Different programming languages integration in JHipster microservices web app - c#

I have an existing JHipster microservices web app with Angular frontend and Consul service discovery.
I have created a gateway and one microservice with Java, Spring, and Hibernate. Everything works fine.
I want to add one more microservice with a different programming language, such as .Net and C#
Is it possible? How do I achieve this?

Yes it's possible as long as your other services are able to integrate into your existing infra structure:
by registering in Consul and reading their configuration from Consul too
validating gateway's authentication token
forwarding their logs to your centralized logging system (e.g ELK)
exposing their metrics to your monitoring system (e.g. Prometheus)
As JHipster uses quite common technologies, it should not be too hard.


Identity Server & Web Api

I am trying to resolve the following problem using best practices.
We have an API server, which uses Authorization with JWT token to call our api endpoints. Now we need to develop Multi platform application (Android, iOS, Web) to consume this api.
We are planning to use .net MAUI for Mobile and Blazor for Web application. All these applications will have a common user base.
Also we would like to share api to third parties, and we would like also to put their users in our common user base.
What would be the proper approach to do it ? Should we add Identity server to our Web API project ? Should we create separate Identity Server project which will share userbase ?
I would recommend to use IdentityServer and also do host it in a separate service is a best practice.
Because otherwise it will be harder to debug and troubleshoot when you mix IdentityServer with other services.

Web API authorization for multiple external websites

There is a requirement to have a common web api application to service 3 different MVC web applications. These client web applications have their own databases and own authentication implementations. How do we configure the web api application to provide access to a set of APIs to web app 1 alone and deny to all other web apps, similarly for web app 2 and so on? In other words, is there a way to 'register' each web app with the web api service and also build in a mechanism through which the web app is only allowed access to a set of endpoints? Thanks for all the help..
There are a handful of ways of solving this
Host multiple WebAPI servers in a single process to effectively meet your requirement while making your project easier to organize
Use Authentication and Authorization filters to customize how requests are accepted, denied, and routed
Using a router and/or switch at the hardware level, create a blacklist/whitelist combined with a reverse proxy (beware of MAC spoofing, etc, with this solution)
Use dependency injection to add abstraction to the process and to remove the ability to specify a custom endpoint in an unintended manner programmatically; this solution will only work if you control the client code, however
From the sound of it, the issue you're describing doesn't seem like one regarding the visibility of the endpoints, but of the access control to leverage them. If I'm wrong, please let me know in a comment and I'll update my answer.

A web application and Xamarin.Android app communicating to a Service/API

I'm working on an .Net application in which a user can either use a Xamarin Android app or a web application to use the system. I would like to put all the business logic at one place and both the applications shall use it.
Considering that I have "NO" experience in Web APIs or Services, how shall I design my application?
However, I'm ready to learn both (Web APIs or Services) if required for the implementation.
Considering that I have "NO" experience in Web APIs or Services, how
shall I design my application?
The question should rather be, do you need to call some external services, or can you do everything locally on the phones? If some external services are required, you need web API call from your different platforms. The business logic goes in your API.
If everything can be done locally, you can just share your client side code.
As you probably know, Xamarin app's usually follow a MVVM architecture.
It does not mean the business logic must be in the sharing ViewModels (I actually wrote a blog post about that if it you want more information).
The business logic must be in the domain models, and possibly some services.
Thus, in the end you can share the c# code of your domain models and business services between your xamarin app and your web application.
Hope it helps.

Azure Mobile Services and Asp.net Identity Architecture

I am hoping someone can clear up how these things can work together.
I want to be my own identity provider, so in my web api I have an OAuth token provider. I want users to register with me and then be authenticated using my token provider. The idea in the future is that more of my mobile apps and web apps will be accessible using the OAuth login sharing the user's identity.
So, if I use azure mobile services how do I implement the normal asp.net identity stuff?
And, how would a normal web app be able to use the data stored in azure mobile services? Would I have two dbcontexts one for mobile and one for web?
I've been reading and watching a lot of stuff on azure but nothing seems to show how I can do this. Most of it has to do with using external providers like facebook, ms, twitter, etc. I want to be one of those external providers, just not sure how to do it and allow my websites to still use the .net identity data.
If you could point me to or post some example / tutorial / blogs that would be great.
This is a supported scenario, although it isn't documented very well at the moment.
The Mobile Services .NET runtime is built on the ASP.NET Katana authentication middleware. The mobile service abstracts these middleware using the LoginProvider base class. The authentication model was recently made extensible for situations such as yours. In order to have Mobile Services recognize and use your identity provider, you would have to create your own LoginProvider.
There are currently two examples of this:
Adding a Katana middleware as an identity provider - part of this post.
Creating a custom username/password setup - tutorial here.
You could certainly use these techniques to wrap the standard ASP.NET identity functionality.
As to your question about accessing the data, there are a variety of approaches. Your web app could treat Mobile Services as a backend and pass through requests. This is basically treating the web app as an additional client platform, peer to your mobile apps. Another option is to, as you said, create multiple DBContexts. While you might get slightly better performance, this comes with a code maintainability tradeoff. It also wouldn't scale well if you build multiple web apps on the same data backend.

Looking to create a webservice for client authentication and need some advice

I am developing an android application to accommodate some desktop software that I created. I would like for the user of the mobile app to have to verify their identity through authentication. Basically the web service will have to act as a central hub to both authenticate and hold information that the android app will need. The way I think it should work is to
-Set up a central web service
-Allow user to create account from desktop client using email/password
-The desktop client will send the information to the webservice that the android app will need.
-when android app is authenticated it will then retrieve the data it needs that was posted from the client.
So basically the service will need to be able to send and receive data.
I will only be using .net (either C# or vb.net ) for the service, so this leads me to a couple of questions:
Should I be using WCF for this? If so should I create a WCF Service library or WCF Service application?
Should I be using the Sign Sign on service approach?
The web service doesn't need to be fancy it just needs to get the job done. Is their any boilerplate project templates or projects out their I could use to help build a foundation?
I recently discovered SudzC.com which generates classes and methods for Objective-C from the wsdl data of a .net web service, and I'm fairly sure it also does Android.
I have a huge catalog of fairly 'old' web services which pre-date WCF and they are currently working perfectly.
I should point out though that the SudzC service only shows you what it can do for you for free - to get the code you have to pay ~£20 for a one year pass.
We had something similar where I worked. We had to put together an Android app for the company. If you are on .net 4.0 or newer, you can take advantage of theWebApi. It can return json or xml. So, that means any platform can utilize it (desktiop, android, etc...). I found it extremely easy to use, with very little overhead.
