I'm Actually Creating a Sheduled Rule in aws cloudwatch in .net as lambda target but im unable to add my lambda as a target.
what is wrong here
`var region = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName("us-east-2");`
`AmazonCloudWatchEventsClient client = new AmazonCloudWatchEventsClient(region);`
`AmazonLambdaClient lambda = new AmazonLambdaClient();`
`var putRuleRequest = new PutRuleRequest`
` Name = "Rule1check",`
`ScheduleExpression = "cron(0 11 24 * ? 2020)",`
`State = RuleState.ENABLED,`
`//var putTargetRequest = "EC2 RebootInstances API call`
`var putRuleResponse = client.PutRuleAsync(putRuleRequest);`
`AddPermissionRequest lambdaparam = new AddPermissionRequest`
` Action = "lambda:InvokeFunction",`
`FunctionName = "stop_ec2",`
`Principal = "events.amazonaws.com",`
`SourceArn = putRuleResponse.ToString(),`
`StatementId = "ID-1"`
`var putTargetRequest = new PutTargetsRequest`
` {`
`Rule = "Rule1check",`
`Targets =`
`new Target { Arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:394451858625:function:stop_ec2",`
`Id = "myCloudWatchEventsTarget",`
`Input = "{\"region\": \"us-east-2\",\"instances\": \"*******\"}"`
` }`
` }`
You have a few problems here.
SourceArn = putRuleResponse.ToString(). The PutRuleResponse object contains a RuleArn property. That's what you should use. SourceArn = putRuleResponse.RuleArn.
client.PutRuleAsync(putRuleRequest) is an async call, but you aren't awaiting it. As a result you are getting a Task<PutRuleResponse> back, not a PutRuleResponse, and you're getting it before the operation is likely completed.
You aren't awaiting anything, which could be an issue when doing things with dependencies.
I'm working on integrating Nethereum into my .NET 5 C# API and can do read queries against my chosen blockchain (BSC), but cannot get a SendTransactionAsync or SendRequestAsync to successfully execute. I'm consistently getting the following exception:
Nethereum.JsonRpc.Client.RpcResponseException: 'transaction type not supported: eth_sendRawTransaction'.
Here are code snippets of what I have tried:
// Setup
var account = new Account(privateKey, chainId);
var rpcUrl = "https://data-seed-prebsc-2-s2.binance.org:8545/";
var client = new RpcClient(new Uri(rpcUrl));
var web3 = new Web3(account, client);
var mediaTokenAddress = "0x1E4d1BFDa5d55C2176E9E3e8367BAe720525a8e0";
var mtSvc = new MediaTokenService(web3, mediaTokenAddress);
var mintMsg = new MintNftFunction
FromAddress = account.Address,
Recipient = "REDACTED",
MetadataHash = "TestMetaDataHash",
MediaHash = "TestMediaHash",
SeasonId = 1
// Attempt #1: Using C# classes generated by the Nethereum CodeGen library
var txReceipt = await mtSvc.MintNftRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(mintMsg);
// Attempt #2
var txHandler = web3.Eth.GetContractTransactionHandler<MintNftFunction>();
var signedTx = await txHandler.SignTransactionAsync(mediaTokenAddress, mintMsg);
var txReceipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.SendTransaction.SendRequestAsync(signedTx);
// Attempt #3
var txInput = mintMsg.CreateTransactionInput(mediaTokenAddress);
var txReceipt = await web3.Eth.TransactionManager.SendTransactionAsync(txInput);
Is there a configuration step I'm missing? Any help is appreciated!
EDIT: I want to call a contract method that will change values within the contract, rather than sending currency. So I need help figuring out how to do that.
For those that come across this issue, I resolved it by setting the following flag on my web3 instance:
web3.TransactionManager.UseLegacyAsDefault = true;
If there is a way to do what I need without setting this flag, please feel free to leave a comment.
Here is an example of how I do this with Nethereum
var web3 = new Nethereum.Web3.Web3("YOUR_NODE_ADDRESS");
var privateKey = "someprivatekey";
var senderAddress = "0x..."; // put actual sender address
var receiveAddress = "0x..."; //put actual receiver address
var txCount = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionCount.SendRequestAsync(senderAddress);
double sendAmount = 5.09540000; //this is ETH
var amountInWei = Web3.Convert.ToWei(sendAmount);
//600 GWEI = 0.000000600
//60 GWEI = 0.000000060
var gwei = 147; // this is 0.000000147 ETH. You will want to calculate this based on network fees
var gasPrice = Web3.Convert.ToWei(0.000000001 * gwei);
var gasLimit = Web3.Convert.ToWei(0.000000000000021);
var encoded = Web3.OfflineTransactionSigner.SignTransaction(privateKey, receiveAddress, amountInWei, txCount.Value, gasPrice, gasLimit);
//This is what prompts the transactions
//TX Returns from this action
var txId = await web3.Eth.Transactions.SendRawTransaction.SendRequestAsync("0x" + encoded);
//Dump out the TX if successful
I've used this many times and it has worked for me just fine.
I'm having trouble with my cloud deployment script for AWS, I've been trying to create a rule that triggers my lambda every 15 minutes and invoke it with a json object. If i were to do this from the console i'd do it like this:
After a long time i figured out how to configure this in code:
var functionInput = new { Command = command };
var input = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(functionInput);
var target = new LambdaFunction(lambda, new LambdaFunctionProps
Event = RuleTargetInput.FromObject(input)
Or like this:
var target = new LambdaFunction(lambda, new LambdaFunctionProps
Event = RuleTargetInput.FromText("{\"Command\" = \"" + command + "\"}")
But the constant is not correct on aws, i have tried many different ways but it always turns out like this:
This is not correct Json and can't be parsed back to the class, so I want it to turn out like:
{"Command" = "CLEANUP"}
var inputDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
inputDict.Add("Command", "CleanUp");
myRule.AddTarget(new Amazon.CDK.AWS.Events.Targets.LambdaFunction(myFunction,
new Amazon.CDK.AWS.Events.Targets.LambdaFunctionProps
Event = RuleTargetInput.FromObject(inputDict)
I came here looking for the Python equivalent for the same. Figured out finally - Hope someone find this helpful
from aws_cdk import aws_events as events
from aws_cdk import aws_lambda as lambda_
event_input = {"some_key": "some_value"}
some_lambda = lambda_.Function(
# lambda construct
some_rule = events.Rule(
# rule construct
I am trying to execute athena query using c# athena driver.
Amazon.Athena.Model.ResultConfiguration resultConfig = new Amazon.Athena.Model.ResultConfiguration();
resultConfig.OutputLocation = "https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/testbucket/one/2018-02-06/";
//other inputs i have tried
//Populate the request object
Amazon.Athena.Model.StartQueryExecutionRequest queryExec = new Amazon.Athena.Model.StartQueryExecutionRequest();
queryExec.QueryString = query.QueryString;
queryExec.QueryExecutionContext = queryExecutionContext;
queryExec.ResultConfiguration = resultConfig;
StartQueryExecutionResponse athenaResponse = athenaClient.StartQueryExecution(queryExec);//throws exception
Exception for different cases:
outputLocation is not a valid S3 path. Provided https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/testbucket/one/2018-02-06/
Unable to verify/create output bucket testbucket. Provided s3://testbucket/one/2018-02-06/
Unable to verify/create output bucket testbucket. Provided testbucket
Can someone help me out with the right s3 format?
Thanks in advance.
The output location needs to be in the following format:
In your case this would lead to the following location:
resultConfig.OutputLocation = "s3://testbucket/one/2018-02-06/";
Amazon.Athena.AmazonAthenaClient _client = new Amazon.Athena.AmazonAthenaClient(AwsAccessKeyId, AwsSecretAccessKey, EndPoint);
Amazon.Athena.Model.ResultConfiguration resultConfig = new Amazon.Athena.Model.ResultConfiguration();
resultConfig.OutputLocation = "s3://"+BucketName+"/key1/";
string query = "SELECT * FROM copalanadev.logs";
//Populate the request object
Amazon.Athena.Model.StartQueryExecutionRequest queryExec = new Amazon.Athena.Model.StartQueryExecutionRequest();
queryExec.QueryString = query;
//queryExec.QueryExecutionContext = queryExecutionContext;
queryExec.ResultConfiguration = resultConfig;
StartQueryExecutionResponse athenaResponse = _client.StartQueryExecution(queryExec);//throws exception
I try to create a new EPT (project server 2013) using C# CSOM library.
But It has following error occurred.
"PJClientCallableException: EnterpriseProjectTypeInvalidCreatePDPUid"
Couple of article tell to change the "IsCreate=true". But it does not success for me. Here is the code what I have done.
public void CreateEnterpriseProjectType(Guid eptGuid, string eptName, string eptDescription)
ProjectContext pwaContext = new ProjectContext(this.PWA_URL);
EnterpriseProjectTypeCreationInformation eptData = new EnterpriseProjectTypeCreationInformation();
eptData.Id = eptGuid;
eptData.Name = eptName;
eptData.Description = eptDescription;
eptData.IsDefault = false;
eptData.IsManaged = true;
eptData.WorkspaceTemplateName = "PROJECTSITE#0";
eptData.ProjectPlanTemplateId = Guid.Empty;
eptData.WorkflowAssociationId = Guid.Empty;
eptData.Order = 4;
List<ProjectDetailPageCreationInformation> projectDetailPages = new
List<ProjectDetailPageCreationInformation>() {
new ProjectDetailPageCreationInformation() {
Id = pwaContext.ProjectDetailPages[1].Id, IsCreate = true }
eptData.ProjectDetailPages = projectDetailPages;
EnterpriseProjectType newEpt = pwaContext.EnterpriseProjectTypes.Add(eptData);
Can anyone explain the issue or provide the working code part.
I would like to suggest the following:
Define an enterprise project type:
string basicEpt = "Enterprise Project"; // Basic enterprise project type.
int timeoutSeconds = 10; // The maximum wait time for a queue job, in seconds.
And then, when you create the new project, work like this:
ProjectCreationInformation newProj = new ProjectCreationInformation();
newProj.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
newProj.Name = "Project Name";
newProj.Description = "Test creating a project with CSOM";
newProj.Start = DateTime.Today.Date;
// Setting the EPT GUID is optional. If no EPT is specified, Project Server
// uses the default EPT.
newProj.EnterpriseProjectTypeId = GetEptUid(basicEpt);
PublishedProject newPublishedProj = projContext.Projects.Add(newProj);
QueueJob qJob = projContext.Projects.Update();
// Calling Load and ExecuteQuery for the queue job is optional.
// projContext.Load(qJob);
// projContext.ExecuteQuery();
JobState jobState = projContext.WaitForQueue(qJob, timeoutSeconds);
When the last line of that piece of code ends, the project must be created and published in order to define tasks or whatever.
I don't know what is happening to your code, seems great.
Hope it helps to you,
I'm trying to create a new Website using the nuget package Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites (Version 3.0.0)
This tutorial has been helpful (even though its Java):
except it suggests to use the WebSpaceNames.WestUSWebSpace constant.
var hostingPlanParams = new WebHostingPlanCreateParameters
Name = this.webhostingPlanName,
NumberOfWorkers = 1,
SKU = SkuOptions.Free,
WorkerSize = WorkerSizeOptions.Small
var result = new WebSiteManagementClient(this.Credentials)
.CreateAsync(WebSpaceNames.WestUSWebSpace, hostingPlanParams, CancellationToken.None)
This will result in an exception: NotFound: Cannot find WebSpace with name westuswebspace.
I actually want to create a custom WebSpace.
Except I can't find any method for it. See MSDN
So the only way I can make this work is using an existing WebSpace, that had created through the manage.windowsazure.com site. Which defeats the whole purpose of automating this.
The only Create[...] Method on IWebSpaceOperations is CreatePublishingUserAsync which I have tried running this as well but it results in an exception This operation is not supported for subscriptions that have co-admins. Which is pretty annoying in itself, doesn't make much sense to me, but is not really the core of my question.
I resolved this by using the prerelease package: PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Management.WebSites -Pre
Which works perfectly well. Except that it's only a pre-release of cause
// Create Web Hosting Plan
var hostingPlanParams = new WebHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateParameters
WebHostingPlan = new WebHostingPlan()
Name = "WebHostingPlanName",
Location = "Australia Southeast",
Properties = new WebHostingPlanProperties
NumberOfWorkers = 1,
Sku = SkuOptions.Standard,
WorkerSize = WorkerSizeOptions.Small
var result = this.ManagementContext.WebSiteManagementClient.WebHostingPlans.CreateOrUpdateAsync(
// Create Website
var websiteParams = new WebSiteCreateOrUpdateParameters
WebSite = new WebSiteBase
Location = "Australia Southeast",
Name = "WebSiteName",
Properties = new WebSiteBaseProperties
ServerFarm = "WebHostingPlanName"
var siteResult = this.ManagementContext.WebSiteManagementClient.WebSites.CreateOrUpdateAsync(
If you want to use deployment slots you have to take this under consideration: