Losing USER information in ELMAH when using ADFS - c#

I have an MVC web application using ELMAH to log unhandled exception. I'm now moving from windows authentication to ADFS authentication. The application has been adapted and is working fine. However now when I check the error, the user information is not there anymore. Which makes sense as ELMAH is using the context identity and not the claims to retrieve this info. Does anyone of you have an idea how I could do to get this information logged again?

You can enrich ELMAH errors using error filtering hook if you can accept a small hack. In short, you need to implement the ErrorLog_Filtering method in the Global.asax.cs file:
void ErrorLog_Filtering(object sender, ExceptionFilterEventArgs args)
var httpContext = args.Context as HttpContext;
if (httpContext != null)
var error = new Error(args.Exception, httpContext);
error.User = GetUserFromDatabase();
In the example, I update the User property with the value of a dummy method. How you want to implement this depends on how you would get the currently logged in user from ADFS. Finally, I log the error again and dismiss the initial (user-less) error.


Signalr User never shows authenticated

Added the latest SignalR (6.0.3) to my .net 6 API. Everything works there until I try to grab the user identity - it is always unauthorized. I'm really just trying to get a claim from the token, so maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.
The entire setup is localhost API supplying localhost Vue3 SPA.
Authorization works as intended for all API controller actions, following this tutorial.
SignalR Hub communicates as intended with front-end otherwise - receiving and sending.
The SignalR Hub app.MapHub<ChatHub>("/chat"); is the last line in Program.cs before app.Run();
I tried updating the connection from front-end to include accessTokenFactory function, and I can confirm token is correctly supplied here. However, this should not be necessary with cookie authentication.
In my SignalR hub class is a simple method for getting a particular claim: (the code is rough, just trying to get it to work)
public int GetPlayerId()
int id = 0;
var identity = (ClaimsIdentity)Context.User.Identity;
id = Int32.Parse(identity.FindFirst("playerId").ToString());
} catch (Exception ex)
return 0;
return id;
Context.User looks like this regardless of what I do:
I'm not sure where to even begin to debug, as authorization is working as intended across the entirety of the application otherwise. That would seem to point to a SignalR issue, but the few posts I could find about this were mostly severely outdated and made no discernable impact. According to the documentation, this should "just work" with the application's existing authorization.
Any insight on what to check into or additional details to provide is deeply appreciated.
Edit: Additional information
Adding the [Authorize] decorator to my hub class itself does not appear to work. I am able to send and receive regardless. Authorization continues to work as intended elsewhere.
The JwtMiddleware from the affore-linked authentication scheme did not affect the Context object of the SignalR hub.
Instead of just the accountId, I took the validated JWT token and added an identity to the HttpContext User. This is probably not perfect but I hope it help someone in the future:
var jwtToken = jwtUtils.ValidateJwtToken(token);
if (jwtToken != null)
int? accountId = int.Parse(jwtToken.Claims.First(x => x.Type == "id").Value);
if (accountId != null)
// attach account to context on successful jwt validation
context.Items["Account"] = await dataContext.Accounts.FindAsync(accountId);
context.User.AddIdentity(new ClaimsIdentity(jwtToken.Claims));

Forgot Password in ADB2C - (AADB2C90118), How to run a specific user flow?

I am trying to handle the 'Reset password' user-flow in my application. Upon clicking the 'Forgot Password' link, the OnRemoteFailure OpenId event is successfully triggered, successfully redirecting to the specified url 'Home/ResetPassword', but instead or redirecting to the ADB2C reset password screen, it's redirecting back to the sign-in/sign-up page.
The sign-up/sign-in policy works successfully but as per Microsoft docs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/active-directory-b2c-reference-policies:
" A sign-up or sign-in user flow with local accounts includes a Forgot password? link on the first page of the experience. Clicking this link doesn't automatically trigger a password reset user flow.
Instead, the error code AADB2C90118 is returned to your application. Your application needs to handle this error code by running a specific user flow that resets the password. To see an example, take a look at a simple ASP.NET sample that demonstrates the linking of user flows. "
Active Directory B2C Settings
protected virtual Task OnRemoteFailure(RemoteFailureContext context)
// Handle the error code that Azure AD B2C throws when trying to reset a password from the login page
// because password reset is not supported by a "sign-up or sign-in policy"
if (context.Failure is OpenIdConnectProtocolException && context.Failure.Message.Contains("AADB2C90118"))
// If the user clicked the reset password link, redirect to the reset password route
else if (context.Failure is OpenIdConnectProtocolException && context.Failure.Message.Contains("access_denied"))
context.Response.Redirect("/Home/Error?message=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(context.Failure.Message));
return Task.FromResult(0);
public IActionResult ResetPassword()
var redirectUrl = Url.Action(nameof(HomeController.Index), "Home");
var properties = new AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri = redirectUrl };
properties.Items[AzureADB2COptionsExtended.PolicyAuthenticationProperty] = _adb2cOptions.ResetPasswordPolicyId;
return Challenge(properties, AzureADB2CDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
A lot of examples I found use OWIN... There is very limited documentation on ASP.Net Core 2.2 w/ ADB2C.
The Sign-up-sign-in policy now has built-in support for password resets without a second "password-reset" user flow. It is quite confusing with all the documentation and samples out there but this is the latest docs and it works for us!
Normally, the ResetPassword flow you configured in your appsettings.json is called automatically when using the Microsoft.Identity.Web package. In your case B2C_1_SSPR. That means you must define a custom user flow with this Id.
(I guess SSPR = self-service password reset)
The only thing you need in this default case is call the following in your Startup:
services.AddMicrosoftIdentityWebAppAuthentication(Configuration, "ActiveDirectoryB2C");
This works like a charm.
However, you decided to deal with all this stuff by yourself and not to use the Microsft.Identity.Web library for all processing.
In this case you are able to handle Password-reset by yourself.
But let's have a look at the Microsft.Identity.Web. They integrated an AccountController that handles the processing of the B2C custom flows (in this case the ResetPassword action).
The exception handling for AADB2C90118 can be found in the source code of the Identity package:
if (isOidcProtocolException && message.Contains(ErrorCodes.B2CForgottenPassword))
// If the user clicked the reset password link, redirect to the reset password route
Answer that was posted in the question:
For anyone else having the same or similar issue, make sure to keep an eye out on the OpenIdConnectEvents. We have been experimenting with ADB2C/OpenID and had test code. This code was obviously invalid.
protected virtual Task OnRedirectToIdentityProvider(RedirectContext context)
string policy = "";
context.Properties.Items.TryGetValue(AzureADB2COptionsExtended.PolicyAuthenticationProperty, out policy);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(policy) && !policy.ToLower().Equals(_adb2cOptions.DefaultPolicy.ToLower()))
context.ProtocolMessage.Scope = OpenIdConnectScope.OpenId;
context.ProtocolMessage.ResponseType = OpenIdConnectResponseType.IdToken;
context.ProtocolMessage.IssuerAddress = context.ProtocolMessage.IssuerAddress.ToLower().Replace(_adb2cOptions.DefaultPolicy.ToLower(), policy.ToLower());
return Task.FromResult(0);
See the latest "Self-Service Password Reset" policy (custom or non-custom) from Microsoft docs.
From the doc:
"The new password reset experience is now part of the sign-up or sign-in policy. When the user selects the Forgot your password? link, they are immediately sent to the Forgot Password experience. Your application no longer needs to handle the AADB2C90118 error code, and you don't need a separate policy for password reset."

.Net Core Identity 2 Provider login Cancel leads to unhandled exception

I've added LinkedIn as a provider. I have implemented the login and register with LinkedIn without any issue. In the use case where the user CANCELS from within the provider Pages (either linkedIn login or cancels the authorization of the app) the identity middleware seems to throw an unhandled exception:
An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
Exception: user_cancelled_login;Description=The user cancelled LinkedIn login
Unknown location
Exception: An error was encountered while handling the remote login.
System.Exception: user_cancelled_login;Description=The user cancelled LinkedIn login
Exception: An error was encountered while handling the remote login.
The provider setup in startup defines the callback:
services.AddAuthentication().AddOAuth("LinkedIn", "LinkedIn", c =>
c.ClientId = Configuration["Authentication:LinkedIn:ClientId"];
c.ClientSecret = Configuration["Authentication:LinkedIn:ClientSecret"];
c.CallbackPath = "/signin-linkedin";
And As I have said the middleware seems to handled ALL other cases except where the user cancels within the LinkedIn pages. The return URL from LinkedIn looks correct:
But never gets to my ExternalCallback controller method where the other cases like successful login/authorization are handled??
I'm wondering if this is working for anyone else with 3rd part providers?
There's a Github issue that explains what's happening here in more detail, with a bit of information as to why it's happening and even an indication that this won't be "fixed":
Handling the RemoteFailure event is the right thing to do. We should update our docs/samples to show how to handle that event and at least show a more appropriate message to the user. The error page sample could include a link to enabled the user to try logging in again.
Unfortunately it's difficult to implement this event in a very generic way that's also super useful because each remote auth provider has its own behavior for different types of failures.
The workaround for this (as quoted above) is to handle the RemoteFailure event:
services.AddAuthentication().AddOAuth("LinkedIn", "LinkedIn", c => {
// ...
c.Events.OnRemoteFailure = ctx =>
// React to the error here. See the notes below.
return Task.CompletedTask;
// ...
ctx is an instance of RemoteFailureContext, which includes an Exception property describing what went wrong. ctx also contains a HttpContext property, allowing you to perform redirects, etc, in response to such exceptions.
I've found the following to work well for me, based on this and similar to Kirk Larkin's answer. The part that took a little figuring out was where to redirect to, without causing problems for subsequent login attempts.
services.AddAuthentication().AddOAuth("LinkedIn", "LinkedIn", c =>
c.Events = new OAuthEvents()
OnRemoteFailure = (context) =>
return Task.CompletedTask;

Basic authentication on a remote server

I need some help with ASMX web-services.
Let's suppose I have a ServerService which provides some data. Let's suppose it has a method GetRandomInteger which returns a random integer (obviously). It implements a custom basic authentication using IHttpModule.
public class BasicAuthHttpModule : IHttpModule
private UserRepository _userRepository;
public void Dispose()
public void Init(HttpApplication application)
_userRepository = new UserRepository();
application.AuthenticateRequest += OnAuthenticateRequest;
application.EndRequest += OnEndRequest;
public void OnAuthenticateRequest(object source, EventArgs e)
var app = (HttpApplication)source;
string authHeader = app.Request.Headers["Authorization"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authHeader))
// Here I successfully get credentials from header
if (_userRepository.ValidateUser(username, password)) return;
// Return 401 and CompleteRequest
// Return 401 and End
public void OnEndRequest(object source, EventArgs eventArgs)
if (HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode == 401)
// Return 401 and require new authorization
Fortunately, it works. Now I can successfully open Service.asmx file, get basic authentication window and get access to it's GetRandomInteger method after successful authentication.
Now I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 application called ClientService. It must provide user interface with convenient and appropriate access to methods of ServerService. Now it has default controllers like Account and Home, default views etc.
I need this ClientService to authenticate on a ServerService. I mean there will be a Home/Index page with button "Login". I enter login and password there and ClientService tries to authenticate at ServerService. It returns error on fail or authenticates on success providing access to some Home/RandomInt page which will show the integer requested from ServerService. What is the best and the easiest way to do this?
How to implement registration on a ServerService? There is no AllowAnonymous attribute or something at ASMX, so I can't register user because he doesn't have access to any of methods due to 401 error.
Thank you in advance.
P.S. No. I can't use WCF or something else. I need to implement an ASMX web-service.
Update 1: OK, I have learned something new from here
There is an old-style thing like "Web reference" and it's not an "Service reference". I have added this Web reference to my project and now I can call some methods from this ASMX page in this way:
ServerService svc = new ServerService();
svc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user", "password");
int a = svc.GetRandomInteger();
} catch (WebException e) {
// Auth failed
However, I don't understand how to link it with ASP.NET MVC ClientService authentication. So, both questions are still open. Hopefully, I will understand it or you will help me.
Here is a documentation for adding a Web reference to an ASMX Service.
Using this information I can easily make requests to a web service.
The only thing I left to do on the moment of question update is to create a custom authentication.
When user logins, the client sends a request to a service. In case of successful basic authentication, it creates proper FormsAuthentication cookie ticket for a user. User logs in.
On each request to a service, the client extracts login from FormsAuthentication cookie and his password from server cache and uses them to authenticate on a service. In case of basic auth failure (it can only occur if user's password has been changed on the service side) the cookie is cleared and session is aborted.
Registration is implemented using another one ASMX service which is not using basic auth but is anonymous (because registration is supposed to be anonymous method).
That's it. Finally, I have found a proper solution :)

Impersonation, Active Directory, and "user does not have authority to xxxx" issues

I have 2 ASP.NET MVC 3 applications. I am using impersonation via the web.config to allow me to query Active Directory to get details on the user. The application uses Windows authentication and does not allow anonymous users. One application is the primary application where the user performs their tasks. The other allows the user to set up other user's to look like them in application one.
The test user's are getting the following error:
SQL1092N "<DOMAIN ID>" does not have the authority to perform the requested command.
This happens after I send a web request from my primary application to the secondary one. To get that working I had to make the request impersonate the actual user and not the identity the application uses for impersonation. This is actually an SO question I posted and had answered. That's here: How do I call an MVC Action via a WebRequest and validate the request through Active Directory?
At the end of that code, I call:
It is after this web request takes place, that the primary application tries accessing the database and now it seems that the above call has undone the impersonation of the application, so the user's attempt to do anything that opens a database connection fails. At least, that's my working theory after a day of head bashing.
My question is, how can I get the impersonation of the application to revert back to the user in the web.config? Or, when making my web request, is there a way to ensure the impersonation context only applies to that request?
The whole point of all of this is that the second application has its own sql server database. The primary application uses DB2. I would like to write the database access code once, but use it in both applications. Currently that's what I've done, but my method of relying on the web request to get the data may not be the best approach.
I'm open to any thoughts, comments, suggestions, and/or criticism. How should I go about handling this?
Okay...my theory that the IPrincipal context was changed when making the web request proved accurate, which made this fix extremely easy. Best part is, I can keep using the api I built to make this request without duplicating the Sql Server Entity Framework parts.
I have the following call to my api library:
proxyRequestResultDetails = ProxyApiWrapper.GetProxies(
This code is being called by an authorization filter attribute. The method prototype looks like
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
Internally, the call makes the GetProxies method following call:
public static StreamReader GetWebRequestStream(
string url,
string contentType,
bool useDefaultCredentials,
IPrincipal user)
var impersonationContext = ((WindowsIdentity)user.Identity).Impersonate();
var request = WebRequest.Create(url);
request.ContentType = contentType;
//request.ImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
//request.UseDefaultCredentials = useDefaultCredentials;
//IWebProxy p = new WebProxy();
//request.Proxy = p.
request.AuthenticationLevel = System.Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel.MutualAuthRequested;
request.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
return new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
When the calling method returns, the identity of user is no longer that of the one set for the application to
impersonate. The fix is pretty simple:
//Track current identity before proxy call
IPrincipal user = context.User;
proxyRequestResultDetails = ProxyApiWrapper.GetProxies(
//Undo any impersonating done in the GetProxies call
context.User = user;
2 lines of code resolved 12 hours of head ache. It could have been worse. Anyhow. Thanks for being a sounding board. I tried
having this conversion with the duck, but the duck got confused.
