I have a problem with the FirebaseAuthentication.NET library and Firebase in itself basically I have this error message which is displayed each time my application wants to connect to Google. I'm using WPF .Net Core 3.
So I give the authorization on my localhost firebase interface but unfortunately it does not work ;-; especially the problem the library FirebaseAuthentication.Net is not used a lot so I don't know if I'm the only one having this problem!
It's good finally I found the solution basically, must put the entire link is "http://localhost/authorize/" and "" on the google cloud console!
In the past i have created an application that created google calendar events. I am attempting to re-create that and everything is working great until i need to get the 'credentials.json' file. I cant remember how to get that file created, and nothing on the internet seems to be able to do it without using google cloud.
Wondering if there is a way to do this without using the google-cloud?
I am using C# and the 'Google.Apis.Calendar.v3' package.
Any help would be great, thanks.
Sadly, I don't think you can do it without the help of Google Cloud. (Same as what Infinite Coders mentioned in the comments)
Follow the .NET quickstart here for the complete list of steps you need to take to integrate google calendar to your script.
The quickstart above includes the credential creation which you can visit here directly.
To get a credentials.json file your application needs to be registered with google on google cloud console.
This is how google knows who is using their apis and authorization server. There is no way to automate creating the credentials.json it must be manually created.
Depending upon which type of application you are working with will define how it is created Installed app , web app or service account
I have a mobile App in Android that successfully authenticated with Google api returning id-token and also profile information. Now I need to integrate it with my login and registration which I use .net web api as backend. I found google explaind article but not with c# and nuget library and microsoft docs is little difficult to follow. It will be better if i can integrate it with Identity that visual studio provides when creating new project with user authentication generated.
thanks in advance
I resolved my confusion next day after little digging and trying>
Ok first there are two ways of authenticating with third party which i was mixing them and I got confused.
First one in which your application is web or mobile but with web view.
Second way (that I'am using) in which native android activity handle going to google api, so the resulted id-token I manually send it to my api and use this code in c# to verify, requires Google.Apis.Auth library from nuget
var Payload = await GoogleJsonWebSignature.ValidateAsync(idtoken);
See image of steps need to follow in the second way
For more info:
I'm trying to deploy a test bot on messenger however, when it comes to the endpoint url I'm not sure how to do that.
I'm not completely clued up on how the hosting works.
I've got it linked to my Facebook page but I get no response and I'm told no endpoint detected.
Please take a look to the Deploy a bot to the cloud documentation section.
Also, make sure to review the topic around how to Connect a bot to Facebook Messenger to ensure all the steps are being done correctly.
I am developing a Xamarin PCL app using Xamarin.Forms and have a requirement to log in to it through Azure Active Directory. I have tried to achieve this by using Xamarin.Auth, however it seems that Azure AD doesn't support implicit grant flow as pointed out in the following link:
getting #error=unsupported_response_type&error_description=AADSTS70005: with token request
I am receiving the same error as described in that link. Does anyone have any idea how to go about this? I basically just want to be able to load the following page : https://login.microsoftonline.com/, log in using my azure active directory and on receiving a valid token, load the first page of my app. This is a requirement for all 3 platforms (Android, iOS and WP8), although right now I am just trying to get it to work on Android.
Many Thanks
in Azure AD we don't uswe the implicit flow for native clients - we use a public client version of the authorization code grant. If you want to work with AAD and Xamarin in a PCL we have a preview of the next version of our libraries, you can find more details in http://www.cloudidentity.com/blog/2014/10/30/adal-net-v3-preview-pcl-xamarin-support/. Note that such library is a very early preview that WILL change and that cannot be used in production at this point. An alternative is using Xamarin bindings to our iOS and Android native libraries, but those aren't suitable for a PCL.
Is there any very simple sample applications to get started with facebook dev?
I just want to know how I would connect to facebook through silverlight, get the authentication stuff out of the way and then develop, debug and test my applications.
Do I need to be connected to a server which connects to facebook or can I do the development from my own PC which can 'talk' to facebook?
I'm also a bit worried about the updating APIs. Some of hte samples seem a bit old? I'd really like something for the latest version of silverlight/facebook API...
We are working on posting some silverlight samples to the Facebook C# SDK on Codeplex in the next week or so. You can find that SDK at http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com or http://www.microsoft.com/facebook. We will have an in browser and out of browser sample. For now, we have other samples on there that you can look at. For the most part the SDK works the same on any .Net platform.
I've been working on a SL application with facebook integration that utilizes. I use the JavaScript SDK to log the user in, then pass the access_token into my SL app via a ScriptableMember method. I then use the FacebookApp constructor that takes an access token to create a new Facebook App object. Then I can make my calls directly from the SL app, without the need for a server-side proxy.
One thing to note, in your Facebook applicaiton settings, just enter http://localhost/ without the port for your site address.
I'm eagerly awaiting a little more guidance from Nathan, as he's a developer of the C# SDK