LineRender | collision himself with raycast2D - c#

i build game with line that you can control his movement.
every few seconeds the line create hole for the player can move through them.
look picture:
enter image description here
now in my code you can see the playerMovement, createLine and drawLine.
i draw the line By player location and every few seconeds i stop draw to millie seconed to create hole and than draw new line.
my code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class DrawLineNisayon : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private GameObject linePrefab;
LineRenderer lineRenderer;
public GameObject currentLine;
private bool createHole = false;
private bool drawLine = false;
float rotZ = 0f;
public float speedMovement = 3f;
public float speedRotation = 6f;
public float timingCreateHoles = 2f;
public float widthHoles = 0.2f;
public EdgeCollider2D edgeCollider2D;
public List<Vector2> posLine;
void Start()
void Update()
private void CreateLine()
currentLine = Instantiate(linePrefab,, Quaternion.identity);
lineRenderer = currentLine.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
edgeCollider2D = currentLine.GetComponent<EdgeCollider2D>();
lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, posLine[0]);
lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, posLine[1]);
edgeCollider2D.points = posLine.ToArray();
private void DrawLine()
lineRenderer.SetPosition(lineRenderer.positionCount - 1, transform.position);
edgeCollider2D.points = posLine.ToArray();
RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, Vector2.right, 1f);
Debug.DrawRay(posLine[lineRenderer.positionCount - 1], transform.right);
if(createHole == false){
createHole = true;
private IEnumerator DrawHole(float timingCreateHoles)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(timingCreateHoles);
drawLine = true;
private IEnumerator DrawLine(float widthHoles)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(widthHoles);
drawLine = false;
createHole = false;
private void PlayerMovement(float speed)
transform.Translate(Vector3.right * speed * Time.deltaTime);
if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D) && !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, rotZ);
rotZ = speedRotation;
if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D) && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, rotZ);
rotZ = -speedRotation;
so what is my problem? i try to create raycast to check collision with the line himself like the game "snake". i tryed to create raycast in function "DrawLine" and i havnt idea how to do that.
my line built by list of vector2 like you can see in my code, its say that i need to compare vector to vector and i dont know how...
*i try collision with the last index in line, not with the circle in the picture.


Unity - how to make an object face the direction of its movement?

I'm trying to make a character prefab face the direction in which its moving. I've tired all sorts of things, with and without rigidbodies but nothing seems to work. The thing is, it does actually face in the correct direction. But once its there, it starts to rotate the whole prefab and it goes down into the ground.
The character holds a 3D shield, and goes towards a tower. So once it reaches the tower it raises the shield which in turn rotates the whole character down into the ground. I would like it to just rotate in the X and Z axis and never change the Y axis.
Here's my code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class BlockRadar : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called before the first frame update
public Transform Tower;
private GameObject[] multipleBlocks;
public Transform closestBlock;
public bool blockContact;
public float currentDistance;
public float stopDistance;
public Animator animator;
public int damage;
public float attackspeed;
private float canAttack;
public float moveSpeed = 5f;
public Vector3 distance;
private Vector3 movement;
void Start()
closestBlock = null;
blockContact = false;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
Vector3 pos = transform.position;
pos.y = 0;
pos.x = 0;
transform.position = pos;
closestBlock = getClosestBlock();
closestBlock.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = new Color(1, 0.7f, 0, 1);
Vector3 direction = closestBlock.position - transform.position;
movement = direction;
float dist = Vector3.Distance(closestBlock.position, transform.position);
if (dist <= 1.5f)
blockContact = true;
animator.SetBool("Moving", false);
Debug.Log("Now touching block");
if (attackspeed <= canAttack)
canAttack = 0f;
canAttack += Time.deltaTime;
if (dist > 1.5f)
transform.forward = movement;
blockContact = false;
Debug.Log("Lost contact with block");
animator.SetBool("Moving", true);
public void Attack()
private void FixedUpdate()
void moveCharacter(Vector3 direction)
transform.Translate(direction * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime, Space.World);
void DistanceToTower()
if (Tower)
float dist = Vector3.Distance(Tower.position, transform.position);
if (dist <= 1)
blockContact = true;
Debug.Log("Now touching block");
if (attackspeed <= canAttack)
canAttack = 0f;
canAttack += Time.deltaTime;
//when the object carrying this script is destroyed
private void OnDestroy()
if (closestBlock !=null)
closestBlock.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
public Transform getClosestBlock()
multipleBlocks = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Block");
float closestDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
Transform trans = null;
//finds all blocks in the scene
foreach (GameObject go in multipleBlocks)
currentDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, go.transform.position);
if (currentDistance < closestDistance)
closestDistance = currentDistance;
trans = go.transform;
return trans;
void Damage(Transform block)
Tower_Stats e = block.GetComponent<Tower_Stats>();
if (e != null)
I would be really, really grateful for any help. As I said before I used to have rigidbodies on the character, but I removed them since I thought maybe they were the fault. But doesnt seem like it. One other thing I've noticed is that when the prefab is instantiated, its children doesnt have the correct position values. Not sure why. But if that could be a clue I just thought I'd let you know.

How to respawn a paddle and ball in breakout - Unity 3D C#

I'm making a breakout game in 3D and it's my first time making a game and using Unity so I'm a bit clueless. I've got to the point where my game works fine up until the ball goes off the screen and into the "dead zone".
Can someone advise how to respawn the paddle and ball together and carry on with the game?
I've included my ball and paddle scripts below, I have a script for the bricks as well but not sure that was relevant. I also made a prefab of the ball and paddle together but no idea what to do with it.
Thanks to anyone who can help :)
Code for my ball
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class BallScript : MonoBehaviour
public Rigidbody rbody;
public float MinVertMovement = 0.1f;
public float MinSpeed = 10f;
public float MaxSpeed = 10f;
private bool hasBeenLaunched = false;
void Start()
private float minVelocity = 10f;
private Vector3 lastFrameVelocity;
void FixedUpdate()
if (hasBeenLaunched == false)
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))
if (hasBeenLaunched)
Vector3 direction = rbody.velocity;
direction = direction.normalized;
float speed = direction.magnitude;
if (direction.y>-MinVertMovement && direction.y <MinVertMovement)
direction.y = direction.y < 0 ? -MinVertMovement : MinVertMovement;
direction.x = direction.x < 0 ? -1 + MinVertMovement : 1 - MinVertMovement;
rbody.velocity = direction * MinSpeed;
if (speed<MinSpeed || speed>MaxSpeed)
speed = Mathf.Clamp(speed, MinSpeed, MaxSpeed);
rbody.velocity = direction*speed;
lastFrameVelocity = rbody.velocity;
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
private void Bounce(Vector3 collisionNormal)
var speed = lastFrameVelocity.magnitude;
var direction = Vector3.Reflect(lastFrameVelocity.normalized, collisionNormal);
Debug.Log("Out Direction: " + direction);
rbody.velocity = direction * Mathf.Max(speed, minVelocity);
public void Launch()
rbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
Vector3 randomDirection = new Vector3(-5f, 10f, 0);
randomDirection = randomDirection.normalized * MinSpeed;
rbody.velocity = randomDirection;
transform.parent = null;
hasBeenLaunched = true;
Code for my paddle
public class PaddleScript : MonoBehaviour
private float moveSpeed = 15f;
void Start()
void Update()
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow) && transform.position.x<9.5)
transform.Translate(moveSpeed *Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")*Time.deltaTime, 0f, 0f);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow) && transform.position.x>-7.5)
transform.Translate(moveSpeed *Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")*Time.deltaTime, 0f, 0f);
The simplest thing you can do to check wether the ball goes off screen is to place a trigger immediately off the perimeter of the camera, and add an OnTriggerEnter2D method to your ball.
/* Inside the ball script */
private void OnTriggerEnter() { // Use the 2D version if you're using 2D colliders
/* Respawning stuff */
Since you may want a bunch of different things to happen when that method triggers, you may want to use a Unity Event, which is not the king of performance but it probabily doesn't matter for a game like breakout.
using UnityEngine.Events;
public class BallScript : MonoBehaviour
public UnityEvent onBallOut;
/* ... */
private void OnTriggerEnter() {
You then probabily want a Respawn() method (not Reset() because that's a default MonoBehaviour call) which places the ball back to its original position, which you can store in a field as soon as the scene loads:
private Vector3 defaultPosition;
private void Start() {
defaultPosition = transform.position;
PS: If you aren't using the Start() method in your paddle script then remove it, cause it will be called by Unity even if empty.

When enabling the OrbitCam script it's changing the camera view and position how can I enable the it but keep the camera view and position?

The game start when the camera is at this position :
Then the camera move smooth slowly to this position :
Using this script :
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Cinemachine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class PlayingInGameScenesController : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject camera;
public LockController lockController;
public GameObject uiTextsImage;
public float transitionSpeed = 5f;
public Transform currentView;
// The initial offset from the target.
private Vector3 offset;
private bool newGame = true;
private bool playingScene = true;
private Vector3 newPos;
private void Start()
currentView.position = new Vector3(43.4f, 1f,-6f);
offset = camera.transform.position - currentView.position;
public void PlayingSceneInGame()
private void Update()
if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name != "Main Menu" && newGame == true)
newGame = false;
private void LateUpdate()
if (playingScene == false)
//Lerp position
camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(camera.transform.position, currentView.position, Time.deltaTime * transitionSpeed);
private void PlayingSceneStatesControls(bool LockState)
if (LockState == true)
playingScene = false;
IEnumerator ScenePlayingTime()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(10);
Now at this point I want to check and know when the camera is not moving anymore in the LateUpdate and then when the camera stopped moving to enable true the OrbitCam script :
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class OrbitCam : MonoBehaviour
//All the variables used in this class(Look below to see what they do. :D )
private const float Y_ANGLE_MIN = 0.0f;
private const float Y_ANGLE_MAX = 50.0f;
private const float DISTANCE_MAX = 10.0f;
private const float DISTANCE_MIN = 0.1f;
private const float TRANS_MIN = 1.0f;
private const float TRANS_MAX = 2.0f;
public Transform lookAt;
public Transform camTransform;
public GameObject player;
private Camera cam;
public float distance = 5.0f;
private float currentX = 0.0f;
private float currentY = 0.0f;
private float sensitivityX = 4.0f;
private float sensitivityY = 1.0f;
private float trandis;
public Vector3 height = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
private bool below = false;
private List<Renderer> playerRenderers = new List<Renderer>();
private void Start()
//Makes camTransform a transform. :)
camTransform = transform;
//Sets variable cam value to the main camera
cam = Camera.main;
foreach (Transform child in player.transform)
if (child.GetComponent<Renderer>() != null)
private void Update()
//Makes the camera move by looking at the axis of the mouse(Also multiplied by the seisitivity.)
currentX += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * sensitivityX;
currentY += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * sensitivityY;
//Limits the Y variable
currentY = Mathf.Clamp(currentY, Y_ANGLE_MIN, Y_ANGLE_MAX);
//Thiago Laranja's scrollwheel implemetation.
if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0) { distance += 0.2f; }
if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0) { distance -= 0.2f; }
//Makes sure that these variables never go over the max and be les than the min. :)
distance = Mathf.Clamp(distance, DISTANCE_MIN, DISTANCE_MAX);
trandis = Mathf.Clamp(distance, TRANS_MIN, TRANS_MAX) - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < playerRenderers.Count; i++)
//Sets players transparency(Make sure that player materials rendering mode has set to transparent or other mode that supports transparency).
playerRenderers[i].material.color = new Color(playerRenderers[i].material.color.r, playerRenderers[i].material.color.g, playerRenderers[i].material.color.b, trandis);
//Disables the object from rendering if your're at distance 0.8.
if (distance <= 0.8f) { playerRenderers[i].enabled = false; }
if (distance > 0.8f) { playerRenderers[i].enabled = true; }
//If close enough to the character sinp into distance of 0.1(If distance is 0 the camera cant be rotated.)
if (distance <= 0.8f && below == false) { distance = 0.1f; below = true; }
if (distance >= 0.8f && below == true) { below = false; }
private void LateUpdate()
//Subtracts hte distance from Z coordinate
Vector3 dir = new Vector3(0, 0, -distance);
//Creates an quaternion for rotation(too bad that we cannot use Vector3. :D )
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(currentY, currentX, 0);
//Sets the cameras position and makes it look at player.
camTransform.position = lookAt.position + height + rotation * dir;
camTransform.LookAt(lookAt.position + height);
I don'y know how to check when the camera finished/stopped moving to the target position ?
When I'm enabling the OrbitCam for now I'm doing it manual checking the enable box in the editor the OrbitCam change the camera view and position and I want that when I'm enabling the OrbitCam script that it will keep the view and position of the camera in the second screenshot. Not to keep that view and position all the time only for starting the gameplay part. but what I'm getting when enabling the OrbitCam script is :
I'd strongly recommend to use a animation on the camera. This has the big advantage that you can change the camera position like you do in the script and you have the option to set animation events. So you can call a function at the end of the animation. So if the camera animation is over, the camera is now in the correct position, you can enable the orbit cam. It is also very simple to set up! Hope that helps you!

Line Casting: GameObject Face End Point of Ray

I'm trying to make the enemy object face the end of the line cast. The code I have locks the ray onto the player when detected properly. My problem here is that my enemy sprite is a grandchild of the Rigidbody2D and I'm using eulerAngles to change the sprites direction. Here is the code I have:
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerDetection : MonoBehaviour
public Transform origin, end, player;
public float radarSpd;
public bool playerDetected;
public static bool playerIsDetected;
private int playerLayer = 1 << 8;
private Rigidbody2D enemyRb;
private Vector3 facePlayer;
private void Start()
enemyRb = GetComponentInParent<Rigidbody2D>();
playerIsDetected = false;
private void Update()
if (playerDetected == false)
else { PlayerIsDetected(); }
void PlayerDetector()
Debug.DrawLine(origin.position, end.position,;
playerDetected = Physics2D.Linecast(origin.position, end.position, playerLayer);
void Radar()
end.RotateAround(origin.position, Vector3.forward, radarSpd * Time.deltaTime);
void PlayersPosition()
facePlayer = player.position - enemyRb.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).position;
float enemyRot = Mathf.Atan2(facePlayer.y, facePlayer.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
enemyRb.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, enemyRot);
void PlayerIsDetected()
if(playerDetected == true)
playerIsDetected = true;
end.position = player.position;
The main focus for this code that I need help is here:
void PlayersPosition()
facePlayer = player.position - enemyRb.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).position;
float enemyRot = Mathf.Atan2(facePlayer.y, facePlayer.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
enemyRb.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, enemyRot);
The enemy does not face the player at all and doesn't seem to rotate much at all as the player moves around the screen.
I've tried applying a rotationSpeed variable and multiplied it by enemyRot multiplied by Time.deltaTime but didn't work either.
enemyRb.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, enemyRot * rotSpd * Time.deltaTime);
I've been stuck on this for a week now and really need some help resolving this issue! So how can I achieve my desired rotation by use of eulerAngles?
Turned out that I was doing too much math. Here is the solution:
Edit: My enemy is facing in an upward position. This code works on that scale.
void PlayersPosition()
facePlayer = player.position - enemyRb.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).position;
enemyRb.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).up = -facePlayer;

Player Movement using joystick based on camera facing

I am developing an offline FPS multiplayer game.
When the Player Rotation value is (0,0,0), then Player moves perfectly in direction. However, my problem is when I rotate the camera using touch input. The player can also rotate his face and press the joystick button for moving the player, but then the player should not move the direction the camera is facing.
My Joystick Script For Player
public class VirtualJoystick : MonoBehaviour, IDragHandler, IPointerUpHandler,IPointerDownHandler {
private Image bgImg;
private Image JoyStickImage;
private Vector3 InputVector;
private void Start(){
bgImg = GetComponent<Image> ();
JoyStickImage = transform.GetChild (0).GetComponent<Image> ();
public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData ped){
Vector2 pos;
if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle (bgImg.rectTransform, ped.position, ped.pressEventCamera, out pos)) {
pos.x = (pos.x / bgImg.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x);
pos.y = (pos.y / bgImg.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y);
InputVector = new Vector3 (pos.x * 2 + 1, 0, pos.y * 2 - 1);
InputVector = (InputVector.magnitude > 1) ? InputVector.normalized : InputVector;
JoyStickImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (InputVector.x * (bgImg.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x / 2.5f),
InputVector.z * (bgImg.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y / 2.5f));
public virtual void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData ped){
OnDrag (ped);
public virtual void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData ped){
InputVector =;
JoyStickImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition =;
public float Horizontal(){
if (InputVector.x != 0) {
return InputVector.x;
} else {
return Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
public float Vertical(){
if (InputVector.z != 0)
return InputVector.z;
return Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");
My Camera Rotation Script Using Input Touch
public class SwipeCam : MonoBehaviour {
private Vector3 firstPoint;
private Vector3 secondPoint;
private float xAngle = 0.0f;
private float yAngle = 0.0f;
private float xAngleTemp = 0.0f;
private float yAngleTemp = 0.0f;
void Start(){
xAngle = 0.0f;
yAngle = 0.0f;
this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (yAngle, xAngle, 0.0f);
void Update() {
if (Input.touchCount > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++) {
Touch touch = Input.GetTouch (i);
if (touch.position.x > Screen.width / 2) {
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) {
firstPoint = Input.GetTouch (0).position;
xAngleTemp = xAngle;
yAngleTemp = yAngle;
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) {
secondPoint = Input.GetTouch (0).position;
xAngle = xAngleTemp + (secondPoint.x - firstPoint.x) * 180.0f / Screen.width;
yAngle = yAngleTemp + (secondPoint.y - firstPoint.y) * 180.0f / -Screen.height;
yAngle = Mathf.Clamp (yAngle, -30f, 30f);
this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (yAngle, xAngle, 0.0f);
this.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<FPScontroller> ().transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (0.0f, xAngle, 0.0f);
//this.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<FPScontroller> ().transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward,Vector3.up);
Where should I change my code to fix the facing the camera direction to player issue.
That is my Player Script (FPSController.cs)
public class FPScontroller : MonoBehaviour {
// Should this script respond to input?
public bool canControl = true;
public GameObject lookObj; //This is root object that containc MainCamera, Weapons etc.
public GameObject joystick;
bool useFixedUpdate = false;
//Check when run, walk or when can run or not
public bool Running ;
public bool Walking;
public bool canRun;
public Vector3 rorationDir;
//Ladder variables
private GameObject mainCamera = null;
public bool onLadder = false;
//private float ladderHopSpeed = 6.0f;
// For the next variables, #System.NonSerialized tells Unity to not serialize the variable or show it in the inspector view.
// Very handy for organization!
// The current global direction we want the character to move in.
public Vector3 inputMoveDirection =;
// Is the jump button held down? We use this interface instead of checking
// for the jump button directly so this script can also be used by AIs.
public bool inputJump = false;
public bool inputRun = false;
public bool inputCrouch = false;
public bool inputProne = false;
public class FPScontrollerMovement {
// The maximum horizontal speed when moving
public float maxForwardSpeed = 10.0f;
public float maxSidewaysSpeed = 10.0f;
public float maxBackwardsSpeed = 10.0f;
//Run and walk variables
public float WalkSpeed = 6.0f;
public float RunSpeed = 9.0f;
public bool canCrouch = true;
public float CrouchSpeed = 3.0f;
public float crouchHeight = 1.5f;
public float crouchSmooth = 8;
public bool canProne = true;
public float ProneSpeed = 1.5f;
public float proneHeight = 0.7f;
// Curve for multiplying speed based on slope (negative = downwards)
public AnimationCurve slopeSpeedMultiplier = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(-90, 1), new Keyframe(0, 1), new Keyframe(90, 0));
// How fast does the character change speeds? Higher is faster.
public float maxGroundAcceleration = 30.0f;
public float maxAirAcceleration = 20.0f;
// The gravity for the character
public float gravity = 10.0f;
public float maxFallSpeed = 20.0f;
public bool enableGravity = true;
// For the next variables, #System.NonSerialized tells Unity to not serialize the variable or show it in the inspector view.
// Very handy for organization!
// The last collision flags returned from controller.Move
public CollisionFlags collisionFlags;
// We will keep track of the character's current velocity,
public Vector3 velocity;
// This keeps track of our current velocity while we're not grounded
public Vector3 frameVelocity =;
public Vector3 hitPoint =;
public Vector3 lastHitPoint = new Vector3(Mathf.Infinity, 0, 0);
public FPScontrollerMovement movement = new FPScontrollerMovement();
void Awake () {
if (GetComponent<NetworkView> ().isMine) {
joystick = GameObject.Find ("Joystick");
controller = gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
standartHeight = controller.height;
/*if(GameObject.FindWithTag("LookObject") != null){
lookObj = GameObject.FindWithTag("LookObject");
centerY =;
tr = transform;
canRun = true;
canStand = true;
void Update () {
if (GetComponent<NetworkView> ().isMine) {
if (!useFixedUpdate) {
UpdateFunction ();
movement.velocity.x = joystick.GetComponent<VirtualJoystick> ().Horizontal () * 5f;
movement.velocity.z = joystick.GetComponent<VirtualJoystick> ().Vertical () * 5f;
//Run input
if (Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") > 0.1f && inputRun && canRun && !onLadder && Walking) {
if (canStand && canStandCrouch) {
OnRunning ();
} else {
OffRunning ();
//Check when walk or not
if ((movement.velocity.x > 0.01f || movement.velocity.z > 0.01f) || (movement.velocity.x < -0.01f || movement.velocity.z < -0.01f)) {
RunAnimation1 ();
Debug.Log ("Forward");
Walking = true;
}else if (movement.velocity.x > 0.01f) {
Walking = true;
Debug.Log ("Right");
} else if (movement.velocity.x < -0.01f) {
Walking = true;
Debug.Log ("Left");
} else {
RunAnimation ();
Walking = false;
if (!canControl)
if (movement.canCrouch) {
if (!onLadder) {
Crouch ();
if (movement.canProne) {
if (!onLadder) {
Prone ();
if (onLadder) {
grounded = false;
crouch = false;
prone = false;
if (!crouch && !prone && controller.height < standartHeight - 0.01f) {
controller.height = Mathf.Lerp (controller.height, standartHeight, Time.deltaTime / movement.crouchSmooth); = new Vector3 (, Mathf.Lerp (, centerY, Time.deltaTime / movement.crouchSmooth),;
lookObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (lookObj.transform.localPosition.x, Mathf.Lerp (lookObj.transform.localPosition.y, standartHeight, Time.deltaTime / movement.crouchSmooth), lookObj.transform.localPosition.z);
void RunAnimation(){
GetComponent<NetworkView> ().RPC ("SysnAnimation", RPCMode.All, 0);
void RunAnimation1(){
GetComponent<NetworkView> ().RPC ("SysnAnimation", RPCMode.All, 1);
void RunAnimation2(){
GetComponent<NetworkView> ().RPC ("SysnAnimation", RPCMode.All, 2);
void SysnAnimation(int index){
if (index == 0) {
GetComponent<Animator> ().Play ("Idle Aim");
} else if (index == 1) {
GetComponent<Animator> ().Play ("Walk Aiming");
} else if (index == 2) {
GetComponent<Animator> ().Play ("Jump");
void OnRunning (){
Debug.Log ("Run");
Running = true;
movement.maxForwardSpeed = movement.RunSpeed;
movement.maxSidewaysSpeed = movement.RunSpeed;
//Make bigger extra height when player run to increase jump distance
jumping.extraHeight = jumping.baseHeight + 0.15f;
void OffRunning (){
Running = false;
if(crouch || prone)
movement.maxForwardSpeed = movement.WalkSpeed;
movement.maxSidewaysSpeed = movement.WalkSpeed;
movement.maxBackwardsSpeed = movement.WalkSpeed/2;
//Change extraheight value to default when player walk
jumping.extraHeight = jumping.baseHeight;
Your camera and joystick code looks fine, but that's not where the problem is.
I'll assume your player movement code looks something like this:
Get input X and Y
Move player right by X, forward by Y
In code form, that might look something like this:
//returns the world-space direction that player wants to move
Vector3 GetDesiredMovement(float inputForward, float inputRight) {
//get a vector pointing to player's right
Vector3 dirRight = Camera.main.transform.right;
dirRight.y = 0f;
//get a vector pointing to player's front
Vector3 dirForward = Camera.main.transform.forward;
dirForward.y = 0f;
//calculate desired movement based on input
Vector3 desiredMovement = (dirForward * inputForward) + (dirRight * inputRight);
return desiredMovement;
What if "right" and "forward" need to be relative to some other object in the scene, such as a camera? It's easier than you might think: just read those values directly from the camera's transform component.
You could do that by replacing just two lines from the above example:
Vector3 dirRight = Camera.main.transform.right;
Vector3 dirForward = Camera.main.transform.forward;
I solved the problem of basing player movement of the camera's direction.
In my Player's script there are two lines that read joystick input:
movement.velocity.x = joystick.GetComponent<VirtualJoystick> ().Horizontal () * 5f;
movement.velocity.z = joystick.GetComponent<VirtualJoystick> ().Vertical () * 5f;`
I changed them to this:
Vector3 DirectionVector =
new Vector3 (joystick.GetComponent<VirtualJoystick> ().Horizontal (), 0f, joystick.GetComponent<VirtualJoystick> ().Vertical ());
movement.velocity = transform.rotation * DirectionVector * 10f;
Directly add joystick value in movement vector. I just multiply it to the joystick input vector and solve my problem.
Now the player moves based on the player rotation and where the camera is facing.
Thanks everyone for help.
