I'm placing multiple MapPolygons on a MapControl. The stroke for the MapPolygons do not set correctly. The stroke color for all polygons regardless of what layer they reside in binds to the polygon with the highest Z-index. I created an example using the UWP MapControl example from Microsoft:
See "Add a shape" section.
I tried placing each polygon in a separate layer but it gives similar results.
It is worth noting that the Polygon FillColor parameter is unaffected only the stroke color and thickness.
<my:MapControl HorizontalAlignment="Left" x:Name="mapControl" MapServiceToken="..." Width="1650" Height="800" />
public BlankPage1()
BasicGeoposition cityPosition = new BasicGeoposition() { Latitude = 34.8, Longitude = -116, Altitude = 0 };
Emitter_Position = new Geopoint(cityPosition);
mapControl.Center = Emitter_Position;
mapControl.ZoomLevel = 9;
mapControl.LandmarksVisible = true;
public void test_polygons()
double centerLatitude = Emitter_Position.Position.Latitude;
double centerLongitude = Emitter_Position.Position.Longitude;
var MyHighlights = new List<MapElement>();
var mapPolygon = new MapPolygon
Path = new Geopath(new List<BasicGeoposition> {
new BasicGeoposition() {Latitude=centerLatitude+0.1, Longitude=centerLongitude-0.1 },
new BasicGeoposition() {Latitude=centerLatitude-0.1, Longitude=centerLongitude-0.1 },
new BasicGeoposition() {Latitude=centerLatitude-0.1, Longitude=centerLongitude+0.1 },
new BasicGeoposition() {Latitude=centerLatitude+0.1, Longitude=centerLongitude+0.1 },
ZIndex = 2,
FillColor = Colors.Red,
StrokeColor = Colors.Blue,
StrokeThickness = 3,
StrokeDashed = false,
var mapPolygon2 = new MapPolygon
Path = new Geopath(new List<BasicGeoposition> {
new BasicGeoposition() {Latitude=centerLatitude+0.2, Longitude=centerLongitude-0.2 },
new BasicGeoposition() {Latitude=centerLatitude-0.2, Longitude=centerLongitude-0.2 },
new BasicGeoposition() {Latitude=centerLatitude-0.2, Longitude=centerLongitude+0.2 },
new BasicGeoposition() {Latitude=centerLatitude+0.2, Longitude=centerLongitude+0.2 },
ZIndex = 1,
FillColor = Colors.Green,
StrokeColor = Colors.Yellow,
StrokeThickness = 3,
StrokeDashed = false,
var HighlightsLayer = new MapElementsLayer
ZIndex = 1,
MapElements = MyHighlights
The stroke color for mapPolygon2 shows as blue rather than yellow. If you flip the Zindex for the mapPolygons than the stroke for both polygons will be yellow. So what's the trick to get the stroke to set correctly when displaying multiple polygons?
This won't be impacted by the version of the OS you're targeting, but by the version of the OS you're running on. This was a known issue in OS versions prior to 1809, so it's been fixed for about one year. Updating to a more recent build of the OS should solve your issue. A recommended workaround if you can't update the OS would be to draw the polygon without a border, and then draw the border as a polyline in a separate call.
I want to draw a simple Path which uses RenderedGeometry of a Polygon as Data.
Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
polygon.Points = new PointCollection { new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 100), new Point(150, 150) };
var path = new Path
Data = polygon.RenderedGeometry,
Stroke = Brushes.LightBlue,
StrokeThickness = 2,
Fill = Brushes.Green,
Opacity = 0.5
Panel.SetZIndex(path, 2);
However my Canvas does not display anything.
You should force the geometry to be rendered before you it to the Canvas. You can do this by calling the Arrange and Measure methods of the Polygon:
Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
polygon.Points = new PointCollection { new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 100), new Point(150, 150) };
polygon.Arrange(new Rect(canvas.RenderSize));
var path = new Path
Data = polygon.RenderedGeometry,
Stroke = Brushes.LightBlue,
StrokeThickness = 2,
Fill = Brushes.Green,
Opacity = 0.5
Panel.SetZIndex(path, 2);
You shouldn't be using a Polygon element to define the Geometry of a Path.
Instead directly create a PathGeometry like this:
var figure = new PathFigure
StartPoint = new Point(0, 0),
IsClosed = true
figure.Segments.Add(new PolyLineSegment
Points = new PointCollection { new Point(0, 100), new Point(150, 150) },
IsStroked = true
var geometry = new PathGeometry();
var path = new Path
Data = geometry,
Stroke = Brushes.LightBlue,
StrokeThickness = 2,
Fill = Brushes.Green,
Opacity = 0.5
Or directly create a Geometry from a string using Path Markup Syntax:
var path = new Path
Data = Geometry.Parse("M0,0 L0,100 150,150Z"),
Stroke = Brushes.LightBlue,
StrokeThickness = 2,
Fill = Brushes.Green,
Opacity = 0.5
I have a couple of problems with a MSChart plotted in a Winform.
I can't get axis Y2 values displayed on the right hand side of the chart, which should be the default - similar to this question
the stripline won't plot, and
is it possible to line up the zero values of axes Y1 and Y2?
Thanks for any help.
ChartArea TestChartArea = new ChartArea();
public void CreateChartArea()
TestChartArea.Name = "TestChartArea";
TestChartArea.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
TestChartArea.Position = new ElementPosition { Height = 100, Width = 80, X = 2, Y = 5 };
//TestChartArea.Position = new ElementPosition { Auto = true };
TestChartArea.AxisY = new Axis
Enabled = AxisEnabled.True,
IsLabelAutoFit = true,
IsMarginVisible = true,
LabelStyle = new LabelStyle { Format = "P2", ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue, Font = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular) },
LineColor = Color.Black,
MajorGrid = new Grid { LineColor = Color.White, LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid },
MajorTickMark = new TickMark { LineColor = Color.Black }
TestChartArea.AxisY2 = new Axis
Enabled = AxisEnabled.True,
IsLabelAutoFit = true,
IsMarginVisible = true,
LabelStyle = new LabelStyle { Format = "P2", ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue, Font = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular) },
LineColor = Color.Transparent,
MajorGrid = new Grid { LineColor = Color.Yellow, LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid },
MajorTickMark = new TickMark { LineColor = Color.Blue }
TestChartArea.AxisX = new Axis
Enabled = AxisEnabled.True,
Crossing = 0,
LineWidth = 1,
IsLabelAutoFit = true,
IsMarginVisible = false,
LabelStyle = new LabelStyle { Angle=-45,Format = "N0", ForeColor = Color.Black, Font = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Regular) },
LineColor = Color.Black,
MajorGrid = new Grid { LineColor = Color.White, LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid },
MajorTickMark = new TickMark { LineColor = Color.LightGray, Size = 4.0f },
public void PlotChart()
int[] Xseries = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
double[] AXJO = { 0.0025, 0.0015, -0.001, 0.002, 0.0045, -0.002, -0.003, 0.0001, -0.004, -0.0075 };
double[] ES = { 0.0020, 0.0010, -0.0005, 0.003, 0.0025, -0.001, -0.0015, 0.0005, -0.0032, -0.006 };
double[] Diff = new double[10];
// pair return
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Diff[i] = AXJO[i] - ES[i];
TestChart.BackColor = Color.LightGoldenrodYellow;
TestChart.BackSecondaryColor = Color.LightBlue;
if (TestChart.Series.IsUniqueName("AXJO"))
TestChart.Series["AXJO"].YAxisType = AxisType.Primary;
TestChart.Series["AXJO"].Color = Color.Green;
TestChart.Series["AXJO"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
TestChart.Series["AXJO"].Points.DataBindXY(Xseries, AXJO);
TestChart.Series["AXJO"].ChartArea = "TestChartArea";
if (TestChart.Series.IsUniqueName("ES"))
TestChart.Series["ES"].YAxisType = AxisType.Primary;
TestChart.Series["ES"].Color = Color.Red;
TestChart.Series["ES"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
TestChart.Series["ES"].Points.DataBindXY(Xseries, ES);
TestChart.Series["ES"].ChartArea = "TestChartArea";
if (TestChart.Series.IsUniqueName("Diff"))
TestChart.Series["Diff"].YAxisType = AxisType.Secondary;
TestChart.Series["Diff"].Color = Color.Blue;
TestChart.Series["Diff"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
TestChart.Series["Diff"].Points.DataBindXY(Xseries, Diff);
TestChart.Series["Diff"].ChartArea = "TestChartArea";
public void AddStripLine()
// add stripline at Diff=zero
StripLine ZeroDiff = new StripLine();
ZeroDiff.ForeColor = Color.Black;
ZeroDiff.BackColor = Color.Black;
ZeroDiff.StripWidth = 1;
ZeroDiff.BorderWidth = 2;
ZeroDiff.Interval = 0;
ZeroDiff.IntervalOffset = 10;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
You asked about the unwanted placement of the AxisY2 by setting its Crossing property to 0
Simply not setting it, thus leaving it at the default double.NaN for automatically placing it at the right will resolve the issue..:
Crossing = double.NaN
To make a stripline show, it needs to start within the visible range of its axis. Offsetting it by 10 is way overboard for your data.. Also making it black is probably not what you want, unless you only want a thin line, not a colored area..
The basic rules for StripLines are:
When Interval = 0 only one stripline is shown at IntervalOffset with a width/height of StripWidth
When Interval > 0 many striplines are shown, going over the whole axis; unless you have a semi-tranparent color you need to make sure that StripWidth < Interval or else there is no space between them!
All measures are in axis-values; the types can be set with StripWidthType and IntervalType; useful especially when using one of the DateTime units.
To make the 0 values of both y-axes align, you need to tweak the Minimum and/or Maximum values of one or both axes. This may be a bit tricky and you will probably need to look into your data and take full control of spacing and placing the axis labels..
I've stumbled upon converting Ellipse to PathGeometry.
I've tried to use ArcSegment to present Ellipse, but still don't know how to convert Ellipse size to ArcSegment size. I'm trying to segment Ellipse into two part, but there are other approaches, i.e. Bezier curves.
Need clues how to convert Ellipse to ArcSegment collection.
The whole process could be looking like that:
public static PathFigure ToFigures(this Ellipse ellipse)
var pathFigure = new PathFigure {IsClosed = true};
var arcSegment1 = new ArcSegment();
var arcSegment2 = new ArcSegment();
return pathFigure;
You could directly use an EllipseGeometry for the Path Data:
path = new Path
Data = new EllipseGeometry { RadiusX = 100, RadiusY = 50 }
Using the size of the Ellipse it would look like this:
path = new Path
Data = new EllipseGeometry
RadiusX = ellipse.ActualWidth / 2,
RadiusY = ellipse.ActualHeight / 2
How to draw a bezier with two colors? like the picture below?
I already have drawn the bezier, I can fill it with any color, however I cant the gradient working.
this is what im doing, im using a Path to create the bezier by the way.
private void test()
System.Windows.Media.GradientStop GradientStop1 = new System.Windows.Media.GradientStop();
System.Windows.Media.GradientStop GradientStop2 = new System.Windows.Media.GradientStop();
System.Windows.Media.LinearGradientBrush p_Fill; p_Fill = new System.Windows.Media.LinearGradientBrush(Colors.Blue, Colors.Red, new Point(0, 0.5), new Point(1, 0.5));
Bez.Fill = p_Fill;
This is how it should be
This is what I get
If you need a sharp cut between the 2 colored halves, you have to need more GradientStops:
var grad3 = new System.Windows.Media.GradientStop()
{Offset = 0.5, Color=Colors.Blue};
var grad4 = new System.Windows.Media.GradientStop()
{Offset = 0.5, Color=Colors.Red};
GradientStop2.Offset = 1;
Addtionally, you have to set the Brush for the Stroke, not the Fill. The StrokeThickness determines the thickness of the curve:
Bez.Stroke = p_Fill;
Bez.StrokeThickness = new Thickness(10);
I wonder, is it possible to create vertical marker in zedgraph?
I want to render all chart points and make vertical marker as indicator of current position.
On a previous project, I used the following code to get that kind of effect.
int i = myPane.AddYAxis("");
myPane.YAxisList[i].Color = Color.Orange;
myPane.YAxisList[i].Scale.IsVisible = false;
myPane.YAxisList[i].MajorTic.IsAllTics = false;
myPane.YAxisList[i].MinorTic.IsAllTics = false;
myPane.YAxisList[i].Cross = pointOnXAxisThatIWantToMark;
In this case I add two axis to mark certain limits on my graph.
You can set the SymbolType of your curve to SymbolType.VDash.
For example, to set the symbol for a LineItem, you can either do it directly in the constructor (curve1 in the source code below), or you can customize it before assigning it to the curve (curve2).
This code:
var curve1 = new LineItem(null, new[] { 0.1, 0.5, 0.9 },
new[] { 0.8, 0.3, 0.1 }, Color.Blue, SymbolType.VDash);
var curve2 = new LineItem(String.Empty)
Points = new PointPairList(
new[] { 0.1, 0.5, 0.9 }, new[] { 0.2, 0.5, 0.9 }),
Color = Color.Red,
Symbol = new Symbol(SymbolType.VDash, Color.Black)
{ Size = 20f, Border = new Border(Color.Black, 6f)}
produces the following graph: