Unable to match on first column name after parsing CSV document - c#

I am working on CSV import where I take a file (with headings as the first row) and parse the document into DataTable structure.
When I try to organise the data into a collection for some reason (unknown to me), my state machine fails to match on the very first column heading. It should be fairly straight forward, no magic involved.
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn col in row.Table.Columns)
// debug: Exceptions.LogException(new Exception(" csv {ColumnName:'" + col.ColumnName + "',Length:" + col.ColumnName.Length + ",Test:" + string.Equals(col.ColumnName, "Name") + "}"));
case "Name":
// doesn't get picked up
My debug line(s) return the following: csv {ColumnName:'Name',Length:5,Test:False}
Interestingly enough, if I add a dummy column to the file in front of Name column then my case: "Name" works fine.
Any ideas what could be causing an issue like that?
Great comments and suggestions
Reproducible code example - was going to make one today but it looks like we have a different problem
Leading/trailing spaces - checked for those before posting
Name being reserved - tried a different column name didn't make a difference
Weird characters - checked CSV in Notepad, Sublime (fancy Notepad) before posting for strange characters. But after JAZ suggested to check the length s/he was right on the money (see above).
Pursuing the issue of weird characters
So far it doesn't seem to be any of the usual suspects: space, tab, newline, carriage return (or combination of both). But one thing is for sure it's at the begging of the string as suggested by debugging log.
sb.Append("{Col:'" + col.ColumnName.Substring(0, 3) + "',Len:" + col.ColumnName.Length + "}");
Returning {Col:'vN',Len:6} where first column is vName.
Finally found the culprit U+FEFF aka BYTE ORDER MARK character which appears at the start of text stream (but can also appear in the middle ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE) and indicates the type of encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, etc).
Found by converting a string of characters into Unicode as follows:
col.ColumnName.Select(t => string.Format("U+{0:X4}", (ushort)t)).ToList()
Producing the following output for vName string:
U+FEFF = byte order mark
U+0076 = v
U+004E = N
U+0061 = a
U+006D = m
U+0065 = e
Handy to know
Just wanted to share that you can quickly check the type of encoding and line break used by opening the file in Notepad. Would have been handy to know this when I was posting my question. Below are three different CSV files which use a different encoding.

Probably a line feed or some weird character in the data - What is the length of the string when it fails? That would tell you if there are too many chars.
Start with the CSV data and check it in a real editor, not Excel, see if there is something in the data.
Use Notepad++ and change the encoding of the text file to see the extra characters. Don't think Windows Notepad will show them.


c#.net regex to remove certain non ascii chars does not work

I'm newbie to .net, I use script task in SSIS. I am trying to load a file to Database that has some characters like below. This looks like a data copied from word where - has turned to –
Sample text:
Correction – Spring Promo 2016
Notepad++ shows:
I used the regex in .net script [^\x00-\x7F] but even though it falls in the range it gets replaced. I do not want these characters be altered. What am I missing here?
If I don't replace I get a truncation error as I believe these characters take more than a bit size.
Edit: I added sample rows. First two rows have problem and last two are okay.
123|NA|0|-.10000|Correction – Spring Promo 2016|.000000|gift|2013-06-29
345|NA|1|-.50000|Correction–Spring Promo 2011|.000000|makr|2012-06-29
117|ER|0|12.000000|EDR - (WR) US STATE|.000000|TEST MARGIN|2016-02-30
232|TV|0|.100000|UFT / MGT v8|.000000|test. second|2006-06-09
After good long weekend :) I am beginning to think that this is due to code page error. The exact error message when loading the flat file is as below.
Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "NAME" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
This is what I do in my ssis package.
Script task that validates the flat files.
The only validation that affect the contents of the file is to check the number of delimited columns in the file is same as what it should be for that file. I need to read each line (if there is an extra pipe delimiter (user entry), remove that line from the file and log that into custom table).
Using the StreamWriter class, I write all the valid lines to a temp file and rename/move the file at the end.
apologies but I have just noticed that this process changes all such lines above to something like this.
Notepad: Correction � Spring Promo 2016
How do I stop my script task doing this? (which should be the solution)
If that's not easy, option 2 being..
My connection managers are flat file source and OLEDB destination. The OLEDB uses the default code page which is 1252. If these characters are not a match in code page 1252, what should I be using? Are there any other workarounds without changing the code page?
Script task:
foreach (string file in files)... some other checks
var tFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
using (StreamReader rFile = new StreamReader(file))
using (var swriter = new StreamWriter(tFile))
string line;
while ((line = rFile.ReadLine()) != null)
NrDelimtrInLine = line.Count(x => x == '|') + 1;
if (columnCount == NrDelimtrInLine)
Thank you so much.
It's not clear to me what you intend since "I do not want these characters to be altered" seems mutually exclusive with "they must be replaced to avoid truncation". I would need to see the code to give you further advice.
In general I recommend always testing your regex patterns outside of code first. I usually use http://regexr.com
If you want to match your special characters:
If you want to match anything except your special characters:

Parsing a CSV file

We have an integration with another system that relies on passing CSV files back and forth (really old school).
The structure is generally:
ID, Name, PhoneNumber, comments, fathersname
1, tom, 555-1234, just some random text, bill
2, jill smith, 555-4234, other random text, richard
Every so often we see this:
3, jacked up, 999-1231, here
be dragons
amongst us, ted
The primary problem I care about is detecting that a line breaker (\n) occurs in the middle of the record when that is the record terminator.
Is there anyway I can preprocess this to reliably fix it?
Note that we have zero control over what the other system emits.
So you should be able to do something more or less like this:
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
var fields = lines[i].Split(',').ToList();
while (fields.Count < numFields)//here be dragons amonst us
i++;//include next line in this line
//check to make sure we haven't run out of lines.
//combine end of previous field with start of the next one,
//and add the line break back in.
var innerFields = lines[i].Split(',');
fields[fields.Count - 1] += "\n" + innerFields[0];
//we now know we have a "real" full line
(For simplicity I assumed all lines were read in at the start; I assume you could alter it to lazily fetch each line easily enough.)
Let me start and say that the CSV file in your example is invalid. If a line break occurs inside a string, it should be wrapped with double quote characters.
Now for the answer - In order to parse this invalid csv format you must do several assumptions. In this case I made 2 assumptions: 1) The ID column must be numeric 2) The comment field can not contain digits.
Based on these assumptions you can check the first character after the line break character. If it is digit, you assume its a new record. If not you should treat it as a continue value of the comment field.
I don't know if the second assumption is valid, if not, you can enhance the logic so it will cover the business rules of the system.
Good Luck!
Firstly I would recommend using a tool to manage reading and writing your csv files, I use the FileHelpers library which is great.
You can essentially type your records and it will do all the validation and such for you. Worth the effort.
To your question perhaps you can do some preprocessing on the file and use Regex to replace any line breaks with a space?
I do something similar (not with files but) try
line.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ");
With FileHelpers you could write a custom converter to do this during processing, or hook into the BeforeRead event.

Data processing puzzle/headache

I have a CSV file I need to process which is a bit of a nightmare. Esentially it is the following
"1","Test1","Test description text"
"2","Test2","<doc><style>body{font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif";}</style><p class="test_class"
name="test_name">Lots of word xdoc content here.</p></doc>"
"guid-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx","Test3","Test description text 3"
I'm using the File Helpers library to process the CSV rather than reinvent the wheel. However, due to the description field containing unescaped Word xdoc xml which contains quotes it's getting rather confused when it comes to the start and end points of each record.
The following is an example mapping class.
[DelimitedRecord(","), IgnoreFirst(1), IgnoreEmptyLines()]
public class CSVDoc
#region Properties
[FieldQuoted('"', QuoteMode.AlwaysQuoted), FieldTrim(TrimMode.Both)]
public string Id;
[FieldQuoted('"', QuoteMode.AlwaysQuoted), FieldTrim(TrimMode.Both)]
public string Name;
[FieldQuoted('"', QuoteMode.AlwaysQuoted), FieldTrim(TrimMode.Both)]
public string Description;
[FieldQuoted('"', QuoteMode.AlwaysQuoted), FieldTrim(TrimMode.Both)]
I considered (despite my hate of regex for this kind of task) replacing all " with ' and then using ((?<=(^|',))'|'(?=($|,'))) pattern to replace all ' with " at the start and end of lines and where they are formatted ','. However, the dirty file contains some lines which end with a " and some css style attributes which are formatted ","
So now I'm left scratching my head trying to figure out how to do this and how it can be automated.
Any ideas?
You're going to have to re-invent the wheel, because that's not valid CSV or indeed a reasonable file at all - it doesn't have any sort of provably consistent escaping rules (e.g. we don't know if the plain-text columns are escaped correctly or not).
Your best bet is to ask the person producing this to fix the bug, it should be e.g.:
"2","Test2","<doc><style>body{font-family:""Calibri"",""sans-serif"";}</style><p class=""test_class""
name=""test_name"">Lots of word xdoc content here.</p></doc>"
Which your parser should handle fine, and which should not be hard for them to produce in a simple and efficient manner.
Failing that, you'll have to hand-code the parser to:
Read a line.
Check for unescaped " (any "that isn't followed by a " a , or whitespace.
If none found, parse as CSV.
If any found, parse as this horrible thing until you hit the line ending with "
It may be easier to look for < if that is consistently not used in the other lines. Or perhaps for <doc if it consistently identifies the correct rows.
If you don't mind doing some pre-processing before, you can change the first and second "," to "|" and then use FileHelper to parse the file normally (Assuming you don't have | in the last column where there are HTML tags)
The pre-processing could be something like (Simple pseudo code) :
var sb = new StringBuilder()
var regex = new Regex("\",\"");
foreach(string line in textFileLines)
sb.AppendLine(regex.Replace(line , "\"|\"", 2));
I worked on the CSV-1203 File Format standard a few months ago, so the first thing to realise is that you're not dealing with a CSV file - even though it's named "xyz.CSV".
As said by others here, it will be easier to write your own reader, they're not too difficult. I too have a hatred of everything regex, but the good news is you can code any solution without ever using it.
A couple of things: There's a really weird thing Excel does to CSV files that begin with the two capital letters ID (without quotes). It thinks your CSV is a corrupted SYLK file! Try it.
For details of this issue and a detailed CSV File Format specification, please refer to http://mastpoint.curzonnassau.com/csv-1203

How to read double quotes (") in a text file in C#?

I have to read a text file and then to parse it, in C# using VS 2010. The sample text is as follows,
; provides the name of the selected tool for programming
“Phoenix Select Advanced”;
; provides the serial number for the tool
; provides the Pressure correction information requirement
; provides the surface mount information
; provides the sapphire type information
Now I have to parse only the string data (in double quotes) and headers (in square brackets[]), and then save it into another text file. I can successfully parse the headers but the string data in double quotes is not appearing correctly, as shown below.
�Phoenix Select Advanced�;
Please note a special character (�) which is appearing every time whenever a double quotes appear.
How can I write the double quotes(") in the destination file and avoid (�) ?
I am using the following line for my parsing
temporaryconfigFileWriter.WriteLine(configFileLine, false, Encoding.Unicode);
Here is the complete code I am using:
string temporaryConfigurationFileName = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\Temporary_Configuration_File.txt";
//Pointers to read from Configuration File 'configFileReader' and to write to Temporary Configuration File 'temporaryconfigFileWriter'
StreamReader configFileReader = new StreamReader(CommandLineVariables.ConfigurationFileName);
StreamWriter temporaryconfigFileWriter = new StreamWriter(temporaryConfigurationFileName);
//Check whether the 'END_OF_FILE' header is specified or not, to avoid searching for end of file indefinitely
if ((File.ReadAllText(CommandLineVariables.ConfigurationFileName)).Contains("[END_OF_FILE]"))
//Read the file untill reaches the 'END_OF_FILE'
while (!((configFileLine = configFileReader.ReadLine()).Contains("[END_OF_FILE]")))
configFileLine = configFileLine.Trim();
if (!(configFileLine.StartsWith(";")) && !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(configFileLine)))
temporaryconfigFileWriter.WriteLine(configFileLine, false, Encoding.UTF8);
// to write the last header [END_OF_FILE]
Your input file doesn't contain double quotes, that's a lie. It contains the opening double quote and the closing double quote not the standard version.
First you must ensure that you are reading your input with the correct encoding (Try multiple ones and just display the string in a textbox in C# you'll see if it show the characters correctly pretty fast)
If you want such characters to appear in your output you must write the output file as something else than ASCII and if you write it as UTF-8 for example you should ensure that it start with the Byte Order Mark (Otherwise it will be readable but some software like notepad will display 2 characters as it won't detect that the file isn't ASCII).
Another choice is to simply replace “ and ” with "
It appears that you are using proper typographic quotes (“...”) instead of the straight ASCII ones ("..."). My guess would be that you read the text file with the wrong encoding.
If you can see them properly in Notepad and neither ASCII nor one of the Unicode encodings works, then it's probably codepage 1252. You can get that encoding via

StringReader formatted string

I have followed this Wordpress tutorial which works great. I have used a listview and when i try to format the string it doesn't recognise the \t (but does recognise \n). It also won't recognise String.Format etc.
Is there anyway that I can format the string using tabs or something similar?
for( i = 0; i < lstView.Items.Count;i++)
name = lstView.Items[i].Text;
state = lstView.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text;
country = lstView.Items[i].SubItems[2].Text;
line += name + "\t" + state + "\t" + country + "\n";
StringReader reader = new StringReader(line);
When line is used to print the string is joined together so the \t doesn't work. The \n for a new line does work though. Does anyone know any way that I can format the string without using spaces.
The result is like this
Where I would like them lined up (like in a table) with name one column, state another column and country then third
Any suggestions greatly appreciated
Well, it is a bit odd that tabs are lost, but on the other hand, tabs will probably be problematic if the individual string elements (name, state etc.) varies in length.
What you could do instead is use string.Format() and use fixed column widths.
To get nice visual output this would include a parse step to determine the correct column width.
When this is done, use something like this to use spaces instead of tabs.
string line = string.Format("{0,-20}{1,-20}{2,-20}", "name", "state", "country");
EDIT: Saw that you did not want to use spaces.
In this case, you will probably need to handle this in the printing algorithm itself. You could still separate items with tabs, then for each line split it on tabs, creating an array of items (columns) per line.
For each item, print it using Graphics.DrawString() with a suitable X-position offset.
See the documentation for Graphics.DrawString.
