Unable to get access token from Google for Service Account - c#

I'm trying to configure an application able to work with Gmail API. As you know to work with it we must have an access token. There are several way of requesting this token, but for my needs it should be a service account, because in future this program code will be inside the Windows Service... (so, there is no opportunity to receive the token manually by redirecting from Google URL, only a web-request and response is a way out)
So, what I have done already:
Created new project (in Google Cloud Platform);
Created new service account in this project (according to the steps mentioned here: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/service-account#creatinganaccount );
Generated and downloaded *.P12 key;
Enabled domain-wide delegation [before step 4 as were suggested in many similar questions];
Authorized the scope "https://mail.google.com/" in G Suite admin account for correct Client Id (according to the steps mentioned here: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/service-account#delegatingauthority );
Used such simple code for authorization and requesting token:
const string serviceAccountEmail = "***test#oauthtester-271011.iam.gserviceaccount.com";
const string serviceAccountCertPath = #"C:\Users\user\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\OAuthTester\OAuthTester\bin\Debug\oauthtester-271011-bd2cced31ea5.p12";
const string serviceAccountCertPassword = "notasecret";
const string userEmail = "***oauthtest#***.com";
X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(
ServiceAccountCredential credential = new ServiceAccountCredential(
new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(serviceAccountEmail)
Scopes = new[] { GoogleScope.ImapAndSmtp.Name }, //"https://mail.google.com/"
User = userEmail
Unfortunately, I'm facing with an error:
Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method, or client not authorized for any of the scopes requested.
I have also tried:
To change serviceAccountEmail to ClientId;
To create, remove and add again the Authorized access in G Suite for the same Client Id;
To delete and create another service account and then Authorize new Client Id in G Suite.
Unfortunately, each time I'm facing with the same error. Maybe somebody guesses what I do wrong?


how reproduce result of powershell > az login in c#?

The result of "az login" is list of subscriptions: like here:
How to make token for this request without providing tenantId or clientId exactly how it was made on website's login?
I can make token is quite close to required but do not have what I see inside token from website:
var functionCred = new Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientCredential(clientId, secret);
var context = new AuthenticationContext("https://login.microsoftonline.com/" + tenantId, false);
var result = context.AcquireTokenAsync("https://management.core.windows.net/", functionCred).Result;
var token44 = result.AccessToken;
What should I do to improve token?
By default, az login command logs in with a user account. CLI will try to launch a web browser to log in interactively, if browser is not available then CLI will fall back to device code login.
For the question -
How to make token for this request without providing tenantId or clientId exactly how it was made on website's login?
It is not feasible to get an authentication token without using tenantId and clientId. Mostly token is generated by client id and secret. Token can be acquired via app registration + tenentId or user credentials + tenentId.
Below code snippet shows how you get the access token using Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL).
static AuthenticationResult AccessToken()
string resourceUri = "https://datacatalog.azure.com";
// register a client app and get a Client ID
string clientId = clientIDFromAzureAppRegistration;
//A redirect uri gives AAD more details about the specific application that it will authenticate.
string redirectUri = "https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf";
// Create an instance of AuthenticationContext to acquire an Azure access token
string authorityUri = "https://login.windows.net/common/oauth2/authorize";
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUri);
// AcquireToken takes a Client Id that Azure AD creates when you register your client app.
return authContext.AcquireToken(resourceUri, clientId, new Uri(redirectUri), PromptBehavior.RefreshSession);
For more information check this Steps to get an access token section of the Microsoft Document.

Workspace Domain-wide Delegation with service account not working for one project, works for others

We have different projects on GCP we use them to access different Google APIs. Most of them for internal use only.
In this particular case, we have 2 projects, both use Service Account and both are allowed on Workspace Domain-wide Delegation on the same scopes. They are almost clones of each other.
I execute a simple request with the same code (Spreadsheet.Get()) with project 1 credentials it works. I execute the same request with project 2 credentials it doesn't work.
Since Workspace Domain-wide Delegation it's activated the spreadsheet its shared to my email and I connect to the API with my email too (works with project 1 so this is not the problem) (impersonating a user)
The only difference it's that one project has OAuth Consent Screen on external (only 100 users cause we use it internally only, anyways..) and the other one it's internal but this has nothing to do with this right?
Where the problem could come from? Do I need to recreate the project that doesn't work?
Here is the error message :
Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method, or client not authorized for any of the scopes requested
Edit to answer the comments but this code works depending on the service account we use
Generating the credentials:
internal static ServiceCredential GetApiCredentialsFromJson(string jsonCredentialsPath, string mailToMimic)
string jsonCertificate = File.ReadAllText(jsonCredentialsPath);
string privateKey = Regex.Match(jsonCertificate, #"(?<=""private_key"": "")(.*)(?="")").Value.Replace(#"\n", "");
string accountEmail = Regex.Match(jsonCertificate, #"(?<=""client_email"": "")(.*)(?="")").Value;
ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer credentials = new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(accountEmail)
Scopes = _scopes,
User = mailToMimic
return new ServiceAccountCredential(credentials);
Using the credentials:
internal GoogleSheetService(ServiceCredential credentials)
SheetsService = new SheetsService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credentials
SheetsService.HttpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100);
Client ID is allowed on the Drive, Ads and Spreadsheets scopes on the Workspace console.
The answer was simple, but we had to figure it out by ourselves.
The scopes you add in your app when you initialize the client need to be exactly the same scopes you added in the Google Admin wide-delegation page. Even if your app or part of your app don't need them all.
C# example:
private static readonly string[] _scopes = { DriveService.Scope.Drive, SheetsService.Scope.Spreadsheets, SlidesService.Scope.Presentations };
ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer credentials = new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(accountEmail)
Scopes = _scopes,
User = mailToMimic
return new ServiceAccountCredential(credentials);
Here my app only needs SheetsService.Scope.Spreadsheets but I had to add DriveService.Scope.Drive and SlidesService.Scope.Presentations because the same client its used for other apps that need them.

Authentication to Azure Active Directory and receive AADSTS90019 error

I am trying to authenticate against AAD using the following code:
string userName = "something.com"; //(just an example)
string password = "IafksdfkasdaFadad=asdad=a="; //(just an example)
string clientId = "6cd6590f-4db9-4c6b-98d1-476f9e90912f"; //(just an example)
var credentials = new UserPasswordCredential(userName, password);
var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("https://login.windows.net/common");
var result = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync("https://api.partnercenter.microsoft.com", clientId, credentials);
return result;
and I got AADSTS90019 error: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.
As a remark, it is just a console application made in Visual Studio using C#.
Based on the information from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/reference-aadsts-error-codes the explication for AADSTS90019 error is: MissingTenantRealm - Azure AD was unable to determine the tenant identifier from the request.
So, my question is: What is the tentant identifier and how should I use it in my request?
Should it be the one from the following screenshot? The screenshot is made from the Azure account.
Azure Application Overview
Any information can help.
Thank you.
You should initialize your authentication context with a tenant-specific authority instead of common:
var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("https://login.microsoftonline.com/your-directory-id");
Replace your-directory-id with your Directory (tenant) id.
var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("https://login.windows.net/common");
Here Replace the string "common" with the tenant name.

Microsoft Graph The token contains no permissions, or permissions cannot be understood

I am working with Microsoft Graph and have created an app that reads mail from a specific user.
However, after getting an access token and trying to read the mailfolders, I receive a 401 Unauthorized answer. The detail message is:
The token contains no permissions, or permissions cannot be understood.
This seems a pretty clear message, but unfortunately I am unable to find a solution.
This is what I have done so far:
Registering the app on https://apps.dev.microsoft.com
Giving it
application permissions Mail.Read, Mail.ReadWrite
Have gotten administrator consent.
The permissions are:
- Written the code below to acquire an access token:
// client_secret retrieved from secure storage (e.g. Key Vault)
string tenant_id = "xxxx.onmicrosoft.com";
ConfidentialClientApplication client = new ConfidentialClientApplication(
"https://dummy.example.com", // Not used, can be any valid URI
new ClientCredential(".."),
null, // Not used for pure client credentials
new TokenCache());
string[] scopes = new string[] { "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default" };
AuthenticationResult result = client.AcquireTokenForClientAsync(scopes).Result;
string token = result.AccessToken;
So far so good. I do get a token.
Now I want to read the mail folders:
url = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/{username}/mailFolders";
handler = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
handler.Method = "GET";
handler.ContentType = "application/json";
handler.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
response = (HttpWebResponse)handler.GetResponse();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
returnValue = sr.ReadToEnd();
This time I receive a 401 message, with the details:
The token contains no permissions, or permissions cannot be understood.
I have searched the internet, but can’t find an answer to why my token has no permissions.
Thanks for your time!
update 1
If I use Graph Explorer to read the mailfolders, then it works fine. Furthermore: if I grap the token id from my browser en use it in my second piece of code, then I get a result as well. So, the problem is really the token I receive from the first step.
To ensure this works like you expect, you should explicitly state for which tenant you wish to obtain the access token. (In this tenant, the application should, of course, have already obtained admin consent.)
Instead of the "common" token endpoint, use a tenant-specific endpoint:
string url = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-id}/oauth2/v2.0/token";
(Where {tenant-id} is either the tenant ID of the tenant (a Guid), or any verified domain name.)
I would also strongly recommend against building the token request on your own, as you show in your question. This may be useful for educational purposes, but will tend to be insecure and error-prone in the long run.
There are various libraries you can use for this instead. Below, an example using the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for .NET:
// client_secret retrieved from secure storage (e.g. Key Vault)
string tenant_id = "contoso.onmicrosoft.com";
ConfidentialClientApplication client = new ConfidentialClientApplication(
"https://dummy.example.com", // Not used, can be any valid URI
new ClientCredential(client_secret),
null, // Not used for pure client credentials
new TokenCache());
string[] scopes = new string[] { "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default" };
AuthenticationResult result = client.AcquireTokenForClientAsync(scopes).Result
string token = result.AccessToken;
// ... use token

Azure REST Api Authentication using C#

I would like to be able to get information about one of my Azure SQL databases using this call: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/rest/api/sql/manageddatabases/manageddatabases_get
When I use the Try It button and login to my account it works perfectly, however I can't get my C# function app to get an authentication token so it can work in C#. I've spent 3 days on this. I have tried the Keyvault way but haven't managed to set up the permissions correctly. Forgetting Keyvault, the nearest I've got I think is by using this code but I don't know what my app password is:
// I am using:
// tenant id is the Azure AD client id
// client id is the application id of my function app in Azure AD
public static string GetAccessToken(string tenantId, string clientId, string clientSecret)
var authContextUrl = "https://login.windows.net/" + tenantId;
var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(authContextUrl);
var credential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret );
var result = authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resource: "https://management.azure.com/", clientCredential: credential).Result;
if (result == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to obtain the JWT token");
var token = result.AccessToken;
return token;
When I use the Try It button and login to my account it works perfectly
When you click the Try it, you use the user credential with username and user_password to authenticate. And the code you provided is using App registered in Azure AD to authenticate, and it would work well with the following steps you have followed.
1.As silent said, you need to create a Service Principle in Azure Active Directory. You could refer to this article.
2.The Sign in value about TenantId, clientId and clientSecret you could refer to this link.
3.Finally, you would access to Azure SQL Database, you need to add permission to you Azure AD App. Click the App you registered in Azure AD before and click Settings, and add Require Permission. After adding API access, Grant Permission.
I found an answer that worked for me (after 3 days of trying different things and trying to read articles about it on the web - its not very well documented I don't think).
This link contains some powershell steps:
These are the steps I tried in PowerShell
Select-AzureRmSubscription –SubscriptionID “id”
$SecurePassword=ConvertTo-SecureString <my password> –asplaintext –force
$azureAdApplication = New-AzureRmADApplication -DisplayName “my ARM App” -HomePage
“https://<a home page>” -IdentifierUris “https://<a home page>” -Password $SecurePassword
New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $azureAdApplication.ApplicationId
New-AzureRmRoleAssignment -RoleDefinitionName Contributor -ServicePrincipalName $azureAdApplication.ApplicationId
$subscription = Get-AzureRmSubscription –SubscriptionId "id"
(enter application id and password at this point)
Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential $creds -ServicePrincipal -Tenant $subscription.TenantId
