UICollectionview - removing right padding/margin? - c#

I am trying to do a slideshow display of items and I have an issue where there is a mysterious padding added to the first cell(on the left side) and last cell(right side) as shown below and demonstrated by the black box
DataSource datasource = new DataSource(Vcollection, PageControl, this);
Vcollection.Source = datasource;
doRefreshList = true;
Vcollection.CollectionViewLayout = new UICollectionViewFlowLayout()
ItemSize = Vcollection.Frame.Size,
HeaderReferenceSize = new CGSize(0, 0),
SectionInset = UIEdgeInsets.Zero,
ScrollDirection = UICollectionViewScrollDirection.Horizontal,
MinimumInteritemSpacing = 0f, // minimum spacing between cells
MinimumLineSpacing = 0f,
SectionInsetReference = UICollectionViewFlowLayoutSectionInsetReference.ContentInset,
Vcollection.ContentInset = UIEdgeInsets.Zero;
Vcollection.ScrollIndicatorInsets = UIEdgeInsets.Zero;
Vcollection.ContentOffset = new CGPoint(0f, 0f);
this.AutomaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false;
This is my code where I tried to rectify the issue, but to no avail. How can I remove this padding?
------------------EDIT ---------------------
Replacing the last 4 lines with
VehicleCollectionView.ContentInset = new UIEdgeInsets(0, -20, 0, 0);
VehicleCollectionView.ContentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = UIScrollViewContentInsetAdjustmentBehavior.Never;
Works, however pagination is still off. attempting to scroll through the collectionview shows huge offsets as shown below where pagination is stuck between 2 items

In your ViewDidLoad() method you can try two write this code
collectionView.ContentInset = new UIEdgeInsets (10, 10, 10, 10);
//collectionView.SectionInset = new UIEdgeInsets (20, 20, 20, 20)


Add grid lines to y-axis in NPOI bar chart

I'd like to add horizontal grid lines to a bar chart (IChart) I created using NPOI. I can't find anything in the documentation about adding grid lines to a chart, and I'm wondering if I'm missing something. My code is shown below:
IDrawing drawing = sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
IClientAnchor anchor = drawing.CreateAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, 4, chartRow, 10, chartRow + 30);
IChart chart = drawing.CreateChart(anchor);
IBarChartData<string, double> data = chart.ChartDataFactory.CreateBarChartData<string, double>();
IChartAxis xAxis = chart.ChartAxisFactory.CreateCategoryAxis(AxisPosition.Bottom);
xAxis.MajorTickMark = AxisTickMark.None;
xAxis.MinorTickMark = AxisTickMark.None;
IValueAxis yAxis = chart.ChartAxisFactory.CreateValueAxis(AxisPosition.Left);
yAxis.MajorTickMark = AxisTickMark.Cross;
yAxis.MinorTickMark = AxisTickMark.None;
yAxis.Crosses = AxisCrosses.AutoZero;
IChartDataSource<string> xSource = DataSources.FromStringCellRange(sheet, new CellRangeAddress(chartRow + 1, lastRow, 0, 0));
IChartDataSource<double> ySource = DataSources.FromNumericCellRange(sheet, new CellRangeAddress(chartRow + 1, lastRow, 1, 1));
IBarChartSeries<string, double> series = data.AddSeries(xSource, ySource);
series.SetTitle("Matches By World-Check Category"); // This doesn't display for some reason
chart.Plot(data, xAxis, yAxis);
Displaying minor and major gridlines for chart is not supported.
I would suggest to create a ticket for an enhancement.
You can add the gridlines with something like this
chart.GetCTChart().plotArea.valAx[0].AddNewMajorGridlines(); // Alongside Y
chart.GetCTChart().plotArea.catAx[0].AddNewMajorGridlines(); // Alongside X

C# Unable to dynamicly auto-size columns evenly in TableLayoutPanel

I have a WinForm that has a TableLayoutPanel control. My code will detect the number of attached monitors on screen, create a column per monitor, and then add a button for each display within each individual column in the TableLayoutControl so I can ensure that no matter how many monitors are attached, the buttons will appear "centered" across the form. One/two monitors renders just fine, however three monitors results in end columns not being evenly distributed.
Here is my code:
int count = Screen.AllScreens.Count();
this.monitorLayoutPanel.ColumnCount = count;
ColumnStyle cs = new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100 / count);
this.monitorLayoutPanel.AutoSize = true;
var buttonSize = new Size(95, 75);
int z = 0;
foreach (var screen in Screen.AllScreens.OrderBy(i => i.Bounds.X))
Button monitor = new Button
Name = "Monitor" + screen,
AutoSize = true,
Size = buttonSize,
BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch,
BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.display_enabled,
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter,
Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 10, FontStyle.Bold),
ForeColor = Color.White,
BackColor = Color.Transparent,
Text = screen.Bounds.Width + "x" + screen.Bounds.Height,
Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.None
this.monitorLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(monitor, z, 0);
monitor.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(monitor_Click);
I've tried making the buttons smaller, and increased the form size but the last column is always smaller than the first two. I can't understand it!
Clear ColumnStyles first.
int count = Screen.AllScreens.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
ColumnStyle cs = new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, (float)100 / count);
this.monitorLayoutPanel.AutoSize = true;
Reza Aghaei pointed me to this thread How to create a magic square using Windows Forms? which pointed me in the right direction. Updated (and working) code below. :)
int screens = Screen.AllScreens.Count();
this.monitorLayoutPanel.ColumnCount = screens;
this.monitorLayoutPanel.AutoSize = true;
int z = 0;
foreach (var screen in Screen.AllScreens.OrderBy(i => i.Bounds.X))
var percent = 100f / screens;
this.monitorLayoutPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, percent));
Button monitor = new Button
Name = "Monitor" + screen,
Size = new Size(95, 75),
BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch,
BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.display_enabled,
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter,
Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 10, FontStyle.Bold),
ForeColor = Color.White,
BackColor = Color.Transparent,
Text = screen.Bounds.Width + "x" + screen.Bounds.Height,
Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.None
this.monitorLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(monitor, z, 0);
monitor.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(monitor_Click);

Cannot draw primitives with SharpDX on Windows 10 Universal App (but still able to clear the background)

Sorry because of my bad English. I am trying to write a very simple DirectX 11 on Windows 10 app with SharpDX, which draws a triangle at the middle of the windows. The problem is the triangle is not displayed while I can still change the background color (using ClearRenderTargetView). I verified that the render function is called periodically and my triangle is front-face (clockwise). What I have tried:
Disable back-face culling
Set static width and height
Try other primitives (line, triangle strip)
Change vertex shader input from float3 to float4 and vice-versa
I found that this post has very similar symptoms but still not work!
I have posted my code on GitHub at: https://github.com/minhcly/UWP3DTest
Here is my initialization code (where I think the problem resides):
D3D11.Device2 device;
D3D11.DeviceContext deviceContext;
DXGI.SwapChain2 swapChain;
D3D11.Texture2D backBufferTexture;
D3D11.RenderTargetView backBufferView;
private void InitializeD3D()
using (D3D11.Device defaultDevice = new D3D11.Device(D3D.DriverType.Hardware, D3D11.DeviceCreationFlags.Debug))
this.device = defaultDevice.QueryInterface<D3D11.Device2>();
this.deviceContext = this.device.ImmediateContext2;
DXGI.SwapChainDescription1 swapChainDescription = new DXGI.SwapChainDescription1()
AlphaMode = DXGI.AlphaMode.Ignore,
BufferCount = 2,
Format = DXGI.Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm,
Height = (int)(this.swapChainPanel.RenderSize.Height),
Width = (int)(this.swapChainPanel.RenderSize.Width),
SampleDescription = new DXGI.SampleDescription(1, 0),
Scaling = SharpDX.DXGI.Scaling.Stretch,
Stereo = false,
SwapEffect = DXGI.SwapEffect.FlipSequential,
Usage = DXGI.Usage.RenderTargetOutput
using (DXGI.Device3 dxgiDevice3 = this.device.QueryInterface<DXGI.Device3>())
using (DXGI.Factory3 dxgiFactory3 = dxgiDevice3.Adapter.GetParent<DXGI.Factory3>())
DXGI.SwapChain1 swapChain1 = new DXGI.SwapChain1(dxgiFactory3, this.device, ref swapChainDescription);
this.swapChain = swapChain1.QueryInterface<DXGI.SwapChain2>();
using (DXGI.ISwapChainPanelNative nativeObject = ComObject.As<DXGI.ISwapChainPanelNative>(this.swapChainPanel))
nativeObject.SwapChain = this.swapChain;
this.backBufferTexture = this.swapChain.GetBackBuffer<D3D11.Texture2D>(0);
this.backBufferView = new D3D11.RenderTargetView(this.device, this.backBufferTexture);
deviceContext.Rasterizer.State = new D3D11.RasterizerState(device, new D3D11.RasterizerStateDescription()
CullMode = D3D11.CullMode.None,
FillMode = D3D11.FillMode.Solid,
IsMultisampleEnabled = true
deviceContext.Rasterizer.SetViewport(0, 0, (int)swapChainPanel.Width, (int)swapChainPanel.Height);
CompositionTarget.Rendering += CompositionTarget_Rendering;
Application.Current.Suspending += Current_Suspending;
isDXInitialized = true;
InitScene() function:
D3D11.Buffer triangleVertBuffer;
D3D11.VertexShader vs;
D3D11.PixelShader ps;
D3D11.InputLayout vertLayout;
RawVector3[] verts;
private void InitScene()
D3D11.InputElement[] inputElements = new D3D11.InputElement[]
new D3D11.InputElement("POSITION", 0, DXGI.Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0)
using (CompilationResult vsResult = ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile("vs.hlsl", "main", "vs_4_0"))
vs = new D3D11.VertexShader(device, vsResult.Bytecode.Data);
vertLayout = new D3D11.InputLayout(device, vsResult.Bytecode, inputElements);
using (CompilationResult psResult = ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile("ps.hlsl", "main", "ps_4_0"))
ps = new D3D11.PixelShader(device, psResult.Bytecode.Data);
verts = new RawVector3[] {
new RawVector3( 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f ),
new RawVector3( 0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f ),
new RawVector3( -0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f )
triangleVertBuffer = D3D11.Buffer.Create(device, D3D11.BindFlags.VertexBuffer, verts);
deviceContext.InputAssembler.InputLayout = vertLayout;
deviceContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = D3D.PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;
Render function:
private void RenderScene()
this.deviceContext.ClearRenderTargetView(this.backBufferView, new RawColor4(red, green, blue, 0));
new D3D11.VertexBufferBinding(triangleVertBuffer, Utilities.SizeOf<RawVector3>(), 0));
deviceContext.Draw(verts.Length, 0);
this.swapChain.Present(0, DXGI.PresentFlags.None);
Thank you for your help.
I have solved the problem. I have used the Graphics Debugger in Visual Studio and detect that the OutputMerger has no RenderTarget. So I move the line
to the RenderScene() function and it works. However, I can't understand why I must reset this every frame. I'm new in Direct3D so if any one has an anwswer, please comment. Thank you.
P/s: I have committed the working project on the GitHub for anyone who encounters the same problem with me.

Variable number of subreports on FastReport .NET

I have a report that prints the information a sell. The report's Data Source is a SellReport object.
Now I want to print the information of more than one sell, but not of a fixed number of sells. I think the best way is to pass a Collection as Data Source and for each SellReport of the collection it generates a subreport.
Anyone know how to create subreports dynamically?
Here is example, how to create a report using code
Report report = new Report();
// register the "Products" table
report.RegisterData(dataSet1.Tables["Products"], "Products");
// enable it to use in a report
report.GetDataSource("Products").Enabled = true;
// create A4 page with all margins set to 1cm
ReportPage page1 = new ReportPage();
page1.Name = "Page1";
// create ReportTitle band
page1.ReportTitle = new ReportTitleBand();
page1.ReportTitle.Name = "ReportTitle1";
// set its height to 1.5cm
page1.ReportTitle.Height = Units.Centimeters * 1.5f;
// create group header
GroupHeaderBand group1 = new GroupHeaderBand();
group1.Name = "GroupHeader1";
group1.Height = Units.Centimeters * 1;
// set group condition
group1.Condition = "[Products.ProductName].Substring(0, 1)";
// add group to the page.Bands collection
// create group footer
group1.GroupFooter = new GroupFooterBand();
group1.GroupFooter.Name = "GroupFooter1";
group1.GroupFooter.Height = Units.Centimeters * 1;
// create DataBand
DataBand data1 = new DataBand();
data1.Name = "Data1";
data1.Height = Units.Centimeters * 0.5f;
// set data source
data1.DataSource = report.GetDataSource("Products");
// connect databand to a group
group1.Data = data1;
// create "Text" objects
// report title
TextObject text1 = new TextObject();
text1.Name = "Text1";
// set bounds
text1.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0,
Units.Centimeters * 19, Units.Centimeters * 1);
// set text
text1.Text = "PRODUCTS";
// set appearance
text1.HorzAlign = HorzAlign.Center;
text1.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 14, FontStyle.Bold);
// add it to ReportTitle
// group
TextObject text2 = new TextObject();
text2.Name = "Text2";
text2.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0,
Units.Centimeters * 2, Units.Centimeters * 1);
text2.Text = "[[Products.ProductName].Substring(0, 1)]";
text2.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
// add it to GroupHeader
// data band
TextObject text3 = new TextObject();
text3.Name = "Text3";
text3.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0,
Units.Centimeters * 10, Units.Centimeters * 0.5f);
text3.Text = "[Products.ProductName]";
text3.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 8);
// add it to DataBand
// group footer
TextObject text4 = new TextObject();
text4.Name = "Text4";
text4.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0,
Units.Centimeters * 10, Units.Centimeters * 0.5f);
text4.Text = "Count: [CountOfProducts]";
text4.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
// add it to GroupFooter
// add a total
Total groupTotal = new Total();
groupTotal.Name = "CountOfProducts";
groupTotal.TotalType = TotalType.Count;
groupTotal.Evaluator = data1;
groupTotal.PrintOn = group1.Footer;
// add it to report totals
// run the report
And example for Data Source:
private int[] FArray;
/ create report instance
Report report = new Report();
/ register the array
report.RegisterData(FArray, "Array");
You can use a list instead of int[]
And look at example \Demos\C#\DataFromBusinessObject

SlimDX 11 Depth Buffer issues

I am getting an issue with SlimDX March SDK (For DXSDK11 June 2010 I believe). The problem is that whenever I turn the attach the depth view to the output merger state I don't get any output on the screen. I have compared my code with DX11 samples and it does seem to be correct. I have tried all sorts of flags and formats for the depth test (including always passing etc.) but nothing seems to work. I'd appreciate if anyone can spot a mistake. Here is the code. Here are the steps:
Initialize the back buffer:
D3DDevice device;
SwapChain swapChain;
/// Create the swap chain
SwapChainDescription desc = new SwapChainDescription()
BufferCount = 1,
ModeDescription = new ModeDescription
Width = ContextSettings.Width,
Height = ContextSettings.Height,
RefreshRate = new SlimDX.Rational(ContextSettings.RefreshRate, 1),
Format = ContextSettings.BufferFormat,
IsWindowed = !ContextSettings.FullScreen,
OutputHandle = WindowHandle,
SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(1, 0),
SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard,
Usage = Usage.RenderTargetOutput,
FeatureLevel[] featureLevels = new FeatureLevel[] { FeatureLevel.Level_11_0, FeatureLevel.Level_10_1 };
DriverType driverType = DriverType.Hardware;
D3DDevice.CreateWithSwapChain(driverType, DeviceCreationFlags.Debug, featureLevels, desc, out device, out swapChain);
Device = device;
SwapChain = swapChain;
/// Setup window association
Factory factory = swapChain.GetParent<Factory>();
factory.SetWindowAssociation(WindowHandle, WindowAssociationFlags.IgnoreAll);
/// Setup back buffers and render target views
RenderBuffer = DXTexture2D.FromSwapChain<DXTexture2D>(swapChain, 0);
RenderView = new RenderTargetView(Device, RenderBuffer);
Then initialize the depth buffer:
Format depthFormat = Format.D32_Float;
Texture2DDescription depthBufferDesc = new Texture2DDescription
ArraySize = 1,
BindFlags = BindFlags.DepthStencil,
CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.None,
Format = depthFormat,
Height = width,
Width = height,
MipLevels = 1,
OptionFlags = ResourceOptionFlags.None,
SampleDescription = new SampleDescription( 1, 0 ),
Usage = ResourceUsage.Default
DepthBuffer = new DXTexture2D(Device, depthBufferDesc);
DepthStencilViewDescription dsViewDesc = new DepthStencilViewDescription
ArraySize = 0,
Format = depthFormat,
Dimension = DepthStencilViewDimension.Texture2D,
MipSlice = 0,
Flags = 0,
FirstArraySlice = 0
DepthView = new DepthStencilView(Device, DepthBuffer, dsViewDesc);
DepthStencilStateDescription dsStateDesc = new DepthStencilStateDescription()
IsDepthEnabled = true,
IsStencilEnabled = false,
DepthWriteMask = DepthWriteMask.All,
DepthComparison = Comparison.Less,
DepthState = DepthStencilState.FromDescription(Device, dsStateDesc);
Setup the render targets:
DeviceContext.OutputMerger.DepthStencilState = DepthState;
DeviceContext.OutputMerger.SetTargets(DepthView, RenderView);
DeviceContext.Rasterizer.SetViewports(new Viewport(0, 0, ContextSettings.Width, ContextSettings.Height, 0.0f, 1.0f));
As soon as I remove DepthView from OutputMerger.SetTargets I start seeing images on the screen (without the depth test of course) and vice-versa otherwise.
It turned out that in the depthBufferDesc, I was passing width to the Height variable and height to the Width. This was creating the two render targets with different dimensions which was breaking it down.
