Create installer/exe for c# .net core 3.0 project with dll - c#

I need help how to create installer for c# .net core 3.0 project with some dll. I've tried the installer extension and Install shield for vs2019 but seems it is not working. Please help. Thanks.


why can't create a .Net project with Eclipse?

I want to create a .NET Core project in Eclipse IDE, but Eclipse does not find an available project template. So I can't create the project.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
I installed the aCute. I specified dotnet.exe in Preferences.

.NET Core Launch (console) (Debugging) how can I get it?

.NET framework (recommended) not working
.NET core, what I am trying to getpng
I am trying to enable the debugger, but for some reason the .NET framework that is system recommended isn't working. And I don't have the .NET core debugger from some reason, I installed the .NET SDK 6.0 x64. I pretty much installed all of the .NET extensions .NET extensions And I still can't find the .NET Core debugger. If anyone has a link to a video on how to install send it please.
Thanks guys if anyone meets this problem, I just had to repair the .NET files from the setup file that you download. And restart Visual Studio. Thanks for the help anyways.

Project '..' targets 'net5.0'. It cannot be referenced by a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2'

I created my initial project that targets Framework version v4.7.2. I needed to add a class library in my project using visual studio 2022 Community. While doing so, VS2022 gave me only 4 options to choose from for setting Target Framework (.Net Standard 2.0, .Net Standard 1.0, .Net 5.0, .Net 6.0). This feature isn't there in VS2019 Community. I selected .NET 5.0
Now this class library cannot be referenced by my initial project. I think I need to update .NET Core SDK but don't know which version (if I am correct in my assumption).
Please help. Thanks
You should add a class library, which is supported .NET Framework.
In the one project, all classes are the same target output (.NET Core or .NET Framework)
Referred project and reference project are the same target output.
My case:
I created Winform Application(.NET Core), then add Junit Project(.NET Framework) referring to Winform Application and they are conflict due to different target.
My Solution:
I changed Winform Application from .NET Core to .NET Framework and they are working.
Hope to help you!!!

My program doesn't excute even installed runtime package

I published my program(.net core 3.1 winform program). but it doesnt excuted even installed .net core 3.1 run-time package. so i install .net core 3.1 sdk package, it works.
why i install sdk instead of run-time package?
The software development kit (SDK) includes everything you need to build and run . NET Core applications, using command line tools and any editor (including Visual Studio). The runtime includes just the resources required to run existing
There was a problem creating a single file by using app.config in the wrong way.
When app.config was used in the correct way, it was confirmed that it works normally only with the runtime sdk.
Previously, both *.dll.config and *.dll were required, but after correcting it, only *.dll.config worked normally.

Targeting .NET Core 2.0

I just create a simple ClassLibrary project with VS2017 preview 2.1.
I create using .NET Core project template. When I check in project details, I see it targets .NET standard 2.0. How I may target .NET Core 2.0 (that implement a larger number of API according to a test made with API-Port tool)
Update: The templates have been fixed in a recent update to VS 2017 15.3 Preview.
This really looks like an issue with the templates, I also created a project from the "Class Library (.NET Core)" template and it targeted .NET Standard 2.0.
However, this can easily be fixed by editing the csproj file manually from
This project type allows editing the csproj file while the project is loaded by right-clicking on the project and selecting "Edit {project}.csproj".
It looks you may create a .NET Core app with VS2017 targeting .NET Core 2.0, but as soon you create a .NET Core project library, it targets .NET standard, it might be a limitation of this preview of VS2017.
The issue is gone with VS2017 15.3.0 Preview 3!
I'm on Visual Studio 2017: Community.
I installed the SDK found here:
You should be able to see the NET Core 2.0 as the target framework when creating your project.
