Is it possible to create a list of generic delegates, like System.Converter<TInput, TOutput>?
In java that could be List<Converter<?,?>>, but with Java's type erasure that's not very useful. Seems like in C# it should be possible to query the generic types after retrieval from the list and use the obtained instance to perform the desired conversion.
Elaborating on the question:
I have user supplied data in user provided formats which I know nothing about at compile time. Algorithms in my program know how to work with its own specific data types, of course. The goal is to have an equiavalent of Java's List<Converter<?,?>> where Converters can be installed (by me, or users) and queried automatically by the program to see if user's data can be converted to the required format for an algorithm.
This is very rudimentary and is only intended to show the basic concept.
It has:
A dictionary keyed on a 2-tuple of input and output types to hold converter instances.
A Register method to use for registering converters. Registering the same pair of types overwrites a previously registered converter. You can easily change it to be a no-op or an exception.
A Convert method to call a registered converter. It would be very trivial to create a TryConvert method if you needed it.
public static class ConverterContainer
private static readonly Dictionary<(Type, Type), Delegate> _converters = new Dictionary<(Type, Type), Delegate>();
public static void Register<TInput, TOutput>(Func<TInput, TOutput> converter)
if (converter is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(converter));
_converters[(typeof(TInput), typeof(TOutput))] = converter;
public static TOutput Convert<TInput, TOutput>(TInput input)
if (_converters.TryGetValue((typeof(TInput), typeof(TOutput)), out var del))
Func<TInput, TOutput> converter = (Func<TInput, TOutput>)del;
return converter(input);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Converter not registered.");
What it does not have:
thread safety. This is left as an exercise to a serious implementor.
possibly other things I didn't take the time to consider.
How to use it:
At startup of your application, register converters, like registering services for dependency injection.
ConverterContainer.Register<long, int>(l => (int)l);
// ... etc.
And wherever you want to perform conversion between a registered pair of input/output types:
int x = ConverterContainer.Convert<long, int>(1000L)
Unfortunately, you do have to specify both type arguments here.
Addition from the OP:
To not have to specify the input parameter type (which is kind of the point of having a dynamic list of available conversions) use the following additional method in the sample ConverterContainer above (as #madreflection has suggested in the comments himself) :
public static TOutput Convert<TOutput>(object toConvert) {
if (toConvert is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(toConvert));
if (Converters.TryGetValue((toConvert.GetType(), typeof(TOutput)), out Delegate conv)) {
object o = conv.DynamicInvoke(toConvert);
return (TOutput) o;
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Converter not registered for types: {toConvert.GetType().Name} -> {typeof(TOutput).Name}");
You can now throw in any random object instance and see if the conversion to your desired type is possible.
In C# all the converters in the list will share the same type parameters (TInput, TOutput). Unless you have a non generic interface IConverter, you will not be able to store multiple converter in anything else than a list of object.
You can anyway try to cast the elements into what you need like it is done here (with a dictionary). Hirerate trough an heterogeneous and type-safe dictionary
No, you can't.
You have to make a Generic Method or Generic class like this:
void MyMethod<TInput, TOuput>()
List<Converter<TInput, TOuput>> myList = new List<Converter<TInput, TOuput>>();
I have a situation where a factory pattern seems appropriate like this:
enum Food {
public static class FoodMetaDataFactory{
public static IFood GetMetaData(Food foodType){ //takes a food enum value as a parameter
case Food.Milk:
return new MilkMetaData();
case Food.CannedBeans:
return new CannedBeansMetaData();
case Food.Cookies:
return new CookiesMetaData();
case Food.Cake:
return new CakeMetaData();
However, I'd rather have more declarative pattern like this:
enum Food {
public static class FoodMetaDataFactory{
public static IFood GetMetaData(Food foodType){ //takes a food enum value as a parameter
//reflectively retrieve FoodMetaDataAttribute
Type enumType = typeof(Food);
var memInfo = enumType.GetMember(foodType.ToString());
//assume one item returned
var foodMetaDataAttributes = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FoodMetaDataAttribute),
// now access the property telling us the concrete type of the metadata class(this is the type passed in the attribute's declaration
Type targetType = ((FoodMetaDataAttribute)foodMetaDataAttributes[0]).MetaDataProviderType;
//not done yet, now we need to reflectively instantiate targetType, something like this
ConstructorInfo ctor = targetType.GetConstructor(new[] { });
//invoke the constructor, returning concrete instance such as CakeMetaData
return ctor.Invoke(new object[] {}) as IFood;
public class FoodMetaDataAttribute : Attribute
public FoodMetaDataAttribute(Type metaDataProviderType){
MetaDataProviderType = metaDataProviderType;
public Type MetaDataProviderType { get; set; }
I like this because it is clear to anyone adding new values to the enum that they need a meta data class and declare it in the attribute. This IMO is better than having to remember to modify the switch case in a factory.
It seemed simple at first until I started to think about the implementation of GetMetaData that has to reflectively retrieve the attribute, the typeof parameter, and then reflectively instantiate the MetaData class. I'm not experienced in creating attribute classes, so the primary driver of this question is a hope that maybe there's a simpler way to accomplish this with attributes. If attribute classes didn't have so many restrictions, such as on using generic types, I'd have this done in a way I liked with some compile time safety.
This proposed solution has no compile time safety. You can pass in types to the attribute that don't implement IFood, which is the minimum requirement for MetaData classes such as MilkMetaData. If attributes allowed generic type parameters I'd use that instead of typeof and could apply a where T:IFood
Is there a better way to utilize attributes to accomplish this mapping from enum value to concrete class?
What I usually do in these cases is create a dictionary of factories, e.g.:
private IDictionary<MyEnum, Func<IMyInterface>> Factories = new Dictionary<MyEnum, Func<IMyInterface>> {
{ MyEnum.MyValue, () => new MyType() },
// etc.
Simple and easy to maintain, extend or validate. You can create instance by doing:
IMyInterface instance;
if(!Factories.TryGetValue(enumValue, out instance))
throw new Exception(string.Format("No factory for enum value {0}", enumValue));
return instance;
Note that separating the enum from the actual instance should be a good thing (split implementation from data). Otherwise, I suggest you simply pass on the actual type to a generic method.
I'm not 100% sure that there is not a completely different approach that would be better, but there is just couple things you can improve in your current code:
You can use Activator.CreateInstance(type) instead of getting the constructor:
return Activator.CreateInstance(targetType) as IFood;
You can also consider some kind of cache, to avoid doing all the reflection-related work on every single call. You can either store a single instance of concrete IFood implementation for each enum value, using simple dictionary:
public static class FoodMetaDataFactory
private static Dictionary<Food, IFood> _cache = new Dictionary<Food, IFood>();
public static IFood GetMetaData(Food foodType)
{ //takes a food enum value as a parameter
IFood value;
if (!_cache.TryGetValue(foodType, out value))
lock (_cache)
if (!_cache.TryGetValue(foodType, out value))
var enumType = typeof(Food);
var memberInfo = enumType.GetMember(foodType.ToString());
var foodMetaDataAttributes = memberInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FoodMetaDataAttribute), false);
var targetType = ((FoodMetaDataAttribute)foodMetaDataAttributes[0]).MetaDataProviderType;
value = Activator.CreateInstance(targetType) as IFood;
_cache.Add(foodType, value);
return value;
or if you need each call to return fresh instance instead of shared one, you can use Expression Trees, to generate a Func<IFood> lambda expression when GetMetaData is called for the first time for given enum value, and call it later instead of reflection-processing.
About compile-time safety: I'm afraid you'd have to write your own custom check about that, e.g. as FxCop custom rule, or maybe something using Roslyn, if you're using newest (beta) version of Visual Studio.
New here. To start from the end, If you want to use these Enum values for display, the best way to do it is to decorate them with an attribute that is a display string (or CSV), but if the values need to be complex, you should be using a Factory Method that creates new Food types. A base class can contain common values while each successive Child class has specifics that can then always be fed to the UI mechanism.
This only works if either each type creates it's own View or the views are common between types. This is similar to dependency injection in the second idea.
But if you want to add additional enums that represent code paths, you have to ALWAYS update your Controller\ViewModel unless there is some generic model that is always used for display.
I don't know your code base, so I don't know what type of refactoring would be required for a Factory or Adapter pattern.
I have a class with a dictionary that maps Type keys to objects that implement some interface IWhatever.
I wish to create a generic function that gets a Type as input and returns the object mapped to that type in the dictionary.
Something like :
public T get<T>(Type type)
Where T is an instance of type and type implements IWhatever.
I don't want to return Object or even Iwhatever but objects of the given type. the type of the return objects can clearly be infered at compile time. so I assume it should be possible.
I have managed to do this in java:
public T get<T>(Class<T extends IWhatever> type) { // implementation }
Is there any way to achieve this in C# ? if not, why not and what alternatives would you suggest ?
I think you want:
public T Get<T>() where T : IWhatever { ... }
For more information, see Constraints on Type Parameters (C# Programming Guide).
This is of course only useful when the client can provide the type argument easily at compile-time. Internally, your method may need a lot of nastiness, e.g.:
return (T) myDict[typeof(T)];
I think you are being misled by Java's erasure. Consider the following Java code from your post (edited to make it valid code):
public <T extends IWhatever> T get(Class<T> type) { // implementation }
In this case, the type parameter is only required because the generic type information is only available at compile time. This is not true in C#, where you can write the following:
public T Get<T>()
where T : IWhatever
Type type = typeof(T);
// rest of implementation
From your first two sentences, what you want I think is the following. You have to decide on some attribute of your types that will be unique. You could make sure that all the types you have include the GUID attribute.
public class MyClass
private Dictionary<GUID, object> _myDictionary;
public AddObject(object objectToAdd)
_myDictionary.Add(objectToAdd.GUID, objectToAdd);
public object GetObject(Type typeToGet)
return _myDictionary[typeToGet.GUID];
If the dictionary needs to contain multiple objects of each type, then the dictionary values can be lists of objects.
Is there a way to invoke a generic function with a type known only at run time?
I'm trying to do something like:
static void bar()
object b = 6;
string c = foo<typeof(b)>();
static string foo<T>()
return typeof (T).Name;
Basically I want to decide on the type parameter only at run time, but the function I'm calling depends on the type parameter.
Also I know this can be done with reflections... but it's not the nicest solution to the problem...
I'm sort of looking for dynamic features in C#...
I'm writhing a bridge between two classes the first one is basically a big tree with different types of of objects (composite by interface) the other is a sort of a "super visitor".
the supper visitor accepts key-value dictioneries that map types to object it looks like:
dic.Add(object value)
and T is not necessarily the type of the value... a lot of times it isn't...
I know it's written poorly, but i can't fix it...
I can work around it, but only at runtime...
I already did it with reflections, but if there's a better way to do it without them i would be happy to learn...
Thank you
This is a bit of a hack but you can get dynamic to do the reflection work for you by something like,
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var b = 6;
var t = (dynamic)new T();
var n = t.Foo(b);
class T
public string Foo<T>(T a)
return typeof(T).Name;
Here the dynamic call will extract the type of b and use it as a type parameter for Foo().
You can use dynamic keyword if you're using .NET 4. In a word, the type of the variable will be resolved at run time so it is a super generic type ;) You can read a article here or read the MSDN documentation
Saly refelction is THE solution to the problem, whether it is nice or not is irrelevant here. It is the runtime designed mechanism to achieve exactly this. As there is no parameter or generics to use as input, this is the only way to do it - it is also senseless. As in: your example is bad. Because in the example the type is hardcoded.
If the method where b exists has b as generic parameter, the type is available for passing to foo. If not - reflection is THE way to go, albeit the syntax looks clumsy. Only one time, though.
This I believe is the only way:
var foo = typeof(Foo<>).MakeGenericType(typeof (bar));
You can set up a class which takes a type parameter at run time which can be used in the methods in that class.
public class GenericClass<T>()
ICommonInterface TheObject;
public GenericClass(T theObject)
TheObject = theObject;
public string GetName()
return TheObject.Name;
But this is only really useful if the Types being passed in share interfaces so have common properties between them. In your example it seems that relection is the answer as depending on the type you want to access specific properties.
Here's the code:
public interface IValidator<T>
bool IsValid(T obj);
public class OrderValidator: IValidator<Order>
// ...
public class BaseEntity
public class Order: BaseEntity
The problem is that I can't do:
var validator = new OrderValidator();
// this line throws because type can't be converted
var baseValidator = (IValidator<BaseEntity>)validator;
// all this is because I need a list with IValidator<Order>, IValidator<BaseOrder>, etc.
IList<IValidator<BaseEntity>> allValidators = ...
How do I get and store a list of all implementations of IValidator<T> for base T - say, BaseEntity? Currently I do non-generic IValidator that accepts "object obj" but it is not good and not type-safe.
The funny stuff is that C# allows to compile:
var test = (IValidator<BaseEntity>)new OrderValidator();
but fails at runtime with
Unable to cast object of type 'OrderValidator' to type 'IValidator`1[Orders.Core.BaseEntity]'
This is the same exception that Windsor gives me (I tried both Windsor and manual types lookup, this issue is really not related to this, only to the interfaces casting).
Thanks to Heinzi, I see now why I can't cast - because IValidator for Order expects Order as generic type. But how do I return a list of IValidator for different types? The reason is that the BaseEntity takes its real type and gathers all validators - for all types from GetType() to the object. I'd really like to have a generic GetValidators() and then operate on it.
Maybe it helps you if I explain why this cast is forbidden: Assume that you have the following function
void myFunc(IValidator<BaseEntity> myValidator) {
myValidator.IsValid(new BaseEntity());
This code would compile correctly. Nevertheless, if you passed an OrderValidator to this function, you would get a run-time exception, because OrderValidator.IsValid expects an Order, not a BaseEntity. Type safety would no longer be maintained if your cast were allowed.
EDIT: C# 4 allows for generic co- and contravariance, but this would not help in your case, since you use T as an input parameter. Thus, only casting to an IValidator<SomeSubtypeOfOrder> could be done in a type-safe way.
So, to be clear, you cannot cast OrderValidator to IValidator<BaseEntity> because your OrderValidator can only validate orders, not all kinds of BaseEntities. This, however, is what would be expected of an IValidator<BaseEntity>.
The cast doesn't work because IValidator<Order> and IValidator<BaseEntity> are totally unrelated types. IValidator<Order> is not a subtype of IValidator<BaseEntity>, so they can't be cast.
C# does support multiple interface inheritance, so the simplest way to handle this is to make your order validator inherit from an interface for both validator types, that way it you will be able to cast it to either interface as required. Obviously this means you will have to implement both interfaces and specify how to handle the base when a BaseEntity provided doesn't match the type the validator is for.
Something like this:
public class OrderValidator : IValidator<Order>, IValidator<BaseEntity>
public bool IsValid(Order obj)
// do validation
// ...
return true;
public bool IsValid(BaseEntity obj)
Order orderToValidate = obj as Order;
if (orderToValidate != null)
return IsValid(orderToValidate);
// Eiter do this:
throw new InvalidOperationException("This is an order validator so you can't validate objects that aren't orders");
// Or this:
return false;
// Depending on what it is you are trying to achive.
This relates to what Heinzi says about not being able to cast because an IValidator<BaseEntity> needs to be able to validate BaseEntities, which your current OrderValidator can't do. By adding this multiple interface you explicitly define the behaviour for validating BaseEntities (by either explicitly ignoring it or causing an exception) so the cast becomes possible.
While this won't answer you directly, I'd recommend taking a look at the source code for StructureMap, they do alot of work with open generic types. Actually might even want to use StructureMap to handle caching of your validators, this is exactly what i do.
ForRequestedType(typeof (ValidationBase<>)).CacheBy(InstanceScope.Singleton);
Scan(assemblies =>
Then I have a factory class to do the actual validation
public static class ValidationFactory
public static Result Validate<T>(T obj)
var validator = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IValidator<T>>();
return validator.Validate(obj);
catch (Exception ex)
Edit: I wrote a big blog post on generic validation using IoC, if you take a look at it since you said you already use Spring, I bet you could adapt my work to solve your problem: Creating a generic validation framework
I have object XML serialized messages coming into a class called MessageRouter. The XML contains the Type name it it was serialized from, and I need to be able to invoke different delegate methods depending on the type that are not known until runtime. I'm not extremely strong in generics so hopefully this will make sense to someone...
I'd like MessageRouter to provide a RegisterDelegateForType method like so:
myMessageRouter.RegisterDelegateForType(new Action<MySerializableType>(myActionHandler));
And then store the types, or the type's string representation in a Dictionary like this:
Dictionary<Type, Action<T>> registeredDelegates;
That way, I can do something like the following pseudocode, calling the type's assigned delegate and passing the deserialized object:
Type xmlSerializedType = TypeFromXmlString(incomingXml);
object deserializedObject = DeserializeObjectFromXml(xmlSerializedType, incomingXml);
// then invoke the action and pass in the deserialized object
So my questions are:
How do you define a Dictionary that can contain a Type as a key and a generic Action<T> as a value, and have the RegisterDelegateForType method populate the dictionary?
If that's not possible, what's the best way to do this?
You cannot do this as described, for quite obvious reasons - even if somehow allowed, the last line of code in your example (the one which retrieves a delegate and then calls it) would be non-typesafe, as you're calling an Action<T> - which expects T as an argument - and yet passing it deserializedObject, which is of type object. It wouldn't work in plain code without a cast, why would you expect to be able to circumvent the type check for your case?
In the simplest case, you can do something like this:
Dictionary<Type, Delegate> registeredDelegates;
Of course this will allow someone to add a delegate which takes more or less than one argument to the dictionary, and you'll only find out at DynamicInvoke call, at run-time. But there isn't really any way to define a type which says "any delegate, but with 1 argument only". A better option might be this:
Dictionary<Type, Action<object>> registeredDelegates
and then registering types like this:
o => myActionHandler((MySerializableType)o)
The above snippet uses C# 3.0 lambdas, but you can do the same - if slightly more verbose - with C# 2.0 anonymous delegates. Now you don't need to use DynamicInvoke - the lambda itself will do the proper cast.
Finally, you can encapsulate the lambda creation into RegisterDelegateForType itself by making it generic. For example:
private Dictionary<Type, Action<object>> registeredDelegates;
void RegisterDelegateForType<T>(Action<T> d)
registeredDelegates.Add(typeof(T), o => d((T)o));
And now the callers can just do:
So it's completely typesafe for your clients. Of course, you're still responsible for doing it right (i.e. passing an object of the correct type to the delegate you retrieve from the dictionary).
I am not sure that this completely answers your question, but here is a class I wrote that will accomplish what you want. I couldn't tell if you want your Action delegate to take a typed object or not, but in your pseudo code, you pass it an "object" to deserialize so I wrote my class accordingly and it therefore does not use generics:
public delegate void Action(object o);
public class DelegateDictionary {
private IDictionary _dictionary = new Hashtable();
public void Register<T>(Action action) {
_dictionary[typeof(T)] = action;
public Action Get<T>() {
return (Action)_dictionary[typeof(T)];
public static void MyFunc(object o) {
public static void Run() {
var dictionary = new DelegateDictionary();
// Can be converted to an indexer so that you can use []'s
var stringDelegate = dictionary.Get<string>();
stringDelegate("Hello World");
I believe this will accomplish what you want.