C# TaskWhenAll on method which is returing result depending on awaited call - c#

i'm trying to make this code works in async way, but i got some doubts.
public async Task<string> GetAsync(string inputA, string inputB)
var result = await AnotherGetAsync(inputA, inputB)
return result.Enabled
? inputB
: string.Empty;
I got some string input collection, and i would like to run this method on them.
Then i would do Task.WhenAll, and filter for non empty strings.
But it won't be async as inside the method i'm already awaiting for the result right?

I assumed the real question is:
If a single item is awaited inside method A, will this run sequential if I use Task.WhenAll for a range of items calling method A?
They will be run simultaneous with Task.WhenAll.
Perhaps it is best explained with an example:
void Main()
private async Task<bool> CheckEmpty(string input)
await Task.Delay(200);
return String.IsNullOrEmpty(input);
private async Task Test()
var list = new List<string>
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
// This takes aprox 4 * 200ms == 800ms to complete.
foreach (var itm in list)
Console.WriteLine(await CheckEmpty(itm));
// This takes aprox 200ms to complete.
var tasks = list.Select(itm => CheckEmpty(itm));
var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks); // Runs all at once.
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, results));
My test results:

If we break this down:
AnotherGetAsync(inputA, inputB)
Returns a Task. Using the await keyword implicitly returns another Task to the code calling GetAsync(string inputA, string inputB).
Using the await keyword will free up the current thread, which is what makes the code asynchronous.
once the Task returned by AnotherGetAsync(inputA, inputB) is complete, result will be set to that Task.Result.
The remainder of the method will then resume:
return result.Enabled
? inputB
: string.Empty;
Setting the Task.Result of the Task returned from GetAsync.
If GetAsync is to be run multiple times, you can use Task.WhenAll to wait for each resulting Task to complete:
Task.WhenAll(yourStringCollection.Select(s => GetAsync(s, "another string"));
Task.WhenAll itself returns another Task that will complete when all the GetAsync tasks have completed:
var strings = await Task.WhenAll(yourStringCollection.Select(s => GetAsync(s, "another string"));
var nonEmptyStrings = strings.Where(s => s != string.Empty);

No, it will be async. When you await a task inside an async method, the task will be awaited when the async method is invoked. Here is your example simplified, using explicit variables for the created tasks:
public async Task<string> GetAsync()
var innerTask = InnerGetAsync();
var result = await innerTask;
var stringResult = result.ToString();
return stringResult;
Later you create two tasks by invoking the GetAsync() method:
var task1 = GetAsync();
var task2 = GetAsync();
At this point the two tasks are running concurrently. Each one has invoked internally the InnerGetAsync() method, which means that the two innerTasks are also up and running, and awaited. Any code that follows the await will not run before the innerTask is completed.
The completion of each outer task (task1 and task2) is dependent on the completion of its innerTask. Any code that will await task1, will also implicitly await innerTask as well.
After creating the two tasks, you combine them with Task.WhenAll, then do something else, then await the combined task, and finally process the results:
Task<string[]> whenAllTask = Task.WhenAll(task1, task2);
string[] results = await whenAllTask;
It is important that the DoSomethingElse() method will run before the two tasks are completed. So at this point three things will be happening concurrently, the DoSomethingElse() and the two active tasks. The await inside the GetAsync() method is local to this method, and does not mean that the generated outer task will be automatically awaited upon creation. To process the results of task1 and task2 you must first await them as well.


Task.WhenAny blocking

I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding the usage of Task.WhenAny but in the following code only "0" gets printed when it should print "1" and "2" and then "mx.Name" every time a task finishes:
public async void PopulateMxRecords(List<string> nsRecords, int threads)
ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(threads, threads);
var resolver = new DnsStubResolver();
var tasks = nsRecords.Select(ns => resolver.ResolveAsync<MxRecord>(ns, RecordType.Mx));
var finished = Task.WhenAny(tasks);
while (mxNsRecords.Count < nsRecords.Count)
var task = await finished;
var mxRecords = await task;
foreach(var mx in mxRecords)
The DnsStubResolver is part of ARSoft.Tools.Net.Dns. The nsRecords list contains up to 2 million strings.
I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding the usage of Task.WhenAny
You might be. The pattern you seem to be looking for is interleaving. In the following example, notice the important changes that I have made:
use ToList() to materialize the LINQ query results,
move WhenAny() into the loop,
use Remove(task) as each task completes, and
run the while loop as long as tasks.Count() > 0.
Those are the important changes. The other changes are there to make your listing into a runnable demo of interleaving, the full listing of which is here: https://dotnetfiddle.net/nr1gQ7
public static async Task PopulateMxRecords(List<string> nsRecords)
var tasks = nsRecords.Select(ns => ResolveAsync(ns)).ToList();
while (tasks.Count() > 0)
var task = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);
var mxRecords = await task;

What is the order of the task result when using WhenAll and ContinueWith

Just want to know what is the order of the task result when using WhenAll and ContinueWith.
Are these results gurenteed to be in the same order with task Id?
I wrote below code
public static async Task<string> PrintNumber(int number)
return await Task.Delay(number*1000).ContinueWith(_=>
Console.WriteLine(number);return "TaskId:"+Task.CurrentId+" Result:"+number;
public static void Main()
}).ContinueWith((antecedent) =>
foreach(var a in antecedent.Result)
and run that several times in linqpad getting the same result
TaskId:15 Result:3
TaskId:14 Result:2
TaskId:13 Result:1
TaskId:18 Result:3
TaskId:17 Result:2
TaskId:16 Result:1
With that specific invocation, the argument of a Task[] -- the order is not guaranteed.
In fact, according to the Task.WhenAll(Task[]) documentation there is no mention of order whatsoever. But if you use the Task.WhenAll(IEnumerable<Task<TResult>>) overload it reads as follows:
If none of the tasks faulted and none of the tasks were canceled, the resulting task will end in the RanToCompletion state. The Result of the returned task will be set to an array containing all of the results of the supplied tasks in the same order as they were provided (e.g. if the input tasks array contained t1, t2, t3, the output task's Result will return an TResult[] where arr[0] == t1.Result, arr1 == t2.Result, and arr[2] == t3.Result).
When you call Task.WhenAll (with either an enumerable or a params array), the order of the results match the order of the tasks passed to that method.
That is to say, this is true:
var task1 = PrintNumber(3);
var task2 = PrintNumber(2);
var task3 = PrintNumber(1);
var taskResults = await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2, task3);
// taskResults[0] is the same as task1.Result
// taskResults[1] is the same as task2.Result
// taskResults[2] is the same as task3.Result
However, ContinueWith is an entirely different story. ContinueWith attaches a continuation, and this continuation will run sometime after the task completes.
In your particular code, you're not attaching a continuation to the task passed to Task.WhenAll. But if you were, then that continuation could run anytime after that task completed.
On a side note, don't use ContinueWith (as I explain on my blog). Just use await instead; the resulting code is more correct, cleaner, and easier to maintain.

Run two task asynchronously

I'm running a synchronous method. Inside it I have to run two big method, so I was thinking to run them asynchronously.. I was thinking something like
public void MyFunc()
var doWorkTask_1 = DoWork1();
var doWorkTask_2 = DoWork2();
var result1 = await doWorkTask_1;
var result2 = await doWorkTask_2;
if(result1 == result2)
To do this i need that:
DoWork1 and DoWork2 are asynchronous;
MyFunc is asynchrous too;
But no method is asynchronous!!!
SO I tried to do in another way:
public void MyFunc()
var doWorkTask_1 = Task.Run(() => DoWork1());
var doWorkTask_2 = Task.Run(() => DoWork2());
var result1 = doWorkTask_1.Result;
var result2 = doWorkTask_2.Result;
if(result1 == result2)
So, 1st question:
Do I have written same thing in two different ways?
2nd question. I have to run the MyFunc method every X time, so I call it in this way:
Can I call it simply
My question is because inside myFunc I have a Thread.Sleep. Can I let sleep the main thread or is better to let sleep a thread inside the main?
I hope I have been clear.
Thank you.
Have I written same thing in two different ways?
No. Your first method will execute two units of work in parallel, and will asynchronously wait on the first one, then the second one.
Your second method will execute two units of work in parallel, and will synchronously wait on the first one, then on the second one.
Can I let sleep the main thread or is better to let sleep a thread
inside the main?
That depends on what your application is doing. You could turn MyFunc to be async so you can use Task.Delay instead, which internally uses a timer and doesn't block (and you may also pass it a CancellationToken if needed):
public async Task MyFuncAsync()
// Do work
await Task.Delay(syncInterval);
Side note:
It seems to me like you may be using async over sync, which in general is a questionable approach. I would advise against it.
Instead, like in your first example, explicitly invoke Task.Run on these workers:
public async Task MyFuncAsync()
var firstTask = Task.Run(() => DoWork1());
var secondTask = Task.Run(() => DoWork2());
await Task.WhenAll(new[] { firstTask, secondTask });
await Task.Delay(syncInterval);
Use Task.WhenAll to create a new task, encapsulating both your worker tasks.
Creates a task that will complete when all of the supplied tasks have
public async void MyFunc()
var doWorkTask_1 = DoWork1();
var doWorkTask_2 = DoWork2();
var results = await Task.WhenAll(doWorkTask_1, doWorkTask_2);
If you can't do async all the way, and by asynchronous you mean that you want to process DoWork1 and DoWork2 concurrently on different threads then you can use Task.Run to offload the work to a different thread and Task.WaitAll to wait synchronously for both tasks to complete:
public void MyFunc()
var task1 = Task.Run(() => DoWork1());
var task2 = Task.Run(() => DoWork2());
Task.WaitAll(task1, task2);
if (task1.Result == task2.Result)
// ...
Now, since this uses 3 threads (two ThreadPool threads in Task.Run and the calling thread blocked on Task.WaitAll) when we only need 2 we can simplify and optimize the example by executing one of the operations on the calling thread:
public void MyFunc()
var task1 = Task.Run(() => DoWork1());
var result2 = DoWork2();
if (task1.Result == result2)
// ...

Why is my method not running asynchronously?

I'm running a test that should be calling a method multiple times without waiting for its result. Here's my code:
private async Task HandleJob(string params) {
// do stuff that takes a minute
public async Task StartTest() {
When I set a break at HandleJob("two"), it only gets hit after one has been completed. How do I make them run asynchronously, so no waiting is done?
You haven't used await in the method at all. This means that the method will execute the lines synchronously. To actually yield back to the caller and let the remaining code run asynchronously, you need to use await, which will continue the method as a continuation on the targeted Task (as well as unboxing any exceptions and return values)
There are a couple of helper methods in Task to assist with this - my favorite is Task.Yield(), which will immediately return, thus an await Task.Yield() will spit out into a new thread and return all at once.
public async Task StartTest() {
await Task.Yield(); // await yields control, and Yield will ensure the rest of the method starts immediately
If you want the individual subtasks to execute all at once, conglomerate them using Task.WhenAll and Task.Run
public async Task StartTest() {
await Task.WhenAll(
Task.Run(() => HandleJob("one")),
Task.Run(() => HandleJob("two")));
Your asynchronous method HandleJob is not really async as Thread.Sleep blocks the current thread. Try using await Task.Delay instead. Note that params is a keyword and your original code won't compile. I've changed it to parameters.
private async Task HandleJob(string parameters) {
// do stuff that takes a minute
await Task.Delay(10000);
In your start method you can return a single Task that gets completed when both methods are finished using Task.WhenAll as pointed out in one of the other answers. If you return the result rather than await it, then the caller of StartTest can determine whether he waits for the Task to complete or if he ignores it and it becomes a fire and forget situation. Because you are not using await StartTest will not need to be marked as async anymore.
public Task StartTest() {
return Task.WhenAll(HandleJob("one"), HandleJob("two"));
you need to await both the tasks:
private void HandleJob( params string[] value )
public async Task StartTest()
var task1 = Task.Run( () => HandleJob( "one" ) );
var task2 = Task.Run( () => HandleJob( "two" ) );
await Task.WhenAll( task1 , task2 );

Continuation tasks not executing in correct order

Been trying to execute tasks sequentially but they are executed in a random order instead.
Appending .Unwrap after .ContinueWith doesn't help
Returning a Task of T from these methods instead of Task and assigning their result in the caller doesn't work either
Not sure about signature of my methods, whether they should contain async/await or not.
Sequencing tasks :
Task biographies = LoadArtistBiographies(apiKey);
Task blogs = LoadArtistBlogs(apiKey);
Task familiarity = LoadArtistFamiliarity(apiKey);
Task hottness = LoadArtistHottness(apiKey);
Task images = LoadArtistImages(apiKey);
await biographies.ContinueWith(b => blogs);
await blogs.ContinueWith(f => familiarity);
await familiarity.ContinueWith(h => hottness);
await hottness.ContinueWith(i => images);
await images;
Sample of executed methods :
private async Task LoadArtistBiographies(string apiKey)
var parameters = new ArtistBiographiesParameters();
parameters.ApiKey = apiKey;
parameters.Id = _artistId;
ArtistBiographies biographies = await Queries.ArtistBiographies(parameters);
ItemsControlBiographies.ItemsSource = biographies.Biographies;
The Queries.* methods are also asynchronous :
public static async Task<ArtistBlogs> ArtistBlogs(ArtistBlogsParameters parameters)
What is the correct syntax for chaining tasks that themselves are executing asynchronous tasks ?
If you want to execute the tasks in a specific order, you should await them directly:
await LoadArtistBiographies(apiKey);
await LoadArtistBlogs(apiKey);
await LoadArtistFamiliarity(apiKey);
await LoadArtistHottness(apiKey);
await LoadArtistImages(apiKey);
This will cause the second task (LoadArtistBlogs) to be scheduled after the first task completes.
Right now, the tasks are executing "in random order" because you've assigned them to Task instances, which allows each to be executed simultaneously.
That being said, I would actually recommend changing your methods around to returning the values, instead of assigning them to the datasource within the method:
private async Task<Biographies> LoadArtistBiographiesAsync(string apiKey)
var parameters = new ArtistBiographiesParameters();
parameters.ApiKey = apiKey;
parameters.Id = _artistId;
var bio = await Queries.ArtistBiographies(parameters);
return bio.Biographies;
You could then write these as:
ItemsControlBiographies.ItemsSource = await LoadArtistBiographiesAsync(apiKey);
// Other methods below, with await as this example
This makes the intent as the logic flows through the async methods a bit more clear, in my opinion.
Your example code will start executing all the tasks without waiting for each one to complete. It then waits for them to complete in order.
The key is that an async method starts when you call it. So if you don't want to start it yet, don't call the method yet:
await LoadArtistBiographies(apiKey);
await LoadArtistBlogs(apiKey);
await LoadArtistFamiliarity(apiKey);
await LoadArtistHottness(apiKey);
await LoadArtistImages(apiKey);
await will wait for the given task to complete, it will not start the task. Your Load*-methods all most likely start a task. All five tasks are running in an arbitrary order.
At the point when you get to await, your task may already has finished or not. It does not matter. You call ContinueWith on it, telling your task it should continue with this method once finished. This will return a new Task, on which you finally await.
Actually I've just found a way but without ContinueWith :
ArtistBiographies biographies = await LoadArtistBiographies(apiKey);
ItemsControlBiographies.ItemsSource = biographies.Biographies;
ArtistBlogs blogs = await LoadArtistBlogs(apiKey);
ItemsControlBlogs.ItemsSource = blogs.Blogs;
ArtistFamiliarity familiarity = await LoadArtistFamiliarity(apiKey);
ContentControlFamiliarity.Content = familiarity.artist;
ArtistHotttnesss hottness = await LoadArtistHottness(apiKey);
ContentControlHottness.Content = hottness.Artist;
ArtistImages images = await LoadArtistImages(apiKey);
ItemsControlImages.ItemsSource = images.Images;
Curious if someone could provide the answer using ContinueWith.
