What Unity API's are not allowed in async callbacks? - c#

I saw somewhere that within a Thread in Unity, you couldn't use Unity API's.
I'm wondering if this is also the case for async callbacks in general (for example a function assigned to WebSocket.OnMessage when using WebSocketSharp), and if so then is there a way to know what is allowed and what isn't (i.e. what are "Unity API's")?
As an example, when using WebSocketSharp's WebSocket.OnMessage, I put this in my Start function of a MonoBehavior:
// ws is a WebSocketSharp.WebSocket
// displayText is a UnityEngine.UI.Text
ws.OnMessage += (sender, evt) =>
// 1
boo = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 1000).ToString();
// 2
displayText.text = "Heyoo";
The line under 1 errors (no logs just beyond it) but no error message shows. Whereas when that line is not inside this callback (top-level of Update for example), I can see its result no problem.
As for the line under 2, the Inspector in Unity shows the updated text, but the Play screen does not, until I update an attribute in the Inspector, as if the text field did get updated, but when it needed to use a Unity API to update the screen, it failed, so it's not until a separate update happens that it actually appears.
That's my hypothesis for these odd behaviors, so please let me know if that is correct, and if there's a succinct (or documented) way to describe what I'm describing.

async in general means exactly this: Not in the main thread.
It is hard to answer what is supported and what not in other threads then the mainthread ... short: Most things are not supported.
The UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 1000).ToString(); should work. But be carefull with assignments!
A known workaround is to create like a callback worker and pass Actions to execute back to the main thread like e.g.:
public class MainThreadWorker : MonoBehaviour
// singleton pattern
public static MainThreadWorker Instance;
// added actions will be executed in the main thread
ConcurrentQueue<Action> actions = new ConcurrentQueue<Action>();
private void Awake()
if (Instance)
this.enabled = false;
Instance = this;
private void Update()
// execute all actions added since the last frame
while (actions.TryDequeue(out var action))
public void AddAction(Action action)
if(action != null) actions.Enqueue(action);
Having this in your scene somewhere you can now pass an action back to the main thread like
ws.OnMessage += (sender, evt) =>
// 1
boo = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 1000).ToString();
// 2
displayText.text = "Heyoo";


How can I wait for another method to be triggered before continuing the current method while still displaying the UI

I am trying to write a chess program in C# Windows Forms and I am writing a method GetMove() in this HumanPlayer class I have, which will return the Move from a player input of two clicks on separate squares on the board UI.
Could I have some help / advice on what I should use to implement this or if I am misunderstanding something else, explain that to me.
I've tried to add code snippets, but please let me know if I've done them wrong.
class HumanPlayer : Player
private Coords _selected;
public HumanPlayer(PieceColour colour) : base(colour)
_selected = new Coords();
public override ChessMove GetMove(Board board)
Coords Start = new Coords();
board.RaiseSquareClicked += ReceiveStartSquareClickInfo;
// Want to wait until that function is triggered by the event until continuing
Start = _selected;
board.RaiseSquareClicked -= ReceiveStartSquareClickInfo;
Coords End = new Coords();
board.RaiseSquareClicked += ReceiveEndSquareClickInfo;
// Want to wait until that function is triggered by the event until continuing
End = _selected;
board.RaiseSquareClicked -= ReceiveEndSquareClickInfo;
return new ChessMove(Start, End);
public void ReceiveStartSquareClickInfo(object sender, SquareClickedEventArgs e)
_selected = e.Square.Coords;
public void ReceiveEndSquareClickInfo(object sender, SquareClickedEventArgs e)
_selected = e.Square.Coords;
One thing I tried was using AutoResetEvent and WaitOne() and Set(), but this caused the UI to stop displaying.
I also tried to understand and use await and async, but I just confused myself and overcomplicated it and didn't get anywhere with it. So it might just be that I need someone to explain it to me.
This code that doesn't work might help someone understand what I misunderstand about asynchronous functions etc.
public async void Play()
_currentPlayer = _players[0];
_currentTurn = 1;
while (!GameOver())
ChessMove move= await _currentPlayer.GetMove(_board);
if (_currentPlayer == _players[1])
_currentTurn += 1;
_currentPlayer = _players[0];
_currentPlayer = _players[1];
class HumanPlayer : Player
private Coords _selected;
private TaskCompletionSource<bool> _squareClicked;
public HumanPlayer(PieceColour colour) : base(colour)
_selected = new Coords();
public override async Task<ChessMove> GetMove(Board board)
Coords Start = new Coords();
_squareClicked = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
board.RaiseSquareClicked += ReceiveStartSquareClickInfo;
Start = _selected;
board.RaiseSquareClicked -= ReceiveStartSquareClickInfo;
Coords End = new Coords();
_squareClicked = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
board.RaiseSquareClicked += ReceiveEndSquareClickInfo;
End = _selected;
board.RaiseSquareClicked -= ReceiveEndSquareClickInfo;
return new ChessMove(Start, End);
public async void ReceiveStartSquareClickInfo(object sender, SquareClickedEventArgs e)
_selected = e.Square.Coords;
public async void ReceiveEndSquareClickInfo(object sender, SquareClickedEventArgs e)
_selected = e.Square.Coords;
I've kinda been hesitant / nervous to post this question because I don't want people to get annoyed at me for posting a "duplicate question". Even though I've looked through several of the questions, it is confusing and frustrating not knowing whether the solution just doesn't apply to my situation or if I've added it in wrong. I'm sure I could find my solution answered in another question, but I feel it would take me a lot longer to find it and understand it than posting my own question.
Sorry if I've posted this question wrong or not followed the guidelines, this is my first post here.
If I've done anything wrong in formatting / communicating through this post, let me know and I'll try to fix it.
Good question, from what I can understand, your wanting to wait on a response from another method before executing yours.
Using async/await is the best option for this, if your getting confused at that, there are some tutorials and such you can follow
TaskCompletionSource is a class in C# that enables creating a Task object which can be manually completed with a result or exception.
class Example
TaskCompletionSource<string> taskCompletionSource = new();
public async Task DoStuff()
// Wait for the result of the TaskCompletionSource
var result = await taskCompletionSource.Task;
public void SetResult(){
taskCompletionSource.SetResult("Hello World!");
In this example, calling to DoStuff method will wait until the SetResult method is called, which will then set the result variable to "Hello World!"
Your post states that you want to wait for another method to be triggered before continuing and then describes three "states of play" so my first suggestion is to identify in code exactly the things we need to wait for in the chess game loop.
enum StateOfPlay
Game Loop
The goal is to run a loop that cycles these three states continuously, waiting at each step. However, the main Form is always running its own Message Loop to detect mouse clicks and key presses and it's important not to block that loop with our own.
The await keyword causes a waiting method to return immediately which allows the UI loop to keep running. But when "something happens" that we're waiting for, the execution of this method will resume on the next line after the await. A semaphore object says when to stop or go and is initialized here in the waiting state.
SemaphoreSlim _semaphoreClick= new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1);
When the game board is clicked during the players turn then the Release() method will be called on the semaphore, allowing things to resume. In terms of the specific question that you asked, this code snippet shows how to use the await keyword in your chess game loop.
private async Task playGameAsync(PlayerColor playerColor)
StateOfPlay =
playerColor.Equals(PlayerColor.White) ?
StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseFrom :
switch (StateOfPlay)
case StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseFrom:
await _semaphoreClick.WaitAsync();
StateOfPlay = StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseTo;
case StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseTo:
await _semaphoreClick.WaitAsync();
StateOfPlay = StateOfPlay.OpponentTurn;
case StateOfPlay.OpponentTurn:
await opponentMove();
StateOfPlay = StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseFrom;
Player's turn
Here we have to wait for each square to get clicked. A straightforward way to do this is with a SemaphoreSlim object and call Release() when the game board is clicked during the player's turn.
Square _playerFrom, _playerTo, _opponentFrom, _opponentTo;
private void onSquareClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender is Square square)
switch (StateOfPlay)
case StateOfPlay.OpponentTurn:
// Disabled for opponent turn
case StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseFrom:
_playerFrom = square;
Text = $"Player {_playerFrom.Notation} : _";
case StateOfPlay.PlayerChooseTo:
_playerTo = square;
Text = $"Player {_playerFrom.Notation} : {_playerTo.Notation}";
richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.DarkGreen;
richTextBox.AppendText($"{_playerFrom.Notation} : {_playerTo.Notation}{Environment.NewLine}");
Opponents turn
This simulates a computer opponent processing an algorithm to determine its next move.
private async Task opponentMove()
Text = "Opponent thinking";
for (int i = 0; i < _rando.Next(5, 10); i++)
Text += ".";
await Task.Delay(1000);
string opponentMove = "xx : xx";
Text = $"Opponent Moved {opponentMove}";
richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.DarkBlue;
It might be helpful to look at another answer I wrote that describes how to create the game board with a TableLayoutPanel and how to interact with mouse to determine the square that's being clicked on.

Cancelling Coroutine when Home button presseddown or returned main menu

some pretext of what I am doing ; I am currently locking down my skill buttons via setting interactable = false in coroutines. Showing text of remaning seconds via textmeshpro and setting them deactive when countdown is over. But I am having problem when home button is pressed/ returned main menu. I would like to refresh my buttons cooldowns and stop coroutines when its pressed. But it is staying in lock position.
this is my cooldown coroutine
static List<CancellationToken> cancelTokens = new List<CancellationToken>();
public IEnumerator StartCountdown(float countdownValue, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
this.currentCooldownDuration = countdownValue;
// Deactivate myButton
this.myButton.interactable = false;
//activate text to show remaining cooldown seconds
while (this.currentCooldownDuration > 0 && !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
this.m_Text.GetComponent<TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI>().text = this.currentCooldownDuration.ToString(); //Showing the Score on the Canvas
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);
// deactivate text and Reactivate myButton
// deactivate text
// Reactivate myButton
this.myButton.interactable = true;
static public void cancelAllCoroutines()
Debug.Log("cancelling all coroutines with total of : " + cancelTokens.Count);
foreach (CancellationToken ca in cancelTokens)
ca.IsCancellationRequested = true;
void OnButtonClick()
CancellationToken cancelToken = new CancellationToken();
Coroutine co;
co = StartCoroutine(StartCountdown(cooldownDuration, cancelToken));
this is where I catch when home button pressed/returned main menu. when catch it and pop pauseMenu
public void PauseGame()
GameObject menu = Instantiate(PauseMenu);
menu.transform.SetParent(Canvas.transform, false);
EventManager.StartListening("ReturnMainMenu", (e) =>
I also stop time when game on the pause
public void PauseGame() {
Time.timeScale = 0.0001f;
You are using CancellationToken incorrectly in this case. CancellationToken is a struct that wraps a CancellationTokenSource like this:
public bool IsCancellationRequested
return source != null && source.IsCancellationRequested;
Because it's a struct, it gets passed around by value, meaning the one you store in your list is not the same instance as the one that your Coroutine has.
The typical way to handle cancellation is to create a CancellationTokenSource and pass its Token around. Whenever you want to cancel it, you simply call the .Cancel() method on the CancellationTokenSource. The reason for it being this way is so that the CancellationToken can only be cancelled through the 'source' reference and not by consumers of the token.
In your case, you are creating a token with no source at all so I would suggest making the following changes:
First of all, change your cancelTokens list to be a:
Next, change your OnButtonClick() method to look like this:
public void OnButtonClick()
// You should probably call `cancelAllCoroutines()` here
var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
Coroutine co = StartCoroutine(StartCountdown(cooldownDuration, cancellationTokenSource.Token));
And lastly, change your cancelAllCoroutines() method to this:
public static void CancelAllCoroutines()
Debug.Log("cancelling all coroutines with total of : " + cancelTokens.Count);
foreach (CancellationTokenSource ca in cancelTokens)
// Clear the list as #Jack Mariani mentioned
I would suggest reading the docs on Cancellation Tokens or alternatively, as #JLum suggested, use the StopCoroutine method that Unity provides.
I forgot to mention that it is recommended that CancallationTokenSources be disposed of when no longer in use so as to ensure no memory leaks occur. I would recommend doing this in an OnDestroy() hook for your MonoBehaviour like so:
private void OnDestroy()
foreach(var source in cancelTokens)
As #Jack Mariani mentioned in his answer, multiple CancellationTokenSources is overkill in this case. All it would really allow you to do is have more fine-grained control over which Coroutine gets cancelled. In this case, you are cancelling them all in one go, so yeah, an optimisation would be to only create one of them. There are multiple optimisations that could be made here, but they are beyond the scope of this question. I did not include them because I felt like it would bloat this answer out more than necessary.
However, I would argue his point about CancellationToken being 'mostly intended for Task'. Pulled straight from the first couple of lines in the MSDN docs:
Starting with the .NET Framework 4, the .NET Framework uses a unified model for cooperative cancellation of asynchronous or long-running synchronous operations. This model is based on a lightweight object called a cancellation token
CancellationTokens are lightweight objects. For the most part, they are just simple Structs that reference a CancellationTokenSource. The 'overhead' that is mentioned in his answer is negligible and, in my eyes, totally worth it when considering readability and intention.
You could pass a load of booleans around with indices or subscribe to events using string literals and those approaches would work.
But at what cost? Confusing and difficult-to-read code? I would say not worth it.
The choice is ultimately yours though.
In your question you just use the bool cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested and no other functionalities of Cancellation Token.
So, following the logic of your method, you might just want to have a List<bool> cancellationRequests and pass them using ref keyword.
Still, I would not go ahead with that logic nor with the logic proposed by Darren Ruane, because they have one main flaw.
FLAW => these solutions keep adding things to 2 lists cancelTokens.Add(...) and myCoroutines.Add(co), without ever clearing them.
public void OnButtonClick()
...other code
//this never get cleared
...other code
//this never get cleared
If you want to go down this way you could remove them manually, but it's tricky, because you never know when they will be required (the Coroutine can be called many frames after CancelAllCoroutines method).
Use a static event instead of a list
To remove the list and make the class even more decoupled you might use a static event, created and invoked in the script where you call the PauseGame method.
//the event somewhere in the script
public static event Action OnCancelCooldowns;
public void PauseGame()
...your code here, with no changes...
EventManager.StartListening("ReturnMainMenu", (e) =>
//---> Removed ->Cooldown.cancelAllCoroutines();
//replaced by the event
...your code here, with no changes...
You will listen to the static event in your coroutine.
public IEnumerator StartCountdown(float countdownValue, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
bool wantToStop = false;
//change YourGameManager with the name of the script with your PauseGame method.
YourGameManager.OnCancelCooldowns += () => wantToStop = true;
...your code here, with no changes...
while (this.currentCooldownDuration > 0 && !wantToStop)
...your code here, with no changes...
...your code here, with no changes...
Or you might just stay simple and use MEC Coroutines instead of Unity ones (they are also more performant ).
MEC Free offers the tag functionality that solves the problem entirely.
void OnButtonClick() => Timing.RunCoroutine(CooldownCoroutine, "CooldownTag");
STOP ALL COROUTINE with a specific tag
public void PauseGame()
...your code here, with no changes...
EventManager.StartListening("ReturnMainMenu", (e) =>
//---> Removed ->Cooldown.cancelAllCoroutines();
//replaced by this
...your code here, with no changes...
Further notes on tags (please consider that MEC free has only tags and not layers, but you require just tags in your use case).
After some thought I just decided to remove the details of the bool solution, it might confuse the answer and it was going beyond the scope of this question.
Unity has StopCoroutine() specifically for ending Coroutines early.
You will want to create a function that you can call on every skill button object when you want to reset them all like this:
void resetButton()
this.currentCooldownDuration = 0;
this.myButton.interactable = true;

Block UI thread but keep handling incoming calls

I'm developing a plugin for a 3D modelling application. For this application, there is also a third party plugin (a render engine) that I would like to automate.
What I do is create a list of Camera List<Camera> cameraViews , iterate trough all of them and tell the render engine to start rendering
foreach ( Camera camera in cameraViews )
// tell the modellingApplication to apply camera
// tell the render engine to render the image
string path = "somePathWhereIWantToSaveTheImage"
// .renderCurrentScene() seems to be async, because my code, which is on the UI thread
// continues... so:
// make sure that the image is saved before continuing to the next image
while ( !File.Exists(path) )
However, this wont work. The renderingplugin seems to do some async work but, when doing this async work, it is calling the main thread for retrieving information.
I found a workaround for this: Right after calling the render engine to render, call a MessageBox. This will block the code from continuing but async calls are still beïng handled. I know, this is weird behaviour. Whats even weirder is the fact that my MessageBox gets automatically closed when the renderengine has done calling the UI thread for information and continues in his own process. Making my code continue to the while loop to check if the image is saved on the disk.
foreach ( Camera camera in cameraViews )
// tell the modellingApplication to apply camera
// tell the render engine to render the image
string path = "somePathWhereIWantToSaveTheImage"
// .renderCurrentScene() seems to be async, because my code, which is on the UI thread
// continues... so:
// show the messagebox, as this will block the code but not the renderengine.. (?)
MessageBox.Show("Currently processed: " + path);
// hmm, messagebox gets automatically closed, that's great, but weird...
// make sure that the image is saved before continuing to the next image
while ( !File.Exists(path) )
This is wonderful, except for the messagebox part. I don't want to show a messagebox, I just want to pause my code without blocking the entire thread (as calls from the renderengine to the ui thread are still accepted)..
It would've been much easier if the renderengine didn't do his work async..
I don't feel this is the best answer, but it hopefully it's what you are looking for. This is how you block a thread from continuing.
// Your UI thread should already have a Dispatcher object. If you do this elsewhere, then you will need your class to inherit DispatcherObject.
private DispatcherFrame ThisFrame;
public void Main()
// Pausing the Thread
public void Pause()
ThisFrame = new DispatcherFrame(true);
public void UnPause()
if (ThisFrame != null && ThisFrame.Continue)
ThisFrame.Continue = false;
ThisFrame = null;
If you want to still receive and do actions on that thread while blocking intermediately, you can do something like this. This feels, um... kinda hacky, so don't just copy and paste without making sure I didn't make some major mistake typing this out. I haven't had my coffee yet.
// Used while a work item is processing. If you have something that you want to wait on this process. Or you could use event handlers or something.
private DispatcherFrame CompleteFrame;
// Controls blocking of the thread.
private DispatcherFrame TaskFrame;
// Set to true to stop the task manager.
private bool Close;
// A collection of tasks you want to queue up on this specific thread.
private List<jTask> TaskCollection;
public void QueueTask(jTask newTask)
//Task Queued.
lock (TaskCollection) { TaskCollection.Add(newTask); }
if (TaskFrame != null) { TaskFrame.Continue = false; }
// Call this method when you want to start the task manager and let it wait for a task.
private void FireTaskManager()
if (TaskCollection != null)
if (TaskCollection.Count > 0 && TaskCollection[0] != null)
lock (TaskCollection) { TaskCollection.RemoveAt(0); }
else { WaitForTask(); }
while (!Close);
// Call if you are waiting for something to complete.
private void WaitForTask()
if (CompleteFrame != null) { CompleteFrame.Continue = false; }
// Waiting For Task.
TaskFrame = new DispatcherFrame(true);
TaskFrame = null;
/// <summary>
/// Pumping block will release when all queued tasks are complete.
/// </summary>
private void WaitForComplete()
if (TaskCollection.Count > 0)
CompleteFrame = new DispatcherFrame(true);
CompleteFrame = null;
private void ProcessWorkItem(jTask taskItem)
if (taskItem != null) { object obj = taskItem.Go(); }

this.Invoke(...) - is this bad practice?

I have a function called ExecuteCommand that does things based on a user's input. These things can range from simply doing a Console.Writeline(), checking a check box on my form, or simulating keystrokes to another process, completely independent from my own. The function runs on a separate thread, so changing the UI will requiring some invoking. I have 2 ways of doing it... one of which I'm not sure is a good way but it's very easy.
Code below, the 3rd line is what I have a question with:
private void ExecuteCommand()
if (current_line_index < command_que.Count)
current_line = command_que[current_line_index];
if (current_line.StartsWith(">>Auto Enter"))
chkAutoEnter.Checked = false;
else if (current_line.StartsWith("+WinWait("))
string title_to_wait_for = current_line;
title_to_wait_for = title_to_wait_for.Remove(0, "+WinWait(\"".Length);
title_to_wait_for = title_to_wait_for.Remove(title_to_wait_for.Length - 2, 2);
t_WinWait = new Thread(() => WinWait(title_to_wait_for));
t_WinWait.Name = "WinWait";
The code works perfectly... but I am not sure if it's good practice.
Alternativly, I know I can do something like this to change the UI:
private delegate void CheckCheckBoxHandler(bool checked);
private void CheckCheckBox(bool checked)
if (this.chkAutoEnter.InvokeRequired)
this.chkAutoEnter.Invoke(new CheckCheckBoxHandler(this.CheckCheckBox), checked);
chkAutoEnter.Checked = checked;
But as I have multiple controls on my form that will be changed from another thread, I'd have to add a bunch of functions to do that, versus the simple method in the first example.
Is the first way bad in anyway? Are there any risks involved I haven't come across yet? It seems to good to be true...
No it's not bad. It doesn't matter which control that you call Invoke on since they all have the same effect. Invoke calls the delegate on the thread that owns the control - as long as all your controls are owned by the same thread, then there is no difference.

How to update UI from another thread running in another class

I am currently writing my first program on C# and I am extremely new to the language (used to only work with C so far). I have done a lot of research, but all answers were too general and I simply couldn't get it t work.
So here my (very common) problem:
I have a WPF application which takes inputs from a few textboxes filled by the user and then uses that to do a lot of calculations with them. They should take around 2-3 minutes, so I would like to update a progress bar and a textblock telling me what the current status is.
Also I need to store the UI inputs from the user and give them to the thread, so I have a third class, which I use to create an object and would like to pass this object to the background thread.
Obviously I would run the calculations in another thread, so the UI doesn't freeze, but I don't know how to update the UI, since all the calculation methods are part of another class.
After a lot of reasearch I think the best method to go with would be using dispatchers and TPL and not a backgroundworker, but honestly I am not sure how they work and after around 20 hours of trial and error with other answers, I decided to ask a question myself.
Here a very simple structure of my program:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
Initialize Component();
private void startCalc(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
inputValues input = new inputValues();
calcClass calculations = new calcClass();
input.pota = Convert.ToDouble(aVar.Text);
input.potb = Convert.ToDouble(bVar.Text);
input.potc = Convert.ToDouble(cVar.Text);
input.potd = Convert.ToDouble(dVar.Text);
input.potf = Convert.ToDouble(fVar.Text);
input.potA = Convert.ToDouble(AVar.Text);
input.potB = Convert.ToDouble(BVar.Text);
input.initStart = Convert.ToDouble(initStart.Text);
input.initEnd = Convert.ToDouble(initEnd.Text);
input.inita = Convert.ToDouble(inita.Text);
input.initb = Convert.ToDouble(initb.Text);
input.initc = Convert.ToDouble(initb.Text);
MessageBox.Show("Some input values are not of the expected Type.", "Wrong Input", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Thread calcthread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(calculations.testMethod);
public class inputValues
public double pota, potb, potc, potd, potf, potA, potB;
public double initStart, initEnd, inita, initb, initc;
public class calcClass
public void testmethod(inputValues input)
Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
int i;
//the input object will be used somehow, but that doesn't matter for my problem
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
I would be very grateful if someone had a simple explanation how to update the UI from inside the testmethod. Since I am new to C# and object oriented programming, too complicated answers I will very likely not understand, I'll do my best though.
Also if someone has a better idea in general (maybe using backgroundworker or anything else) I am open to see it.
First you need to use Dispatcher.Invoke to change the UI from another thread and to do that from another class, you can use events.
Then you can register to that event(s) in the main class and Dispatch the changes to the UI and in the calculation class you throw the event when you want to notify the UI:
class MainWindow : Window
private void startCalc()
//your code
CalcClass calc = new CalcClass();
calc.ProgressUpdate += (s, e) => {
Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)delegate() { /* update UI */ });
Thread calcthread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(calc.testMethod));
class CalcClass
public event EventHandler ProgressUpdate;
public void testMethod(object input)
//part 1
if(ProgressUpdate != null)
ProgressUpdate(this, new YourEventArgs(status));
//part 2
As it seems this is still an often visited question and answer I want to update this answer with how I would do it now (with .NET 4.5) - this is a little longer as I will show some different possibilities:
class MainWindow : Window
Task calcTask = null;
void buttonStartCalc_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { StartCalc(); } // #1
async void buttonDoCalc_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) // #2
await CalcAsync(); // #2
void StartCalc()
var calc = PrepareCalc();
calcTask = Task.Run(() => calc.TestMethod(input)); // #3
Task CalcAsync()
var calc = PrepareCalc();
return Task.Run(() => calc.TestMethod(input)); // #4
CalcClass PrepareCalc()
//your code
var calc = new CalcClass();
calc.ProgressUpdate += (s, e) => Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)delegate()
// update UI
return calc;
class CalcClass
public event EventHandler<EventArgs<YourStatus>> ProgressUpdate; // #5
public TestMethod(InputValues input)
//part 1
ProgressUpdate.Raise(this, status); // #6 - status is of type YourStatus
// alternative version to the extension for C# 6+:
ProgressUpdate?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs<YourStatus>(status));
//part 2
static class EventExtensions
public static void Raise<T>(this EventHandler<EventArgs<T>> theEvent,
object sender, T args)
if (theEvent != null)
theEvent(sender, new EventArgs<T>(args));
#1) How to start the "synchronous" calculations and run them in the background
#2) How to start it "asynchronous" and "await it": Here the calculation is executed and completed before the method returns, but because of the async/await the UI is not blocked (BTW: such event handlers are the only valid usages of async void as the event handler must return void - use async Task in all other cases)
#3) Instead of a new Thread we now use a Task. To later be able to check its (successfull) completion we save it in the global calcTask member. In the background this also starts a new thread and runs the action there, but it is much easier to handle and has some other benefits.
#4) Here we also start the action, but this time we return the task, so the "async event handler" can "await it". We could also create async Task CalcAsync() and then await Task.Run(() => calc.TestMethod(input)).ConfigureAwait(false); (FYI: the ConfigureAwait(false) is to avoid deadlocks, you should read up on this if you use async/await as it would be to much to explain here) which would result in the same workflow, but as the Task.Run is the only "awaitable operation" and is the last one we can simply return the task and save one context switch, which saves some execution time.
#5) Here I now use a "strongly typed generic event" so we can pass and receive our "status object" easily
#6) Here I use the extension defined below, which (aside from ease of use) solve the possible race condition in the old example. There it could have happened that the event got null after the if-check, but before the call if the event handler was removed in another thread at just that moment. This can't happen here, as the extensions gets a "copy" of the event delegate and in the same situation the handler is still registered inside the Raise method.
I am going to throw you a curve ball here. If I have said it once I have said it a hundred times. Marshaling operations like Invoke or BeginInvoke are not always the best methods for updating the UI with worker thread progress.
In this case it usually works better to have the worker thread publish its progress information to a shared data structure that the UI thread then polls at regular intervals. This has several advantages.
It breaks the tight coupling between the UI and worker thread that Invoke imposes.
The UI thread gets to dictate when the UI controls get updated...the way it should be anyway when you really think about it.
There is no risk of overrunning the UI message queue as would be the case if BeginInvoke were used from the worker thread.
The worker thread does not have to wait for a response from the UI thread as would be the case with Invoke.
You get more throughput on both the UI and worker threads.
Invoke and BeginInvoke are expensive operations.
So in your calcClass create a data structure that will hold the progress information.
public class calcClass
private double percentComplete = 0;
public double PercentComplete
// Do a thread-safe read here.
return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref percentComplete, 0, 0);
public testMethod(object input)
int count = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
double newvalue = ((double)i + 1) / (double)count;
Interlocked.Exchange(ref percentComplete, newvalue);
Then in your MainWindow class use a DispatcherTimer to periodically poll the progress information. Configure the DispatcherTimer to raise the Tick event on whatever interval is most appropriate for your situation.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public void YourDispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs args)
YourProgressBar.Value = calculation.PercentComplete;
You're right that you should use the Dispatcher to update controls on the UI thread, and also right that long-running processes should not run on the UI thread. Even if you run the long-running process asynchronously on the UI thread, it can still cause performance issues.
It should be noted that Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher will return the dispatcher for the current thread, not necessarily the UI thread. I think you can use Application.Current.Dispatcher to get a reference to the UI thread's dispatcher if that's available to you, but if not you'll have to pass the UI dispatcher in to your background thread.
Typically I use the Task Parallel Library for threading operations instead of a BackgroundWorker. I just find it easier to use.
For example,
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
void RunLongProcess(SomeViewModel someDataObject)
for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++)
// Update every 10 executions
if (i % 10 == 0)
// Send message to UI thread
(Action)(() => someDataObject.ProgressValue = (i / 1000)));
Everything that interacts with the UI must be called in the UI thread (unless it is a frozen object). To do that, you can use the dispatcher.
var disp = /* Get the UI dispatcher, each WPF object has a dispatcher which you can query*/
(Action)(() => /*Do your UI Stuff here*/));
I use BeginInvoke here, usually a backgroundworker doesn't need to wait that the UI updates. If you want to wait, you can use Invoke. But you should be careful not to call BeginInvoke to fast to often, this can get really nasty.
By the way, The BackgroundWorker class helps with this kind of taks. It allows Reporting changes, like a percentage and dispatches this automatically from the Background thread into the ui thread. For the most thread <> update ui tasks the BackgroundWorker is a great tool.
If this is a long calculation then I would go background worker. It has progress support. It also has support for cancel.
Here I have a TextBox bound to contents.
private void backgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Cancelled)
contents = "Cancelled get contents.";
else if (e.Error != null)
contents = "An Error Occured in get contents";
contents = (string)e.Result;
if (contentTabSelectd) NotifyPropertyChanged("Contents");
You are going to have to come back to your main thread (also called UI thread) in order to update the UI.
Any other thread trying to update your UI will just cause exceptions to be thrown all over the place.
So because you are in WPF, you can use the Dispatcher and more specifically a beginInvoke on this dispatcher. This will allow you to execute what needs done (typically Update the UI) in the UI thread.
You migh also want to "register" the UI in your business, by maintaining a reference to a control/form, so you can use its dispatcher.
Thank God, Microsoft got that figured out in WPF :)
Every Control, like a progress bar, button, form, etc. has a Dispatcher on it. You can give the Dispatcher an Action that needs to be performed, and it will automatically call it on the correct thread (an Action is like a function delegate).
You can find an example here.
Of course, you'll have to have the control accessible from other classes, e.g. by making it public and handing a reference to the Window to your other class, or maybe by passing a reference only to the progress bar.
Felt the need to add this better answer, as nothing except BackgroundWorker seemed to help me, and the answer dealing with that thus far was woefully incomplete. This is how you would update a XAML page called MainWindow that has an Image tag like this:
<Image Name="imgNtwkInd" Source="Images/network_on.jpg" Width="50" />
with a BackgroundWorker process to show if you are connected to the network or not:
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
public MainWindow()
// Set up background worker to allow progress reporting and cancellation
bw.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
bw.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
// This is your main work process that records progress
bw.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(SomeClass.DoWork);
// This will update your page based on that progress
bw.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(bw_ProgressChanged);
// This starts your background worker and "DoWork()"
// When this page closes, this will run and cancel your background worker
this.Closing += new CancelEventHandler(Page_Unload);
private void bw_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
BitmapImage bImg = new BitmapImage();
bool connected = false;
string response = e.ProgressPercentage.ToString(); // will either be 1 or 0 for true/false -- this is the result recorded in DoWork()
if (response == "1")
connected = true;
// Do something with the result we got
if (!connected)
bImg.UriSource = new Uri("Images/network_off.jpg", UriKind.Relative);
imgNtwkInd.Source = bImg;
bImg.UriSource = new Uri("Images/network_on.jpg", UriKind.Relative);
imgNtwkInd.Source = bImg;
private void Page_Unload(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
bw.CancelAsync(); // stops the background worker when unloading the page
public class SomeClass
public static bool connected = false;
public void DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker bw = sender as BackgroundWorker;
int i = 0;
connected = CheckConn(); // do some task and get the result
if (bw.CancellationPending == true)
e.Cancel = true;
// Record your result here
if (connected)
while (i == 0);
private static bool CheckConn()
bool conn = false;
Ping png = new Ping();
string host = "SomeComputerNameHere";
PingReply pngReply = png.Send(host);
if (pngReply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
conn = true;
catch (PingException ex)
// write exception to log
return conn;
For more information: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc221403(v=VS.95).aspx
