Controlling JSON .NET's reference ID generation - c#

I'd like to be able to control how JSON .NET generates its meta reference IDs such as "$id": "1". Take the following code:
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public Person Mother { get; set; }
var settings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings
PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects,
Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => settings;
var person = new Person
Name = "bob",
Mother = new Person { Name = "jane" }
var personJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(person);
var motherJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(person.Mother);
The JSON for person looks like this:
"$id": "1",
"Name": "bob",
"Mother": {
"$id": "2",
"Name": "jane",
"Mother": null
However, if I serialize person.Mother directly, the JSON looks like this:
"$id": "1",
"Name": "jane",
"Mother": null
In the first JSON, Jane is "$id": "2", but serializing Jane directly is "$id": "1". This is the behavior I'd expect under normal conditions as the serializer assigns the IDs in the order it traverses the objects, but I'd really like to override the ID generation so that I could make it a hash of the object reference itself. This way, Jane would generate the same ID per running instance of the program every time regardless if serialized as a member of a parent or serialized individually.
Per sample code in selected answer and recommendation in comment, I have used IReferenceResolver. It turns out that I can't use it, though, but I'll include the code below anyway. The reason why this won't work is because I am trying to bastardize JSON.NET as a quick and dirty cloning tool, so I can't fault it for not suiting my needs. I've since fallen back on my own custom cloning utility, so I no longer need this.
public class ObjectReferenceResolver : Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.IReferenceResolver
readonly Dictionary<object, int> objectDic = new Dictionary<object, int>();
int maxId = 0;
//Called during serialization
public string GetReference(object context, object value)
//This method will return the meta $id that you choose. In this example, I am storing
//object references in a dictionary with an incremented ID. If the reference exists, I
//return its ID. Otherwise, I increment the ID and add the reference to the dictionary.
var id = 0;
if (objectDic.ContainsKey(value))
id = objectDic[value];
objectDic[value] = maxId++;
return id.ToString();
//Called during serialization
public bool IsReferenced(object context, object value)
//Return whether or not value exists in a reference bank.
//If false, the JSON will return as a full JSON object with "$id": "x"
//If true, the JSON will return "$ref": "x"
return objectDic.ContainsKey(value);
//Called during deserialization
public void AddReference(object context, string reference, object value)
//This method is called after the deserializer has created a new instance of the
//object. At this time, it's only the initial instance and no properties have been set.
//This method presents a problem because it does not allow you to create the instance or
//retrieve it from a repo and then return it for later use by the reference resolver.
//Therefore, I have to find the existing object by $id, remove it, and then add the new
//object created by the deseralizer. This creates the possibility for two instances of
//the same data object to exist within the running application, so, unfortunately, this
//will not work.
var e = objectDic.First(x => x.Value.ToString() == reference).Key;
objectDic[value] = reference.ParseInt().Value;
//Called during deserialization
public object ResolveReference(object context, string reference)
//This method retrieves an existing reference by $id and returns it.
var value = objectDic.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.ToString() == reference).Key;
return value;

As per others have recommended, you need a custom IReferenceResolver:
class PersonNameAsIdResolver : IReferenceResolver
public void AddReference(object context, string reference, object value)
// This method is called during deserialize for $id
public string GetReference(object context, object value)
// Returns person name as value of $id
return ((Person)value).Name;
public bool IsReferenced(object context, object value)
// Returns false, so that $id is used, not $ref.
return false;
public object ResolveReference(object context, string reference)
// This method is called during deserialize for $ref
return null;
To use that:
var settings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings
PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects,
Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented
settings.ReferenceResolverProvider = ()=> new PersonNameAsIdResolver();
Answer to the OP's update
AddReference is called while an object is being populated, so it has been too late to replace the object. To be able to find and populate desired object, you need a JsonConverter, which is called before the reference resolver:
class PersonJsonConverter : JsonConverter
private readonly PersonNameAsIdResolver _idResolver;
public PersonJsonConverter(PersonNameAsIdResolver idResolver)
_idResolver = idResolver;
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
=> objectType == typeof(Person);
// Can't write. There's nothing to changing for writing scenario.
public override bool CanWrite => false;
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType,
object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
var token = JToken.ReadFrom(reader);
if (token.Type == JTokenType.Null)
return null;
var obj = (JObject)token;
// The code below calls the resolver to find the existing instance.
// This can stop JSON.NET creating a new instance.
Person instance = null;
var #id = obj["$id"].Value<string>();
if (#id != null)
instance = (Person)_idResolver.ResolveReference(this, #id);
var #ref = obj["$ref"]?.Value<string>();
if (#ref != null)
instance = (Person)_idResolver.ResolveReference(this, #ref);
// Assuming can't resolve, create a new instance.
if (instance == null)
instance = new Person();
// This will populate existing Person object if found
serializer.Populate(obj.CreateReader(), instance);
return instance;
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value,
JsonSerializer serializer)
throw new NotSupportedException();
And the default serialization settings should look like:
var settings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings
PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects,
Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented
var idResolver = new PersonNameAsIdResolver();
settings.Converters.Add(new PersonJsonConverter(idResolver));
settings.ReferenceResolverProvider = () => idResolver;

A possible solution would be the following:
Replace PreserveReferncesHandling from Objects to None:
PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.None
Add an Id property in Person class:
public class Person
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Person Mother { get; set; }
The complete solution is as follows:
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace ControlJsonId
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var settings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings
PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.None,
Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented,
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => settings;
var person = new Person
Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Name = "bob",
Mother = new Person { Id = string.Empty, Name = "jane" }
var personJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(person);
var motherJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(person.Mother);
public class Person
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Person Mother { get; set; }
The result is:
"Id": "76d6b5f0-2be8-4d1d-aafe-fe1b4b7d6ae1",
"Name": "bob",
"Mother": {
"Id": "",
"Name": "jane",
"Mother": null
"Id": "",
"Name": "jane",
"Mother": null


Newtonsoft Json converter for json with filters

I am writing converter for json like this:
"datatable": {
"data": [
"columns": [
"name": "series_id",
"type": "String"
"name": "date",
"type": "Date"
"name": "value",
"type": "double"
"meta": {
"next_cursor_id": null
At the moment my converter looks like this:
public class AbsToModelConverter : JsonConverter
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
return objectType.Name.Equals("AbsFseModel");
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
JArray array = JArray.Load(reader);
return new QuandlAbsModel
SeriesId = array[0].ToString(),
Date = array[1].ToObject<DateTime>(),
Value = array[2].ToObject<decimal?>()
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
var orderItem = value as QuandlAbsModel;
JArray arra = new JArray();
It works at the moment, but when i am using filters my json can contain not full data, for example:
And my JsonConverter stops working, because there is no element array[2] and it throws error. Problem is that elements in data array don't have names (i get JSON from web API, so i can't change json at all). Is there any way to make my converter deserialize json with filters?
I have column names in my json after the data table, maybe this will help. But i don't understand how i can use them atm. Any advices?
You don't need a JsonConverter for this.
Define classes to represent the parts of the JSON you need:
class APIResponse
public DataTable DataTable { get; set; }
class DataTable
public object[][] Data { get; set; }
Use JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>() to deserialize the JSON:
var parsed = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<APIResponse>(json);
Then get your values:
var rows = parsed.DataTable.Data.Select(r => new QuandLabsModel
SeriesId = Convert.ToString(r[0]),
Date = Convert.ToDateTime(r[1]),
Value = Convert.ToDecimal(r[2])
JLRishe is correct that your problem is solvable without a custom converter. That's a good approach in many cases. If you're able to insert a translation over the JSON serializer/deserializer, it might be simpler to write, understand, and maintain than a custom JsonConverter. It's similar in spirit to the "serialization proxy pattern" used in the Java world. In essence, you're copying your data to a new serialization-specific object before serializing, and then doing the reverse to re-serialize.
This problem is solvable with a custom converter, and I've written an example to show that it can be done, but do consider using a translation proxy/layer first.
This example is a proof-of-concept; not production-ready code. I made very little effort to defend against malformed input or other errors. Its handling of the different fields/types is also very rudimentary--any changes to the fields/types will require changes to the converter. That sort of brittleness is likely to cause bugs and maintenance headaches over time.
To narrow down the problem a bit, I reduced the original question's sample JSON to its bare minimum:
"datatable": {
"data": [
"columns": [
"name": "series_id"
"name": "date"
"name": "value"
For reference, here's the C# class definition I'm deserializing to:
public class Model
public string SeriesId { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public Decimal? Value { get; set; }
And here's the proof-of-concept converter:
public sealed class ModelConverter : JsonConverter
public static readonly ModelConverter Instance = new ModelConverter();
private ModelConverter() {}
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) => objectType == typeof(Model);
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
var obj = JObject.Load(reader);
var data = (JArray)obj["datatable"]["data"];
var columns = (JArray)obj["datatable"]["columns"];
if (data.Count != columns.Count)
throw new InvalidOperationException("data and columns must contain same number of elements");
var model = new Model();
for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
// A "switch" works well enough so long as the number of fields is finite and small.
// There are smarter approaches, but I've kept the implementation basic
// in order to focus on the core problem that was presented.
switch (columns[i]["name"].ToString())
case "series_id":
model.SeriesId = data[i].ToString();
case "date":
model.Date = data[i].ToObject<DateTime>();
case "value":
model.Value = data[i].ToObject<decimal?>();
return model;
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
var data = new JArray();
var columns = new JArray();
var model = (Model)value;
// Like the "switch" used in deserialization, these "if" blocks are
// pretty rudimentary. There are better ways, but I wanted to keep
// this proof-of-concept implementation simple.
if (model.SeriesId != default(string))
columns.Add(new JObject(new JProperty("name", "series_id")));
if (model.Date != default(DateTime))
columns.Add(new JObject(new JProperty("name", "date")));
if (model.Value != default(Decimal?))
columns.Add(new JObject(new JProperty("name", "value")));
var completeObj = new JObject();
completeObj["datatable"] = new JObject();
completeObj["datatable"]["data"] = data;
completeObj["datatable"]["columns"] = columns;
I wrote a few unit tests to verify the serializer. The tests are based on xUnit.Net:
public void TestDeserializeSampleInputWithAllFields()
var json = File.ReadAllText(BasePath + "sampleinput.json");
var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Model>(json, ModelConverter.Instance);
Assert.Equal("A85002072C", obj.SeriesId);
Assert.Equal(new DateTime(1994, 11, 15), obj.Date);
Assert.Equal(678.9M, obj.Value);
public void TestSerializeSampleInputWithAllFields()
var model = new Model
SeriesId = "A85002072C",
Date = new DateTime(1994, 11, 15),
Value = 678.9M,
var expectedJson = File.ReadAllText(BasePath + "sampleinput.json");
Assert.Equal(expectedJson, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model, Formatting.Indented, ModelConverter.Instance));
And to prove that the serializer works without all fields present:
"datatable": {
"data": [
"columns": [
"name": "series_id"
"name": "value"
public void TestDeserializeSampleInputWithNoDate()
var json = File.ReadAllText(BasePath + "sampleinput_NoDate.json");
var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Model>(json, ModelConverter.Instance);
Assert.Equal("B72008039G", obj.SeriesId);
Assert.Equal(default(DateTime), obj.Date);
Assert.Equal(543.2M, obj.Value);
public void TestSerializeSampleInputWithNoDate()
var model = new Model
SeriesId = "B72008039G",
Value = 543.2M,
var expectedJson = File.ReadAllText(BasePath + "sampleinput_NoDate.json");
Assert.Equal(expectedJson, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model, Formatting.Indented, ModelConverter.Instance));

how to serialize object to concrete object

I have a method:
public object getData()
//make an external call
when executing getData(), we get an object that looks like this:
from the above i need to convert this to a concrete datatype
such as a List of these:
public class LocationModel
public int locationId{get;set;}
public string key {get;set;}
public string value {get;set;}
the result I am looking for is a List<LocationModel>:
key = ABCCopperJunctionID,
How do I convert from this object to the desired strongly-typed datatype?
My question is not for the purpose of you to do my work for me. I am a moderately-experienced developer, and I am having trouble digging through all the different ways of accomplishing this task.
Something like Json.NET would work well:
string json = #"{
var obj = (JObject)Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
var loc = obj["Location"];
var locid = loc["LocationID"].Value<int>();
var list = new List<LocationModel>();
foreach(var prop in loc.Children().OfType<JProperty>())
if (prop.Name == "LocationID") continue;
list.Add(new LocationModel
locationId = locid,
key = prop.Name,
value = prop.Value.ToString()

Use PopulateObject to populate a List without duplicating entries

I have an application that serializes a list of objects to json, then sends this over a socket connection to a client.
On the client side, I'm using JsonConvert.PopulateObject() to populate an existing list of objects with the newly received json data. However, the objects are continually being appended to the list instead of reusing the existing objects in the list if there are any duplicates.
Here is the class I'm serializing/deserializing:
public class Process : INotifyPropertyChanged
private int _id;
private string _name;
public int ID
get { return _id; }
if (value != _id)
_id = value;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
if (value != _name)
_name = value;
public Process() { }
public Process(int id, string name)
ID = id;
Name = name;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void NotifyPropertyChanged(String propertyName)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (null != handler)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Here is the PopulateObject code I'm using:
JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings() { PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects, ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Auto };
ObservableCollection<Process> Processes = new ObservableCollection<Process>();
JsonConvert.PopulateObject(response, Processes, settings);
It seems like just doesn't know an object is a duplicate reference despite the property values being exactly the same. I've tried multiple combinations of the JsonObject attribute on my class (IsReference = true, Id = "ID"), etc. I cannot seem to get json to recognize two objects are the same if their ID property is matching.
Thats not what PreserveReferencesHandling does. It is used to avoid serializing duplicate objects, effectively shortening the json result. Example:
List<NameValuePair> nvpList = new List<NameValuePair>();
NameValuePair z = new NameValuePair(Name="Ziggy", Value= 42);
nvpList.Add(new NameValuePair("Zoey", 3));
JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings() {
PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects,
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(nvpList, Formatting.Indented,
My List has 2 Ziggy objects, but the resulting json is:
"$id": "1",
"Name": "Ziggy",
"Value": 42
"$id": "2",
"Name": "Zoey",
"Value": 3
"$ref": "1"
It assigns an internal $Id and then references that for the duplicate object. This only applies where the object references are the same. If 2 Ziggy objects had been created and added - even with the same values - the json would reflect that and duplicate them.
To prevent duplicates in the list when deserializing, you will have to use a mapper or the equivalent code:
List<NameValuePair> tmp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<NameValuePair>>(json);
foreach (NameValuePair nvp in tmp)
if (nvpList.Where(w => w.Value == nvp.Value).FirstOrDefault() == null)
This adds just those where the Value/Id does not already exist in the master list, add whatever logic you need to detect dupes.
See: Preserving Object References
Have your tried overriding the Equals() function of the serilized object
public override bool Equals(Process p)
// If parameter is null return false:
if ((object)p == null)
return false;
// Return true if the fields match:
return (ID == p.ID);

Serialise list of C# custom objects

I am receiving a JSON string from API that is structured in not a good way to be handled in the App.
I chose to create a custom serialiser for this JSON data (rather then having two different classes for data received and used in app).
Following a lot of tutorials I managed to put together a custom serialiser for a single object. However, I need to work with lists of these objects (there will be more different data that will come in these weird lists, that needs custom handling).
Is there a built in way I can set my custom serialiser to work with each object in the list? Or do I need to split the JSON object manually, and feed chunks of it to custom serialiser?
Any other suggestions how to handle this situation is appreciated.
User class:
public class User
public int id;
public string displayName;
public string email;
public int total_points;
public float total_values;
The deserialiser:
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType,
object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
JObject jObjectRoot = JObject.Load(reader);
var root = jObjectRoot.Properties().ToList();
JObject jObjectData = JObject.Load(root[2].Value.CreateReader());
var data = jObjectData.Properties().ToList();
return new User {
id = (int)root[1].Value,
displayName = (string)data[0].Value,
email = (string)data[1].Value,
total_points = (int)data[2].Value,
total_values = (float)data[3].Value
Also the code that parses the json string to single user object:
public static void ProcessJSON(string json)
User user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(json);
And the JSON itself:
"type": "users",
"id": 1,
"attr": {
"display_name": "user2",
"email": "",
"total_points": 4,
"total_values": 32.34
"relationships": {
"points_received": {
"links": {
"self": "tipjar/users/1/relationships/points",
"related": "tipjar/users/1/points"
"points_given": {
"links": {
"self": "tipjar/users/1/relationships/awarded",
"related": "tipjar/users/1/awarded"
You can get the list of user objects without a custom converter like this:
var userList = JArray.Parse(json)
.Select(t => new User()
id = int.Parse(t["id"].ToString()),
displayName = t["attr"]["display_name"].ToString(),
email = t["attr"]["email"].ToString(),
total_points = int.Parse(t["attr"]["total_points"].ToString()),
total_values = float.Parse(t["attr"]["total_values"].ToString()),
public static void ProcessJSON(string json)
User u = new User();
var test = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
if (test.GetType() == typeof(User))
u = (User)test;
Not 100% on how the serialize works, but this seemed to have worked on the test app I made.
It might be a bit silly. But you could test on the different types of objects returned...

Is there a way in Json.NET serialization to distinguish between "null because not present" and "null because null"?

I'm working in an ASP.NET webapi codebase where we rely heavily on the automatic support for JSON deserialization of message bodies into .NET objects via JSON.NET.
As part of building out patch support for one of our resources, I'd very much like to distinguish between an optional property in the JSON object that's not present, vs. that same property that's explicitly to null. My intention is to use the first for "don't change what's there" vs. "delete this thing."
Does anyone know if it's possible to mark up my C# DTOs so that when they're deserialized that JSON.NET can tell me which case it was? Right now they're just come up as null, and I can't tell why.
Conversely, if anyone can come up with a better design that doesn't require me to do it this way while still supporting the patch verb, I'd love to hear your proposal.
As a concrete example, consider this payload that would be passed to put:
"field1": "my field 1",
"nested": {
"nested1": "something",
"nested2": "else"
Now, if I just wanted to update field1, I should be able to send this as an HTTP patch:
"field1": "new field1 value"
and the nested values would remain untouched. However, if I sent this:
"nested": null
I want to know this means I should explicitly remove the nested data.
If you use Json.Net's LINQ-to-JSON API (JTokens, JObjects, etc.) to parse the JSON, you can tell the difference between a null value and a field that simply doesn't exist in the JSON. For example:
JToken root = JToken.Parse(json);
JToken nested = root["nested"];
if (nested != null)
if (nested.Type == JTokenType.Null)
Console.WriteLine("nested is set to null");
Console.WriteLine("nested has a value: " + nested.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("nested does not exist");
If you're deserializing into concrete objects using Web API, you can still use the above concept by creating a custom JsonConverter to handle your DTOs. The catch is that there needs to be a place on your DTOs to store the field status during deserialization. I would suggest using a dictionary-based scheme like this:
enum FieldDeserializationStatus { WasNotPresent, WasSetToNull, HasValue }
interface IHasFieldStatus
Dictionary<string, FieldDeserializationStatus> FieldStatus { get; set; }
class FooDTO : IHasFieldStatus
public string Field1 { get; set; }
public BarDTO Nested { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, FieldDeserializationStatus> FieldStatus { get; set; }
class BarDTO : IHasFieldStatus
public int Num { get; set; }
public string Str { get; set; }
public bool Bool { get; set; }
public decimal Dec { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, FieldDeserializationStatus> FieldStatus { get; set; }
The custom converter would then use above LINQ-to-JSON technique to read the JSON for the object being deserialized. For each field in the target object, it would add an item to that object's FieldStatus dictionary indicating whether the field had a value, was explicitly set to null or did not exist in the JSON. Here is what the code might look like:
class DtoConverter : JsonConverter
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
return (objectType.IsClass &&
objectType.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i == typeof(IHasFieldStatus)));
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
var jsonObj = JObject.Load(reader);
var targetObj = (IHasFieldStatus)Activator.CreateInstance(objectType);
var dict = new Dictionary<string, FieldDeserializationStatus>();
targetObj.FieldStatus = dict;
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in objectType.GetProperties())
if (prop.CanWrite && prop.Name != "FieldStatus")
JToken value;
if (jsonObj.TryGetValue(prop.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, out value))
if (value.Type == JTokenType.Null)
dict.Add(prop.Name, FieldDeserializationStatus.WasSetToNull);
prop.SetValue(targetObj, value.ToObject(prop.PropertyType, serializer));
dict.Add(prop.Name, FieldDeserializationStatus.HasValue);
dict.Add(prop.Name, FieldDeserializationStatus.WasNotPresent);
return targetObj;
public override bool CanWrite
get { return false; }
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
throw new NotImplementedException();
The above converter will work on any object that implements the IHasFieldStatus interface. (Note that you do not need to implement the WriteJson method in the converter unless you intend to do something custom on serialization as well. Since CanWrite returns false, the converter will not be used during serialization.)
Now, to use the converter in Web API, you need to insert it into the configuration. Add this to your Application_Start() method:
var config = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration;
var jsonSettings = config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings;
jsonSettings.C‌​onverters.Add(new DtoConverter());
If you prefer, you can decorate each DTO with a [JsonConverter] attribute like this instead of setting the converter in the global config:
class FooDTO : IHasFieldStatus
With the converter infrastructure in place, you can then interrogate the FieldStatus dictionary on the DTO after deserialization to see what happened for any particular field. Here is a full demo (console app):
public class Program
public static void Main()
ParseAndDump("First run", #"{
""field1"": ""my field 1"",
""nested"": {
""num"": null,
""str"": ""blah"",
""dec"": 3.14
ParseAndDump("Second run", #"{
""field1"": ""new field value""
ParseAndDump("Third run", #"{
""nested"": null
private static void ParseAndDump(string comment, string json)
Console.WriteLine("--- " + comment + " ---");
JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
settings.Converters.Add(new DtoConverter());
FooDTO foo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FooDTO>(json, settings);
Dump(foo, "");
private static void Dump(IHasFieldStatus dto, string indent)
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in dto.GetType().GetProperties())
if (prop.Name == "FieldStatus") continue;
Console.Write(indent + prop.Name + ": ");
object val = prop.GetValue(dto);
if (val is IHasFieldStatus)
Dump((IHasFieldStatus)val, " ");
FieldDeserializationStatus status = dto.FieldStatus[prop.Name];
if (val != null)
Console.Write(val.ToString() + " ");
if (status != FieldDeserializationStatus.HasValue)
Console.Write("(" + status + ")");
--- First run ---
Field1: my field 1
Num: 0 (WasSetToNull)
Str: blah
Bool: False (WasNotPresent)
Dec: 3.14
--- Second run ---
Field1: new field value
Nested: (WasNotPresent)
--- Third run ---
Field1: (WasNotPresent)
Nested: (WasSetToNull)
Looking through the Json.NET source, I found that it supports populating bool properties with a suffix of "Specified" to indicate whether or not the property was included in the data:
class MyClass
public string Field1 { get; set; }
public Nested Nested { get; set; }
public bool NestedSpecified { get; set; }
class Nested
public string Nested1 { get; set; }
public string Nested2 { get; set; }
"field1": "my field 1",
"nested": {
"nested1": "something",
"nested2": "else"
Resulting instance:
MyClass { Field1="my field 1", Nested=Nested { Nested1="something", Nested2="else" }, NestedSpecified=true }
"field1": "new field1 value"
Resulting instance:
MyClass { Field1="new field1 value", Nested=null, NestedSpecified=false }
"nested": null
Resulting instance:
MyClass { Field1=null, Nested=null, NestedSpecified=true }
I can't find this functionality in the Json.NET documentation but it looks like it has been there since 2010.
You could add some metadata to your JSON objects and (most likely) DTOs. It would require additional processing, but is pretty transparent and unambiguously accomplishes what you need (assuming you can name the new field such that you know it won't collide with actual data).
"deletedItems": null,
"field1": "my field 1",
"nested": {
"deletedItems": null,
"nested1": "something",
"nested2": "else"
"deletedItems": "nested",
"field1": "new value",
"nested": null
Alternatively, you could add an "isDeleted" property per field if your object model accommodates that better, but that sounds like a lot more work than a list of deleted fields.
I don't want to hijack this question but I posted a slightly different approach to this problem here:
The approach is to replace the fields in your deserializable type with a struct that will automatically keep track of values (even null) through an IsSet property.
The most elegant solution I came up with came to me in an epiphany:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace testJsonDeserializer
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// this operator has the password set to meow.
Operator originalOperator = new Operator
OperatorGuid = Guid.Parse("3bb1dc84-2963-4921-a567-fb2e7475623d"),
UserName = "",
Password = "meow",
PropertyThatWillBeNulled = "",
// this json EXPLICITLY sets the PropertyThatWillBeNulled to null, but omits the Password property, making it null IMPLICITLY.
string json =
"{ \"OperatorGuid\":\"3bb1dc84-2963-4921-a567-fb2e7475623d\", \"UserName\": \"\", \"Email\": null }";
// What a PATCH would want for the target object is to leave implicit Nulls unchanged, but explicit nulls set to null.
Operator patchedOperator = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Operator>(json);
// At this stage, our patched operator has the password set to null. We do not want that; we want to keep whatever is stored in originalOperator
Operator opToStore = MapJsonToOperator(patchedOperator, originalOperator, json);
Console.WriteLine("Our patched operator:");
Console.WriteLine($"Guid: {opToStore.OperatorGuid}");
Console.WriteLine($"UserName: {opToStore.UserName}");
Console.WriteLine($"Password: {opToStore.Password}");
Console.WriteLine($"Email: {opToStore.PropertyThatWillBeNulled}");
private static Operator MapJsonToOperator(Operator source, Operator original, string json)
Operator result = new Operator
OperatorGuid = source.OperatorGuid,
UserName = source.UserName != null
// we check if the source property has a value, if so, we use that value.
? source.UserName
// if it doesn't, we check the Json to see if the value is in there, explicitly set to NULL. If it is, we set it to NULL as well
: (IsNullValueExplicit(json, "UserName") ? null
// if it is not in the json (making it implicitly null), we just leave the value as it was.
: original.UserName),
PropertyThatWillBeNulled = source.PropertyThatWillBeNulled != null
? source.PropertyThatWillBeNulled
: (IsNullValueExplicit(json, "Email") ? null : original.PropertyThatWillBeNulled),
Password = source.Password != null
? source.Password
: (IsNullValueExplicit(json, "Password") ? null : original.Password),
return result;
static bool IsNullValueExplicit(string json, string fieldName)
JToken outer = JToken.Parse(json);
JObject inner = outer.Value<JObject>();
List<string> keys = inner.Properties().Select(p => p.Name).ToList();
return keys.Contains(fieldName);
public class Operator
public Guid OperatorGuid { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public string PropertyThatWillBeNulled { get; set; }
I know, there are a lot of comments in here. Maybe I overexplained... but I thought I'd err on the side of caution.
