How to add a string of text into another txt file - c#

I have this txt file that contains this text:
but I only want the values that come after SSN~% and after the MED~
I want to be able read from the Line that starts with QRD and then be able to grab ANY value after SSN~% and MED~, so the value can be anything I'm just using ABC123 and WA0034 as examples.
private void Parse(string filename)
string line;
var str = File.ReadAllText(filename);
System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(filename);
targetRichTextBox = richTextBox1;
while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
if ((line.Contains("QRD"))
//Enter code here
char[] delimiterChars = { '^' };
string[] words = str.Split(delimiterChars);
var createText = (RetrunTemplate.Get().Replace(words[24], "VHIC-").Replace(words[25], "9A-MED~WA0034"));
var outputFilename = outputDir + "\\OutboundMessage - " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss-ff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ".txt";
File.WriteAllText(outputFilename, createText);
targetRichTextBox = richTextBox2;
MessageBox.Show("You have successfuly creatd an outbound Message");
class RetrunTemplate
public static string Get()
string retrunTemplate = #"MSH^~|\&^R3POCSEND^442~CHEY209.FO-BAYPINES.MED.VA.GOV~DNS^R3POCRCV^^20171108131710-0400^^RCL~I06^442157252912^D^2.5^^^AL^NE^USA" + Environment.NewLine +
"PID^^^4420041228V165312~~~USVHA&&0363~NI~VA FACILITY ID&442&L~~20171108|666393848~~~" + Environment.NewLine +
#"USSSA&&0363~SS~VA FACILITY ID&442&L|""~~~USDOD&&0363~TIN~VA FACILITY ID&442&L" + Environment.NewLine +
#"""~~~USDOD&&0363~FIN~VA FACILITY ID&442&L|7209344~~~USVHA&&0363~PI~VA FACILITY ID&442&L" + Environment.NewLine +
#"^VHIC-ABC123~~~USVHA&&0363~PI~VA FACILITY ID&742V1&L^ZEIGLER~PG~EIGHT~~~~L" + Environment.NewLine +
#"|""~~~~~~N^^19220304^M^^^9234234~""~SAN FRANCISCO~CA~94114~USA~P~""~075|~~SAN JOSE~CO~~""~N^^""^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" + Environment.NewLine +
#"PV1^^^9A-MED" + Environment.NewLine + "HH1^WA0034";
return retrunTemplate;

Suppose you read the file line by line. You can validate each line against the following Regex, and extract what you want.
var text = "QRD^20171108131704-0500^R^I^WQRY^^^^SSN~%ABC123^9A-MED~WA0034^^^T";
var rgx = new Regex(#"QRD.+SSN~%(.+)MED~(.+)");
var match = rgx.Match(text);
if (match.Success)
The match.Groups[1] has ABC123^9A-, and match.Groups[2] has WA0034^^^T. You can now do what you will with those text.
Regex Breakdown
QRD - Starts with the string QRD
.+ - Followed by one or more characters
SSN~% - Followed by SSN~~%
(.+) - Grab (to Groups[1]) one or more characters between SSN~% and MED~
MED! - Followed by MED~
(.+) - Grab everything else in the line to Groups[2]

Here's my effort.
var input = #"MSH^~|\&^R3POCQUERYS^050~BCMABU.MED.VA.GOV~DNS^R3POCQUERYR^^201711081317040500^^RQC~I06^50279320^D^2.5^^^AL^NE^USA
QRD^20171108131704-0500^R^I^WQRY^^^^SSN~%ABC123^9A-MED~WA0034^^^T" ;
var pattern = #"SSN\~\%([A-Z0-9]+).*MED\~([A-Z0-9]+)";
var matches = Regex.Matches(input, pattern, RegexOptions.Multiline).
Select( m => new { SSN = m.Groups[1].Value, MED = m.Groups[2].Value});
foreach(var m in matches ) {
Console.WriteLine($"SSN = {m.SSN}, MED = {m.MED}");
SSN = ABC123, MED = WA0034
With QRD matching
var input = #"MSH^~|\&^R3POCQUERYS^050~BCMABU.MED.VA.GOV~DNS^R3POCQUERYR^^201711081317040500^^RQC~I06^50279320^D^2.5^^^AL^NE^USA
var pattern = #"SSN\~\%([A-Z0-9]+).*MED\~([A-Z0-9]+)";
var matches = input
.Where(l => l.StartsWith("QRD"))
.Select(l => Regex.Matches(l, pattern).Select(m => new { SSN = m.Groups[1].Value, MED = m.Groups[2].Value }));
foreach (var groups in matches)
foreach (var g in groups)
Console.WriteLine($"SSN = {g.SSN}, MED = {g.MED}");
SSN = ABC123, MED = WA0034


File name extraction

In C#, it is necessary to match the names of the files in the folder with the registered IDs in the database. But the filenames are like this: 0000138_0.jpeg, 0007979_0.png etc.
I need to discard the leading zeros and not get the trailing dash. So like 138 and 7979 in the examples. My code is like this but it doesn't meet my need. What should I do?
public void img()
List<Product> dbProducts= Db2Context.Product.Where(a => a.Deleted == false).ToList();
foreach (Product Pro in dbProducts)
TBL_Product db1Urun = Db1Context.TBL_Product.Where(a => a.ID == ("SKU-")).FirstOrDefault() ?? new TBL_Product();
var imgs= Db2Context.Product_Picture_Mapping.Where(a => a.PictureId == a.PictureId).FirstOrDefault();
if (imgs != null)
string partialName = imgs.PictureId.ToString();
DirectoryInfo hdDirectoryInWhichToSearch = new DirectoryInfo(firstPath);
FileInfo[] filesInDir = hdDirectoryInWhichToSearch.GetFiles("*" + partialName + "*_0*");
foreach (FileInfo foundFile in filesInDir)
string fullName = foundFile.FullName;
secondPath = firstPath + fullName;
Db1Product.Image= secondPath;
I suggest using a regex to match and extract the ID from the file.
Here is a fiddle of the below code:
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Program
public static void Main()
string pat = #"^0+(\d+)";
Regex r = new Regex(pat);
string[] files = {"000138_0.jpeg", "0007979_0.png", "ignore this file.txt"};
foreach (var s in files)
Match m = r.Match(s);
if (m.Success)
Console.WriteLine("matched: " + s + " - " + m.Groups[1].Value);
Console.WriteLine("ignored: " + s);
and the output:
matched: 000138_0.jpeg - 138
matched: 0007979_0.png - 7979
ignored: ignore this file.txt

Mailkit - replace text in Html part

will appreciate any Help on this one.
I am trying to replace text in an email template using Mailkit. The issue is that in Mailkit there is at least a text part and and Html part.
I can get then set the text part using code such as:
var textPart = message.BodyParts.OfType<TextPart>().FirstOrDefault();
I can get the htmlbody using
var htmlPart = message.htmlBody
but once I modify it I do not know how to set the htmlpart to the message's htmlBody.
My code so far:
FileStream sr = new FileStream(fileLocation + "\\" + fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
message = MimeMessage.Load(sr);
//Get the text Part
var textPart = message.BodyParts.OfType<TextPart>().FirstOrDefault();
//Get the HtmlBody
var htmlPart = message.HtmlBody;
string regexPattern;
string regexReplacement;
Regex regexText;
foreach (var replaceSet in replaceArray)
regexPattern = "#" + replaceSet["Key"].ToString() + "#";
regexReplacement = (string)replaceSet["Value"].ToString();
//bool test = Regex.IsMatch(docText, regexPattern);
if (regexReplacement != "")
regexText = new Regex(regexPattern);
textPart.Text = regexText.Replace(textPart.Text, regexReplacement);
//Set, modify the text part
htmlPart = regexText.Replace(htmlPart, regexReplacement);
message.WriteTo(fileLocation + "\\output\\" + fileName);
catch (Exception Ex)
result = Ex.Message;
return BadRequest(result);
Something like this will probably work:
// Get the text Part
var textPart = message.BodyParts.OfType<TextPart>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsPlain);
var htmlPart = message.BodyParts.OfType<TextPart>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsHtml);
string regexPattern;
string regexReplacement;
Regex regexText;
foreach (var replaceSet in replaceArray)
regexPattern = "#" + replaceSet["Key"].ToString() + "#";
regexReplacement = (string)replaceSet["Value"].ToString();
//bool test = Regex.IsMatch(docText, regexPattern);
if (regexReplacement != "")
regexText = new Regex(regexPattern);
textPart.Text = regexText.Replace(textPart.Text, regexReplacement);
//Set, modify the text part
htmlPart.Text = regexText.Replace(htmlPart.Text, regexReplacement);

C# - Get All Words Between Chars

I have string:
string mystring = "hello(hi,mo,wo,ka)";
And i need to get all arguments in brackets.
I tried that:
string res = "";
string mystring = "hello(hi,mo,wo,ka)";
mystring.Replace("hello", "");
string[] tokens = mystring.Split(',');
string[] tokenz = mystring.Split(')');
foreach (string s in tokens)
res += "*" + " " + s +" ";
foreach (string z in tokenz)
res += "*" + " " + z + " ";
return res;
But that returns all words before ",".
(I need to return between
"(" and ","
"," and ","
"," and ")"
You can try to use \\(([^)]+)\\) regex get the word contain in brackets,then use Replace function to let , to *
string res = "hello(hi,mo,wo,ka)";
var regex = Regex.Match(res, "\\(([^)]+)\\)");
var result = regex.Groups[1].Value.Replace(',','*');
c# online
This way :
Regex rgx = new Regex(#"\((.*)\)");
var result = rgx.Match("hello(hi,mo,wo,ka)");
Split method has an override that lets you define multiple delimiter chars:
string mystring = "hello(hi,mo,wo,ka)";
var tokens = mystring.Replace("hello", "").Split(new[] { "(",",",")" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

Counting strings in files and putting the value in different places using c#?

I'm trying to count some strings in files in a given location and then put those values in some nodes.
I've tried the below code
var workingPath=#"D:\Test\MyFiles";
var files = new List<string>();
if (Directory.Exists(workingPath))
foreach (var f in Directory.GetDirectories(workingPath, "xml",
files.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(f, "*.xml"));
foreach (var file in files) {
string text = File.ReadAllText(file);
int fig_count = Regex.Matches(text, #"fig id=""fig").Count;
int tab_count = Regex.Matches(text, #"table-wrap id=""table").Count;
int eq_count = Regex.Matches(text, #"disp-formula id=""deqn").Count;
File.WriteAllText(file,Regex.Replace(File.ReadAllText(file), #"<fig-count count=""\d+""/>",#"<fig-count count="""+fig_count+#"""/>"));
File.WriteAllText(file,Regex.Replace(File.ReadAllText(file), #"<table-count count=""\d+""/>",#"<table-count count="""+tab_count+#"""/>"));
File.WriteAllText(file,Regex.Replace(File.ReadAllText(file), #"<eq-count count=""\d+""/>",#"<eq-count count="""+eq_count+#"""/>"));
The code works but it is a bit redundant. Can anyone tell me how to make it less redundant?
I suggest extracting a TextUpdate method and read & write the file only once:
foreach (var file in files)
string text = File.ReadAllText(file);
text = UpdateText(text, "fig", Regex.Matches(text, #"fig id=""fig").Count);
text = UpdateText(text, "table", Regex.Matches(text, #"table-wrap id=""table").Count);
text = UpdateText(text, "eq", Regex.Matches(text, #"disp-formula id=""deqn").Count);
File.WriteAllText(file, text);
private static string UpdateText(string text, string type, int count)
return Regex.Replace(text, "<" + type + #"-count count=""\d+""/>", "<" + type + #"-count count=""" + count + #"""/>");
The code below only reads and writes file once :
string text = File.ReadAllText(file);
int fig_count = Regex.Matches(text, #"fig id=""fig").Count;
int tab_count = Regex.Matches(text, #"table-wrap id=""table").Count;
int eq_count = Regex.Matches(text, #"disp-formula id=""deqn").Count;
text = Regex.Replace(text, #"<fig-count count=""\d+""/>", #"<fig-count count=""" + fig_count + #"""/>");
text = Regex.Replace(text, #"<table-count count=""\d+""/>", #"<table-count count=""" + tab_count + #"""/>");
text = Regex.Replace(text, #"<eq-count count=""\d+""/>", #"<eq-count count=""" + eq_count + #"""/>");
File.WriteAllText(file, text);

Remove words from string c#

I am working on a ASP.NET 4.0 web application, the main goal for it to do is go to the URL in the MyURL variable then read it from top to bottom, search for all lines that start with "description" and only keep those while removing all HTML tags. What I want to do next is remove the "description" text from the results afterwords so I have just my device names left. How would I do this?
protected void parseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MyURL = deviceCombo.Text;
WebRequest objRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(MyURL);
objRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
using (StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(objRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()))
originalText.Text = objReader.ReadToEnd();
//Read all lines of file
String[] crString = { "<BR> " };
String[] aLines = originalText.Text.Split(crString, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
String noHtml = String.Empty;
for (int x = 0; x < aLines.Length; x++)
if (aLines[x].Contains(filterCombo.SelectedValue))
noHtml += (RemoveHTML(aLines[x]) + "\r\n");
//Print results to textbox
resultsBox.Text = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, noHtml);
public static string RemoveHTML(string text)
text = text.Replace(" ", " ").Replace("<br>", "\n");
var oRegEx = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("<[^>]+>");
return oRegEx.Replace(text, string.Empty);
Ok so I figured out how to remove the words through one of my existing functions:
public static string RemoveHTML(string text)
text = text.Replace(" ", " ").Replace("<br>", "\n").Replace("description", "").Replace("INFRA:CORE:", "")
.Replace("RESERVED", "")
.Replace(":", "")
.Replace(";", "")
.Replace("-0/3/0", "");
var oRegEx = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("<[^>]+>");
return oRegEx.Replace(text, string.Empty);
public static void Main(String[] args)
string str = "He is driving a red car.";
Console.WriteLine(str.Replace("red", "").Replace(" ", " "));
He is driving a car.
Note: In the second Replace its a double space.
Link :
Try this.It will remove all occurrence of the word which you want to remove.
Try something like this, using LINQ:
List<string> lines = new List<string>{
"Hello world",
"Description: foo",
"description purple"};
//now add all your lines from your html doc.
if (aLines[x].Contains(filterCombo.SelectedValue))
lines.Add(RemoveHTML(aLines[x]) + "\r\n");
var myDescriptions = lines.Where(x=>x.ToLower().BeginsWith("description"))
.Select(x=> x.ToLower().Replace("description",string.Empty)
// you now have "foo" and "purple", and anything else.
You may have to adjust for colons, etc.
void Main()
string test = "<html>wowzers description: none <div>description:a1fj391</div></html>";
IEnumerable<string> results = getDescriptions(test);
foreach (string result in results)
//result: none
// a1fj391
static Regex MyRegex = new Regex(
IEnumerable<string> getDescriptions(string html)
foreach(Match match in MyRegex.Matches(html))
yield return match.Groups["value"].Value;
Adapted From Code Project
string value = "ABC - UPDATED";
int index = value.IndexOf(" - UPDATED");
if (index != -1)
value = value.Remove(index);
It will print ABC without - UPDATED
