Update list item multiple lookup value field Microsoft Graph - c#

I am trying to update a multiple lookup value field for a list item.
I tried the following code :
List < QueryOption > options = new List < QueryOption > {
new QueryOption("$expand", "listitem")
//get drive item with list item
var driveItem = graphClient.Sites[IdGestDoc].Drive.Items[itemResult.Id].Request(options).GetAsync().Result;
var fieldValueSet = new FieldValueSet {
AdditionalData = new Dictionary < string,
object > {
}, {
"Theme_fonctionnel", ThemeFonctionnel.ToArray()
} //ThemeFonctionnel is a List<string> => lookupid
await graphClient.Sites[IdGestDoc].Lists["Documents"].Items[driveItem.ListItem.Id].Fields.Request().UpdateAsync(fieldValueSet);
But this code don't work and I don't find what I am missing.
Any help will be appreciated !

To set a Lookup field, you need to set the property by passing in the property name and the addition 'LookupId':
string propertyName = "Theme_fonctionnel";
var fieldValueSet = new FieldValueSet();
var propertyValuesArray = options.ToArray();
var attributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
//first, we need to specify the input data type
string oDataTypeInfoPropertyName = propertyName + "LookupId#odata.type";
string oDataDataType = "Collection(Edm.String)";
attributes.Add(oDataTypeInfoPropertyName, oDataDataType);
//next, we need to pass the values as an array
string newPropertyName = propertyName + "LookupId";
attributes.Add(newPropertyName, propertyValuesArray);
fieldValueSet.AdditionalData = attributes;


How can we update a people picker field in sharepoint online?

Trying to update a people picker field in SP online list.I'm able to update with single value, but when I try to update with new value in the filed, the existing value is being removed. I need to append the new input value, with existing values in that field. How can this be achieved?
List list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("ListName");
ListItem targetListItem = list.GetItemById(ItemID);
FieldUserValue[] userValueCollection = new FieldUserValue[1];
//Get all the users of this Web
User user = ctx.Web.SiteUsers.GetByEmail(emailIdOfUser);
if (user != null)
FieldUserValue fieldUserVal = new FieldUserValue();
fieldUserVal.LookupId = user.Id;
userValueCollection.SetValue(fieldUserVal, 0);
FieldUserValue[] existingUsers = targetListItem["PeoplePickerColumnName"] as FieldUserValue[];
List<int> userValues = new List<int>();
foreach (FieldUserValue x in existingUsers)
int counts = userValues.Count();
targetListItem["PeoplePickerColumnName"] = userValueCollection;
You could read the old value and then update the column with all values which you want to set in column.
You could get a update multi selection user field demo here:
I faced same challenge in C# and I use below code to solve the problem.
public void Update_SPO_ListItemMultiplePeoplePicker(int SPO_Item_ID)
string siteUrl = "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/subsite/";
string ListTitle = "SharePointListTitle";
string NewUserLookupValue = "MySPOLogin#email.com";
using (var clientcontext = new AuthenticationManager().GetWebLoginClientContext(siteUrl))
// connect to sharepoint online list by lookup List name
List list = clientcontext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(ListTitle);
// Get list item by ID.
ListItem listItem = list.GetItemById(SPO_Item_ID);
// get multiple people picker old value , replace [attendees] with your internal people picker field value
var attendees = listItem["attendees"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue[];
//Initiate a FieldUserValue array which can carry additional 1 more elements ontop existing array .
int NewArayLength = attendees.Length + 1;
FieldUserValue[] users = new FieldUserValue[NewArayLength];
// Loop existing multiple people picker value then saved existing old values to new FieldUserValue array
int i = 0;
foreach (var attendee in attendees)
users[i] = new FieldUserValue();
users[i].LookupId = attendee.LookupId;
// set new user object which will be prepare add to new FieldUserValue array
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.User Newattendee = clientcontext.Web.EnsureUser(NewUserLookupValue);
// add new user to the last index of FieldUserValue array
users[i] = new FieldUserValue();
users[i].LookupId = Newattendee.Id;
// Update list item with new FieldUserValue array
listItem["attendees"] = users;

accessing json property with given values

var orderJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(httpResultStr);
var orderidCount = orderJson.data.orderUuids.Count;
for (int i = 0; i <= orderidCount; i++)
var orderId = orderJson.data.orderUuids[i]; // my fail attempt. Didnt work
var map = orderJson.data.ordersMap;
foreach (var d in map)
var receipt = d.fareInfo.totalPrice;
Im trying to access the ordersMap members with the given values in orderUuids object. Inside the ordersMap Ids contain the fareInfo.totalPrice property that I'm trying to access. How would I go about achieving this?
[![json tree with ordersMap. Trying to access its members with the given values in orderUuids object.][1]][1]
You can make a partial/full map using the JSON file and use JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<>(json).
Other solution could be create a partial map using an anonymous type. Here is a code snip.
var anonymousTypeObject = new
status = "",
data = new
ordersMap = new Dictionary<string, JToken>(),
orderUuids = new string[0]
var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(json, anonymousTypeObject);
foreach (var kvp in obj.data.ordersMap)
var totalPrice = kvp.Value["fareInfo"]?["totalPrice"]?.ToString();
Debug.WriteLine($"{kvp.Key} -> {totalPrice}");
EDIT If you don't want any map use this solution.
var jObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(json);
var orderUuids = jObj.SelectToken("data.orderUuids")?.Values<string>();
foreach (var orderUuid in orderUuids)
var totalPrice = jObj.SelectToken($"data.ordersMap.{orderUuid}.fareInfo.totalPrice")?.Value<double>();
Debug.WriteLine($"{orderUuid} -> {totalPrice}");

Compare Two Complex List of data

When I am Trying to save current list of data into database, I need to get already existing data from database, and need to compare with current list of data.
I have two lists one is PreviousList(existing data from DB) and other is CurrentList(Modified data)
public class SoftClose
public int ID = -1;
public int AID = -1;
public int WFID = -1;
public string PREFIX;
public DateTime SCDATE;
public string STATUS;
In CurrentList I modified Prefix to D2 where ID=1 and added new row(Id=4)...
My req is
When I am trying to save CurrentList to Db,
If there is any new Prefix in CurrentList that is not there in PreviousList I need to insert that new row and need to change Status to ADD for that row.
I changed Prefix to D2 where Id = 1 in CurrentList. D1 is there is DB and but not in CurrentList so i need to delete it. So i need to change the status to DELETE for that record. I should not insert D2 record where id=1 becuase D2 is already there. If I changed to D5 where Id = 1 then I need to insert it because D5 is not there in DB So i need to change the status to UPDATE.
How to do this? What is the best approach to compare lists
here is a solution you could try:
List<SoftClose> previousList = new List<SoftClose>(){
new SoftClose(){ID=1, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="19", Prefix = "D1"},
new SoftClose(){ID=2, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="20", Prefix = "D2"},
new SoftClose(){ID=3, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="21", Prefix = "D3"}
List<SoftClose> currentList = new List<SoftClose>(){
new SoftClose(){ID=1, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="19", Prefix = "D2"},
new SoftClose(){ID=2, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="20", Prefix = "D2"},
new SoftClose(){ID=3, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="21", Prefix = "D6"},
new SoftClose(){ID=4, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="22", Prefix = "D4"},
new SoftClose(){ID=5, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="22", Prefix = "D5"}
var addlist = currentList.Where(c => previousList.All(p => !p.ID.Equals(c.ID) && !p.Prefix.Equals(c.Prefix)));
foreach(var n in addlist)
var index = currentList.FindIndex(p => p.Prefix.Equals(n.Prefix));
currentList[index].Status = "ADD";
var updateORdeletelist = currentList.Where(c => c.Status.Equals("NO_CHANGE") && previousList.Exists(p => p.ID.Equals(c.ID) && !p.Prefix.Equals(c.Prefix)));
foreach (var n in updateORdeletelist)
var index = currentList.FindIndex(p => p.Prefix.Equals(n.Prefix));
if (previousList.FindIndex(p => p.Prefix.Equals(n.Prefix)) < 0)
currentList[index].Status = "UPDATE";
currentList[index].Status = "DELETE";
foreach (var item in currentList)
Console.WriteLine($"Id:{item.ID}, Desc1:{item.Prefix}, Status:{item.Status}");
Id:1, Desc1:D2, Status:DELETE
Id:2, Desc1:D2, Status:NO_CHANGE
Id:3, Desc1:D6, Status:UPDATE
Id:4, Desc1:D4, Status:ADD
Id:5, Desc1:D5, Status:ADD
There is a tool called Side by Side SQL Comparer in C# at https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/27122/Side-by-Side-SQL-Comparer-in-C.
basic use of the component:
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(#"c:\1.sql"))
sideBySideRichTextBox1.LeftText = tr.ReadToEnd();
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(#"c:\2.sql"))
sideBySideRichTextBox1.RightText = tr.ReadToEnd();
You load the left and right sides to their respective variables sideBySideRichTextBox1.LeftText and sideBySideRichTextBox1.RightText and compare them with sideBySideRichTextBox1.CompareText();
In your case the 1.sql and 2.sql would be your PreviousList and CurrentList -database files.
There is more detailed documentation at the project-site.

How to select multiple column from data base by getting column from user in .net

I have an object in my database, i.e. with 10 attributes.
Now I want to let the user select some of them (1 or 2 up to 10 of them) and then according by user's selection I make a list of object with the attributes selected by user
the scenario that I think about is this:
A page with check boxes that shows the attributes(columns) of that abject then user selects each of them he needs.
But here is my problem, how to make the selected check boxes run as query?
For example user selected col 1 , col 2, col 6 , col 10, how can I write a query responsible for user selection?
Example I wanna the meaningful phrase of this:
var file2 = file.Select(f => new { "attributes selected by user" }).OrderBy(what user wants)
they System.Linq.Dynamic library on Nuget is a way to go
public void StringyAndDangerous()
var fakePersonDbSet = new List<Person> { new Person() { FirstName = "Some", LastName = "Guy" } }.AsQueryable();
var attributes = new string[] { "FirstName", "LastName" };
var selectedFields = String.Join(",", attributes);
var exprssion = string.Format("new ({0})", selectedFields);
var result = fakePersonDbSet.Select(exprssion, attributes).Cast<dynamic>().First();
but you loose type safety and compile time checking. You might be better taking another approach
public void SlowerButSafer()
var fakePersonDbSet = new List<Person> { new Person() { FirstName = "Some", LastName = "Guy" } }.AsQueryable();
var attributes = new string[] { "FirstName", "LastName" };
var personPropertylist = CovertToKeyValuePair(fakePersonDbSet.First())
.Where(c=> attributes.Contains(c.Key))
private IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> CovertToKeyValuePair<T>(T #object)
var result = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>();
var properties = typeof (T).GetProperties();
foreach (var property in properties)
result.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>(property.Name, property.GetValue(#object, null)));
return result;
you'll take a performance hit both for pulling fields from the database that you don't need and for using reflection but the code will be less error prone and you won't end up with errors for trying to select columns that don't exist.
Use DynamicLinq. (link)
Extension methods:
public static T GetValue<T>(this DynamicClass dynamicObject, string propName)
if (dynamicObject == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("dynamicObject");
var type = dynamicObject.GetType();
var props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public
| BindingFlags.Instance
| BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
var prop = props.FirstOrDefault(property => property.Name == propName);
if (prop == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Specified property doesn't exist.");
return (T)prop.GetValue(dynamicObject, null);
public static string ToDynamicSelector(this IList<string> propNames)
if (!propNames.Any())
throw new ArgumentException("You need supply at least one property");
return string.Format("new({0})", string.Join(",", propNames));
using System.Linq.Dynamic;
// ..
var columns = new[] { "col1", "col2", etc };
var result = context.Files.OrderBy(file => file.Id)
Result will be the collecion of DynamiClass instances wchich columns will contain selected properties.
To get single property from DynamicClass:
var columnValue = result.First().GetValue<string>("col1");
If you want to get values from IEnumerable:
var list = new List<File> { File1, File2, etc.. };
var result = list.AsQueryable().Select( /* the same as above */);

C# Creating named object for each object in LDAP DirectorySearch to insert into SQL database

Ive created a Directory Searcher to pull multiple properties from each user.
objSearchADAM = new DirectorySearcher(objADAM);
objSearchResults = objSearchADAM.FindAll();
I then enumerate them, and convert the interger8 timestamp to standard date/time, and save to csv file with
List<string> timeProps = new List<string>() { "lastlogontimestamp", "accountexpires", "pwdlastset", "lastlogoff", "lockouttime", "maxstorage", "usnchanged", "usncreated", "usndsalastobjremoved", "usnlastobjrem", "usnsource" };
foreach (SearchResult objResult in objSearchResults)
objEntry = objResult.GetDirectoryEntry();
ResultPropertyCollection myResultProp = objResult.Properties;
foreach (string myKey in myResultProp.PropertyNames)
foreach (Object myCollection in myResultProp[myKey])
Object sample = myCollection;
if (timeProps.Contains(myKey))
String times = sample.ToString();
long ft = Int64.Parse(times);
DateTime date;
date = DateTime.FromFileTime(ft);
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
date = DateTime.MinValue;
Console.WriteLine("Out of range: " + ft);
sample = date;
Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", myKey.PadRight(25), sample);
objWriter.WriteLine("{0}{1}", myKey.PadRight(25), sample);
Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", myKey.PadRight(25), sample);
objWriter.WriteLine("{0}{1}", myKey.PadRight(25), sample);
now i need to create an object for each user with the strings from each result that i can put into an SQL command ive built. where the LDAP query to SQL would be givenname = FirstName and lastlogontimestamp = LastLogon and so on.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("INSERT INTO activedirectory.dimUserST (FirstName, LastName) VALUES (#FirstName, #LastName)");
loadStagingCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#FirstName", FirstName).DbType = DbType.AnsiString;
loadStagingCommand.CommandText = sb.ToString();
i tried to use IDictionary in my first foreach (similar to code found here http://ideone.com/vChWD ) but couldn't get it to work. I read about IList and reflection, but im not sure how i could incorporate these.
I researched and found ExpandoObjects and attempted to write in code based off of what i saw in here Creating Dynamic Objects
however i run this new code I return "employeenumber System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject]"
string[] columnNames = { "EmployeeNumber" };
List<string[]> listOfUsers = new List<string[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
listOfUsers.Add(new[] { myKey});
var testData = new List<ExpandoObject>();
foreach (string[] columnValue in listOfUsers)
dynamic data = new ExpandoObject();
for (int j = 0; j < columnNames.Count(); j++)
((IDictionary<String, Object>)data).Add(columnNames[j], listOfUsers[j]);
Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", myKey.PadRight(25), testData);
objWriter.WriteLine("{0}{1}", myKey.PadRight(25), testData);
I am obviously missing something here and cant seem to wrap my head around what the problem is. I might even be going about this the wrong way. Basically all i need to do is pull users and their properties from Active Directory and put into SQL database tabels. And I've worked out how to do both separately, but I cant figure out how to put it all together.
If the CSV is just being used to cache the results, you could use a Dictionary to store the contents of the search results instead. Separating your code into functions could be helpful:
private static object GetFirstValue(ResultPropertyCollection properties,
string propertyName)
var propertyValues = properties[propertyName];
var result = propertyValues.Count == 0 ? null : propertyValues[0];
return result;
Then you could either use a dictionary to hold the property values, or you could create a type:
var results = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
foreach(SearchResult objResult in objSearchResults)
var properties = objResult.Properties;
var propertyDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{"FirstName", GetFirstValue(properties, "givenname")},
{"LastName", GetFirstValue(properties, "sn")},
{"UserName", GetFirstValue(properties, "samaccountname")},
Now you have a list of property bags.
This could also be a simple LINQ statement:
var results = objSearchResults.OfType<SearchResult>()
.Select(s => s.Properties)
.Select(p => new {
FirstName = (string)GetFirstValue(properties, "givenname"),
LastName = (string)GetFirstValue(properties, "sn"),
UserName = (string)GetValue(properties, "samaccountname"),
AccountExpires = GetDateTimeValue(properties, "accountexpires")
Use the dictionaries like this:
foreach(var item in results)
var command = new SqlCommand();
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("firstName", item["FirstName"]);
