Combination of two conditions in .cs code - c#

I have a problem with the "where" instruction from the .cs code, I don't know how to use "and" there?
I tried
Code dont run, "and" dont exist
public ActionResult GetNumberDays(string mieciacValue, int rokValue)
var liczbaDni = _ecpContext.Miesiace.Where(x => x.Rok == rokValue and x => x.Miesiac == miesiacValue).Select(i => new
ObecnaIloscDni = i.IloscDni
return null;

Replace the and by &&. See the documentation for more Details.
public ActionResult GetNumberDays(string mieciacValue, int rokValue)
var liczbaDni = _ecpContext.Miesiace.Where(x => x.Rok == rokValue && x.Miesiac == miesiacValue).Select(i => new
ObecnaIloscDni = i.IloscDni
return null;


Efficiently select a set of objects that have multi value keys

I have a ProductVersions model which has a multi part key, a int ProductId and a int VersionNum field.
The function below takes a list of simple Dto classes that are just these 2 fields with goal of returning a set full ProductVersion objects from the database that match.
Below is a less than efficient solution. I am expecting the incoming list to only between 2 to 4 items so its not too bad but I'd like to do better.
private async Task<List<ProductVersion>?> GetProductVersionsFromDto(IList<ProductVersionDto>? productVersionDtos)
List<ProductVersion>? productVersions = null;
if (productVersionDtos != null)
foreach (ProductVersionDto dto in productVersionDtos)
ProductVersion? productVersion = await myPortalDBContext.ProductVersions
.Where(pv => pv.ProductId == dto.ProductId && pv.VersionNum == dto.VersionNum)
if (productVersion != null)
if (productVersions == null) productVersions = new List<ProductVersion>();
return productVersions;
I had consider something like this:
private async Task<List<ProductVersion>?> GetProductVersionsFromDto(IList<ProductVersionDto>? productVersionDtos)
List<ProductVersion>? productVersions = null;
if (productVersionDtos != null)
productVersions = await myPortalDBContext.ProductVersions
pv => new { pv.ProductId, pv.VersionNum },
pvd => new { pvd.ProductId, pvd.VersionNum },
(pv, pvd) => pv)
return productVersions;
but at runtime fails because the Join doesn't make sense. Anyone know of way to do this more efficiently with just a single round-trip into the dbContext?
Use FilterByItems extension and then you can generate desired query:
private async Task<List<ProductVersion>?> GetProductVersionsFromDto(IList<ProductVersionDto>? productVersionDtos)
if (productVersionDtos == null)
return null;
var productVersions = await myPortalDBContext.ProductVersions
(pv, dto) => pv.ProductId == dto.ProductId && pv.VersionNum == dto.VersionNum, true)
return productVersions;

An exception was thrown while attempting to evaluate a LINQ query parameter expression

I got error in the tittle. Probably i must control string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString) but i didn't it. My code bellow. Please help me
Thank you everyone i solved this problem. Problem was not here. Prooblem in my route codes. for search is different i would write my route codes this
pattern: "{search}",
defaults: new {controller="Shop",action="search"}
but not in from of pattern: "{search}
should be this pattern: "search"
Thank you to everyone who helped
public List<Product> GetSearchResult(string searchString)
using (var context = new ShopContext())
var products = context
.Where(i=> i.IsApproved && (i.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchString.ToLower()) || i.Description.ToLower().Contains(searchString.ToLower())))
return products.ToList();
I would break this up as follows:
public List<Product> GetSearchResult(string searchString)
// What do you want to do if searchString is null or blank? (Pick one:)
// You could send back an empty result...
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString))
return null;
// Or you could convert it to a blank string
if (searchString == null)
searchString = "";
List<Product> products = new List<Product>();
using (var context = new ShopContext())
products = context.Products.ToList();
// Always check for null and empty after going to the DB
if (products == null || products.count = 0)
return null;
// If we are still here, then we can finally do the search
List<Product> results = products.Where(i=> i.IsApproved &&
(i.Name != null && i.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchString.ToLower()) ||
(i.Description != null && i.Description.ToLower().Contains(searchString.ToLower())));
return results;
Note: I've not tested this and there may be syntax errors in the last LINQ statement with all of the ('s and )'s.
The example above will pull back ALL records in the Product table and then filter the results in-memory. If you want to avoid that, then I think this should work:
public List<Product> GetSearchResult(string searchString)
// What do you want to do if searchString is null or blank? (Pick one:)
// You could send back an empty result...
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString))
return null;
// Or you could convert it to a blank string
if (searchString == null)
searchString = "";
using (var context = new ShopContext())
List<Product> products = context.Products.Where(i=> i.IsApproved &&
(i.Name != null && i.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchString.ToLower()) ||
(i.Description != null && i.Description.ToLower().Contains(searchString.ToLower()))).ToList();
return products;
The key difference between this and your OP is that we are checking for null's on Name and Description -- and I believe this does it in a way that EF can translate into a query.
Not a lot of information at hand but i assume the LINQ fails because a string is null.
Also why do you create a queryable of your results and then produce a list?
public List<Product> GetSearchResult(string searchString) {
static bool Contains(string a, string b) {
return a.ToLower().Contains(b.ToLower());
using (var context = new ShopContext()) {
return context
.Where(i => i.IsApproved)
.Where(i => i.Name is null ? false : Contains(i.Name, searchString)
|| i.Description is null ? false : Contains(i.Description, searchString))

C# Refactor code to make re-usable with generics

This is a very loaded question but I am new to using generics and want to become proficient using them and taking my C#/.NET skills to the next level. I created a data filter using multiple dropdowns. Before I break the below method into smaller encapsulated, single responsibility methods, I was hoping I could get some help.
My goal is to re-use this filter in many parts of our application. In order to do so I will have to add the "filter" methods to our common base EntityController and EntityRespository classes. Obviously I am going to have to make use of generics to accomplish this task. Can anyone give me some advice after looking at the below (ridiculously long) method?
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(PaginatedList<ProcessCard>), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetFilteredBusinessProcesses([FromBody] List<FieldFilterCriteria> filterCriteriaList = null)
List<BusinessProcess> listOfCommonItems = new List<BusinessProcess>();
PaginatedList<BusinessProcess> paginatedListOfCommonItems = new PaginatedList<BusinessProcess>();
var orgIdGuid = filterCriteriaList[0]?.OrganizationId;
if (filterCriteriaList != null)
var results = repository.Find(null, a => a.OrganizationId == orgIdGuid);
foreach (FieldFilterCriteria filter in filterCriteriaList)
foreach (string value in filter?.FilterValues)
switch (filter.Field)
case "Department":
var dList = results?.Items.Where(x => x.OrganizationUnitId == Guid.Parse(value)).ToList();
case "Status":
var sList = results?.Items.Where(x => x.Status == value).ToList();
case "Priority":
var pList = results?.Items.Where(x => x.Priority == value).ToList();
case "Owner":
var oList = results?.Items.Where(x => x.OwnerName == value).ToList();
if (filterCriteriaList.Count == 1)
paginatedListOfCommonItems.Items = listOfCommonItems;
if (filterCriteriaList.Count > 1)
listOfCommonItems = listOfCommonItems.GroupBy(x => x).Where(x => x.Count() > 1).Select(x => x.Key).ToList();
paginatedListOfCommonItems.Items = listOfCommonItems;
var businessProcessCard = processCatalogManager.GetBusinessProcessCard(paginatedListOfCommonItems);
return Ok(businessProcessCard);
return Ok();
catch (Exception ex)
return ex.GetActionResult();

Field in Database Not updating while using SubmitChanges()

I'm trying to update 2 field in my database using Database Context
public ActionResult ChangeDefaultUserLockingSetting(int PasswordAttempts, int DefaultLockingTime)
var defaultAccountSettings = new DefaultAccountSettingsDataContext();
var defaultLockoutTimeSpam = defaultAccountSettings.DefaultAccountSettings.Where(u=>>u.DefaultAccountLockoutTimeSpan).First();
var maxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = defaultAccountSettings.DefaultAccountSettings.Where(u => == 1).Select(u=>u.MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout).First();
//foreach (int item in defaultLockoutTimeSpam)
defaultLockoutTimeSpam = DefaultLockingTime;
maxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = DefaultLockingTime;
return View("Index", loadAdministrationViewModel());
What I am doing wrong?
You need to try this code.
public ActionResult ChangeDefaultUserLockingSetting(int PasswordAttempts, int DefaultLockingTime)
var defaultAccountSettings = new DefaultAccountSettingsDataContext();
var defaultLockoutTimeSpam = defaultAccountSettings.DefaultAccountSettings.Where(u => == 1).FirstOrDefault();
var maxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = defaultAccountSettings.DefaultAccountSettings.Where(u => == 1).FirstOrDefault();
//foreach (int item in defaultLockoutTimeSpam)
defaultLockoutTimeSpam.DefaultAccountLockoutTimeSpan = DefaultLockingTime;
maxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout.MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = DefaultLockingTime;
return View("Index", loadAdministrationViewModel());
I was modifying the values but not the Object
This is the proper way to do it :
public ActionResult ChangeDefaultUserLockingSetting(int PasswordAttempts, int DefaultLockingTime)
var defaultAccountSettings = new DefaultAccountSettingsDataContext();
var accountSettings = defaultAccountSettings.DefaultAccountSettings.First(u => == 1);
//The object should be modified and not his local value
accountSettings.DefaultAccountLockoutTimeSpan = DefaultLockingTime;
accountSettings.MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = PasswordAttempts;
return View("Index", loadAdministrationViewModel());

Setting the value to null using LINQ in list of list

I have a class
public class ReceiptDisplayInfo
public string ReceiptItemFor{get;set;}
public string ReceiptItemCategory{get;set;}
public string ReceiptItemReference{get;set;}
public string ReceiptRowCategory{get;set;}
public string ReceiptAmount{get;set;}
I have a list
List<List<ReceiptDisplayInfo>> dataSourceToBind ;
My requirement : For every List , if ReceiptRowCategory="Payment" , I have to set the value of ReceiptItemForm,ReceiptItemCategory to blank or null in dataSourceToBind .
I am doing using for loop but this is not the most appreciated approach.
Please assist me in doing using LINQ/Lambda Expression.
dataSourceToBind.ForEach(x =>
var innerList = x;
innerList.ForEach(y =>
if (y.ReceiptRowCategory == "Payment")
y.ReceiptItemFor = null;
y.ReceiptItemCategory = null;
I guess just 2 ForEach calls would suffice, no need to use LINQ here. However, since the transformation logic is quite complicated, I think you should extract it as a method:
private void SomeMethod(ReceiptDisplayInfo info) { // please name this appropriately
if (info.ReceiptRowCategory == "Payment") {
info.ReceiptItemForm = null;
info.ReceiptItemCategory = null;
And then,
dataSourceToBind.ForEach(x => x.ForEach(SomeMethod));
You can use below code to achieve this-
((from l in list
where l.ReceiptItemCategory == "payment"
select new ReceiptDisplayInfo()
ReceiptItemFor = null,
ReceiptItemCategory = null,
ReceiptItemReference = l.ReceiptItemReference,
ReceiptRowCategory = l.ReceiptRowCategory,
ReceiptAmount = l.ReceiptAmount
}).Union(from l in list
where l.ReceiptItemCategory != "payment"
select l)).ToList();
