How to use MultipleInheritance with postsharp - c#

How do you implement multiple inheritance with postsharp?
There is an example here but am new to postsharp. I cant port it to the latest
version of postsharp

The CompositionAspect is still available in the latest PostSharp. You will need to use the newer GetPublicInterfaces method, as well as handle generics differently (see MakeGenericType). We currently don't have samples for this.
However, you can also use IntroduceInterfaceAttribute on an aspect to inject behavior into a type. See PostSharp documentation for details. The aspect introducing the interface provides the implementation of the interface as well, so it would serve as a "base class". Using this, you can create the same pattern as in your example.
Note that true multiple implementation inheritance is not supported by C# or the CLR - these are patterns which allow you to simulate that.


Alternate (Free) to AOP PostSharp for method tracing (and exception)

I like to add tracing entering and leaving of every methods in classes. and also trace the arguments when an exception occurs. With PostSharp AOP, I don't need to put it in every method but just apply attributes. But I can't afford PostSharp.
Is there an alternate way to do this? Can Unity3D do that?
I am using log4net to log the message.
Yes you can do Aspect Oriented Programming and Interception using Unity.
Unity is a lightweight, extensible dependency injection container with
support for instance and type interception.
There is a great article from Dino Esposito: Aspect-Oriented Programming, Interception and Unity 2.0
Interception in Unity 2.0
The core idea of interception in Unity is enabling developers to customize the chain of calls that it takes
to invoke a method on an object. In other words, the Unity
interception mechanism captures calls being made to configured objects
and customizes the behavior of the target objects by adding some extra
code before, after or around the regular execution of methods.
Interception is essentially an extremely flexible approach to add new
behavior to an object at run time without touching its source code and
without affecting the behavior of classes in the same inheritance
And also there is a great Patterns and Practices article about Interception using Unity.
The example code at article performs logging using interception.

How to automate property/method headers when implementing an interface to satisfy StyleCop

We use StyleCop to enforce documentation of our code.
StyleCop (out of the box) requires properties and methods to be documented. Theoretically, interfaces and their concretions can have different headers but in practice they're usually identical.
However, when an interface is implemented in the concretion, the header isn't copied over meaning that it has to be done manually. Is there a better way to automate this rather than having to copy over each one?
Obviously we could simply copy the interface code en masse but you lose a lot of the stub code so it isn't really a perfect solution.
You can use Ghostdoc, an addin for Visual Studio. After installed it, just right click to the properties, classes or methods and click "Document This".
If you have long properties or methods you can use Resharper to auto implement and copy the interface documentations.
I found that Atomineer Pro Documentation does this nicely. I believe the statement in the overview summarizes what you have asked.
Intelligent automatic duplication of existing documentation for
overrides of interface and base class methods, throughout groups of
overloaded methods, and across related parameters within a class to
maximise documentation consistency with minimal effort.
There is a free trial if you want to take it for a test run and see if it meets your needs.

How to Mock Sealed class with RhinoMocks [duplicate]

Mocking sealed classes can be quite a pain. I currently favor an Adapter pattern to handle this, but something about just keeps feels weird.
So, What is the best way you mock sealed classes?
Java answers are more than welcome. In fact, I would anticipate that the Java community has been dealing with this longer and has a great deal to offer.
But here are some of the .NET opinions:
Why Duck Typing Matters for C#
Creating wrappers
for sealed and other types for
Unit tests for WCF (and Moq)
For .NET, you could use something like TypeMock, which uses the profiling API and allows you to hook into calls to nearly anything.
My general rule of thumb is that objects that I need to mock should have a common interface too. I think this is right design-wise and makes tests a lot easier (and is usually what you get if you do TDD). More about this can be read in the Google Testing Blog latest post (See point 9).
Also, I've been working mainly in Java in the past 4 years and I can say that I can count on one hand the number of times I've created a final (sealed) class. Another rule here is I should always have a good reason to seal a class, as opposed to sealing it by default.
I believe that Moles, from Microsoft Research, allows you to do that. From the Moles page:
Moles may be used to detour any .NET
method, including non-virtual/static
methods in sealed types.
UPDATE: there is a new framework called "Fakes" in the upcoming VS 11 release that is designed to replace Moles:
The Fakes Framework in Visual Studio 11 is the next generation of Moles & Stubs, and will eventually replace it. Fakes is different from Moles, however, so moving from Moles to Fakes will require some modifications to your code. A guide for this migration will be available at a later date.
Requirements: Visual Studio 11 Ultimate, .NET 4.5
The problem with TypeMock is that it excuses bad design. Now, I know that it is often someone else's bad design that it's hiding, but permitting it into your development process can lead very easily to permitting your own bad designs.
I think if you're going to use a mocking framework, you should use a traditional one (like Moq) and create an isolation layer around the unmockable thing, and mock the isolation layer instead.
I came across this problem recently and after reading / searching web, seems like there is no easy way around except to use another tool as mentioned above.
Or crude of handling things as I did:
Create instance of sealed class without getting constructor called.
Assign values to your properties / fields via reflection
YourObject.GetType().GetProperty("PropertyName").SetValue(dto, newValue, null);
YourObject.GetType().GetField("FieldName").SetValue(dto, newValue);
I almost always avoid having dependencies on external classes deep within my code. Instead, I'd much rather use an adapter/bridge to talk to them. That way, I'm dealing with my semantics, and the pain of translating is isolated in one class.
It also makes it easier to switch my dependencies in the long run.
It is perfectly reasonable to mock a sealed class because many framework classes are sealed.
In my case I'm trying to mock .Net's MessageQueue class so that I can TDD my graceful exception handling logic.
If anyone has ideas on how to overcome Moq's error regarding "Invalid setup on a non-overridable member", please let me know.
public void Test()
Queue<Message> messages = new Queue<Message>();
Action<Message> sendDelegate = msg => messages.Enqueue(msg);
Func<TimeSpan, MessageQueueTransaction, Message> receiveDelegate =
(v1, v2) =>
throw new Exception("Test Exception to simulate a failed queue read.");
MessageQueue mockQueue = QueueMonitorHelper.MockQueue(sendDelegate, receiveDelegate).Object;
public static Mock<MessageQueue> MockQueue
(Action<Message> sendDelegate, Func<TimeSpan, MessageQueueTransaction, Message> receiveDelegate)
Mock<MessageQueue> mockQueue = new Mock<MessageQueue>(MockBehavior.Strict);
Expression<Action<MessageQueue>> sendMock = (msmq) => msmq.Send(It.IsAny<Message>()); //message => messages.Enqueue(message);
Expression<Func<MessageQueue, Message>> receiveMock = (msmq) => msmq.Receive(It.IsAny<TimeSpan>(), It.IsAny<MessageQueueTransaction>());
mockQueue.Setup(receiveMock).Returns<TimeSpan, MessageQueueTransaction>(receiveDelegate);
return mockQueue;
Although it's currently only available in beta release, I think it's worthwhile keeping in mind the shim feature of the new Fakes framework (part of the Visual Studio 11 Beta release).
Shim types provide a mechanism to detour any .NET method to a user defined delegate. Shim types are code-generated by the Fakes generator, and they use delegates, which we call shim types, to specify the new method implementations. Under the hood, shim types use callbacks that were injected at runtime in the method MSIL bodies.
Personally, I was looking at using this to mock the methods on sealed framework classes such as DrawingContext.
I generally take the route of creating an interface and adaptor/proxy class to facilitate mocking of the sealed type. However, I've also experimented with skipping creation of the interface and making the proxy type non-sealed with virtual methods. This worked well when the proxy is really a natural base class that encapsulates and users part of the sealed class.
When dealing with code that required this adaptation, I got tired of performing the same actions to create the interface and proxy type so I implemented a library to automate the task.
The code is somewhat more sophisticated than the sample given in the article you reference, as it produces an assembly (instead of source code), allows for code generation to be performed on any type, and doesn't require as much configuration.
For more information, please refer to this page.
Is there a way to implement a sealed class from an interface... and mock the interface instead?
Something in me feels that having sealed classes is wrong in the first place, but that's just me :)

How to intercept method calls in C#

I'd like to intercept and inject custom code when calling 3rd party code in C#. I am using an external library (AutoIt) for GUI automation. The AutoIt dll is provided without source code.
All actions done with this framework are performed from a single class (AutoItClass) providing access to all the methods. I'd like to be able to inject custom code when calling methods on this class, is this possible? For example:
Log some information from within the called method.
Perform any other action from within the method (wait for X seconds).
This would be possible very simply by inheriting from this class and overriding all its methods (which is a must since this is a COM object), but this is not the preferred way. Any comments will be helpful!
I wouldn't use inheritance - you can use composition here. Create your own class which has the same methods - or in fact only the ones you're interested in - and delegate through that. That way you can be sure you won't "miss" any methods accidentally, because anything you don't implement won't be callable through the rest of your codebase... so long as you make sure the rest of your code doesn't refer to the original library class, of course.
You can investigate PostSharp, which is a commercial product that can inject IL into compiled assemblies to perform aspect oriented programming. You can define different kind of behaviour that should happen before and after a method gets executed, for example, which seems to be what you want. This way, as PostSharp handles this in a post-compilation step, you don't need to create any inherited classes from the classes that you want to intercept.
Otherwise if you want a more "pure" solution I would follow Jon's advice about creating a new class that wraps the functionality of the one that you want to intercept. (see Decorator pattern) .

Dynamically overriding a method -or- observing when a method is called at runtime?

I'm primarily an Objective-C/Cocoa developer, but I'm trying to implement the Observer pattern in C#.NET, specifically mimicking the NSKeyValueObserving protocols and methodology.
I've gotten as far as mimicking NSKVO with manual support, as described in Apple's KVO Programming Guide (see Since I'm writing the setValue:forKey: methods myself, I can implement auto KVO notification through there.
However, I'd like to somehow implement auto KVO on all properties by dynamically overriding them at runtime. For example, replacing Button.Title.set with:
set {
title = value;
So, this is my question:
How do I dynamically override a method or property at runtime in C#? I've gotten as far as getting and invoking methods and properties by name using Reflection.MethodInfo. Alternatively, can I observe the runtime and find out when a method is about to be/has been called?
Dynamic metaprogramming and aspect oriented programming are not yet strongly supported in C#. What you can do, is look at a free tool called PostSharp - it allows supports weaving aspects into your code around properties and method calls quite easily.
You can implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface (without postsharp) and it can be used in certain contexts to notify observers that a value of a property has changed. However, it still requires that each property actually broadcast the change notification - which generally requires it to be specifically coded to support that. Injecting change notification to existing code (without actually changing the source) is not an easy thing to do in straight-up C#. PostSharp (other other AOP/dynamic proxy libraries) make this sort of thing dramatically easier.
I'm not sure if you need to go down this road or not. But if you want to implement overrides of a method (i.e. generating new code for the method?) then it is possible with Emit. I would explore any other suggestions first before diving into those deep waters.
You're looking for INotifyPropertyChanged. You can dynamically implement that using PostSharp, Castle DynamicProxy or probably any other proxying library.
This does not solves the problem of having to add the tracking code dynamically, but can be interesting to read: Trackable Properties with Weak Events
With this stuff you are able to track changes to specific properties and it makes easier to implement INotifyPropertyChanged (i.e. track changes to all properties).
After doing extensive research on this subject, it appears that I can't do exactly what I'd like to do with .NET in its current state.
PostSharp's method is done at compile time, meaning I can't dynamically insert my own implementations to methods.
Reflection.Emit allows me to do this dynamically, but it generates a new instance of the created subclass - I need to do this so it works with the original instance.
INotifyPropertyChanging and INotifyPropertyChanged would be perfect if any of the existing .NET classes actually used them.
... so, at the moment I'm a bit stuck. I've put a more detailed piece on what I'm doing and how I'm trying to achieve in a post on my blog. Here's hoping .NET 4.0's dynamic dispatch will help!
