I'm trying to launch a projectile which is simple enough using the UI Button's onClick property but what I also want to allow the player to do is charge up their shot. I have it working on the keyboard by using Input.GetButton("Fire") then I add Fire to the input manager and for the key I choose space. But what I'm trying to do now is add the same functionality to a virtual button for touch screen players. The problem is onClick can't check if the button is continuously pressed it can only be called once. So for that I'm trying to use the IPointer Up and Down Handlers in the button's script like this:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class FireButton : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler
public bool buttonPressed;
public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData)
buttonPressed = true;
public void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData)
buttonPressed = false;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
The problem is there seems to be an infinite loop in my logic for the tank script. As soon as the Update() function is called and the if statement below for fire button.buttonPressed is true for some reason it loops there and doesn't continue. Here's the following code (I commented out the logic for the keyboard input):
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class TankShooting : MonoBehaviour
public int m_PlayerNumber = 1; // Used to identify the different players.
public Rigidbody m_Shell; // Prefab of the shell.
public Transform m_FireTransform; // A child of the tank where the shells are spawned.
public Slider m_AimSlider; // A child of the tank that displays the current launch force.
public AudioSource m_ShootingAudio; // Reference to the audio source used to play the shooting audio. NB: different to the movement audio source.
public AudioClip m_ChargingClip; // Audio that plays when each shot is charging up.
public AudioClip m_FireClip; // Audio that plays when each shot is fired.
public float m_MinLaunchForce = 15f; // The force given to the shell if the fire button is not held.
public float m_MaxLaunchForce = 30f; // The force given to the shell if the fire button is held for the max charge time.
public float m_MaxChargeTime = 0.75f; // How long the shell can charge for before it is fired at max force.
FireButton firebutton;
private string m_FireButton; // The input axis that is used for launching shells.
private float m_CurrentLaunchForce; // The force that will be given to the shell when the fire button is released.
private float m_ChargeSpeed; // How fast the launch force increases, based on the max charge time.
private bool m_Fired; // Whether or not the shell has been launched with this button press.
private void OnEnable()
// When the tank is turned on, reset the launch force and the UI
m_CurrentLaunchForce = m_MinLaunchForce;
m_AimSlider.value = m_MinLaunchForce;
public void Start()
firebutton = FindObjectOfType<FireButton>();
// The fire axis is based on the player number.
m_FireButton = "Fire" + m_PlayerNumber;
// The rate that the launch force charges up is the range of possible forces by the max charge time.
m_ChargeSpeed = (m_MaxLaunchForce - m_MinLaunchForce) / m_MaxChargeTime;
public void Update()
// The slider should have a default value of the minimum launch force.
m_AimSlider.value = m_MinLaunchForce;
// If the max force has been exceeded and the shell hasn't yet been launched...
if(m_CurrentLaunchForce >= m_MaxLaunchForce && !m_Fired)
// ... use the max force and launch the shell.
m_CurrentLaunchForce = m_MaxLaunchForce;
// Otherwise, if the fire button has just started being pressed...
//else if(Input.GetButtonDown(m_FireButton))
**//there is an infinite loop here needs fixing**
else if (firebutton.buttonPressed)
Debug.Log("Test1 " + firebutton.buttonPressed);
// ... reset the fired flag and reset the launch force.
m_Fired = false;
m_CurrentLaunchForce = m_MinLaunchForce;
// Change the clip to the charging clip and start it playing.
m_ShootingAudio.clip = m_ChargingClip;
// Otherwise, if the fire button is being held and the shell hasn't been launched yet...
//else if(Input.GetButton(m_FireButton) && !m_Fired)
else if (firebutton.buttonPressed && !m_Fired)
Debug.Log("Test2 " + firebutton.buttonPressed);
// Increment the launch force and update the slider.
m_CurrentLaunchForce += m_ChargeSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
m_AimSlider.value = m_CurrentLaunchForce;
// Otherwise, if the fire button is released and the shell hasn't been launched yet...
//else if(Input.GetButtonUp(m_FireButton) && !m_Fired)
else if (firebutton.buttonPressed && !m_Fired)
Debug.Log("Test3 " + firebutton.buttonPressed);
// ... launch the shell.
public void Fire()
// Set the fired flag so Fire is only called once.
m_Fired = true;
// Create an instance of the shell and store a reference to it's rigidbody.
Rigidbody shellInstance =
Instantiate(m_Shell, m_FireTransform.position, m_FireTransform.rotation) as Rigidbody;
// Set the shell's velocity to the launch force in the fire position's forward direction.
shellInstance.velocity = m_CurrentLaunchForce * m_FireTransform.forward; ;
// Change the clip to the firing clip and play it.
m_ShootingAudio.clip = m_FireClip;
// Reset the launch force. This is a precaution in case of missing button events.
m_CurrentLaunchForce = m_MinLaunchForce;
Also if you think there's an easier way to do this by using the input manager or some other way please feel free to share. Happy to change all this logic and try something else, been working on it for 13 hours now. Thanks in advance!
I got it working! Dropped the whole UIButton approach and went with Input.touches
I couldn't see a fire rate logic which stops infinite shots. You can define a fire rate so it do not fire infinite logic might be
float fireRate = 0.25f;
float lastFireTime; // Must be global
if(Time.time - lastFireTime> fireRate)
lastFireTime = Time.time;
End you may use Object Pool pattern instead of Instantiate for performance issues.
Rigidbody shellInstance =
Instantiate(m_Shell, m_FireTransform.position, m_FireTransform.rotation) as Rigidbody;
I am trying to create a script for my enemy turret, but it is not going well. I have a couple animations of the turret being activated and deactivated. What I need is that based on the distance from the player, it plays either animation. So once it moves inside the detection radius it plays the activation animation and once it is outside it plays the deactivation animation. Most of the other ways I try require me to create an Animation Controller, which I have little experience in using. I want a simple way to play one animation once it is inside and play a different one when it is outside. I think there was a way to store the animation clip in the script, and then play it. I have attached my current script, so you know what I mean.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class EnemyTurret : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject Player;
public float DistanceToPlayer;
public float DetectionRadius = 75;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayerTank");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
DistanceToPlayer = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Player.transform.position);
if (DistanceToPlayer<=DetectionRadius)
Debug.Log("Within Radius");
if (DistanceToPlayer >= DetectionRadius)
Debug.Log("Outside Radius");
Calculating and checking the distance of the player for every update() is not ideal. It will work, but it will do more work than it needs to when the player isn't even near it. Its not efficient.
What you may want to do if your player is a Rigidbody, is add a SphereCollider to the turret, set isTrigger=true, set the radius to be your detection radius, and handle the OnTriggerEnter() and OnTriggerExit() events to play or stop animations.
You can also add two public Animiation objects to the script, drag and drop your animations in the editor, then you can use animation.Play() and .Stop() etc. to control the animations.
Something similar to this. Not tested fully, but you can get the idea.
public float detectionRadius = 75;
public Animation activateAnimation;
public Animation deactivateAnimation;
void Start()
SphereCollider detectionSphere = gameObject.AddComponent<SphereCollider>();
detectionSphere.isTrigger = true;
detectionSphere.radius = detectionRadius;
detectionSphere.center = Vector3.zero;
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.tag == "PlayerTank")
private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.tag == "PlayerTank")
Your animations must not loop otherwise you will have to add more logic to check if animation.isPlaying and do your own animation.Stop() etc.
I created a new controller called it SoldierController and dragged it to the character Controller under Animator component in the Inspector.
Also unchecked Apply Root Motion
Then attached a new script to the third person character called the script Soldier.
Then i set the animator controller i added to it two new States: Walk and Idle.
HumanoidIdle and HumanoidWalk.
Then i did that the default start state will be Idle. Set StateMachine Default State.
Then i did a Transition from Walk to Idle. This way when i press on W it's start walking a bit then it keep moving the character but without the walking animation.
If i delete this transition and make transition from the Idle to Walk then when i press on W it will walk but then if i leave W key and it's idling then after 2-3 seconds the character will walk on place i mean it will animate walking without moving and i'm not pressing anything it's starting automatic when idling.
The character had another animator controller but i created a new one and using only the new one.
And the script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Soldier : MonoBehaviour
private bool _isWalking = false;
private Animator anim;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
var x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime * 150.0f;
transform.Rotate(0, x, 0);
if (Input.GetKey("w"))
if (!_isWalking)
_isWalking = true;
var z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * Time.deltaTime * 3.0f;
transform.Translate(0, 0, z); // Only move when "w" is pressed.
if (_isWalking)
_isWalking = false;
First of all, you are mixing between 2 methods. You are playing the animations from the code and also assigning trasitions in animator. They will conflict. You either do the whole animation control from code or follow these steps:
1. Make a finite state machine in the animator window using transitions.
2. Add parameters to those transitions(bool, int etc)
3. Change the value of the parameters from code like anim.SetBool("walk", true) to control animations.
Another thing, don't forget to set the idle or walk animation's wrap mode to loop. Otherwise, they'll play once and then stop.
I writing runner game on Unity (C#) for mobile phones.
I made Pause button on screen, using Canvas - Button.
Also I made code for Pause in Platformer2DUserControl script.
Here it is code of this script:
using UnityEngine;
using UnitySampleAssets.CrossPlatformInput;
namespace UnitySampleAssets._2D
public class Platformer2DUserControl : MonoBehaviour
private PlatformerCharacter2D character;
private bool jump;
public bool paused;
private void Awake()
character = GetComponent<PlatformerCharacter2D>();
paused = false;
private void Update()
/*if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
if (!jump)
// Read the jump input in Update so button presses aren't missed.
jump = Input.GetButton("Fire1"); //&& CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButtonDown("Jump");
private void FixedUpdate()
// Read the inputs.
bool crouch = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl);
// float h = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal");
// Pass all parameters to the character control script.
character.Move(1, false, jump);
jump = false;
public void Pause()
if (!jump)
// Read the jump input in Update so button presses aren't missed.
jump = Input.GetButton("Fire1"); //&& CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButtonDown("Jump");
paused = !paused;
if (paused)
jump = !jump;
Time.timeScale = 0;
else if (!paused)
// jump = Input.GetButton("Fire1");
Time.timeScale = 1;
My Pause Button is WORKS well. But when I tap it , my character is jumping and game is pausing.
I want to make that , when I tapping the button game just pausing and character don't jump.
How I can make it. Thank's for help.
I would advise you not to use the same input for jumping and pausing. Also, separate your jump and pause functionalities into separate functions. For pausing, create a UI button on the screen and make it call a public function on a Pause script, that will toggle pause. Then, in the same function, check if you are paused or not and adjust Time.timescale accordingly
You will have to attach the script with pause functionality on to an object that will always be in a screen (Say, a panel in your canvas or your MainCamera). Under the button, add a new onClick() function after dragging the GO with the apt script to the box. Then, select the public function aforementioned.
private bool paused = false;
//The function called by the button OnClick()
public void TogglePause()
paused = !paused;
Time.timescale = 0f;
Time.timescale = 1f;
Hope this helped!
Well, your code is messed up, but just remove the jump script from the pause method. So it will just pause...
public void Pause()
paused = !paused;
if (paused)
Time.timeScale = 0;
Time.timeScale = 1;
Note that Input.GetButton should only be called in Update
The problem that you have to tap your screen to press the button. And the code jump = Input.GetButton("Fire1"); basically means "Am I tapping the screen?" So both JUMP and PAUSE are triggered.
One solution would be to put a canvas filling the whole screen under your buttons. You will trigger a JUMP action only when this canvas is clicked. So when you click your pause button, it will stop the propagation and won't click the full screen canvas, which won't trigger the jump action.
Try changing the lines (in the Update function) :
if (!jump)
// Read the jump input in Update so button presses aren't missed.
jump = Input.GetButton("Fire1");
for :
if (!jump && !paused)
// Read the jump input in Update so button presses aren't missed.
jump = Input.GetButton("Fire1");
I think the button event is called before the Update, see reference
One solution would be possible make sure the raycast on of pause button.
I have always done it like this, essentially surround the entire fixed update (or wherever you have your game motion) with the paused-bool
private void FixedUpdate()
if (paused != true){
// Read the inputs.
bool crouch = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl);
// float h = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal");
// Pass all parameters to the character control script.
character.Move(1, false, jump);
jump = false;
Hopefully this isn't too much detail, I'm not used to asking programming questions.
I'm attempting to do the 3D Video Game Development with Unity 3D course that's on Udemy, though using C# instead of Javascript. I just finished up the tutorial that involves creating a space shooter game.
In it, a shield is created by the user when pressing a button. The shield has a "number of uses" variable that does not actually get used by the time the tutorial has finished. I'm trying to add it in, and have successfully managed to implement it so that with each use, we decrease the number of uses remaining, and no longer are able to instantiate the shield once that number is <=0.
This variable is stored on the player, and if I print it from the player, it returns the value I would expect.
However, I'm using a separate SceneManager.cs (this is where the tutorial placed the lives, and score, and timer variables ) where I print numbers into the GUI. My problem is that I cannot get my number of uses variable to stay current when I try to print it from the scene manager... it registers the initial value, but doesn't update after that.
Here is the Player Script
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class player_script : MonoBehaviour {
// Inspector Variables
public int numberOfShields = 2; // The number of times the user can create a shield
public Transform shieldMesh; // path to the shield
public KeyCode shieldKeyInput; // the key to activate the shield
public static bool shieldOff = true; // initialize the shield to an "off" state
public int NumberOfShields
get{return numberOfShields;}
set{numberOfShields = value;}
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
// create a shield when shieldKey has been pressed by player
if (Input.GetKeyDown (shieldKeyInput)) {
if(shieldOff && numberOfShields>0)
// creates an instance of the shield
Transform clone;
clone = Instantiate (shieldMesh, transform.position, transform.rotation) as Transform;
// transforms the instance of the shield
clone.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
// set the shield to an on position
shieldOff = false;
// reduce the numberOfShields left
numberOfShields -=1;
print ("NumberOfShields = " + NumberOfShields);
public void turnShieldOff()
shieldOff = true;
when I run "print ("NumberOfShields = " + NumberOfShields);" I get the value I expect. (astroids trigger the turnShieldOff() when they collide with a shield.
Over in my Scene Manager however... this is the code I'm running:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class SceneManager_script : MonoBehaviour {
// Inspector Variables
public GameObject playerCharacter;
private player_script player_Script;
private int shields = 0;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
player_Script = playerCharacter.GetComponent<player_script>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
shields = player_Script.NumberOfShields;
// GUI
void OnGUI()
GUI.Label (new Rect (10, 40, 100, 20), "Shields: " + shields);
Any idea what I'm doing wrong that prevents shields in my SceneManager script from updating when NumberOfShields in my player_script updates?
I think you might have assigned a prefab into playerCharacter GameObject variable instead of an actual in game unit. In this case it will always print the default shield value of prefab. Instead of assigning that variable via inspector try to find player GameObject in Start function. You can for example give your player object a tag and then:
void Start() {
playerCharacter = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
I have a particle system defined in my game objects. When I call Play it plays (it plays for 5 seconds by design). when I call Play again nothing happens. I tried to call Stop and Clear before recalling Play but that didn't help.
Can particle systems play more than once?
My code is in this method, which is called when a button is clicked.
public void PlayEffect()
for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
NextItemEffectsP is an array that contains particles that I populate in the editor
You should rework how your bullet works. Have some code on the bullet Prefab to control when it gets destroyed.
private float fuse = 1.0;
private float selfDestructTimer;
void Awake() {
// Time.time will give you the current time.
selfDestructTimer = Time.time + fuse;
void Update() {
if (selfDestructTimer > 0.0 && selfDestructTimer < Time.time) {
// gameObject refers to the current object
Then with that control set up, you'll always just create new bullets whenever the fire button is pressed.