I have a Windows Forms application, .Net Framework 4.6.1, and I want to store some DB connection data in an Ini file.
I then wanted to store it in the Resources file of the project (so I don't have to copy/paste the file in the Debug and Release folder manually, etc.) as a normal file, but when I tried to compile the program and read the Ini data with ini-parser, the following exception showed up: System.ArgumentException: 'Invalid characters in path access'.
I'm using Properties.Resources where I read the Ini file, so I guessed there would be no problem with the path. Could it be a problem with the Ini file itself?
The content of the Ini file is the following:
host = (anIP)
port = (aPort)
db = (aDbName)
user = (aDbUser)
password = (aDbUserPwd)
And my method for reading the data:
public static void ParseIniData()
var parser = new FileIniDataParser();
IniData data = parser.ReadFile(Properties.Resources.dbc);
mysqlHost = data["Db"]["host"];
mysqlPort = data["Db"]["port"];
mysqlDb = data["Db"]["db"];
mysqlUser = data["Db"]["user"];
mysqlPwd = data["Db"]["password"];
I finally could do it using what #KlausGütter told me in the comments (thanks!).
Instead of using the FileIniDataParser you have to use the StreamIniDataParser, and get the Stream with Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream.
I found this a bit tricky, because using this method you need to set the Build Action in the file you want to read to Embedded Resource.
This file is then added as an embedded resource in compile time and you can retrieve its stream.
So my method ended up the following way:
public static void ParseIniData()
var parser = new StreamIniDataParser();
dbcReader = new StreamReader(_Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("NewsEditor.Resources.dbc.ini"));
IniData data = parser.ReadData(dbcReader);
mysqlHost = data["Db"]["host"];
mysqlPort = data["Db"]["port"];
mysqlDb = data["Db"]["db"];
mysqlUser = data["Db"]["user"];
mysqlPwd = data["Db"]["password"];
where _Assembly is a private static attribute: private static Assembly _Assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();. This gets you the assembly that's being executed when running the code (you could also use this code directly in the method, but I used the Assembly on another method in my class, so I decided to set an attribute... DRY I guess).
I am using the following code to checkout a file but it works rarely. It works for a particular file while it doesnt work for some files.
My code is
oSettings.DefaultAcquisitionOption = VDF.Vault.Settings.AcquireFilesSettings.AcquisitionOption.Checkout | VDF.Vault.Settings.AcquireFilesSettings.AcquisitionOption.Download;
oSettings.LocalPath = fldrpathco;
string p = oSettings.LocalPath.ToString() + oFileIteration.ToString();
My requirement is to download the dwg file in the working folder. Can anyone tell me what may be wrong in the code?
Try this example by Wayne Brill: http://adndevblog.typepad.com/manufacturing/2013/06/use-or-with-defaultacquisitionoption-to-download-checkout-with-acquirefiles.html
Code for reference:
private static void downloadFile (VDF.Vault.Currency.Connections.Connection connection,
VDF.Vault.Currency.Entities.FileIteration file, string folderPath)
var settings = new VDF.Vault.Settings.AcquireFilesSettings(connection);
settings.DefaultAcquisitionOption = VDF.Vault.Settings.AcquireFilesSettings.AcquisitionOption.Checkout |
settings.LocalPath = new VDF.Currency.FolderPathAbsolute(folderPath);
(Before I jump into the nitty-gritty, I want to set the context: I'm trying to load a WPF frame with the contents of an .html file that I'm including in my project as a resource.)
I create a new WPF Application; I add a new folder called 'foofiles' to the project, and I add a couple of files (page1.foo and page2.foo) to that folder.
For each newly added .foo file, I right-click on it, go to "Properties," and set the Build Action to 'Resource,' and the Copy To Output Directory to "Copy always."
I want to be able to access those files both in XAML:
<Frame x:Name="bar" Source="/foofiles/page1.foo"/>
And in procedural code:
private void someFunc()
bar.Source = new Uri("/foofiles/page1.foo");
But I just can't figure out why this doesn't work -- I get a "Format of the URI could not be determined."
In the code-behind, I tried doing this:
private void someFunc()
bar.Source = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/foofiles/page1.foo");
which didn't throw an exception, but my main window crashed.
In my thinking, if I add a file of any type to my project, and if I mark it as "Resource" in "Build Action," I should be able to use that file per my examples above. Also, I would like to use that file like this:
private void someOtherFunc()
System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader("/foofiles/page1.foo");
string bar = reader.ReadToEnd();
Any help would be appreciated... thanks in advance!
Try adding the component-part to your Pack URI like this
where AssemblyName is the name of your assembly. So for your case, the following statement should work:
bar.Source = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/AssemblyName;component/foofiles/page1.foo");
More practically, try the relative pack uri notation:
bar.Source = new Uri("AssemblyName;component/foofiles/page1.foo", UriKind.Relative));
For stream reading resources use
var streamResourceInfo = Application.GetResourceStream(uri);
using (var stream = streamResourceInfo.Stream)
// do fancy stuff with stream
How to read the string from .resx file in c#? please send me guidelines . step by step
ResourceManager shouldn't be needed unless you're loading from an external resource.
For most things, say you've created a project (DLL, WinForms, whatever) you just use the project namespace, "Resources" and the resource identifier. eg:
Assuming a project namespace: UberSoft.WidgetPro
And your resx contains:
You can just use:
This example is from the MSDN page on ResourceManager.GetString():
// Create a resource manager to retrieve resources.
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("items", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
// Retrieve the value of the string resource named "welcome".
// The resource manager will retrieve the value of the
// localized resource using the caller's current culture setting.
String str = rm.GetString("welcome");
Try this, works for me.. simple
Assume that your resource file name is "TestResource.resx", and you want to pass key dynamically then,
string resVal = TestResource.ResourceManager.GetString(dynamicKeyVal);
Add Namespace
using System.Resources;
Open .resx file and set "Access Modifier" to Public.
var <Variable Name> = Properties.Resources.<Resource Name>
Assuming the .resx file was added using Visual Studio under the project properties, there is an easier and less error prone way to access the string.
Expanding the .resx file in the Solution Explorer should show a .Designer.cs file.
When opened, the .Designer.cs file has a Properties namespace and an internal class. For this example assume the class is named Resources.
Accessing the string is then as easy as:
var resourceManager = JoshCodes.Core.Testing.Unit.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager;
var exampleXmlString = resourceManager.GetString("exampleXml");
Replace JoshCodes.Core.Testing.Unit with the project's default namespace.
Replace "exampleXml" with the name of your string resource.
Followed by #JeffH answer, I recommend to use typeof() than string assembly name.
var rm = new ResourceManager(typeof(YourAssembly.Properties.Resources));
string message = rm.GetString("NameOfKey", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ja-JP"));
If for some reason you can't put your resources files in App_GlobalResources, then you can open resources files directly using ResXResourceReader or an XML Reader.
Here's sample code for using the ResXResourceReader:
public static string GetResourceString(string ResourceName, string strKey)
//Figure out the path to where your resource files are located.
//In this example, I'm figuring out the path to where a SharePoint feature directory is relative to a custom SharePoint layouts subdirectory.
string currentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["SCRIPT_NAME"]));
string featureDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(currentDirectory + "\\..\\..\\..\\FEATURES\\FEATURENAME\\Resources");
//Look for files containing the name
List<string> resourceFileNameList = new List<string>();
DirectoryInfo resourceDir = new DirectoryInfo(featureDirectory);
var resourceFiles = resourceDir.GetFiles();
foreach (FileInfo fi in resourceFiles)
if (fi.Name.Length > ResourceName.Length+1 && fi.Name.ToLower().Substring(0,ResourceName.Length + 1) == ResourceName.ToLower()+".")
if (resourceFileNameList.Count <= 0)
{ return ""; }
//Get the current culture
string strCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name;
string[] cultureStrings = strCulture.Split('-');
string strLanguageString = cultureStrings[0];
string strResourceFileName="";
string strDefaultFileName = resourceFileNameList[0];
foreach (string resFileName in resourceFileNameList)
if (resFileName.ToLower() == ResourceName.ToLower() + ".resx")
strDefaultFileName = resFileName;
if (resFileName.ToLower() == ResourceName.ToLower() + "."+strCulture.ToLower() + ".resx")
strResourceFileName = resFileName;
else if (resFileName.ToLower() == ResourceName.ToLower() + "." + strLanguageString.ToLower() + ".resx")
strResourceFileName = resFileName;
if (strResourceFileName == "")
strResourceFileName = strDefaultFileName;
//Use resx resource reader to read the file in.
ResXResourceReader rsxr = new ResXResourceReader(featureDirectory + "\\"+ strResourceFileName);
//IDictionaryEnumerator idenumerator = rsxr.GetEnumerator();
foreach (DictionaryEntry d in rsxr)
if (d.Key.ToString().ToLower() == strKey.ToLower())
return d.Value.ToString();
return "";
I added the .resx file via Visual Studio. This created a designer.cs file with properties to immediately return the value of any key I wanted. For example, this is some auto-generated code from the designer file.
/// <summary>
/// Looks up a localized string similar to When creating a Commissioning change request, you must select valid Assignees, a Type, a Component, and at least one (1) affected unit..
/// </summary>
public static string MyErrorMessage {
get {
return ResourceManager.GetString("MyErrorMessage", resourceCulture);
That way, I was able to simply do:
string message = Errors.MyErrorMessage;
Where Errors is the Errors.resx file created through Visual Studio and MyErrorMessage is the key.
Once you add a resource (Name: ResourceName and Value: ResourceValue) to the solution/assembly, you could simply use "Properties.Resources.ResourceName" to get the required resource.
I added my resource file to my project directly, and so I was able to access the strings inside just fine with the resx file name.
Example: in Resource1.resx, key "resourceKey" -> string "dataString".
To get the string "dataString", I just put Resource1.resourceKey.
There may be reasons not to do this that I don't know about, but it worked for me.
The easiest way to do this is:
Create an App_GlobalResources system folder and add a resource file to it e.g. Messages.resx
Create your entries in the resource file e.g. ErrorMsg = This is an error.
Then to access that entry: string errormsg = Resources.Messages.ErrorMsg
The Simplest Way to get value from resource file.
Add Resource file in the project.
Now get the string where you want to add like in my case it was text block(SilverLight).
No need to add any namespace also.Its working fine in my case
txtStatus.Text = Constants.RefractionUpdateMessage;
Constants is my resource file name in the project.
Create a resource manager to retrieve resources.
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("param1",Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
String str = rm.GetString("param2");
param1 = "AssemblyName.ResourceFolderName.ResourceFileName"
param2 = name of the string to be retrieved from the resource file
This works for me.
say you have a strings.resx file with string ok in it. to read it
String varOk = My.Resources.strings.ok
2.return Resource.ResponseMsgSuccess;
I have been writing a small application using C# to copy a document into an individuals 'My Documents' folder on our DMS server.
I've beased the code around the listing provided in the 'WorkSite SDK 8: Utilize the IMANEXT2Lib.IManRefileCmd to File New Document Folders' blog.
Using this code in a WinForm application I have no problems copying the file from the source folder into the users DMS 'My Documents' folder.
However if I use the code in a command line application/.dll or any other type of application (other than WinForm) during the copy process I receive the error messages;
Error occurred when try to log the event!
IManExt: Error occurred when try to log the event!
Access is denied.
The document was imported to the database, but could not be added to
the folder.
IManExt: The document was imported to the database, but could not be
added to the folder.
IManExt.LogRuleEventsCmd.1: Error occurred when try to log the event!
IManExt.LogRuleEventsCmd.1: Access is denied.
Error occurred when try to log the event!
Does anyone know why I'd receiving the 'Access Denied' error messages when using a non-WinForms application to copy documents?
What would I need to do to get around this issue?
Any help would be amazing!
Code in place:
public void moveToDMS(String servName, String dBName, String foldName)
const string SERVERNAME = servName; //Server name
const string DATABASENAME = dBName; //Database name
const string FOLDERNAME = foldName; //Matter alias of workspace
IManDMS dms = new ManDMSClass();
IManSession sess = dms.Sessions.Add(SERVERNAME);
//Get destination database.
IManDatabase db = sess.Databases.ItemByName(DATABASENAME);
//Get destination folder by folder and owner name.
IManFolderSearchParameters fparms = dms.CreateFolderSearchParameters();
fparms.Add(imFolderAttributeID.imFolderOwner, sess.UserID);
fparms.Add(imFolderAttributeID.imFolderName, FOLDERNAME);
//Build a database list in which to search.
ManStrings dblist = new ManStringsClass();
IManFolders results = sess.WorkArea.SearchFolders(dblist, fparms);
if (results.Empty == true)
//No results returned based on the search criteria.
Console.WriteLine("NO RESULTS FOUND!");
IManDocumentFolder fldr = null;
if (results.Empty == false)
//Assuming there is only one workspace returned from the results.
fldr = (IManDocumentFolder)results.ItemByIndex(1);
if (fldr != null)
// Import file path
string docPath = #"C:\Temp\";
string docName = "MyWord.doc";
// Create an instance of the ContextItems Collection Object.
ContextItems context = new ContextItemsClass();
// Invoke ImportCmd to import a new document to WorkSite database.
ImportCmd impCmd = new ImportCmdClass();
// The WorkSite object you pass in can be a database, session, or folder.
// Depends on in where you want the imported doc to be stored.
context.Add("IManDestinationObject", fldr); //The destination folder.
// Filename set here is used for easy example, a string variable is normally used here
context.Add("IManExt.Import.FileName", docPath + docName);
// Document Author
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocAuthor", sess.UserID); //Example of a application type.
// Document Class
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocClass", "BLANK"); //Example of a document class.
//context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocClass", "DOC"); //Example of a document class.
// Document Description (optional)
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocDescription", docName); //Using file path as example of a description.
// Skip UI
context.Add("IManExt.NewProfile.ProfileNoUI", true);
if (impCmd.Status == (int)CommandStatus.nrActiveCommand)
bool brefresh = (bool)context.Item("IManExt.Refresh");
if (brefresh == true)
//Succeeded in importing a document to WorkSite
IManDocument doc = (IManDocument)context.Item("ImportedDocument");
//Succeeded in filing the new folder under the folder.
Console.WriteLine("New document number, " + doc.Number + ", is successfully filed to " + fldr.Name + " folder.");
Just in case this helps someone else.
It seems my issue was the result of a threading issue.
I noticed the C# winform apps I had created were automatically set to run on a single 'ApartmentState' thread ([STAThread]).
Whereas the console applications & class library thread state and management hadn't been defined within the project and was being handled with the default .NET config.
To get this to work: In the console application, I just added the [STAThread] tag on the line above my Main method call.
In the class library, I defined a thread for the function referencing the IMANxxx.dll and set ApartmentState e.g.
Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(PerformSearchAndMove));
In both cases ensuring single 'ApartmentState' thread was implemented set would resolve the issue.
I have built a small WPF application that allows users to upload documents and then select one to display.
The following is the code for the file copy.
public static void MoveFile( string directory, string subdirectory)
var open = new OpenFileDialog {Multiselect = false, Filter = "AllFiles|*.*"};
var newLocation = CreateNewDirectory( directory, subdirectory, open.FileName);
if ((bool) open.ShowDialog())
CopyFile(open.FileName, newLocation);
"You must select a file to upload".Show();
private static void CopyFile( string oldPath, string newPath)
File.Copy(oldPath, newPath);
string.Format("The file {0} already exists in the current directory.", Path.GetFileName(newPath)).Show();
The file is copied without incident. However, when the user tries to select a file they just copied to display, A file not found exception. After debugging, I've found that the UriSource for the dynamic image is resolving the relative path 'Files{selected file}' to the directory that was just browsed by the file select in the above code instead of the Application directory as it seems like it should.
This problem only occurs when a newly copied file is selected. If you restart the application and select the new file it works fine.
Here's the code that dynamically sets the Image source:
//Cover = XAML Image
Cover.Source(string.Format(#"Files\{0}\{1}", item.ItemID, item.CoverImage), "carton.ico");
public static void Source( this Image image, string filePath, string alternateFilePath)
{image.Source = GetSource(filePath);}
{image.Source = GetSource(alternateFilePath);}
private static BitmapImage GetSource(string filePath)
var source = new BitmapImage();
source.UriSource = new Uri( filePath, UriKind.Relative);
//Without this option, the image never finishes loading if you change the source dynamically.
source.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
return source;
I'm stumped. Any thought's would be appreciated.
Although I don't have a direct answer, you should use caution for such allowing people to upload files. I was at a seminar where they had good vs bad hackers to simulate real life exploits. One was such that files were allowed to be uploaded. They uploaded malicious asp.net files and called the files directly as they new where the images were ultimately presented to the users, and were able to eventually take over a system. You may want to verify somehow what TYPES of files are being allowed and maybe have stored in a non-exeucting directory of your web server.
It turns out I was missing an option in the constructor of my openfiledialogue. The dialogue was changing the current directory which was causing the relative paths to resolve incorrectly.
If you replace the open file with the following:
var open = new OpenFileDialog{ Multiselect = true, Filter = "AllFiles|*.*", RestoreDirectory = true};
The issue is resolved.