Issues with SDK version when importing C# project into Visual Studio - c#

I have a visual studio project I am trying to import that is causing me issues. I am getting the following error message when I try and load the project:
error : The project file cannot be opened by the project system, because it is missing some critical imports or the referenced SDK cannot be found.
Detailed Information:
Unable to locate the .NET Core SDK. Check that it is installed and that the version specified in global.json (if any) matches the installed version.
So there are a few issues with this, number 1 being that there is no global.json file anywhere as far as I can tell nor is the project built using .NET Core (it's built with .NET framework 4.7.2). I have a .csproj file which I think might be causing the issues as it has the following lines:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
I have other projects where the .csproj file has no mention of the SDK version at all and so I tried to delete the SKD element entirely from the XML element however this did not work either.
I am using Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 7.
Has anyone encountered this issue before and can anyone explain how to rectify so that I can load the project into visual studio? Also is there a way to remove the SDK element so this wont happen if I try and move the project again?


Problem generating manifest. C# VS 2022 17.2.5

I have wpf project
for Framework .NET Framework 4.7.2
Build Any CPU
Previous Build was allways without problem.
After i opened the project from a new installation of visual studio 2022
I always get:
Problem generating manifest. Could not load file or assembly
'D:\Source\Repos..Toolbox.exe' or one of its dependencies. An attempt
was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
I Just tried:
Build Setting PlattForm Target differnet values
Nuget Package Manager Package Manager Console update-Package -reinstall
i added:
I have some References but nothing special. To get sure i reinstalled
Is there a way to find out which reference throws the error during creation of the Manifest?
Solution had nothing to do with Visual studio.
A virus scanner detected the new created .exe file and removed it.
The Error message from Manifest creation was missleading. The file was simply missing in the directory when generating the Manifest.

Target Framework not showing older .Net versions in Visual Studio 2022

I installed Visual Studio 2022 on my PC. When I select the template "ASP.NET Core Web API" and try to choose the target framework, the dropdown is showing only the current framework .NET 6.0 (Long Term Support).
Why it is not showing the older versions?
I had planned to work on a .NET 5 version.
Open Visual Studio Installer, click Modify and check if you installed older versions of .NET
I did have the older .Net versions installed, and it still only showed 5.0 and 6.0, so the answer didn't help me. In the end, the culprit seemed to be the newer .csproj format; older projects I opened worked fine, and showed the versions from 2.0 to 4.8. Despite VS2022 having no issue with opening these solutions, I have yet to find a way to let it create them.
The old format starts like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="" ToolsVersion="15.0">
The new one, however, doesn't have an xml header or namespace definition. It starts like this:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
Bizarrely, this new type of project file doesn't even seem to contain a list of files included in the project.
Just replacing the header doesn't work, though; the new format is too different, and the old format expects a lot of things to be auto-generated in the .csproj file concerning build type and targeted CPU.
In the end, the easiest solution was just to make a copy of an older project, manually generate a GUID for the project and plug that into the .csproj and .sln file, and then clean out the files and start from that.

Visual Studio 2019 - change .NET target framework to 4.8

I cannot change the .NET version of my project. I installed .NET 4.8 via the Visual studio installer and manually downloaded it separately. Neither of these works.
I actually tried to change the framework in the .csproj project file
<TargetFramework> net5.0-windows </TargetFramework>
and it doesn't work too...
I'm running out of solutions and don't really know what to do next.
If you're attempting to convert an SDK-style "net5.0-windows" project to a "net48" WinForms one you'll likely need to do more than just change TargetFramework.
Firstly, the Project node at the start of the ".csproj" file should look like this:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop">
(A "net5.0" target doesn't need the .WindowsDesktop part of that.)
Secondly, you'll need to ensure that <UseWindowsForms>true</UseWindowsForms> is part of the main PropertyGroup.
Even after those changes you're still likely to get all sorts of issues if your project uses types that are not available in .net 4.8.

ASP.NET Core 2.0 Upgrade - Broken NETStandardLibrary References

I recently upgraded our ASP.NET Core 1.1 application to 2.x. This project (and all other projects in the solution) now target the full 4.6.1 framework (previously targeted the full 4.5.2 framework). Visual Studio Version 15.5.7.
After doing so, all my class library projects in the same solution have a number of broken/yellow references to NETStandard.Library.2.0.2. Strangely, the solution still builds without issue and no pertinent warnings or errors are generated in the build output. All other references are fine including all references in the ASP.NET project (meaning that project does not have this problem).
Does anyone know what might be going on here?
Troubleshooting Steps
Clean Solution/Rebuild
NuGet Restore
Restart Visual Studio
Remove .suo/.vs/project.fragment.lock.json and restart
Suspend/Resume/Turn off R#
Manually remove and rebuild (works but they come back after NuGet restore)
Confirm the files it's looking for are actually available on the path...which they are sans the strange "double backslash" before ref:
Environment Details
Visual Studio: 15.5.7
Full Framework: 4.6.1
dotnet --info:
.NET Command Line Tools (2.1.4)
Product Information: Version: 2.1.4 Commit SHA-1 hash:
Runtime Environment: OS Name: Windows OS Version: 10.0.16299
OS Platform: Windows RID: win10-x64 Base Path: C:\Program
Microsoft .NET Core Shared Framework Host
Version : 2.0.5 Build :
Please feel free to let me know what other information may be pertinent.
UPDATE: As Requested CSProj Sample (Some Things Had to be Redacted)
The older .NET Framework project system doesn’t properly support .NET Standard Library 2.x, at least at design time. It requires the new .NET Core SDK project system.
A good migration how-to I’ve recently followed —
#MattBrooks and #ScottChamberlain are correct and this is a Visual Studio csproj issue and following the link #MattBrooks provided is the correct answer to this question (I've marked it as such). However, I also wanted to share my personal experience with this in the hopes it will help others who find this process convoluted and confusing (and it doesn't seem right to plop this into an update to the question). As Matt says, "it can be very confusing and sometimes the tooling doesn’t help very much."
Here is the exact procedure I used to convert my projects over. After trying to manually convert a couple, I gave up and rebuilt them:
Remove Project from Solution
Copy Project Folder to Backup Location
Add New ".NET Standard" Class Library Project with Same Name
Edit new .csproj and Change <TargetFramework> to net461 (or whatever you need. Note this can't be done from the Target Framework UI Dropdown. All you'll see is "Net Standard").
Copy all <package> elements from backup projects packages.json (if you don't have a package.json see the outline from the accepted answer to convert your csproj <References> to <PackageReferences>)
Create <ItemGroup> in new csproj
Paste in <package> elements
Find Replace:
<package id= --> <PackageReference Include=
targetFramework=".*" --> <blank>
version --> Version
Open Backed-Up .csproj and copy all <Reference Include=... That DON'T HAVE Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=..." e.g. that look like <Reference Include="System.Web" /> and paste into new csproj and save.
At this point, NuGet will restore your packages.
If you (likely) end up with NuGet Dependencies that have Yellow/Warning Triangles:
Try to build and see if you get any errors/warnings in the error list. I had some versions that didn't jive between projects. Apparently that's a full stop issue now.
I had some Pre-Release NuGet Packages from a Private Feed that I had to re-install manually.
If all else fails, remove the reference from csproj and install directly from NuGet
If all else all else fails, uninstall and reinstall the package from the VS Package Manager
Copy content files and folders from Backup Project into New Project Folder - VS Will Pick them Up and Auto-Add to Project. I also had to copy node_modules for projects that had NPM packages installed from the backup back into the new project.
Add back any solution project references you may have.
Now, the fun part if you're an idiot like me and had files "excluded from project" must hunt those down and remove them.
I would also note that if you (like me) had <Reference> tags to packages in your csproj and a package.json, I found that the package.json was accurate in terms of having the correct versions.
I was not able to convert a single MVC4/WebAPI2 project over because there doesn't seem to be a way in the new project format to tell it "This is a web project, run IIS and debug" that all new Core projects expect an static void Main. Probably a different question though.
I was able to get the MVC4/WebAPI2 App Migrated Using the Answer Provided here:
Good Luck!

C# 7.1 can't be published

I have ASP.NET Core C# web application. I made some changes that now use C# 7.1 features. I changed project version, so it compiles and runs fine. However, when I try to publish the project, I am getting an error:
Feature 'default literal' is not available in C# 7.0. Please use language version 7.1 or greater.
Compile command that I see is:
C:...\.nuget\packages\\2.6.1\tools\csc.exe /noconfig /unsafe- /checked- /nowarn:1701,1702,1705,1701,1702,2008 /nostdlib+ /errorreport:prompt /warn:4 /define:TRACE;RELEASE;NETCOREAPP2_0 /errorendlocation /preferreduilang:en-US /warnaserror+:NU1605`
As suggested elsewhere, I installed Microsoft.Net.Compilers (v2.6.1), but it didn't make any difference.
Is there a Visual Studio setting that affects publish specifically?
UPDATE: Looks like a console application doesn't have this problem. If it builds successfully, it publishes successfully as well. However, the web application does not publish. Was anybody successful in publishing ASP.NET Core web application with C# 7.1 features?
Adding <LangVersion>latest</LangVersion> to your .pubxml file made it possible for Visual Studio 2017 (15.5.2 in my case) to publish.
After upgrading my VS2017 from version 15.4.5 to 15.5.2 I can reproduce the problem, and I get an error
Feature 'default literal' is not available in C# 7.0. Please use
language version 7.1 or greater
The answer from #Jeremy Cook solves the issue:
<LangVersion>latest</LangVersion> in .pubxml
In both old and new project formats the LangVersion element in project file is responsible for this.
You can either change that via csproj xml file or via UI in visual studio.
Please note that this setting is dependent on your build configuration.
To make sure that you can both code and publish using C# 7.1 and later make sure you configure this setting regardless of build configuration (Debug, Release etc).
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
For MAC users, I did spend a long time finding out. Here's what has worked for me.
Right-click to your main .csproj file and click 'Edit Project File' to open it.
Then, inside the ... add the line latest and save it.
That's it!
Run your code and it should work ok from now on.
If you are migrating from ASP.NET Core 2.0 to ASP.NET Core 2.1 make sure you have line
in your .pubxml file.
It seems you are published to your local Nuget store. Ensure that the Nuget store is configured to use C#7.1. And also check whether your Nuget.exe pack is updated to the latest that can use C#7.1
