I'm fairly new to unit testing so go easy on me! I'm attempting to use a fairly simple Umbraco 8 project as a bit of a test bed. I'm currently stuck on trying to test a composer which registers a dependency and having a tough time figuring out how to test it.
The code will probably speak volumes so without further ado, here's the composer I'd like to test. As you can see, it simply registers a service coded against an interface:
using Papermoon.Umbraco.Utils.Services;
using Papermoon.Umbraco.Utils.Services.Interfaces;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Composing;
namespace Papermoon.Umbraco.Aldus.Core.Composers
[RuntimeLevel(MinLevel = RuntimeLevel.Run)]
public class ServicesComposer : IUserComposer
public void Compose(Composition composition)
composition.Register<IPapermoonContentTypeContainerService, PapermoonContentTypeContainerService>();
After a lot of playing around, I found some code in the Umbraco source which means I can get a test passing based on the idea of registering a type. However, that is in no way in context of the ServicesComposer class. Hence, that wouldn't count against my code coverage and actually testing the class, rather than the ability to register something. Here's the code anyway:
using System;
using Moq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Papermoon.Umbraco.Aldus.Core.Composers;
using Papermoon.Umbraco.Utils.Services;
using Papermoon.Umbraco.Utils.Services.Interfaces;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Cache;
using Umbraco.Core.Composing;
using Umbraco.Core.Composing.CompositionExtensions;
using Umbraco.Core.Logging;
namespace Papermoon.Umbraco.Aldus.Core.Tests.Composers
public class ServicesComposerTests
private ServicesComposer _servicesComposer;
public void SetUp()
_servicesComposer = new ServicesComposer();
public void Compose_WhenCalled_RegistersContentTypeContainerService()
Func<IFactory, IFactory> factoryFactory = null;
var mockedRegister = Mock.Of<IRegister>();
var mockedFactory = Mock.Of<IFactory>();
// the mocked register creates the mocked factory
.Setup(x => x.CreateFactory())
// the mocked register can register a factory factory
.Setup(x => x.Register(It.IsAny<Func<IFactory, IFactory>>(), Lifetime.Singleton))
.Callback<Func<IFactory, IFactory>, Lifetime>((ff, lt) => factoryFactory = ff);
// the mocked factory can invoke the factory factory
.Setup(x => x.GetInstance(typeof(IPapermoonContentTypeContainerService)))
.Returns(() => new Mock<IPapermoonContentTypeContainerService>().Object);
var logger = new ProfilingLogger(Mock.Of<ILogger>(), Mock.Of<IProfiler>());
var typeLoader = new TypeLoader(Mock.Of<IAppPolicyCache>(), "", logger);
var composition = new Composition(mockedRegister, typeLoader, logger, Mock.Of<IRuntimeState>());
var factory = composition.CreateFactory();
var resolved = factory.GetInstance<IPapermoonContentTypeContainerService>();
And the below code shows where I am at the moment, and is probably close to what the test should look like (if a little messy currently). I'm potentially way off the mark here so any help would go down a storm!
using System;
using Moq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Papermoon.Umbraco.Aldus.Core.Composers;
using Papermoon.Umbraco.Utils.Services;
using Papermoon.Umbraco.Utils.Services.Interfaces;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Cache;
using Umbraco.Core.Composing;
using Umbraco.Core.Composing.CompositionExtensions;
using Umbraco.Core.Logging;
namespace Papermoon.Umbraco.Aldus.Core.Tests.Composers
public class ServicesComposerTests
private ServicesComposer _servicesComposer;
public void SetUp()
_servicesComposer = new ServicesComposer();
Current.Factory = new Mock<IFactory>().Object;
public void Compose_WhenCalled_RegistersContentTypeContainerService()
var mockedRegister = Mock.Of<IRegister>();
var logger = new ProfilingLogger(Mock.Of<ILogger>(), Mock.Of<IProfiler>());
var typeLoader = new TypeLoader(Mock.Of<IAppPolicyCache>(), "", logger);
var composition = new Composition(mockedRegister, typeLoader, logger, Mock.Of<IRuntimeState>());
var resolved = Current.Factory.GetInstance<IPapermoonContentTypeContainerService>();
I've also tried mocking up Composition to see if I could verify that the Register method has run but as this is a static method I get the following error:
Extension methods (here: RegisterExtensions.Register) may not be used in setup / verification expressions.
Here's the code that gets me to that error:
public void Compose_WhenCalled_RegistersContentTypeContainerService()
Func<IFactory, IFactory> factoryFactory = null;
var mockedRegister = Mock.Of<IRegister>();
var mockedFactory = Mock.Of<IFactory>();
// the mocked register creates the mocked factory
.Setup(x => x.CreateFactory())
.Setup(x => x.Register(It.IsAny<Func<IFactory, IFactory>>(), Lifetime.Singleton))
.Callback<Func<IFactory, IFactory>, Lifetime>((ff, lt) => factoryFactory = ff);
// the mocked factory can invoke the factory factory
.Setup(x => x.GetInstance(typeof(IFactory)))
.Returns(() => factoryFactory?.Invoke(mockedFactory));
var logger = new ProfilingLogger(Mock.Of<ILogger>(), Mock.Of<IProfiler>());
var typeLoader = new TypeLoader(Mock.Of<IAppPolicyCache>(), "", logger);
var composition = new Mock<Composition>(mockedRegister, typeLoader, logger, new Mock<IRuntimeState>().Object);
composition.Verify(c => c.Register<IPapermoonContentTypeContainerService, PapermoonContentTypeContainerService>(It.IsAny<Lifetime>()));
Ultimately, I'm failing hard (and might have set my sights too high!), I'm not 100% sure on what to test here. My idea is that I want to test that the IPapermoonContentTypeContainerService is resolvable after _serviceComposer.Compose runs i.e. it's not null which ensures that it's been registered to the container. Potentially this isn't possible at which point, I wondered if testing that composition.Register<IPapermoonContentTypeContainerService, PapermoonContentTypeContainerService>(); was called was enough (as the actual registration part is third-party and therefore not to be tested). Or, am I barking up the wrong tree and this shouldn't actually be tested at all?
Register<TService, TImplementing> is a static extension method. You cannot mock extension methods, you'll need to look at the source for it & see what method it is calling under the hood.
For example, say I have a ILogger which exposes ILogger.Write(info level, string message) then I have an extension method:
public static void Info(this ILoggerlogger, string message) => logger.Write("Info", message);
When Info is called on a mocked instance of ILogger, the extension method is still called and the mocked ILogger.Write is called.
As you can see from the source code, the generic extension is calling another overload- that's the one you need to setup/verify:
composition.Verify(c => c.Register(typeof(IPapermoonContentTypeContainerService), typeof(PapermoonContentTypeContainerService), It.IsAny<Lifetime>()));
I'm not familiar with the service composers & suspect it's not possible; but rather than Compose(Composition composition), using IRegister (which Composition inherits from) would allow you to mock composition directly without having to mock it's dependencies...
New to Unit testing, I have below sample code and I want to create a unit test for this , Please suggest what should i do to create a unit test for this ? any link or pointers would be helpful to start
public class UserNotification : Work
public override void Execute(IWorkContext iwc)
throw new InvalidWorkException($"some message:{iwc.Name} and :{iwc.Dept}");
Edit: using MSTest for Unit testing
First, you need a test project alongside with your regular project.
You can pick from these three:
All of these should have a project template in VS2022.
xUnit is a popular one, so let's pick that. The usual naming convention for test projects is YourProject.Tests. Rename UnitTest1.cs class to UserNotificationTests.cs.
As simple as it gets, you can now start writing your tests. In xUnit, a method with [Fact] attribute is a test method.
using Xunit;
namespace MyProject.Tests
public class UserNotificationTests
public void Execute_Should_Throw_InvalidWorkException_With_Message()
Don't think these methods as the methods in the code, naming should be close to English sentences and should reveal the intent as a regular sentence.
Classic approach to unit testing has three phases:
Arrange: Take instances of your objects, set your expected output, mock dependencies, make them ready.
Act: Call the actual action you want to test.
Assert: Check if how your actual output relates to your expected output.
Let's start with arranging.
We need a new instance of UserNotification class so we can call Execute().
We need any dummy IWorkContext object so we can pass it. We'll use NSubstitute library for that.
// Don't forget to add using NSubstitute
// Arrange
var userNotification = new UserNotification();
var workContext = Substitute.For<IWorkContext>();
workContext.Name = "testName";
workContext.Dept = "testDept";
Now you act, and invoke your method:
// Act
Action act = () => userNotification.Execute(workContext);
And lastly we assert. I highly recommend FluentAssertations library for asserting.
// Assert
.WithMessage($"some message:{workContext.Name} and :{workContext.Dept}");
Navigate to View > Test Explorer and run your tests, you should see something similar to this:
Congratulations, you wrote your first unit test.
Here's the final version of your test code:
using FluentAssertions;
using NSubstitute;
using System;
using Xunit;
namespace MyProject.Tests
public class UserNotificationTests
public void Execute_Should_Throw_InvalidWorkException_With_Message()
// Arrange
var userNotification = new UserNotification();
var workContext = Substitute.For<IWorkContext>();
workContext.Name = "testName";
workContext.Dept = "testDept";
// Act
Action act = () => userNotification.Execute(workContext);
// Assert
.WithMessage($"some message:{workContext.Name} and :{workContext.Dept}");
public class UserNotification : Work
public override void Execute(IWorkContext iwc)
throw new InvalidWorkException($"some message:{iwc.Name} and :{iwc.Dept}");
public abstract class Work
public virtual void Execute(IWorkContext iwc) { }
public interface IWorkContext
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Dept { get; set; }
public class InvalidWorkException : System.Exception
public InvalidWorkException() { }
public InvalidWorkException(string message) : base(message) { }
public InvalidWorkException(string message, System.Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }
protected InvalidWorkException(
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { }
Writing tests feels a lot different than writing regular code. But in time you'll get the hang of it. How to mock, how to act, how to assert, these may vary depending on what you are testing. The main point is to isolate the main thing you want to unit test, and mock the rest.
Good luck!
Because your title mentions specifically that you're trying to test a method with a void return type; I infer that you've already been testing methods with actual return values, and therefore that you already have a test project and know how to run a test once it is written. If not; the answer written by Mithgroth is a good explanation on how to get started on testing in general.
Your test is defined by the behavior that you wish to test. Your snippet has no behavior, which makes it hard to give you a concrete answer.
I've opted to rewrite your example:
public class UserNotification : Work
public override void Execute(IWorkContext iwc)
var splines = iwc.GetSplines();
Now we have some behavior that we want to test. The test goal is to answer the following question:
When calling Execute, does UserNotification fetch the needed splines and reticulate them?
When unit testing, you want to mock all other things. In this case, the IWorkContext is an external dependency, so it should be mocked. Mocking the work context allows us to easily configure the mock to help with the testing. When we run the test, we will pass an IWorkContext object which acts as a spy. In essence, this mocked object will:
... have been set up to return a very specific set of splines, one that we chose for the test's purpose.
... secretly record any calls made to the Reticulate method, and tracks the parameters that were passed into it.
Before we get into the nitty gritty on how to mock, we can already outline how our test is going to go:
public void ReticulatesTheContextSplines()
// Arrange
IWorkContext mockedContext = ...; // This comes later
UserNotification userNotification = new UserNotification();
// Act
// Assert
// Confirm that Reticulate() was called
// Confirm that Reticulate() was given the result from `GetSplines()`
There's your basic unit test. All that's left is to create our mock.
You can write this yourself if you want. Simply create a new class that implements IWorkContext, and give it some more public properties/methods to help you keep track of things. A very simple example would be:
public class MockedWorkContext : IWorkContext
// Allows the test to set the returned result
public IEnumerable<Spline> Splines { get; set; }
// History of arguments used for calls made to Reticulate.
// Each call will add an entry to the list.
public List<IEnumerable<Spline>> ReticulateArguments { get; private set; } = new List<IEnumerable<Spline>>();
public IEnumerable<Spline> GetSplines()
// Returns the preset splines that the test configured
return this.Splines;
// Mocked implementation of Reticulate()
public void Reticulate(IEnumerable<Spline> splines)
// Does nothing except record what you passed into it
This is a very simplified implementation, but it gets the job done. The test will now look like this:
public void ReticulatesTheContextSplines()
// Arrange
IEnumerable<Spline> splines = new List<Spline>() { new Spline(), new Spline() }; // Just create some items here, it's random test data.
IWorkContext mockedContext = new MockedWorkContext();
mockedContext.Splines = splines;
UserNotification userNotification = new UserNotification();
// Act
// Assert - Confirm that Reticulate() was called
// Confirm that Reticulate() was given the result from `GetSplines()`
This test now exactly tests the behavior of your method. It uses the mocked context as a spy to report on what your unit under test (i.e. UserNotification) does with the context that you pass into it.
Note that I am using FluentAssertions here, as I find it the most easily readable syntax. Feel free to use your own assertion logic.
While you can write your own mocks; there are mocking libraries that help cut down on the boilerplating. Moq and NSubstitute are the two biggest favorites as far as I'm aware. I personally prefer NSubstitute's syntax; but both get the job done equally well.
If you want to use nunit the documentation with example is pretty easy to follow, link below.
Nunit documentation
And I think all other unit test framework have something similar to this.
public void Execute_WhenCalled_ThrowArgumentException()
//Initialize an instance of IWorkContext
var iwc = new WorkContext();
//or use a Mock object, later on in assert use
var iwc = new Mock<IWorkContext>();
var userNotification = new UserNotification();
Assert.Throws(typeof(InvalidWorkException), () =>
I'm on .NET 4.6.2 and using the following versions of the assemblies via Nuget:
Autofac - 4.8.1
Autofac.Extras.AggregateService - 4.1.0
Autofac.Wcf - 4.1.0
Castle.Core - 4.3.1
Autofac.Extras.Moq - 4.3.0
Moq - 4.10.1
The setup I'm using for the host container is exactly like the "Getting Started" example from the Docs and you end up with a proxy generated from DynamicProxy, and this works well by eliminating the constructor overloads.
When it comes to unit testing the services that use this type of injection I seem to be stumbling on how to mock it out properly.
I've spent a few hours trying various approaches and none of them have panned out. Here's basically what I have:
public interface IMyAggregateService
IFirstService FirstService { get; }
ISecondService SecondService { get; }
IThirdService ThirdService { get; }
IFourthService FourthService { get; }
public class SomeController
private readonly IMyAggregateService _aggregateService;
public SomeController(IMyAggregateService aggregateService)
_aggregateService = aggregateService;
using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose())
//var depends = mock.Mock<IMyAggregateService>().SetupAllProperties(); //Not working
//depends.SetupProperty(p => p.IFirstService, ?? );
//depends.SetupProperty(p => p.ISecondService, ?? );
//depends.SetupProperty(p => p.IThirdService, ?? );
//depends.SetupProperty(p => p.IFourthService, ?? );
var sut = mock.Create<SomeController>();
Action action = () => sut.SomeAction();
So the first problem I had was that there are no setters on the IMyAggregateService so the SetupProperty method won't work. When I used SetupAllProperties, everything was null at run-time, so that won't work. I even pulled down the Autofac.Extras.AggregateService code and was checking out the Test project, but there's really nothing I can gleam from it that might help, except the AggregateServiceGenerator might be useful at some point.
So my questions is,
"How do I properly mock an aggregate service, and provide behaviors for it during unit testing?"
For extra credit I'd like to know also how to provide a specific implementation of any of the dependencies that are properties, like this:
using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose())
"How do I properly mock an aggregate service, and provide behaviors
for it during unit testing?"
Try to do smth like this (it is not using automoq just a moq :))
var firstServiceImpl= new Mock<IFirstService>();
var secondServiceImp2= new Mock<ISecondService>();
var myAggregateServie= new Mock<IMyAggregateService>();
myAggregateServie.SetupGet(x => x.FirstService ).Returns(firstServiceImpl);
myAggregateServie.SetupGet(x => x.SecondService ).Returns(secondServiceImp2);
And then you can mock behaviours of your services, and verify calls, some pseudo code will look like this.
//Mock as above
//Mock service behavior
//test method of you controller, lets assume that the method1 of controller
//is only calling firstService method named Method1()
var result = SampleController.Method1();
Assert.IsTrue( result == 1)
firstService.Verify(m=>m.Method1(), Times.Once()).
I am doing some integration tests for my OWIN based Web API. I am using structure map as DI container. In one of the cases, I need to mock out an API call ( can't include it as part of the test).
How would I go about doing this using Structure Map? I have done it using SimpleInjector but the code base I am working on is using Structure Map and I can't figure out how I would do this.
Solution with SimpleInjector:
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
// Register IOC containers
public static Container Container { get; set; }
public static void RegisterServices(HttpConfiguration config)
Container = new Container();
// Register
config.DependencyResolver = new SimpleInjectorWebApiDependencyResolver(Container);
And in my Integration test, I mock out the interface that calls the other API.
private TestServer testServer;
private Mock<IShopApiHelper> apiHelper;
public void Intitialize()
testServer= TestServer.Create<Startup>();
apiHelper= new Mock<IShopApiHelper>();
public async Task Create_Test()
apiHelper.Setup(x => x.CreateClientAsync())
IOCConfig.Container.Options.AllowOverridingRegistrations = true;
IOCConfig.Container.Register<IShopApiHelper>(() => apiHelper.Object, Lifestyle.Transient);
var response = await testServer.HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("/api/clients", CreateObject());
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.Created, response.StatusCode);
I found this in the structure-map documentation but it doesn't allow me to inject a mock object in there (only types).
How I can inject a mock version of IShopApiHelper (Mock) when running my integration tests? (I am using the Moq library for mocking)
Assuming the same API structure as in the original example you can do basically the same thing as demonstrated in the linked documentation.
public async Task Create_Test() {
apiHelper.Setup(x => x.CreateClientAsync())
// Use the Inject method that's just syntactical
// sugar for replacing the default of one type at a time
IOCConfig.Container.Inject<IShopApiHelper>(() => apiHelper.Object);
var response = await testServer.HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("/api/clients", CreateObject());
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.Created, response.StatusCode);
public void Pay()
// some insert db code
// ...
// Call Bank api
BankApi api = new BankApi();
int result = api.pay();
if(result == 1)
I dont want to call api in unit test. How to mock the pay method without modify inner code (such as the line new BankApi() code)?
Its possible to mock your BankApi class without changing any of your legacy code, you just need a unit testing framework that allows you to mock concrete classes.
for example a test for your method with Typemock :
public void ExampleTest()
//fakes the next BankApi instace
var handler = Isolate.Fake.NextInstance<BankApi>();
//change the pay method behavior
Isolate.WhenCalled(() => handler.pay()).WillReturn(1);
new ClassUnderTest().Pay();
First, as stated, you should create an Interface.
public interface IBankApi
int pay();
Then, what you can do is mock this interface like this (I'm using Moq "Mock you" here, you will need to add the NuGet package "Moq" as reference to your application, and you could use other mocking libraries of course)
apiMock = new Mock<IBankApi>();
just after that you will tell what this call should return (that would be actual mocking)
apiMock.Setup(x => x.pay()).Returns(1); //
Then, this api "pseudo object", can be used by using apiMock.Object
Now , this information I just gave you doesn't directly solve your problem.
As stated in the comments, you need a better uncoupling of your code.
You need, for example, some kind of "dependency injection" to allow for such a uncoupling.
Here is a simple example of how it can be done :
public class ClassThatUsesYourBankApi
private readonly IBankApi _api;
// the constructor will be given a reference to the interface
public ClassThatUsesYourBankApi (IBankApi api)
// here you could check for null parameter and throw exception as needed
this._api = api;
// this method can now be tested with the mock interface
public void MethodThatUseTheApi()
int result = this._api.pay();
if (result == 1)
// some things that happens
// some other thing
How to unit test that method :
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Moq;
public class TestMyMethod
public void MyMethod_WithBankApiReturns1_ShouldHaveThingsThatHappens()
// Arrange
var apiMock = new Mock<IBankApi>();
apiMock.Setup(api => api.pay())
var myObject = new ClassThatUsesYourBankApi(apiMock.Object);
// Act
int result = myObject.MethodThatUseTheApi();
// Assert
// Here you test that the things that should have happened when the api returns 1 actually have happened.
The key thing to understand here, is that you must not instantiate the api you need to mock in the method you want to test
In other words, "uncoupling" your method with your api is done by programming to an interface, and code such as you don't have
var api = new BankApi()
directly in the method you want to unit test.
I showed a way to do that, and there are other.
New to unit testing. I have a WPF client app hooked into a WCF service via basicHttpbinding. Everything works great. I'm using simple constructor Dependency Injection in my viewModel, passing in an IServiceChannel which I then call me service methods on e.g:
IMyserviceChannel = MyService;
public MyViewModel(IMyServiceChannel myService)
this.MyService = myService;
Private void GetPerson()
var selectedPerson = MyService.GetSelectedPerson();
I have then added an MS Test project in the client app and I'm trying to use Moq to mock my service:
public void GetArticleBody_Test_Valid()
// Create channel mock
Mock<IIsesServiceChannel> channelMock = new Mock<IIsesServiceChannel>(MockBehavior.Strict);
// setup the mock to expect the Reverse method to be called
channelMock.Setup(c => c.GetArticleBody(1010000008)).Returns("110,956 bo/d, 1.42 Bcfg/d and 4,900 bc/d. ");
// create string helper and invoke the Reverse method
ArticleDataGridViewModel articleDataGridViewModel = new ArticleDataGridViewModel(channelMock.Object);
string result = channelMock.GetArticleBody(1010000008);
//Assert.AreEqual("cba", result);
//verify that the method was called on the mock
channelMock.Verify(c => c.GetArticleBody(1010000008), Times.Once());
The test is failing with a System.NullReferenceException. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at the method invocation here:
string result = articleDataGridViewModel.IsesService.GetArticleBody(1010000008);
so I'm wandering whether this is the best way to approach or am I better somehow mocking an isolated part of the viewModel which is applicable to the test?
The NullReferenceException is mybe thrown because you use MockBehavior.Strict. The documentation says:
Causes this mock to always throw an exception for invocations that don't have a corresponding setup.
Maybe the constructor of ArticleDataGridViewModel calls other methods of the service which you haven't set up.
Another issue is, that you are calling the mocked method directly. Instead you should call a method of your view model, which calls this method.
public void GetArticleBody_Test_Valid()
// Create channel mock
Mock<IIsesServiceChannel> channelMock = new Mock<IIsesServiceChannel>();
// setup the mock to expect the Reverse method to be called
channelMock.Setup(c => c.GetArticleBody(1010000008)).Returns("110,956 bo/d, 1.42 Bcfg/d and 4,900 bc/d. ");
// create string helper and invoke the Reverse method
ArticleDataGridViewModel articleDataGridViewModel = new ArticleDataGridViewModel(channelMock.Object);
string result = articleDataGridViewModel.MethodThatCallsService();
//Assert.AreEqual("cba", result);
//verify that the method was called on the mock
channelMock.Verify(c => c.GetArticleBody(1010000008), Times.Once());
Besides that I think there is no problem with your approach. Maybe the view model violates the single responsibility principle and does more than it should, but that's hard to tell on the basis of your code example.
EDIT: Here's a full example of how you could test something like this:
public interface IMyService
int GetData();
public class MyViewModel
private readonly IMyService myService;
public MyViewModel(IMyService myService)
if (myService == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("myService");
this.myService = myService;
public string ShowSomething()
return "Just a test " + this.myService.GetData();
class TestClass
public void TestMethod()
var serviceMock = new Mock<IMyService>();
var objectUnderTest = new MyViewModel(serviceMock.Object);
serviceMock.Setup(x => x.GetData()).Returns(42);
var result = objectUnderTest.ShowSomething();
Assert.AreEqual("Just a test 42", result);
serviceMock.Verify(c => c.GetData(), Times.Once());
Without access to your viewmodel, there's only so much help that we can provide you.
However, this code:
Mock<IIsesServiceChannel> channelMock = new Mock<IIsesServiceChannel>(MockBehavior.Strict);
ArticleDataGridViewModel articleDataGridViewModel = new ArticleDataGridViewModel(channelMock.Object);
string result = articleDataGridViewModel.IsesService.GetArticleBody(1010000008);
Does not set up your IsesService. If it is not set up in your constructor, that means the IsesService is a null reference. You can't call a method on a null object.
Consider mocking out at a higher level of abstraction then the tight coupling you have with the tool your using.
Perhaps your view-model should rely on services and not a detail of the tool that your using (i.e. IIsesServiceChannel).
Here's an example:
Construct testable business layer logic