I just want to optimise my LINQ, I couldn't figure out how to optimise it or do it better way...
Basically I have got a client and incident tables.
Incident has a 3 status, NEW, VERIFIED and COMPLETED.
I just want to get a list of each clients incidents with the number of each incident status.
Incident Pogress number if it is 0, it means a NEW incident, if it is 1 a VERIFIED and 2 if it is COMPLETED
This is my table
IncidentID ClientID IncidentProgress
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 1
5 1 1
6 1 2
7 2 0
8 2 1
9 2 2
10 2 2
What I need
ClientID total New Confirmed Completed
1 6 3 2 1
2 4 1 1 2
I tried this`
First Group BY Each Client
List<ReportIncidentList> list = (from incident in incidentRepository.IncidentModels
join client in clientRepository.ClientModel on incident.ClientID equals client.ClientID
where client.ClientStatus == true && incident.IncidentStatus == true
group incident by new { client.ClientID, client.ClientName, incident.IncidentProgress } into newGroup
orderby newGroup.Key.ClientID
select new ReportIncidentList
ClientID = newGroup.Key.ClientID,
ClientName = newGroup.Key.ClientName,
NumberOfIncidents = newGroup.Count(),
NewT = newGroup.Where(x=>x.IncidentProgress == Models.IncidentProgressStatus.New && x.ClientID == newGroup.Key.ClientID).Count(),
Completed = newGroup.Where(x => x.IncidentProgress == Models.IncidentProgressStatus.Completed && x.ClientID == newGroup.Key.ClientID).Count(),
Confirmed = newGroup.Where(x => x.IncidentProgress == Models.IncidentProgressStatus.Confirmed && x.ClientID == newGroup.Key.ClientID).Count(),
IncidentProgress = newGroup.Key.IncidentProgress
Then Group again
List<ReportIncidentList> list2 = (from client in list
group client by new { client.ClientID, client.ClientName } into newGroup
orderby newGroup.Key.ClientID
select new ReportIncidentList
ClientID = newGroup.Key.ClientID,
ClientName = newGroup.Key.ClientName,
NumberOfIncidents = list.Where(c=>c.ClientID==newGroup.Key.ClientID).Sum(s=>s.NumberOfIncidents),
NewT = list.Where(x => x.IncidentProgress == Models.IncidentProgressStatus.New && x.ClientID == newGroup.Key.ClientID).Select(x=>x.NewT).SingleOrDefault(),
Confirmed = list.Where(x => x.IncidentProgress == Models.IncidentProgressStatus.Confirmed && x.ClientID == newGroup.Key.ClientID).Select(x => x.Confirmed).SingleOrDefault(),
Completed = list.Where(x => x.IncidentProgress == Models.IncidentProgressStatus.Completed && x.ClientID == newGroup.Key.ClientID).Select(x => x.Completed).SingleOrDefault(),
What about keeping things simple?
We can just query list of incidents as is and merge data in a single loop then.
var incidents = incidentRepository.IncidentModels.ToList();
var reportsIncidentList = new Dictionary<int,ReportIncidentList>();
foreach (var incident in incidents)
if (!reportsIncidentList.ContainsKey(incident.ClientID))
reportsIncidentList.Add(incident.ClientID, new ReportIncidentList(){ClientID = incident.ClientID});
switch (incident.IncidentProcess)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
var result = reportsIncidentList.Values.ToList();
Here is the linq query that will get you the results:
var results = data
.GroupBy(x => x.ClientID)
.Select(g => new {
ClientID = g.Key,
Total = g.Count(),
New = g.Count(i => i.IncidentProgress == 0),
Confirmed = g.Count(i => i.IncidentProgress == 1),
Verified = g.Count(i => i.IncidentProgress == 2)});
I tried to divided Linq queries into 3 (total, success, fail) but so far "Total" Linq query is working fine. Please help me to get "Success", "Fail" columns (it has mulitple statuses and we have to check the last column of each transaction and destination)
Note: you need to group by ProcessTime, TransactionId, Destination and check last column whether it is success or Fail then apply count (we are using oracle as backend)
LINQ for Total count
var query = (from filetrans in context.FILE_TRANSACTION
join route in context.FILE_ROUTE on filetrans.FILE_TRANID equals route.FILE_TRANID
filetrans.PROCESS_STRT_TIME >= fromDateFilter && filetrans.PROCESS_STRT_TIME <= toDateFilter
select new { PROCESS_STRT_TIME = DbFunctions.TruncateTime((DateTime)filetrans.PROCESS_STRT_TIME), filetrans.FILE_TRANID, route.DESTINATION }).
var result = query.GroupBy(x => x.Key.PROCESS_STRT_TIME).Select(x => new { x.Key, Count = x.Count() }).ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => a.Count);
Check this solution. If it gives wrong result, then I need more details.
var fileTransQuery =
from filetrans in context.AFRS_FILE_TRANSACTION
where accountIds.Contains(filetrans.ACNT_ID) &&
filetrans.PROCESS_STRT_TIME >= fromDateFilter && filetrans.PROCESS_STRT_TIME <= toDateFilter
select filetrans;
var routesQuery =
from filetrans in fileTransQuery
join route in context.AFRS_FILE_ROUTE on filetrans.FILE_TRANID equals route.FILE_TRANID
select route;
var lastRouteQuery =
from d in routesQuery.GroupBy(route => new { route.FILE_TRANID, route.DESTINATION })
.Select(g => new
ROUTE_ID = g.Max(x => x.ROUTE_ID)
from route in routesQuery
.Where(route => d.FILE_TRANID == route.FILE_TRANID && d.DESTINATION == route.DESTINATION && d.ROUTE_ID == route.ROUTE_ID)
select route;
var recordsQuery =
from filetrans in fileTransQuery
join route in lastRouteQuery on filetrans.FILE_TRANID equals route.FILE_TRANID
select new { filetrans.PROCESS_STRT_TIME, route.CRNT_ROUTE_FILE_STATUS_ID };
var result = recordsQuery
.GroupBy(p => DbFunctions.TruncateTime((DateTime)p.PROCESS_STRT_TIME))
.Select(g => new TrendData
TotalCount = g.Sum(x => x.CRNT_ROUTE_FILE_STATUS_ID != 7 && x.CRNT_ROUTE_FILE_STATUS_ID != 8 ? 1 : 0)
SucccessCount = g.Sum(x => x.CRNT_ROUTE_FILE_STATUS_ID == 7 ? 1 : 0),
FailCount = g.Sum(x => failureStatus.Contains(x.CRNT_ROUTE_FILE_STATUS_ID) ? 1 : 0),
Date = g.Min(x => x.PROCESS_STRT_TIME)
.OrderBy(x => x.Date)
this is a follow on question to this question. I now would like to do some counts on the groupings.
Original Query: that excluded invalid zip codes did the following:
List<DataSourceRecord> md = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
where (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rst.CallerZipCode) && rst.CallerZipCode.Length > 2)
group rst by rst.CallerZipCode.Substring(0, 3) into newGroup
orderby newGroup.Key
select new DataSourceRecord()
State = newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerState).FirstOrDefault(),
ZipCode = newGroup.Where(z => z.CallerZipCode.StartsWith(newGroup.Key)).Select(x => x.CallerZipCode.Substring(0, 3)).FirstOrDefault(),
Calls = newGroup.Where(x => x.CallerZipCode.StartsWith(newGroup.Key) && x.CALL_ID > 0).Distinct().GroupBy(g => new { g.CallerZipCode, g.CTR_ID, g.CALL_ID }).Count(),
Exposures = newGroup.Where(x => x.CallerZipCode.StartsWith(newGroup.Key) && x.CALL_ID > 0 && x.ExposureCount > 0).Distinct().GroupBy(x => new { x.CallerState, x.CTR_ID, x.CALL_ID }).Count()
New Example 1: Now with the new groupings including the invalid zip code groupings:
List<DataSourceRecord> newset = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
group rst by GetGroupRepresentation(rst.CallerZipCode) into newGroup
select new DataSourceRecord()
State = newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerState).FirstOrDefault(),
ZipCode = newGroup.Key,
Calls = ???
Exposures = ???
Grouping method:
private string GetGroupRepresentation(string zipCode)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zipCode) || zipCode.Length < 3)
return "<null>";
return zipCode.Substring(0,3);
New Example 2: I could also do the following I think:
List<DataSourceRecord> newset = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
group rst by rst.CallerZipCode == null || rst.CallerZipCode.Trim().Length < 3 ? "<null>" : rst.CallerZipCode.Substring(0, 3) into newGroup
select new DataSourceRecord()
State = newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerState).FirstOrDefault(),
ZipCode = newGroup.Key,
Calls = ???
Exposures = ???
I am trying to figure out what I need to change in the original query for the two counts for 'Calls' and 'Exposures' for the grouping in the new query. How and what is needed to accomplish this?
[Edit] Extension to same issue:
How to configure grouping with two or more properties. Is belwo
newset = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
group rst by GetGroupRepresentation(rst.CallerZipCode, rst.CallerState) into newGroup
select new MapDataSourceRecord()
State = ToTitleCase(newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerState).FirstOrDefault()),
StateFIPS = FipsForStateCD(newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerStateCD).FirstOrDefault()),
ZipCode = newGroup.Key[0],
Calls = newGroup.Where(x => x.CALL_ID > 0).Distinct().Count(),
Exposures = newGroup.Where(x => x.CALL_ID > 0 && x.EXPO_ID > 0).Distinct().Count(),
InfoRequests = newGroup.Where(x => x.CALL_ID > 0 && x.INFO_ID > 0).Distinct().Count(),
Population = GetZipCode3Population(newGroup.Key[0])
The method:
private string[] GetGroupRepresentation(string ZipCode, string State)
string ZipResult;
string StateResult;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ZipCode) || ZipCode.Length < 3)
ZipResult = "<null>";
ZipResult = ZipCode.Substring(0, 3);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(State))
StateResult = "<null>";
StateResult = State;
return new string[]{ ZipResult, State };
First about the calls:
Calls = newGroup.Where(x => x.CallerZipCode.StartsWith(newGroup.Key) && x.CALL_ID > 0).Distinct().GroupBy(g => new { g.CallerZipCode, g.CTR_ID, g.CALL_ID }).Count(),
As I understand, you want for the group the distinct number of calls where CALL_ID > 0. I don't understand why you create a new group with the zip code, the CTR_ID and the CALL_ID.
If I have understood correctly, the Exposures are very similar.
List<DataSourceRecord> newset = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
group rst by GetGroupRepresentation(rst.CallerZipCode) into newGroup
select new DataSourceRecord()
State = newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerState).FirstOrDefault(),
ZipCode = newGroup.Key,
Calls = newGroup.Where(x => x.CALL_ID > 0).Select(x => x.CALL_ID).Distinct().Count(),
Exposures = newGroup.Where(x => x.CALL_ID > 0 && x.ExposureCount > 0).Distinct().Count()
If you really want to group the calls/exposures meaning you want to count the unique combinations of (CTR_ID and CALL_ID / CallerState, CTR_ID and CALL_ID), you can of course do so.
What will be the proper linq syntax of below SQL Query ?
select a.id, a.AppointmentStatusID, ad.ID as DetailID
from [dbo].[Appointment] a, [dbo].[AppointmentDetail] ad
where a.[ID] = ad.[AppointmentID]
and a.CompanyID = 'a3dea87a-804e-4115-98cf-472988cf1678'
and a.LocationID = '3165caca-2a48-46f0-bbed-578cff29167t'
and ad.AppDateFrom <= {ts '2017-11-14 23:59:31'}
and ad.AppDateTo >= {ts '2017-11-14 00:00:00'}
and ad.[ApprovalStatusID] = 2
Problem I faced:
I required to filter Where Condition two times 1st at the time within the join & 2nd time during the object.Select expression, please check bellow
var results = (from a in appointments
join ad in _appointmentDetailRepository.GetAll() on a.ID equals ad.AppointmentID
where ad.ApprovalStatusID == 2
&& DbFunctions.TruncateTime(ad.AppDateFrom) <= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(viewmodel.AppointmentDate)
&& DbFunctions.TruncateTime(ad.AppDateTo) >= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(viewmodel.AppointmentDate)
orderby a.ID
select new Appointment
ID = a.ID,
CompanyID = a.CompanyID,
LocationID = a.LocationID,
AppointmentDetail = a.AppointmentDetail.Select(ad => new AppointmentDetail
ID = ad.ID,
AppDateFrom = ad.AppDateFrom,
AppDateTo = ad.AppDateTo,
AppointmentStatusID = ad.AppointmentStatusID,
}).Where(ad=> ad.ApprovalStatusID == 2
&& DbFunctions.TruncateTime(ad.AppDateFrom) <= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(viewmodel.AppointmentDate)
&& DbFunctions.TruncateTime(ad.AppDateTo) >= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(viewmodel.AppointmentDate)).ToList()
}).GroupBy(x => x.ID).Select(x => x.DefaultIfEmpty().FirstOrDefault());
Query : Why I required to write Where clause 2 times ?
Required Result
An Appointment Object --> Containing ICollection<AppoinmentDetails> if Details.Where Condition == True
From what I see (without knowing the model you have), it looks like you should use the already joined and filtered Details from ad instead of looking it up again from the Property a.AppointmentDetail...
select new Appointment
ID = a.ID,
CompanyID = a.CompanyID,
LocationID = a.LocationID,
AppointmentDetail = ad.ToList(), // <-- don't you think?
For the given SQL query
select a.id, a.AppointmentStatusID, ad.ID as DetailID
from [dbo].[Appointment] a, [dbo].[AppointmentDetail] ad
where a.[ID] = ad.[AppointmentID]
and a.CompanyID = 'a3dea87a-804e-4115-98cf-472988cf1678'
and a.LocationID = '3165caca-2a48-46f0-bbed-578cff29167t'
and ad.AppDateFrom <= {ts '2017-11-14 23:59:31'}
and ad.AppDateTo >= {ts '2017-11-14 00:00:00'}
and ad.[ApprovalStatusID] = 2
LINQ query can be written as
var results = (from a in appointments
join ad in appointmentDetails on a.ID equals ad.AppointmentID
where ad.ApprovalStatusID == 2
&& a.CompanyID == "a3dea87a-804e-4115-98cf-472988cf1678"
&& a.LocationID == "3165caca-2a48-46f0-bbed-578cff29167t"
&& ad.AppDateFrom.Date <= viewmodel.AppointmentDate.Date
&& ad.AppDateTo.Date >= viewmodel.AppointmentDate.Date
select new
ID = a.ID,
AppointmentStatusID = a.AppointmentStatusID,
DetailID = ad.ID
You can also write it like
var results = appointmentDetails
.Where(ad => ad.AppDateFrom.Date <= viewmodel.AppointmentDate.Date
&& ad.AppDateTo.Date >= viewmodel.AppointmentDate.Date
&& ad.ApprovalStatusID == 2
&& ad.Appointment.CompanyID == "a3dea87a-804e-4115-98cf-472988cf1678"
&& ad.Appointment.LocationID == "3165caca-2a48-46f0-bbed-578cff29167t")
.Select(ad =>
ID = ad.Appointment.ID,
AppointmentStatusID = ad.Appointment.AppointmentStatusID,
DetailID = ad.ID
As per the updated question, to get the the Appointment object with a collection of AppointmentDetails, please try this query
var results = appointmentDetails
.Where(ad => ad.AppDateFrom.Date <= viewmodel.AppointmentDate.Date
&& ad.AppDateTo.Date >= viewmodel.AppointmentDate.Date
&& ad.ApprovalStatusID == 2
&& ad.Appointment.CompanyID == "a3dea87a-804e-4115-98cf-472988cf1678"
&& ad.Appointment.LocationID == "3165caca-2a48-46f0-bbed-578cff29167t")
.Select(ad =>
ID = ad.Appointment.ID,
AppointmentStatusID = ad.Appointment.AppointmentStatusID,
Detail = ad
.GroupBy(a => new { a.ID, a.AppointmentStatusID })
.Select(a => new Appointment
ID = a.Key.ID,
AppointmentStatusID = a.Key.AppointmentStatusID,
AppointmentDetails = a.Select(d => d.Detail).ToList()
I need to get sum of my products amount in different period of times in just one row.
for example:
ID Date Amount
1 2017/01/01 10
1 2017/01/01 12
1 2017/04/03 5
2 2017/01/02 10
I need to get sum for spring season and summer season of each product, so we have this for product 1:
ID SumSpring SumSummer
1 22 5
I have used this code:
var pDetails = ordersTotal.Select(g => new
DateType = (((String.Compare(g.BuyDate, "2017/01/01") >= 0 && String.Compare(g.BuyDate, "2017/03/30") <= 0)) ? "Spring" : "Summer"),
}).GroupBy(x => new { id = x.ProductID, type = x.DateType }).Select(x => new
ProductID = x.Key.id,
SumSpring = (x.Where(z => z.DateType == "Spring").Count() == 0 ? 0 : x.Where(z => z.DateType == "Spring").Sum(z => z.Amount)),
SumSummer = (x.Where(z => z.DateType == "Summer").Count() == 0 ? 0 : x.Where(z => z.DateType == "Summer").Sum(z => z.Amount)),
but it returns several rows for each product which is not what I expected and I do not know why!
This is the output for one product:
ID SumSpring SumSummer
1 22 0
1 0 5
two rows for one product, but it should be one!
You can get the quarter of a year in this way:
int quarter = (month + 2) / 3;
But don't include it in the GroupBy, you only want to group by ProductID
var pDetails = ordersTotal.Select(x => new
Quarter = (x.BuyDate.Month + 2) / 3
.Where(x => x.Quarter == 1 || x.Quarter == 2) // it seems you only want these
.GroupBy(x => x.ProductID)
.Select(g => new
ProductID = g.Key,
SumSpring = g.Where(x => x.Quarter == 1)
.Select(x => x.Amount)
SumSummer = g.Where(x => x.Quarter == 2)
.Select(x => x.Amount)
Note that this query doesn't care about the year. But it seems you don't care about it anyway.
Try following. the major issue is that you are grouping by Amount :
var pDetails = ordersTotal.Select(g => new
ProductID = g.ProductID,
DateType = ((g.BuyDate >= DateTime.Parse("1/1/17")) && (g.BuyDate <= DateTime.Parse("3/30.17"))) ? "Spring" : "Summer",
Amount = g.Amount
}).GroupBy(x => new { id = x.ProductID}).Select(x => new
ProductID = x.Key.id,
SumSpring = x.Where(z => z.DateType == "Spring").Sum(z => z.Amount),
SumSummer = x.Where(z => z.DateType == "Summer").Sum(z => z.Amount),
The desired output is a set of rows containing details about a physician and the top 5 procedures they performed (by volume) that are not in our benchmarking tables - with a minimum of one per month. Even with my limited LINQ experience, I have managed to get this working, but the performance in abysmal. In the spirit of becoming better at LINQ, I thought I'd see if there was a better way to approach this (besides coding in SQL).
Here is the entire method, although I believe it is the final statement (var report =) that deserves the most attention.
//Get the Providers for the selected AccessLevel & Report Period
var providerRiskLevels = GetProviderRiskLevelForAccessLevel(userAccessLevelId, reportPeriodId, providerNamePiece);
short benchmarkYear = (
from rp in db.ReportPeriods
where rp.ReportPeriodId == reportPeriodId
select rp.BenchmarkDataYear
byte Duration = (
from rp in db.ReportPeriods
where rp.ReportPeriodId == reportPeriodId
select rp.Duration
//Summarize counts by procedure code (ignoring modifiers)
var codeCounts =
from pp in db.ProviderProductions
//332 - restrict to valid codes
join pc in db.ProcedureCodes on pp.ProcedureCode equals pc.ProcedureCode1
where pp.ReportPeriodId == reportPeriodId
//show deleted codes as potential issue
&& pc.TerminatedDate == null
&& (codeFilter == null || pp.ProcedureCode == codeFilter)
join pc in db.PspsProcedures
on new { col1 = pp.ProcedureCode, col2 = benchmarkYear } equals new { col1 = pc.ProcedureCode, col2 = pc.Year } into left
from l_d in left.DefaultIfEmpty()
where l_d == null
group pp by
new { pp.ProviderId, pp.ProcedureCode }
into g
orderby g.Key.ProviderId, g.Sum(x => x.Volume) descending
where g.Sum(x => x.Volume) > Duration
select new NewCodesEntity
ProviderId = g.Key.ProviderId,
ProcedureCode = g.Key.ProcedureCode,
Volume = g.Sum(x => x.Volume)
//Get top 5 procedures performed by provider
var newCodes =
from cc in codeCounts
group cc by
new { cc.ProviderId }
into g
select new ProviderNewCodesEntity
ProviderId = g.Key.ProviderId,
Codes = g.OrderByDescending(x => x.Volume).Take(5).ToList()
//Build the report
var report =
from pr in providerRiskLevels
join nc in newCodes on pr.Provider.ProviderId equals nc.ProviderId
where pr.RiskCategoryId == RiskCategoryIds.VisibleRisk
&& (filterRiskLevelNums.Contains(pr.RiskLevelNum))
&& (filterSpecialtyId == 0 || pr.Provider.Specialty.SpecialtyId == filterSpecialtyId)
select new ProbeAuditEntity
ProviderId = pr.Provider.ProviderId,
ProviderName = pr.Provider.Name,
ProviderCode = pr.Provider.ProviderCode,
SpecialtyName = pr.Provider.Specialty.Name,
SpecialtyCode = pr.Provider.Specialty.SpecialtyCode,
VisibleRisk = pr.RiskScore,
NewCode1 = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volume).FirstOrDefault().ProcedureCode,
NewCode2 = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volume).Skip(1).FirstOrDefault().ProcedureCode,
NewCode3 = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volume).Skip(2).FirstOrDefault().ProcedureCode,
NewCode4 = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volume).Skip(3).FirstOrDefault().ProcedureCode,
NewCode5 = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volume).Skip(4).FirstOrDefault().ProcedureCode
return report;
I appreciate your suggestions.
Give this a try for the report:
//Build the report
var report =
(from pr in providerRiskLevels
join nc in newCodes on pr.Provider.ProviderId equals nc.ProviderId
where pr.RiskCategoryId == RiskCategoryIds.VisibleRisk
&& filterRiskLevelNums.Contains(pr.RiskLevelNum)
&& (filterSpecialtyId == 0
|| pr.Provider.Specialty.SpecialtyId == filterSpecialtyId)
select new
RiskLevel = pr,
NewCodes = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volumn).Select(c => c.ProcedureCode).Take(5)
.Select(x => new ProbeAuditEntity
ProviderId = x.RiskLevel.Provider.ProviderId,
ProviderName = x.RiskLevel.Provider.Name,
ProviderCode = x.RiskLevel.Provider.ProviderCode,
SpecialtyName = x.RiskLevel.Provider.Specialty.Name,
SpecialtyCode = x.RiskLevel.Provider.Specialty.SpecialtyCode,
VisibleRisk = x.RiskLevel.RiskScore,
NewCodes = x.NewCodes.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(<DefaultProcedureCodeHere>, 5)).Take(5)
Or, if ProbeAuditEntity is a class you could do this:
//Build the report
var report =
(from pr in providerRiskLevels
join nc in newCodes on pr.Provider.ProviderId equals nc.ProviderId
where pr.RiskCategoryId == RiskCategoryIds.VisibleRisk
&& filterRiskLevelNums.Contains(pr.RiskLevelNum)
&& (filterSpecialtyId == 0
|| pr.Provider.Specialty.SpecialtyId == filterSpecialtyId)
select new ProbeAuditEntity
ProviderId = x.RiskLevel.Provider.ProviderId,
ProviderName = x.RiskLevel.Provider.Name,
ProviderCode = x.RiskLevel.Provider.ProviderCode,
SpecialtyName = x.RiskLevel.Provider.Specialty.Name,
SpecialtyCode = x.RiskLevel.Provider.Specialty.SpecialtyCode,
VisibleRisk = x.RiskLevel.RiskScore,
NewCodes = nc.Codes.OrderByDescending(c => c.Volumn).Select(c => c.ProcedureCode).Take(5)
.ForEach(x => x.NewCodes = x.NewCodes.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(<DefaultProcedureCodeHere>, 5)).Take(5);