Can I use OpenXmlPowerTools in a Flask App - c#

Is it possible to use a C#/.Net based library like OpenXmlPowerTools in a Flask/Python 3 web-app?
My research tells me that I might be able to via a wrapper? or creating a microservice?
Would like to know your thoughts.

You can do this with pythonnet. I've created a sample class in C# that references the OpenXmlPowerTools and DocumentFormat.OpenXml assemblies and provides two methods:
using OpenXmlPowerTools;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
namespace CodeSnippets.OpenXmlWrapper
public class OpenXmlPowerToolsWrapper
public static string GetMainDocumentPart(string path)
using WordprocessingDocument wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(path, true);
return wordDocument.MainDocumentPart.GetXElement().ToString();
public static string FinishReview(string path)
using WordprocessingDocument wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(path, true);
var settings = new SimplifyMarkupSettings
AcceptRevisions = true,
RemoveComments = true
MarkupSimplifier.SimplifyMarkup(wordDocument, settings);
return wordDocument.MainDocumentPart.GetXElement().ToString();
The corresponding sample Python client looks like this, noting that clr is a module provided by pythonnet:
import clr
import shutil
from CodeSnippets.OpenXmlWrapper import OpenXmlPowerToolsWrapper
wrapper = OpenXmlPowerToolsWrapper()
# Display contents before finishing review, showing that the document contains revision markup.
xml_with_revision_markup = wrapper.GetMainDocumentPart("DocumentWithRevisionMarkup.docx")
print("Document before finishing review:\n")
# Finish review, removing all revision markup.
print("\nFinishing review ...")
shutil.copyfile("DocumentWithRevisionMarkup.docx", "Result.docx")
xml_without_revision_markup = wrapper.FinishReview("Result.docx")
# Display contents after finishing review, showing that the revision markup was removed.
print("\nDocument after finishing review:\n")
You'll find the full source code in my CodeSnippets GitHub repo. Look at the CodeSnippets.OpenXmlWrapper and CodeSnippets.OpenXmlWrapper.PythonClient projects.
Depending on your use case, you will also be able to use the OpenXmlPowerTools directly. I just implemented a wrapper to provide a simplified interface.


What is the replacement for TestContext.DataRow["MyColumnName"]

Using MSTest in a .Net Core Unit test project. I am attempting to use a csv datasource to provide the data for a test method.
Previously, I would use something like below in a .Net Framework test project:
[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", #"data.csv", "data#csv", DataAccessMethod.Sequential),
public void ValuesController_Post()
_valuesRepository.Verify(_ => _.Post(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Once);
The key here being the DataRow property found in TestContext. This doesn't appear to exist in the .Net Core version of the TestContext.
How would I go about doing this in .Net Core?
Since moving to aspnet core, I've never been able to use the same [Datasource(...)] attribute to iterate through test data, my data-driven tests are always skipped.
Have you considered switching to another approach with [DataTestMethod] and [DynamicData] with a custom source that reads you file ?
Here's a good article on this :
Maybe another way would be to read the whole file at the begining of the test and then iterate through the dataset as One single unit test?
Hope this helps.
It took me an afternoon to fiddle with things, but I finally found a solution. Since you don't specify your test or CSV file, here is a quick example I could get working.
Long story short, I installed the CsvHelper NuGet package, because parsing CSV is dead easy right up to the point it is not. As Carl Verret pointed out, you need to use the [DynamicData(...)] attribute above your test method, and then parse the CSV using CsvHelper.
The CSV File (Example.csv)
Important: Make sure this CSV file is included in your test project and "Copy To Output Directory" is set to "Always" in the properties for the CSV file in Solution Explorer.
Data Transfer Object Used By CsvHelper
public class AdditionData
public int A { get; set; }
public int B { get; set; }
public bool IsLessThanZero { get; set; }
The Test Class
public class ExampleTests
// HINT: Look in {Your Test Project Folder}\bin\{Configuration}\netcore3.1\FolderYourCsvFileIsIn for the CSV file.
// Change this path to work with your test project folder structure.
private static readonly string DataFilePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(ExampleTests).Assembly.Location) + #"\FolderYourCsvFileIsIn\Example.csv";
[DynamicData(nameof(GetData), DynamicDataSourceType.Method)]
public void AddingTwoNumbers(AdditionData data)
bool isLessThanZero = data.A + data.B < 0;
Assert.AreEqual(data.IsLessThanZero, isLessThanZero);
private static IEnumerable<object[]> GetData()
using var stream = new StreamReader(DataFilePath);
using var reader = new CsvReader(stream, new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
var rows = reader.GetRecords<AdditionData>();
foreach (var row in rows)
yield return new object[] { row };
After building your solution, you will see a single test in Test Explorer. Running this single test runs all variants defined in your CSV file:

C# Generating dynamic executable from project

I wanna generate an exe file with some changes in code from another C# exe.
I know that can easy compile .cs single class using CodeDom.Compiler
The thing I want to know is how to compile a project with 'Resources', 'Settings', 'Forms' and other elements.
CSharpCodeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(CompilerParameters, sources[]);
So, the question is where can I add all resources, settings and form (.resx)?
And can I do it with byte[] streams. Without unpacking project's zip.
Sorry for bad English and mby stupid questions. I wish somebody will help me...
For Example: I have byte[] array of resource file 'pic.png' and I wanna attach it to compiled exe as embedded resource.
You should learn about the new compiler service provided by Microsoft in Microsoft.CodeAnalysis code name "Roslyn".
Roslyn provides you the way to compile the code and everything on the fly including creating and compiling complete solution and projects in-memory.
I think what you're looking for can be achieved via Roslyn. See below sample:
class Program
static void Main()
var syntaxTree = SyntaxTree.ParseCompilationUnit(
#"using System;
using System.Resources;
namespace ResSample
class Program
static void Main()
ResourceManager resMan = new ResourceManager(""ResSample.Res1"", typeof(Program).Assembly);
var comp = Compilation.Create("ResTest.exe")
.AddReferences(new AssemblyNameReference("mscorlib"))
var resourcePath = "ResSample.Res1.resources"; //Provide full path to resource file here
var resourceDescription = new ResourceDescription(
resourceName: "ResSample.Res1.resources",
dataProvider: () => File.OpenRead(resourcePath),
isPublic: false);
var emitResult = comp.Emit(
executableStream: File.Create("ResTest.exe"),
manifestResources: new[] { resourceDescription });
Original Source here
At line dataProvider: () => File.OpenRead(resourcePath), you can provide your own 'FileStream' like () => return _myResourceStream) for your resource file.

Why can't I see my XML documentation when decompiling using ICSharpCode.Decompiler?

I've been looking into decompiling .dlls using ICSharpCode.Decompiler and found some sample code and fingers in the right direction on this thread:
I've copied the code and added set the variable ShowXmlDocumentation = true in the DecompilerSettings, however I'm still unable to see my documentation.
My source code looks like this:
var settings = new DecompilerSettings
FullyQualifyAmbiguousTypeNames = true,
ShowXmlDocumentation = true
const string assemblyName = "Experiments.Decompilation.dll";
var assembly1 = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assemblyName);
var decompilerContext = new DecompilerContext(assembly1.MainModule) {Settings = settings};
var decompiler = new AstBuilder(decompilerContext);
var output = new StringWriter();
decompiler.GenerateCode(new PlainTextOutput(output));
var byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(output.ToString());
TextReader codeReader = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(byteArray));
var line = codeReader.ReadToEnd();
Yet the variable line never has any of the expected XML documentation in it.
I get the full trace of what's in the .dll, for example
namespace Experiments.Decompilation
public interface ITest
long Method();
But I was expecting the interface method to have the XML docs I defined, a la
namespace Experiments.Decompilation
///This is some test documentation
public interface ITest
long Method();
But no cookie for me.
Am I missing anything? Do I need to change any other configuration?
If anyone has any ideas on this I'd really appreciate it. I've been wracking my brains and haven't found a solution myself, so here you are SO, please help!
Because that property doesn't actually do anything within the ICSharpCode.Decompiler library. It's just there to support projects (like ILSpy) that want to consume the decompiler.
ILSpy, for example, will check to see if the decompiler has the option set; if so, it will look up the appropriate XML file on-disk and parse the XMLDoc strings, and embed them in the final output.
Also, note that the actual .NET assembly doesn't have the XMLDoc in it. Visual Studio generates a separate file with that stuff, and if you don't have that, ILSpy won't be able to include XMLDoc even if you ask.

BundleTransformer.Less inject variables depending on context/request

We would like the use the bundling mechanism of System.Web.Optimization in combination with the Less transformer.
The problem is that the same application/server serves pages for different branded websites. So depending on the 'SiteContext' the same .less files are used but different values should be used by the .less variables. So we want the (re)use the same less files but with different variables depending on the context of the request.
I tried a couple of different theories:
In all 3 cases I setup different bundles depending on the SiteContext.
1 inject an #import directive with the themed variables by using a custom VirtualPathProvider that intercepts the variables.less file.
So I have:
the styling file eg: header.less (imports the variables file)
the variables file: variables.less
a themed variables file: variables-theme.less (injected in variables.less via the VirtualPathProvider)
This is not working because the BundleTransformer cache sees this as the same file and doesn't know about the SiteContext. The cache key is based on the Url of the IAsset and we cannot influence this behavior.
2 Replace the variables.less import by variables-themed.less with an custom transformer that runs before the Less transformer.
Again no luck, same caching issues.
And as a side effect, the extra transformer was not called in debug because the assets are not bundled but called individually by the LessAssetHandler. This could be solved by writing your own AssetHandler that calls all required transformers.
3 create themed Asset names that are resolved by a custom VirtualPathProvider
Eg. Add header-themeX.less to the bundle, this file doesn't exist but you resolve this file to header.less and use method 2 to set the correct variables file import. (replace the import of the variables.less to the themed version).
Once again no luck. I think this could solve the caching issue if it wasn't for the Bundle.Include(string virtualPath) that does a File.Exists(path) internally. It doesn't pass via the CustomVirtualPathProvider.
Am I looking to deep to solve this?
All ideas are welcome, I can imagine that this will become a problem to more and more people as the System.Web.Optimization library gets more popular...
Keep in mind that:
we have a lot of .less/css files
we will have 5 or so themes
we like to keep things working in visual studio (that is why header.less has a ref. to variables.less)
Thanks for any feedback.
You use the Microsoft ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework and the Bundle Transformer in multi-tenant environment, so you need to replace some components of the System.Web.Optimization and create own versions of the debugging HTTP-handlers (see «Problem: LESS file imports are added to BundleResponse.Files collection» discussion). As far as I know, Murat Cakir solve all these problems in the SmartStore.NET project.
In the Bundle Transformer there are 2 ways to inject of LESS-variables:
Look a properties GlobalVariables and ModifyVariables of LESS-translator:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Optimization;
using BundleTransformer.Core.Builders;
using BundleTransformer.Core.Orderers;
using BundleTransformer.Core.Transformers;
using BundleTransformer.Core.Translators;
using BundleTransformer.Less.Translators;
public class BundleConfig
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
var nullBuilder = new NullBuilder();
var nullOrderer = new NullOrderer();
var lessTranslator = new LessTranslator
GlobalVariables = "my-variable='Hurrah!'",
ModifyVariables = "font-family-base='Comic Sans MS';body-bg=lime;font-size-h1=50px"
var cssTransformer = new CssTransformer(new List<ITranslator>{ lessTranslator });
var commonStylesBundle = new Bundle("~/Bundles/BootstrapStyles");
commonStylesBundle.Builder = nullBuilder;
commonStylesBundle.Orderer = nullOrderer;
Create a custom item transformation:
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Optimization;
public sealed class InjectContentItemTransform : IItemTransform
private readonly string _beforeContent;
private readonly string _afterContent;
public InjectContentItemTransform(string beforeContent, string afterContent)
_beforeContent = beforeContent ?? string.Empty;
_afterContent = afterContent ?? string.Empty;
public string Process(string includedVirtualPath, string input)
if (_beforeContent.Length == 0 && _afterContent.Length == 0)
return input;
var contentBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (_beforeContent.Length > 0)
if (_afterContent.Length > 0)
return contentBuilder.ToString();
And register this transformation as follows:
using System.Web.Optimization;
using BundleTransformer.Core.Orderers;
using BundleTransformer.Core.Bundles;
public class BundleConfig
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
var nullOrderer = new NullOrderer();
const string beforeLessCodeToInject = #"#my-variable: 'Hurrah!';";
const string afterLessCodeToInject = #"#font-family-base: 'Comic Sans MS';
#body-bg: lime;
#font-size-h1: 50px;";
var commonStylesBundle = new CustomStyleBundle("~/Bundles/BootstrapStyles");
new InjectContentItemTransform(beforeLessCodeToInject, afterLessCodeToInject));
commonStylesBundle.Orderer = nullOrderer;
Both ways have disadvantage: the injection of LESS-variables does not work in debug mode.

OFX File parser in C#

I am looking for an OFX file parser library in C#. I have search the web but there seems to be none. Does anyone know of any good quality C# OFX file parser. I need to process some bank statements files which are in OFX format.
I have managed to find a C# library for parsing OFX parser.
Here is the link ofx sharp. This codebase seems to be the best case to startup my solution.
I tried to use the ofx sharp library, but realised it doesn't work is the file is not valid XML ... it seems to parse but has empty values ...
I made a change in the OFXDocumentParser.cs where I first fix the file to become valid XML and then let the parser continue. Not sure if you experienced the same issue?
Inside of the method:
private string SGMLToXML(string file)
I added a few lines first to take file to newfile and then let the SqmlReader process that after the following code:
string newfile = ParseHeader(file);
newfile = SGMLToXMLFixer.Fix_SONRS(newfile);
newfile = SGMLToXMLFixer.Fix_STMTTRNRS(newfile);
newfile = SGMLToXMLFixer.Fix_CCSTMTTRNRS(newfile);
//reader.InputStream = new StringReader(ParseHeader(file));
reader.InputStream = new StringReader(newfile);
SGMLToXMLFixer is new class I added into the OFXSharp library. It basically scans all the tags that open and verifies it has a closing tag too.
namespace OFXSharp
public static class SGMLToXMLFixer
public static string Fix_SONRS(string original)
{ .... }
public static string Fix_STMTTRNRS(string original)
{ .... }
public static string Fix_CCSTMTTRNRS(string original)
{ .... }
private static string Fix_Transactions(string file, string transactionTag, int lastIdx, out int lastIdx_new)
{ .... }
private static string Fix_Transactions_Recursive(string file_modified, int lastIdx, out int lastIdx_new)
{ .... }
Try The code uses Framework 3.5 and transforms an ofx into a dataset, this may help with what you're trying to do.
