Exporting UltraExpandableGroupBox default expansion indicator - c#

I am using a UltraExpandableGroupBox in my WinForms application. And I am using the Office2003 style with it. However, I would like to reverse the Expanded and Collapsed Indicator images used. I tried to export the images from the .isl file, but these images don't seems to be among the images exported. How do I access these images?

When the ViewStyle property for the UltraExpandableGroupBox control is set to the GroupBoxViewStyle.Office2003 the Expanded/Collapsed indicator uses an embedded bitmap.
Code below demonstrates how this bitmap can be obtained from the assembly on the runtime and can be used to reverse the current Expanded/Collapsed indicators:
private void ReverseImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var imageName = "GroupBox.ExpansionIndicator_Chevron.bmp";
System.IO.Stream stream = typeof(UltraExpandableGroupBox).Module.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(UltraExpandableGroupBox), imageName);
if (stream != null)
// The source bitmap has 7x10px size.
var image = Bitmap.FromStream(stream);
// Converting the image to 16x16 pixels
ultraExpandableGroupBox1.ExpansionIndicatorExpanded = ResizeImage(image, 16, 16);
// Rotation
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(image))
image = bmp.Clone() as Image;
// Exporting bitmap to a file
bmp.Save(#".\" + imageName, ImageFormat.Bmp);
ultraExpandableGroupBox1.ExpansionIndicatorCollapsed = ResizeImage(image, 16, 16);
public static Image ResizeImage(Image image, int new_height, int new_width)
var dest = new Bitmap(new_width, new_height);
var g = Graphics.FromImage(dest);
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.High;
g.DrawImage(image, (dest.Width - image.Width)/2, (dest.Height-image.Height)/2);
return dest;
Exported to a file the Expanded/Collapsed indicator bitmap looks like on the picture below:

You can achieve this with simple DrawFilter. Set to your UltraExpandableGroupBox DraFilter property like this:
this.myUltraExpandableGroupBox.DrawFilter = new MyDrawFilter(expandedIndicator, collapsedInidcator);
Then create a new class named MyDrawFilter and let it inherit IUIElementDrawFilter. Your draw filter class may look like this:
public class MyDrawFilter : IUIElementDrawFilter
Image expandedIndicator;
Image collapsedIndicator;
public MyDrawFilter(Image expandedIndicator, Image collapsedInidcator)
this.expandedIndicator = expandedIndicator;
this.collapsedIndicator = collapsedInidcator;
public bool DrawElement(DrawPhase drawPhase, ref UIElementDrawParams drawParams)
if (drawParams.Element is GroupBoxExpansionIndicatorUIElement)
// if groupbox is expanded change the image with one provided in the constructor
// as expandedIndicator
if ((drawParams.Element.Control as UltraExpandableGroupBox).Expanded)
(drawParams.Element.ChildElements[0] as ImageUIElement).Image = this.expandedIndicator;
// else gropbox is collapsed change the image with one provided in the constructor
// as collapsedIndicator
(drawParams.Element.ChildElements[0] as ImageUIElement).Image = this.collapsedIndicator;
return false;
public DrawPhase GetPhasesToFilter(ref UIElementDrawParams drawParams)
// filter when GroupBoxExpansionIndicatorUIElement should be drawn. This element has
// one child UIElement of ImageUIElement type. This UIElement holds the expansion
// indicator image.
if (drawParams.Element is GroupBoxExpansionIndicatorUIElement)
// we return BeforeDrawChildeElements in order to be able to change the image
return DrawPhase.BeforeDrawChildElements;
return DrawPhase.None;


A problem in Xamarin.forms with an icon.png "Cannot decode image. The image must be a Bitmap" [duplicate]

I'm working with Xamarin in the part of Xamarin.Forms i need to convert a file ("image.png") to a Bitmap because when project run its enter in "break mode" and show me this message "Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'Failed to decode image. The provided image must be a Bitmap.'". So i tried to convert the file in many ways like:
1_ Using methods from System.Drawing.Bitmap but it's show this exception "This operation is not supported in this platform"
2_ Cannot use Android.Graphics because i'm working in xamarin.forms not in xamarin.android.
3_ I tried to convert the "image.png" into a base64 or byte[] array and then into a bitmap but the problem is the same like in first problem because to convert from byte[] array or base64 to a Bitmap i have use methods from System.Drawing.Bitmap.
4_ I tried using the library SkiaSharp but i don't have success because i don't found so much information about how to convert .png to SKBitmap and then convert SKBitmap to Bitmap (even i don't know if this is possible).
5_ Finally i converted "image.png" to a "image.bmp" with an app and use the file .bmp in my project but it doesn't work too.
the "image.png" i have to save in a string variable, well that's the idea.
If you have a solution with SkiaSharp o whatever i will glad
here is a part of my code, i just save in a variable the image
Icon = "pin_blue.png";
//i can't use a path because in xamarin you have many size from the same
//image for the different size of the screen
EDIT 2 This is my method to show the pins in google maps
private void ShowPins(List<PointsOfInterest> resultPointsOfInterest)
if (resultPointsOfInterest != null && resultPointsOfInterest.Any())
var location = Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync();
PointsOfInterest position = new PointsOfInterest();
if (location != null)
position.ccsm0166latitud = location.Result.Latitude;
position.ccsm0166longitud = location.Result.Longitude;
else {
position = resultPointsOfInterest.First();
//Distance = Distance.FromKilometers(new Random().Next(23,35));
Distance = Distance.FromKilometers(3);
Position = new Position(position.ccsm0166latitud, position.ccsm0166longitud);
PinsFiltered= Pins = new List<PinCustom>(resultPointsOfInterest.Select(
x => new PinCustom()
Position =
new Position(x.ccsm0166latitud, x.ccsm0166longitud),
Address = x.ccsm0166direccion,
Label = x.ccsm0166nombre,
Type = PinType.Place,
TypePointOfInterest = x.ccsm0166tipositio,
IconBM = Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.branch ? PinCustom.ConvertToBitmap("pin_blue.png") :
Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.branch ? "pin_blue.png" :
Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.branchWithExtendedHours ? "pin_black.png" :
Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.branchWithExtendedHours2 ? "pin_black.png" :
Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.branchWithExtendedHours3 ? "pin_black.png" :
Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.selfServiceTerminal ? "pin_green.png" :
Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.atmServBox ? "pin_yellow.png" : string.Empty
Pins = new List<PinCustom>();
This is the class Pin where i save the image
public class PinCustom : Pin
public string TypePointOfInterest { get; set; }
public string Icon { get; set; }
public Bitmap { get; set; }
//Here i create this variable to save a bitmap but i don't know if i do the things well
this is the icon .png i want to show in googlemaps
Pin Blue Image
To open your file and convert it to byte array:
string directory = Path.Combine(Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath, Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDownloads);
// or your image directory, just replace it
var stream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(directory, "image.png"));
byte[] buff = ConvertStreamToByteArray(stream);
public static byte[] ConvertStreamToByteArray(Stream stream)
byte[] byteArray = new byte[16 * 1024];
using (MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream())
int bit;
while ((bit = stream.Read(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)) > 0)
mStream.Write(byteArray, 0, bit);
return mStream.ToArray();
then, to pass this byte array to SKBitmap:
SKBitmap bmp = SKBitmap.Decode(buff);
If you want to try without ConvertStreamToByteArray():
byte[] buff = null;
stream.Write(buff, 0, buff.Length);
This Write will depend of the type of your stream. In this example, I'm using FileStream.
string resourceID = "image.png";
Assembly assembly = GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceID))
resourceBitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(stream);
SKBitmap bmp = SKImage.FromBitmap(resourceBitmap);
and then you can use this bitmap to draw and fill your SKCanvas:
canvas.DrawBitmap(bmp, 0, 0);
Use ffmpeg
command for this: ffmpeg -i image.png image.bmp
i have 5 types of pins (pins are the image .png) when i put the pins
in format .png
if you want to custom the pins in your map, you can simply use Custom Renderers to achieve this.
The icon used to represent a marker can be customized by calling the MarkerOptions.SetIcon method. This can be accomplished by overriding the CreateMarker method, which is invoked for each Pin that's added to the map:
protected override MarkerOptions CreateMarker(Pin pin)
var marker = new MarkerOptions();
marker.SetPosition(new LatLng(pin.Position.Latitude, pin.Position.Longitude));
return marker;
If you want to display different icons, you can refer to the following code:
protected override MarkerOptions CreateMarker(Pin pin)
var marker = new MarkerOptions();
marker.SetPosition(new LatLng(pin.Position.Latitude, pin.Position.Longitude));
var customPin = (Element as CustomMap).CustomPins.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Position == pin.Position);
if (customPin != null)
if (customPin.IconType == "corporate")
else if (customPin.IconType == "pickup")
return marker;
For more, check:Customizing the Marker.

Basler camera image OpenCvSharp3

I want to put a PictureBox on WinForm in C # using a Basler camera.
But I want to convert IGrabImage to Mat. because I want to insert it into the PictureBox using Mat.
Please let me know your hint or solution.
PixelDataConverter converter = new PixelDataConverter();
public Form1() {
using (Camera camera = new Camera())
camera.CameraOpened += Configuration.AcquireContinuous;
IGrabResult grabResult = camera.StreamGrabber.RetrieveResult(5000, TimeoutHandling.ThrowException);
using (grabResult)
if (grabResult.GrabSucceeded) {
Mat rtnMat = convertToMat(grabResult);
Cv2.ImShow("test", rtnMat);
pictureBox1.Image = BitmapConverter.ToBitmap(frame);
private Mat convertToMat(IGrabResult rtnGrabResult) {
IImage image = rtnGrabResult;
converter.OutputPixelFormat = PixelType.BGR8packed;
byte[] buffer = image.PixelData as byte[];
return new Mat(rtnGrabResult.Width, rtnGrabResult.Height, MatType.CV_8UC1, buffer);
Basler Image:
OpenCvSharp Image:
Here is the correct way to convert an IGrabResult into an OpenCvSharp.Mat.
I didn't try it without the converter but your main problem was the sequence of the new Mat(..) arguments. In OpenCV, you declare the rows first and then the columns. That means first height and then width. And also the MatType for an colored image was wrong like #Nyerguds said. It has to be CV_8UC3.
Corrected code:
private Mat convertToMat(IGrabResult rtnGrabResult) {
converter.OutputPixelFormat = PixelType.BGR8packed;
byte[] buffer = new byte[conv.GetBufferSizeForConversion(rtnGrabResult];
converter.Convert(buffer, rtnGrabResult);
return new Mat(rtnGrabResult.Height, rtnGrabResult.Width, MatType.CV_8UC3, buffer);

Use biggest icon in the .ico file in a pictureBox [duplicate]

I have a icon which has a few different sizes (16px, 32px, 64px). I am calling ToBitmap() on it, but it is always returning the 32px image. How do I retrieve the 64px one?
Does this help?
Icon sizedIcon = new Icon(Resources.ResourceIcon, new Size(64,64));
For anyone else stumbling upon the same problem, I've found a nice little solution.
Image img = new Icon(Properties.Resources.myIcon, width, height).ToBitmap()
This is a fairly painful limitation in the ResourceManager class. Its GetObject() method doesn't provide a way to pass extra arguments that would allow selecting the returned icon by size. A workaround is to add the icon to the project instead. Use Project + Add Existing Item, select your .ico file. Select the added icon and change the Build Action property to "Embedded Resource".
You can now retrieve the desired icon with code like this:
public static Icon GetIconFromEmbeddedResource(string name, Size size) {
var asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var rnames = asm.GetManifestResourceNames();
var tofind = "." + name + ".ICO";
foreach (string rname in rnames) {
if (rname.EndsWith(tofind, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
using (var stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(rname)) {
return new Icon(stream, size);
throw new ArgumentException("Icon not found");
Sample usage:
var icon1 = GetIconFromEmbeddedResource("ARW04LT", new Size(16, 16));
var icon2 = GetIconFromEmbeddedResource("ARW04LT", new Size(32, 32));
Beware one possible failure mode: this code assumes that the icon was added to the same assembly that contains the method.
The following sets the icon size for all the buttons in the toolbar.
It relies on the resource name being stored in the button tag.
public void SetButtons(object toolstrip, int IconWidth, int IconHeight)
var ts = (ToolStrip) toolstrip;
var size = new System.Drawing.Size();
size.Height = IconSize;
size.Width = IconSize;
foreach (ToolStripButton tsBtn in ts.Items)
tsBtn.ImageScaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.None;
var resourcename = (String) tsBtn.Tag;
if (resourcename != null)
var myIcon = (Icon) Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resourcename);
var newIcon = new Icon(myIcon, IconWidth, IconHeight);
tsBtn.Image = newIcon.ToBitmap();
The size is determined when you first create the Icon instance, so you need to specify which size you want to use when you create it, using one of the Icon constructors that take a Size parameter.
internal static class IconHelper {
public static Icon GetSize(this Icon icon, int width, int height) {
return icon.GetSize(new Size(width, height));
public static Icon GetSize(this Icon icon, Size size) {
using(var mem = new MemoryStream()) {
mem.Position = 0;
return new Icon(mem, size);
There is no built-in method in the .Net framework that does this.
Instead, you can use this library.

Determine if two images are identical

Is there any way to determine if two images are identical?
I want to change an image every time my timer ticks (animation).
But, I need to see which image is displaying, so is there any way to compare 2 images
to do what I want?
if (myImage.Flags == (Image.FromFile(#"Images/Enemy.png").Flags))
myImage = Image.FromFile(#"Images/Enemy2.png");
myImage = Image.FromFile(#"Images/Enemy.png");
Don't compare the images, just maintain the index of the current image in a variable.
Here's an example that works for any number of images:
private int _currentImageIndex;
private string[] _imagePaths =
void NextImage()
// Dispose the current image
Image img = pictureBox1.Image;
pictureBox1.Image = null;
if (img != null)
// Show the next image
_currentImageIndex = (_currentImageIndex + 1) % _imagePaths.Length;
string path = _imagePaths[_currentImageIndex];
pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(path);
I'd try to compare ImageLocation. Although it doesn't work if you have your pictures as resources.
if (PictureBox1.ImageLocation == PictureBox2.ImageLocation)
See my question:
Dynamically changing image in a picturebox
Here goes simple answer.
In case of just 2 images, use flag
// field, true if enemy2.png is loaded
bool _image2;
// somewhere
myImage = Image.FromFile(#"Images/Enemy.png");
_image2 = false;
myImage = Image.FromFile(#"Images/Enemy2.png");
_image2 = true;

Image Slider in C#?

I want to create a simple image slideshow, when the timer switch, it will switch to the next index of the picturebox (and will loop) but with a fade effect. How can it be done in C#?
Current Code doesn't switch images? And also - how can I create the fade ffect?
I created a simple timer with 5,000ms interval, enabled it on start.
private void timerImage_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (pictureBox1.Image.Equals(InnovationX.Properties.Resources._1))
pictureBox1.Image = InnovationX.Properties.Resources._2;
else if (pictureBox1.Image.Equals(InnovationX.Properties.Resources._2))
pictureBox1.Image = InnovationX.Properties.Resources._3;
pictureBox1.Image = InnovationX.Properties.Resources._1;
You can't compare Bitmap loaded from resource in this manner. Every time you get image from resource (in your case using property InnovationX.Properties.Resources._1) you will get new instance of Bitmap class. Comparing two different instances of Bitmap classes will always result in false, even if they contains same image.
Bitmap a = InnovationX.Properties.Resources._1; // create new bitmap with image 1
Bitmap b = InnovationX.Properties.Resources._1; // create another new bitmap with image 1
bool areSameInstance = a == b; // will be false
If you load you images from resources to member variables (e.g. in Load event).
// load images when you create a form
private Bitmap image1 = InnovationX.Properties.Resources._1;
private Bitmap image2 = InnovationX.Properties.Resources._2;
private Bitmap image3 = InnovationX.Properties.Resources._3;
// assing and compare loaded images
private void timerImage_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (pictureBox1.Image == image1)
pictureBox1.Image = image2;
else if (pictureBox1.Image == image2)
pictureBox1.Image = image3;
pictureBox1.Image = image1;
And after that, rewrite that code using array :)
Image[] images = new {
