Initial thread data chance? - c#

I'm still somewhat new to threads and was wondering if I have an array of threads that get passed data from a loop. Is there any chance that the initial data passed to that thread could change before the thread actually starts processing it?
const int TOTAL_THREADS = 32;
Thread[] _threadList = new Thread[TOTAL_THREADS];
List<class> OIDS = new List<class>();
OIDS.Add(new class());
for (int i = 0; i < OIDS.Count; i++)
threadWait = true;
while (threadWait == true)
for (int t = 0; t < TOTAL_THREADS; t++)
if (_threadList[t] == null || _threadList[t].IsAlive == false)
class oid = OIDS[i];
_threadList[t] = new Thread(() => Worder.ProcessData(oid);
threadWait = false;
if (threadWait == true)

Your code is trying to replicate thread-coordination functionality that already exists in the platform, in various ways and forms. For example you could use the Parallel class:
new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 32 },
This could be a valid approach if your workload is CPU based (you are doing calculations, not requests to a database or to the web), and the available cores of your machine are at least 32¹. It is also required that the processing of each element of the OIDS list is independent, or if it's not that you are synchronizing the dependencies inside the Worder.ProcessData by using locks or other means to prevent concurrent access to shared state.
(¹ This is an advice regarding the general case, not a hard assertion)


Update console text from multiple threads not working

I am executing/processing very big files in multi threaded mode in a console app.
When I don't update/write to the console from threads, for testing the whole process take about 1 minute.
But when I try to update/write to console from threads to show the progress, the process stuck and it never finishes (waited several minutes even hours). And also console text/window does not updated as it should.
Update-1: As requested by few kind responder, i added minimal code that can reproduce the same error/problem
Here is the code from the thread function/method:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Large_Text_To_Small_Text
class Program
static string sAppPath;
static ArrayList objThreadList;
private struct ThreadFileInfo
public string sBaseDir, sRFile;
public int iCurFile, iTFile;
public bool bIncludesExtension;
static void Main(string[] args)
string sFileDir;
DateTime dtStart;
sAppPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
sFileDir = #"d:\Test";
dtStart = DateTime.Now;
///process in multi threaded mode
List<string> lFiles;
lFiles = new List<string>();
lFiles.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(sFileDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
if (Directory.Exists(sFileDir + "-Processed") == true)
Directory.Delete(sFileDir + "-Processed", true);
Directory.CreateDirectory(sFileDir + "-Processed");
for (int iFLoop = 0; iFLoop < lFiles.Count; iFLoop++)
//Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}/{1}", (iFLoop + 1), lFiles.Count));
sThreadProcessFile(sFileDir + "-Processed", lFiles[iFLoop], (iFLoop + 1), lFiles.Count, Convert.ToBoolean(args[3]));
private static void sProcSO(object oThreadInfo)
var inputLines = new BlockingCollection<string>();
long lACounter, lCCounter;
ThreadFileInfo oProcInfo;
lACounter = 0;
lCCounter = 0;
oProcInfo = (ThreadFileInfo)oThreadInfo;
var readLines = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(oProcInfo.sRFile))
var processLines = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Parallel.ForEach(inputLines.GetConsumingEnumerable(), line =>
some process goes here
/*If i Comment out these lines program get stuck!*/
//Console.SetCursorPosition(0, oProcInfo.iCurFile);
//Console.Write(oProcInfo.iCurFile + " = " + lCCounter.ToString());
Task.WaitAll(readLines, processLines);
private static void sPrepareThreading()
objThreadList = new ArrayList();
for (var iTLoop = 0; iTLoop < 5; iTLoop++)
private static void sThreadProcessFile(string sBaseDir, string sRFile, int iCurFile, int iTFile, bool bIncludesExtension)
Boolean bMatched;
Thread oCurThread;
ThreadFileInfo oProcInfo;
bMatched = false;
for (int iTLoop = 0; iTLoop < 5; iTLoop++)
if (objThreadList[iTLoop] == null || ((System.Threading.Thread)(objThreadList[iTLoop])).IsAlive == false)
oProcInfo = new ThreadFileInfo()
sBaseDir = sBaseDir,
sRFile = sRFile,
iCurFile = iCurFile,
iTFile = iTFile,
bIncludesExtension = bIncludesExtension
oCurThread = new Thread(sProcSO);
oCurThread.IsBackground = true;
objThreadList[iTLoop] = oCurThread;
bMatched = true;
if (bMatched == false)
goto Salma_RecheckThread;
private static void sFinishThreading()
Boolean bRunning;
bRunning = false;
for (int iTLoop = 0; iTLoop < 5; iTLoop++)
if (objThreadList[iTLoop] != null && ((System.Threading.Thread)(objThreadList[iTLoop])).IsAlive == true)
bRunning = true;
if (bRunning == true)
goto Salma_RecheckThread;
And here is the screenshot, if I try to update console window:
You see? Nor the line number (oProcInfo.iCurFile) or the whole line is correct!
It should be like this:
1 = xxxxx
2 = xxxxx
3 = xxxxx
4 = xxxxx
5 = xxxxx
Update-1: To test just change the sFileDir to any folder that has some big text file or if you like you can download some big text files from following link:
Am I missing any function/method to update console text from threads?
I can't reproduce it. In my tests the process always runs to completion, without getting stuck. The output is all over the place though, because the two lines below are not synchronized:
Console.SetCursorPosition(0, oProcInfo.iCurFile);
Console.Write(oProcInfo.iCurFile + " = " + lCCounter.ToString());
Each thread of the many threads involved in the computation invokes these two statements concurrently with the other threads. This makes it possible for one thread to preempt another, and move the cursor before the first thread has the chance to write in the console. To solve this problem you must add proper synchronization, and the easiest way to do it is to use the lock statement:
class Program
static object _locker = new object();
And in the sProcSO method:
lock (_locker)
Console.SetCursorPosition(0, oProcInfo.iCurFile);
Console.Write(oProcInfo.iCurFile + " = " + lCCounter.ToString());
If you want to know more about thread synchronization, I recommend this online resource: Threading in C# - Part 2: Basic Synchronization
If you would like to hear my opinion about the code in the question, and you don't mind receiving criticism, my opinion is that honestly the code is so much riddled with problems that the best course of action would be to throw it away and restart from scratch. Use of archaic data structures (ArrayList???), liberal use of casting from object to specific types, liberal use of the goto statement, use of hungarian notation in public type members, all make the code difficult to follow, and easy for bugs to creep in. I found particularly problematic that each file is processed concurrently with all other files using a dedicated thread, and then each dedicated thread uses a ThreadPool thread (Task.Factory.StartNew) to starts a parallel loop (Parallel.ForEach) with unconfigured MaxDegreeOfParallelism. This setup ensures that the ThreadPool will be saturated so badly, that there is no hope that the availability of threads will ever match the demand. Most probably it will also result to a highly inefficient use of the storage device, especially if the hardware is a classic hard disk.
Your freezing problem may not be C# or code related
on the top left of your console window, on the icon .. right click
select Properties
remove the option of Quick Edit Mode and Insert Mode
you can google that feature, but essentially manifests in the problem you describe above
The formatting problem on the other hand does seem to be, here you need to create a class that serializes writes to the console window from a singe thread. a consumer/producer pattern would work (you could use a BlockingCollection to implement this quite easily)

C# thread safe class and list

The current need is to pull many records from an SQL database and then submit those records in much smaller blocks to an API call. The volume of data pull from SQL is inconsistent based on how much data is loaded by another process and will sometimes be small enough to handle with only one worker. When the data pull is large (max 5k rows) it will require more threads to help query the API to obtain speed. The process works great but when I run one at a time it is slow at large volumes. However, I'm finding the list I pass to the class is changing as multiple threads are launched. How can I achieve thread safety?
I've read about this and tried at length - locks and ConcurrentBag for example but I'm not quite sure where to apply or how to use these to achieve what I am looking for.
Here is what I have:
class Start
public void Execute()
SQLSupport sqlSupport = new SQLSupport();
List<SQLDataList> sqlDataList = new List<SQLDataList>();
List<SQLDataList> sqlAPIList = new List<SQLDataList>();
sqlDataList = sqlSupport.sqlQueryReturnList<sqlDataList>("SELECT * FROM TABLE");
if (sqlDataList.Count > 200)
int iRow = 0;
int iRowSQLCount = 0;
foreach (var item in sqlDataList)
if (iRowSQLCount == 100)
APIProcess apiProcess= new APIProcess (sqlAPIList);
Thread thr = new Thread(new ThreadStart(apiProcess.Execute));
iRowSQLCount = 0;
class APIProcess
List<SQLDataList> sqlAPIList= new List<SQLDataList>();
public APIProcess(List<SQLDataList> sqlList)
sqlAPIList = sqlList;
public void Execute()
foreach (var item in sqlAPIList)
//loop through the list, interact with the API, update the list and ultimately update SQL with the API data.

Should I use a ConcurrentQueue this way or individual threads

I'm doing what amounts to a glorified mail merge and then file conversion to PDF... Based on .Net 4.5 I see a couple ways I can do the threading. The one using a thread safe queue seems interesting (Plan A), but I can see a potential problem. What do you think? I'll try to keep it short, but put in what is needed.
This works on the assumption that it will take far more time to do the database processing than the PDF conversion.
In both cases, the database processing for each file is done in its own thread/task, but PDF conversion could be done in many single threads/tasks (Plan B) or it can be done in a single long running thread (Plan A). It is that PDF conversion I am wondering about. It is all in a try/catch statement, but that thread must not fail or all fails (Plan A). Do you think that is a good idea? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
/* A class to process a file: */
public class c_FileToConvert
public string InFileName { get; set; }
public int FileProcessingState { get; set; }
public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
public List<string> listData = null;
c_FileToConvert(string inFileName)
InFileName = inFileName;
FileProcessingState = 0;
ErrorMessage = ""; // yah, yah, yah - String.Empty
listData = new List<string>();
public void doDbProcessing()
// get the data from database and put strings in this.listData
DAL.getDataForFile(this.InFileName, this.ErrorMessage); // static function
if(this.ErrorMessage != "")
this.FileProcessingState = -1; //fatal error
else // Open file and append strings to it
foreach(string s in this.listData}
FileProcessingState = 1; // enum DB_WORK_COMPLETE ...
public void doPDFProcessing()
PDFConverter cPDFConverter = new PDFConverter();
cPDFConverter.convertToPDF(InFileName, InFileName + ".PDF");
FileProcessingState = 2; // enum PDF_WORK_COMPLETE ...
/*** These only for Plan A ***/
public ConcurrentQueue<c_FileToConvert> ConncurrentQueueFiles = new ConcurrentQueue<c_FileToConvert>();
public bool bProcessPDFs;
public void doProcessing() // This is the main thread of the Windows Service
List<c_FileToConvert> listcFileToConvert = new List<c_FileToConvert>();
/*** Only for Plan A ***/
bProcessPDFs = true;
Task task1 = new Task(new Action(startProcessingPDFs)); // Start it and forget it
while(1 == 1)
List<string> listFileNamesToProcess = new List<string>();
foreach(string s in listFileNamesToProcess)
c_FileToConvert cFileToConvert = new c_FileToConvert(s);
foreach(c_FileToConvert c in listcFileToConvert)
if(c.FileProcessingState == 0)
Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(c.doDbProcessing));
/** This is Plan A - throw it on single long running PDF processing thread **/
foreach(c_FileToConvert c in listcFileToConvert)
if(c.FileProcessingState == 1)
/*** This is Plan B - traditional thread for each file conversion ***/
foreach(c_FileToConvert c in listcFileToConvert)
if(c.FileProcessingState == 1)
Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(c.doPDFProcessing));
int iCount = 0;
for(int iCount = 0; iCount < c_FileToConvert.Count; iCount++;)
if((c.FileProcessingState == -1) || (c.FileProcessingState == 2))
public void startProcessingPDFs() /*** Only for Plan A ***/
while (bProcessPDFs == true)
if (ConncurrentQueueFiles.IsEmpty == false)
c_FileToConvert cFileToConvert = null;
if (ConncurrentQueueFiles.TryDequeue(out cFileToConvert) == true)
catch(Exception e)
cFileToConvert.FileProcessingState = -1;
cFileToConvert.ErrorMessage = e.message;
Plan A seems like a nice solution, but what if the Task fails somehow? Yes, the PDF conversion can be done with individual threads, but I want to reserve them for the database processing.
This was written in a text editor as the simplest code I could, so there may be something, but I think I got the idea across.
How many files are you working with? 10? 100,000? If the number is very large, using 1 thread to run the DB queries for each file is not a good idea.
Threads are a very low-level control flow construct, and I advise you try to avoid a lot of messy and detailed thread spawning, joining, synchronizing, etc. etc. in your application code. Keep it stupidly simple if you can.
How about this: put the data you need for each file in a thread-safe queue. Create another thread-safe queue for results. Spawn some number of threads which repeatedly pull items from the input queue, run the queries, convert to PDF, then push the output into the output queue. The threads should share absolutely nothing but the input and output queues.
You can pick any number of worker threads which you like, or experiment to see what a good number is. Don't create 1 thread for each file -- just pick a number which allows for good CPU and disk utilization.
OR, if your language/libraries have a parallel map operator, use that. It will save you a lot of messing around.

Arraylist Synchronization issue

I have an array list which is continuously updated every second. I have to use the same array list in two other threads and make local copies of it. I have done all of this but i get weird exceptions of index out of bound , What i have found out so far is that i have to ensure some synchronization mechanism for the array list to be used across multiple threads.
this is how i am making it synchronized:
for (int i = 0; i < Globls.iterationCount; i++)
if (bw_Obj.CancellationPending)
eve.Cancel = true;
byte[] rawData4 = DMM4.IO.Read(4 * numReadings);
Globls.Display_DataDMM4 = ArrayList.Synchronized(TempDisplayData_DMM4);
Globls.Write_DataDMM4 = ArrayList.Synchronized(TempDisplayData_DMM4);
in other thread i do the following to make local copies:
ArrayList Local_Write_DMM4 = new ArrayList();
Local_Write_DMM4 = new ArrayList(Globls.Write_DataDMM4);
Am i synchronizing the arraylist in right way?, also do i need to lock while copying array-list as well:
lock (Globls.Display_DataDMM4.SyncRoot){Local_Temp_Display1 = new ArrayList(Globls.Display_DataDMM4);}
or for single operations its safe?. I haven't actually ran this code i need to run it over the weekend and i don't want to see another exception :(. please help me on this!
as #Trickery stated assignment needs to be locked since the source array Globls.Write_DataDMM4 can be modified by another thread during enumeration.
It is essential therefore to lock both when populating the original array and when making your copy
for (int i = 0; i < Globls.iterationCount; i++)
if (bw_Obj.CancellationPending)
eve.Cancel = true;
byte[] rawData4 = DMM4.IO.Read(4 * numReadings);
lock (Globls.Display_DataDMM4.SyncRoot)
Globls.Write_DataDMM4 = ArrayList.Synchronized(TempDisplayData_DMM4);
lock (Globls.Display_DataDMM4.SyncRoot)
Local_Temp_Display1 = new ArrayList(Globls.Display_DataDMM4);
Yes, all operations on your ArrayList need to use Lock.
EDIT: Sorry, the site won't let me add a comment to your question for some reason.

Need to know if my threading lock does what it is supposed to in .Net?

I have an application that, before is creates a thread it calls the database to pull X amount of records. When the records are retrieved from the database a locked flag is set so those records are not pulled again.
Once a thread has completed it will pull some more records form that database. When I call the database from a thread should I set a lock on that section of code so it is called only by that thread at that time? Here is an exmaple of my code (I commented in the area where I have the lock):
private void CreateThreads()
for(var i = 1; i <= _threadCount; i++)
var adapter = new Dystopia.DataAdapter();
var records = adapter.FindAllWithLocking(_recordsPerThread,_validationId,_validationDateTime);
if(records != null && records.Count > 0)
var paramss = new ArrayList { i, records };
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ThreadWorker, paramss);
private void ThreadWorker(object paramList)
var parms = (ArrayList) paramList;
var stopThread = false;
var threadCount = (int) parms[0];
var records = (List<Candidates>) parms[1];
var runOnce = false;
var adapter = new Dystopia.DataAdapter();
var lastCount = records.Count;
var runningCount = 0;
while (_stopThreads == false)
if (records.Count > 0)
foreach (var record in records)
var proc = new ProcRecords();
proc.Validate(ref rec);
if (_stopThreads)
//This is where I think I may need to sync the threads.
//Is this correct?
records = adapter.FindAllWithLocking;
catch (Exception ex)
SQL to Pull records:
WITH cte AS (
SELECT TOP (#topCount) *
isLocked = 0 and
isTested = 0 and
validated = 0
isLocked = 1,
validationID = #validationId,
validationDateTime = #validationDateTime
You shouldn't need to lock your threads as the database should be doing this on the request for you.
I see a few issues.
First, you are testing _stopThreads == false, but you have not revealed whether this a volatile read. Read the second of half this answer for a good description of what I am talking about.
Second, the lock is pointless because adapter is a local reference to a non-shared object and records is a local reference which just being replaced. I am assuming that the adapter makes a separate connection to the database, but if it shares an existing connection then some type of synchronization may need to take place since ADO.NET connection objects are not typically thread-safe.
Now, you probably will need locking somewhere to publish the results from the work item. I do not see where the results are being published to the main thread so I cannot offer any guidance here.
By the way, I would avoid showing a message box from a ThreadPool thread. The reason being that this will hang that thread until the message box closes.
You shouldn't lock(this) since its really easy for you to create deadlocks you should create a separate lock object. if you search for "lock(this)" you can find numerous articles on why.
Here's an SO question on lock(this)
