Create interface for custom Adapter and DataTable - c#

I am learning to use interfaces and there is a problem when using the generated dataset.
I created two similar tables in the database, then created two data adapters in the dataset based on these tables. Then I created classes that will describe the adapter, datable and necessary methods.
My DataSet
class DB
public class Table1 {
public DataSetTableAdapters.Table1TableAdapter adapter;
public DataSet.Table1DataTable dataTable;
public void Init()
adapter = new DataSetTableAdapters.Table1TableAdapter();
dataTable = new DataSet.Table1DataTable();
public class Table2
public DataSetTableAdapters.Table2TableAdapter adapter;
public DataSet.Table2DataTable dataTable;
public void Init()
adapter = new DataSetTableAdapters.Table2TableAdapter();
dataTable = new DataSet.Table2DataTable();
I tried to implement, for example, like this
interface ISecondaryTable
DataTable dataTable { get; set; }
IDataAdapter adapter { get; set; }
And I tried many other options. But without results.
Does anyone know their common class?

If you open the Object Browser in visual studio (Ctrl+Alt+J in 2017, used to be Ctrl-W,J as a chord) you can see more info about the tableadapters in your project:
All TableAdapters inherit from Component. They "HAVE-A" DataAdapter, they are not "IS-A" DataAdapter. For example, they look like this:
public class XTableAdapter: Component{
private DataAdapter _da;
They do not look like this:
public class XTableAdapter: DataAdapter
All this said, I'm not sure why you want to treat them this way or encapsualte them along with the data table. Data is stored in the datatable, tableadapters push it between db and datatable. I don't think i've ever seen someone do, for example, a class that wraps a StreamWriter (thing that writes a file) and a String (the content of the file):
class CombinedFileContentAndWriter{
StreamWriter sw = newStreamWriter(#"C:\temp\x.txt");
string content = "Hello World";
void DoIt(){
It's not to say you can't, it's just weird. TableAdapters are supposed to be short-to-medium life things that are called upon to move data; they don't need pairing up inseparably from that data. One tableadapter can readwrite hundreds of different instances of a datatable. TableAdapters can be created and thrown away on demand and they don't need to remain paired with the data they downloaded in order to function. You can:
var dt = new XTableAdapter().GetDataByName();
//manipulate dt in a 30 minute operation
new XTableAdapter().Update(dt); //a different tableadapter sends the data back to the DB
There's not much point trying to find a generic way to refer to tableadapters, becawuse they are all customized exactly to a specific datatable, and have names of methods that are variable, and hence not overloadable:
SchoolDataset ds = new SchoolDataSet();
new StudentTableAdapter.FillByStudentId(ds, 123);
new StaffTableAdapter.FillByStaffLastName(ds, "Smith");
new ClassroomTableAdapter.FillByYearDesignation(ds, "First grade");
This is about as deep as you need to go with tableadapters and typed datatables/sets.
The question Karen linked to is a smart resource, for sure, but it's worth noting that the lead answer chose to create a generic way to address tableadapters so they could easily enroll each adapter in a transaction, whereas Microsoft intended that to enroll tableadapter operations in a transaction they should be executed inside a TransactionScope


How To Search Item In user control Panel?

When I try to search data in my user control from my database it does search or filter the data that I typed in the search textbox. Here's the code that I'm using to try and search or filter
SqlConnection cn;
SqlCommand cm;
SqlDataReader dr;
private Label name;
private Label amount;
private Label descrip;
public Form1()
cn = new SqlConnection(#"Data Source=(LocalDB)");
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void GetData()
cm = new SqlCommand("Select * from Bills where (billname) like '%" + txtSearch.Text + "%'", cn);
dr = cm.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
long len = dr.GetBytes(0, 0, null, 0, 0);
byte[] array = new byte[System.Convert.ToInt32(len) + 1];
dr.GetBytes(0, 0, array, 0, System.Convert.ToInt32(len));
name = new Label();
name.Text = dr["billname"].ToString();
descrip = new Label();
descrip.Text = dr["billdescrip"].ToString();
amount = new Label();
amount.Text = dr["billamount"].ToString();
private void txtSearch_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
When I type something into the txtSearch.text box, the results come back empty and doesn't display the what im trying to search for in the txtSearch.text box.
"Select * from Bills where (billname) like '%" + txtSearch.Text + "%'"
It seems to me that you have a database table Bills, with a column BillName. The operator types some text in TextBox txtSearch, and you want to fetch all Bills that have a BillName that starts with the text in the TextBox.
I see several problems here
SQL Injection
SQL injection is a code injection technique that might destroy your database.
SQL injection is one of the most common web hacking techniques.
SQL injection is the placement of malicious code in SQL statements
Look what your Sql text would be if the operator types the following text:
"John%; DROP TABLE Bills;--"
Select * from Bills where (billname) like %John%; DROP TABLE Bills; --%
You would lose all Bills!
More information about SQL Injection
Solution: Never, ever add input data into your sql string! Always add it as a parameter!
Start using using statements
The database connection is a scarce resource: you should not keep it alive longer than needed. Also, if you SQL query encounters an exception, the connection and the datareader are not closed.
Make it a habit, that whenever an object implements IDisposable you should use it using a using statement.
This way, you can be assured that whatever happens, at the end of the using statement everything is properly flushed, written, closed and disposed.
SqlConnection, SqlCommand and SqlDataReader should be private members of GetData. This way you can be certain that no one can tamper with your connection; you hide how you fetch the data from the database (SQL and SqLCommand, or Entity Framework and LINQ?), thus making future changes easier. Readers of your code won't have to check where these variables are used, and that no one is misusing it, thus making your code easier to understand. And of course this will make it possible to reuse GetData for other purposes.
Which brings me to the third improvement:
Separate data from how it is displayed
In modern programming you see more and more a separation between the date (= model) and the way that the data is displayed (= view).
Separation makes it better to reuse the code, for instance: if you want to use your model in a console program, or in a WPF program, or even a different Form, you can reuse the model classes.
Separation hides how and where you fetch your data: is it a database? is it a CSV file, or XML? are you using Entity Framework
This hiding allows future changing without having to change all your Forms
This hiding also makes your Forms smaller and easier to understand
While developing the form, you can mock the actual data: just create a dummy class that provides you with sample data, without having to bother about the database
You can unit test the model, without needing a form
It is hardly any extra work.
So you'll have Model classes: your data, and how it is saved, fetched again; and View classes: your Forms. You'll need an adapter class to adapt the model to the view: the ViewModel. Together these three abbreviate to MVVM. Consider to do some background reading about MVVM.
Implementing the three advices
We create a class that makes it possible to save Bills (and other items: Customers? Orders? Products? etc) and later you can retrieve them again, even after you restarted the program. Something like a warehouse, a repository, where you store items and fetch them again.
interface IOrderRepository
int AddBill(Bill bill); // return Id of the Bill
Bill FindBill(int Id); // null if not found
// your GetData:
IEnumerable<Bill> FetchBillsWithNameLike(string name);
... // other methods, about Customers, Orders, etc
class OrderRepository : IOrderRepository
private string ConnectionString {get;} = #"Data Source=(LocalDB)";
private IDbConnection CreateConnection()
return new SqlConnection(this.ConnectionString);
The implementation of FetchBillsWithNameLike:
public IEnumerable<Bill> FetchBillsWithNameLike(string name)
using (IDbConnection dbConnection = this.CreateConnection())
const string sqlText = "Select Id, BillName, CustomerId, ..."
+ " from Bills where (billname) like %#Name%";
using (IDbCommand = dbConnection.CreateCommand())
// fill the command and the parameter:
dbCommand.CommandText = sqlText;
dbCommand.AddParameterWithValue("#Name", name);
// execute the command and enumerate the result
using (IDatareader dbReader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader())
while (dbReader.Read())
// There is a Bill to read
Bill bill = new Bill
Id = dbReader.ReadInt32(0),
Name = dbReader.ReadString(1),
CustomerId = dbReader.ReadInt32(2),
yield return bill;
// implement rest of interface
Several improvements:
Connection string is a property. If you decide to use a different connection string for all your 100 methods: only one place to change.
You hide where you get the connection string: here it is a constant, but if you decide in future versions to read it from the config file: no one has to know, except this method
You hide that you are using a SqlConnection, you return the interface. If in future versions you decide to create a different form of IDbConnection, for instance for a different kind of database, like SQLite, no one has to know that you create a SqlLiteConnection object instead of a SqlConnection.
Similarly: hide SqlCommand, use the interface IDbCommand.
The database connection is not opened before it is needed. This makes it possible that others can use the database as long as you will not use it.
using statements all over the place: if any exception happens, all objects are properly closed and disposed.
I don't create the DbCommand myself, I ask the DbConnection to create it for me, so I don't have to bother which type of commands the actual DbConnection uses: Is it SqlCommand? SQLiteCommand?
I specify which columns from the table if want. If in future some columns are added, and I don't need them, I won't fetch more data than I want. Similarly: if columns are reordered, it will still work.
The most important change: Use SQL parameter to prevent malicious SQL Injection.
Parameters in SQL text are often recognized by prefix #
Parameters are added with the extension method AddParameterWithValue`. Some databases have this as a method in DbCommand (for example: SQLite)
When reading the fetched data, I won't read more Bills than my caller wants. So if he calls me using the following code: not all Bills will be read:
IOrderRepository repository = ...
string name = this.ReadName();
bool billsWithNameAvailable = repository.FetchBillsWithName(name).Any();
Here, my caller only wants to know if there are any Bills with the Name at all. The reader won't create any Bills at all.
Because the SQL text is Select Id, ... and I read dbReader.GetInt32[0] etc, my code will still work, even after inserting or reordering the columns of the table.
The nice thing is, that you will be able to unit test method FetchBillsWithName without having to use a Form: you can test what happens if there is no database at all, or if there is no Bills table, or an empty table, or the table doesn't contain a column BillName. Or what happens if the input text is empty. You can unit test all kinds of errors without need of a Form.
The Form
class Form1 : ...
private IOrderRepository Repository {get;} = new OrderRepository();
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void GetData()
string name = this.txtSearch.Txt;
foreach(Bill fetchedBill in this.Repository.FetchBillsWithNameLike(name))
private void ProcessBill(Bill fetchedBill)
// do your stuff with the label;
Because I separated the model from the view, the view is much simpler: much easier to see what really happens: you focus on the form, not on how and where you get the data.
During development, while you don't have a database yet, you can create a dummy repository and test your form:
class DummyRepository : IOrderRepository
private Dictionary<int, Bill> Bills {get;} = ... // fill with some sample Bills
// TODO: implement IOrderRepository, using this.Bills
If later you decide that you won't get your data from a database, but for instance from the internet, your form will hardly have to change. It can still use IOrderRepository
By separating the model from the view, both model and view are much easier to red and understand. Much easier to reuse, change, maintain and unit test. Both can be developed independantly
Procedure are small and have only one task: this makes that we can reuse the procedures. Changes are only in one procedure
By using interfaces, I hide how and where the data is fetched: SQL? CSV-file? Internet?
By using using statements the program is more full proof: after exceptions everything is property closed and disposed
By using SQL parameters I prevented malicious use of SQL injection.

C#.NET sqlDatabase CommandBuilder and DataAdapter: The name 'Adapter' does not exit in the current context

I've been following a C# .Net tutorial online. Created a class and have declare the variable Adapter1 for my DataAdapter.
I'm using CommandBuilder with Adapter1 to update, save, delete or insert new record to the database.
The problem I'm having is that the UpdateDatabase method I've declared seems not to see the variable Adapter1.
Please take a look at the code below and tell me what I'm doing wrong. Code that's causing error is at the very bottom
private string sql_string;
private string strCon; //This is a write-only property
public string Sql
set { sql_string = value; }
public string connection_string
set { strCon = value; }
public System.Data.DataSet GetConnection
get { return MyDataSet(); }
private System.Data.DataSet MyDataSet()
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection con = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(strCon);
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter Adapter1 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sql_string, con);
System.Data.DataSet dat_set = new System.Data.DataSet();
Adapter1.Fill(dat_set, "Table_Data_1");
return dat_set;
public void UpdateDatabase (System.Data.DataSet ds)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder cb = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(Adapter1);
The reason you're getting this specific error is that there is no variable named Adapter1 that is in scope in function UpdateDatabase(). You could make the local variable that you've declared in function MyDataSet() a member variable, then it would be visible in UpdateDatabase(). This is not the best approach, however, because you'll be counting on code that uses this helper class to always call the MyDataSet() function before the UpdateDatabase() function, otherwise the data adapter won't be initialized (you'll get a null reference error). If you want to structure the code this way, you should initialize your adapter in the constructor of the class that you're building, that way the code that uses your library can be sure that the adapter will always be initialized properly. If you structure the code that way, you can make the connection string a constructor parameter instead of a write- only property.
By all means keep working on this code as an exercise, but be aware that DataAdapters and DataSets are a very old part of .NET, and this idiom isn't used much in modern data tiers. Either people use ORMs (like EntityFramework) or they use ADO.NET commands directly if they want control and efficiency. I would also point out that the class you're building appears to be trying to fill the role of a DataAdapter, so it wouldn't have any utility in real life (people would just use a SqlDataAdapter directly instead of your class).

Passing an object that can be two different types, to a function in c#

I want to have a function that receives either an sqlDataAdapter or a regular oleDataAdapter as on object parameter let's call it dbAdapter. I then want to use dbAdapter to access rows that are associated with whichever data adapter was passed to the function. Is this possible? I wanted to avoid passing a parameter to tell which one to use and then have an if statement with a set of almost identical code for each case. So, hypothetically, the function would be something like:
private void LoadRow(object dbAdapter, int theRow)
txtID.Text = dbAdapter.Rows[theRow]["ID"].ToString();
and the call would look something like:
LoadRow(sqlDbAdapter, 1);
LoadRow(oleDbAdapter, 1);
Where sqlDbAdapter is declared as an SqlDataAdapter and oleDbAdapter is declared as an OleDataAdapter.
I guess I could pass the function a value indicating which one to use and then an if statement to create which ever data adapter to use to the same variable
if (adapterType = "sql")
SqlDataAdapter dbAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter;
OleDataAdapter dbAdapter = new OleDataAdapter;
I think all the commands and other parameters of each adapter type are the same.... But I would like to pass the object by reference if that is possible...
Please give me your ideas and suggestions....
If you have to do it this way, I'd use extension methods:
public static string LoadRow(this SqlDataAdapter adapter, int theRow)
//return something you need
public static string LoadRow(this OleDataAdapter adapter, int theRow)
//return something you need
Usage would be like:
Edit - To answer the critics, if IDbDataAdapter has everything in it that you need, you can do this instead because both of the adapters you are trying to use implement it.
public static string LoadRow(this IDbDataAdapter adapter, int theRow)
//return something you need
A solution would be:
private void LoadRow(DbDataAdapter dbAdapter, int theRow){
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
txtID.Text = dataSet.Tables["myTable"].Rows[theRow]["ID"].ToString();
But use it carefully since the .Fill() method could result slow if used many times on a large data set.
My advice is to fill the data set just once and use it as much as possible and then release it, or if it isn't meant to become too large, keep it in memory and refresh it when you think it's apportune.
An easy option is to over load the method, just create it twice one with the object being a SqlDataAdapter and the other time having it be an OleDataAdapter.

Calling class to do database connection

I'm programming in C#. I'm trying to make a class, that when called will create a connection to the database.
My database connection class is here:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.OleDb;
namespace HouseServer
class db
// Variable to hold the driver and location of database
public static OleDbConnection dbConnection;
// Database connection
public db()
// Define the Access Database driver and the filename of the database
dbConnection = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0; Persist Security Info = False; Data Source=Houses.accdb");
// Open the connection
And the main program is here:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.OleDb;
namespace HouseServer
class Program : db
// List for holding loaded houses
static List<house> houses = new List<house>();
// Variable to hold "command" which is the query to be executed
private static OleDbCommand query;
// Variable to hold the data reader to manipulate data from the database
static OleDbDataReader dataReader;
static void Main(string[] args)
// Get the houses in a list
List<house> c = getHousesFromDb();
foreach (house yay in c)
// Show each house's full address
Console.WriteLine(yay.house_number + " " + yay.street);
// Readline to prevent window from closing
// Function which loads all of the houses from the database
private static List<house> getHousesFromDb()
// Define the query to be executed
query = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM houses", dbConnection);
// Execute the query on the database and get the data
dataReader = query.ExecuteReader();
// Loop through each of the houses
while (dataReader.Read())
// Create a new house object for temporarily storing house
house house = new house();
// Create the house that we've just loaded
house.house_id = Convert.ToInt32(dataReader["house_id"]);
house.house_number = Convert.ToInt32(dataReader["house_number"]);
house.street = dataReader["house_street"].ToString();
house.house_town = dataReader["house_town"].ToString();
house.postcode = dataReader["house_postcode"].ToString();
// Now add the house to the list of houses
// Return all of the houses in the database as a List<house>
return houses;
I thought that putting class Program : db would call the db constructor when the program opens, but when the code gets to the line dataReader = query.ExecuteReader();, it comes up with the error "ExecuteReader: Connection property has not been initialized.".
All I'm trying to achieve is a database connection within another class, that I can call and have available to all of my code.
Am I supposed to call the database class in a different way?
No, nothing's creating an instance of Program, and nothing's creating an instance of db. However, I'd strongly suggest you change your design completely:
Don't have a static field for your database connection. Open it when you need one, use it, close it. You should very rarely need to store it in anything other than a local variable.
Try not to use static variables at all if you can help it. They make your code harder to test, as they represent global state - that's harder to reason about than local state. In your program, I'd use local variables entirely.
Don't use inheritance for this sort of thing - your Program type doesn't logically derive from db
Follow .NET naming conventions for methods, classes and properties. Making your code "feel" like idiomatic C# will go a long way to making it more readable for other people.
This definately doesn't look right, your program should not inherit or extend your database class. Your database class is in its own right its own abstract data type. Your program should use the database class but not extend it.
I would change this up a bit by
Getting rid of the inheritance
Make the database class a static class (no reason to instantiate a database instance here)
Your program can then DBClass.GetData();
That is your program should use the database class as a black box, it definately should not inherit from it. It should use it without having the details of how it works. In your code:
// List for holding loaded houses
static List<house> houses = new List<house>();
// Variable to hold "command" which is the query to be executed
private static OleDbCommand query;
// Variable to hold the data reader to manipulate data from the database
static OleDbDataReader dataReader;
static void Main(string[] args)
// Get the houses in a list
List<house> c = getHousesFromDb();
You should hide the details of your OleDbCommand and OleDbDatareader objects, although its not required they could be managed elsewhere. Your getHousesFromDB should be called like:
Where MyDBClass is a static class that manages your database read / writes. The signature of GetHousesFromDB should return something to the effect of IList<House> GetHousesFromDB()
Though Jon Skeet & JonH make valid points, I'll answer why you're getting the exception. From there you should take their advice and redo this from scratch.
The reason you get the exception is that it is initialized in the constructor for db and it's never getting called.
If you add this line to Main, your program should work.
new Program();
But to reiterate: Take their advice and start over. In many settings, these toy projects quickly grow to full blown enterprise apps and once you get there, the mistakes made at the beginning stay there forever.

Managing data access in a simple WinForms app

I have a simple WinForms data entry app that uses SQLite. It will always be a single-user app and always with a local database. I have multiple tabs, with UserControls serving as content for the tabs. Each time a tab is selected, an appropriate UserControl is initialized, and the old one is removed (using TabPage.Controls.Remove).
Each UserControl initializes a generic DataAccess object, which wraps all the database stuff and can be reused with any tab content. The issue is that I have an open SQLiteConnection for the duration of the life of the tab (UserControl). I've read elsewhere that it's not a good practice. I don't want to overkill on the design with elaborate data layers and business object layers, partly because I don't know how to do it, and partly because I don't think it's necessary for this app.
I'm basically keeping the same connection, adapter, DataTable, SqlCommand, etc objects in memory and just reusing them with different sql query parameters, and to get that cached data with other methods (like RowCount). I had a problem with LoadData method as it was not clearing out previous query results from DataTable, so I'm doing it manually in the beginning.
I tried figuring out a way to use "using" with SQLiteConnection and other objects, but then I'd have to redo the whole DataLoad stuff or similar for simple things like RowCount. So I'm just looking for suggestions and comments on this approach with data access.
Below is my DataAccess class.
public class DataAccess
private SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(Global.DbConnectionString);
private DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
private SQLiteDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SQLiteDataAdapter();
private SQLiteCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new SQLiteCommandBuilder();
private SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand();
private BindingSource bindingSource = new BindingSource();
public DataAccess()
dataAdapter.SelectCommand = command;
commandBuilder.DataAdapter = dataAdapter;
bindingSource.DataSource = dataTable;
public BindingSource BindingSource
get { return bindingSource; }
public void LoadData(string sql, Dictionary<string, string> parameters)
command.Connection = connection;
// Ignore sql parameter if we already have CommandText. This assumes sql never changes per instance
if (command.CommandText == null)
command.CommandText = sql;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> parameter in parameters)
if (command.Parameters.Contains(parameter.Key))
command.Parameters[parameter.Key].Value = parameter.Value;
command.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter(parameter.Key));
command.Parameters[parameter.Key].Value = parameter.Value;
catch (SqlException)
MessageBox.Show("Data Problem, need to display what's wrong later");
public int RowCount()
return dataTable.Rows.Count;
public string GetFieldValue(int row_index, string column_name)
return dataTable.Rows[row_index][column_name].ToString();
public void Save()
public void NewRow(Dictionary<string, string> fields)
DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> field in fields)
dataRow[field.Key] = field.Value;
If you want to do it nicely, you should create a data access layer that would expose methods to fetch the data and modify it. This layer would open a connection whenever it's necessary and then close it. You could add a caching layer on top of it. And your GUI would only use the data objects from the lower layers.
It's not a small rewrite, so if your current solution works, and you don't want to put much effort into it, then just leave it like this, it's not that bad. If it's a simple program, then this simple solution is just fine.
