Unity 3d - player is moving constantly after touching a wall - c#

After my player object touches the wall it sometimes starts to move and rotate on it's own. I tried to increase player object weight and it helps, but i don't think it's a good approach as tiny movement never dissapears.
Player is rigidbody with box collider attached.
isKinematic - false;
useGravity - true;
XYZ rotation is fixed and Y coordinate position is fixed.
Walls have box collider but have no rigidbody.
Ground has no collider as Y position is fixed and player object doesn't touch the ground.
Game is network based so i have photon rigidbody view component attached to player as well.
Code (C#) which moves player:
public void Update()
if (!photonView.IsMine || !controllable)
if (shootingTimer > 0.0)
shootingTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
m_MovementInputValue = Input.GetAxis(m_MovementAxisName);
if (m_MovementInputValue == 0.0f)
m_MovementInputValue = joystick.Vertical;
m_TurnInputValue = Input.GetAxis(m_TurnAxisName);
if (m_TurnInputValue == 0.0f)
m_TurnInputValue = joystick.Horizontal;
Vector3 vector = new Vector3(
MovementVector = Quaternion.AngleAxis(60, Vector3.up) * vector;
public void FixedUpdate()
if (!photonView.IsMine || !controllable)
private void Move()
// Adjust the position of the tank based on the player's input.
// Vector3 movement = transform.forward * m_MovementInputValue * m_Speed * Time.deltaTime;
// rigidbody.MovePosition(rigidbody.position + movement);
Vector3 movement = MovementVector * m_Speed * Time.deltaTime;
rigidbody.MovePosition(rigidbody.position + movement);
private void Turn()
// Adjust the rotation of the tank based on the player's input.
// float turn = m_TurnInputValue * m_TurnSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
// Quaternion turnRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, turn, 0f);
// rigidbody.MoveRotation(rigidbody.rotation * turnRotation);
if (m_TurnInputValue != 0.0f || m_MovementInputValue != 0.0f)
rigidbody.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(MovementVector);

Check to make sure the component (such as a rigidbody) is attached to the right object (gameobject - parent vs. child objects). Also, the fact that it is constantly rotating is curious... it makes me think it has something to do with the Time.DeltaTime, but I see that's only being applied to your Vector3 movement, and not in your rotation function... Just curious, what happens when you remove the Time.DeltaTime part from your movement Vector3?


Multiple touch unity mobile

I am creating a 2d mobile game where one of the scripts uses a joystick to move and the other script lets the player shoot an object when tapping anywhere on the screen. The issue is when using the joystick it also shoots at the same time in that direction. Is there a way to separate the touches so when you use the joystick it does not immediately shoot to that direction but the player can still move and shoot anywhere at the same time?
Move Code
private void Update()
Vector2 moveInput = new Vector2(joystick.Horizontal, joystick.Vertical);
moveAmount = moveInput.normalized * speed;
Shoot code
private void Update()
Vector2 direction = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - transform.position;
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle - 90, Vector3.forward);
transform.rotation = rotation;
if (Time.time >= shotTime)
Instantiate(projectile, shotPoint.position, transform.rotation);
shotTime = Time.time + timeBetweenShots;
Instead of using Input.mousePosition you'll have to use Input.GetTouch. You can loop through it using Input.touchCount to find the first touch that is not interacting with a ui element, than use that touch instead of Input.mousePosition to find the direction to shoot (or not shoot if there is no touch). To find out if a specific touch is over ui you need a reference to the scene's EventSystem (or use EventSystem.current), and use EventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject with Touch.fingerId.
If the joystick is not a ui element you'll need a different way to detect if the touch is over the joystick. For example you could check the pixel position, or see if the joystick itself has an "interacting fingerId". But with the assumption that the joystick is an ui element, here's one way to do what I wrote above: (untested)
private void Update()
var eventSystem = EventSystem.current;
for (var i = 0; i<Input.touchCount; i++)
var touch = Input.GetTouch(i);
if (eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject(touch.fingerId))
ShootToScreenPos(Vector2 screenPos);
private void ShootToScreenPos(Vector2 screenPos)
Vector2 direction = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPos) - transform.position;
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle - 90, Vector3.forward);
transform.rotation = rotation;
if (Time.time >= shotTime)
Instantiate(projectile, shotPoint.position, transform.rotation);
shotTime = Time.time + timeBetweenShots;

Stuck in walls using a Rigidbody Movement Unity 3D

I am in the process of creating movement for my player that can only move on the x and y axis, I decided to make it a 3D game because I've been trying to learn that dimension of games. My movement functions are set up as so:
public void playerMovement()
horizontalInput = (int)Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
if (horizontalInput != 0)
moveX = Mathf.MoveTowards(moveX, horizontalInput * speed, Time.deltaTime * acceleration);
} else
moveX = Mathf.MoveTowards(moveX, horizontalInput * speed, Time.deltaTime * acceleration * 4f);
rb.velocity = new Vector3(moveX, rb.velocity.y, 0);
grounded = Physics.CheckSphere(groundCheck.transform.position, .2f, LayerMask.GetMask("Ground"));
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow))
public void Jump()
if (grounded)
rb.velocity = new Vector3(rb.velocity.x, jumpSpeed, 0);
I am using this code from a tutorial I found on Tiktok and everything works well in the update function, however, when I collide with a wall or the side of any of my objects, I stop in place and can't fall back down. I also can't move out of the area very fast, it takes about 3 seconds to move out of there(I predict from my acceleration slowing down and turning around).
Is there a reason I am stuck on the wall once I collide?

Dash against slopes using physics in Unity 2D

I'm working on a 2D project in Unity.
The character controller is physics based, so I use rigidbody to move the player. Everything is working fine except when I try to apply a high speed movement to the character, like a dash.
This is how the code looks like.
I just check if the player is dashing, so I increase the Vector2 movement in a certain amount.
private void DashMovement() {
if (isDashing) {
movement.x *= dashFactor;
I'm also calculating the ground angle, so I set the movement vector to follow the ground inclination.
private void OnSlopeMovement() {
if (isGrounded && !isJumping) {
float moveDistance = Mathf.Abs(movement.x);
float horizontalOnSlope = Mathf.Cos(groundAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * moveDistance * Mathf.Sign(movement.x);
float verticalOnSlope = Mathf.Sin(groundAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * moveDistance;
if (horizontalOnSlope != 0)
movement.x = horizontalOnSlope;
if (isGrounded && verticalOnSlope != 0)
movement.y = verticalOnSlope;
So I set the rigidbody velocity for making it move.
private void Move() {
movement.x *= Time.fixedDeltaTime;
if(isGrounded && !isJumping) movement.y *= Time.fixedDeltaTime;
Vector3 targetVelocity = new Vector2(movement.x, movement.y);
PlayerController.rb2d.velocity = Vector3.SmoothDamp(PlayerController.rb2d.velocity, targetVelocity, ref velocity, movementSmoothing);
The problem appears when I apply a speed high enough. I understand this issue is because of physics.
I think the ray that checks the ground and is used to calculate the groundAngle doesn't work fast enough to keep track of that movement, so I can not keep the player fixed on the ground.
I would like to find a solution without making the player kinematic, or stopping the dash on slopes.
This is how it looks ingame.
And this is how the rigidbody movement remain right over the ground, following the slopes angle.
This is how I get the ground angle:
private void GroundAngle() {
Vector2 rayOrigin = feetCollider.bounds.center;
rayOrigin.y += 0.1f;
Vector2 rayDirection = (Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") == 0) ? Vector2.right : new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0);
int groundCollisions = Physics2D.RaycastNonAlloc(rayOrigin, Vector2.down, groundResults, Mathf.Infinity, groundMask);
if (groundCollisions > 0) {
groundAngle = Vector2.Angle(groundResults[0].normal, rayDirection) - 90f;
//Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin, Vector2.down, Color.green);
if (groundAngle > 0 && !isDashing) {
rayOrigin.x += Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") * .125f;
Physics2D.RaycastNonAlloc(rayOrigin, Vector2.down, groundResults, Mathf.Infinity, groundMask);
groundAngle = Vector2.Angle(groundResults[0].normal, rayDirection) - 90f;
//Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin, Vector2.down, Color.blue);
Thanks to #Ruzhim for the help. I just post a first "solution" for the problem.
According to Ruzhim advises, I've used him code this way.
private void SetPositionAfterTick() {
if (isDashMovement) {
Vector2 currentPosition = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y);
currentPosition.y = feetCollider.bounds.min.y;
Vector2 feetPosAfterTick = currentPosition + PlayerController.rb2d.velocity * Time.deltaTime;
float maxFloorCheckDist = .1f;
RaycastHit2D groundCheckAfterTick = Physics2D.Raycast(feetPosAfterTick + Vector2.up * maxFloorCheckDist, Vector2.down, maxFloorCheckDist * 5f);
if (groundCheckAfterTick) {
Vector2 wantedFeetPosAfterTick = groundCheckAfterTick.point;
if (wantedFeetPosAfterTick != feetPosAfterTick) {
//PlayerController.rb2d.transform.position = (wantedFeetPosAfterTick + new Vector2(0f, feetCollider.bounds.min.y - PlayerController.rb2d.position.y));
PlayerController.rb2d.velocity = Vector2.zero;
This is how it looks like.
This is good enough to continue polishing that mechanic. I still need to set the position in some way. The rigidbody's position calculation is not working as it
is raised right now, as the condition (wantedFeetPosAfterTick != feetPosAfterTick) is always true, so the character goes throw the floor and fall.
As you can see, I also need to control the down slopes movement, as it uses the slopes movement sometimes, and dash straight forward others.
This is how asker Rubzero implemented the below code to work for them:
private void SetPositionAfterTick() {
if (isDashMovement) {
Vector2 currentPosition = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y);
currentPosition.y = feetCollider.bounds.min.y;
Vector2 feetPosAfterTick = currentPosition + PlayerController.rb2d.velocity * Time.deltaTime;
float maxFloorCheckDist = .1f;
RaycastHit2D groundCheckAfterTick = Physics2D.Raycast(feetPosAfterTick + Vector2.up * maxFloorCheckDist,
Vector2.down, maxFloorCheckDist * 5f);
if (groundCheckAfterTick) {
Vector2 wantedFeetPosAfterTick = groundCheckAfterTick.point;
if (wantedFeetPosAfterTick != feetPosAfterTick) {
//PlayerController.rb2d.transform.position = (wantedFeetPosAfterTick + new Vector2(0f, feetCollider.bounds.min.y -
PlayerController.rb2d.velocity = Vector2.zero;
This is how it looks like.
This is good enough to continue polishing that mechanic. I still need
to set the position in some way. The rigidbody's position calculation
is not working as it is raised right now, as the condition
(wantedFeetPosAfterTick != feetPosAfterTick) is always true, so the
character goes throw the floor and fall.
As you can see, I need to control the down slopes movement, as it uses
the slopes movement sometimes, and dash straight forward others.
I agree with AresCaelum; using physics to do slope movement is pretty much the opposite of what you want to be doing if you don't want to preserve momentum when you're done going up/down the slope. Specifically, your problem is here:
float moveDistance = Mathf.Abs(movement.x);
float horizontalOnSlope = Mathf.Cos(groundAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * moveDistance * Mathf.Sign(movement.x);
float verticalOnSlope = Mathf.Sin(groundAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * moveDistance;
This is a problem because the more the player moves horizontally in a frame, the more they will move vertically based on the slope of the ramp they are on. However, this assumption doesn't hold if they should only be traveling up the ramp during only part of the movement during the frame. So, you need a way to handle that situation.
One solution is to use a raycast from where the player would be then if it's above the floor, alter the vertical velocity so that it would place them at that floor's position instead.
First, determine if slope movement has occurred in a physics frame...
private bool slopeMovementOccurred = false;
void FixedUpdate() {
slopeMovementOccurred = false;
// ...
private void OnSlopeMovement() {
if (isGrounded && !isJumping) {
slopeMovementOccurred = true;
// ...
... and if it has, determine where the player is going to be after the physics update. Then do a physics2d raycast from above that position (by some amount) downward (double the previous amount) to find where the player's position should be, and then change the rb2d.velocity such that it will place the player exactly at the height they should be at.
Assuming you can calculate some kind of Vector2 feetOffset that has the local position of the player's feet:
void FixedUpdate() {
// ...
void StickToSlopeLanding() {
if (slopeMovementOccurred) {
Vector2 curVelocity = PlayerController.rb2d.velocity;
Vector2 feetPosAfterTick = PlayerController.transform.position
+ PlayerController.feetOffset
+ curVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
float maxFloorCheckDist = 1.0f;
// determine where the player should "land" after this frame
RaycastHit2D groundCheckAfterTick = Physics2D.Raycast(
feetPosAfterTick + Vector2.up * maxFloorCheckDist,
-Vector2.up, maxFloorCheckDist * 2f);
if (groundCheckAfterTick.collider != null) {
Vector2 wantedFeetPosAfterTick = groundCheckAfterTick.point;
// if basic physics won't take them to landing position
if (wantedFeetPosAfterTick != feetPosAfterTick) {
Vector2 wantedVelocity = curVelocity
+ Vector2.up
* ((wantedFeetPosAfterTick.y - feetPosAfterTick.y)
/ Time.deltaTime);
// adjust velocity so that physics will take them to landing position
PlayerController.rb2d.velocity = wantedVelocity;
// optionally, set a flag so that next frame
// it knows the player should be grounded
Hopefully this gets you towards a solution that will work.
Note: you may need to also move the rigidbody so that it doesn't try to clip through the corner at the top of the ramp, and you can determine where to put the rigidbody using another raycast, setting the velocity from that point to be horizontal:
void StickToSlopeLanding() {
if (slopeMovementOccurred) {
Vector2 curVelocity = PlayerController.rb2d.velocity;
Vector2 feetPosAfterTick = PlayerController.transform.position
+ PlayerController.feetOffset
+ curVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
float maxFloorCheckDist = 1.0f;
// determine where the player should "land" after this frame
RaycastHit2D groundCheckAfterTick = Physics2D.Raycast(
feetPosAfterTick + Vector2.up * maxFloorCheckDist,
-Vector2.up, maxFloorCheckDist * 2f);
if (groundCheckAfterTick.collider != null) {
Vector2 wantedFeetPosAfterTick = groundCheckAfterTick.point;
// if basic physics won't take them to landing position
if (wantedFeetPosAfterTick != feetPosAfterTick) {
// look for corner of ramp+landing.
// Offsets ensure we don't raycast from inside/above it
float floorCheckOffsetHeight = 0.01f;
float floorCheckOffsetWidth = 0.5f;
RaycastHit2D rampCornerCheck = Physics2D.Raycast(
- floorCheckOffsetHeight * Vector2.up
- floorCheckOffsetWidth * Mathf.Sign(movement.x) * Vector2.right,
Mathf.Sign(movement.x) * Vector2.right);
if (rampCornerCheck.collider != null) {
// put feet at x=corner position
Vector2 cornerPos = Vector2(rampCornerCheck.point.x,
PlayerController.rb2d.position = cornerPos
- PlayerController.feetOffset;
// adjust velocity so that physics will take them from corner
// to landing position
Vector2 wantedVelocity = (wantedFeetPosAfterTick - cornerPos)
/ Time.deltaTime;
PlayerController.rb2d.velocity = wantedVelocity;
// optionally, set a flag so that next frame
// it knows the player should be grounded

Prevent moving in raycast direction when raycast hits something

I'm working on a third person controller and I'm trying to prevent movement when a raycast in front of the player hits something. Currently when the player collides with a block the blend tree is set to 0 so that it shows the Idle animation. In this case the player appears to be not moving, which it obviously isn't because it's colliding with something, but the input of the user is still there.
This is visible when the player presses the jump button, because the player moves in the direction the user was initially trying to move. In the player controller there is a part that prevents the user from moving after the jump button has been pressed during the length of the jump (Until the player is grounded again). What I'm trying to achieve is that when the user is moving against something and presses the jump button the player will just jump up and won't go in the direction the user was initially trying to go, even if there is no more collider or obstruction.
Something like if the raycast hits something the user won't be able to add movement in that direction, but is still able to turn the player away from the object and move in that direction as long as the raycast doesn't hit a collider.
I'm no c# wizard, so most of the code below comes from a tutorial. I can write a raycast myself, but have no clue how to write the rest of what I'm trying to achieve.
Edit: Current script
public RaycastHit _Hit;
public LayerMask _RaycastCollidableLayers; //Set this in inspector, makes you able to say which layers should be collided with and which not.
public float _CheckDistance = 5f;
void Update()
// Input
Vector2 input = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"));
Vector2 inputDir = input.normalized;
bool running = Input.GetButton("Run");
if (IsNotBlocked())
Move(inputDir, running);
float animationSpeedPercent = ((running) ? currentSpeed / runSpeed : currentSpeed / walkSpeed * .5f);
anim.SetFloat("speedPercent", animationSpeedPercent, speedSmoothTime, Time.deltaTime);
anim.SetFloat("speedPercentPush", animationSpeedPercent, speedSmoothTime, Time.deltaTime);
// Check if walking or running
if (animationSpeedPercent < 0.51f)
if (ShortJumpRaycast())
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && Time.time > canJump)
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && Time.time > canJump)
//Debug.Log("You are Running");
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && Time.time > canJump)
void Move(Vector2 inputDir, bool running)
if (inputDir != Vector2.zero)
float targetRotation = Mathf.Atan2(inputDir.x, inputDir.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg + cameraT.eulerAngles.y;
transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.up * Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(transform.eulerAngles.y, targetRotation, ref turnSmoothVelocity, GetModifiedSmoothTime(turnSmoothTime));
float targetSpeed = ((running) ? runSpeed : walkSpeed) * inputDir.magnitude;
currentSpeed = Mathf.SmoothDamp(currentSpeed, targetSpeed, ref speedSmoothVelocity, GetModifiedSmoothTime(speedSmoothTime));
velocityY += Time.deltaTime * gravity;
Vector3 velocity = transform.forward * currentSpeed + Vector3.up * velocityY;
controller.Move(velocity * Time.deltaTime);
currentSpeed = new Vector2(controller.velocity.x, controller.velocity.z).magnitude;
// Checks if player is not grounded and is falling
if (GroundCheck())
velocityY = 0;
anim.SetBool("onAir", false);
anim.SetBool("onAir", true);
bool IsNotBlocked()
Vector3 forward = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, forward, out _Hit, _CheckDistance + 0.1f, _RaycastCollidableLayers))
if (_Hit.collider == null)
Debug.Log("Raycast hit nothing");
return true;
GameObject go = _Hit.collider.gameObject;
if (go == null) //If no object hit, nothing is blocked.
return true;
else //An object was hit.
return false;
Directly before move you can raycast in the direction of the movement and if it hits something you can cancel movement.
Something like:
Vector3 velocity = transform.forward * currentSpeed + Vector3.up * velocityY;
if(!Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, distance)
controller.Move(velocity * Time.deltaTime);
controller.Move(Vector3.up * velocityY * Time.deltaTime);
Something like if the raycast hits something the user won't be able to add movement in that direction
Here is an example of how you can perform a raycast to check whether something was hit or not.
//Example raycast code
public RayCastHit _Hit;
public LayerMask _RaycastCollidableLayers; //Set this in inspector, makes you able to say which layers should be collided with and which not.
public float _CheckDistance = 5f;
bool IsNotBlocked(){
Vector3 forward = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, forward, out _Hit, _CheckDistance + 0.1f, _RaycastCollidableLayers))
if (_Hit.collider == null)
Debug.Log("Raycast hit nothing");
return true;
GameObject go = _Hit.collider.gameObject;
if (go == null) //If no object hit, nothing is blocked.
return true;
else //An object was hit.
return false;
The length of the ray is CheckDistance.
RayCastCollidableLayers determines which layers an object can be in for it to be collidable with the ray we create.
The code sets a direction stored in "forward", a raycast is then performed from the transform.position (position of object this script is attached to) in direction Vector3.Forward.
_Hit saves whatever the raycast hits. An object can then be accessed through it and stored as a GameObject. I call this object 'go'.
Feel free to ask questions.

Moving player horizontally while in lerp jump Unity C#

The code I have allows a player object to move around the circumference of a circle and then "jump" to the center of that circle.
What I am trying to do is allow the player to continue their movement around the circle while jumping so that the player can alter their position while jumping.
This is the full code I have so far.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Movement : MonoBehaviour
//editable property if made public
public float playerSpeed = 20f;//This is how fast the player moves
float playerAngle = 0; //This is the players movement variable
float radius = 4f; //This is the radius of how big the circle is (Circumference track 2piRadius
float startTime; //This is the time the game started
float gameTime; //This will be player points BASE THIS OFF OF HOW LONG THE GAMES RUNNING
float playerRadius = .5f; //CHANGE TO THE PLAYER OBJECT VARIABLE, is how offset the player will be from the lvlradius.
private bool jumping = false; //This effects movement during the game
private Vector3 playerPosition; //This is the playerPosition in the game
void Start()
//Called at the start of the game
void Update()
if (jumping)
else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow))
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
void FixedUpdate()
//Called before performing physics calculations
void circularMove()
//player variables
//The angle the player is at is equal to the speed of the player divided by radius times time in the game and the addition of the left right keys
playerAngle += Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime * (playerSpeed / radius);
//This is the movement on the x axis
float x = Mathf.Cos(playerAngle) * (radius - playerRadius);
//this is the movement on the y axis
float y = Mathf.Sin(playerAngle) * (radius - playerRadius);
//the player does not move forward at this time THIS WILL BE HOW TO MOVE THE PLAYER
float z = 0;
//move the player in the direction that they clicked but add the original coordinates to the players location
transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
//Move the player;
playerPosition = transform.position;
private IEnumerator jumpPlayer()
Vector3 playerEndPos = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
Vector3 playerStartPos = playerPosition;
float i = 0.0f;
float rate = .1f / Time.deltaTime;
jumping = true;
while (i< 1.0)
i += Time.deltaTime * rate;
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(playerStartPos, playerEndPos, i);
yield return null;
transform.position = playerEndPos;
i = 0.0f;
while (i < 1.0)
i += Time.deltaTime * rate;
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(playerEndPos, playerStartPos, i);
yield return null;
transform.position = playerStartPos;
jumping = false;
yield break;
With the current Update your idea will never be possible, because if a user is jumping, you are ignoring the input of the left and right key.
By shifting the if(jumping) to the actual jump statement you could probably bypass this.
void Update()
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow))
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
if (!jumping)
