problem.
I also call the bot from nodejs fulfillment and all responses were OK.
Code is below:
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
messageList.Items.Add("User: " + messageText.Text);
var query = new QueryInput
Text = new TextInput
Text = messageText.Text,
LanguageCode = "en-us"
var sessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var agent = "...";
var parameters = new JsonCredentialParameters
Type = JsonCredentialParameters.ServiceAccountCredentialType,
ClientEmail = "...",
PrivateKey = "..."
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parameters);
var creds = GoogleCredential.FromJson(json);
var channel = new Grpc.Core.Channel(SessionsClient.DefaultEndpoint.Host, creds.ToChannelCredentials());
var client = SessionsClient.Create(channel);
var sessionName = new SessionName(agent, sessionId);
var dialogFlow = client.DetectIntent(
messageList.Items.Add("Bot: " + dialogFlow);
catch (Exception ex)
messageList.Items.Add("error: " + ex.Message);
I am using PushSharp library to send the notification on iOS devices but it's not working. I have debugged it and found there is some ApnsConfiguration connection problem.
I am using this code to send the notificaiton:
public IHttpActionResult Notify()
HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();
HttpContent requestContent = Request.Content;
string errorMessage = "Some error occured.please try again later";
HttpStatusCode responseCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
string requestParameter = requestContent.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
string tokan = "";
var r = Request;
var header = r.Headers;
if (requestParameter != null)
PushNotificationModel complaintModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PushNotificationModel>(requestParameter);
var appleCert = File.ReadAllBytes(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Images/User/xyz.pem"));
var config = new ApnsConfiguration(ApnsConfiguration.ApnsServerEnvironment.Production,
appleCert, "xyz");
// Create a new broker
var push = new ApnsServiceBroker(config);
int DeviceType = 1;
string deviceId = Convert.ToString(complaintModel.deviceToken);
string message = "New notification!!";
Guid complaintId = complaintModel.ComplaintId;
string detail = complaintModel.detail;
// var appleCert = File.ReadAllBytes(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Images/User/CTPwd.pem"));
push.OnNotificationFailed += (notification, aggregateEx) =>
aggregateEx.Handle(ex =>
// See what kind of exception it was to further diagnose
if (ex is ApnsNotificationException)
message = ex.Message;
message = "Not an APNSException";
// Mark it as handled
return true;
push.OnNotificationSucceeded += (notification) =>
message = "New Notification";
string appleJsonFormat = "{\"aps\": {\"alert\":" + '"' + message + '"' + ",\"sound\": \"default\"}}";
//string appleJsonFormat = "{\"aps\": {\"alert\": " + "Hello World" + ",\"sound\": \"default\"}}";
push.QueueNotification(new ApnsNotification
DeviceToken = deviceId,
Payload = JObject.Parse(appleJsonFormat)
catch(Exception ex)
I have searched on google, but did not find any relevant answer. Is there any syntax problem ?
Thanks in advance.
Please use .P12 file format for push notification happy coding:)
The following code does not throw any exception but it also doesn't create a new EPT:
public void CreateEnterpriseProjectType(Guid eptGuid, string eptName, string eptDescription)
ProjectContext pwaContext = new ProjectContext("http://serverName/pwaName");
pwaContext.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("adminUsername", "adminPassword", "domainName");
EnterpriseProjectTypeCreationInformation eptData = new EnterpriseProjectTypeCreationInformation();
eptData.Id = eptGuid;
eptData.Name = eptName;
eptData.Description = eptDescription;
eptData.IsDefault = false;
eptData.IsManaged = true;
eptData.WorkspaceTemplateName = "PROJECTSITE#0";
eptData.ProjectPlanTemplateId = Guid.Empty;
eptData.WorkflowAssociationId = Guid.Empty;
// Get the maximum order of the existing EPTs and increment by 1 in order to use an order that does not already exist
eptData.Order = Convert.ToInt32(Database.GetValue("SELECT MAX(ENTERPRISE_PROJECT_TYPE_ORDER) FROM [ProjectWebApp].[pub].[MSP_ENTERPRISE_PROJECT_TYPES]")) + 1;
List<ProjectDetailPageCreationInformation> projectDetailPages = new List<ProjectDetailPageCreationInformation>() {new ProjectDetailPageCreationInformation() { Id = pwaContext.ProjectDetailPages[1].Id, IsCreate = false }};
eptData.ProjectDetailPages = projectDetailPages;
EnterpriseProjectType newEpt = pwaContext.EnterpriseProjectTypes.Add(eptData);
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or what I'm missing? Is it possible to create an EPT programmatically?
Yes, it is possible to create an EPT programmatically. Turns out three things were missing:
A second PDP having IsCreate = true (at least one with IsCreate = true and one with IsCreate = false are required for successfully creating an EPT)
A query for iterating through the existing EPTs before adding a new one:
A pwaContext.ExecuteQuery(); after the pwaContext.EnterpriseProjectTypes.Update(); command.
The following code works fine for me:
public class PSI
private ProjectContext _context;
private string basicEpt = "Enterprise Project"; // Basic enterprise project type.
private static readonly PSI psi = new PSI();
private int timeoutSeconds = 60;
SvcProject.ProjectClient _prClient;
private PSI ()
_context = new ProjectContext(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PwaUrl"]);
//credentials of currently running acount or enable line below
//_context.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("user", "pass", "domain");
timeoutSeconds = int.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultTimeoutPwa"]);
_prClient = new SvcProject.ProjectClient("basicHttp_Project");
public static PSI Instance
get{ return psi; }
public Guid GetEptUid(string eptName)
Guid eptUid = Guid.Empty;
var eptList = _context.LoadQuery( _context.EnterpriseProjectTypes.Where(ept => ept.Name == eptName));
eptUid = eptList.First().Id;
catch (Exception ex)
string msg = string.Format("GetEptUid: eptName = \"{0}\"\n\n{1}", eptName, ex.GetBaseException().ToString());
throw new ArgumentException(msg);
return eptUid;
public PublishedProject CreateProject(string prName, string description, DateTime startDate)
System.Console.Write("\nCreating project: {0} ...", prName);
ProjectCreationInformation newProj = new ProjectCreationInformation();
newProj.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
newProj.Name = prName;
newProj.Description = description;
newProj.Start = startDate;
newProj.EnterpriseProjectTypeId = GetEptUid(basicEpt);
PublishedProject newPublishedProj = _context.Projects.Add(newProj);
QueueJob qJob = _context.Projects.Update();
JobState jobState = _context.WaitForQueue(qJob, timeoutSeconds);
if (jobState == JobState.Success)
return newPublishedProj;
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
System.Console.WriteLine("\nError: {0}", ex.Message);
return null;
I use DotNetOpenAuth.
So.. I am getting looking good response which has state Authenticated.
That is fine.
Now I want to get user profile info but always getting NULL.
Here is the code.
private ServiceProviderDescription GetServiceDescription()
string ValidateTokenEndPoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identityOAuthValidateTokenEndPointUrl"];
string ValidateAuthorizationHeaderEndPoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identityOAuthValidateAuthorizationHeaderEndPointUrl"];
string AccessTokenEndPoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identityOAuthAccessTokenURL"];
bool UseVersion10A = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identityOAuthUseVersion10a"]);
string RequestTokenStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identityOAuthRequestTokenURL"];
string UserAuthStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identityOAuthAuthorizeUserURL"];
string AccessTokenStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identityOAuthAccessTokenURL"];
string InvalidateTokenStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identityOAuthRequestInvalidateTokenURL"];
return new ServiceProviderDescription
AccessTokenEndpoint = new MessageReceivingEndpoint(AccessTokenStr, HttpDeliveryMethods.PostRequest),
RequestTokenEndpoint = new MessageReceivingEndpoint(RequestTokenStr, HttpDeliveryMethods.PostRequest),
UserAuthorizationEndpoint = new MessageReceivingEndpoint(UserAuthStr, HttpDeliveryMethods.PostRequest),
TamperProtectionElements = new ITamperProtectionChannelBindingElement[] { new HmacSha1SigningBindingElement() },
ProtocolVersion = DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ProtocolVersion.V10a
void GetUserProfile()
var tokenManager = TokenManagerFactory.GetTokenManager(TokenManagerType.InMemoryTokenManager);
tokenManager.ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identityOAuthConsumerKey"];
tokenManager.ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identityOAuthConsumerSecret"];
var serviceDescription = GetServiceDescription();
var consumer = new WebConsumer(serviceDescription, tokenManager);
var result = consumer.ProcessUserAuthorization(response);
if (result != null) // It is always null
Well I checked 10 times and I am pretty sure that all URLs to create ServiceProviderDescription are correct.
Any clue?
finally check your web.config app keys
add key="identityOAuthConsumerKey" value="put here correct data!!!"
add key="identityOAuthConsumerSecret" value="put here correct data!!!"
and if you use hosts file you have to put correct sitename as well site1.host1.com