Run WPF application through URL directly in Google-Chrome - c#

I have WPF application(.exe), which was hosted in my remote web server.
Now I want to access WPF application from my web page by clicking respective link.
By using this, I am able lunch application in IE. But whenever I am using Google-Chrome then application downloading into my local system instead of running application from Hosted URL.
Could you please suggest me on this.


Run C# MVC application, in local web server

I've made a C# ASP.NET Application using VS 2013. What I want to do is use it on my localhost using IIS.
How do I do it work? When it go to localhost, it just appears a black page.
I've created a new site on IIS Manager and ponted it to de fisical path of my application. Registered the ASP.NET on IIS...
I've tried whats in the How do you publish an MVC application from Visual Studio 2013 to your local network? .
So, I don't need to use IIS, I could use other web server, like Apache...
I want to be able to open Chrome, go to localhost:8080/ for example and get my application, without having to open VS and run the project etc...
Also, if other people could access the application on my local network, it would be great. I just want to use my MVC web aplication like it was on the internet itself, like I can access and use it, but I want to do so in my local network only.
If I try to access a simple HTML file, using IIS, it works perfectly. Now I want to use my C# MVC web application.
Is there a way to do this? Using IIS, Apache, whatever...

ASP.NET, C#, RavenDB: error when running a web service located on another computer

Hello everyone.
I have implemented an ASP.NET web service that performs a query on a RavenDB database. I have then called this service by clicking on a button of a web page that is part of my web site and it is working just fine. I have generated a package from this web site. I have imported this package on IIS 8 located in another machine of the network I am connected to. On this other machine, when I launch the web site, is it working, but when I try to access the service by clicking on a button of a web page, I get the error displayed in the enclosed file. Is this error due to the fact that the web site is unable to locate the web service? If so, how can I fix it? If not, where does this error comes from?
Thanks in advance.

Azure Remote App inside my Web Application

I want crate application in which i want to have azure remote app .
let us consider the below scenario:
I have implemented the Designer application (report designer) in WPF. now i creating the website,user of this website need to design the report using the report designer application and host in my website. I planed to host my application in azure remote app using this remote app inside my remote application
Is this possible to do that ? if not how can i achieve that my client need both report designer interface and my web application?
Azure RemoteApp clients do not have an API today that allows you to input parameters (i.e.: username, password) and also there is no HTML5 client that you could embed in your website. So, I believe it is not possible to do that right now.

Block website access via browser

I have a windows application which shows web page hosted in a website. Because of confidentiality, I don't want to show URL to the user. As this website is hosted on IIS and so user can access website directly through browser if he/she knows URL.
How can I block access of website via browser but not through windows application?
P.S. this website is third pary product hosted on my machine and I cannot do any code change into it.
If you can't make any code changes to the website, it will not be possible to block access based on which system is calling the URL using IIS alone.
One approach would be to put the webserver behind a firewall and implement an authentication / authorization mechanism between your application and the firewall.

Facebook c# application: Facebook can not access my silverlight application on localhost

Hi i am trying to write a silverlight applicaiton on Facebook. I am using Visual Studio 2010. I have created a silverlight application and VS created a test page for it automaticly. I can acces and test my application on localhost (I have installed iis7 with default settings on win7x64 fresh install). I am publishing the test page to wwwroot and everything works on localhost. But when i try to access my application from Facebook i am getting this error:
"HTTP Error 405.0 - Method Not Allowed
The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method (HTTP verb) is being used."
But if i create a ASP.NET application and publist it same way it works.
So what sould i do?
Best reagrds
Olcay Ertas
Have you tried spoofing your host? I do not know if it is the case anymore, but in the past, Facebook refused to interact with http://localhost/. By editing my hosts file, I was able to get Facebook to interact with my local environment without having to push to a publicly accessible server.
Just edit your hosts file, putting in something like, restart your browsers, and put that domain in to your Facebook app. It could work... apologies if it doesn't.
