I find myself writing code like this a lot:
await task.ConfigureAwait(false); // this is the task that was cancelled
// Cancellation expected and requested
Given that I requested the cancellation, it is expected and I'd really like the exception to be ignored. This seems like a common case.
Is there a more concise way to do this? Have I missed something about cancellation? It seems like there should be a task.CancellationExpected() method or something.
There is a built-in mechanism, the Task.WhenAny method used with a single argument, but it's not very intuitive.
Creates a task that will complete when any of the supplied tasks have completed.
await Task.WhenAny(task); // await the task ignoring exceptions
if (task.IsCanceled) return; // the task is completed at this point
var result = await task; // can throw if the task IsFaulted
It is not intuitive because the Task.WhenAny is normally used with at least two arguments. Also it is slightly inefficient because the method accepts a params Task<TResult>[] tasks argument, so on every invocation an array is allocated in the heap.
I don't think there is anything built-in, but you could capture your logic in extension methods (one for Task, one for Task<T>):
public static async Task IgnoreWhenCancelled(this Task task)
await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
public static async Task<T> IgnoreWhenCancelled<T>(this Task<T> task)
return await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
return default;
Then you can write your code simpler:
await task.IgnoreWhenCancelled();
var result = await task.IgnoreWhenCancelled();
(You might still want to add .ConfigureAwait(false) depending on your synchronization needs.)
I assume whatever task is doing uses CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested() to check for cancellation. That throws an exception by design.
So your options are limited. If task is an operation you wrote, you could make it not use ThrowIfCancellationRequested() and instead check IsCancellationRequested and end gracefully when needed. But as you know, the task's status won't be Canceled if you do that.
If it uses code you didn't write, then you don't have a choice. You'll have to catch the exception. You can use extension methods to avoid repeating code (Matt's answer), if you want. But you'll have to catch it somewhere.
The cancellation pattern available in C# in called cooperative cancellation.
This basically means that, in order to cancel any operation, there should be two actors which need to collaborate. One of them is the actor requesting the cancellation and the other is the actor listening to cancellation requests.
In order to implement this pattern you need an instance of CancellationTokenSource, which is an object that you can use in order to get an instance of CancellationToken. The cancellation is requested on the CancellationTokenSource instance and is propagated to the CancellationToken.
The following piece of code shows you this pattern in action and hopefully clarifies your doubt about cancellation:
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApp2
public static class Program
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource())
CancellationToken token = cts.Token;
// start the asyncronous operation
Task<string> getMessageTask = GetSecretMessage(token);
// request the cancellation of the operation
string message = await getMessageTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
Console.WriteLine($"Operation completed successfully before cancellation took effect. The message is: {message}");
catch (OperationCanceledException)
Console.WriteLine("The operation has been canceled");
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("The operation completed with an error before cancellation took effect");
static async Task<string> GetSecretMessage(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// simulates asyncronous work. notice that this code is listening for cancellation
// requests
await Task.Delay(500, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return "I'm lost in the universe";
Pay attention to the comment and notice that all the 3 outputs for the program are possible.
There is no way to predict which of them will be the actual program result.
The point is that when you await for the task completion you don't know what actually is going to happen. The operation may succeeds or fails before the cancellation took effect, or maybe the cancellation request can be observed by the operation before it runs to completion or fails for an error. From the calling code point of view, all these outcomes are possible and you have no way to make a guess. You need to handle all cases.
So, basically, your code is correct and you are handling the cancellation the way you should.
This book is an excellent reference to learn these things.
My final solution was to create an extension method as suggested by Matt Johnson-Pint. However, I return a boolean indicating whether the task was canceled as shown in Vasil Oreshenski's answer.
public static async Task<bool> CompletionIsCanceledAsync(this Task task)
if (task.IsCanceled) return true;
await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
return false;
catch (OperationCanceledException)
return true;
This method has been fully unit tested. I picked the name to be similar to the WaitForCompletionStatus() method in the ParallelExtensionsExtras sample code and the IsCanceled property.
If you are expecting the task to be cancelled BEFORE the await you should check the state of the cancellation token source.
if (cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested == false)
await task;
EDIT: As mentioned in the comments this won't do any good if the task is cancelled while awaited.
EDIT 2: This approach is overkill because it acquires additional resource - in hot path this may have performance hit. (i am using SemaphoreSlim but you can use another sync. primitive with the same success)
This is an extension method over existing task. The extension method will return new task which holds information if the original task was cancelled.
public static async Task<bool> CancellationExpectedAsync(this Task task)
using (var ss = new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1))
var syncTask = ss.WaitAsync();
task.ContinueWith(_ => ss.Release());
await syncTask;
return task.IsCanceled;
Here is a simple usage:
var cancelled = await originalTask.CancellationExpectedAsync();
if (cancelled) {
// do something when cancelled
else {
// do something with the original task if need
// you can acccess originalTask.Result if you need
How it works:
Overall it waits for the original task to complete and returns information if was cancelled. The SemaphoraSlim is usually used to limit the access to some resource(expensive) but in this case i am using it to await until the original task has finished.
It does not returns the original task. So if you need something that has been returned from it you should inspect the original task.
I am studying C# Asnc-await pattern and currently reading Concurrency in C# Cookbook from S. Cleary
He discusses wrapping old non TAP async patterns with TaskCompletionSource (TCS) into TAP constructs.
What I dont get is, why he just returns the Task property of the TCS object instead of awaiting it TCS.Task ?
Here is the example code:
Old method to wrap is DownloadString(...):
public interface IMyAsyncHttpService
void DownloadString(Uri address, Action<string, Exception> callback);
Wrapping it into TAP construct:
public static Task<string> DownloadStringAsync(
this IMyAsyncHttpService httpService, Uri address)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
httpService.DownloadString(address, (result, exception) =>
if (exception != null)
return tcs.Task;
Now why not just do it that way:
public static async Task<string> DownloadStringAsync(
this IMyAsyncHttpService httpService, Uri address)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
httpService.DownloadString(address, (result, exception) =>
if (exception != null)
return await tcs.Task;
Is there a functional difference between the two? Is the second one not more natural?
By marking it async, the compiler will generate warnings, that it should be considered to await this method
You don't have to mark your own method as async in order to get the "Task not awaited" warning. The following code generates the same warning for the calls to both T and U:
static async Task Main(string[] args)
public static Task T()
return Task.CompletedTask;
public static async Task U()
await Task.Yield();
Whenever you find yourself with a method only containing a single await and that being the last thing it does (except possibly returning the awaited value), you should ask yourself what value it's adding. Aside from some differences in exception handing, it's just adding an extra Task into the mix.
await is generally a way of indicating "I've got no useful work to do right now, but will have when this other Task is finished" which of course isn't true (you've got no other work to do later). So skip the await and just return what you would have awaited instead.
Your version is strictly more complex -- instead of just returning the task, you make the method async, and await the task you could just be returning.
There is one subtle practical difference (other than the version with await being slower to run).
In the first example, if DownloadString throws an exception (rather than calling the delegate you pass it with exception set), then that exception will bubble through your call to DownloadStringAsync.
In the second, the exception is packaged into the Task returned from DownloadStringAsync.
So, assuming that DownloadString throws this exception (and no other exceptions occur):
Task<string> task;
task = httpService.DownloadStringAsync(...);
catch (Exception e)
// Catches the exception ONLY in your first non-async example
await task;
catch (Exception e)
// Catches the exception ONLY in your second async example
You probably don't care about the distinction - if you just write:
await httpService.DownloadStringAsync(...);
you won't notice the difference.
Again, this only happens if the DownloadString method itself throws. If it instead calls the delegate you give it with exception set to a value, then there is no observable difference between your two cases.
Folks, thanks for the helpful comments.
In the meantime I have read the sources referenced here and also investigated the matter further: Influenced by https://blog.stephencleary.com/2016/12/eliding-async-await.html I have come to the conclusion, that its best practice to include async-await by default even in synchronous methods of the async function chain and only omit async await when the circumstances clearly indicate that the method will not potentially behave differently as expected from an async method en edge scenarios.
Such as: the synchronous method is short, simple and has no operations inside which could throw an exception. If the synchronous method throws an exception the caller will get an exception in the calling line instead of the line where the Task is awaited. This is clearly a change from expected behavior.
For example handing over call parameters to the next layer unchanged is a situation which imo permits omitting async-await.
Read my answer why returning the task is not a good idea: What is the purpose of "return await" in C#?
Basically you break your call stack if you don't use await.
I am using the oneDrive API aka Live SDK. using c# and XAML you can issue http GET request using the above mentioned method like so:
case A:
public async void methodA()
var meResult = await connectClient.GetAsync("me");
catch(Exception ex)
//exception handling
Case B:
public async void methodB()
var meResult = await connectClient.GetAsync("me", token);
catch(Exception ex)
//exception handling
where token is cancellationToken; that will wait for specific time and then cancel the request.
if there is no internet connection:
In case A the methodA() will hang on the getAsync and never progress so the doSomething() method is never called.
In case B the methodB() will handle the exception when the cancellationToken cancel the call then progress to the doSomething() method.
Now my concern and my question is:
I am afraid that keeping the await call hanging there will mean locking one thread and will affect the performance especially if the user clicked the button many times to call the methodA().
Is my concern justified?
is there a way for the .NET runtime to know that this awaited operation is timed out?? and eventually cancel it?
If you want to pass in a CancellationToken that times out after a certain amount of time, there is a constructor for CancellationTokenSource that does just that:
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
var meResult = await connectClient.GetAsync("me", cts.Token);
By the way, even if you don't do this, a .NET thread won't be locked while you wait for GetAsync to finish - that's one of the direct benefits of using await instead of .Result.
Related article by Stephen Toub: Coalescing CancellationTokens from Timeouts
I have a blocking operation that reads from a queue, but it can take a timeout. I can easily convert this to an "async" operation:
public async Task<IMessage> ReceiveAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return await Task.Run(() =>
while (true)
// Try receiving for one second
IMessage message = consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
if (message != null)
return message;
}, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
Aborting a thread is generally considered bad practice since you can leak resources, so the timeout seems like the only way to cleanly stop a thread. So I have three questions:
What is a generally accepted timeout value for "immediate" cancellation?
For libraries that provide built-in async methods, does immediate cancellation truly exist or do they also use timeouts and loops to simulate it? Maybe the question here is how would you make use of software interrupts and if these also have to do some sort of polling to check if there are interrupts, even if it's at the kernel/CPU level.
Is there some alternate way I should be approaching this?
Edit: So I may have found part of my answer with Thread.Interrupt() and then handling ThreadInterruptedException. Is this basically a kernel-level software interrupt and as close to "immediate" as we can get? Would the following be a better way of handling this?
public async Task<IMessage> ReceiveAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<IMessage>();
var receiverThread = new Thread(() =>
catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
catch (Exception ex)
receiverThread.Name = "Queue Receive";
return await completionSource.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);
It depends on your specific needs. A second could be immediate for some and slow for others.
Libraries (good ones) which provide async API do so from the bottom up. They usually don't wrap blocking (synchronous) operations with a thread to make them seem asynchronous. They use TaskCompletionSource to create truly async methods.
I'm not sure what you mean by queue (the built-in Queue in .Net doesn't have a Receive method) but you should probably be using a truly async data structure like TPL Dataflow's BufferBlock.
About your specific code sample.
You are holding up a thread throughout the entire operation (that's async over sync) which is costly. You could instead try to consume quickly and then wait asynchronously for the timeout to end, or for the CancellationToken to be cancelled.
There's also no point in using another thread with Task.Run. You can simply have the async lambda be the content of ReceiveAsync:
public async Task<IMessage> ReceiveAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
while (true)
// Try receiving for one second
IMessage message;
if (!consumer.TryReceive(out message))
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), cancellationToken);
if (message != null)
return message;
If your queue implements IDisposable a different (harsher) option would be to call Dispose on it when the CancellationToken is cancelled. Here's how.
I'm reading up more about async here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh873173(v=vs.110).aspx
Going through this example:
Task<bool> [] recommendations = …;
while(recommendations.Count > 0)
Task<bool> recommendation = await Task.WhenAny(recommendations);
if (await recommendation) BuyStock(symbol);
catch(WebException exc)
I wonder, if I'm already performing await on Task.WhenAny why do I need to await again inside of the try block?
If I already did this: Task<bool> recommendation = await Task.WhenAny(recommendations);
Why do this: if (await recommendation) BuyStock(symbol);
The first await exists to asynchronously wait for the first task to complete (i.e. recommendation).
The second await is only there to extract the actual result out of the already completed task, and throw exceptions stored in the task. (it's important to remember that awaiting a completed task is optimized and will execute synchronously).
A different option to get the result would be using Task<T>.Result, however it differs in the way it handles exceptions. await would throw the actual exception (e.g WebException) while Task<T>.Result would throw an AggregateException containing the actual exception inside.
Task<bool> [] recommendations = …;
while(recommendations.Count > 0)
Task<bool> recommendation = await Task.WhenAny(recommendations);
if (recommendation.Result)
catch(AggregateException exc)
exc = exc.Flatten();
if (exc.InnerExceptions[0] is WebException)
Clearly awaiting the task is simpler and so it's the recommended way of retrieving a result out of a task.
The use of await here creates the desired error handling semantics. If he used Result instead of await then the AggregateException would be rethrown directly; when using await the first exception within the AggregateException is pulled out an that exception is re-thrown. Clear the author of this code wanted the WebException to be thrown, rather than an AggregateException that he would need to manually unwrap.
Could he have used another approach, sure. This was simply the approach that the author of the code preferred, as it allows him to write the code more like traditional synchronous code rather than radically changing the style of the code.
You're right. It is not necessary. You could replace it with
if (recommendation.Result)
Also note that await will not await(will not set continuation) when completed task is given. It will just execute synchronously in that case as a optimization. I guess author leverages that optimization.
If you ask why author wrote that way, May be consistency? only he knows!.
If I already did this: Task recommendation = await Task.WhenAny(recommendations); Why do this: if (await recommendation) BuyStock(symbol);
Because Task.WhenAny returns a Task<Task<bool>> and you want to unwrap the outter Task to retrieve the resulting bool. You could do the same by accessing the Task.Result property of the returned Task
Other answers have pointed out that you have to await the task returned by await Task.WhenAll to unwrap the return value (alternatively, you can use the Result property).
However, you can also get rid of your try/catch (and it's a good thing to avoid catching unnecessary exception)
Task<bool> recommendation = await Task.WhenAny(recommendations);
if (await recommendation) BuyStock(symbol);
if(recommendation.Exception.InnerExceptions[0] is WebException)
throw recommendation.Exception.InnerExceptions[0];
Because Task.WhenAny<TResult>(IEnumerable<Task<TResult>> tasks) returns a Task<Task<TResult>>. The outer task (the one created by the Task.WhenAny call) will complete when any of the tasks passed to it completes with the completed task as a result.
I am developing android messanger app based on xamarin and .net 5 async/awaits.
In my app i have producer/consumer pattern for processing messages which is made on infinite loops.
for example ReadTcpClientAsync producer:
async Task ReadTcpClientAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
byte[] buffer = await atc.ReadAsync(cancellationToken);
// queue message...
or SendStatementsAsync consumer which deque messages and awaits WriteAsync
private async Task SendStatementsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var nextItem = await _outputStatements.Take();
// misc ...
await atc.WriteAsync(call.Serialize());
and some consumers just await on Take calls
var update = await _inputUpdateStatements.Take();
this construction works pretty well on tests, but there is one method where i think i made a huge mistake.
this method intent to run entire client backend, starting 3 pro/con while (true) loops simultaneously.
here it is:
public async Task RunAsync()
_isRunning = true;
_progress.ProgressChanged += progress_ProgressChanged;
await InitMTProto(_scheme).ConfigureAwait(false); // init smth...
// various init stuf...
await atc.ConnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // open connection async
await Task.WhenAny(SendStatementsAsync(_cts.Token),
ProcessUpdateAsync(_cts.Token, _progress)).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (OperationCanceledException oce)
catch (Exception ex)
Forget about android for now, think any UI (WinForm, WPF, etc) OnCreate method in UI context to call RunAsync
protected async override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
// start RA
await client.RunAsync()
// never gets here - BAD, but nonblock UI thread - good
so, as you can see there is a problem. I can't do anything after RunAsync await call because it will never returns from Task.WhenAny(...). And i need perform status check there, but i need this pro/cons methods started, because my check wait on ManualResetEvent for it:
if (!cde.Wait(15000))
throw new TimeoutException("Init too long");
Also, my check is async too, and it works like a charm :)
public async Task<TLCombinatorInstance> PerformRpcCall(string combinatorName, params object[] pars)
// wait for init on cde ...
// prepare call ...
// Produce
// wait for answer
return await _inputRpcAnswersStatements.Take();
I think i should use another approach for starting this infinite loops, but i already have async Task methods all the way - so i really have no idea what to do.
Any help please?
Ok, after a lot of reading (nothing found) and #svick's advice i decided to call this methods without "await" as separate Task.Run's.
Aso i decided to run it in ThreadPool.
My final code is:
/*await Task.WhenAny(SendStatementsAsync(_cts.Token),
ProcessUpdateAsync(_cts.Token, _progress)).ConfigureAwait(false);*/
Task.Run(() => SendStatementsAsync(_cts.Token)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Task.Run(() => ReadTcpClientAsync(_cts.Token)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Task.Run(() => ProcessUpdateAsync(_cts.Token, _progress)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Trace.WriteLineIf(clientSwitch.TraceInfo, "Worker threads started", "[Client.RunAsync]");
Everything works fine as expected..
i'm not sure what problems it will cause in exception handling, as i know they will be lost
Of course such calls produce warning
Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method
continues before the call is completed. Consider applying the 'await'
operator to the result of the call.
which can be easily suppressed this way
// just save task into variable
var send = Task.Run(() => SendStatementsAsync(_cts.Token)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Also, if anyone know better solution i will be grateful to hear it.