Sorting Data using LINQ.Dynamic - c#

I want to populate a table using JSON data. This works perfectly.
However the issue occurs when I want to view the data. I keep on running into
'No property or field 'RegistrationIDasc' exists in type 'UserModel'.
My UserModel contains the string RegistrationID.I don't understand the addtional "asc".
This is the controller
public ActionResult LoadRolesData()
var draw = Request.Form.GetValues("draw").FirstOrDefault();
var start = Request.Form.GetValues("start").FirstOrDefault();
var length = Request.Form.GetValues("length").FirstOrDefault();
var sortColumn = Request.Form.GetValues("columns[" + Request.Form.GetValues("order[0][column]").FirstOrDefault() + "][name]").FirstOrDefault();
var sortColumnDir = Request.Form.GetValues("order[0][dir]").FirstOrDefault();
var searchValue = Request.Form.GetValues("search[value]").FirstOrDefault();
int pageSize = length != null ? Convert.ToInt32(length) : 0;
int skip = start != null ? Convert.ToInt32(start) : 0;
int recordsTotal = 0;
var rolesData = _IAssignRoles.ShowallRoles(sortColumn, sortColumnDir, searchValue);
recordsTotal = rolesData.Count();
return Json(new { draw, recordsFiltered = recordsTotal, recordsTotal });
catch (Exception)
throw; //exception thrown here
Below is the class model
public IQueryable<UserModel> ShowallRoles(string sortColumn, string sortColumnDir, string Search)
var result = (from AssignedRoles in db.AssignedRoles
join registration in db.Registration on AssignedRoles.RegistrationID equals registration.RegistrationID
join AssignedRolesAdmin in db.Registration on AssignedRoles.AssignToAdmin equals AssignedRolesAdmin.RegistrationID
select new UserModel
Name = registration.Name,
AssignToAdmin = string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssignedRolesAdmin.Name) ? "*Not Assigned*" : AssignedRolesAdmin.Name.ToUpper(),
RegistrationID = registration.RegistrationID
if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortColumn) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortColumnDir))) //first exception thrown
result = result.Where(sortColumn + "" + sortColumnDir);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Search))
result = result.Where(m => m.Name == Search);
return result;

Pseudo code
public IQueryable<UserModel> ShowallRoles(string sortColumn, string sortColumnDir, string Search)
var result = (from AssignedRoles in db.AssignedRoles
join registration in db.Registration on AssignedRoles.RegistrationID equals registration.RegistrationID
join AssignedRolesAdmin in db.Registration on AssignedRoles.AssignToAdmin equals AssignedRolesAdmin.RegistrationID
select new UserModel
Name = registration.Name,
AssignToAdmin = string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssignedRolesAdmin.Name) ? "*Not Assigned*" : AssignedRolesAdmin.Name.ToUpper(),
RegistrationID = registration.RegistrationID
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Search))
result = result.Where(m => m.Name == Search);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortColumn))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortColumnDir))
if(sortColumnDir == "asc")
result = result.OrderBy(sortColumn);
result = result.OrderByDescending(sortColumn);
return result;


Filter products with ElasticSearch concat a lot of filter

I've been trying to filter products with Elasticsearch for a few hours, unfortunately to no avail.
I need to find products that belong to certain categories and at the same time have selected several brands and one size.
Help :(
json screen
querycontainer build method
private QueryContainer CreateOrQueryFromFilter(QueryContainer queryContainer, SortedSet<string> filter, string fieldName)
if (filter != null && filter.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in filter)
queryContainer |= new TermQuery()
Name = fieldName + "named_query",
Boost = 1.1,
Field = fieldName,
Value = item
return queryContainer;
and search method
public ResultModel SearchRequest(RequestModel r)
string key = string.Format("search-{0}-{1}", r.CacheKey + "-" + ProductCatalog.Model.Extension.StringHelper.UrlFriendly(r.SearchText), r.Prefix);
node = new Uri("http://xxxx:9200/");
settings = new ConnectionSettings(node);
client = new ElasticClient(settings);
// return AppCache.Get(key, () =>
// {
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
ResultModel result = new ResultModel(r.Canonical, r.RouteObject);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Prefix))
result.Prefix = r.Prefix;
QueryContainer c = new QueryContainer();
if (r.CategoryFilterChilds != null && r.CategoryFilterChilds.Count > 0)
var a1 = new SortedSet<string>(r.CategoryFilterChilds.Select(a => (string)a.ToString()));
c = CreateOrQueryFromFilter(c, a1, "categories");
if (r.CategoryFilterRoots != null && r.CategoryFilterRoots.Count > 0)
var a1 = new SortedSet<string>(r.CategoryFilterRoots.Select(a => (string)a.ToString()));
c = CreateOrQueryFromFilter(c, a1, "categories");
// null
var filters = new AggregationDictionary();
if (r.IsBrandFilter)
c = CreateOrQueryFromFilter(c, r.SelectedBrands, "brands");
if (r.IsColorFilter)
c = CreateOrQueryFromFilter(c, r.SelectedBrands, "colors");
int skip = (r.Page * r.PageSize) - r.PageSize;
ISearchRequest r2 = new SearchRequest("products");
r2.From = 1;
r2.Size = r.PageSize;
r2.Query = c;
string[] Fields = new[] { "brands", "shopId" };
AggregationBase aggregations = null;
foreach (string sField in Fields)
var termsAggregation = new TermsAggregation("agg_" + sField)
Field = sField,
Size = 120,
Order = new List<TermsOrder> { TermsOrder.TermDescending }
if (aggregations == null)
aggregations = termsAggregation;
aggregations &= termsAggregation;
r2.Aggregations = aggregations;
var c2 = client.Search<ShopProductElastic>(r2);
var ShopsBuf = (Nest.BucketAggregate)(c2.Aggregations["agg_brands"]);
var ShopsCount = ShopsBuf.Items.Count();
var results = c2;
result.BrandsRequest = new SortedDictionary<string, int>();
foreach (Nest.KeyedBucket<object> item in ShopsBuf.Items)
result.BrandsRequest.Add((string)item.Key, (int)(item.DocCount ?? 0));
result.CategorySelected = r.CategoryCurrent;
result.TotalCount = 10;
var costam = results.Documents.ToList();
var targetInstance = Mapper.Map<List<Products>>(costam);
result.Products = targetInstance;
result.Page = r.Page;
result.PageSize = r.PageSize;
result.IsBrandFilter = r.IsBrandFilter;
result.IsColorFilter = r.IsColorFilter;
result.IsPatternFilter = r.IsPatternFilter;
result.IsSeasonFilter = r.IsSeasonFilter;
result.IsShopFilter = r.IsShopFilter;
result.IsSizeFilter = r.IsSizeFilter;
result.IsStyleFilter = r.IsStyleFilter;
result.IsTextileFilter = r.IsTextileFilter;
DateTime stop = DateTime.Now;
result.SearchTime = stop - start;
result.SearchText = r.SearchText;
return result;
// }, TimeSpan.FromHours(8));
I have all products that have a given brand or categories. However, i need all products of a selected brand in selected categories

How to convert string to System.Linq.Expressions.Expression

I have a grid which shows records from a table. On this grid I am using customized pagination and sorting, so I need to use customized column filtering as well.
var expression = ExpressionBuilder.Expression<EventModel>(request.Filters);
The above code snippet gets filter condition from Kendo Grid in the controller of type System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<EventModel,bool>> expression,
and am converting it to string, and passing it to DAL code as shown below,
string filterExpression = ExpressionBuilder.Expression<EventModel>(request.Filters).ToString();
List<EventModel> eventModelList = new List<EventModel>();
eventModelList = eventComponent.GetEventData(request.PageSize, request.Page, searchstring, sortDirection, sortColumnName, filterExpression, ref recCount);
In the DAL I need to convert filterExpression from string to System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<EventModel,bool>>
var res = eventInfo.AsQueryable().Where(filterExpression);//Gets error here
lstEventInfo = lstEventInfo.AsQueryable().Where(res);
Am getting an error can not convert from string to System.Linq.Expressions.Expression>'.
So could anyone tell me how could I convert a string to System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<System.Func<ModelClass,bool>> type in C#.
Here is a simple example how to create where dynamically.
public class Mock
public int Id { get; set; }
public int ForeignId { get; set; }
public decimal Total { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var list = new List<Mock>()
new Mock{
Id = 1,
ForeignId = 1,
Total = 100,
var query = list.AsQueryable();
// t
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Mock), "t");
// t.Total
var propertyExpression = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, "Total");
// 100.00M
var constant = Expression.Constant(100M, typeof(decimal));
// t.Total == 100.00M
var equalExpression = Expression.Equal(propertyExpression, constant);
// t => t.Total == 100.00M
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(equalExpression, parameter);
// calls where.
var whereExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Where", new[] { query.ElementType }, query.Expression, lambda);
// add where to query.
query = query.Provider.CreateQuery(whereExpression) as IQueryable<Mock>;
But You can use this
here is the Nuget package
There is a litle sample here how to do simple web filtering
You could adapt it to fit your filter expression model.
public IHttpActionResult FindClients(string filterField = null, string filterValue = null,
string sortProperty = "Id", int? page = null, int pageSize = 50)
var ctx = new MyDbContext();
var query = ctx.Clients.AsQueryable();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterField) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterValue))
query = query.Query(t => t.Contains(filterField, filterValue)).OrderBy(sortProperty);
// count.
var clientCount = query.Count();
int? pages = null;
if (page.HasValue && pageSize > 0)
if (clientCount == 0)
pages = 0;
pages = clientCount / pageSize + (clientCount % pageSize != 0 ? 1 : 0);
if (page.HasValue)
query = query.Skip((page.Value-1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
var clients = query.ToList();
return Ok(new
total = clientCount,
pages = pages,
data = clients
An alternative is to use DynamicLinq
I wrote this code snippet for converting from string to Expression.
public List<Product> Get(string filter = null)
var p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Product), "x");
var e = (Expression)DynamicExpressionParser.ParseLambda(new[] { p }, null, filter);
var typedExpression = (Expression<Func<Product, bool>>)e;
var res = _productDal.GetList(typedExpression);
return res;
I used System.Linq.Dynamic.Core namespace for Asp.Net Core. You can use System.Linq.Dynamic namespace for Asp.Net.
If you use classic Asp.Net instead of Asp.Net Core, you should write
var e = (Expression)DynamicExpression.ParseLambda(new[] { p }, null, filter); instead of
var e = (Expression)DynamicExpressionParser.ParseLambda(new[] { p }, null, filter);
And your string parameter (which is named as a filter) should be like "(x.ProductID > 10)"
If your string parameter is different, you can use following code snippet to convert from expression to string for getting same string parameter into Get method.
public static string Select(this Grid _grid, Expression<Func<Product, bool>> filter = null)
//filter = {x => (x.ProductID > 1)}
BinaryExpression be = filter.Body as BinaryExpression;
//be = {(x.ProductID > 1)}
return be.ToString();

Field in Database Not updating while using SubmitChanges()

I'm trying to update 2 field in my database using Database Context
public ActionResult ChangeDefaultUserLockingSetting(int PasswordAttempts, int DefaultLockingTime)
var defaultAccountSettings = new DefaultAccountSettingsDataContext();
var defaultLockoutTimeSpam = defaultAccountSettings.DefaultAccountSettings.Where(u=>>u.DefaultAccountLockoutTimeSpan).First();
var maxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = defaultAccountSettings.DefaultAccountSettings.Where(u => == 1).Select(u=>u.MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout).First();
//foreach (int item in defaultLockoutTimeSpam)
defaultLockoutTimeSpam = DefaultLockingTime;
maxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = DefaultLockingTime;
return View("Index", loadAdministrationViewModel());
What I am doing wrong?
You need to try this code.
public ActionResult ChangeDefaultUserLockingSetting(int PasswordAttempts, int DefaultLockingTime)
var defaultAccountSettings = new DefaultAccountSettingsDataContext();
var defaultLockoutTimeSpam = defaultAccountSettings.DefaultAccountSettings.Where(u => == 1).FirstOrDefault();
var maxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = defaultAccountSettings.DefaultAccountSettings.Where(u => == 1).FirstOrDefault();
//foreach (int item in defaultLockoutTimeSpam)
defaultLockoutTimeSpam.DefaultAccountLockoutTimeSpan = DefaultLockingTime;
maxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout.MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = DefaultLockingTime;
return View("Index", loadAdministrationViewModel());
I was modifying the values but not the Object
This is the proper way to do it :
public ActionResult ChangeDefaultUserLockingSetting(int PasswordAttempts, int DefaultLockingTime)
var defaultAccountSettings = new DefaultAccountSettingsDataContext();
var accountSettings = defaultAccountSettings.DefaultAccountSettings.First(u => == 1);
//The object should be modified and not his local value
accountSettings.DefaultAccountLockoutTimeSpan = DefaultLockingTime;
accountSettings.MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = PasswordAttempts;
return View("Index", loadAdministrationViewModel());

Static methods getting slower in when accesses by multiple threads

I have a situation where my C# application with .Net 4 is accessing a static method within a static class making the method perform slower than when accessed by a single thread. Say for example, If the method is called by a single thread it takes around 1.5 minutes to complete, whereas when called by 2 threads it takes 4 minutes to complete.
Any ideas/suggestion/best practices to increase the performance is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your responses.
Some more info:
This is an application which was using threadpool earlier to perform threading in some parts. I introduced parallel tasks. Hence it's a mix up of TPL and older Thread pool. Say for example one parallel task can have multiple threads. The machine has 24 CPU cores with 64GB RAM. I ran 2 processes which would have split to 5 threads each totalling upto 10 threads. During this the process got slower. I am pasting the code here for those who would like to inspect it and provide suggestions. Sorry for pasting long code. The code may not be having all current latest features as this was coded few years ago. Thanks once again.
public static class Property11
/// <summary>
/// Splits agg rows to separate commands where the reference parameters are included for each command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="worksheetID">The current worksheet ID.</param>
/// <param name="propertyID">The current property ID.</param>
/// <param name="ccrFormObj">The ccr form object.</param>
public static void SplitAggregateIncludeReferenceParameterCCRToDTH(PropertyCall propertyCallObj)
string worksheetID = propertyCallObj.WorksheetID;
int propertyID = propertyCallObj.PropertyID;
IDClass nextIDObj = propertyCallObj.NextIDObj;
CCRFormStructure ccrFormObj = propertyCallObj.CCRFormObj;
List<CCRFormStructure> ccrFormObjsToAdd = propertyCallObj.CCRFormObjToAddList;
DateTime dtProp = DateTime.Now;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Start time property = " + propertyCallObj.PropertyID + ", worksheet = " + propertyCallObj.WorksheetID + ": " + dtProp.ToString());
// Get all rows for worksheet
List<WorksheetRow> rowListForWorksheet =
(from wr in ccrFormObj.myWorksheetRowList
where wr.WorksheetID == worksheetID
select wr).ToList();
// Get all parameters for worksheet
List<WorksheetRowParameter> rowParameterListForWorksheet =
(from wrp in ccrFormObj.myWorksheetRowParameterList
join wr in rowListForWorksheet
on wrp.WorksheetRowID equals wr.ID
select wrp).ToList();
// Get all agg rows in worksheet
List<AggRow> aggRowsInWorksheet =
(from ar in ccrFormObj.myAggRowList
join wsrp in rowParameterListForWorksheet
on ar.WorksheetRowParameterID equals wsrp.ID
select ar).ToList();
// Get all agg row parameters in worksheet
List<AggRowParameter> aggParametersInWorksheet =
(from arp in ccrFormObj.myAggRowParameterList
join ar in aggRowsInWorksheet
on arp.AggRowID equals ar.ID
select arp).ToList();
// Get all command mappings for worksheet
List<CommandMappingObj> commandMappingListForWorksheet =
(from cm in ccrFormObj.commandMappingList
join wr in rowListForWorksheet
on cm.WorksheetRowID equals wr.ID
select cm).ToList();
// Get all parameter mappings for worksheet
List<ParameterMappingObj> parameterMappingListForWorksheet =
(from pm in ccrFormObj.parameterMappingList
join cm in commandMappingListForWorksheet
on pm.CommandMappingObjID equals cm.ID
select pm).ToList();
// Get all property objects for worksheet
List<ParameterPropertyObj> propertyList =
(from ppo in ccrFormObj.parameterPropertiesList
where ppo.ID == propertyID && ppo.WorksheetID == worksheetID
select ppo).ToList();
//List<WorksheetRow> rowsToRemove = new List<WorksheetRow>();
WorksheetRowParameter currentWorksheetRowParameter;
AggRow currentAggRow;
AggRowParameter currentAggRowParameter;
AggRow currentSteeringAggRow;
AggRowParameter currentSteeringAggRowParameter;
int newIDIndex = 0;
List<string> worksheetRowsWithoutTooLongCommandRows = new List<string>();
WorksheetRow newWSR = new WorksheetRow();
CommandMappingObj newCMO = new CommandMappingObj();
WorksheetRow newWSRForOrigRow = new WorksheetRow();
CommandMappingObj newChangeCMO = new CommandMappingObj();
List<string> steeringParameters;
IEnumerable<WorksheetRowParameter> parameterListForRow;
IEnumerable<WorksheetRowParameter> currentSteeringParameters;
string newCMOID;
ParameterMappingObj newPMO;
WorksheetRowParameter newWSRP;
string newWSRID;
string newID;
IEnumerable<string> commandsWithPropertyParameterForRow;
Hashtable htPropertyParamAndSteeringParameters = new Hashtable();
List<string> steeringParametersForProperty;
WorksheetRowParameter currentWorksheetRowPropertyParameter;
bool removeOrigRow = false;
bool firstRowForAggCreated = false;
List<WorksheetRowParameter> propParamListForFirstCreatedRow = new List<WorksheetRowParameter>();
List<string> propParamUsedAsSteeringList = new List<string>();
foreach (ParameterPropertyObj propertyParameter in propertyList)
if (propertyParameter.SecondaryPropertyInfo != null && propertyParameter.SecondaryPropertyInfo != "")
steeringParameters = propertyParameter.SecondaryPropertyInfo.Split(",".ToCharArray()).ToList();
steeringParameters = new List<string>();
htPropertyParamAndSteeringParameters.Add(propertyParameter.Parameter, steeringParameters);
var aggListForRow =
from ar in aggRowsInWorksheet
join arp in aggParametersInWorksheet
on ar.ID equals arp.AggRowID
select new
AggRow = ar,
AggRowParameter = arp
var worksheetRowsWithRepParam =
from wrp in rowParameterListForWorksheet
where htPropertyParamAndSteeringParameters.Contains(wrp.Parameter)
join al in aggListForRow
on wrp.ID equals al.AggRow.WorksheetRowParameterID
into aggList
where aggList.Count() > 0
select new
WorksheetRowParameter = wrp,
AggList = aggList
foreach (WorksheetRow worksheetRow in rowListForWorksheet.ToList())
var worksheetRowWithRepParam =
worksheetRowsWithRepParam.Where(wrp => wrp.WorksheetRowParameter.WorksheetRowID == worksheetRow.ID);
if (worksheetRowWithRepParam.Count() > 0)
firstRowForAggCreated = false;
var currentMappingList =
from cmo in commandMappingListForWorksheet
where cmo.WorksheetRowID == worksheetRow.ID
join pmo in parameterMappingListForWorksheet
on cmo.ID equals pmo.CommandMappingObjID
into parameterMappingList
select new
CommandMapping = cmo,
ParameterMappingList = parameterMappingList
IEnumerable<ParameterPropertyObj> sortedPropertyList =
from wrwrp in worksheetRowWithRepParam
join ppo in propertyList
on wrwrp.WorksheetRowParameter.Parameter equals ppo.Parameter
orderby wrwrp.AggList.Count() descending
select ppo;
foreach (ParameterPropertyObj ppo in sortedPropertyList)
if (!propParamUsedAsSteeringList.Contains(ppo.Parameter))
var currentWorksheetRowsWithRepParam =
worksheetRowWithRepParam.Where(p => p.WorksheetRowParameter.Parameter == ppo.Parameter);
if (currentWorksheetRowsWithRepParam.Count() == 0)
var currentWorksheetRowWithRepParam = currentWorksheetRowsWithRepParam.ElementAt(0);
var currentAggList = currentWorksheetRowWithRepParam.AggList;
if (!firstRowForAggCreated)
currentWorksheetRowPropertyParameter = currentWorksheetRowWithRepParam.WorksheetRowParameter;
currentWorksheetRowPropertyParameter = propParamListForFirstCreatedRow.Where(p => p.Parameter == ppo.Parameter).ElementAt(0);
if (currentAggList.Count() > 1)
removeOrigRow = true;
steeringParametersForProperty = (List<string>)htPropertyParamAndSteeringParameters[ppo.Parameter];
currentSteeringParameters =
from wrp in rowParameterListForWorksheet
where wrp.WorksheetRowID == worksheetRow.ID
&& steeringParametersForProperty.Contains(wrp.Parameter)
select wrp;
commandsWithPropertyParameterForRow =
from cml in currentMappingList
where cml.ParameterMappingList.Count(pmo => pmo.Name == ppo.Parameter) > 0
select cml.CommandMapping.Name;
from sp in sortedPropertyList
where sp.Parameter != ppo.Parameter
join csp in currentSteeringParameters
on sp.Parameter equals csp.Parameter
select csp.Parameter);
for (int i = 0; i < currentAggList.Count(); i++)
currentAggRow = currentAggList.ElementAt(i).AggRow;
currentAggRowParameter = currentAggList.ElementAt(i).AggRowParameter;
if (i == 0)
currentWorksheetRowPropertyParameter.Value = currentAggRowParameter.Value;
if (!firstRowForAggCreated)
newWSRID = newIDIndex.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
newID = newWSRID;
if (!worksheetRow.ID.Contains(','))
newID = "," + newWSRID;
newWSRForOrigRow = new WorksheetRow
ID = worksheetRow.ID + newID,
OriginalWorksheetRowID = worksheetRow.OriginalWorksheetRowID,
WorksheetID = worksheetRow.WorksheetID
parameterListForRow =
from wrp in rowParameterListForWorksheet
where wrp.WorksheetRowID == worksheetRow.ID
select wrp;
foreach (WorksheetRowParameter currentParameter in parameterListForRow)
newID = "";
if ((currentParameter.ID != null) && (!currentParameter.ID.Contains(',')))
newID = ",";
newID += newIDIndex.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
newWSRP = new WorksheetRowParameter
ID = currentParameter.ID + newID,
OriginalParameterID = currentParameter.OriginalParameterID,
WorksheetRowID = newWSRForOrigRow.ID,
Parameter = currentParameter.Parameter,
Value = currentParameter.Value,
Disabled = currentParameter.Disabled
if (htPropertyParamAndSteeringParameters.Contains(newWSRP.Parameter)
&& newWSRP.Parameter != ppo.Parameter)
var steeringParamAggList =
from wrwrp in worksheetRowWithRepParam
where wrwrp.WorksheetRowParameter.Parameter == newWSRP.Parameter
select wrwrp.AggList;
if (steeringParamAggList.Count() > 0)
if (steeringParamAggList.ElementAt(0).Count() > i)
currentSteeringAggRow = steeringParamAggList.ElementAt(0).ElementAt(i).AggRow;
currentSteeringAggRowParameter = steeringParamAggList.ElementAt(0).ElementAt(i).AggRowParameter;
newWSRP.Value = currentSteeringAggRowParameter.Value;
foreach (var currentMapping in currentMappingList)
// Re-point original command mapping to new row
newCMOID = newIDIndex.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
if (!currentMapping.CommandMapping.ID.Contains(','))
newID = "," + newCMOID;
// Create new command mapping object
newCMO = new CommandMappingObj
ID = currentMapping.CommandMapping.ID + newID,
Name = currentMapping.CommandMapping.Name,
WorksheetRowID = newWSRForOrigRow.ID
foreach (ParameterMappingObj pmo in currentMapping.ParameterMappingList)
newPMO = new ParameterMappingObj
Name = pmo.Name,
CommandMappingObjID = newCMO.ID
firstRowForAggCreated = true;
newWSRID = newIDIndex.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
newID = newWSRID;
if (!worksheetRow.ID.Contains(','))
newID = "," + newWSRID;
newWSR = new WorksheetRow
ID = worksheetRow.ID + newID,
OriginalWorksheetRowID = worksheetRow.OriginalWorksheetRowID,
WorksheetID = worksheetRow.WorksheetID
foreach (WorksheetRowParameter currentSteeringParameter in currentSteeringParameters)
newID = "";
if ((currentSteeringParameter.ID != null) && (!currentSteeringParameter.ID.Contains(',')))
newID = ",";
newID += newIDIndex.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
newWSRP = new WorksheetRowParameter
ID = currentSteeringParameter.ID + newID,
OriginalParameterID = currentSteeringParameter.OriginalParameterID,
WorksheetRowID = newWSR.ID,
Parameter = currentSteeringParameter.Parameter,
Value = currentSteeringParameter.Value,
Disabled = currentSteeringParameter.Disabled
var steeringParamAggList =
from wrwrp in worksheetRowWithRepParam
where wrwrp.WorksheetRowParameter.Parameter == newWSRP.Parameter
select wrwrp.AggList;
if (steeringParamAggList.Count() > 0)
if (steeringParamAggList.ElementAt(0).Count() > i)
currentSteeringAggRow = steeringParamAggList.ElementAt(0).ElementAt(i).AggRow;
currentSteeringAggRowParameter = steeringParamAggList.ElementAt(0).ElementAt(i).AggRowParameter;
newWSRP.Value = currentSteeringAggRowParameter.Value;
// Add rep param
newID = "";
if ((currentWorksheetRowPropertyParameter.ID != null) && (!currentWorksheetRowPropertyParameter.ID.Contains(',')))
newID = ",";
newID += newIDIndex.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
newWSRP = new WorksheetRowParameter
ID = currentWorksheetRowPropertyParameter.ID + newID,
OriginalParameterID = currentWorksheetRowPropertyParameter.OriginalParameterID,
WorksheetRowID = newWSR.ID,
Parameter = currentWorksheetRowPropertyParameter.Parameter,
Value = currentAggRowParameter.Value,
Disabled = currentWorksheetRowPropertyParameter.Disabled
foreach (var currentMapping in currentMappingList)
if (commandsWithPropertyParameterForRow.Contains(currentMapping.CommandMapping.Name))
newCMOID = newIDIndex.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
if (!currentMapping.CommandMapping.ID.Contains(','))
newID = "," + newCMOID;
// Create new command mapping object
newCMO = new CommandMappingObj
ID = currentMapping.CommandMapping.ID + newID,
Name = currentMapping.CommandMapping.Name,
WorksheetRowID = newWSR.ID
foreach (ParameterMappingObj pmo in currentMapping.ParameterMappingList)
if ((pmo.Name == ppo.Parameter) || (currentSteeringParameters.Count(p => p.Parameter == pmo.Name) > 0))
newPMO = new ParameterMappingObj
Name = pmo.Name,
CommandMappingObjID = newCMO.ID
currentAggRow = currentAggList.ElementAt(0).AggRow;
currentAggRowParameter = currentAggList.ElementAt(0).AggRowParameter;
There is nothing intrinsic about a static method that would make it slower when accessed by multiple threads, unless for example:
you have some shared resource that is being a throttle, such as a shared lock, or going to a single UI thread
you have more threads than available CPU cores, and it is simply having to do lots of switching
you are maxing out some other resource, such as disk IO, network IO, etc
Since you haven't posted any code, we can only guess.

finding a member property of an item in an array

I've passed in the whole sale object into this function. In that sale object, there are many childs e.g. saleOrderItem, Payment, User...
sale.payment is an array
1) How do I get the CodeNo from the `sale.payment' object? (as payment is an array)
2) How to get the sale.payment.CourseByTutor.TutorId (as payment is an array)
public static object GetSalesDataBySaleOrderID(SaleOrder sale)
return sale.saleOrderItem
.Where(s => s != null)
.Select(s => new {
Id = s.Id,
Username = sale.User.GetSingleUserById(s.UserId).Name,
Amount = s.Amount,
CodeNo = s.SaleOrder.payment.First().CodeNo,
TutorName = sale.User.GetSingleUserById(s.SaleOrder.payment.FirstOrDefault().CourseByTutor.TutorId).Name,
Here is how i bind the value to the object
private void SaveValueToObject()
saleOrder.UserId = UserInfo.Id;
saleOrder.Date = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < dgSale.Rows.Count; i++)
SaleOrderItem SaleItem = new SaleOrderItem();
SaleItem.InventoryTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["inventoryTypeId"].Value);
SaleItem.InventoryOrCourseId = Convert.ToInt32(dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["inventoryId"].Value);
SaleItem.Qty = Convert.ToInt32(dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["qty"].Value);
SaleItem.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["total"].Value);
SaleItem.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["userId"].Value);
SaleItem.Discount = Convert.ToDecimal(dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["discount"].Value);
SaleItem.Remarks = (dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["remark"].Value == null) ? "" : dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["remark"].Value.ToString();
SaleItem.Status = (int)SaleOrderStatus.Active;
saleOrder.saleOrderItem[i] = SaleItem;
Payment p = new Payment();
p.PayType = Convert.ToInt32(dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["payType"].Value);
p.Code = (int)PaymentCode.RCT; // For Receipt prefix
p.CodeNo = p.GetNewReceiptNo(p.Code); //Check if it is receipt, if yes, Get last Receipt No + 1
p.UserId = (txtUserId.Text == string.Empty) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(txtUserId.Text);
p.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["total"].Value);
p.Remark = (dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["remark"].Value == null) ? "" : dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["remark"].Value.ToString();
p.PaymentMethodId = saleOrder.PaymentMethodId;
p.DateIssue = saleOrder.Date;
p.CourseByTutor.TutorId = Convert.ToInt32(dgSale.Rows[i].Cells["tutorId"].Value);
saleOrder.payment[i] = p;
I have a workaround and solved this question by adding the desired properties e.g. TutorId in the sale.saleOrderItem class. Thus making the direct access to the sale.SaleOrderItem.TutorId.
This sound stupid but it works.
