How can I know the GPU values about DirectX in regedit? - c#

Regedit Directx informations
I have found this register and I need to know how I can do convert and take real values for these items:
I used this to get values, but I don't know the real values after conversion.
public void CheckDirectx()
RegistryKey registerKey;
string description = string.Empty;
long driverVersion = -1;
long lastSeen = -1;
int d11FeatureLevel = -1;
int d12FeatureLevel = -1;
long umdVersion = -1;
registerKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(#"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectX\{AA4CC8A5-889A-11E9-B1F8-1062E5C8AC0E}");
description = registerKey.GetValue("Description") as string;
driverVersion = (long)registerKey.GetValue("DriverVersion");
lastSeen = (long)registerKey.GetValue("LastSeen");
d11FeatureLevel = (int)registerKey.GetValue("MaxD3D11FeatureLevel");
d12FeatureLevel = (int)registerKey.GetValue("MaxD3D12FeatureLevel");
umdVersion = (long)registerKey.GetValue("UMDVersion");
}catch (IOException e)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}",e.GetType().Name, e.Message);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", description);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", lastSeen);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", d11FeatureLevel);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", d12FeatureLevel);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", umdVersion);

Most of those values can be read with DXGI interfaces (DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 structure and others) and are LARGE_INTEGER.
From the values in your sample, you can convert them like (I get yesterday for your LastSeen date) :
LARGE_INTEGER nDriverVersion;
nDriverVersion.QuadPart = 0x190015000e0768LL;
WORD nProduct = HIWORD(nDriverVersion.HighPart);
WORD nVersion = LOWORD(nDriverVersion.HighPart);
WORD nSubVersion = HIWORD(nDriverVersion.LowPart);
WORD nBuild = LOWORD(nDriverVersion.LowPart);
nLastSeen.QuadPart = 0x1D51F80F1EA7FB1LL;
ft.dwLowDateTime = nLastSeen.LowPart;
ft.dwHighDateTime = nLastSeen.HighPart;
FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st);


How can I get absent days from ZKTeco device?

I have a ZKTeco K80 device, what I can get now are the logs data ( DateTime, InOut, VerifyMethod..)
private void btnPullData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ShowStatusBar(string.Empty, true);
ICollection<MachineInfo> lstMachineInfo = manipulator.GetLogData(objZkeeper, int.Parse(tbxMachineNumber.Text.Trim()));
if (lstMachineInfo != null && lstMachineInfo.Count > 0)
ShowStatusBar(lstMachineInfo.Count + " records found !!", true);
DisplayListOutput("No records found");
catch (Exception ex)
public ICollection<MachineInfo> GetLogData(ZkemClient objZkeeper, int machineNumber)
string dwEnrollNumber1 = "";
int dwVerifyMode = 0;
int dwInOutMode = 0;
int dwYear = 0;
int dwMonth = 0;
int dwDay = 0;
int dwHour = 0;
int dwMinute = 0;
int dwSecond = 0;
int dwWorkCode = 0;
ICollection<MachineInfo> lstEnrollData = new List<MachineInfo>();
while (objZkeeper.SSR_GetGeneralLogData(machineNumber, out dwEnrollNumber1, out dwVerifyMode, out dwInOutMode, out dwYear, out dwMonth, out dwDay, out dwHour, out dwMinute, out dwSecond, ref dwWorkCode))
string inputDate = new DateTime(dwYear, dwMonth, dwDay, dwHour, dwMinute, dwSecond).ToString();
MachineInfo objInfo = new MachineInfo();
objInfo.MachineNumber = machineNumber;
objInfo.IndRegID = int.Parse(dwEnrollNumber1);
objInfo.DateTimeRecord = inputDate;
objInfo.dwInOutMode = dwInOutMode;
return lstEnrollData;
Ref : Csharp-ZKTeco-Biometric-Device-Getting-Started
I'm searching for a method to get the absent days , how can I configure the device to count all the absent days starting from a week and except Saturday and Sunday or this is not related to the device and should I configure it myself using SQL tables??
Well, you can not get the absent days from the biometric device. It must be part of your application logic. You have to read all the attendance data from the biometric device, and consider all the missing dates as absent days.

How to convert HEX to Datetime in c#

I am trying to convert datetime to hex and send it to another page in query string and I am trying to convert the Hex to date time again. I have converting datetime to HEX like this
private string DateToHex(DateTime theDate)
string isoDate = theDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
string xDate = (long.Parse(isoDate)).ToString("x");
string resultString = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < isoDate.Length - 1; i++)
int n = char.ConvertToUtf32(isoDate, i);
string hs = n.ToString("x");
resultString += hs;
return resultString;
By converting Datetime to HEx I got like this 32303134303631313136353034 and in another page I am trying to convert the hex to Date time like this
private DateTime HexToDateTime(string hexDate)
int secondsAfterEpoch = Int32.Parse(hexDate, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
DateTime myDateTime = epoch.AddSeconds(secondsAfterEpoch);
return myDateTime;
I have tried this to Convert HEX to DateTime
string sDate = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < hexDate.Length - 1; i++)
string ss = hexDate.Substring(i, 2);
int nn = int.Parse(ss, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
string c = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(nn);
sDate += c;
CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
CultureInfo[] cultures = { new CultureInfo("fr-FR") };
return DateTime.ParseExact(sDate, "yyyyMMddHHmmss", provider);
It shows the eoor like this Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.. Any solution are surely appretiated.
any solution are sure appratiated
The DateTime value is already stored internally as a long, so you don't have to make a detour to create a long value. You can just get the internal value and format it as a hex string:
private string DateToHex(DateTime theDate) {
return theDate.ToBinary().ToString("x");
Converting it back is as easy:
private DateTime HexToDateTime(string hexDate) {
return DateTime.FromBinary(Convert.ToInt64(hexDate, 16));
Note: This also retains the timezone settings that the DateTime value contains, as well as the full precision down to 1/10000 second.
I can spot two logic errors.
Your DateToHex routine is ignoring the last character. It should be
private string DateToHex(DateTime theDate)
string isoDate = theDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
string resultString = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < isoDate.Length ; i++) // Amended
int n = char.ConvertToUtf32(isoDate, i);
string hs = n.ToString("x");
resultString += hs;
return resultString;
Your routine to convert from hex to string should be advancing two characters at a time , ie
string hexDate = DateToHex(DateTime.Now);
string sDate = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < hexDate.Length - 1; i += 2) // Amended
string ss = hexDate.Substring(i, 2);
int nn = int.Parse(ss, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
string c = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(nn);
sDate += c;
CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
CultureInfo[] cultures = { new CultureInfo("fr-FR") };
return DateTime.ParseExact(sDate, "yyyyMMddHHmmss", provider);
Try this. I hope this will solve your purpose. I have tested it and it seems to be working fine.
Convert it to DateTime-> string-> Hex
string input = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
string hexValues = "";
int value = 0;
char[] values = input.ToCharArray();
foreach (char letter in values)
// Get the integral value of the character.
value = Convert.ToInt32(letter);
// Convert the decimal value to a hexadecimal value in string form.
hexValues += String.Format("{0:X}", value);
hexValues += " ";
Now convert it again to HEX-> string-> DateTime
string stringValue = "";
string[] hexValuesSplit = hexValues.Split(' ');
foreach (String hex in hexValuesSplit)
// Convert the number expressed in base-16 to an integer.
if (hex != "")
value = Convert.ToInt32(hex, 16);
// Get the character corresponding to the integral value.
stringValue += Char.ConvertFromUtf32(value);
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(stringValue, "yyyyMMddHHmmss", null);
To convert from hex to time.
Input : 0060CE5601D6CE01
Output : 31-10-2013 06:20:48
string hex1;
string[] hex = new string[16];
hex[0] = hex1.Substring(0, 2);
hex[1] = hex1.Substring(2, 2);
hex[2] = hex1.Substring(4, 2);
hex[3] = hex1.Substring(6, 2);
hex[4] = hex1.Substring(8, 2);
hex[5] = hex1.Substring(10, 2);
hex[6] = hex1.Substring(12, 2);
hex[7] = hex1.Substring(14, 2);
int[] decValue = new int[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
decValue[i] = Convert.ToInt32(hex[i], 16);
byte[] timeByte = new byte[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
timeByte[i] = (byte)decValue[i];
DateTime convertedTime = ConvertWindowsDate(timeByte);
textBox7.Text = convertedTime.ToString();
public static DateTime ConvertWindowsDate(byte[] bytes)
if (bytes.Length != 8) throw new ArgumentException();
return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(BitConverter.ToInt64(bytes, 0));

Weird error in C# WPF

I am developing a WPF application.
In this application I read from multiple txt files using Taks(thread) and display them.
Sometimes I get an exception
Destination array is not long enough to copy all the items in the collection. Check array index and length.
And in detail I can read:
C:\Windows\mscorlib.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
I have no Idea were to start debugging and there is no pattern over this weird exception.
UPDATE: The code for reading txt file:
public void LoadCompassLogFile(String fileName) {
//Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
if (!fileName.Contains("Compass")) {
throw new FileLoadException("Wrong File");
CompassLogLoadCompleted = false;
CompassLogLoadPercent = 0;
int numberOfSingleLineLog = 0;
String[] lines = new string[] {};
String temp = "";
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime();
LoggingLvl loggingLvl = new LoggingLvl();
LoggingLvl.ELoggingLvl eLoggingLvl = new LoggingLvl.ELoggingLvl();
char[] delimiters = new[] {' '};
string threadId = "";
string loggingMessage = "";
int ff = 0;
// Read the File and add it to lines string
try {
lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
} catch (Exception e) {
CompassLogLoadCompleted = true;
CoreServiceLogLoadCompleted = true;
Console.WriteLine("The file could not be read:");
string[] parts;
for (int j = 0; j < lines.Count(); j++) {
string dateAndTimestamp = "";
if (!CompassLogLoadCompleted) {
try {
lock (_myLock) {
parts = lines[j].Split(delimiters,
foreach (string t in parts) {
switch (ff) {
case 0:
dateAndTimestamp = t;
case 1:
dateAndTimestamp += " " + t.Replace(",", ".");
dateTime = DateTime.Parse(dateAndTimestamp);
dateAndTimestamp = "";
case 2:
eLoggingLvl = loggingLvl.ParseLoggingLvl(t);
case 3:
threadId = t;
temp += t;
loggingMessage = temp;
temp = "";
ff = 0;
loggingLvl = new LoggingLvl(eLoggingLvl);
CompassLogData cLD = new CompassLogData(
loggingLvl, threadId,
//loggingMessage = "";
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.Out.WriteLine("Shit Happens");
CompassLogLoadPercent = ((double) j
CompassLogLoadCompleted = true;
Console.Out.WriteLine("Compass LOADING DONE");
Console.Out.WriteLine("numberOfSingleLineLog: " +
I think the lenght of an array is max 2GB in .net so depending on what type you are putting in it you need to divide (2^31)/8 for a long[] and for a byte i think its (2^31)/4 so thats around 500 MB. Are your files larger than that?
On your second problem that it cannot find th PDB go to Tools --> Options --> Debugging --> Symbols and select Microsoft Symbol Servers this can fix the problem.
If you have enough information this can fix your last problem also...

C# - A faster alternative to Convert.ToSingle()

I'm working on a program which reads millions of floating point numbers from a text file. This program runs inside of a game that I'm designing, so I need it to be fast (I'm loading an obj file). So far, loading a relatively small file takes about a minute (without precompilation) because of the slow speed of Convert.ToSingle(). Is there a faster way to do this?
EDIT: Here's the code I use to parse the Obj file
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using OpenTK.Math;
using System.Drawing;
using PlatformLib;
public class ObjMeshLoader
public static StreamReader[] LoadMeshes(string fileName)
StreamReader mreader = new StreamReader(PlatformLib.Platform.openFile(fileName));
MemoryStream current = null;
List<MemoryStream> mstreams = new List<MemoryStream>();
StreamWriter mwriter = null;
if (!mreader.ReadLine().Contains("#"))
throw new Exception("Invalid header");
while (!mreader.EndOfStream)
string cmd = mreader.ReadLine();
string line = cmd;
line = line.Trim(splitCharacters);
line = line.Replace(" ", " ");
string[] parameters = line.Split(splitCharacters);
if (parameters[0] == "mtllib")
if (parameters[0] == "o")
if (mwriter != null)
current.Position = 0;
current = new MemoryStream();
mwriter = new StreamWriter(current);
if (mwriter != null)
current.Position = 0;
List<StreamReader> readers = new List<StreamReader>();
foreach (MemoryStream e in mstreams)
e.Position = 0;
StreamReader sreader = new StreamReader(e);
return readers.ToArray();
public static bool Load(ObjMesh mesh, string fileName)
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(Platform.openFile(fileName)))
Load(mesh, streamReader);
return true;
catch { return false; }
public static bool Load2(ObjMesh mesh, StreamReader streamReader, ObjMesh prevmesh)
if (prevmesh != null)
//mesh.Vertices = prevmesh.Vertices;
//streamReader.BaseStream.Position = 0;
Load(mesh, streamReader);
Console.WriteLine("Loaded "+mesh.Triangles.Length.ToString()+" triangles and"+mesh.Quads.Length.ToString()+" quadrilaterals parsed, with a grand total of "+mesh.Vertices.Length.ToString()+" vertices.");
return true;
catch (Exception er) { Console.WriteLine(er); return false; }
static char[] splitCharacters = new char[] { ' ' };
static List<Vector3> vertices;
static List<Vector3> normals;
static List<Vector2> texCoords;
static Dictionary<ObjMesh.ObjVertex, int> objVerticesIndexDictionary;
static List<ObjMesh.ObjVertex> objVertices;
static List<ObjMesh.ObjTriangle> objTriangles;
static List<ObjMesh.ObjQuad> objQuads;
static Dictionary<string, Bitmap> materials = new Dictionary<string, Bitmap>();
static void loadMaterials(string path)
StreamReader mreader = new StreamReader(Platform.openFile(path));
string current = "";
bool isfound = false;
while (!mreader.EndOfStream)
string line = mreader.ReadLine();
line = line.Trim(splitCharacters);
line = line.Replace(" ", " ");
string[] parameters = line.Split(splitCharacters);
if (parameters[0] == "newmtl")
if (materials.ContainsKey(parameters[1]))
isfound = true;
current = parameters[1];
if (parameters[0] == "map_Kd")
if (!isfound)
string filename = "";
for (int i = 1; i < parameters.Length; i++)
filename += parameters[i];
string searcher = "\\" + "\\";
filename.Replace(searcher, "\\");
Bitmap mymap = new Bitmap(filename);
materials.Add(current, mymap);
isfound = false;
static float parsefloat(string val)
return Convert.ToSingle(val);
int remaining = 0;
static string GetLine(string text, ref int pos)
string retval = text.Substring(pos, text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine, pos));
pos = text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine, pos);
return retval;
static void Load(ObjMesh mesh, StreamReader textReader)
//try {
//vertices = null;
//objVertices = null;
if (vertices == null)
vertices = new List<Vector3>();
if (normals == null)
normals = new List<Vector3>();
if (texCoords == null)
texCoords = new List<Vector2>();
if (objVerticesIndexDictionary == null)
objVerticesIndexDictionary = new Dictionary<ObjMesh.ObjVertex, int>();
if (objVertices == null)
objVertices = new List<ObjMesh.ObjVertex>();
objTriangles = new List<ObjMesh.ObjTriangle>();
objQuads = new List<ObjMesh.ObjQuad>();
mesh.vertexPositionOffset = vertices.Count;
string line;
string alltext = textReader.ReadToEnd();
int pos = 0;
while ((line = GetLine(alltext, pos)) != null)
if (line.Length < 2)
//line = line.Trim(splitCharacters);
//line = line.Replace(" ", " ");
string[] parameters = line.Split(splitCharacters);
switch (parameters[0])
case "usemtl":
//Material specification
mesh.Material = materials[parameters[1]];
catch (KeyNotFoundException)
Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Texture parse failure: " + parameters[1]);
case "p": // Point
case "v": // Vertex
float x = parsefloat(parameters[1]);
float y = parsefloat(parameters[2]);
float z = parsefloat(parameters[3]);
vertices.Add(new Vector3(x, y, z));
case "vt": // TexCoord
float u = parsefloat(parameters[1]);
float v = parsefloat(parameters[2]);
texCoords.Add(new Vector2(u, v));
case "vn": // Normal
float nx = parsefloat(parameters[1]);
float ny = parsefloat(parameters[2]);
float nz = parsefloat(parameters[3]);
normals.Add(new Vector3(nx, ny, nz));
case "f":
switch (parameters.Length)
case 4:
ObjMesh.ObjTriangle objTriangle = new ObjMesh.ObjTriangle();
objTriangle.Index0 = ParseFaceParameter(parameters[1]);
objTriangle.Index1 = ParseFaceParameter(parameters[2]);
objTriangle.Index2 = ParseFaceParameter(parameters[3]);
case 5:
ObjMesh.ObjQuad objQuad = new ObjMesh.ObjQuad();
objQuad.Index0 = ParseFaceParameter(parameters[1]);
objQuad.Index1 = ParseFaceParameter(parameters[2]);
objQuad.Index2 = ParseFaceParameter(parameters[3]);
objQuad.Index3 = ParseFaceParameter(parameters[4]);
//}catch(Exception er) {
// Console.WriteLine(er);
// Console.WriteLine("Successfully recovered. Bounds/Collision checking may fail though");
mesh.Vertices = objVertices.ToArray();
mesh.Triangles = objTriangles.ToArray();
mesh.Quads = objQuads.ToArray();
public static void Clear()
objVerticesIndexDictionary = null;
vertices = null;
normals = null;
texCoords = null;
objVertices = null;
objTriangles = null;
objQuads = null;
static char[] faceParamaterSplitter = new char[] { '/' };
static int ParseFaceParameter(string faceParameter)
Vector3 vertex = new Vector3();
Vector2 texCoord = new Vector2();
Vector3 normal = new Vector3();
string[] parameters = faceParameter.Split(faceParamaterSplitter);
int vertexIndex = Convert.ToInt32(parameters[0]);
if (vertexIndex < 0) vertexIndex = vertices.Count + vertexIndex;
else vertexIndex = vertexIndex - 1;
//Hmm. This seems to be broken.
vertex = vertices[vertexIndex];
catch (Exception)
throw new Exception("Vertex recognition failure at " + vertexIndex.ToString());
if (parameters.Length > 1)
int texCoordIndex = Convert.ToInt32(parameters[1]);
if (texCoordIndex < 0) texCoordIndex = texCoords.Count + texCoordIndex;
else texCoordIndex = texCoordIndex - 1;
texCoord = texCoords[texCoordIndex];
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("ERR: Vertex " + vertexIndex + " not found. ");
throw new DllNotFoundException(vertexIndex.ToString());
if (parameters.Length > 2)
int normalIndex = Convert.ToInt32(parameters[2]);
if (normalIndex < 0) normalIndex = normals.Count + normalIndex;
else normalIndex = normalIndex - 1;
normal = normals[normalIndex];
return FindOrAddObjVertex(ref vertex, ref texCoord, ref normal);
static int FindOrAddObjVertex(ref Vector3 vertex, ref Vector2 texCoord, ref Vector3 normal)
ObjMesh.ObjVertex newObjVertex = new ObjMesh.ObjVertex();
newObjVertex.Vertex = vertex;
newObjVertex.TexCoord = texCoord;
newObjVertex.Normal = normal;
int index;
if (objVerticesIndexDictionary.TryGetValue(newObjVertex, out index))
return index;
objVerticesIndexDictionary[newObjVertex] = objVertices.Count - 1;
return objVertices.Count - 1;
Based on your description and the code you've posted, I'm going to bet that your problem isn't with the reading, the parsing, or the way you're adding things to your collections. The most likely problem is that your ObjMesh.Objvertex structure doesn't override GetHashCode. (I'm assuming that you're using code similar to
If you're not overriding GetHashCode, then your objVerticesIndexDictionary is going to perform very much like a linear list. That would account for the performance problem that you're experiencing.
I suggest that you look into providing a good GetHashCode method for your ObjMesh.Objvertex class.
See Why is ValueType.GetHashCode() implemented like it is? for information about the default GetHashCode implementation for value types and why it's not suitable for use in a hash table or dictionary.
Edit 3: The problem is NOT with the parsing.
It's with how you read the file. If you read it properly, it would be faster; however, it seems like your reading is unusually slow. My original suspicion was that it was because of excess allocations, but it seems like there might be other problems with your code too, since that doesn't explain the entire slowdown.
Nevertheless, here's a piece of code I made that completely avoids all object allocations:
static void Main(string[] args)
long counter = 0;
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var text = File.ReadAllText("spacestation.obj");
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
int start = i;
while (i < text.Length &&
(char.IsDigit(text[i]) || text[i] == '-' || text[i] == '.'))
{ i++; }
if (i > start)
sb.Append(text, start, i - start); //Copy data to the buffer
float value = Parse(sb); //Parse the data
sb.Remove(0, sb.Length); //Clear the buffer
Console.WriteLine("{0:N0}", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); //Only a few ms
with this parser:
const int MIN_POW_10 = -16, int MAX_POW_10 = 16,
NUM_POWS_10 = MAX_POW_10 - MIN_POW_10 + 1;
static readonly float[] pow10 = GenerateLookupTable();
static float[] GenerateLookupTable()
var result = new float[(-MIN_POW_10 + MAX_POW_10) * 10];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = (float)((i / NUM_POWS_10) *
Math.Pow(10, i % NUM_POWS_10 + MIN_POW_10));
return result;
static float Parse(StringBuilder str)
float result = 0;
bool negate = false;
int len = str.Length;
int decimalIndex = str.Length;
for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (str[i] == '.')
{ decimalIndex = i; break; }
int offset = -MIN_POW_10 + decimalIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < decimalIndex; i++)
if (i != decimalIndex && str[i] != '-')
result += pow10[(str[i] - '0') * NUM_POWS_10 + offset - i - 1];
else if (str[i] == '-')
negate = true;
for (int i = decimalIndex + 1; i < len; i++)
if (i != decimalIndex)
result += pow10[(str[i] - '0') * NUM_POWS_10 + offset - i];
if (negate)
result = -result;
return result;
it happens in a small fraction of a second.
Of course, this parser is poorly tested and has these current restrictions (and more):
Don't try parsing more digits (decimal and whole) than provided for in the array.
No error handling whatsoever.
Only parses decimals, not exponents! i.e. it can parse 1234.56 but not 1.23456E3.
Doesn't care about globalization/localization. Your file is only in a single format, so there's no point caring about that kind of stuff because you're probably using English to store it anyway.
It seems like you won't necessarily need this much overkill, but take a look at your code and try to figure out the bottleneck. It seems to be neither the reading nor the parsing.
Have you measured that the speed problem is really caused by Convert.ToSingle?
In the code you included, I see you create lists and dictionaries like this:
normals = new List<Vector3>();
texCoords = new List<Vector2>();
objVerticesIndexDictionary = new Dictionary<ObjMesh.ObjVertex, int>();
And then when you read the file, you add in the collection one item at a time.
One of the possible optimizations would be to save total number of normals, texCoords, indexes and everything at the start of the file, and then initialize these collections by these numbers. This will pre-allocate the buffers used by collections, so adding items to the them will be pretty fast.
So the collection creation should look like this:
// These values should be stored at the beginning of the file
int totalNormals = Convert.ToInt32(textReader.ReadLine());
int totalTexCoords = Convert.ToInt32(textReader.ReadLine());
int totalIndexes = Convert.ToInt32(textReader.ReadLine());
normals = new List<Vector3>(totalNormals);
texCoords = new List<Vector2>(totalTexCoords);
objVerticesIndexDictionary = new Dictionary<ObjMesh.ObjVertex, int>(totalIndexes);
See List<T> Constructor (Int32) and Dictionary<TKey, TValue> Constructor (Int32).
This related question is for C++, but is definitely worth a read.
For reading as fast as possible, you're probably going to want to map the file into memory and then parse using some custom floating point parser, especially if you know the numbers are always in a specific format (i.e. you're the one generating the input files in the first place).
I tested .Net string parsing once and the fastest function to parse text was the old VB Val() function. You could pull the relevant parts out of Microsoft.VisualBasic.Conversion Val(string)
Converting String to numbers
Comparison of relative test times (ms / 100000 conversions)
Double Single Integer Int(w/ decimal point)
14 13 6 16 Val(Str)
14 14 6 16 Cxx(Val(Str)) e.g., CSng(Val(str))
22 21 17 e! Convert.To(str)
23 21 16 e! XX.Parse(str) e.g. Single.Parse()
30 31 31 32 Cxx(str)
Val: fastest, part of VisualBasic dll, skips non-numeric,
ConvertTo and Parse: slower, part of core, exception on bad format (including decimal point)
Cxx: slowest (for strings), part of core, consistent times across formats

getting the best record from a file

I have a file with the following text inside
I did the reading from file thing and many many other methods and functions, but how I can get the best male name and his grade according to the grade.
here is the code I wrote. Hope it's not so long
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace practice_Ex
class Program
public static int[] ReadFile(string FileName, out string[] Name, out char[] Gender)
Name = new string[1];
int[] Mark = new int[1];
Gender = new char[1];
if (File.Exists(FileName))
FileStream Input = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(Input);
string[] Current;
int Counter = 0;
string Str = SR.ReadLine();
while (Str != null)
Current = Str.Split(',');
Name[Counter] = Current[0];
Mark[Counter] = int.Parse(Current[2]);
Gender[Counter] = char.Parse(Current[1].ToUpper());
Array.Resize(ref Name, Counter + 1);
Array.Resize(ref Mark, Counter + 1);
Array.Resize(ref Gender, Counter + 1);
Str = SR.ReadLine();
return Mark;
public static int MostFreq(int[] M, out int Frequency)
int Counter = 0;
int Frequent = 0;
Frequency = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < M.Length; i++)
Counter = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < M.Length; j++)
if (M[i] == M[j])
if (Counter > Frequency)
Frequency = Counter;
Frequent = M[i];
return Frequent;
public static int Avg(int[] M)
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < M.Length; i++)
total += M[i];
return total / M.Length;
public static int AvgCond(char[] G, int[] M, char S)
int total = 0;
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < G.Length; i++)
if (G[i] == S)
total += M[i];
return total / counter;
public static int BelowAvg(int[] M, out int AboveAvg)
int Bcounter = 0;
AboveAvg = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < M.Length; i++)
if (M[i] < Avg(M))
return Bcounter;
public static int CheckNames(string[] Name, char C)
C = char.Parse(C.ToString().ToLower());
int counter = 0;
string Str;
for (int i = 0; i < Name.Length - 1; i++)
Str = Name[i].ToLower();
if (Str[0] == C || Str[Str.Length - 1] == C)
return counter;
public static void WriteFile(string FileName, string[] Output)
FileStream FS = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
StreamWriter SW = new StreamWriter(FS);
for (int i = 0; i < Output.Length; i++)
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] Mark;
char[] Gender;
string[] Name;
string[] Output = new string[8];
int Frequent, Frequency, AvgAll, MaleAvg, FemaleAvg, BelowAverage, AboveAverage, NamesCheck;
Mark = ReadFile("c:\\IUST1.txt", out Name, out Gender);
Frequent = MostFreq(Mark, out Frequency);
AvgAll = Avg(Mark);
MaleAvg = AvgCond(Gender, Mark, 'M');
FemaleAvg = AvgCond(Gender, Mark, 'F');
BelowAverage = BelowAvg(Mark, out AboveAverage);
NamesCheck = CheckNames(Name, 'T');
Output [0]= "Frequent Mark = " + Frequent.ToString();
Output [1]= "Frequency = " + Frequency.ToString();
Output [2]= "Average Of All = " + AvgAll.ToString();
Output [3]= "Average Of Males = " + MaleAvg.ToString();
Output [4]= "Average Of Females = " + FemaleAvg.ToString();
Output [5]= "Below Average = " + BelowAverage.ToString();
Output [6]= "Above Average = " + AboveAverage.ToString();
Output [7]= "Names With \"T\" = " + NamesCheck.ToString();
WriteFile("c:\\Output.txt", Output);
Well, I like LINQ (update: excluded via comments) for querying, especially if I can do it without buffering the data (so I can process a huge file efficiently). For example below (update: removed LINQ); note the use of iterator blocks (yield return) makes this fully "lazy" - only one record is held in memory at a time.
This also shows separation of concerns: one method deals with reading a file line by line; one method deals with parsing a line into a typed data record; one (or more) method(s) work with those data record(s).
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
enum Gender { Male, Female, Unknown }
class Record
public string Name { get; set; }
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
public int Score { get; set; }
static class Program
static IEnumerable<string> ReadLines(string path)
using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(path))
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
yield return line;
static IEnumerable<Record> Parse(string path)
foreach (string line in ReadLines(path))
string[] segments = line.Split(',');
Gender gender;
switch(segments[1]) {
case "m": gender = Gender.Male; break;
case "f": gender = Gender.Female; break;
default: gender = Gender.Unknown; break;
yield return new Record
Name = segments[0],
Gender = gender,
Score = int.Parse(segments[2])
static void Main()
Record best = null;
foreach (Record record in Parse("data.txt"))
if (record.Gender != Gender.Male) continue;
if (best == null || record.Score > best.Score)
best = record;
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", best.Name, best.Score);
The advantage of writing things as iterators is that you can easily use either streaming or buffering - for example, you can do:
List<Record> data = new List<Record>(Parse("data.txt"));
and then manipulate data all day long (assuming it isn't too large) - useful for multiple aggregates, mutating data, etc.
This question asks how to find a maximal element by a certain criterion. Combine that with Marc's LINQ part and you're away.
In the real world, of course, these would be records in a database, and you would use one line of SQL to select the best record, ie:
SELECT Name, Score FROM Grades WHERE Score = MAX(Score)
(This returns more than one record where there's more than one best record, of course.) This is an example of the power of using the right tool for the job.
I think the fastest and least-code way would be to transform the txt to xml and then use Linq2Xml to select from it. Here's a link.
Edit: That might be more work than you'd like to do. Another option is to create a class called AcademicRecord that has properties for the persons name gender etc. Then when you read the file, add to a List for each line in the file. Then use a Sort predicate to sort the list; the highest record would then be the first one in the list. Here's a link.
Your assignment might have different requirements, but if you only want to get "best male name and grade" from a file you described, a compact way is:
public String FindRecord()
String[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("MyFile.csv");
Array.Sort(lines, CompareByBestMaleName);
return lines[0];
int SortByBestMaleName(String a, String b)
String[] ap = a.Split();
String[] bp = b.Split();
// Always rank male higher
if (ap[1] == "m" && bp[1] == "f") { return 1; }
if (ap[1] == "f" && bp[1] == "m") { return -1; }
// Compare by score
return int.Parse(ap[2]).CompareTo(int.Parse(bp[2]));
Note that this is neither fast nor robust.
