.NET ReactiveExtensions: Use Sample() with variable timespan - c#

Given a high-frequency observable stream of data, i want to only emit an item every XX seconds.
This is usually done in RX by using .Sample(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(XX))
However... I want the time-interval to vary based on some property on the data.
Let's say my data is:
class Position
public int Speed;
If Speed is less than 100, I want to emit data every 5 seconds. If speed is hight than 100 it should be every 2 seonds.
Is that possible with off-the-shelf Sample() or do I need to build something myself?

Here is a low level implementation, utilizing the System.Reactive.Concurrency.Scheduler.SchedulePeriodic extension method as a timer.
public static IObservable<TSource> Sample<TSource>(this IObservable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, TimeSpan> intervalSelector, IScheduler scheduler = null)
if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
if (intervalSelector == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(intervalSelector));
scheduler = scheduler ?? Scheduler.Default;
return Observable.Create<TSource>(observer =>
TimeSpan currentInterval = Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan;
IDisposable timer = null;
TSource latestItem = default;
bool latestEmitted = true;
object locker = new object();
Action periodicAction = () =>
TSource itemToEmit;
lock (locker)
if (latestEmitted) return;
itemToEmit = latestItem;
latestItem = default;
latestEmitted = true;
return source.Subscribe(onNext: item =>
lock (locker)
latestItem = item;
latestEmitted = false;
var newInterval = intervalSelector(item);
if (newInterval != currentInterval)
timer = scheduler.SchedulePeriodic(newInterval, periodicAction);
currentInterval = newInterval;
}, onError: ex =>
}, onCompleted: () =>
Usage example:
observable.Sample(x => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(x.Speed < 100 ? 5.0 : 2.0));
The timer is restarted every time the intervalSelector callback returns a different interval. In the extreme case that the interval is changed with every new item, then this custom operator will behave more like the built-in Throttle than the built-in Sample.
Unlike Sample, Throttle's period is a sliding window. Each time Throttle receives a value, the window is reset. (citation)

Let me know if this works:
var query =
.Publish(ss =>
.Select(s => s.Speed < 100 ? 5.0 : 2.0)
.Select(x => ss.Sample(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(x))));


Replace buffered value with latest in TPL Dataflow

I need help with making a TPL Dataflow pipeline update an input buffer with the latest value.
I am subscribed to a live stream of elements, which are posted one by one onto a dataflow pipeline. Each element is processed, which takes some time - it takes significantly more time to process one element than what it takes to produce it (i.e. fast producer, slow consumer).
However, if there are multiple elements on the input queue with the same identity, only the most recent one needs processing. The intermediate ones can be discarded. This is the part I am having trouble figuring out.
Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve:
public record Bid(int Id, int Value);
async Task Main()
// This block is just here to log that an input is received.
var startBlock = new TransformBlock<Bid, Bid>(d =>
Console.WriteLine("Input: {0} ({1})", d.Id, d.Value);
return d;
//TODO: Check for duplicate identity (Bid.Id) and replace the
// current element with the most recent one.
var updateWithMostRecentBlock = new TransformBlock<Bid, Bid>(d => d);
var processBlock = new TransformBlock<Bid, Bid>(async d =>
Console.WriteLine("Processing: {0} ({1})", d.Id, d.Value);
await Task.Delay(1000);
return d;
var finishBlock = new ActionBlock<Bid>(d =>
Console.WriteLine("Done: {0} ({1})", d.Id, d.Value);
var propagateCompletion = new DataflowLinkOptions { PropagateCompletion = true };
startBlock.LinkTo(updateWithMostRecentBlock, propagateCompletion);
updateWithMostRecentBlock.LinkTo(processBlock, propagateCompletion);
processBlock.LinkTo(finishBlock, propagateCompletion);
var data = new[]
new Bid(1, 0), // Processed immediately
new Bid(1, 1), // Replaced with (1,2)
new Bid(2, 0), // Replaced with (2,1)
new Bid(1, 2), // Queued
new Bid(2, 1) // Queued
foreach (var d in data)
await finishBlock.Completion;
When processBlock is ready to receive the next element, I want updateWithMostRecentBlock to provide only the most relevant element.
Actual output:
Input: 1 (0)
Input: 1 (1)
Input: 2 (0)
Input: 1 (2)
Input: 2 (1)
Processing: 1 (0)
Processing: 1 (1)
Done: 1 (0)
Processing: 2 (0)
Done: 1 (1)
Processing: 1 (2)
Done: 2 (0)
Processing: 2 (1)
Done: 1 (2)
Done: 2 (1)
Expected output:
Input: 1 (0) // Immediately processed
Input: 1 (1) // Replaced by (1,2)
Input: 2 (0) // Replaced by (2,1)
Input: 1 (2) // Queued
Input: 2 (1) // Queued
Processing: 1 (0)
Done: 1 (0)
Processing: 1 (2)
Done: 1 (2)
Processing: 2 (1)
Done: 2 (1)
Stephen Toub has an elegant solution to the exact opposite of what I'm trying to achieve. His solution rejects all incoming elements and retains the oldest one.
I'm sorry for answering my own question, but #TheGeneral brought me on the right track with his hint about bounded capacity.
I had to configure the processBlock to set bounded capacity to 1:
var processBlock = new TransformBlock<Bid, Bid>(
async d =>
Console.WriteLine("Processing: {0} ({1})", d.Id, d.Value);
await Task.Delay(1000);
return d;
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
BoundedCapacity = 1
Then I replaced the updateWithMostRecentBlock with a custom block that has this implementation:
public class DiscardAndReplaceDuplicatesBlock<TValue, TKey> : IPropagatorBlock<TValue, TValue>
where TKey : IEquatable<TKey>
private readonly ITargetBlock<TValue> _target;
private readonly IReceivableSourceBlock<TValue> _source;
public DiscardAndReplaceDuplicatesBlock(Func<TValue, TKey> keyAccessor)
var buffer = new ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, (TValue Value, Task Task, CancellationTokenSource Token)>();
var outgoing = new BufferBlock<TValue>(new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
BoundedCapacity = 1,
MaxMessagesPerTask = 1
var incoming = new ActionBlock<TValue>(value =>
var key = keyAccessor(value);
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var isQueued = buffer.TryGetValue(key, out var previous);
if (isQueued)
buffer.TryRemove(key, out var current);
Console.WriteLine("Remove: {0}", current.Value);
if (!previous.Task.IsCompleted)
Console.WriteLine("Cancel: {0}", current.Value);
var task = outgoing.SendAsync(value, cts.Token);
if (task.IsCompleted)
Console.WriteLine("Sent: {0}", value);
buffer.AddOrUpdate(key, (value, task, cts), (k, t) => (value, task, cts));
Console.WriteLine("Buffered: {0}", value);
async t =>
if (t.IsFaulted)
await WaitForBufferToCompleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Task WaitForBufferToCompleteAsync()
if (!buffer.Any())
return Task.CompletedTask;
var buffered = buffer.Where(kvp => !kvp.Value.Task.IsCompleted);
var tasks = buffered.Select(b => b.Value.Task);
return Task.WhenAll(tasks);
_target = incoming;
_source = outgoing;
public Task Completion =>
public void Complete() =>
public void Fault(Exception exception) =>
public IDisposable LinkTo(ITargetBlock<TValue> target, DataflowLinkOptions linkOptions) =>
_source.LinkTo(target, linkOptions);
public TValue ConsumeMessage(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader, ITargetBlock<TValue> target, out bool messageConsumed) =>
_source.ConsumeMessage(messageHeader, target, out messageConsumed);
public DataflowMessageStatus OfferMessage(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader, TValue messageValue, ISourceBlock<TValue>? source, bool consumeToAccept) =>
_target.OfferMessage(messageHeader, messageValue, source, consumeToAccept);
public bool ReserveMessage(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader, ITargetBlock<TValue> target) =>
_source.ReserveMessage(messageHeader, target);
public void ReleaseReservation(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader, ITargetBlock<TValue> target) =>
_source.ReleaseReservation(messageHeader, target);
It is not very pretty, and it is not production tested, but it seems to work. In order to actually replace an already dispatched element, I had to retain the cancellation token used so I could cancel an outdated but unprocessed element. I'm not sure this is the best idea so any critique is welcome!
One note, though: This will also process element (1,1) because after (1,0) has been dispatched to the processorBlock, element (1,1) is successfully sent to the custom block's output buffer. I don't think this can be avoided.
Here is my take on this problem:
public static IPropagatorBlock<TInput, TOutput>
CreateTransformBlockDropOldestByKey<TInput, TOutput, TKey>(
Func<TInput, Task<TOutput>> transform,
Func<TInput, TKey> keySelector,
ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions dataflowBlockOptions = null,
IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer = null,
IProgress<TInput> droppedItems = null)
if (transform == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(transform));
if (keySelector == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keySelector));
dataflowBlockOptions = dataflowBlockOptions ?? new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions();
keyComparer = keyComparer ?? EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default;
var dictionary = new Dictionary<TKey, TInput>(keyComparer);
var outputBlock = new TransformManyBlock<TKey, TOutput>(async key =>
bool removed; TInput removedItem;
lock (dictionary) removed = dictionary.Remove(key, out removedItem);
if (!removed) return Enumerable.Empty<TOutput>();
return new[] { await transform(removedItem).ConfigureAwait(false) };
}, dataflowBlockOptions);
var inputBlock = new ActionBlock<TInput>(item =>
var key = keySelector(item);
bool dropped; TInput droppedItem;
lock (dictionary)
dropped = dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out droppedItem);
dictionary[key] = item;
if (dropped) droppedItems?.Report(droppedItem);
return outputBlock.SendAsync(key);
}, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions()
BoundedCapacity = 1,
CancellationToken = dataflowBlockOptions.CancellationToken,
TaskScheduler = dataflowBlockOptions.TaskScheduler,
PropagateCompletion(inputBlock, outputBlock);
PropagateFailure(outputBlock, inputBlock);
return DataflowBlock.Encapsulate(inputBlock, outputBlock);
async void PropagateCompletion(IDataflowBlock source, IDataflowBlock target)
try { await source.Completion.ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { }
var ex = source.Completion.IsFaulted ? source.Completion.Exception : null;
if (ex != null) target.Fault(ex); else target.Complete();
async void PropagateFailure(IDataflowBlock source, IDataflowBlock target)
try { await source.Completion.ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { }
if (source.Completion.IsFaulted) target.Fault(source.Completion.Exception);
Usage example:
var droppedItems = new Progress<Bid>(b =>
Console.WriteLine($"Dropped: {b.Id} ({b.Value})");
var processBlock = CreateTransformBlockDropOldestByKey<Bid, Bid, int>(async b =>
Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {b.Id} ({b.Value})");
await Task.Delay(1000);
return b;
}, b => b.Id, droppedItems: droppedItems);
The reason that the two internal blocks, the inputBlock and the outputBlock are not linked together directly, is because otherwise a fault in the outputBlock could potentially leave the inputBlock hanging in a not complete state forever. It is important that if one of the two blocks fail, the other should fail too, so that any pending SendAsync operation towards the inputBlock to be canceled. The blocks are linked together indirectly, by using the PropagateCompletion and PropagateFailure methods.
Configuring the processBlock with a BoundedCapacity should take into account that the block may contain in its input queue keys that may have been dropped, so setting this configuration to a slightly higher value is advised.

Observable wait until no more changes for time x and then notify [duplicate]

I'm using reactive extensions to collate data into buffers of 100ms:
this.subscription = this.dataService
.Where(x => !string.Equals("FOO", x.Key.Source))
.Where(x => x.Count != 0)
This works fine. However, I want slightly different behavior than that provided by the Buffer operation. Essentially, I want to reset the timer if another data item is received. Only when no data has been received for the entire 100ms do I want to handle it. This opens up the possibility of never handling the data, so I should also be able to specify a maximum count. I would imagine something along the lines of:
.SlidingBuffer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), 10000)
I've had a look around and haven't been able to find anything like this in Rx? Can anyone confirm/deny this?
This is possible by combining the built-in Window and Throttle methods of Observable. First, let's solve the simpler problem where we ignore the maximum count condition:
public static IObservable<IList<T>> BufferUntilInactive<T>(this IObservable<T> stream, TimeSpan delay)
var closes = stream.Throttle(delay);
return stream.Window(() => closes).SelectMany(window => window.ToList());
The powerful Window method did the heavy lifting. Now it's easy enough to see how to add a maximum count:
public static IObservable<IList<T>> BufferUntilInactive<T>(this IObservable<T> stream, TimeSpan delay, Int32? max=null)
var closes = stream.Throttle(delay);
if (max != null)
var overflows = stream.Where((x,index) => index+1>=max);
closes = closes.Merge(overflows);
return stream.Window(() => closes).SelectMany(window => window.ToList());
I'll write a post explaining this on my blog. https://gist.github.com/2244036
Documentation for the Window method:
I wrote an extension to do most of what you're after - BufferWithInactivity.
Here it is:
public static IObservable<IEnumerable<T>> BufferWithInactivity<T>(
this IObservable<T> source,
TimeSpan inactivity,
int maximumBufferSize)
return Observable.Create<IEnumerable<T>>(o =>
var gate = new object();
var buffer = new List<T>();
var mutable = new SerialDisposable();
var subscription = (IDisposable)null;
var scheduler = Scheduler.ThreadPool;
Action dump = () =>
var bts = buffer.ToArray();
buffer = new List<T>();
if (o != null)
Action dispose = () =>
if (subscription != null)
Action<Action<IObserver<IEnumerable<T>>>> onErrorOrCompleted =
onAction =>
lock (gate)
if (o != null)
Action<Exception> onError = ex =>
onErrorOrCompleted(x => x.OnError(ex));
Action onCompleted = () => onErrorOrCompleted(x => x.OnCompleted());
Action<T> onNext = t =>
lock (gate)
if (buffer.Count == maximumBufferSize)
mutable.Disposable = Disposable.Empty;
mutable.Disposable = scheduler.Schedule(inactivity, () =>
lock (gate)
subscription =
.Subscribe(onNext, onError, onCompleted);
return () =>
lock (gate)
o = null;
With Rx Extensions 2.0, your can answer both requirements with a new Buffer overload accepting a timeout and a size:
this.subscription = this.dataService
.Where(x => !string.Equals("FOO", x.Key.Source))
.Buffer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), 1)
.Where(x => x.Count != 0)
See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh229200(v=vs.103).aspx for the documentation.
I guess this can be implemented on top of Buffer method as shown below:
public static IObservable<IList<T>> SlidingBuffer<T>(this IObservable<T> obs, TimeSpan span, int max)
return Observable.CreateWithDisposable<IList<T>>(cl =>
var acc = new List<T>();
return obs.Buffer(span)
.Subscribe(next =>
if (next.Count == 0) //no activity in time span
if (acc.Count >= max) //max items collected
}, err => cl.OnError(err), () => { cl.OnNext(acc); cl.OnCompleted(); });
NOTE: I haven't tested it, but I hope it gives you the idea.
Colonel Panic's solution is almost perfect. The only thing that is missing is a Publish component, in order to make the solution work with cold sequences too.
/// <summary>
/// Projects each element of an observable sequence into a buffer that's sent out
/// when either a given inactivity timespan has elapsed, or it's full,
/// using the specified scheduler to run timers.
/// </summary>
public static IObservable<IList<T>> BufferUntilInactive<T>(
this IObservable<T> source, TimeSpan dueTime, int maxCount,
IScheduler scheduler = default)
if (maxCount < 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(maxCount));
scheduler ??= Scheduler.Default;
return source.Publish(published =>
var combinedBoundaries = Observable.Merge
published.Throttle(dueTime, scheduler),
published.Skip(maxCount - 1)
return published
.Window(() => combinedBoundaries)
.SelectMany(window => window.ToList());
Beyond adding the Publish, I've also replaced the original .Where((_, index) => index + 1 >= maxCount) with the equivalent but shorter .Skip(maxCount - 1). For completeness there is also an IScheduler parameter, which configures the scheduler where the timer is run.

BatchBlock produces batch with elements sent after TriggerBatch()

I have a Dataflow pipeline consisting of several blocks.
When elements are flowing through my processing pipeline, I want to group them by field A. To do this I have a BatchBlock with high BoundedCapacity. In it I store my elements until I decide that they should be released. So I invoke TriggerBatch() method.
private void Forward(TStronglyTyped data)
if (ShouldCreateNewGroup(data))
This is how it looks.
The problem is, that the batch produced, sometimes contains the next posted element, which shouldn't be there.
To illustrate:
BatchBlock.InputQueue = {A,A,A}
NextElement = B //we should trigger a Batch!
In this point I expect my batch to be {A,A,A}, but it is {A,A,A,B}
Like TriggerBatch() was asynchronous, and SendAsync was in fact executed before the batch was actually made.
How can I solve this?
I obviously don't want to put Task.Wait(x) in there (I tried, and it works, but then performance is poor, of course).
I also encountered this issue by trying to call TriggerBatch in the wrong place. As mentioned, the SlidingWindow example using DataflowBlock.Encapsulate is the answer here, but it took some time to adapt so I thought I'd share my completed block.
My ConditionalBatchBlock creates batches up to a maximum size, possibly sooner if a certain condition is met. In my specific scenario I needed to create batches of 100, but always create new batches when certain changes in the data were detected.
public static IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]> CreateConditionalBatchBlock<T>(int batchSize, Func<Queue<T>, T, bool> condition)
var queue = new Queue<T>();
var source = new BufferBlock<T[]>();
var target = new ActionBlock<T>(async item =>
// start a new batch if required by the condition
if (condition(queue, item))
await source.SendAsync(queue.ToArray());
// always send a batch when the max size has been reached
if (queue.Count == batchSize)
await source.SendAsync(queue.ToArray());
// send any remaining items
target.Completion.ContinueWith(async t =>
if (queue.Any())
await source.SendAsync(queue.ToArray());
return DataflowBlock.Encapsulate(target, source);
The condition parameter may be simpler in your case. I needed to look at the queue as well as the current item to make the determination whether to create a new batch.
I used it like this:
public async Task RunExampleAsync<T>()
var conditionalBatchBlock = CreateConditionalBatchBlock<T>(100, (queue, currentItem) => ShouldCreateNewBatch(queue, currentItem));
var actionBlock = new ActionBlock<T[]>(async x => await PerformActionAsync(x));
conditionalBatchBlock.LinkTo(actionBlock, new DataflowLinkOptions { PropagateCompletion = true });
await ReadDataAsync<T>(conditionalBatchBlock);
await actionBlock.Completion;
Here is a specialized version of Loren Paulsen's CreateConditionalBatchBlock method. This one accepts a Func<TItem, TKey> keySelector argument, and emits a new batch every time an item with different key is received.
public static IPropagatorBlock<TItem, TItem[]> CreateConditionalBatchBlock<TItem, TKey>(
Func<TItem, TKey> keySelector,
DataflowBlockOptions dataflowBlockOptions = null,
int maxBatchSize = DataflowBlockOptions.Unbounded,
IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer = null)
if (keySelector == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keySelector));
if (maxBatchSize < 1 && maxBatchSize != DataflowBlockOptions.Unbounded)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(maxBatchSize));
keyComparer = keyComparer ?? EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default;
var options = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions();
if (dataflowBlockOptions != null)
options.BoundedCapacity = dataflowBlockOptions.BoundedCapacity;
options.CancellationToken = dataflowBlockOptions.CancellationToken;
options.MaxMessagesPerTask = dataflowBlockOptions.MaxMessagesPerTask;
options.TaskScheduler = dataflowBlockOptions.TaskScheduler;
var output = new BufferBlock<TItem[]>(options);
var queue = new Queue<TItem>(); // Synchronization is not needed
TKey previousKey = default;
var input = new ActionBlock<TItem>(async item =>
var key = keySelector(item);
if (queue.Count > 0 && !keyComparer.Equals(key, previousKey))
await output.SendAsync(queue.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);
previousKey = key;
if (queue.Count == maxBatchSize)
await output.SendAsync(queue.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);
}, options);
_ = input.Completion.ContinueWith(async t =>
if (queue.Count > 0)
await output.SendAsync(queue.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (t.IsFaulted)
}, TaskScheduler.Default);
return DataflowBlock.Encapsulate(input, output);

Parallel.Foreach + yield return?

I want to process something using parallel loop like this :
public void FillLogs(IEnumerable<IComputer> computers)
Parallel.ForEach(computers, cpt=>
cpt.Logs = cpt.GetRawLogs().ToList();
Ok, it works fine. But How to do if I want the FillLogs method return an IEnumerable ?
public IEnumerable<IComputer> FillLogs(IEnumerable<IComputer> computers)
Parallel.ForEach(computers, cpt=>
cpt.Logs = cpt.GetRawLogs().ToList();
yield return cpt // KO, don't work
It seems not to be possible... but I use something like this :
public IEnumerable<IComputer> FillLogs(IEnumerable<IComputer> computers)
return computers.AsParallel().Select(cpt => cpt);
But where I put the cpt.Logs = cpt.GetRawLogs().ToList(); instruction
Short version - no, that isn't possible via an iterator block; the longer version probably involves synchronized queue/dequeue between the caller's iterator thread (doing the dequeue) and the parallel workers (doing the enqueue); but as a side note - logs are usually IO-bound, and parallelising things that are IO-bound often doesn't work very well.
If the caller is going to take some time to consume each, then there may be some merit to an approach that only processes one log at a time, but can do that while the caller is consuming the previous log; i.e. it begins a Task for the next item before the yield, and waits for completion after the yield... but that is again, pretty complex. As a simplified example:
static void Main()
foreach(string s in Get())
static IEnumerable<string> Get() {
var source = new[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Task<string> outstandingItem = null;
Func<object, string> transform = x => ProcessItem((int) x);
foreach(var item in source)
var tmp = outstandingItem;
// note: passed in as "state", not captured, so not a foreach/capture bug
outstandingItem = new Task<string>(transform, item);
if (tmp != null) yield return tmp.Result;
if (outstandingItem != null) yield return outstandingItem.Result;
static string ProcessItem(int i)
return i.ToString();
I don't want to be offensive, but maybe there is a lack of understanding. Parallel.ForEach means that the TPL will run the foreach according to the available hardware in several threads. But that means, that ii is possible to do that work in parallel! yield return gives you the opportunity to get some values out of a list (or what-so-ever) and give them back one-by-one as they are needed. It prevents of the need to first find all items matching the condition and then iterate over them. That is indeed a performance advantage, but can't be done in parallel.
Although the question is old I've managed to do something just for fun.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
foreach (var message in GetMessages())
// Parallel yield
private static IEnumerable<string> GetMessages()
int total = 0;
bool completed = false;
var batches = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(i => new Computer() { Id = i });
var qu = new ConcurrentQueue<Computer>();
Task.Run(() =>
() => 0,
(item, loop, subtotal) =>
return subtotal + 1;
result => Interlocked.Add(ref total, result));
completed = true;
int current = 0;
while (current < total || !completed)
SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => current < total || completed);
if (current == total) yield break;
qu.TryDequeue(out Computer computer);
yield return $"Completed {computer.Id}";
public class Computer
public int Id { get; set; }
Compared to Koray's answer this one really uses all the CPU cores.
You can use the following extension method
public static class ParallelExtensions
public static IEnumerable<T1> OrderedParallel<T, T1>(this IEnumerable<T> list, Func<T, T1> action)
var unorderedResult = new ConcurrentBag<(long, T1)>();
Parallel.ForEach(list, (o, state, i) =>
unorderedResult.Add((i, action.Invoke(o)));
var ordered = unorderedResult.OrderBy(o => o.Item1);
return ordered.Select(o => o.Item2);
use like:
public void FillLogs(IEnumerable<IComputer> computers)
cpt.Logs = computers.OrderedParallel(o => o.GetRawLogs()).ToList();
Hope this will save you some time.
How about
Queue<string> qu = new Queue<string>();
bool finished = false;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Parallel.ForEach(get_list(), (item) =>
string itemToReturn = heavyWorkOnItem(item);
lock (qu)
qu.Enqueue(itemToReturn );
finished = true;
while (!finished)
lock (qu)
while (qu.Count > 0)
yield return qu.Dequeue();
//maybe a thread sleep here?
I think this is better:
public static IEnumerable<TOutput> ParallelYieldReturn<TSource, TOutput>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TOutput> func)
ConcurrentQueue<TOutput> qu = new ConcurrentQueue<TOutput>();
bool finished = false;
AutoResetEvent re = new AutoResetEvent(false);
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Parallel.ForEach(source, (item) =>
finished = true;
while (!finished)
while (qu.Count > 0)
TOutput res;
if (qu.TryDequeue(out res))
yield return res;
Edit2: I agree with the short No answer. This code is useless; you cannot break the yield loop.

Pause and Resume Subscription on cold IObservable

Using Rx, I desire pause and resume functionality in the following code:
How to implement Pause() and Resume() ?
static IDisposable _subscription;
static void Main(string[] args)
// Second value should not be shown after two seconds:
// Continue and show second value and beyond now:
static void Subscribe()
var list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var obs = list.ToObservable();
_subscription = obs.SubscribeOn(Scheduler.NewThread).Subscribe(p =>
err => Console.WriteLine("Error"),
() => Console.WriteLine("Sequence Completed")
static void Pause()
// Pseudocode:
static void Resume()
// Pseudocode:
Rx Solution?
I believe I could make it work with some kind of Boolean field gating combined with thread locking (Monitor.Wait and Monitor.Pulse)
But is there an Rx operator or some other reactive shorthand to achieve the same aim?
Here's a reasonably simple Rx way to do what you want. I've created an extension method called Pausable that takes a source observable and a second observable of boolean that pauses or resumes the observable.
public static IObservable<T> Pausable<T>(
this IObservable<T> source,
IObservable<bool> pauser)
return Observable.Create<T>(o =>
var paused = new SerialDisposable();
var subscription = Observable.Publish(source, ps =>
var values = new ReplaySubject<T>();
Func<bool, IObservable<T>> switcher = b =>
if (b)
values = new ReplaySubject<T>();
paused.Disposable = ps.Subscribe(values);
return Observable.Empty<T>();
return values.Concat(ps);
return pauser.StartWith(false).DistinctUntilChanged()
.Select(p => switcher(p))
return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, paused);
It can be used like this:
var xs = Observable.Generate(
x => x < 100,
x => x + 1,
x => x,
x => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1));
var bs = new Subject<bool>();
var pxs = xs.Pausable(bs);
pxs.Subscribe(x => { /* Do stuff */ });
It should be fairly easy for you to put this in your code with the Pause & Resume methods.
Here it is as an application of IConnectableObservable that I corrected slightly for the newer api (original here):
public static class ObservableHelper {
public static IConnectableObservable<TSource> WhileResumable<TSource>(Func<bool> condition, IObservable<TSource> source) {
var buffer = new Queue<TSource>();
var subscriptionsCount = 0;
var isRunning = System.Reactive.Disposables.Disposable.Create(() => {
lock (buffer)
var raw = Observable.Create<TSource>(subscriber => {
lock (buffer)
if (subscriptionsCount == 1)
while (buffer.Count > 0) {
Observable.While(() => subscriptionsCount > 0 && condition(), source)
v => { if (subscriptionsCount == 0) buffer.Enqueue(v); else subscriber.OnNext(v); },
e => subscriber.OnError(e),
() => { if (subscriptionsCount > 0) subscriber.OnCompleted(); }
return isRunning;
return raw.Publish();
Here is my answer. I believe there may be a race condition around pause resume, however this can be mitigated by serializing all activity onto a scheduler. (favor Serializing over synchronizing).
using System;
using System.Reactive.Concurrency;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using Microsoft.Reactive.Testing;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace StackOverflow.Tests.Q7620182_PauseResume
public class PauseAndResumeTests
public void Should_pause_and_resume()
var scheduler = new TestScheduler();
var isRunningTrigger = new BehaviorSubject<bool>(true);
Action pause = () => isRunningTrigger.OnNext(false);
Action resume = () => isRunningTrigger.OnNext(true);
var source = scheduler.CreateHotObservable(
ReactiveTest.OnNext(0.1.Seconds(), 1),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(2.0.Seconds(), 2),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(4.0.Seconds(), 3),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(6.0.Seconds(), 4),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(8.0.Seconds(), 5));
scheduler.Schedule(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), () => { pause(); });
scheduler.Schedule(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0), () => { resume(); });
var sut = Observable.Create<IObservable<int>>(o =>
var current = source.Replay();
var connection = new SerialDisposable();
connection.Disposable = current.Connect();
return isRunningTrigger
.Select(isRunning =>
if (isRunning)
//Return the current replayed values.
return current;
//Disconnect and replace current.
current = source.Replay();
connection.Disposable = current.Connect();
//yield silence until the next time we resume.
return Observable.Never<int>();
var observer = scheduler.CreateObserver<int>();
using (sut.Subscribe(observer))
var expected = new[]
ReactiveTest.OnNext(0.1.Seconds(), 1),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(5.0.Seconds(), 2),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(5.0.Seconds(), 3),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(6.0.Seconds(), 4),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(8.0.Seconds(), 5)
CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, observer.Messages);
It just works:
class SimpleWaitPulse
static readonly object _locker = new object();
static bool _go;
static void Main()
{ // The new thread will block
new Thread (Work).Start(); // because _go==false.
Console.ReadLine(); // Wait for user to hit Enter
lock (_locker) // Let's now wake up the thread by
{ // setting _go=true and pulsing.
_go = true;
Monitor.Pulse (_locker);
static void Work()
lock (_locker)
while (!_go)
Monitor.Wait (_locker); // Lock is released while we’re waiting
Console.WriteLine ("Woken!!!");
Please, see How to Use Wait and Pulse for more details
