I'm trying to make a game using sockets and UDP, i made a server class where when i call the start method i run a task with a loop to receive packets and process them, i used Socket.ReceiveFrom(packet, ref sender); inside a try catch block with everything inside a while loop, first i forgot to add Socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 25000)); so i got a loop of bind exeptions which is normal but now that i added this line my program is freaking out see the code bellow
public class UDPServer
public UDPServer()
Socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork ,SocketType.Dgram,ProtocolType.Udp);
Socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 25000));
public void Start()
IsBound = true;
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
private void NetworkLoop()
EndPoint sender = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
byte[] packet = new byte[1];
int dataSize = 0;
while (IsBound)
dataSize = Socket.ReceiveFrom(packet, ref sender);
Console.WriteLine(sender.ToString() + " with " + packet.Length + " of " + dataSize);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Reading exeption : " + e.Message);
I debugged this and it seems that now when going step by step to the line
dataSize = Socket.ReceiveFrom(packet, ref sender); it just both exit the try catch block without any exeption catched AND breaks the while loop...
Is this normal behaviour ??
Your UDPServer.Start() method is not blocking, because Task.Run will run asynchronously.
Task.Run(NetworkLoop); // This is non-blocking
Your UDP server will work by either:
Task.Run(NetworkLoop).Wait(); // This is blocking
new UDPServer().Start();
Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> key to stop UDP server...");
Console.ReadLine(); // This block until user hit <enter> key
I'm trying to work this one out but it really is a head scratcher, a socket is meant to make two connections to the server, the second one being the legitamate connection. I have this method that I attach to my callback for beginReceive method although its calling Dispose twice?
Usually it only calls it once as the client makes 2 connections to the server, the second one being legitamate but it seems this method wants to call Dispose twice, which makes me think theres something wrong, could somebody verify if there is anything wrong with this?
private void OnIncomingData(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
int bytesReceived;
bytesReceived = _socket.EndReceive(asyncResult);
if (bytesReceived == 0)
var packet = new byte[bytesReceived];
Array.Copy(_buffer, packet, bytesReceived);
var received = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet);
var packetData = JObject.Parse(received).ToFlatDictionary();
var incomingPacket = new IncomingPacket(packetData);
CoreUtilities.LogToConsole("Received packet: " + incomingPacket.Id + "\n\n" + received);
if (_session.PacketProvider.PacketEvents.TryGetValue(incomingPacket.Id, out var packetEvent))
packetEvent.Invoke(_session, incomingPacket);
CoreUtilities.LogToConsole("Finished executing packet " + packetEvent.GetType().Name + " for " + incomingPacket.Id);
CoreUtilities.LogToConsole("Failed to execute unknown incoming packet: " + incomingPacket.Id);
_socket.BeginReceive(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, OnIncomingData, _socket);
I am working on a simple Client to send data to a server at my office. I tested the code locally on my computer using a server called TCPServer, I connect, send data, receive reply, disconnect, send again, rinse and repeat, it all works perfectly, but when I connect to office and do the same thing it connects fine, I can connect/disconnect forever, but when I send data it just hangs. Nothing is received in the log at the office. I can't send a single byte there.
Seems like a firewall issue doesn't it.
But I can run an older program I wrote years ago in Delphi (pascal), and it connects and sends the same data over without issue, same port, everything, so the problem is not a firewall issue. Thoughts on this? Here is the basic code layout.
Connect Button
Disconnect Button
Send Button
At the top of the class I declare the TcpClient Variable
public TcpClient m_client = new TcpClient();
In the _Click for Connect Button and Disconnect Button I have code to connect to server and set some indicators etc
private void ConnectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string address = FixIP(IPAddressMaskedTextBox.Text);
int Port = Convert.ToInt32(PortNumberMaskedTextBox.Text);
Control control = (Control)sender;
String name = control.Name;
switch (name)
case ("ConnectButton"):
//Connect to server
connect(address, Port);
if (m_client.Connected)
ConnectedLightButton.BackColor = Color.Lime;
SingleConnectionRichTextBox.Text += "Connected at IP " + address + " and Port " + Port.ToString() + "\r\n";
case ("DisconnectButton"):
if (m_client.Connected)
SingleConnectionRichTextBox.Text += "Connection Terminated\r\n";
ConnectedLightButton.BackColor = Color.Red;
m_client = new TcpClient();
catch (Exception err)
public void connect(string address, int port)
if (!m_client.Connected)
ConnectedLightButton.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
SingleConnectionRichTextBox.Text += "Attempting to Connect...\r\n";
m_client.Connect(address, port);
SingleConnectionRichTextBox.Text += "Connection Failed...\r\n";
ConnectedLightButton.BackColor = Color.Red;
throw new Exception("Connect: Already connected\r\n");
catch (Exception err)
The Send button has it's own event, mostly because when connecting to office it can take a minute for sockets to be created etc.
private void SendButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (m_client.Connected)
string completeString = "";
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < SingleSendRichTextBox.Lines.Count() - 1; cnt++)
string aLine = Regex.Replace(SingleSendRichTextBox.Lines[cnt], #"\e\[(\d+;)*(\d+)?[ABCDHJKfmsu]", "");
if (cnt == 0)
//First line gets Start Block, plus a CR on end
aLine = (char)0x0B + aLine + (char)0x0D;
else if (cnt == (SingleSendRichTextBox.Lines.Count() -1))
//Last line gets CR + End Block + CR on end
aLine += (char)0x0D + (char)0x1C + (char)0x0D;
//All middle lines get CR on end
aLine += (char)0x0D;
//MessageBox.Show("Sending line# " + cnt.ToString() + " = " + aLine);
completeString += aLine;
Byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(completeString);
MessageBox.Show("Nothing is connected currently...");
catch (Exception err)
public void WriteBytes(Byte[] data)
if ((m_client.Connected)&&(data.Count() > 0))
// Get access to network stream
NetworkStream stm = m_client.GetStream();
stm.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
//MessageBox.Show("Data Sent, length = " + data.Length.ToString());
MessageBox.Show("Either we are not connected, or there is no data to send!!");
catch (Exception err)
public void ReadAllBytes()
// Buffer to store the response bytes.
Byte[] readdata = new Byte[256];
// String to store the response ASCII representation.
String responseData = String.Empty;
NetworkStream stm = m_client.GetStream();
// Read the first batch of the TcpServer response bytes.
Int32 bytes = stm.Read(readdata, 0, readdata.Length);
responseData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(readdata, 0, bytes);
SingleReplyRichTextBox.Text += responseData + "\r\n";
catch (Exception err)
Does anything in here raise a red flag that is obvious? I tried Stream VS NetworkStream. I tried turning off the Reply listener. I took this code and combined it all into one function, and moved the TcpClient creation over to a different Class as static so I could create it in each function, but while all of these worked fine locally, nothing works connecting to office. It won't send a single byte. I set m_client as static at the top too, works fine locally, not to office.
Is GetStream failing maybe? or its sending the data on a different socket?
use a Task and cancellation token to cancel the task. Don't init a "new" TCPclient. In the background the TCPclient will be not closed (socket-timeout of .net)
Use try catches to see the exception and add the log to the conversation to make it more clear pls
I am using sockets in c# in order to send data from server to client machine. In fact I have created a capturer which capature kinect stream from 3 different machine. I want to generate a server and client communication in order to send signal from server to the rest devices in order to begin and stop the recording process. I want with left click to send a message to begin recording and with right click to stop recording. My code is the following:
public Form1()
this.MouseClick += mouseClick1;
Thread thread = new Thread(() => StartServer(message));
thread.Start(); // server is begining
private void mouseClick1(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
message = "start";
obj = new Capturer(dirPath + name + "_" + surname, 20);
catch (Exception e1)
Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", e1.ToString());
if (clientSockets.Count > 0)
foreach (Socket socket1 in clientSockets)
socket1.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message)); //send everything to all clients as bytes
serverSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(acceptCallback), null); //to receive another client
else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
message = "stop";
obj.flag2 = true;
if (clientSockets.Count > 0)
foreach (Socket socket1 in clientSockets)
socket1.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message)); //send everything to all clients as bytes
serverSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(acceptCallback), null); //to receive another client
public void StartServer(String message) {
serverSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
serverSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, PORT_NO));
serverSocket.Listen(4); //the maximum pending client, define as you wish
serverSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(acceptCallback), null);
string result = "";
result ="asdf";
} while (result.ToLower().Trim() != "exit");
private const int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
private static byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; //buffer size is limited to BUFFER_SIZE per message
private static List<Socket> clientSockets = new List<Socket>(); //may be needed by you
private static void acceptCallback(IAsyncResult result)
{ //if the buffer is old, then there might already be something there...
Socket socket = null;
socket = serverSocket.EndAccept(result); // The objectDisposedException will come here... thus, it is to be expected!
//Do something as you see it needs on client acceptance
socket.BeginReceive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(receiveCallback), socket);
string msg = "start";
if (clientSockets.Count > 0)
foreach (Socket socket1 in clientSockets)
socket1.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg)); //send everything to all clients as bytes
serverSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(acceptCallback), null); //to receive another client
catch (Exception e)
{ // this exception will happen when "this" is be disposed...
//Do something here
const int MAX_RECEIVE_ATTEMPT = 10;
static int receiveAttempt = 0; //this is not fool proof, obviously, since actually you must have multiple of this for multiple clients, but for the sake of simplicity I put this
private static void receiveCallback(IAsyncResult result)
Socket socket = null;
socket = (Socket)result.AsyncState; //this is to get the sender
if (socket.Connected)
{ //simple checking
int received = socket.EndReceive(result);
if (received > 0)
byte[] data = new byte[received]; //the data is in the byte[] format, not string!
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, data, 0, data.Length); //There are several way to do this according to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5099604/any-faster-way-of-copying-arrays-in-c in general, System.Buffer.memcpyimpl is the fastest
//DO SOMETHING ON THE DATA int byte[]!! Yihaa!!
Console.WriteLine(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data)); //Here I just print it, but you need to do something else
//Message retrieval part
//Suppose you only want to declare that you receive data from a client to that client
string msg = "I receive your message on: " + DateTime.Now;
socket.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg)); //Note that you actually send data in byte[]
Console.WriteLine("I sent this message to the client: " + msg);
receiveAttempt = 0; //reset receive attempt
//socket.BeginReceive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(receiveCallback), socket); //repeat beginReceive
else if (receiveAttempt < MAX_RECEIVE_ATTEMPT)
{ //fail but not exceeding max attempt, repeats
++receiveAttempt; //increase receive attempt;
socket.BeginReceive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(receiveCallback), socket); //repeat beginReceive
{ //completely fails!
Console.WriteLine("receiveCallback fails!"); //don't repeat beginReceive
receiveAttempt = 0; //reset this for the next connection
catch (Exception e)
{ // this exception will happen when "this" is be disposed...
Console.WriteLine("receiveCallback fails with exception! " + e.ToString());
How can I parse the flag into the server, in order to send that value in the clients? Is it possible to change here the static type of server functions? As it is now the code begin the server which send just the string "start" to the clients. How can I send the string message of a bool flag? My issue lies in the static type of my callback functions. Is it possible to add as an argument the message for example in the AsyncCallBack:
serverSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(acceptCallback), null);
Firstly, about the MouseClick event. Since you are having exclusive qualification for the event (that is, one left click and another right click), you could combine them both into a single event
public Form1()
this.MouseClick += mouseClick1; //one event is enough
Thread thread = new Thread(() => StartServer(message));
thread.Start(); // server is begining
private void mouseClick1(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
obj = new Capturer(dirPath + name + "_" + surname, 20); //captures the kinect streams
catch (Exception e1)
Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", e1.ToString());
else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
obj.flag2 = true; // flag that handle the recording, true value stops the recording, possible I want that value to be send to the client in order the same thing happen.
And it is going to be ok.
Next, answering your questions:
Q: How can I parse the flag into the server, in order to send that value
in the clients?
A: in your mouseClick1 event, simply use sync send which you do in your accept callback, change the msg with something else (say byte[] val = new byte[] { 1 };)
foreach (Socket socket1 in clientSockets) //Do this in your `if (e.Button == Mouse.Left and Mouse.Right) blocks
Q: Is it possible to change here the static type of server functions?
A: Yes, definitely! it is windows form, you do not need to use static
type at all! Unlike the Console App in your previous question. I would
even suggest you to make nothing static whenever possible
Q: As it is now the code begin the server which send just the string
"start" to the clients. How can I send the string message of a bool
A: since you use socket, you cannot really send bool flag so to
speak. You will send byte[]. But you can always check in your
client implementation. If the byte[] is of certain value, simply
change it to bool. For instance, consider of sending just 1 or 0
from your server. Then in your client endReceiveCallback, you could
simply check the data coming and see if it is 1 then it is true,
and if it is 0 then it is false
Q: My issue lies in the static type of my callback functions. Is it
possible to add as an argument the message for example in the
A: this is winform, you could get rid of all static var! And yes,
just pass it as replacement of the null in your Begin callback.
Then you pass the object too.
//Change null with something else
serverSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(acceptCallback), myobj);
Then in your acceptCallback, take your object by using the IAsyncResult.AsyncState
I know there are plenty of things about foreach freezing forms but I can't find a solution to my problem. I already have the server portion of this program working I am trying to make a client side that while connecting to the server this code will be preformed txtConn.AppendText("Attempting connection.");
This is the code that I have for the socket connection
private static Socket ConnectSocket(string server, int port, RichTextBox txtConn, BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker1)
Socket s = null;
IPHostEntry hostEntry = null;
// Get host related information.
hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(server);
// Loop through the AddressList to obtain the supported AddressFamily. This is to avoid
// an exception that occurs when the host IP Address is not compatible with the address family
// (typical in the IPv6 case).
foreach (IPAddress address in hostEntry.AddressList)
IPEndPoint ipe = new IPEndPoint(address, port);
Socket tempSocket =
new Socket(address.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
txtConn.Select(txtConn.TextLength, 0);
txtConn.SelectionColor = Color.Aqua;
if (attempt == 1)
txtConn.AppendText("Attempting connection.");
else if (attempt > 1)
txtConn.AppendText("\r" + "Attempting connection.");
txtConn.SelectionColor = txtConn.ForeColor;
catch (ArgumentNullException ane)
Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException : {0}", ane.ToString());
txtConn.Select(txtConn.TextLength, 0);
txtConn.SelectionColor = Color.Red;
txtConn.AppendText("\r\n" + "Connection could not be established.");
txtConn.SelectionColor = txtConn.ForeColor;
catch (SocketException se)
Console.WriteLine("SocketException : {0}", se.ToString());
txtConn.Select(txtConn.TextLength, 0);
txtConn.SelectionColor = Color.Red;
txtConn.AppendText("\r\n" + "Connection could not be established.");
txtConn.SelectionColor = txtConn.ForeColor;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception : {0}", e.ToString());
txtConn.Select(txtConn.TextLength, 0);
txtConn.SelectionColor = Color.Red;
txtConn.AppendText("\r\n" + "Connection could not be established.");
txtConn.SelectionColor = txtConn.ForeColor;
if (tempSocket.Connected)
s = tempSocket;
return s;
My program looks like this
When I run the program and connect with say the wrong Port, it checks all the possible ips on my computer and waits till after the foreach statement to display errors or anything. How can I make it actively display this?This is when it runs
You need to run your code in a different thread so that the UI can still update while it is executing.
The easiest way to do this is by adding the connection loop to a new task in the ThreadPool.
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(i => {
// Connection loop goes here.
If you need other options you can also use a Task, BackgroundWorker, etc.
I just answered a similar question here, but to expand on it for your particular case, it looks like you aren't actually using backgroundWorker1. The foreach should be done in a method referenced by the backgroundWorker1.DoWork event. You'll also need to create a method for the backgroundWorker1.ProgressChanged event. You can use ReportProgress to pass a string and then append that message to your textbox:
From your foreach loop in the Worker_DoWork method, you will report progress instead of updating the RichTextBox directly:
worker.ReportProgress(0, "Connection could not be established.");
And then in the Worker_ProgressChanged method, you will use something like this to update the RichTextBox:
Use should use Async methods from Socket class or run this stuff in another thread. You can use BackgroundWorker to do that as well.
I wrote a C# server application. The server utilizes Asynchronous TCP sockets.
The packets are 80-180 bytes of data.
For performance testing I have a single client connect and send packets continuously. With debugging on the first 100 packets (0-100) receive in roughly 5 seconds. By the time the server received packets #300-400 it takes roughly 30 seconds to receive the packets. The performance continues to degrade as more receives occur.
I looked around and have not been able to find a solution. I have tried setting the Socket.NoDelay flag in case the Nagle algorithm was inhibiting the server.
I have disabled all functions within the server; so that it is only receiving to ensure I wasn't losing performance in other code.
I have also checked my CPU utilization and it is ~13%. I have over 2 GB of free memory. When running the application the ram is NOT constantly growing and utilization is minimal.
I am at a loss as to what to debug and look into next...
EDIT: Added Code Sample
public void StartListening()
IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, m_Port);
m_MainSocket = new Socket(localEndPoint.Address.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
m_MainSocket.NoDelay = true;
m_MainSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(clientConnected), null);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Listening on:Local IP Address: " + localEndPoint.Address.ToString() + " Port :" + localEndPoint.Port.ToString() + "\n");
catch (SocketException se)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Listening Exception \n");
void clientConnected(IAsyncResult ar)
SocketState state = new SocketState(m_MainSocket.EndAccept(ar));
Client client = new Client(state);
if (client.SocketState.clientSocket.Connected)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Client #?????? Connected \n");
AddLogText("Client #?????? Connected \r\n\r\n");
m_MainSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(clientConnected), null);
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Client Connected: Socket has been closed\n");
catch (SocketException se)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Client Connected Exception \n");
void waitForData(Client client)
SocketState state = new SocketState(client.SocketState.clientSocket);
client.SocketState.clientSocket = null;
client.SocketState = state;
client.SocketState.clientSocket.BeginReceive(client.SocketState.DataBuffer, 0, client.SocketState.DataBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(readDataCallback), client);
catch (SocketException se)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Wait For Data Exception \n");
public void readDataCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
Client client = (Client)ar.AsyncState;
// Read data from the client socket.
int iRx = client.SocketState.clientSocket.EndReceive(ar);
client.SocketState.SB.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(client.SocketState.DataBuffer, 0, iRx));
string sPacketString = client.SocketState.SB.ToString();
Server formServer = this;
Packet_Helper packet_helper = new Packet_Helper(sPacketString, formServer);
Packet packet = new Packet(sPacketString);
client.SerialNumber = packet.SerialNumber;
client.FirmwareVersion = packet.FirmwareVersion;
client.ProductID = packet.ProductID;
client.HardwareVersion = packet.HardwareVersion;
if (!m_Clients.ContainsKey(packet.SerialNumber))
m_Clients.Add(packet.SerialNumber, client);
string[] packets = client.refreshAll();
for (int i = 0; i < packets.Length; i++)
byte[] byteData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(packets[i]);
client.SocketState.clientSocket.BeginSend(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), client);
AddPacketsSentText(packets[i] + "--" + (iSent++).ToString() + "\r\n\r\n");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Read " + sPacketString.Length.ToString() + " bytes from " + client.SerialNumber + "\n" + sPacketString + "\n");
AddLogText("Read " + sPacketString.Length.ToString() + " bytes from " + client.SerialNumber + " \r\n");
AddLogText(sPacketString.ToString() + "\r\n\r\n");
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "1", "\nOnDataReceived: Socket has been closed\n");
catch (SocketException se)
if (se.ErrorCode == 10054) // Error code for Connection reset by peer
string sclientSerial = "??????";
if (client.SerialNumber != null || client.SerialNumber != "")
sclientSerial = client.SerialNumber;
AddLogText("Client " + sclientSerial + " Disconnected" + "\r\n\r\n");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Client " + sclientSerial + " Disconnected" + "\n");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Read Data Exception \n");
class SocketState
private Socket m_ClientSocket; //Socket connection to the client
private byte[] m_DataBuffer = new byte[256]; //Buffer to store the data sent by the client
private StringBuilder m_SB = new StringBuilder(); //for building recieved data into a string
/// <summary>
/// Gets or Sets the client Socket
/// </summary>
public Socket clientSocket
get { return m_ClientSocket; }
set { m_ClientSocket = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the DataBuffer
/// </summary>
public byte[] DataBuffer
get { return m_DataBuffer; }
set { DataBuffer = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or Sets the SB
/// </summary>
public StringBuilder SB
get { return m_SB; }
set { m_SB = value; }
public SocketState(Socket socket)
m_ClientSocket = socket;
m_ClientSocket.ReceiveBufferSize = 256;
m_ClientSocket.NoDelay = true;
//m_DataBuffer = Enumerable.Repeat((byte)0, 256).ToArray();
Edit: AddLogText() function added. This function is used to add text to a Text Box that is in the UI.
//Delegate - enables asychronous calls for setting the text property of the tb_ListeningLog
delegate void AddLogTextCallback(string text);
private void AddLogText(string text)
// InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
// calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
// If these threads are different, it returns true.
if (this.tb_ListeningLog.InvokeRequired)
AddLogTextCallback d = new AddLogTextCallback(AddLogText);
this.Invoke(d, new object[] { text });
this.tb_ListeningLog.Text += text;
tb_ListeningLog.SelectionStart = tb_ListeningLog.Text.Length;
I'm taking a bit of a shot in the dark with this answer, but the code you've posted certainly helps.
The reason you're probably seeing slow performance as time goes on is because of the code in your readDataCallback method. The way you have it set up, the processing of the data is done before you go for another receive. This means that as the length of the processing increases, the duration between receiving your data increases.
I don't know what code is in a lot of your methods, but you should generally look at any loops that may be taking a while to finish. If you're having trouble finding the bottleneck by looking through your code, try finding which methods take the longest to finish and continue to narrow your code down.
For instance (I'm guessing that the bottleneck is in this area of code):
if (!m_Clients.ContainsKey(packet.SerialNumber))
m_Clients.Add(packet.SerialNumber, client);
AddLogText("Running UpdateClientList\r\n");
AddLogText("Doing client.refreshAll\r\n");
string[] packets = client.refreshAll();
AddLogText("Doing for loop\r\n");
for (int i = 0; i < packets.Length; i++)
byte[] byteData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(packets[i]);
client.SocketState.clientSocket.BeginSend(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), client);
AddPacketsSentText(packets[i] + "--" + (iSent++).ToString() + "\r\n\r\n");
Just observe the amount of time between each method with your eyes, or make it easier and use a Stopwatch or DateTime to show exact time.
Also, if you find that the behavior of the code cannot be made more efficient, you could toy around with the idea of processing the data in a separate thread. I'm assuming that this behavior isn't desired, though, because of the question at hand.
For your AddLogText method, try using tb_ListeningLog.Text.AppendText instead of +=.
I am not sure why you have such a long piece of code to read more data. Also, try placing the message in a Queue which can be processed by a different thread.
Here is an implementation I use:
// Read data from the client
private void ReadCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
StateObject state = (StateObject)ar.AsyncState;
Socket socket = state.workSocket;
if (socket.Connected)
// Read the socket
int bytesRead = socket.EndReceive(ar);
// Deserialize objects
foreach (MessageBase msg in MessageBase.Receive(socket, bytesRead, state))
// Add objects to the message queue
lock (this.messageQueue)
// Notify any event handlers
if (DataRecieved != null)
DataRecieved(socket, bytesRead);
// Asynchronously read more client data
socket.BeginReceive(state.Buffer, state.readOffset, state.BufferSize - state.readOffset, 0,
ReadCallback, state);
catch (SocketException)